90-1707 � � IGI �JAL (� - '�I � ouncil File � 9�/70 i Green Sheet �` �(O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN OT Presented By Referred To Comcaittee: Date Whereas, elected officials from the City Council , School Board, County Board, State Legislature and business and labor have indicated an interest in discussing common issues, concerns and problems facing the community, and Whereas, thes officials have agreed that meetin'g together in a retreat would facilitate this process, and Whereas, it i anticipated that approximately 40 people will attend the re reat, and Whereas, the ost of hosting such a retreat will be approximately $6 ,600, and Whereas, seve al governmental agencies and the community at large will benefit rom the increased cooperation, identification of specific goal , and the development of a shared vision of the future, and Whereas, limi ed city funds are available to finance the intergovernme tal retreat, and Whereas, Chap er 41 of the Administrative Code requires Council approval prio to soliciting for donations of funds, 0 � I G !� L� A�L � �yd- ���� Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul app oves the solicitation of funds to underwrite the cost of the in ergovernmental retreat, and Be It Further esolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul designate Cynthia Seelhammer to perform the solicitation activities, an Be It Further esolved that the appropriate reporting procedures adopted by Cou cil will be completed. Y s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: im n oswi . on acca ee �une � i son BY� . � Adopted by Council: ate SEP 2 5 199� Forn A oved by City Attor y Adoption rtified by Council Secretary By. ��ds' ' / '`�.-� By� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: ate SEp � 7 �ggQ Council . �' ��,���%/ By: ����-�-��,� , sy: PUBUSNED C C T - 6 1990_ . �q�-�7�; DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATED Ma or' s Office 9 . 7,0 90 GREEN S�HE AT No. 92�T�UDATE OONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL C n th i a lrl 2 $- ��F� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BV(DA'T� ROUTING �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. 9�18 �MAY�1(OR A8818TA � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PA�iES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQiNATURE) . ACTION REGUESTED: Signature of Resol tion. �c;oM�NOn�s:n,�c�«�c c:ouNCa coM ANALYST PMONE NO. _PLANNING COMMI8SION _d 8ERVICE COMMISSION _pB COMMIITEE _ COMMENTB: _STAFF _ -°'�"'��'� - C ITY A 0 R N�EY SUPPORTB WHK�1 COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 solicitation polic i�un�nnw�oe�.is�E, lwno.whse.wnsn,wnms,wny). Mayor Scheibel con ened meetings in early summer to d scuss intergovernmental cooperation. Repr sentatives from the Ramsey County oard of Commissioners, School Board, Stat Legislature and City Council atte ded. From their discussions grew t e idea of holding an intergovernme tal relations summit retreat to take pl ce over a day and one-half. The p anning staff worked on a proposal for n agenda and identified a professi nal facilitator. ADVANT/K�ES IF APPR01/ED: Approval of this r solution will enable the solicitat on of funding to underwrite the cos of the retreat which would mean a lesser cost to be absorbed by partic pants and the City of St. Paul. asnovnNrnc�s�a�o- none R�CE�E'D 7��Q tTy��ERK aBADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: If we are unable t solicit for underwriting, the ent re expense of the event must be born by the 40 or so participants and he government agencies sponsorin it. The costs would be so signif cant that we are likely to limit th number who will be able to partic p,a_te. l.�tJrlCll ���searcl� C�nter SEP 1� �99� ..��.� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANiACT10N COST/REVEtNlE BUDOETED CIRCLE ON!) YE8 NO FUNDINd 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMlER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)