90-1699 � .�:,� _ " � R . ,�= ; ;,� I G I i�',� 1� coun��� F��e � , Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY flF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA v� C� Presented By � Referred To Commiittee: Date WHEREAS, e Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing o consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and remov 1 of a one and one-half story dilapidatetl and deteriorated wood frame, mixed-use r sidential and commercial building located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 775 Front Avenue. This Torrens property i legally described as: Lot 8, B1 ck 14, Royal Oaks, an Addition to the Ci�y of St. Paul, Files of egistrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Reco�der's Office on May 24, 1990 and other inf rmation available to the Division of Public Health the following persons are owners, interested parties or responsible parties of the Subject Property: State of Minnesota, Trust Exempt, 109 Court House, St. Paul, MN 55102; The D.O. Inc. , C/0. Richard A. Th mson, 3112 Fifth Avenue South, Minneapoli�, MN 55408; The Midway National Bank, of t. Paul, 1578 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55104; The D.O. Inc. , C/0 Louis Bia ick, 2300 Zane Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55422; The D.O. Inc. , C/0 Katherine A. K ott, 4529 West 36 1/2 Street, St. Louis Park, MN 55416; Beverly Conerton, Special ssistant Attorney, 520 Lafayette Road, 5t.! Paul, MN 55102; Robert Cattanach, Oppenhe mer, Wolff and Donnelly, First Bank Building, Suite 1700, St. Paul, MN 55101 ; Mark L htinen, Minnesota Pollution Control, Site Response Section, 520 Lafayette Road, St Paul, MN 55102. The addre ses of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including the tax ecords, phone books, mortgage comp.anies, etc. ; and WHEREAS, he Division of Public Health has issued an order identified as an "Abandoned Buildin Notice" dated August 9, 1990 which is attached and incorporated as part of this Resol tion by this reference. This order was served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, interested partie and responsible parties of the Sub,ject� Property known to the enforcement office . The notice and order informed these parties that the one and one- half story dilap dated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed-use residential and commercial buildi located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subid. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The August 9, 1990 order also had atLached to it a list of deficiencies regar ing the building on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporated as pa t of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the August 9, 1990 order informed all known owners, interested parties and respo sible parties that they must either repair the building on the Subject Property y correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the building, either action to t ke place by August 24, 1990; , � � i � � ;�� �� L � ��� -���� WHEREAS, o action has been taken regarding compliance with the August 9, 1990 notice and order, a d as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on September 20, 1990 for the City Council to consider the advis bility and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or, in he alternative, to consider the demolition and removal of this building; and WHEREAS, he above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties have been erved notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code, of the time and purpose of the September 20, 1990 hearing before the Council and WHEREAS, hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on September 20, 1990 and all t stimony and evidence was considered by the Council. NOW THERE ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presented at the September 20, 1990 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the ollowing Findings and Order concerning the building at 775 Front Avenue: l. Tha in July of 1984 the building located on the Subject Property was det rmined to be unoccupied. The building has remained vacant and has bee either open to access or boarded since July of 1984. 2. Tha since July of 1984 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occ sions issued orders to the owners to make this building secure and not accessible. On many occasions, because of ,the inaction on the part of he owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the building secure. 3. Tha the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to reg ster and pay the vacant building fee for this building as required by hapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 4. Tha there are now and have been since July o� 1984 multiple exterior Hou ing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Pro erty. 5. Tha the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this bui ding are as previously stated in this resolution. These ind viduals have been properly served notice of the September 20, 1990 hea ing concerning this building. 6. Tha on August 9, 1990 an Abandoned Building' Notice was sent to the own rs, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these per ons to either demolish the building or make repairs and cure the lis of deficiencies by August 24, 1990. 7. Tha the order of August 9, 1990 has been disregarded by the owners, int rested parties and responsible parties. -2- � �� ! � � �y��-i��� QRIG � � . ;�.:, C. 8. Tha all owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health have been informed on numerous occasions of he requirements to repair this building and have failed to do so. 9. Tha the one and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood fra e, mixed-use residential and commercial building located on the Sub 'ect Property is an abandoned building according to Section 45.01, Sub . 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a building or ortion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) yea " and during that period of time it has been either "unsecured", "bo rded", or has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations" or has been placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pur ant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code." 10. That the one and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood fra e, mixed-use residential and commercial building located on the Subj ct Property is a nuisance as included under Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an abandoned building loca ed in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or unhe lthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safety or anitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blig ting influence on the community. 11. That the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed two housand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of building other than a structure acces;sory to a residential buil ing. ORDER The Saint aul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The bove referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detr'mental to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this buil ing and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list prev ously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and ordi ances, or in the alternative by demolishing the building and fili ng the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordi ances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the building must be comp eted within `�``-°� "" days of the date of mailing of this reso ution. th:rly C3_�� '1"�11Y`�� �,�`.� 2. If t e above corrective action is not completed within the ���z«�n-��) day ime period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are ereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish this building and fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the ubject Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code. -3- � � � �,,cqa-l�v�� 0RlGI ��� ;n �.:. 3. In he event the building is to be demolished by the City of Saint Pau , all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unr asonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed fro the building by the owners,, inte �sted parties and responsible par ies by "the end of the t '� day time period. If the per onal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall rem ve and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by law. 4. IT S FURTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of, this resolution and the inc rporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known add ess of the owners, interested parties and responsible parties pur uant to Section 45.11, Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul Leg slative Code. BE IT FURTHER OLVED, That the City Council urges Ramsey County to provide any required approv ls, permits and cooperation as quickly as possible. -4- i Y as Navs Absent Requested by Department�of: imon ��I .A oswitz �+ on � ��` acca ee ettman � � une � i son � By' U Adopted by Council: ate SEP 2 0 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption e tified b Council Secretary gy: �L�f.✓Z4 � BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to S�P 2 � t�� Council . Approved Mayor: Date � / By: Y By: �11BlIStlEO S t P 2 9199� RE�EIVEC�n�l�--/�'!� L DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHE T A!!G �d 199�I��� CONTACT PERSON PHONE m pEp/�pTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY�CO�UDNq� L �y NI�R FOA �GTY ATTORNEY ��t 4791�1[�S `.l F MUST BE ON OOUNqL AOE BY(DAT� WOUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. m MAYOR(OR A8818T � TOTAL#�OF 810NATURE PAOE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: City Council to pass his resolution which will order the owner to tear down or complete the repair of the ref renced building within fifteen (15) days rom the mailing of this resolution. If the o ner fails to comply with the Resolution t e City will be authorized RE ME . a Re _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL ERVICE COMMIS810N ��Y� P���?O���`�y��� _q8 COMMITTEE _ � Cp COMMENTB: _STAF'F _ —o������� — A U G 17 1990 8UPPORT3 WNICFI OOUNqL OBJECTIVE7 n s iNrtum��oe�,�e,OPPORTUNITY .w�e.w►b�,wner.,wny�: The building is a nui ance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint aul Legislative Code. The owners, interested pa ties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health were given an order t repair or tear down the building at 775 ro�t�:,dl�+ei�te hy''Augu�t 24, 1990. All parties fa'led to comply with those orders. The bui ding has remained unoccupied and vacant since July of 1984. ADVANTA4E8 IF APPROVED: RECEIVED UG221990 The City will tear do the building and eliminate a nuisance i ��t� �0�� do not comply with the Council Orde . DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: It will cost the City pproximately $15,000 - $25,000 to tear d n the building and cap the site. The cost will be assessed against the property taxes. ! DISADVANT/U�ES IF NOT APPROVED: A G 2 3�1�U If the building is not torn down, a nuisance, constituting a se 'ous health hazard (potential fire danger, rodent and insect harborage, potential ime site and blighting influence on the neig orhood), will remain within the City. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(G LE ON�( YES J NO � s `� FUNDII�Ki SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANCUIL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) dw NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypes of documenta: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exiats) Accept. Grants) 1. Outaide AgenCy 1. DepaRmeM Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attomey 3. C1ty Attorney • 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAsaistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. (aty Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Axou�taM, Fln&Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Axountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAsaistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Ch1ef Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. l�itiating Depertment 2. City Attorney 3. Mayor/AssistaM 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and a ercli each of these pages. ACTION RE(�UESTED Deacribe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of irrlportancs,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMiTTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Expiain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is�mply an annual budget prxedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciNc ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tex increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promiaed action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer rivo questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . � ��cyo�-/!� t l v `�,r,,, Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~` = � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ; li�ii°p o � � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,��� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR I September 12 , 1�90 R�I�FIVEn SE�-�41990 Mr . Presiden and rrT,. Members of t e City Council � ' � ��ERk RE: 775 Fron Avenue Date of_ Hear ' ng_ September 20 , 1990 District Cou cil : 5 Dear Council ember : On August 10 199U , you �aere sent information regarding the above rioted proper y in preparation for the September 20 , 199� public hearing sche uled before the City Council . Included wit the packet of .information you received was a request t.o P .E.D. that they submit a Building Evaluation report form, which t.h� City Ca nc.il. has rPCtuestea be t�rovided for each demolition hearing . ' Enr_losed wit this letter is the evaluation of 775 Front �venue prepared by .�.D. Yours t?�uly, ��`'"'..�tn-� � Steven R . Ro Environmenta Health Program Supervisor SRR/msg encl . r_ : Karen Wil on, P . E .D . Edwin. Lee Asst . Citl Attarney Debbie, C ' ty Clerk' s Uffir� Jan Gaste land, B. I .D. Stevz Zac ard, Fire Marshal a6�'�. —��,�S Prin�rd nn RrrvrlrA P:...P� VACANT BUILDING INITIATIVE , BUILDING EVALUATION C��D-� BUILDING AD RESS 775 Front Avenue TYPE OF STR CTURE Residential _ Commezcial X Industrial � PROJECT EVA UATORS John Kimball DATE OF INS ECTION 8/20/90 ' I . STRUCT RAL SOUNDNESS Yes No Commen s See �deficiency list dated July 31 , 1990 II _ EXTENT OF REHABILITATION Extensive Moderate Minimal Commen s See deficiency list dated _July 31 , 1990 III . SUITAB LITY OF LOT � Yes - No Too small Poor soil Bad topography Iricompatible use , Commen s Part of lot contains contaminated soils that would � have o be removed at reat ex ense see Radian Cor stud arkin . 1 t IV_ MARKET BILITY Yes X No � � Commen s See #3 above. Lot is not marketable for parking due t a lack of demand in this area , �l �1 1 � • (over) �,'- �y�-/Gyy � • � Yes No � V. Legal Coicerns _ J Comments There remains a host of liability issues involvinq hazard us waste contaminat.io��� at this site. Additionall , the r ert is under tax forfeit status . VI . Poteritia Reuse None , until hazardous s�oils are cleared up at great expense . Rehab � litation s Housing _ As Commercial Demol � tion and Redevelopment s Housiiig _ As Commercial Demol � tioii and hold for Building moved to location Other Use VII . P. E. D_ Action Note: E viromental Health will proceed to issue orders to repair � o raze. � . Neig borhood Development will contact owner regarding Vacant Comm rcial Program. . ' � Hous 'ng Divisioti will contact owner regarding Rehabilitation . — Prog am_ Hous ' iig Divisioii will coritact owner regarding acquisition. �P. E. D. is ' Interested in vacant lot � Not interested in vacant lot ______ ' � � , ��ya-��� �,rr,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �a�'` ' �y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �; �������°° o DIVISION OF PUBIIC HEALTH . 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minneso[a 55"10"1 (612) 292-77'11 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR August 10, 199 RECE(VFO AUG2o1g90 Mr. President nd C1T1' CLERK Members of the City Council RE: 775 Front Avenue Date of Hearin : September 20, 1990 District Council: 5 Dear Councilme_.ber: The Division f Public Health is hereby submitting its' report on the condition of he structure at the location referred to above. The owners, i terested parties and. responsible parties of record_ are : Name and Address Interest State of Minn sota Tax title Trust Eaempt 109 Court Hou e St. Paul, MN 55102 The D.O. Inc. Mortgagor C/0. Richard . Thomson Officer of D.O. Inc. 3112 Fifth Av nue South Minneapolis, N 55408 The Mid.way Na ional Bank Mortgagee of St. Paul 1578 Universi y Avenue West , St. Paul, MN 55104 The D.O. Inc. Mortgagor , C/0 Louis Bialick Officer of D.O. Inc, 2300 Zane 9venue North Minneapolis, N 55422 The D.O. Inc. Mortgaoor C/0 Katherin A. Knott (�fficer of D.O. Inc, 4529 West 36 1/2 Street St, Louis Pa k, MN 55416 Beverly Cone ton Attorney repre�enting the Special Assi tant Attorney Minnesota Pollution Control 520 Lafayett Road Agency St. Paul, MN 55102 .6��:.,5 . , ��'qo"/�9� 775 Front Aven e PLtblic Hearing - Septe�riber 20, 1990 Augu�t 10, 199 Page: 2 Narne and ddress Interest Robert Cattana h Attorney representing the Oppenheimer, W lff and Donnelly chemical generators whose First Banlc Bui ding Suite 1;00 cherr�icals allegedly contarninated. St. Paul, MN 5101 the site Mark Lahtinen Agency respon�ible for rnonitoring Minnesota Poll tion Control the proger clean-up of the site Site Response ection 520 Lafayette oad ' St. Paul, MN 5102 The legal de�c iption of this Torrens property is: Lot 8, B ock 14, Royal Oaks, an Addition to the C�ty of St. Paul, Files of Regis rar of Titles, County of Rarnsey, State o� Minnesota. The buildinG i� a one and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mi�ed- �e residential and commercial structure. The subject p operty has bePn unoccupied since July of �1984. The building eets one or more of the conditions that constitute an Abandoned. Building as d fined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On August 9, 990 the Division of Public Health mailed an order to the known owners, inter sted parties and responsible parties of tj�is building requiring that the btiil ing be either repaired, by correcting the �ttached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or before August 24, 1990, Inasmuch as the orders have n t been completed to the satisfaction of the Division and the continued aba doned condition of the buildino contributes a blighting influence and potential hazard. to the neighborhood, it is the recornrnendation of the Divisi n that the City Council pass a resolution orderinb the owners, interested pa tie� and. responsible parties to either repai_r or d.ernolish the buildin; in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the City. , ��a-/l�� , 775 Front Aven e Public Hearing — Septernber 20 , 1990 Aubust 10, 199 Page : 3 In the event t e owners, interested parties or responsible partie� fail to comply with th Council Resolution, the Division of Public Health should. be authorized to emolish the building and. assess all costs incurred in the demolition aGa nst the real Pstate as a special asse�sment to he collected in the same rnanne as taaes. Yours truly, /�:: �.. � ��a-�. Steven R. Roy Environrnental ea th Program Supervisor Enclosure C: Edwin Lee, sst. City 9ttorney Steve Zacca d, Fire Marshall Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design Division Karen Wilso , PED District Housing Inspector �-9�-�G�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED , � GREEN SHEET No. ,���.. ' � ; ;' �`-ti ' — — INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE— CANTACT PERSON PHONE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ASSIQN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLEAK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGE DA BY(DATE) ROUTINO �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIF. ORDER m MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN�1 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner to tear down or complete the repair of the re erenced building within fifteen (15) days from the mailing of this resolution. If the wner fails to comply with the Resolution the City will be authorized RECOMMENDATION : pprove A)or Re ecl NCIL O T E R O IONA ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CI IL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITfEE — COMMENTS: _STAFF — _DISTRICT CAURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE7 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI (Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): _ The building is a n isance pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested arties and responsible parties known to the Division of Public Health were given an order to repair or tear down the building at 775 Front Avenue by August 24, 1990. All parties ailed to comply with those orders. The building has remained unoccupied and vacait since July of 1984. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will tear own the building and elYminate a nuisance if the owners do not comply with the Council Or er. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: It will cost the Ci y approximately $15,000 - $25,000 to tear down the building and cap the site. The cost will be assessed against the property taxes. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: If the building is not torn down, a nuisance, constituting � serious health hazard (potential fire da ger, rodent and insect harborage, potent�al crime site and blighting influence on the n ighborhood) , will remain within the City''.. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO , — � FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Council r ile ;= ��`�� , Green Shee� m RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and rem val of a one and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed-use residential and cornmercial buildin� located on property llereafter referred to as t e "Subject Property" and commonly known as 7?5 Front Avenue. This Torrer�s property is legally described as: Lot 8, locic 14, Royal Oaks, an Addition to the City of St. Paul , Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, bas d upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on May 24, 1990 and other i formation available to the Division of Public Health tlle following persons are owne s, interested parties or responsible parties of the Subjeci. Property: State of Minneso a, Trust Exernpt, 109 Court House, St. Paul, MN 55102; The D.O. Inc. , C/0. Richard A. hornson, 3112 Fifth Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408; The Midway National Bank, o St. Paul, 1578 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55104 ; The D.O. Inc. , C/0 Louis B'alick, 2300 Zane Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55422; The D.O. Inc. , C/0 Katherine A. Knott , 4529 West 36 1/2 Street, St. Louis Park, MN 55416; Beverly Conerton, Specia Assistant Attorney, 520 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55102; Robert Cattanach, Oppen eimer, Wolff and Donnelly, First Bank Building, Suite 1700, St. Paul, MN 55101 ; Mark Lahtinen, Minnesota Pollution Control, Site Response Section, 520 Lafayette Road, t. Paul, MN 55102. The add esses of the above noted persons were ohtained from various sources including the ta records, phone books, mortgage companies, etc. ; and WHEREAS, thP Division of Public Health has issued an order identified as an "Abandoned Build'ng Notice" dated August 9, 1990 which is attached and incorporated a.� part of this Res lution by this reference. This order was served in aceordance with the provisions f Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, interested part es and responsible parties of the Subject Property known to the enforcement offi er. The notice and order informed thPSe parties that the one and one- half story dil pidated and deteriorated wood frarne, rnixed-use residential and commercial buil ing located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursua t to Sections 45 .01 , Subd. 1 and 45 .02, Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod . The August 9, 1990 order also had attached to it a list of deficiencies reg rding the building on the Subjec.t Property, said list is attached and incorporated as part of this resolution; and WHEREA. , the August 9, 1990 order informed all known owners, interested parties and res onsible parties that they must P_1t.Y1P_X' repair the building on the Subject Propert by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the buildinb, either action t take place by August 24, 1990 ; � (�qa�-/�r9 WHEREAS, no action has been i:alcen regardino compliance with the Auoust 9 , 1990 notice and order, nd as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a public hearing be sclleduled to take place on September 20 , 1990 for the City Council to consider the advi ability and necessity of ordering the c,orrection of the nuis�nce condition or, in the alternative, to consider the derriolition and removal of this building; and WHEREAS , the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legisl tive Code , of the time and purpose of the September 20, 1990 hearing before the Counci ; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City COLi11Cll on Septernber 20, 1590 and all estimony and evidence was considered by the Cou.ncil . NOW THE EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence preseiited at the September 20, 1990 hearing> the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning� the building at 775 Front Avenue: 1 . Th t in July of 1984 the build.ing located oi, the Subject Property was de ermined to be unoccupied. The huilding has remained vacant and has be n either open to access or boarded since July of 1984. 2. T t since July of 1984 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous occasions issued orders to the owners to make this building secure and not accessible. On many occasions, because �of the inaction on the part of the owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make t e building secure. 3 . T at the owners of the Subject Property ''',have repeatedly failed to r gister and pay the vacant building fee fo;r this building as required b Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 4. T at there are now and have been since July of 1984 multiple e�terior H using Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject P operty. � 5 . T at the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this b ilding are as previously stated in this resolution, These i dividuals have been proper].y served notice of the September 20 , 1990 h aring concerning this building. 6. T at on August 9, 1990 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the o ners, interested parties and responsible parties orderino these p rsons to either d.emolish the building or rnalce repairs and cure the 1 st of deficiencies by August 24,- 1990 . 7 . T at the order of August 9, 1990 has been disregarded by the owner�, i terested parties and responsible parties. -�- , , ��0 _��9� 8 . Th t all owners, ialterested parties and responsible partie5 lcnown to th Division of Public Health have been infor�r�ed on nurnerous occasions _ of the requirements to repair this building and. have failed to do so. 9. Th t the one and one-half story dilapiclated and deteiiorated caood fr� me, mixed-use re�idential and commercial building located on the Su ject Property is an abandoned building accord.ing to Sectior� 45 .01 , Su d. 1 , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it i.s "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied. for longer thail one (li ye r" and durino that period of time it Ilas been either "unsecured" , "b arded" , or has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or B1111d.1Tlg Code vi lations" or has been placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pu suant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code," 10. Th t the one and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood fr me, mixed-use residential and commercial buildin� located on the Su ject Property is a nuisance as included under Saint Paul Legislative Co e Section 45.02, Subd. 11 , in that it is an abandoned buildin� lo ated in the City of Saint Paul that has created a danberous or un ealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safetv or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a bl 'ghting influence on the cormnunity. 11 . Th t the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed tw thousand dollars {$2,000.00) or the abaterrient involves demolition of a building other than a structure accessory to a i-esidential bu' lding. ORDER The Sain Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1 . Th above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties ai their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public pe�ce, health, safety, and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this b ilding and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list p eviously referenced in accordance with all applicable cod.es and o dinances, or in the alternative by demoli�hing the building and f " lling the site in accord.ance with all applicable codes and o dinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the buildinb must be c rr�pleted. within fifteen (15) days of the date of mailing of thi� r soiution. 2. I the above corrective action is not cornpleted within the fifteen (15) d y time period, the proper City officials of the C�_ty of Saint Paul a e hereby authori2ed to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish t is building and fill the site and cYiarge the costs incurred abainst t e Subject Property pursu�.nt to the provisions of Section 45 .08 of the S int Paul L•egislative Code. -3- . �,,r�o'/(�g9' 3 . I the event the building is to be dernolished by the City of Saint P ul, all persona]. property or fixtures of any lcind which shall uireasonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed f orn the building by the owners, interested p�rties and. responsible p rties by 'the end of the fifteen (15) day time period. If the p rsonal property is not so rernoved, the City of Saint Paul slzall r move and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by law. 4. I IS FLRTHER ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and the i corporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known a dress of the owners, interested partiPS and responsible parties p rsuant to Section 45.11 , Subdivision (5) of the Saint Paul L gislative Code. -4- Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswitz on acca ee ettman une i son By' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci : Date Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary gy: By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor Date By: By: , �-�a-��� � ,��t�,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ��, {iii'ii"ii ; DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH +� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 292-771� JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 1990 State of Minn sota Trust Eaempt 109 Court Hou e St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed- use res dential and commercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oaks, and Addition to the City of St. Paul, Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minnesota. Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: "any bu" lding or portion of a building which has stood with an incompl te exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildin or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) secured, or (b) oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, r (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Human Hahitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yo do not want to have the Cit,y begin action to have the building torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the bui dir�g down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair o demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. _:r�i.. i ��0�/�� �{7i o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL >��}` � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES AO � M� � �{{i'ii"ii ; DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (6l2) 292•7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 1990 The D.O. Inc. C/0. Richard . Thomson 3112 Fifth Av nue South Minneapolis, N 55408 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed- use res dential and commercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oaks, and Addition to the City of St. Paul, Files o Registrar of Titles, Cou.nty of Ramsey, Sate of Ttinnesota. Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: "any bu' lding or portion of a building which has stood with an incompl te exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildi or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) nsecured, or (b) oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, r (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Hurnan Habitation" pursuant Lo Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yo do not want to have the City begin action to have t11e buildin� torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies mus't be repaired or you must tear the bui ding down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair o demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. . ��a-/�g� 4�,t, o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�,�; �;� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ���i'ii10� o DNISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�0� . (612) 292-77�1 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 1990 The Midway Nat�onal Bank of St. Paul 1578 Universit Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55104 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed- use res 'dential and commercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oaks, and Addition to the City of St. Paul , Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minnesota. Dear Sir or M darn: The Division f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: "any bu' lding or portion of a building which ha� stood with an incompl te e�;terior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buiidin or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) u secured, or , (b) b arded, or ' tc) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Human Hal�itation" pursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned building is a nuis�nce and it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yo da not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you mu.st tear the bui ding down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair o demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. . ����.-���'q �,�L�or CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES o� �ii'i►im ; : � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (6l2) 292-7711 JAMES SCNEIBEL MAYOR ABANllONEA BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 1990 The D.O. Inc. C/0 Louis Bia ick 2300 Zane Ave ue North Minneapolis, N 55422 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed- use res dential and commercial structure. ' Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oalcs, and Addition to the City of St. Paul, Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minnesota. Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the '�above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: "any b " lding or portion of a building which ha� stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildi g or portion thereof which has stood unoecupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the , following criteria; (a) nsecured, or (b) oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code vio.lations, r (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation"Ipursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yo do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies mu�t be repaired or you must tear the bui ding down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair o demolition must be completed in accord�nce will all applicable 1 aws. ' ��'�� • ��� ��,t,a, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�+ �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �' iiii�ii ii � �; � � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 292-77�1 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 199 The D.O. Inc. C/0 Katherine A. Knott 4529 West 36 /2 Street St. Louis Par , MN 55416 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frarne, mixed- use res dential and commercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14 , Royal Uaks, and Addition to the City of St. Paul, Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minnesota. Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: "any b ildin� or portion of a building which has stood �.�ith an incomplete e�terior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildi g or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following eriteria; (a) nsecured, or (b? oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, r (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yoi do not want to have the City bebin action to have the building torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you mu�t tear the bui ding down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair o demolition mu.st be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. _.;:_-,. _ . ������� ��,r,e, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3;� �* DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� ���i'ii1°i � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �• 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55'101 (612) 292-77�� JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANAONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 1990 Beverly Coner on Special Assis ant Attorney 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated wood frame, mixed- use res dential and comrnercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oaks, and Addition to the City of St. Paul, Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minne�ota. Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the 'above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Aaul Legislative Codes def ines as: "any b ilding or portion of a building which ha� stor�d with an incomp ete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildi g or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) nsecured, or (b) oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housin� Code or Building Code violations, r . (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Pau.l Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned build�ng is a nuisance and it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yol do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the building down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair or demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. ,Q:-,,. . �rlo�/�'� ��t,o CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�;� � DEPARTMEN� OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ����'������ > �; � ; DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55701 (6l2) 292-77�1 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 1990 Robert Cattan ch Oppenheimer, olff and Donnelly First Bank Bu lding Suite 1700 St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and d.eteriorated wood frarne, mixed- use res dential and commercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oaks, and Addition Lo the City of St. Paul , Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minnesota. Dear Sir or M dam: The Division f Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned uilding, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: ' "any b ilding or portion of a buildinb which has stood with an incomp ete e�terior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildi g or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) nsecured, or (b) oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, r (d.) lacard.ed as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinanc further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and. it may be order d torn down by the City. NOTE: If yo do not want to have the City begin action to have the buildino torn down, t en the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the bui ding down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair o demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. _:��: _ . � ��o����Y ����,r, er yY CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '� I��i'ii"'i o DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55'101 (bl2) 292-77�� )AMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ABANDONED BUILDING NOTICE August 9, 199 Mark Lahtinen Minnesota Pol ution Control Site Response Section 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: 775 Fro t Avenue One and one-half story dilapidated and deteriorated. wood frarne, mixed.- use res �dential and commercial structure. Lot 8, lock 14, Royal Oalcs; and Ad.dition to the City of St. Paul, Files o Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, Sate of Minnesota. Dear Sir or adam: The Division of Public Health has determined that the above noted buildine is an abandoned building, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codes defines as: "any b ilding or portion of a building which has stood with an incomp ete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any buildi g or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1 year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) nsecured, or (b) oarded, or (c) aving multiple exterior Housin; Code or Building Code violations, r (d) lacarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 f the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be orde ed torn down by the City, NOTE: If y u do not want to have the City becin action to have the building torn d.own, 11en the attached list of d.ef�.ciencies must be repaired or you must tear the bu' lding down on or before August 24, 1990. Any repair r demolition must be completed in accord.ance will all applicable laws. � ���-i��� 775 Front Aven e Abandoned. Buil ing Notice Augu�t 9, 1990 Page: 2 If the work is not completed or if you have not torn the building down by the above date, th Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to rec ive authority to tear down the buildinb. All costs incurred in wrecicin; the b ilding will be charged against the real estate as a special assessment to e collected in the same rr�anner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a pub ic hearing to consider if the building should be torn down. If a public heari g becornes necessary, yoLt will be notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will be allo�aed to present evidence to the Cit;� Council. A copV of this ord.er will be lcept on file in the Citv Clerk' s Office and a Resolutiorz declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Rarnsey County ecorder's Office. Compliance with the attached. list of def�.c�_encies will remove your bu�_lding fron? the list of abandoned build.inbs but it does not mean that the building complies will a11 applicable Hou�in5 and Building odes. The clate for ompliance with these orders shall not be extended. unless you receive writt n approval from the Division of Public Health. If you ��ish t have the City tear d.own your buildir►g, you may do so by requesting a onsent form be sent to you from our office, sioning it and returning it o us. However, please be aware that all owners and interested. parties must ign the form before the City can tear the building down without a City Counci order. Also be aware that the cost of the demolition, if performed by he City, would become a special assessm?nt. against the property. If you have a y questions about this order, please contact the Vacant Buildin� Section at (6 2)298-4153 . Sincerely, Steven R. Roy ' Environmental Health Prograrn Supervisor SRR:jm Enclosure C: Karen Wil on Plannin; nd. Econornic Development . . r(��.—ya-��o�� DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 775 Front Avenue July 31, 1990 All repairs an new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits rr�ust be obtained wtlere chatiges and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National_ Electrical Co e (N.E.C. ) requirernents. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of t e fiatures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained f�rorn the Building Inspection an Design Division, Room 445 , City Hall. PLUMBING 1 . Buildin is vacant and there are many code violations and some f ixtures are mis ing. Install all plumbing and gas pipin;� as per code. HEATING 2. Test al gas piping at 25�� pressure. Repair as necessary. 3. Test all units (heat exchangers, controls, etc. )'. Repa�_r as necessary. 4. Repair all venting as needed. 5. Add co bustion air as needed. � ELECTRICAL 6. Rerr�ove temporary lighting throughout. 7. Mount eceptacle to outlet bo� - center of .east wall. 8. Remove extension cord at ceiling - southwest corner. 9. Cover lectrical box behind bar - west wall. 10. Remove extension cord at south end of bar. 11 . Mount hermostat - northwest wall of bar area, 12. Remove romex wiring to lights. 13 . Provi e cover for receptacle - northeast corner. 14. Repai light fixture in northwest roorn. 15 . Repai connection for compressor motor in basement cooler. 16 . Mount electrical conduit feed for furnace. 17 . Remov rusted disconnect - south end of electrical room. � � � �y� ���� 775 Front Aven e Deficiency Lis July 31 , 1990 Page: 2 ELECTRICAL - ontinued 18. Remove pen wiring in electrical panel area. STItUCTURAL 19. Floor j istsJbeams in basernent have rotted and cannot safely support structu al loads. (In danger of collapse) . Repair or replace. 20. Siding s loose/hanging and sidewalls are bowed in. Repair. 21 . Front b sement wall is cracked and spalled at entry. Repair. 22. Basemen stairs have cracked/worn treads. Most joist ends are rotted around eam fill. Replace all rotted wood and repair to a safe conditi n. 23 . The int rior wall ceiling and floor surfaces are water damaged and rotted. Replace all rotted surfaces and repair to a sound condition. 24, Window and door openings have been boarded and need replacement. Remove boards and repair or replace windows. If you are u able to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply wi h this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which yo may qualify. Information about these p�ograms is available from the Departme t of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-31 5. Ask to speak to a loan officer. � . • , ��y�/�� q��,t,aJ CI1-Y OF SAINT PAUL a�} � DEPARTMEN'�T OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� II I I'I IIII; � �. � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55�01 (6l2) 292-771� JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR Augus�L 10 , 990 Saint Paul egal Ledger 640 Minneso a Building 46 E . 4th S reet Saint Paul , MN 55101 Dear Sir or Madam: Please publ ' sh on Thursday September 6 , 1990 an�l Thursday September 13 , 1990 th enclosed notice of a Saint Pau1 City Council Public Hearing . You may bi 1 the Saint Paul Division of Public Health fc�r the costs . Sen the billing to the Division of Public Health, Vacant Building Se tian , 555 Cedar Stre�t, Saint Paul , MN 55101 . Also , pleas submit to us an affidavit of publication . Sincerely, �;�,,. 2 Steven R . R Environment 1 Health Program Manager SRR/kjl Enclosure . • ��a ���q� �� r,o CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : ����'��"�� ; DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Sain[Paul, h1innesota 5510� (6�2) 292-7711 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR August 10, 1990 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER REPAIR All Owners, Interested Parties and All Responsible Parties RE: 775 Front Ave ue ' One and one-h lf story, wood frarne commercial/residential buildin� Dear Sir or Madam: ' This is to notify y u that the City Council, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has s heduled a pub.lic hearing to consider tlle 'advisability and necessity of the correction or w ecking and rernoval of the above noted building. All owners and any otller parties with lcnown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to allow th m an opportunity to object to the action' requested by the Division of Public Health. Please be advised t e Public Heariilg is scheduled for: DATE: September 20 , 1990 � TIME: 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: City Council Chambers 3rct Floor, City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota At this hearing yo will be allowed to present any eviderice you may have to object to the recommendations of the Division of Public Health. If the City Counci orders the correction or wrecking and removal, all costs incurred to perform this work, including inspections costs, adrninistrative costs, title searches, filing fees and th actuai demolition and removal expenses, will be assessed abainst the real estate as a s ecial assessment to be collected in the same rrianner as real estate taxes. If you hav any questions concerning this matter please call the Vacant Building Section at (612)29 -4153 , S ' cerely > �� � ���� �o, e��°: Steven R. Roy Environrnental Hea h Program Supervisor SRR:jm �.�--�, . �yo-���y � �' � ��`� O � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM August 10 , 1990 TO : I<- ren Wilson P D FROM: S even R . Roy �� � E vironmental Hea h Pragram Supervisor SUBJECT: R HABILITATION POSSIBILITIES Could yOLl lease have your staff review the attached list of addresses w thin the next i�hree weeks i�o determine if you want to handle thes properties through your rehabilitation �rogram. 765-69 Front Avenue 775 Fr nt Avenue There is public hearing srheduled for ''September 20 , 1990 regarding t ese properties . It would be gr�atly appreciated if we r.�uld recei e your responses before that date . If you have any -questions , please call m� at 298-4153 . SRR/jm