90-1704��d�►l6�Al � �sT rn,z.-� , � � � 't� Council File ,� U— � �� i Green Sheet ;� / RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL E A � Present�ed By Referred To . Date RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION WHEREAS, the iverfront Redevelopment Corporation was created in 1985 to support the efforts of the City of Saint Paul in redeveloping the downtown riverfront area; and WHEREAS, the isting articles of incorporation of the Rivertrorrt Redevelopment Corporation spe ify a Board of Directors of between 8 and 15 members. Two Directors are Ci Representatives: the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Planning and Ec nomic Development. Six Directors are members of the Executive Committee of th Riverfront Commission. Up to 7 additional outside Directors may be elected to three ear terms by the existing Board of Directors; and , WHEREAS, the iverfront Redevelopment Corporation desires to amend its articles of incorporation by eleting references to the Riverfront Commission and its Executive Committee and dding two City Council members as City Representatives; and WHEREAS, the ity Council of the City of Saint Paul must approve amendments to the Riverfront Redev lopment Corporation's articles of incorporation; and WHEREAS, the ayor recommends and the City Council supports the continued work of the Riverfront edevelopment Corporation and the proposed amendments with the stipulation that n w members of the Redevelopment Corporation Board of Directors be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council; and NOW, THEREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul affirms the role o the Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation to continue to aid, advise, and assist the Ci of Saint Paul in its riverfront redevelopment efforts in accordance with its corporat purposes; and �������� �-q� -�70� , _ � - 2 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the amendments to the Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation 2�rticles of incorporation as attached, del ing reference to the Riverfront Commission and adding two City Council member as City Representatives; and BE IT FINALLY ESOLVED, that the City Council further approves amendments to the articles to provid that all members of the Board of Directors other than those presently serving during their current term, be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of t e City Council, and authorizes city staff to file these amended articles as required by la . � Y a Navs Absent Requested by Department of: s.mon osws. z �- on acca� e� � ettman � un e � z son BY� 0 Adopted by Council: Date JUN �i � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption ertified b Council Secretary By: 1 I � By' �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �UN �. O � counci� �G�� �� B Ll?i's'a/��, f//^ B17: Y� PtI�IISNEO JUN 15'91 CITY OP R$� y ' - ' � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL � iiii�i ii ii � m �° OFT'ICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �ab• CITY HALL-7th FLOOR-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND COUNCILMEMBER Members: Tan'Dimond, Chair Pauila Maccabee Dave Thune Date: May 22, 1 91 COMMITTEE RE ORT HOUSING AND E ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMIl7EE ' 1. Approval of the Minutes of the May 8, 1991, Housing and Economic Development Committe meeting. , COMMITTE APPROVED, 3-0 ' 2. Reservation of 1991 Low Income Housing Tax Credits (Referred from HRA 5-14-91) . COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) 3. Authoriz tion to change the terms of the $100,000 Mary Hall Loan (Referred from HRA 5-14-91) . COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) 4. Prelimin ry approval releasing subordinate debt an�i authorization to proceed with ref nding bonds, Forest Place Apartments, District 6 (Laid Over in Committe 5-8-91) . ' THIS ITE WAS LAID OVER TO THE JUNE 12, 1991, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPM NT COMMITTEE MEETING (HRA) 5. Authoriz tion to prepare amendment of Redevelopment Plan for the West Midway- South St. Anthony Park Redevelopment Area, and adoption of a redevelopment project or Park Crossing Apartments (Referred from HRA 5-14-91) . COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) 6. Subordin te loan authorization and interim equity loan authorization for Park Crossing Apartments, District 12 (Referred from HRA 5-14-91) . COMMITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) CHAIR: Housing an Redevelopment Authority & Housing and Economic Development Committee C MMITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental R�lations Printed on Recycled Paper as..,�s . . � y�-��°�° HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEYELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - MAY 22, 1991 PAGE TWO 7. Resolution authorizing execution of the Development and Tax Increment Financing Agreement by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Museum of Art (Referred from HRA 5-14-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 (HRA) 8. Resolution 90-1704 - establishing a new Riverfront Commission (Laid Over in - Committee 5-8-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF A SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION, 3-0; COMMITTEE ALSO RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ABOLISHING THE RIVERFRONT COMMISSION, 3-0 9. Final Order 91-738 - In the Matter of condemning and taking Fee Title for property near Smith Avenue and Kellogg Boulevard in part of Block 63, Irivne's Enlargement for Civic Center parking Lot (Referred from Council 4-23-91; Laid Over in Committee 5-8-91) . THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE JUNE 12, 1991, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Additional Item 1. Resolution - allocating $100,000 in general URAP funds as additional funding for the Wabasha Development Initiative Phase I URAP. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 chr � ��� : � -� � ��o-�7a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL E'Syc °^� , '�'`% OI'FICE OF Z`HF MAYOR 3. �' �� '� ,ii�ll l Illtl� a �ij�il�l II�p o'o '2: � . �04-�*.=..+���'°� :547 CITY fIA1.L .IA�1t:8 SC711F'II3F�'I. SA[N'C 1'AU[.. viINNESO'P.\ :>5103 \(A1"Oft , ((il°) �f/8-43°3 �',a*'"!� ; � � August 21, 1990 �' �''• ,. .. . .__. . ... :�' „ : ;; �,�i;' ._.. � 1:;'��v Council Pre ident William Wilson and Membe s of the Saint Paul City Council 719 City Ha�l LiILL V41�.�,U:1 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' Dear Councilmembers: Enclosed i the report from the Riverfront Ad Hoc Committee on the future of the Riverfront Commission. The �tnembers of the Ad Hoc Commit ee are to be commended for their eflfort and insight. The reco�m ndations in this report reaffirm our City's commitment - to the riv rfror.t. In addition, the Ad Hoc �ammittee recommends the dissol tion of the existing Riverfront Commission and the creation o a new, smaller and more focused cammission. I support th ir recommendations with a few modifications of the structure f the new commission. ! As the rep rt outlines, the new commission will be responsible for protec ing and promoting the river for multiple purposes; maintainin the river's value and use for transportation of goods; upg ading and protecting the aesthetic, cultural, historic and scient' fic characteristic of the river; and integrating the . _multiple u es in the downtown segment of the r:iver valley. This charge is ssentially the same as the charge c�f the current Riverfront Commission. However, it diverges from the old in that the smalle , more diverse membership will require .the Commission to focus a d prioritize future projects. The new commission will also be ab e to call upon City staff from sev�ral departments to assure coo dination and timely implementation ,of approved activities. I believe this refocusing and re�,tructuring will assure tha our resources build upon the tremendous potential of the riverf ont. I support he composition of the new commission's membership. However, I am recommending that both neighborhood and at-large members be appointed to the same length of te�m. The resolution being forw rded to the Council will provide f�r initial terms of one and tw years in length. Thereafter, terms will run for two years. Th ' s structure complies with requirem�nts in the Administra ive Code, Chapter A-14 . Pr�n�cJ un Kcr��rl��d I':q�rr �..-.a..-�....�. .M1 .' .,; � . � �90�yo� Saint Paul ity Councilmembers August 21, 990 Page Two In addition I recommend the existinq Rive'rfront Commission continue to operate until the new commission is in . operation. This will a low for a smooth, continuous transition. Your suppor of these recommendations is needed so that we can continue ou efforts to develop the Riverfront. Sinc�ely, � � I�''� L2%� `. Ja s Schei el Mayor JS:drm Enclosure � �K��� ` �_ � � . -;��� ' � �'° ,Council File � C/Q-/�0� Green Sheet #` RESOLUTION CITY O SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 r- esented By Referred T � Co�amittee: Date �a�-,�`�' C� WHEREAS, the Co ncil of the City of Saint Paul established the Saint Paul Riverfront Comm ssion by Council File No. 84-780 to report and recommend how the riverfront hould be developed and promoted in order to achieve a number of city goals: a. To rot t and promote the river and river corridor for multiple pur oses 'ncluding recreation, housing, comme�'ce and industry; b. To sintain he river's value and utility for transport of goods; c. To pgrade and protect the esthetic, cultural, historic and sci ntific attr butes of the river; \ d. To romote the do' town segment of the river valley as a place alo g the river w�xe all of the above activities can occur in a hig ly active and ir�ensive atmosphere. Development efforts sho ld focus on integ'�ating the multiple uses, thereby creating a reg'onal attraction ari� employment center for the downtown riv rfront; and � WHEREAS, in 198 the Riverfront Commi�sion's plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission and ayor and was approved �y the Council; and t W WHEREAS, the Ri erfront Commission has cc�ntinued to meet since the plan was approved and has worked to promote and en ourage implementation of the plan's recommendations nd to achieve the goals i entified when the commission was set up; and WHEREAS, the ori inal structure of the River ont Commission is no longer appropriate for he continued work that needs o be done; although there continues to be need for a special group to cus on riverfront redevelopment; NOW, THEREFORE, E IT RESOLVED, that the Council f the Ci!ty of Saint Paul reaffirms its co itment to riverfront redevelopme t as a high priority and finds that if we 1-developed, the riverfront can be an area of significant impact on the ec nomic development of the city and o the community's perception of an pride in the city; and BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that the current Riverfront Co fssion be dissolved and a new commis ion be formed with a charge to: a. Prot ct and promote the river and river corridbr for multiple purp ses including recreation, housing, commerce and industry; . ��� �--. : � �a- ��o� ��� �� :� � �. b. Mai tain the river's value and utility for transport of goods; c. Upg ade and protect the esthetic, cultural, historic and sci ntific attributes of the river; d. Pro ote the downtown segment of the river valley as a place along the river where all of the above activities can occur in a highly act've and intensive atmosphere. Development efforts should focus on 'ntegrating the multiple uses, thereby creating a regional att action and employment center for the downtown Riverfront; and BE IT HER R SOLVED, that the new commission shall have the following powers and uti s: a. To vise the Mayor and City Council on riverfront policies, pro o ions and activities; b. To evie , comment, and make recommendations on riverfront dev lopmei�t pro�ects and other issues and activities affecting the do town r�uerfront; M1,�r c. To oordinate'�tplans and activities with the Parks and Recreation and Planning Cd�nmission and other public bodies, such as the Port Aut ority and Ci�y departments; d. To rotect and pro�ote the river and the river corridor for mul iple purposes; �,nd BE IT FURTHER R SOLVED, that the r%ew commission's tasks shall include: a. Re- xamine the current r�verfront plans and recommend changes if nee ed; b. Dev lop appropriate design ,a,znd implementation guidelines for new dev lopment to meet the goals; of the plan; c. Gen rate community and politica� support for the riverfront plan as priority through a communic tions strategy including regular mee ings with the City Council, M or and neighborhood groups; d. Rev ew development proposals and ev�luate their conformance with pla s and guidelines; e. Mon tor annually the accomplishments o the City in implementing the plans according to timetables and c mmitted resources. Amend the plans if necessary, and develop a ne set of annual goals; f. Rev ew the structure of the Riverfront Red velopment Corporation, and make changes as necessary to make the c rporation a more eff ctive vehicle for implementation of deve pment activities in the riverfront; and �./�� �.� � � '� � � �qo�r��� a� � � BE IT FURTHER SOLVED, that the new Riverfront Commission shall consist of twelve (12) me ers serving staggered two-year terms, one-third of whom shall be direct neigh orhood representatives, one-third "at-large" representatives, and one-third r presenting existing organizations with overlapping jurisdictions a follows: a. Four (4) epresentatives from the district councils which front the central r verfront area: District 3 (West Side Citizens Organization) ; District (Dayton's Bluff Community Council) ; District 9 (Fort Road Federatio ) ; and District 17 (Downtown Community Development Council) . These rep esentatives shall be nominated by their Yespective district counci nd shall be appointed by the Mayor with �he advice and consent of the C y Council; b. Four (4) em ers appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City oun 1 as "at-large" members, with one of these members appointe by th Mayor as chairperson; c. One (1) mber nom ated by the Chamber of Commerc�, and appointed by the Mayor with the vice and consent of the City �ouncil; d. One (1) mber nominat by the Port Authority Board, and appointed by the Mayor with the advic and consent of the City Council; e. One (1) ember nominated t Saint Paul Planning Commission, and appointe by the Mayor with he advice and consent ,of the City Council; and f. One (1) ember nominated by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commissi , and appointed by the ayor with the advice and consent of the City Council; and BE IT FURTHER ESOLVED, that the commissio shall be principally staffed by the Department of Planning and Economic De lopment, witlti additional staff identified fro the Department of Community ervices Division of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Public Works ea Nave Absent Reque ted by Department of: mo w . dCC @ —Z U 30 By' Adopted by Council: Date Form App o�ed by City Attor,,ney .' �'� ,'%r 7 Adoption Certified y Council Secretary gY; ./�!``�,.�f,n,,,-,.�"'� �''� ''r ..�' . BY� App�►ove'd by Mayor for Submission to Couri�c�'� � Approved by Mayor: Date B By: �r,,/��iT Y• ., r. . ., - RE�EIVED � . - �`20-�7°�' ,ti DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 41990 N° �1 O 1�� . Mayor's Office GREEN S � CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIA ATE INITIAL/DATE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR r �OUNCIL Molly 0'Rourke, 47 ASSIGN CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 0 �'V� ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption of Resolutio establishing new Riverfront Commission. AUG 28 1990 ��T ��F RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject ) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST A WER THE FOLLOWIN(i QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CI IL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personNirm ever worked under a co ract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE � YES NO H C Commi ttee 2• Has this personlfirm ever been a city employ e? _3TAFF YES NO _DI3TRICT COURT A R verf ron t 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nor ally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? COtlllTl l SS 1 Ofl YES NO Explain sll yes answers on separate sheet a attach to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI (Who,What,When,Where,Why): Original structure of Riverfront Commission is no longer approp iate. The revised structure will balance loca1 an citywide and economic development perspe tives. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Smaller commission may be able to move ahead more quickly. The qual balance of neighborhood, at—large, and organiza ional representatives will provide approp iate perspective. R�c�rv�o S�j�l DI3ADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: Resources wil�l be need d to staff and fund new commission and to moveYa�head�vith Riverfront plan implementation. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Visibility and commitme t to riverfront redevelopment will be les ened, increased public perception that no prog ess is being made. RECEIVE ouncil Research C�nter S�10 � SEP 1$�90 .__. C�TY �LER TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp IRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) _I� a � , ,? , NOT6: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes suthorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayo�(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Acxountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Fi�ance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciy Council 5. City Clerk , 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Directar 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paparclip or flag each of the:e peges. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in questlon has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH CQUIVCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREA'FIf3N, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUbGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the citys liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by taw/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What�egative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised aetion is not approved? Inability to deliver service7 Continued high 4raffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions:How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . ��; , � . , �-yo-��o� _,1� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;`;;;�;���1. � aEC�ivEn OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL . SEP101�0 r".rt'r CLERK WILLIAM L. WILSON MARKVOERDING Council President Lcgislativc Aide ELIZABETH STEVENS � Legislative Aide MEMORANDUM TO: D vid Thune, Chair N 'ghborhood Services Committee FROM: �V lliam Wilson � ' C �ncil President� DATE: Se tember 5, 1990 SUBJECT: R port of the Riverfront Ad Hoc Committee Attached is a c y of a letter from Mayor Scheibel dated AuguSt 21 submitting the final - report �f the Ri erfront Ad Hoc Committee and requesting support for the creation of a new riverfront c mmission. I am referring this matter to your committee for review and recommendatio . Committee recommendations could come in the form of a resolution adopting, amen ing or rejecting the report or a resolution adopting all-or part of the recommendatio s of the ad hoc committee. Cc: City Cou cilmembers � CI�tY HALL SEVt:NTH FLUOIt SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/295-464G 5�6+46 ?rinted on Rccycled Pap�:r . �o��a� �C/T*Ot 4+ �� O y � f�'������ ; � h0 • i�s• CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM City Attorney 647 City Hall 29&5121 DATE: May 29 1991 TO: A1 Olson FROM: Jim Har�� RE: Council genda 5-30-91 Items 17 & 18 The Housing a Economic Development Committee recommended approval of an amendme t to the Articles of Incorporation of the Riverfront Development C rporation in connection with its consideration of Council Item 17 & 18. Enclosed find a copy of the proposed amendment of he corporate articles. Chris Rider will distributed a copy to eac Council member. cc: Chris Ri er Patricia James .,� w . . ��o,�r� AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPOR�TION RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Article IX(a) of the Articles of Incorporation of Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation is amended to read as follows: "Art. IX a) The affairs of this corporation shall be managed y a Board of Directors consisting of not less than eig t (8) nor more than f ifteen (15) �ersons. �:�i :....k::.::. Four of he directors of the Corporation , d�esignated��'��as the "Cit Representatives", shall be (i) the Mayor of the City of aint Paul, Minnesota, or the Mayor�s designee, ii two members of the Saint Paul Citv Councail appointed � the a or with the consent of the Citv Council and (iii) th Director of the City of Saint Paul', Minnesota� Departme t of Planning and Economic Development. The term of offi e as director of the Corporation 'of the City Represen atives shall be coterminous with such person's term of ffice as Mayor �i�,as said Department Director or ::;:.. :::..::...: as membe of said City �ouncil_ so that when ��:i� a City •S•":::::::{i:}..i:•::.......... .....�;:... Represen ative� ceases to be ��:��ii�j�;:�;:::��#��:;::::��:�::�:�`���" Mayor� iii: i:i.iir:ii:OYx•4:.�:.i':iin+h:.iY:v.if.p:i.iir�{..:..::n:. Council ember or Department Director; such��person shall concurre tly therewith automatically cea�e to be a director of this corporation serving as a City Represen ative; provided that nothing herein shall rohibit a fo e ::<...:;<..,::.:;.::�:.::.::;>,;:;::.:�;;<:-;:::::::<;:.;:<::>::>:;::;-..:;:->;�>:.::.;:::;::.;:.;:.: rm r N��::::t��:;»::::>�i�:::;<;�a�:�d:::::;,:;��:�::�;::>:::<:::>. .r::::::::>:;:�:>:.:::,:�t�:��r �................ .;:.:�.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:::<.;:.;;;>:.>:.;:.::::�.;>;;;�:.;:.;:<.:;>:.::::<.;:.::�.:.:::.;:.;:. .... .:::::.�::::::::::..:::::..:.�:.�::::::::::: .......................:...:.:...:.::.:....:::::. ..:.:.:::::.:,:.::<.::::.>.,::.....:,.,,:.. :;.:.:;.....::<.:;«;.::::;;.:,::..:.:;:::..:.:«.::.:::.: :.::...:::.:>.:�-;:.:.>;:.:��..::::.:>�;:::,::.:C.1t::::.::::::Re resenta�ive�� from be' D���i��'1i��::>,:�:::>';:�>::A�;���:��a� —Y p ing :>:::::::::::.;:::..;;...;.:::.:>.:..:::.::::::::::,::::��:::::..::._:::..::::..;;;:::.:::::<:;�:.::..;<;;::::>:<:;:.;::>>:«.;:.:.;>::;:.;;:,:::..: . ��:�ct��d oin�ed ��.;.__.t���;.;>��r� to serve as a director ;...�.........v... w:.... �y:.... .y::�..:. of ��tfi�is corporation ��.� �,�,��e���. ;���'-��z ���p��:�.fi��::��z .:::..::::::..::..:::::::..:...::::::::.::::::::::.:.::::::.:::::::::::.:::::.:.::::::.::.:.::::::::::::.:.;�:::::;:::::.;:-:.:.<..::.>:;.::.>::.��,.:.;.,.:::::::::...�.;::>.;:.::.:::.�::::::::::::..:::::...:..:::::: ..... :.:.... :...�:::::. ��:�.:>:<:::>::..::....... ..:..:.......:::::::...: :<::::.. ..:....�:,:.: ....:...::...:.. .::.;...:....,:�:�::.::..:......<.. :...<...:...,:::;:..: .:.�::<.... .,...: ��i�:��:::�:::>::�. »::>::�cen�:e��::::::>::>:�:�::::<;>:::�t�>::>:<:>�������:�.r::�:>�..�<:�on�n�. :���:::<:.:::c�:�:::>�:::>:��$ �::<:�:::<><::F::ri::::::::>:::r;. ..,..:::.....:..:.......:.... >:::»::::::�>::»:::>::::::»:::<�::::>:;:>::>::>::>:::>:>::::::>�»:>::>::::>::::::::<:::::::::>::::;::::��:::::::::>::::;::;>�»:{::<:;»�:>>;::?:::..... . .............. .>:::<:>::;:>::::>:�>::>:.>:;:>::>::;�;;:::>::>:<:�.>�.::>:<:::: ... .. .��. ...... ..'...:•Y�:...':..:.:''•::{•.�' .:i::: ....::k::..•• .'f.ii ..:':�i::'}v-: �.'iii:::::•:::•:•:::i::i:::'•::::•,i:,'.::':::•,: :i.. : : ..:..� . ..:.:...: •.::.:.:.:.........: .:'':' .: ::......:::..{. .i': Ao��:?b.. <: :>:�:�::�:��#��:>:<�d�n�:����:�:,:�r�:::::��;�::::�.�'�:.::::::� �:<:>��::�,:��::>:F:��:�;:�:< ..:�:::. ::.�:. �_>;::>::>::::::::;:>:>::<:;::>.:::;_::<<:::::::<::::>::<::>>>::;::<::;:.:;;;;.;:>>>::::<>>-�:>:::<:::;>::>>>>;::>;:>>:::::;:::>>::::>::::>:::>::::::;::>r>:;::�:::>:;�:::>>:_::>::>��:>>:<:>::;::>::;:...::::::::::<::::;:<::::<:>::>::>:::::>�>:::>>::::>::>�>::>::>>::>:;:>:::::. :;';:.. � '�• :'...:.."•::::::;::':, : :.::.:. ....:..:a.:::....:...: ::. ..::::'•:: � :::::::..`:........:.�.:..:...:.au..:...::.: :-:....:. ..::...:...:......:-.:...i.:....;...�..:.::. ��:rt�e��:..a::�;::>::�d:::<��:�:i; 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Eac� remai�inq director a oint d after------, 1991, [the date of adoption of the Council resolution a�provina amendment of he corporate article shall be avpointed by the Ma or with the consent of the Citv Council. The term of office of the .::::.::......:.:�:. �:��;e� r mainin directors shall be fixed at the meeting o�'t'rie �.'.`iJ�a���' Board of Directors of this corporation at which e��'�cll�����such director is elected to provide as nearly as is racticable that the terms of one third of the directo s will terminate each year, and thereafter such � � , , ��j/--/10`� . term sha 1 be for three (3) years, and unti,l successor director have been elected and shall qualii�y. " RESOLVED by a majority of the Members of the Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation that the foregoing Amendment to Article � IX(a) of the rticles of Incorporation presented' by the Board of Directors to he Members at a special meeting hqld upon ten (10) days mailed n tice be and the same is hereby adopted and the Chair of the Board of Directors is hereby authorized� and directed to submit the sa e for approval by the Council of the City of Saint Paul in accor nce with provision of Article XII o'f the Articles of Incorporation Adopted: Apri 25, 1991. Attest: Secre ary Approved by t e Council of the City of Saint Paul, 1991. Attest: City lerk Page two Amendment to Article IX(a) Articles of ncorporation Riverfront R development Corporation