90-1705 � � i � � f���l.. ;� � ,.�COUncil File # D�/�D.� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,. , . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul joined Lawaaikamp, South Africa in a Sister Community relatio ship on February 23, 1988, and; WHEREAS, since th t time the people of our two communities have worked together tireless y to insure the continued existence of Lawaaikamp which was threatened with t e forced removal of its residents by the South African government, and; WHEREAS, Saint Pa 1 school students, church congregations, clergy, city officials, civic rganizations, artists, teachers, social justice activists and children have all contributed to the successful effort to stop the forced removal of Lawaai amp residents, and; WHEREAS, the peop e of Lawaaikamp have been models of unwavering courage and taught the people of Saint Paul invaluable lessons about empowerment, personal pride an human dignity, and; WHEREAS, the rewa ds of our Sister Community relationship will continue to grow as Saint Pa supports Lawaaikamp in their goal to obtain adequate infrastructure an housing for their community, and; WHEREAS, in the p st the residents of Lawaaikamp have acted as gracious hosts to several visito s from Saint Paul, and; � � 1 � I � � �-��-,�°3 f�A L WHEREAS, Saint Paul now has the opportunity to host Zolile Hugo, its first guest from Law aikamp, and; WHEREAS, the S int Paul City Council wishes to honor Mr. Hugo and urge Saint Paul residents to celebrate his visit and our Sister City relationship with Lawaaikamp. NOW BE IT RESO VED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul welcomes Zolile Hugo, Secretar of Lawaaikamp's Civic Association to Saint Paul, and be it; FURTHER RESOLV D that Wednesday, September 26th, 1990, b� declared "Lawaaikamp Day" in Saint aul. e Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon �► osw z on � acca ee — e » � une � z son BY� D Adopted by Council: D te SEP 2 5 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certified by ouncil Secretary By: � ' BY' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: D te� SEP 2 '7 199� Council �� � By: G��-e���s By= �IISHED 0 C T - G 199Q � �GITY OF SAINT PAUL �ie�'ruin OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL e�lt IIi�1t 1�CE�VED WILLIAM L. WI ON MARK VOERDIMC3 Councilman ������ Legislative Aide MEMORANDU j �.,,-.�,, �Y,��t( ,�D'� T0: Al Olson �� �� FROM: Bill Wilson RE: Zolile Hugo's Visit to Council DATE: September 6, 1990 Please place on the September 25th Council agenda a special guest from Lawaaikamp, South frica, Zolile Hugo. Lawaaikamp is our si ter city in South Africa. Mr. Hugo is her visiting and we will be presenting a resolution declaring September 26th as Lawaaik mp Day in St. Paul . Thank y u for your attention to matter. WLW:jca �� s�� 9x.Y' F �1 �.. _ �J� ��.. � .t� � . _.,.�-°��` :�rv.� � ;��°�� _a� �:4 ,��'�{ :�� .�;�.- CITY HALL SEVENTH OR SAINT PAU4 MINI�IFSOTA 55102 612/298-4646 i��6