90-1706 Q��� � �1 � � -- ouncil File # �d ��D(� i IV Green Sheet # /� RESOLUTION TY OF,�SA1 PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Presented By Referred To �" Committee: Date RESOLVED, that th City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to save and hold harmless the Coun y of Ramsey to the limits of the Minnesota Municipal Tort Claims Act a regards the City of Saint Paul' s usage of a vehicle identified as the Ramsey County Showmobile on October 7, 1990, a copy of this resolutio to be kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management servic s. Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon onwztz � Comm ity Services — acca ee ettman �ne z son BY� v � �2oy�wRZI9 Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 5 1990 Fo� Approved by Ci At rley � � /, Adoption rtified b Council Secretary By: _�j= �� BY� �`" " Approved by l�iayor for Submission to Approved b� Kayor: Date 2 Council �� � J �/ ��z��� By: ^',t.lo�d���t� By' � QUBLISIfED 0 C T - n 1990- - - ��o- �7� .. DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED �ommunity services 9/4/90 GREEN SHEET NO. L��� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAU DATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNdL Laura Bobick 298-44 1 ��� �AITORNEY �GTYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNqI A(iENDA BY(DAT� AOU?INO UD(;ET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. September 14, 19 9 0 0"1AYOR�OR"�T ❑ TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: ���F���� Signatures on and pa sage of the attached resolution. SEP 6 1990 RECOMMENDATIONB:Approvs(Iq a Re�ect(F� COUNGL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO CaMM18810N _CIVIL SER CE COMMIS810N ��Y� ��E� \1 ' Y _pB�MMITTEE _ A 3TAFF _ COh1�AENT3: _DIS7RICT COURT _ 3UPPORTS WIiICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE9 INfTIAT1NO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNIIY(Who What�Whsn�Where,Wh»: To allow the usage f the Ramsey County Parks and Recr ation Department Showmobile on Octob r 7, 1990 for KIDSDAY performers d the City of Saint Paul agrees to save and hold harmless the County of R sey of the limits of the Minnesota M nicipal Tort Claims Act. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: KIDSDAY performanc s will be possible on the stage on Sunday, October 7, 199 DISADVANTAf3ES IF APPROVED: The City will be esponsible for possible damages. ,;,�,.,; ;,....�,, - -� � � ! �; i�:°'`>� � � �.=C`.�. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: KIDSDAY will not have a stage for schedules perform rs on Sunday, October �, 1990. RECEIVED �ouncif ��esearch Center. SEP181990 S F p 1� 1J9U TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = —� COST/HEVENUE BUDQET (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� dw