90-1736 , Council File � ��-�d'��p a R � �� � e Green Sheet� 10561 � �� RESOLUTION � CITY S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � __%, Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Applic tion (I.D. ��12368) for an On Sale Liquor Club-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor.and Restaurant-D License applied for by Rice Street VFW Post 3877 a 1134 Rice Street be and the same is hereby appproved. s I�avs Absent Requeeted by Deapartment of: incon �sj''� License & Permit Division on — � c ee e � u e —f z son By� Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 '7 199p Form Approved by City Attorney . . Adoption Certified b Council Secretary gy; , 8-�3'�0 BY� ^�' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council Approve b Mayor: Date �Ln n � 144� B ".2G�?���t �� BY� Y� PUBLISNED 0 C T - 6 1990_ . : ����� ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _10 5 61 Finance/License GREEN SHE T CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDA INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 ASS16N Q CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DATE) n .7��� ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. �L1St�2r�ogCit Clerk b ; a� � ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN� L2] Council Research TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Application (I.D. 4�1236 ) for an On Sale Liquor Club-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor and Restaurant-D License RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS R THE FOLLOWING CUE8TION8: _ PLANNINCi COMMISSION _ CIVII ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contra for this department? _CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _STAFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _DIS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal possessed by any curreM city empl0yee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB,IECTIVE7 YES NO I Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and ttach to green shsst INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY o,What,When,Where,Why): Rice Street VFW Post 38 7 requests Council approval of its applic tion for an On Sale Liquor Club-B, Sunday Sale Liquor and Restaurant-D License at 134 Rice Street. All applications and fees o $1,186.25 have been submitted. All requ red departments have reviewed and approved t is application. � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: RECE(VED $�P251�� cou cil Rese�rc�t Center_ G1'"Y CLERK SEP 1 y ,�'� . �I1AA TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED( RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �W NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) CQUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amerid BuBgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director - 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Cierk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag eaCh of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the citys liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project orrequest ADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this project/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, � tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? � ��IO-o�.3f� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / INTERDEPARTMENTAL VIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant W.� `]�—� Home Address "��'") ��'j� �v , Business Name ,� (,,�� 3 Home Phone �.'�� �.5 5c�� Business Address � �-�- �c.�.. � . Type of License(s) Q�-,�,��i , �� Business Phone � U �n `Y�L�J(�.�+-���, � .. (t.S� - 1). �ar9...Kdn.� Public Hearing Date . Z' License I.D. � f a�3�a� at 9:00 a.m. in the Cou il Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �j�`j3 �Gj Date Notice Sent; Dealer � � I/� to Applicant Federal Firearms � � �A Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COI�IlKENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D I �I� _ , _ . Health Divn. I `�� � � pk � . Fire Dept. � n�'t G� . . . . Police Dept. I �� 04� � ,�a,-� License Divn. ( �I 1� � � City Attorney �I �� � � � Date Received: Site Plan To Council Reseaxch Lease or Letter Date from Landlord ! �U-�1�36 � � � ' PS 901 6 11 1-891 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC SAFETY LIaUOR CONTROL DIVISION 333 SIBLEY• ST. PAUI, MN 55101 PHONE (612) 296-6434 APPLIC TION FOR CLUB ON SALE RETAIL LIQUO�R UCENSE This application shall be c mpleted by art officer of the club seeking a Iicense. TFiis application and the proof of liquor liabiliry insuranc must be filed with the city cle�k or the county auditor. To qualify for a license a club must have at least fi members, been in continuous existence for at least three years, have an elected governing board and limit ales to members and bona fide quests only. The annwal license fee is set by statute � (M.S. 340A.408). Granting f a license by the city or county is discretionary. . , TYPE OR PRINT Corporat�on Name Club Trode Name or DBA 1�� e� � sT/ZEei j°vs? �' 38� ?v�� �� c.� sT2eo •V'FU' /'osi # 3t7� l�cense Loca[ion(Street Addressl License Period Business Phone �I 3 �- Rie� T� From To �� �2� y8q-�r1o8 Mun�c�pal�cy Councy State Zip Code Sr, �AV� R�� SE/ N► N. .�s���� Bwlding Ownefs Name Bwlding Owner'sAddress Ctub Manager's Name Are there any delinquent �, taxes on the property? ❑ Yes � No 5 /-f/}'2-7'v /�'1 p l�o'���1 � Name of Member of Managmg Board Address � SON-�� S iName oi Member of Manag�ng Board Address � � � � � �. E I Name of Member of Managing Boartl Address � ; ?D 77D 8� , Name of Member of Managing Board Address The Licensee must have on of the following: , CHECK ONE � A. Liquor Liability Ins rance�Dram Shop)—S50,000 per person; S100,000 more than ane person; S 10,000 property destructio ; S50,000 and S100,000 for loss of ineans of support. ATTACH "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE"TO T IS FORM oR ❑ B. A Surety bond fro a surety company wiih minimum coverage as specifiedl above in A. OR I l_..l C. A certificate from he State Treasurer that the�Licensee has deposited ,with the State, Trust Funds having a markei va ue of Si00,000 oc S100,000 in cash or securities. � Give Date of Club Charter Dateoflncorporation Nurt�ber of Years of I if Vete�ans or Fraternal Conpnuous Existance ' Organization 3 - - �l � - 3 Q - $ of the Club � � Number of Years in Number of Club Will the Club be � Current Quaners Members Issued a Lawful ,� Yes ❑ No l � Gamblin License? , ������ 1. Are any members, fficers, agents or empolyees paid profits from the sale of beve�ages to ciub members? � � 2. Are any employees aid salaries? �/�5 3. Has this club or any mployee besn convicted of a vioiation of Federal o�Siate law o�local ordinance relating to alcoholic beverages7 1V0 � If so,give names, d tes and violatio�s � 4. Does any wholesal r or manufaciurer of alcoholic beverages own o�have any interest in furnitute, fixtures or equipme t for the licensed p�emises7 �D If so, give details 5. During the past �i ense year has a Summons been issued under the l.iquor Civil Liability Law (Dram Shop) M.S. 40A.802? ❑ Yes � No If yes, attach a copy of the Summons. 6. Will you serve liqu r on Sunday? ❑ Yes O No Amount of Sun�ay License Fee 0-0 `� I certify that I have r ad the above questions and that the answers are true and correct of my own knowledge. �� gnature of A ,lica�t Date IF LICENSE IS ED BY THE COUNTY BOARD; REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I certify that to the st of my knowtedge the applicants named abov�e are eligible to be licensed. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, state reason Signature County Attorney County �a RE ORT BY POIICE DEPARTMENT OR SHERIFF'S OFFtCE This is to cenify that he applicant, and the associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any vi lation of Laws of the State of Minnesota,or Municipal Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as follo s Poliee Department or She�iH's Name Titls SW�w� LICENSE APPROVAL OR DENIAL License ❑ Grante ❑ Denied License � ❑ Granted ❑ Denied SIGNATUFiE CITY CLERK OR OUNTY AUOITOR OATE SIGNATURE UaUOR CONTROL DtRECTOR OATE IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICEN EES MUST HAVE A CURRENT FEDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP.THIS STAMP IS ISSUED BY THE BUREA OF ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND F1RE ARMS. FOR IN�ORMATION CALL 612-290-3496. . �0--��3� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTORICATING LIQUpR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTORICATZNG LIQIIOR LICENSE INTO%ICATING CLUB LIQIIOR LICENSE. OFF SALE INTORICATING LIQIIOR LICEN6E ON. SALE MALT BE`TSRAGE LICENSE ON SAI.E WINE LICFNSE , Directions: THIS FORM ST BE FILLED ODT WITH TYPEWRZTEB OR BY PRZNTING IN INK BY TSE SOLE OWNER, BY CH PARTNER, BY EAC$ PERSON WHO HAS INTEREST IN EXCESS OF SZ IN THE CORPORATIO AND/OR ASSOCIATION IN WHICH THE NAME OF T�iE LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED. TEIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (ty .e of license) �'��f S/�L � L...�C� ubR 2) Located at (busines address) ��l�_�/�E S�ie L�E ?' STREET: Number Name Type Direction 3) Business Name C . �l1. Corporation, Partnership or Sole Propri�etorship 4) If business is inco orated, give date of incorporation .> U�1/E 3D , 19� 5) Doing Busiaess As Business Phone � �89— Q/O8 6) Mail to Address (i different than business address) STREET: Number Name Tgpe Direction City State Zip Code 7) Your N3me and Titl ��i � ��✓//� /f'�i1Fs.'�NiS/.% �rrrfi�7�r�FF{ (First)� (Middle) (Maiden) � (Last) (Title) 8) Home Address 7�/7 �S P � 19✓�.y ,=i Phone� ,=.�^'—.��?� STREET: Numbe Name Type Direction ;;�; r �l /rI ti/ Y�/f � City State Zip Code / 9) Date of Birth � �'�� � � Place of Birth �i�..� /v i n•=, , /YI� (Mo th, Day, aad Year) . . - . . gr� -/73� � . � IO) Are you a citizen f the IInited States? F� Native�_ Natuzalized 11) Married? ����' If answer is "yes", list name aad address of spouse. 12) Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of anp city ordinance other t n traffic? YES NO v Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 13) List the names an residences of three persons withia the Metro Area of good moral character, t related to the applicant or financially interested ia the premises or busin s, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. NAME ADDRESS �� ,rn Gc�n�.//.� s��� b'�r��;*�� ° .;f t��.'� ��/!' 7— �T,�/•- ;i c�:� �// ��H,�� �n �.r:%;7�'� ���i�f // / / I/ /�E//�F J :I/ � �� J �C: '�klt��f' v/+�/y�� .;.,(�I y 14) List Iicenses whi h you curreatly hold, or formerly held, o� may have an interest in. � f'/'�f%�� .C�� -f. /_ C'/c.yb 15) Han� any of the 1 censes listed by you in No. 14 ever been xevoked? Yes_ No ✓ If answer is "yes` , list the dates and reasons 16) Are you going to perate this business personally? ti��� If not, wiio will operate ft? Name :;-1,o r.:��,� �. „�•-. �� Home Address /C��=1 a/h��r�?,?r l�. �one L�y'--: ��s . . . , 1t�-/'�3� 17) ' Are you going to h ve a manager or assistant ia this busines��? yF 5 —� If answer is "yes" give name, home address, home phone, aad date of birth. Name , }/r�� � .✓ A // � Address /c 7� �/f,�!'n�r�l'�,c �"T� �! J � Phone 'fY7-�1 DOB ,�-i/�l:� 18) Including your pre ent business/employment, what business/emp,Ioyment have you followed for the p st five years? -$����tess/Em lo en Address i�f% Yo,c� S�- , � 73�r i�s9n�r� ✓,5 !�i�f!- /!i n � .Sf"�f�' �� �r' S�/.��P �'i9�✓ �/r�'Nc% 19) List all other off i ers of the corporation. � ; NAME ITLE . HOME ADDRESS HOM� BUSINESS (Of ice Held) PHONE PHONE ��1� �4'R T .S' . (�o r��r�o�� 7`�7 S�'[ B u .��� �-fv.��� �- a 7- SS�� ---�.. �Il�l � . � r- ; � � F� ,ya� �r y � �O s'�� '1� �..5� '� ' �nr sb�" Gt�' ("a a o - �1�' - �Z 20) If business� is par nership list partner(s), address, home and business phone number. Name Address Home Phone Business Phone Name Address Home Phone Business Phone 21) Liquor will be se ed in the follawing areas (rooms) � 22) Between what cross streets is business located? �c�i•,yn��vm -- .j�'ssiyin�ne Which side of str et? �',4-S � 23) Are premises now ccupied? yES Wfiat Type Business? 1�'jL%2f� ��F���•�"���� How Long? ^-�- f� I � . . � � �o-/�� . 24) Closest 3.2 Place ticn/r Church ST.';���-rh,���.ds School .Sr i r!"/1Rl,'/,5 25) Closest intoxicati g liquor place. On Sale ,�'��h.i'.< 'Off Sale 26) You will be requir d to obtain a Retail Liquor Dealers Taa Stamp. (See Attached) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SIIBMI ID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICA�ION I hereby state under oa h that I have answered alI of the above questions, and that the information contai d herein is true and correct to the best bf my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further u er oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contributio , or otherwise, other than already disclo�ed in the application which I herewith submitted. � State of Minnesota) ) Couaty of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn t before me this ���'r� r /��/��s L,�:,�;d �-.�� .`�'c" , gnature of Applcicant / Date � day o f -< �_ , 19 �� �' ��� �1�� ���� e.� Notary Public � „��1.� County, r�Ili Mp Co�fssion expires � w ,!"� KAIHLEEU R MN�qJS �� TA RAMSEY OOUNT1l M!r Commaaon ExON'a llpnl 1996 y x � REV. 2/90 �o-���� STATE OF MINNES TA ) . AFFIDAVTT OF APPLICAPTT � � � . ) ss. FOR SUNDAY ON-SALE � ` COUNTY OF RAMS ) LIQUOR �,ICENSE The follow ng is an affidavit of �;� v C:� , j�w_ . Affiant, � � being first dul sworn, saith uader oath: That the b iness premises located at 11 ;�� �;a,�. � meets the follo ing requirements of Chapter 340 of the P�firuiesota Statutes and the St. Pau Legislative Code pertaining to the lice�ir�;�of Sunday On- s,..��'�.�t� . . Sale Liquor Res aurant Establishments: t'�w!C."•Y�'xa�� `.:p� c Y•�4 yt'�C;s:ri�:. . 1. Ttie es ablishment has facilities for seati � 'v�� � ng nat 'l.ess than � fifty ests at any one time. . 2. The es ablishment has the appropriate facilities for serving . meals. ' . 3. The es ablishment is under the control of s single proprietor or man ger. � �t. Meals e regularly served at tables to the ge�eral public for consid ration of payment. 5. The es ablishment employs an adequate staff to>>provide the usual and s table service to its guests. . . 6. The es ablishment is properly licensed as a re�taurant under Chapte 291 �of the St. Paul Legislative Code. 7. The e tablishment meets the health requirements for food estzblish- ments s specified in Chapter 291 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code and M esota Statutes pertaining to the.service of food. 8. The e ablishment meets the criteria and requirements se� forth herei on a continuing basis, including not on�y Sundays, 5ut other � times as well. That the ffiant will notif� the Office of the City License Inspector immediately up n the cessation of ar.y oF the require�en�s specified above: That affi nt makes this affidavit for the purpose oF Obtaining a Sunday On-Sale Liquor License for the premises located at I��� for the year 1 Further, ffiant saith not. � . ' — 0 V E R — . f ��11�I3fv STATE OF MINNES TA ) ' ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMS ) ' , The forego instrument was acknowledged before me this , i;)� day of . 19 L)Q �Y (�-�L f?��-> (� /f"�G�"�� w . �� �� 4 ��� A � Notary Public oun RAMSEY My�0^ �� 1� Nf�,� commiss ion expires: .�� ,� %/�� „ � _ -------------- -�---------------------------------------------------------- CORPOR4TE ACKr10WLEDGE.ME�TT STP.TE OF t�llNl�lE OTA ) � ) ss. COUNTY OF RANiS Y ) The forego ng �instrument was aeknowledged before me this day of , 19 . try . Nam Title and . Name Tit le of � a ' on behalf of the corporation. Notary F+sblic Ccunty .hiy coQ�missioa expires: , �-y� ��� S INT PAUL CITY C4UNCiL UBL�C HEAR[NG NOTICE ��.-. �.� ; �- - LICENSE APPLICATION b�cF��,..,, . AU�2�j �,�r � C�ERK F1LE �10. To Property Own s ' L12368 P U R P O S E Application for an � Sale Liquar Club-B, On Sale Sunday Liquor, .and Restaurant License. A P P L!CA N T ltice Street V F W Post #3877 L�CATI�N 1134 Itice street HEARINC �'� 2�, 1990 4:+�o a.�. City Council Chaa�ers, 3rd f1QOr City Mail - Conrt Fbuse By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License a d Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's 0 fice at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.