90-1723 0 R I G I N A L � � ' ' Council File # Q"l7� 3 �I 1 � Green Sheet # �i?l/.S RESOLUTION i ITY OF SAI T PAUL, MINNESOTjA . • I Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, t e Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public he ring to consider the advisability and necessity of the repair or wrecking and emoval of a two story, deteriorated, wood frame, brick exterior duplex located o property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known s 681 Mendota Street. This Abstract property is legally described as: Lot 1, Ott 's Subdivision of Block 105 of Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey Cou ty, Minnesota. WHEREAS, bas d upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on May 21, 1990 and oth r information available to the Division ofl, Public Health on or before August 1 , 1990, the following persons are ownersl, interested and/or responsible part es of the Subject Property: Steven J. Kroiss, 2508 Helena Avenue North, Oakdale, MN 55119-1628; Martha J. Kroiss, 2508 Iielena Avenue North, Oakdale, MN 551 9-1628; Robert F. Hosch, 732 Medora Court, Mendota Heights, MN 55118; Mary Elle Hosch, 732 Medora Court, Mendota Heights, MN 55118; Office Manager, Revenue Division, Ramsey County Property Taxation, 138 Court House, St. Paul, MN 55102; Robert Speeter, 2100 First Bank Place, Minneapolis, MN 55402. The addres es of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including the ta records, phone books, mortgage companies, etc. ; and WHEREAS, t e Division of Public Health has issued an order identified as an "Abandoned B ilding Notice" dated July 3, 1990 which is attached and incorporated as art of this Resolution by this. reference. This order was served in accordance wi h the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owner , interested and/or responsible parties of ,the Subject Property then known to t e enforcement officer. The notice and drder informed these parties that th two story, deteriorated, wood frame, b�'ick exterior duplex located on the S bject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the Sai�nt Paul Legislative Code. The July 3, 1990 order also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the ouse on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporated as art of this resolution; and WHEREAS, t e July 3, 1990 order informed all then known owners, interested parties and resp nsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject Propert by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the structure, eithe action to take place by August 3, 1990 ; 0RIGINAL � �9� - ��'-�� WHEREAS, action has been taken regarding compliance with the July 3, 1990 notice and rder, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a public he ring be scheduled to take place on September 25, 1990 for the City Council t consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction of t e nuisance condition or, in the alternative, to consider the demolition and r moval of this house; and WHEREAS, t e above referenced owners, interested and/or responsible parties have been served notice of the time, place and purpose of ths September 25, 1990 public hearing efore the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, a earing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on September 25, 1990 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the Council. NOW THEREF RE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presente at the September 25, 1990 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts t e following Findings and Order concerning the two story, deteriorated, wo d frame, brick exterior duplex at 681 Mendota Street: l . That 'n July of 1986 the house located on the Subject Property was dete ined to be unoccupied. The house has remained vacant and has been ither open to access or boarded since July of 1986. ?. That the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul conde ned this structure as "Unfit for Human Habitation" under Chapt r 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in August of 1990. This uilding is still subject to that condemnation order. 3. That ince July of 1986 the City of Saint Pat�l haG on numerous occas ons issued orders to the owners to make this house secure and not a cessible. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part f the owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make he house secure. 4. That he owners of the Subject Property have re'peatedly failed to regis er and pay the vacant building fee for this structure as requi ed by Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 5. That here are now and have been since June of 1986 multiple exter"or Housing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the S ject Property. 6. That t e owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this house are as previously stated in this resolution. These indivi uals have been properly served notice of the September 25, 1990 h aring concerning this house. 7. That o July 3, 1990 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the owners interested parties and responsible parties ordering these person to either demolish the house or make repairs and cure the list o deficiencies by August 3, 1990. -2- ORIGINAL � � �yU-�7� 3 9. That the order of July 3, 1990 has been disregarded by the owners, inte ested parties and responsible parties. 10. That all owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health have been informed on numerous occa ions of the requirements to repair this� structure and have fail d to do so. 11 . That the two story, deteriorated, wood frame, brick exterior duplex loc ted on the Subject Property is an abandoned building according to ection 45.01, Subd. 1, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code in tha it is "a building or portion thereof which'has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that �eriod of time it has bee either "unsecured", "boarded", or has had "multiple exterior Hou ing Code or Building Code violations" or h�s been "placarded as "Un it for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapt�r 34 of the St. Paul Leg slative Code." 12. Tha the two story, deteriorated, wood frame, brick exterior duplex loc ted on the Subject Property is a nuisance as included under Sai t Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an bandoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has cre ted a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the pub ic peace, health, safety or sanitary conc�ition of the City or whi h is offensive or has a blighting influen�e on the community. 13. Tha the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves dem lition of a building other than a struGture accessory to a res"dential building. ORDER The Sain Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1 . Th above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible pa ties and their assigns shall make the Sub,ject Property safe and no detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and re ove its bl ghting influence on the community by rehabilitating this st ucture and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list pr viously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and or inances, or in the alternative by demolishing the structure and fi ling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and or inances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure must be completed within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this re olution. -3- ORIGiNAL� � ' �y°"'7�3 2. If th above corrective action is not completed within the thirty (30) ay time period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul re hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demol sh this structure and fill the site and charge the costs incur ed against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Secti n 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In th event the building is to be demolished by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unre sonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be remo ed from the building by the owners, interested parties and resp nsible parties by the end of the thirty (30) day time period. If t e personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shal remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is prov ded by law. 4. IT I FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the las known address of the owners, interested pa'rties and responsible par ies pursuant to Section 45.11, Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul Leg slative Code. -4- Yeas Navs Absent Requested by pepartment of: zmon �+ oswstz � on acca ee � �' e tman une z son � By° � Adopted by Counci : Date SEP 2 5 1990 Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adoption rtifie by Council Secretary g � Y� �� - � By� " Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by�tayor: Date SEP 2 �� ��� Council By: : L� 4��Z��� . - BY PUBLISHED 0 C T -� � 199Q . � �.1�'I41 �n7{ { -� ` �,/�o�`� DEPARTMENTIOFFl(�JCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED F,,lJ l7 � 2 19 9 0 Community Services 8-16-90 GREEN SHEE 4,��� CONTACT PERSON a PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR COUNCIL Steven R. Roy 298-4153 N�F� �GTY ATTORNEY �cm c�wc MUBT BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DAl'� ROUTiNO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. September 25, 1990 �MAYOR(OR A3SIST � ❑ TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N RE(�UESTED: City Council to pass t is resalution which will order the owner o remove or complete the repair of the referenc d building within thirty (30) days from t e mailing of this resolution. If the ow er fails to comply with the Resolution, t e City wi11 be authorized to remove the building. The subject property is located at 681 endota Street. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprwa(l y a Reject(F� COUNCIL CO�AMITTEElRESEARCH f�PORT OPTION _PLANNINO COMMI8SION _qVll O�AMI3S�N ��Y� i.,,{�""��[�RECLiVE _qB OOMMITrEE _ —ST�F — �°''"ME"�� AUG AUG 2 019 _p,�„���,� � _ 21 1990 SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCII(�JECTIVEI � �� pi� r,���� Qs,r INITIATIN(�PROBLEM,183UE,OPPORTUNITY(WhO, at,When,WMre,Why): The building is a nuisa ce pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code. The owners, interested part es and responsible parties known to the D vision of Public Health were given an order to epair or remove the building at 681 Mendo a Street by August 3, 1990. All parties fail d to comply with those orders. The build ng has remained unoccupied and vacant s nce June of 1986. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The City will eliminate nuisance. �r�IVF_1� p G24��o � 1' CLERK DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: A cost of approximately 4,000.00 - $6,000.00 for removal of the b ilding, if necessary. This cost will be assess d against the property taxes. �:-. !I DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: If the building is not r moved, a nuisance, constituting a serious health hazard tpotential fire danger, odent and insect harborage, potential cri e site and blighting influence on the neighbo ood), will remain within the City. �� •' R�� C� AU6 ��� I1A� 4,00 .00-6,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE StlDOETED(CIRCLE � YES NO Nuisance Hous'ng Abatement 33261 FUNDINa Sl�lRCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �YV NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five m�t frequent types of dxuments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agenc� 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Gty Attorney 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fln &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revisfon) and ORDINANCE 1: Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Axountant 2. City Attomey , 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Axountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. INtiating Department 2. Gry Attorney 3. Mayor/AssistaM 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the�of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these�a eg_s. ACTION REQUESTED Deacribe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronobgi- cal order or order of impoctance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete aenteru�s. Begin each item in your list wlth a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been preaeMed before any body, pubiic or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE� Indlcate whlch Councfl objecUve(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key worcl(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC�ET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE(aUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or cond(tions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ict/action. QISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Wt�at negativs effects or major�changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved� Inability to deliver aervice7 Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Afthough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to c�st?Who is going to pay? j ��Io'� 7�3 ' ��r,o, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o~+` '� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � i�ii'ii"ii o , DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�01 (612) 292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL ++ y� MAYOR ��CE�Y�v August 16, 1990 �11�����0 V Mr. P re s ident and CiTY CLERK Members of the City Co �ncil ', RE: 681 Mendota Stre t A Two story, det riorated, wood frame, brick exterior dup�ex Date of Hearing: Tues ay, September 25, 1990 District Council: 7 Dear Councilmember: ! The Division of Publi Health is hereby submitting its ' report on the condition of the structure at the loca ion referred to above. ' The owners, intereste parties and responsible parties of record are: Name and Address Interest Steven J. Kroiss Co-owner, joint tenan�t 2508 Helena Avenue No th husband of Martha Oakdale, MN 55119-16 8 Martha J. Kroiss Co-owner, joint tenant 2508 Helena Avenue No th wife of Steven Oakdale, MN 55119-16 8 ' Robert F. Hosch Mortgagee , 732 Medora Court Mendota Heights, MN 5118 Mary Ellen Hosch Mortgagee 732 Medora Court Mendota Heights, MN 5118 ; Office Manager, Reve e Division Back taxes Ramsey County Propert Taxation � 138 Court House St. Paul, MN 55102 P.obert Speeter Attorney for Kroiss , 2100 First Bank Plac Minneapolis, MN 554 2 46�'!'�'��5 � (•��1�'� 7�3 > 681 Mendota Street Notice of Public Heari g - September 25, 1990 September 16, 1990 The legal description f this Abstract property is : Lot 1, Otto' s Subdivis on of Block 105 of Lyman Dayton' s Additian to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat t ereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The building is a two tory, deteriorated, wood frame, brick exterior duplex. The subject property h s been unoccupied since June of 1986. The building meets one or more of the conditions that constitute an Abandoned Building as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On July 3, 1990 the D'vision of Public Health mailed an order tp the then known owners, interested parties an responsible parties of this building requiring that the building be either repaired, by c rrecting the attached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or before August 3, 1990. Inasmuch as the orders have not been completed to the satisfaction of the Division and t e continued abandoned condition of the building contributes a blighting influence a d potential hazard to the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of the Division that the City Council pass a resolution ordering t!he owners, interested and/or responsible pa ties to either repair or demolish the building in a timely manner to the satisfaction of t e City. , In the event the owne s, interested and/or responsible parties fail to comply with the Council Resolution, t e Division of Public Health should be authcrized to demolish the building and assess a 1 costs incurred in the demolition against the real estate as a special assessmer.t to be collected in the same manner as taxes, Yours truly, � �'4 � `Steven R. Roy Environmental Health rogram Supervisor Enclosure C: Edwin Lee, Asst. ity Attorney Steve Zaccard, Fi e Marshall Jan Gasterland, B ilding Inspection and Design Division Karen Wilson, PED District Housing nspector ������a3 DEPARTM�NT/OFFICEJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED .__ , Cornmunity Services s-�6-90 GREEN S�HEET NO. INITIAUDATE- CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Steven R. Roy 98-415 ASSIGN � O CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR a FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� O September 25 , 1990 � TOTAL #OF 51GNATURE PAGES i jCLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , ACTION REQUESTED: City Council to pass his resolution which will order the owner to rernove or comp ete t e repair of the referen ed bu.ilding within thirty (30) days from the mailing of this resolution. If the o ner fails to cornply with the Resolution, the City �aill be authorizecl to remove the buildi g• The subject property is located at 681 Mendota Street. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION - CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE - CAMMENTS: _STAFF - _DISTFICT CAURT -- SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE9 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNIIY(VJho,What,When,Where,Why): � The building is a nu'sance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code . The owners, interested p rties and responsible parties lcnown to the Division of Public Health were given an order to repair or remove the building at 6s1 Mendota Street by August 3, 1990 . All parties failed to comply with those orders. The huildlrlg has remained unoccupied and vaca. t since June of 1986. , ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will elimi ate a nuisance. I DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A cost of approxim tely $4,000.00 - $6,000.00 for removal o� the building, if necessary. This cost will be ssessed against the property ta�;es. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: I If the building is not removed, a nuisance, constituting a serious health hazard. (potential fire da ger, rodent and inseci: harborage, potent�ial crirne site and blightino influence on the n ighborhood) , will rernain within the City. 4,000 .00-6,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Nuisa ce Housing Abaternent ' 33261 FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Council rile m ��'i7� . Green Sneet ,� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Counci]_ to 11o1d a public earing to consider the advisability and iiecessity of the repair or wrecking and removal of a two story, deteriorated, wood frame, br.icic extez-ior duplex located on property here�fter referred to as the"'Subject Froperty" ai�d commonly lcnown as 681 MendoLa Street. This Abstract property is legally described as: � Lot l , 0 to 's Subdivision of Block 105 of Lyman Dayton's Addition Lo St. Paul, according to L11P recorded pl�t thereof, and situate in Rarnsey C unty, Minnesota. WHEREAS, b sed upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder' s Uffice on May 21, 1990 and o her informai:ion lvailable to the Division of Public Health on oi- before August 15 , 1990 , the fo7lowing persons are ow�ers , interested and/or responsible pa ties of the Subjeci: Property: Steven J. Kroiss, 2508 Helena Avenue North, Oalcdal , MN 55119-1628; Martha J. Kroiss, 2508 Helena Avenue North, Oakdale, MN 5 119-1628 ; Robert F. Hosch, 732 Medora Court, Mendota Heights, MN 55118; Mary E len Hosch, 732 Medora Court, Mendota Heights, MN 55118; Office Manager, Reven e Division, Ramsey County Property Taxation, 138 Court House, St. Paul , MN 5510 ; Robert Speeter, 2100 First Banlc Place, Minneapolis, MN 55402. The addr sses of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including the tax records, phone books, mortgage cornpanies, etc. ; and WHEREAS the Division of Pu.blic Health has is5ued an order identified as an "Abandone Building Notice" dated July 3 , 1990 ' which is attached and ineorporated s part of this Resolution by this. reference. This order was served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of th� Saint Paul Legislative Code on all ow ers, interested and/or responsible p�rties of the Su.bject Property then known t the enforcement officer. The notice and order inforrned these parties that the two 5tory, deteriorated, wood frame, brick e�terior duplex located on th Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 5 .01 , Subd. 1 and 45 .02, Sul�d. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The J ly 3 , 1990 order also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding th house on the Subject Property, said list is attached ancl. incorporated s part of this resolution; and. WHEREAS , the July 3 , 1990 order intormed.all then known owners, interesLed parties and r sponsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject Prop rtv by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the structure, e ' ther action to talce place by Au�ust 3 , 1990 ; , �,cy�'�7.�3 � WHEREAS , zo action has been t.aken Y.'P_��YCl].11o compliance wi.th the .Ju.lv 3 , 1990 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Pu.bl.ic ljealth reque�ted that a public h_lrino be scheduled to t�ke place on September 25 , 1990 for the City Council o consider the advisability and. necessity oL ord.Pring t.he correction oL he nuisance cond.ition or, in the a.li�ern�tive , to consider the� dernolition aiid. removal oi this house; aild WHERFAS , �lle above referenced owner�, 111t,PYP_�tE'C� and�/or resp�il�ible parties have UP_P17 serve notice of the tirne , place an.d purpose of the Septernber° 25 , 1990 pU.hlic hearin� before the C�_ty Counc�_1 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of he Saitit Paul Le�is].ative Code; and WHER�AS , a hearing was held before the Saint Paul C1ty Council on Sepi.ember 25 , 1990 and. a 1 testimony and evidence ���as consid�red by the Counci.l . NOW THER FORE, RL IT RESOLVED, that based u.pon all ot the testimony and evidence prese ted at the September 25 , 1990 hearing, the Saint Paul City C01111C11 hereby adopts the followin; Findings and �rder conc'er-ninb the t.wo story, d.eteriorated, �ood. fra�r�e, bricic exterior d.uplex at 681 Meridota Street : 1 . Th t in July of 1986 the hou.se located on the Subject Propert.y was de erri�ined to be unoccupied. The house has rernained vacant and. has be _ii either open to access or boarded since' ,Julv of 1986. 2 , Th t the Division of Public Health of t11e City �f Saint Paul co demned this structure as "Uniit for Hurnan Habitatioi�" under Ch pter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in August of 1990. Tlis building is still subject to that condemnatiozi order. 3 . Tl at since July of 1986 the City of Sainit Paul has on nurnerous o casions issued orders to the owners to malce this house �,ecure and n t accessible. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the p rt of the owners, the City has had to h�_re' a private contractor to rn lce the house SP_CllYP_. 4. T at the owners of the Subject Property have repeated.ly failed to r gister and pay the vacant Uuildin� fee for- this structure as r quired b,y Chapter 43 of the Saint P�ul Legislative Code. S . Tt at there are now and have been since, Ju.ne of 1986 rnu.ltiple e terior Housing Code or Buildin� Code violatior�� in existence at t e Su.bject Property. 6 . T at the owners, interested parties and responsible parties or this h u.se are as previously st�ted in this resolution. The�e i dividuals have beei� properly served notice of the Septernber 25 , 1 90 hearing concerning this hou.s�. i . T�at on July 3 , 1990 an Abandoned Building Notice �.as �ent to the o �ners, interested parties aiicl responsib.l.;e parties ordering these per�ons to either clernolish the hou�e or malce repairs and cure tI1P_ list of deficiencies by Au;ust 3 , 1990 . -'�- . ���o���� . 9. Th� the order of July 3 , 1'390 has been di�r�b�rdrd by the owners, int YP_S'CP_C� parties and responsibl.e parties. 10 . Th� al.l owners, i��terested parties and i�e�por�sit�le part.ies kno�.�n to the Division of Public Health have been informed on nw�nerou.s occ sions of L11e requirements to repair this StYU.CLl1Y'� and have f_ai ed to do so. 11 . Tha the two story, deteriorated, waod frame, bricl: exterior �.Ll�1P_X loc ted. on the Subject Property is an abandoned buildin� accordinp to ection 45 .O1 , Subd. 1 , of tlze Saint Paul Leoislative Cod.e in tl�a it is "a build.inb or portion thereof whiell has stood u.noccupied for longer than one ( 1) year" and. durinb that period. of tirne it has bee � either "unsecured", "boarded" , or has h3d "mu.ltiple exterior Hou ing Code or Build.ing Code violation�" or ha` been "pl�carded as "Un it for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Pau.l Leg'slative Cod.e." 12. Th t the two story, d�teriorated, wood frarne, bricic exterior duplea located on the Su.bjecL Property is a nuisance as included under Sa'nt Paul Legislative Cod.e SPCtion 45 .02, Subd. 11 , it� that it is an abandoned buildinb located in the City of Saint PauJ. that has cr ated a dai�geroLls or unhealthy condition or iJY11.Ci1 threatens the pu lic peace, health, safety or sanitary conclition of the City or wh�ch is offensivE or has a bli�hting influence on the cornrnunit�. 13 . Th t the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to e�ceed tw thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or tlne a.bate�r�ent involves de olition of a building other than a structure accessory to � re id.ential buildin�. ORDER T11e Sain Paul City Council hereby rnakes the following order: 1 . Th above referenced owners, interested parties anc� responsible pa ties and their assigns shall malce the Subject Property safe and no detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and re ove its bl ��htinc influencP or� the cornmunity by rehabilitating this st ucLure and correctinb those deficiencies set forth in the list pr viousl.y referenced in accordar�ce ���ith all �pplica.bl.e codes a.i�cl or inarices, or in the alternative by demolishino the stru.ctu.rP and filling the site in accordance tvith all applicable cod.ec and or in�nces . The rehabilitaT.ion or demolition of the st.ructure must be cornpleted within thirty t30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution. -3- , �yD-/7-�3 , 2. If the above corrective action is not cornpleted withiii the tliirty (3 ) day tirne period, the proper City officials oL" the City of Saint Pa 1 are hereby a.uthorized to talce whatever step� are necessary t.o der olish this structur? ar�d. fi.11 the site' and charge t.he co�ts in u.rred against the Subject Proper.ty pursua.nt to the provisions of Se tion 45 .08 of the Sai�nt Pau]. Legislative Code . 3 . In the event the UUlIC�1Ilo i� tc b� dernolish�d by the Ci.t.y of Saint F'a 1 , all personal property or fiatures of any lcirid. which shall un easona.bly iiltPrfere with the demol.itioti and removal shall be re► oved from the buildiii� vy Lhe owners, iiiterest.ed parties and. re ponsible parties by tli.e eiid of the thiit� (30) day tirne period. If the personal property is not so r�rnoved, the City of S�izlt Paul s11 11 :remove and dispose of such property and f ixtu.res as is pr vid.ed. by laia. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resol.ution and. th incorporated Order �tnd list of deticiencies Ue mailed to the la t known ad_dress of the owners, interested parties and responsible pa t1P_S pLlY'SUc'l.Tlt to Section 45 . 11 , Subd.ivisi'on �5? of the Saint Paul Le islative Code, -4- I Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswitz on Macca ee ettman une i son By' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy. By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date , By: By: ��o-�7� 3 � d�;�� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL a'a+`c i �o """I' `�e DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� ii�i �i�n �5 , DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH �,� SSS Ce dar Street, Saint I'au l, Minnesota S�"1 01 (6l2) 292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ' ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE July 3 , 1990 StP_pI1P11 J. Kro �ss Robert Hosch Martha J. Kroi,s 732 Mendota Court 2508 Helena Av nue North I�endota Heights , MN 55118 Oakdale, MN 5 119-1628 RE: 681 riend. ta Street One and ne-half story, woocl. fra��e, residentia]. structure Otto's ubdivision of Blocic 105 of L•yman Dayton's Ad�ition to St. Paul Lo 1 Blk 105 , Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned uilding, whi.ch Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes define� as: ' "any bu lding or portion of a build.ing which has stood ��ith an incon�pl te exterior shell for lon;;er than three ''i3) years or any buildin or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied. for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteri�; (a) u�secured, or ib) b arded, or (c) h ving multiple exterior Housirib Code or Buildinb Code violations, 0 ;d) placarded as "Unfit for Hurnan Habitation" pursu�.nt to Chapter 34 of the Saint Pau.l Legislative Code ." The ordinanc � further state� th�t an abar�doned Uuildi�lg is a nuisance and. it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yo do not want to have the City begin actipn to have t.he Uuild.in; t.oi-n dow1�, t en the attached list of deficiencie� .m..ust be repaired. or you mu.�t tea.r the Y�Lil din� down on or bef oi e Aug�ist 3 , 1990 , Any r-epair o demolition must Ue completed. in accordance will all applic�ble laws. '3�.�.�' , (:���l�l 723 9bandoned Bui. ding Notice 681 Mendota S reet July 3 , 1990 Page: 2 If the work, s not cornpleted. or if you have not torn the buildin� d.own by the above date, t e Division of Public Health wiJ_]. refer this rnatter to the City Council to re ei��e �uthority to tea.r down the buildinb. All costs incurred zn wi-eckino th� uild.inb �•'i11 be charged against the r.e�l estate as a special assessrnent to be collected in the same manner as taxe�, The City Coui�cil will schedule a pu lic hearing to consider if the building shou.ld be torn down. If a public hear�ng becor�les neces�ary, you. k�ill be notifiF�� of the tirne and date of the hearin and vou �aill be allotaed to present evid.ence to tl�e City Council. A copy of th"s order t�il.l be kept on file in the City 'Clerk' s Office and a Resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shiall be on file in the Rarnsey Count Recorder's Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will re?nove your bu.ild.ino fro�Y� the list of abandoned buildings but it doPS i ot mean that the building co�T�plies t�il.7. �].l applicable Hou�in� a71d Buildino Codes. The d.ate for cornpliance �aith these orders shall not be eatended unle�� you receive writ en approval from the Division of Public Health. . If you wish o have the Gity tear down your buildinb, lyou may do so by requesting a consent forrn be �ent to you from our off�_ce, sibning it and. returning it to us. However, please be �,ware th�t all owners and interested partie� must sign the form before the Citv can tear tlze bu.ilding d.own ttiithou.t. . a City Counc� ]. order. Also be aware that the cost of the dernolition, if performed by the City, would become a special asse�sment ag�inst the property, If you have ny questions about this order, please cotitact the Vacant Builcling Section at ( 12)298-4153. Sincerely, �� � ��(:Vtv-- I��, i�-c .�' � Steven R. R �� .� Environrnent 1 �Health Pro�,rarn Supervi�or SRR:jm Enclo�t�re C: Karen W .lson Plannin aiid Econo�nic Developrnent. , �'�:9'd'�yz3 llEFICIENCY LIST I'OR 681 Mendota Street May 31, 1990 Al1 repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate co es. Permits rnust be obtained where char�ges and/or additions to an electrical ystem require upgrad�_ng of the service size to current Nai:ional Electrical Cod (N.E.C. ) requirernents. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of th fixtures and/or piping involved. A permlit is required for aily repair or new �nstallation. Permits may be obtained from. the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 , City Hall.. EXTERIOR 1 . The bric siding has been painted, that paint is �now chipped and peeling. Scrape and repaint with a non-lead b�se paint. 2. The wind ws have been boarded. Rernove boards and repair the windows . 3 . The porc at the northeast corner is pulling aca�y from the main structur . The supports are rotted and partially missing. The floor boards re rottec� and have holes. The porch lacics footinbs. Remove , replace or repair porch. � East $i e 4. The eas side bricic surface has been painted, that paint is now chipping and pee ing. Scrape and repaint with a non-lead base paint. 5. The sou h rnost east side door has been boarded over and the prime door is miss ng. Remove boards and provide an approvied door and locicing device. 6. The win ows have been boarded. Rernove boards and repair windows. 7 . The chi ney lacks mortar and should be tuck-pointed. South S�de 8. The so th side brick surface has been painted, that paint is now chippi g and peeling. Scrape and repaint with a non-lead base paint . 9. 9 nurnb r of bricks are missing mortar. All areas �ahere mortar is missin should be tuck-pointed prior to the painting of this structure. 10 . Nurnero s structural fractur.es of the bricics. These arE ?nost evident at the so theast corner of the house wheie portions of bricks have broken and fa len away and much mortar is rnissing. These bricks should be Y�eplac d and rnortar repl.aced. Check the footiiZgs to prevent any further brealci g. ` 11 . The wi�dow is boardPd. Remove board and repair or replace window. , �/-,�a-�7�3 681 Mendota St �eet - Deficiency List i May 31 , 1990 Page. 2 South Si e - continued 12. There ap ears to be rodent activity at the SOt1t�1WPSt corner of the house in that the second floor window is missin� and the trees next to that window prov7de access by squirrels. This was witnessed by the inspector at the ime of this inspection. Repair window to prevent any further entry b rodents. , 13 . At the outhwest corner a nurnber of bricks are missing their mortar, some br eks have been broken and fallen away. Replace these bricks and replace mortar prior to tl�is structure being painted. 14. There a e trees at the southwest cor.ner that rub, against the brick surface the roof and eave areas causinb darnage to the house. Trim or remove �hese trees. West Si e 15 . The we t side siding is an asphalt shin�le typeisiding that is damaged and pa tially missing. Repair or replace siding. 16. The fo ndation has a nurnber of holes and areas that appear to have been dug ou by rodents. The foundation should be repaired to prevent rodent entry. , 17 . There s an open dryer duct. Seal. 18. The wi dow is boarded over. Remove boards, repair window and frame. 19. The wo den areas around the windows have peelir�g paint. Scrape and repain with a non-lead base paint. 20. There is wooden trirn around the entire west sid.e that has peeling ancl chipp d paint. Scrape and repaint with a non-lead base paint. 21 . The c i�r�ney lacks a liner, a number of bricks are missing, a great deal of mo tar is missing• This chimney, if still in use should be provided with liner, the bricks replaced and it should be tucic-pointed. If the chimn y is no longer in use, it should be remoived to remove the hazard that t now presents, GENERAL ' 22. The electrical service drop has been cut at the pole. Electrical servi e should be provided tYiat meets National Electrical Code Stan ards. 23 . Ther is no visible plumbin; vent stacic. Pro�ide a plurnbino �ystern that meet applicable code requirements. , �"1d'�72 3 681 Mendota Str et - Deficiency List May 31, 1990 Page: 3 �gNFRAT - cont�nued I � on the north side and the east side of the house are 24, The roof valley� dama°ed nd have holes and large cracks. Repair. ?5 , Eave are s of the house on the north, east and the south side all need to be scraped and repainted with a non-lead base paint. ?6 , Nun�er oLi areas require wood replacernent or repbl�rodentse °RepairGolrid areas t at appear to have been gnawed throug Y replace roof as necessary. 27 , Provide basic facilities - gas, electric and water service. INTERIOR SECOND FLOOR - Eastmost Room 28, Plaste on �aalls and ceilin� have been damaged and should be repaired in a work anlike manner. 29, Ceili g and caalls have chipped and peeling paint. Scrape and repaint with non-lead base paint. 30. Light fixture and wiring has b�he daghgefiXtar ashouldebe repiaced?r�b shoul be repaired to code or 31. The g s heating appliance 11as been °laced12ed and is heavily rusted and appe rs inoperable and should be reP 32, The ent for the gas heating app].iance is improper in that it is rusted and ot to code. Replace. 33 . The eiling appears water damaged. Remove plaster and replace, repaint this area. 34. The floor covering is carpet and has been heavily soiled and dait�aoed. Rem ve/replace or clean and. sanitize. 35 . The window has been darnaged, the glass is broken, rnissing sash cord.s. Rep ir or replace. Kit hen 36. Th ceiling and walls llave chipPed and peelln� paint . Scrapr-_ and re aint with a non-lead base paint. , � �".-�o-� 7� 3 G81 Mendota Str et - Deficiency List , May 31 , 1990 Page: 4 Kitchen continued 37 . There is ai� outlet on the west wall that is not G.F.I . protected within six feet of the sink. Replace with a G.F.I . protected outlet. 38. The wind ws are �r�issing sash cords, Repair windows to bring thern up to code. 39. There is debris and refuse in the kitchen on the floor. RP_]'(IOVP all refuse a d debris. 40. The ref igerator is rusted, appears inoperable. !Remove. 41 . The sto e is a gas stove that has been vandalize�., appears inoperable. Clean s ove or repair/replace. Bathroo 42. On the eiling and the walls there is missing plaster, chipped and peeling paint. These areas should be re-plaster.�d, scrape chipped and peeling paint, repaint walls and ceilings with a non-lead base paint. 43 . The plulbing to the handsink has been damaged, has an illegal S-trap. Repair lumbing. 44. The outlet is illegal, it is wired externally with unprotected romea to the li t fixture. It is not G.F.I . protected. i Remove illegal wiring. Properly wire the outlet and provide G.F.I . protection. 45 . The to' let bowl is porcelain and has been cracked and damabed. The toilet unit should be replaced. Storag area at the Westside of the Second Floor 46. The fl or covering is linoleurn and has been wat,er damaged. This floor coveri g should be replaced or repaired. 47 . The pl ster by the �aindow is severely water damaged, the window frame has be n damaged, the window is missing its' sash cords. This window, and it ' frame should be repaired or replaced. The plaster should be replaced in a workmanlike manner. 48. There is a �as heater below this window that has been darr!aged, rusted and a pears inoper.able . This unit should be replaced and a proper vent insta] led on the unit . ' C�--�O- 17�-3' 681 Mendota St eet - lleficiency List May 31 , 1990 Page: 5 Storage rea at the Westside of the Second Floor - continued 49. The chip ed and peelinb paint on the walls and ceilings should be scraped. nd the areas repainted with a non-lead base paint. 50. There is improperly installed rorne�: to a ceilino lioht fiature. This rornex wi ing should be ren�ioved and the 1ig11t fixture should be properly wired. Southeas Most Bedroom 51 . The ceiling and walls have chipped and peeling palint . These areas should e scraped and repainted with a non-lead base paint. 52. The ele trical outlets lack cover plates. Provide. 53 . The doo to this room is missing. Replace. 54. The win ow lacks sash cords, the glass is broken out, the frame has been vandali ed. Repair this window, replace the glass. 55 . The flo r covering is carpet, wall to wall , which has been soiled and damaged This carpet should be repair.ed/replaced or removed. Stairwa 56. The win ow in the stairway going to the first fl.00r has bPen damaged., lacks a sash cord. The glass should be repaired arzd the win�ow replace . 57. The hatdrail on the stairs going to the second floor is well below 30 inches and should be replaced and brought up to code . 58. The st irway area has cracked plaster, chipped and peeling paint. The cracke plaster should be repaired in a workmanlike manner and the chippe and peeling paint should be scraped and rernoved. and the areas repain ed with a non-lead base paint. FIRST LOOR 59. The so thmost eastside door, the prime door has been damaged and should be rep aced and a proper locking device provided. 60 . In the entry area, the wallpaper 11as been vandalized ai�d is peeling. Repair or° replace this wallpaper. 61 . The c ver plate for the light switch has been removed. Provide a proper cover plate. . ��o-i7z3 681 Mendota Str et - Deficiency List May 31 , 1990 Page. 6 FIRST FL OR - continued 62. The prirn door for the lower unit is missing and �hould be replaced and. provided with a proper locking device. 63 . The seco d prime door to this apartrrient has been vandalized �.nd is damaged. Replace door and provide with a proper locking dPVice. 64. The ceil 'ng light fixture in the entry way has been d.airiagPd. and should be repla e/repaired or the wiring repaired and brought to code. Living R om � 65. The elec rical outlet lacics a covPr plate. Provide. 66. The wall and ceiling have chipped and peelinb paint. These areas should b scraped and repainted with a non-lead base paint. 67. ThP floo is hardwood and has been damaged and has debris on it. This floor sh tlld be cleaned and the debris removed. 68. The two indows to this room lack sash cords. ThesP windows should be repaired Kitchen G9. The wind w to the kitchen has been heauily vand.alized, the window lacks sash cor s. Repair or replace this window. 70. The plas er on the walls have cracks and broken areas. Repair this plaster 'n a workmanlike manner. 71. The paint is chipped and peeling. Scrape and repaint with a non-lead base pai t. 72. The ceiling panels are heavily damaged and some have fallen. The ceiling should be iepaired and these panels replaced. 73 . The gas heating unit in the kitchen has been vandalized, is seriously rusted. This unit should be replaced and a proper venting mechanisrn provide . This unit has been installed in front of one of the prime doors, The entire heatin; unit should be moved or the doorway removed.. 74. The plw bing below the sink- has an iliegal S-trap at�d. is open and ventin; bases to the interior atmosphere. Repla�e this plumbinb arld properl vent. � 75 . The gas stove appears rusted, vandalized and inoperable. Replace. �--..��-i 7z3 . 681 Mendota Str et - Deficiency List May 31 , 1990 Page: 7 Kitchen - continued 76. The elect ical outlet is vandalized, missinb a cover plate. The outlet� should be G.F.I . protected and provide cover plates. Northmos Eastside Room 77 , There ai cut tree branches, grass clippings, lea�es, tires, concrete blocks a d other miscellaneous debris on the floor. The floor should be cleaned nd thP debris removed. The carpet should be cleaned, replaced or remov d. 78, The elec rical switches have been damaged and pulled out of the wall . Repair o replace. 79. The win ows are board.ed over and have been vandalized. Repair or replace windows and remove boards. 80 . ThPre i cracked plaster. Replace plaster in workmanlike rnanner. 81 . There i chipping and peeling paint. Scrape and repaint with a non-lead base pa nt. 82. There i a hole in t11e wall going to the chirnney. Repair this wall in a wo rkman ilce manne r. Bathroo 83 . Has •a on-G.F.I . protected outlet. Replace the outlet with a G.F.I . protec ed outlet. 84. The ha dsink has an illegal S-trap. Replace trap and properly vent. 85 . The su ply pipes to the shower have illegal gar'den hose type connec ions. This piping should be replaced. or repaired. gh, PVC ty e pipino for the shower service is cracked and damaged. Replace . Basem nt 87 . In th stairwell g0111g to the basernent, there �s open plumbing. This plumb n; shou.ld be repaired. 88 . The h ndrail to the basement d.oes not extend tlle full length of. the stair ay, Replace railing. ` 89. The b sement floor is covered with debris, papers, insulation, toys , etc . This debris sliould be removed and the floor cleaned. � ����7a� . 681 Mendota Str et - Deficiency List May 31 , 1990 Page: 8 , Basement continued 90 . T11ere is a disconnected, unused gas water heater. l This unit should. be removed. 91 . The wate heater appears vandaJ.ized �nd seriousl,y ,rusted., the spill pipe does not discharge within 18 inches of the floor. The vent pipe to the chirnney s seriously rusted and should be replaced. The Pntire water heater s ould be tested and replaced if necessary. 92. The 60 a pere electrical service panel has an open ranbe block and lacks fuses. 93 . The wall of the basernent have areas wherP mortar is rnisszng. W�lls should b tuck pointed. 94, The ele trical service is improperly grotlnded in that there i� no jumper line be ween the service entry and the house side of the c.�ater meter. Properl ground the electric service. If you are un ble to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply wit this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Departmen of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-310 . Ask to speak to a loan officer. I " • ' VACANT BUILDING I�ITIATIVE /7�3 . BUILDING EVALUATIO� ��� � � w ' : BUILDING ADD ESS 681 Mendota TYPE OF STRU TURE Residential }{ Commexcial Industrial PROJECT EVAL ATORS Karen Wilson DATE OF INS ECTION 6/ 20/ 90 I _ STRUCT RAL SOUNDNESS _ Yes _ No Commen s unknown - major extensive cracks in N . side of rick � II _ EXTENT OF REHABILITATION X Extensive Moderate Minimal ) Comme ts several types of exterior finish , porch repair , W• n III _ SUITA ILITY OF LOT � Y�s � No . Too smal� Poor soil Bad topography Iiicompatible use Comm nts on alley - three sides have a zero clearance - � rd to side of house IV. MARK TABILITY _ Yes X No � Comm r�ts has been added on - and duplexed - f r sem.i our o wes as mixea use u.i c urc . . a is - zero �Iot on ree si es (over) �--,��y.�7�3 , � V_ Legal C zlcerns _ Yes _ No Comment VI _ Potenti 1 Reuse ; Reha ilitation � As Housing As Commercial Demo ition and Redevelopment As Housil�g _ As Commercial X Demolitioii and hold for — . Buil iiig moved to locatio� Oth T Use VII . P . E_ _ Action Note= nvirome:-�tal Health will proceed to issue orders to repair � r raze _ . N_ei hborhood Development will contact owner regarding Vacant Com ercial Program_ . � Hou ing Divisiori will contact owner regarding Rehabilitation Pro ram. Hou 1Ilc� Divisioii will contact owner regarding acquisition_ X P _ _ D. is . - , Interested in vacant lot ' Not interested iz� vacant lot � , ���..., ��,Z 3 . � - ���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL °� 'M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES `' ���i'ii10 � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �: � °r�, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR August 16, 1990 Saint Paul Legal Ledg r 640 Minnesota Buildin 46 E. 4th Street Saint Pau1, MN 55101 Dear Sir or Madam: Please publish on Tuesday September 11, 1990 and Tuesday, September 18, 1990 the enclosed notice of a Saint Pa 1 City Council Public Hearing. You may bill the Sai t Paul Division of Public Health for the costs . Send the billing to the Division of Publ c Health, Vacant $uilding Section, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Pau1, MN 55101. Also, please submit o us an affidavit of publication. Sin ely, � � � �� �. , ! � Steven R. Roy Environmental Hea1t Program Manager SRR:jm Enclosure . � � �'�a'�1a3 .- 1 �����> o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL + DEPARTME�T OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� '�. : ����';�10� ; DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55�01 (612) 292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR August 16, 1990 ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER REPAIR ALL RNOWN INTERESTED AND/OR RESPONSIBLE PARTIES RE: 681 Mendota St eet I A Two story, d teriorated, wood frame, brick exterior duplex Lot l, Otto' s ubdivision of Block 105 of Lyman Dayton' s Addition to St. Paul, according to t e recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: This is to notify yo that the City Council, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health, has s heduled a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the repa'ir or wre king and removal of the above noted building. All owners and any other parties with a known interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to allow the an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Public Health. Please be advised th Public Hearing is scheduled for: DATE: Tuesday, September 25, 1990 TIME: 9 :00 a.m. ' LOCATION: City Council Chambers 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota At this hearing you ill be allowed to present any evidence you may have to object to the recommendations of t e Division of Public Health. If the City Council orders the correction or wrecking and removal, all costs incurred to perform this work, i luding inspections costs, administrative costs , title searches, filing fees and the a tual demolition and removal expenses, wzll be assessed against ihe real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes . If you have a y questions concerning this matter please call the Vacant Build_ng Section at (612)298-4 53. S '�ncerely, ,� ���y,•-R., � ��'fi, 'Steven R. Roy � Environmental Health rogram Supervisor SRR:jm .._�. _