90-1697 O � ' �I�� � Council File ���� # Qreen Sheet ,� 11105 RESOLUTION .�, TY OF SAINT PAUL, MI ESOTA �r� ' , , : Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLLTPION APPROVING APPLICATION OF SITMA, U.S.A., INC. FOR C�,ASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY IACATID IN THE SAINP PAIJL RIVERFR(Jl� ENI'ERPRISE ZONE AS Q�ASS 4d EMPIAYN�Tr PRpPERTY Wf�REAS, Sit , U.S.A., Inc. (the "Co��pany") filed with the City Clerk an Ap- plication for cla sification of its property located on E�rpire Drive between the Ad- dco facility at 6 Empire Drive and Corporate Vision's at 27 Empire Drive as Employ- ment Property pur uant to Minnesota Statutes Section 273.1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterp ise Zone Program (the "Program") ; and Wf�REAS, the new investment, tax classification, an�7 State tax credits as set forth in detail i the August 27, 1990, Staff Report will result in the creation of 10 new positions n Saint Paul with the construction of a 15,000 square foot office/production facility located on E�npire Drive by Sitma, U.S.A. , Inc. WI�REAS, the e has been presented to and considered at this meeting a Par- ticipation Agree nt between the City and the Ca�any whereby the Co�►pany covenants respecting the c letion of property improvements; and WE�REAS, the City Clerk duly published on June 18, 1990, in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the official newspaper for the City a notice of public hearing before the City Council pon the Company's Application; and WI�RF•AS, Dis rict 6 aitid 7 Planning Councils have reviewed and rec�mner�c7ed ap- proval of the App ication; and WI�REAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on August 21, 1990, upon the Application a which hearing op�ortunity was provided for the Applicant, the County Assessor, epresentatives of affected taxing authorities and any taxpayer of the City or membe of the public to present their views orally or in writinq at or before the hearin , and having duly considered the testimony and written views presented at the aring and the Application, staff report and draft Participation Agreement; naw th refore, be it RESOLVID by he Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby determines that the Applicat on of Sitma, U.S.A., Inc., the property improvements, retained and new jobs an�d tax nefits proposed meet the objectives of the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone P ogram. ORl�INA � � � �9o -��y� RE90LVED that the City Council additionally finds and deternunes that the constructio of the new facility (1) is reasonably likely to create new employ- ment in the Cit ; (2) will not have the effect of transferring existing employment froan one or mor other cities within Minnesota; (3) will result in an increase in market value of the employment property of $600,000 which is .00008$ of the market value of all ta le property in Saint Paul; and (4) should not result in the reduc- tion of the ass ssed value of existing property within the City awned by Applicant. RF�.SOLVID I�R that the Application and employment property reclassification thereby propo is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to transmit the Application toge her with a certified copy of this resolution to the Ca�nissioner of Trade arr3 Econ 'c Developnent for consideration arxl final approval. RESOLVID that the Participation Agreement between the City ar�d the Ap- plicant is here approved, and the proper City officers are authorized to sign the same on behalf o the City, and upon its signature by the Applicant to transmit At- tachment C of sa d Agreement to the Camnissiorier of Trade anc7 Econanic Develognent for signature by the Coa�nissioner or designee upon final approval of the Applica- tion. Ye Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon osw,�,_z Lo �+ acca ee • e man une ' � i son BY� G.� Adopted by Council: D e SEp � p �g� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio ertified by uncil Secretary � . sy: �..r�.�.� � ��'�-- By' Approved by Mayor for &�bmission to Approved b Mayor: Da e SEP 21 �ggp counci� gy; �!.��c�e� By: i'11tBi1S� ��►' `� � 1990 �- Qa_i���z DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Port Authori ty s/2�/90 GREEN SHE T N°. _11105 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTORNITIAUDA �CITY COUNCIL INITIAL/DATE J.A. Campobasso ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY mCITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. Final approval - Sept. 20, 1990 ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN� � Cniincil R TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A TION REOU TE :, pprova� �ity Council esolution for classification of property acated in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone as Cla s 4d Employment Property. Execution of Participa ion Agreement with Sitma, U.S.A. , Inc. /� w««/�d •�r/�scp.�.«r< v!r aZ /a L��r I�a�• RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contr for this department7 _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee _STAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not norma y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO j Expla(n all yes answers on separate sheet and ttach to green aheet Economic Deve�^- � L,'-�-- INITIATING PROBL y Bre,Why): Enterpris� ��� � : �,,�-� ed to assist in the constructi n of a 15,000 square foot office/prc �,�.v �a, U.S.A. on Empire Drive in pire Builder Industrial Park. � � a� - �� ✓ 1 , ���� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: The company will reloca e their offices from Nackensack, New Jer � y, to St. Paul and create ten new jobs within two years. Contact with this company was ma through Saint Paul 's Sister City program wit Modena, Italy. It will have positive i pacts on both the economic base of the Ci y as well as the potential for expansion f other Italian companies. a The project will bring a tax exempt, vacant parcel of land onto �he tax rolls as well as create ten new 'obs fo the Cit of Sain P DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �done ; ; � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The company may not be ble to proceed with the construction of , heir new facility and the firm would not crea e new jobs in St. Paul . RECEIVED C uncil ��s��r�� Center. �12�� � S�P l01�9D + ...,. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT�ON S 3OO OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED IRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE State Tax CY�@C�1 tS ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� � aii�'�ii'ii � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL-7th FLOOR-SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND COUNCILMEMBER Members: Tan Oimond, Chair Pauld Maccabee Dave Thune Date: September 1 , 1990 COMMITTEE REP RT HOUSING AND EC NOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approval o the Minutes of the August 29, 1990, Housing and Economic Developmen Committee meeting. COMMITTEE PPROVED, 3-0 2. Resolution 90-1409 - Adopting the St. Paul Housing Policy for the 1990s as part of th Comprehensive Plan (Referred from Council 8-14-90) . COMMITTEE ECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 4-0 3. Authorizati n to acquire and transfer HUD/VA repossessed property to local non-profit evelopment group: Parcel 253 Banfil , West Seventh District 9 (Referred f om HRA 9-11-90) . COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL, 4-0 (HRA) 4. Resolution pproving a second supplemental indenture of trust for the District He ting revenue bonds and authorizing the execution and delivery of the supplem ntal indenture (Referred from HRA 8-28-90) . COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL, 4-0 (HRA) 5. Expo Graphi s - Enterprise Zone Credits. COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 6. Expo Graphics - Boundary Changes. COMMITTEE RE OMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 Chair, Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Committees: ublic Works; Housing and Economic Development; Finance. 10096 Recycleable ��g � (�yo-/�(�7 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - SEPTEMBER 12, 1990 PAGE TWO ��J'J—' 7. Sitma USA, Inc. - Enterprise Zone Credits. % �COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 _ � 8. Resolution 90-1577 - Approving issuance of Port Authority taxable revenue bonds in the amount of $680,000 to finance construction of an office/ production facility in the Empire Builder Industrial Park for Sitma, USA, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 9. Downtown Tax Increment Financing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THIS ISSUE BE FORWARDED TO THE HRA, 3-0 chr �_ ��o-��� � � �� �'� FAX(612) 223-5198 � PORT AUTHORIN OF TH CIN OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE(800) 328-8417 � �' 1900 LANDMARK TOWE S • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MTJ 55102-1661 • PHONE(612)224-5686 August 27, 1990 Mr. Daniel rnejo, Director Planning & E onanic Develog�ent Department City of St. ul 13th Floor C'ty Hall Annex St. Paul, NLi esota 55102 SUBJECT; SE ZONE QtmITS S , U.S.A., INC. Dear Mr. Cor ejo: We submit he ewith for your review and referral to the affice of the Mayor, City uncil and City Attorney's Office details pertaining to the " issuance of nterprise Zone Credits to Sitma, U.S.A., Inc. The credits will be in t e form of $270,000 in State incane tax credits made up of $2b1,040 in ebt financing credits and up to $9,000 in new e�loyee credits. al contribution in the amount of $101,54'1 has been approved by the Stat in the form of infrastructure i�rovements in Empire Builder Ind trial Park. Enterprise ne credits will be used to assist in the construction of a 15,000 squa foat o€fice/production facility located on E�apire Drive in F.m�ire Buil � Industrial Park. The company will relocate their offices from Hacke ck, New Jersey, to St. Paul ar�d create 10 ne�w jobs within two years. In additior� to the staff report, we are attaching the Participation Agreement a draft copg of the proposed City Co�zncil resolution which authorizes execution of the Participation Agreement and the sub�nit- tal of the roposal to the Department of Trade and Econanic Developnent. Your expedi ious handling of this matter will be appreciated. Yours truly, �� s J. lus JJg;ca President Attach. cc. Mayor cheibel /��`y�-/��� U , 8/27/90 STAFF REPORT RE: SITMA, .S.A.. INC. ENl'E SE ZOI� APPI,ICATION A. PROPOSID �LOYMENr PIZOPER7.'Y Sitma, U S.A., Inc. proposes that approximately 77,439 square feet or ap- proxi.mately .77 acres of land leased from the Fort Authority of the City of Saint Paul i the Empire Builder Industrial Park be determined eligible for reclassifica ion as employment property through the City's Riverfront En- terprise Zo Program. The property will not be foriaally reclassified for tax purposes as alternative contribution of infrastructure improvements is being provid in lieu of local property tax reduction. This alternative con- tribution ha been approved by the Minnesota Department of Enerc� and Economic Developnent. The property description is attached. This property is iden- tified by th Ramsey County Tax Department through the property identification nim�ber 31-29 22-22-0087. This pro rty was formerly awned by the Burlington Northern as part of its Jackson Str t Shops ccx�lex. B. I A1�ID PROPOSID USE Sitma, .S.A., Inc. distributes and provides technical sup�port for the auto�natic wr pping machines manufactured by Sitma S.p.A. of Italy, its parent c�mpany. U.S. operation will be relocated from Hackensack, New Jersey. The St. Pa operation will house parts, display machines and run sample products fo U.S. and Canadian cu5taners as well as provide technical assis- tance. Th may also do some light assembly. Sitma, .S.A., Inc. will construct a 15,000 square foot production facility in �mpire Builder Industrial Park. The new facility will be financed with Port thority taxable industrial revenue bonds of $680,000 with total ne�w irivest nt estimated at $1,300,000. C. IlVQ2EA.SID MARI�T VALLIE The mar et value will increase by the amount of the improvements plus the land value s the property has not generated any taxe� being awned by the Port Authority. The developnent will result in an estimated market value of $600,000 wh ch is .00008 of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul. �. ��i��� D. RETAIl� NEW JOBS The c will relocate two executives an�] create an additional 8 new jobs within o years with construction of the new facility. The company has entered into City of Saint Paul E�nployment and Training Particigation Agree- ment arLd anti ipates recruiting fram the i�runediate neighborhood. E. DRAF'P P ICIPATION AGREENIENP A draft P rticipation Agreement has been negotiated with the following tax benefits: Annual 2-Year Total State Ne �lmployee Credits 9,000 State De Financing Credits 261,000 261,000 Alternat' e local contribution is $123,884.64 based on $47,231 per acre of Port Authori site improvements arxl reduction of 50 cents per square foot on the sale pri of the land. The site improvement contributi� has received prior approv 1 fram the Department of Trade anc] Econanic Developnent. This rep esents a private-�to-�ublic ratio of approximately $4.81 private per $1 publi tax reduction or credit. It also represents one n�ew job per $27,000 tax redits. T'he original City Council guidelines call for an eight- to-one publi to private investment ratio an�l $20,000 per new job. Note that to date proj ts receiving credit achieved the follawing: $12.77 of private investtnent f r each $1 of public tax reduction and credit; $1,596 per new or retained job F. QOUNCIL Il�IDINGS Sitma, .S.A., Inc. 's application proposes to create up to 10 new jobs, none of whi would be a transfer fran another Minnesota municipality. The proposal wi l not result in the abandomaent or demplition of other property awned by th applicant in Saint Paul causing reduction of the assessed value of existing property withi.n the City. G. ATION The st f of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul recatunends the City Counci approve the attached Participation Agreement for Sitma, U.S.A., Inc. as dr ted. Staff further recos�eaends the City Council determine that the project is ligible for employment property reclassification and that Attach- ment C of t e Participation Agreement be forwarded to the Cwiaaissioner of Trade and onoanic Develop�nent. ��I�' /�y7 PARTICIPATION AGREE!lI3NT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISB ZONE • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Prea�ble 1. Participating Bus ness: 2. Application Approval Sitma U.S.A. nc. Name Date Address C.F. No. City Council Employment Property Classification Effective For Assessment Years 19 thru 19 Employment Property Classification Certification by Commissioner Department of Revenue dated (Attachment C) � 3. (Persons)(Office s) Authorized to Sign for Participating Business: Name Name Title Title Signature Signature 4. Person Authorize to Receive Communications for Participating Business: Name Is Authorized to Receive Communications From the City or State on Behalf of the Participating Business. Title Address Telephone ����i� �7 5. Description of Property to Receive "Employment Property" Classification (Use Description From Ramsey County Department Space for iJse of . of Taxation, 1 6 City Hall and County Courthouse): Ramsey County Dept. of Taxation PIN Classification Entered: Date: Lot 3, Block 1 except hte West 30 feet thereof and the West 35 feet of Lot 4, B1 ck 1 , Empire Builder Industrial Park, Ramsey County, Mn. Area: 77,43 Sq.Ft. or 1 .7778 Acres A (Use Reverse Side of This Page If Necessary) 6. Alternative Lo al Contribution: Yes X No Description An alternate local contribution lan com rised f buildin demolition, si e re aration and infrastructure im rove ent with'n mpire Bui der Industrial Park was approved by the Minnesota Dept. of Trade & Economic Devel ment. The Port Authoritv also reduced the land nrice bv 50� per square foo . 7. Types of State Tax Reduction: _ (a) Sales Tax xemption Amount (b) Income Tax Credit (1) Employ e Credit X Amount $ 9.000 (2) Debt S rvice Credit X Amount $261.000 (c) State Paid Property Tax Credit Amount The type and a ount of exemption and credits shall be those as certified by the Commissioner o Energy and Economic Development. If there is variance between this section a d the Commissioner's Certification, the latter will control (Attachment C) Subject to com liance with this Agreement, to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1312 to 273.1314 inclusive, and such regulations as may be adopted by the Department of Revenue or of Energy and Economic Development (the "Act"), a d upon filing proper tax returns and schedules, the participating business is el gible for credits as appropriate against Minnesota income tax an�i property tax 1 abilities for the tax years 19� through 19�c L. J . � � y�-./� 9 7 8. COVENANTS BY PAR ICIPATING BUSINESS: In making applic tion for enterprise zone credits, the participating business has represented nd hereby covenants, for itself and its successors or assigns, (the "Participating Business"): (a) that (it) ( Xl�l) will submit construction plans and evidence of financing and will co mence, diligently pursue and timely complete improvements to the property de cribed in Section 5 above in the dollar amount and as specified in the "Pro erty Improvement Schedule" annexed hereto as Attachment "A". Commencemen Date October, 1990 Completion ate April , 1991 Amount $ (b) that (it) ( �) will recruit, employ and train new employees resident in the economi hardship area designated in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program, or persons who are unemployed and economically disadvantaged or of a protected class in accordance with the provisions of the "EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SC EDULE" annexed hereto as Attachment "B", and that the minimum number of n w employees shall be as follows: Number of N w Employees 7 (c) that (it) ( will maintain complete records respecting its performance of the cove ants set forth in Section 8(a) and (b) herein, and permit access to said records by accredited representatives of the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, Ramsey County Tax Department and Saint Paul Port Authority; that (it) ( will report quarterly to the Division of Job Creation and Training t e number of hires covered by this Agreement; and that upon request an at least annually (it) (XXX� will report to the Saint Paul Port Autho ity on forms provided by the Saint Paul Port Authority on constructi n completion, new hires and other direct or indirect economic activity r sulting from its facility operations in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone. (d) that (it) xx� will promptly and satisfactorily perform each covenant herein und rtaken and each other requirement of the Act, the Program or of this Agree ent imposed as a condition of the approval of the application for and grants of tax credits and designation of property classification. 9. REVOCATION The Council ma revoke an alternative local contribution and may request the Commissioner of Revenue to approve the revocation of a classification pursuant to the Act if it finds and determines by resolution, after hearing upon notice mailed to the applicant by certified mail at least 60 days before the hearing, that (a) The const uction or improvement of the Participating Business' property and operating facility has not been completed within two years after the approval f the classification, or any longer period as may be provided in Section 8 a) hereof; _ � � ��� -/�� � (b) The Participating Business has not proceeded in good faith with the construction or improvement of the facility, or with its operation, in a manner which is consistent with the purpose of the Act, the representations of the ap lication, or the covenants of this Agreement; or (c) The Parti ipating Business has misrepresented a material statement contained in its ap lication for tax credit has failed to perform any express covenant of this A reement or is not in continuing compliance with requirements or condition for approval or grant of an alternative local contribution, state tax reduc ions or credits under the Act, the Pro�ram or this Agreement, REVOCATION OF AN ALTERNATLVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATIO SHALL TERMINATE STATE TAX EXEMPTIONS, CREDITS AND REDUCTIONS. The City Coun il may impose or request imposition of a remedy other than revocation, i cluding withholding of eligibility certifications for credits, exemptions or reductions, or institution of suit for specific performance or other remedy n law or equity. No failure of the City to exercise or make selection of particular remedy for breach of this Agreement by the Participating Business shall be deemed a waiver of its rights to enforce performance b the Participating Business of its obligations under the Act or this Agreemen by any remedy available to the City in law. 10. RECAPTURE In the event he Participating Business ceases to operate its facility in the Riverfront En erprise Zone within two years after the expiration of tax reductions un er the Act and this Agreement, the Participating Business covenants and agrees that it shall repay the amount of 'tax reductions and of the local contrib tion pursuant to the following schedule: Teraination o Operations Repaysent Portion Less than 6 m nths after expiration of tax reductions 100 percent 6 months 75 percent 12 months or ore, but less than 18 months 50 percent 18 months or more, but less than 24 months 25 percent The repaymen shall be immediately due upon such cessation of operation of its zone facilit , payable to the State of Minnesota to the extent it represents an income tax c edit or reduction and payable to the City to the extent it represents a property tax reduction or other local contribution. 11. OTHER TERMS _ � , �.�a�-/��'� 12. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement h s been accepted and executed on behalf of the Participating Business by the fficers whose titles and signatures appear in Section 3, above The Application nd Agreement have been approved by action of the Saint Paul City Council as recited in Section 2 above, and is executed on behalf of the City of Saint Pa 1 by the officers whose titles and signatures appear below. This Agreement hall be effective upon its execution in Section 2 above and its delivery to the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue or his authorized esignee. CITY OF SAINT P UL gy Date MAYOR gy Date CITY CLERK gy Date DIRECTOR DEP RTMBNT OF FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES Approved as to orm Assistant City ttorney � • � ROPERTY lMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE �,..�p_/(��7 ATTACHMENT "A" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVtRFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE . � Sitma U.S.A. , Inc. PARTICIPATiNG BUSINESS A. Faciliry description The new facilit will be 15 000 s uare feet. Production and warehouse will make u 10 000 s uare feet while office on two floors wil make u the remainder of th facilit . B. Construction Specification �identify every specification or drawing,title;date and approving architect or engineer)* (copies of each drawing or specification must be supplied to the POt^t AUth01"1 ty� C. Construction Cdst Detail Will be laced n file with the Port Authorit D. Financing commitments(e uity and mortgage financing) The Port Author't will be rovidin financin throu h a taxable bond issue. " Preliminary ptans may b submitted with the Application.Within_�Q—days of approval of this Application by the Commissioner of Reven e,final construction plans and specifications acceptable to the Ciry will be submitted. Sitma U.S.A. Inc. PARTICIPATI G SUSlNESS City of Saint Paul �/ By By Mayor 7l By ey City Clerk � Attachment 6 - Exhibi� D_�D ��� ..�.,,---�-,,_-,�r-,�.;.-'-1 - . i �/ �_'�-,--r-,r-°! �-6�—— �y �� / � � � � �� :--n��— UI �.� ' ' / . � i 4+ � 'I : � r—�.—= �� � ����M . (-'��; l-�i 1��..� �!- I ��r ^1p�r �w= '' � ,yac � ;�' a . '�I�:i�J`-�� �,���,�r^��-� �.,��fFL'I.i��'�. � ,�I . ��I .._ y' -��� r'�y��'�.� � Ir„���� � ���.� � � ,��� "�i�. ����k � �,� �1 I� I�i��_-�a-�..0 .�1 _ �~�'��=�—���'a� i , ;�-� �.� ' �l''"'��:T�.-�� ""i ------ _ - - _ � �; }..�tiG I �,��'�' ��..I i �� + ��,`c�ia_-- ------��_- `�.•Y•�•r•,s:__� =-''_Lf""^A....i�j� �;, `7�) ^-r��d,�-- " •' �� �,-•� � '�.,._���- -; ��., � r--- � .�`�r'�i/�`=�_-----'1��t ' _ � , . �� � �, ' � ��� --JL_ � -- - -- � ' F' � � •�'��a:l�l::L. ' ���n�� • ��-�1 ........ . . �1� ��I ��'f�;•. ,�—, � ,T�--I�� � -�. �' y i� , �� �C' �C�p � 1�`.�`:''�`'"'�'' ' '' . �._- �'--�_' ,�_ �� y ' ��, '' o _ �r ���.. 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Q SCA�E M N c .oe .00 xe ,.os ,000 veer 0 R H F11tP.t'priSe ZOriE Riverfrant Initiative � �y�-1��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIRST S URCE EMPLOYMENT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Participating Employer: S 1 tro , U.S.A. , I n c. qddress: 55 Voorhi s L ne, Hackensack, New Jerse,�;p; 07601 Pnone: 201/488-7778 Authorized Contact Person: D n a 1 d P i o n te k Estimated Number of New Jobs: 7-10 I. GENERAL A. The City desires to incre employment opportunities for unemployed, economically disadvantaged City residents participating in the comprehensive e ployment and training services provided through the Sairn Paul Employment and Training Center. B. Developer/Employer ag s to use the Ciry as its primary source for recruitment, training, referral, and placement of new or replacement employees i accordance with the terms of this Agreement. C. The Ciry's delegate age will be the Job Creation and Training (JG"n Section in the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Saint Paul Minnesota, or any other appropriate Ciry agency as may be designated by the Mayor. D. This Agreement become effective upon the date hereof and shall continue for five yeans from the time EmployedDeveloper occupies any developed cilities unless otherwise specified as provided herein or until the job creation goals as described in the Estimated Hiring Sc ule (Attachment B) are fullfilled. E. This Agreement shall be applicable to all Developer/Employer new or replacemeM entry level positions for which unemployed, � economically disadvanta ed persons might reasonably be available. This Agreemerrt shall not apply to those jobs covered by existing collective bargai ing agreerrients or other DevelopedEmployer Agreements, where the terms of this Agreement would cause DevelopeNEmpl r to breach the provisions of such agreemerns. F. The Developer/Employer shall incorporate this agreement in each lease and sale agreemeM for space, if any, developed with public assistance, provid by or through the City of Saint Paul in a manner in which the space so leased or sold and the lessee or purchaser the shall bear a proportional share of the job placement to be accomplished under this agreement. II. RECRUITMENT A. The employmeM positio s covered by this Agreement include all DevelopeNEmployer job openings in the classifications, titles and qualifications contai ed in Attachment B. B. The DevelopedEmploye will notify Job Creation of its need for new employees in covered positions as soon as the DevelopedEmployer dec des to hire such employees or, if possible, fifteen (15) woiicing days prior to the expected hiring dates. Notification will include e information in Attachment A. C. The DevelopedEmploye will provide Job Creation with its best estimate of the number and timing of potential job openings through use of the form provided in Attachment B. D. The DeveloperlEmploye may notify Job Creation of any vacancies not covered by this Agreement. Although the DevelopedEmployer is obligated to hire employees from Job Creation refenals, they must consider such individuals for hire in good faith. E. Job openings which a filled by internal promotions from the DevelopedEmployer's existing work fo►ce are not covered by this Agreement III. REFERRAL A. Job Creation will refer plicants according to the qualifications requested by Developer/Employer. B. If training for specific j has been agreed upon between the City and Developer/Employer in a separate agreement under Section V, hereof, train applicants will be considered qualified only when the training is successfully completed by applicant. C. DevelopeNEmployer r rves the right to make all decisions on hiring new or additional employees, including the qualifications of applicants, but agr to hire for covered positions from among those persons referred by Job Creation who meet the job descriptions and qualifi ations or other persons certified as eligible. D. The Job Creation and raining Section will coordinate its referral and placement efforts with the Minnesota Job Service. Referrals and placeme ts from either organization will apply toward the total hiring goal stated herein. • ��City of Saint Paul -r:,,:.;..: Job Creation and �,a�n�nq Sect�on �y� �� �� IV. PLACEMENT A. When DevelopedEmp notifies Job Creation of job openings in c�vered positions priar to fifteen (15) working days in advance of the proposed ate to hire, Job Creation will notify the Employer five (5) working days prior to the application submission date of the n mber of applicants Job Creation will refer. B. If Job Creation cannot re r the total number of qualified persons, the Job Creation and Training Section will notify the DevelopedEmployer who ay fill the remaining positions by any means. C. Job Creation will: a) provi e assistance and monitor job retention of employees placed under this agreement for six months, and b) monitor Developer Employer's performance under this AgreemeM. Developer/Empbyer will submit Ouarterly Hiring Summaries in the form a ched as AttachmeM C. D. Atter the Developer/Emp r has hired an applicant referred by Job Creation, Job Creation will not be responsible for the employee's conduct and t e DevebpeNEmployer releases the City from arry liability for the actions of such employees. V. TRAINING A. Job Creation and the D loper/Employer may agree in a separate agreemeM to dev�elop training programs including: 'OnThe,Job Training p rams (OJT) 'Wage subsidy programs (Minnesota Employment and Economic DevelopmeM Program (MEED) 'Customized Training P rams developed jointly between the City, Employ�edDeveloper, and area educational institutions. B. Job Creation and Training will coordinate the provision of EMerprise Zone credits with the SaiM Paul P�ort Authority and/or the Minnes�a Department of Energy and Economic Assistance, if appropriate, through the(�uarte�ly Hiring Summaries. C. The DevelopeNEmployer grees that it will not discontinue on-the-job training preseMly provided to its employees by reason of the provision by JGT of o -the-job training under this or a separate agreeme�. VI. CONTROLLING LA AND AGREEMENTS - A. If this Agreement confli with or requires DevelopedEmployer to breach an eocisting oollective bargaining agreement or any other existing agreements said agreemerns shall prevaiL B. Developer/Employer will ide Job Creation with written evidence that Developer/Employer has provided the representative of any collective bargaining nit wfth a copy of this Agreement and has requested comments fr�n said unit. Developer/Employer will pravide such comme to Job Creation. C. The Developer/Employer ill comply with any local, state, or federal law or regule�ion as they pertain to the Enterprize Zone designation. PARTICIPATING EMPLO ER: � By: Date• . Title:� By: Date: Title: CITY OF SAINT PAUL By: Date• Director of Planning & Econo ic Development ' By: Date: Director of Finance & Manag ment Senrices APPROVED AS TO FO M: Date: Assistant City Attomey , . . . ��Qa-i�y7 ATTACHMENT A JOB ORDER FORM 1. Employer 2. Date Client Response Date (SPETiC) BY� 3. Job Title 4. Number of Openings 5. Job Location & Contact Person Phone 7. Supervisor � 8. Starting Date 9. Starting Salary $ r 10. Benefits 11. Days to be worked 12. Hours of Wark 13. Will union membership be requi ? Yes No UnioNLocal 14. Duties of position (may attach d ription) 15. Necessary �ualifications Skill Level (include licenses an r certificates necessary) Education: Specialized Training: Experience: � 16. Are your employees in this pos' expected to provide any necessary tools in the job(s)? Yes No (If yes, please attach an itemized list (with p' ) of tools required for each position.) 17. Could a person with limited E ish speaking skills perform this job? � No 18. Is public transportation easily a ible? Yes No 19. Does the job required shift or other than traditional hours? Yes No (If yes, please clarity) eturn To: St. Paul Employment & Training Center 615 So. Chatsworth � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- - • ����LU6. "�� 17�z1 �ITMA ITHL'r� 4��1�9 �'? �8c16� AYP.__�1T 9 �� E�TtMAT�D HIl�INQ 6CH�DULE ~ City of Salnt Pqul ����"��v�� �p,�n1 or aw+nlnq u�d Ecdr+anN� O�IopmMl �ob CraNwn u+4'�'��+0 ��+ �m� SSTMA, U.9.A. �� `, 0'7 1�8 90 �hp� R'urur� Job 0lhN �nMtNdlrM N�w Nie�11 TU� tao�oMla+r N�w HkM (fva► i n�t�) . BUSxNESS MGR. Z TECHNICAL � SERVICE MGR. 1 MARXETING/ EXECUTIVE ASST. 1 TECHNICAL SEAVICES 1 � ADMZNISTRA'�IVE ASSYSTANT' 1 � MANAGING DIRECTO 1 TECHNICA�, , - DIRECTOR 1 �1 .• ,r• � • • � �-. � . " � � � � Nk� 3' -2'�-22 � � ��9���(1� 7 From che oihce of ��z�S�� GEORGI• S & A�SSQC. �INC. 309T No. Lexington Ave., Rosevitk, Mn. 55113 LAND SURVEYING �� �� 483-4408 � I Herebv Cert�fY that this plat shows a survey made by me of the pruprrcv descr�bed on this plat, tha� ��.•� ���! ��Y� plan or report ri�s prepared by rne, or under my ciirect supervision; and that I am a duly registered �and Job Number: 392� Surveyor under the �aws of the State of Minnesota. Surveyed For P^rt A!;C'� " I v Dare 1C�-02-K�� Ne c.. ,., s.. �. o.•. sr pEGiSTERED ��MD SuRVErOA $�/8 � ��-�' � Mn. Regi stration No. 10459 DE�cri�ti �r :�_ ��L ?. �=1���c 1 exc�pt T,hF b�J�sr 30 f�Ft t.hEr�-of an�+ thF 1•�est 35 fE:-r �,f '_-�r �,�l�ck 1 , E����ir� Buil �J�r Industrial P,�rk, Ran;cy County. "�n . �4aEa , � ti3 s� F+ ,. �.�� �aa«.$) i ► � • 22G►7.82 � = O' �7'ii' , iv�.o� I �=119.0� 3^ 3o Nb 58°��`W 'M�✓ Qvt�OT Cs o . .• 98. � � 0 � EMP/ RE� du �cOt R r�o✓ir�c ►A� P�RK w o � ------r------- � 7. � o - ' �+ 2 .v8�•ve•v�"W �v��,or � !.,o t 2 v a 3 S. F. � � o �s ' --�.! � � 0 3 L ot 4 W �A �O � 1 3S = , Z s,..y _ ' y'1.8 y p S89•y!'y9'S o � M r� RE OR� �E ' ' . � ' ��Ya����7 Form MINNESOTA DEPARTNENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EPA Certificatian and Appl Ication tor Enterprise Zrne Credit PART I " ame us ness nnes a um r e era um r Sitma U.S.A. , Inc. 22-2338742 ress num r an s ree ame an e ep one num r pe rsrn o con ac a s us ness if we have questions about th(s form. 55 Voorhis Lane Donald Piontek 201/488-7778 y a e p e Hackensack New Jerse 07601 esc r e expans on ac v square ee expans on, num r s crea e , nc rease n pay ro , ncrease t n ma rket va I ue, cost of expan i rn, desc rf pt i on af bus i ness and natu re af i ts p roduct). The compa n wi 11 construct a 15,000 s uare oot facilityin Empire Builder Industrial Park. They wil� create 10 new 'obs for St. �aul w th an new a roll of 314 000 annuall . The site to be built * PART II E:terprise Zane Credits T�3a`�tax paT�on pu rchases of constrvctfon mate rtals or equipment......................... 1. 2. Interest paid rn debt to finan e constrvction of new facility.............................. 2. $2 61,00� 3. a. Numbe r of worke rs empiayed....................................... 3a. 3 b. C red i t pe r w o rice r (f rom I i e 6 be I av)............................ b. . c. Multtply the numbe r rn Itn a by the amount on line b.................................. 3c. 9,��� Border Cit Zrnes �Onl � �be� wo�cers employed....................................... 4a. b. Credit per worker (frcm I i e 7 belav)............................ b. c. Multiply the numbe r on Iin a by the amount rn line b.................................. 4c. Tvta 1 C red t ts �r'� a en erprtse zone credlts (add lines 1, 2, 3c and 4c).................................. 5. $2��,0�� n erp r se one y ame an e ep one num r pe rsan o con a Me ave ques ons a ou tnts fo�. John A. Campobasso (612/224-5686) Saint Paul , MN Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ega es c r p on o p rope y o r N c c ra s c a me . See Attached. 6. Fill in the credit amount to allaved for each employee.................................. 6. �3,��� 7. Borde r city zones rnly - Fill in the credit amaunt to be allawed for each empl qee......... 7. 8. Check the app rop riate booc: I 1 new facility I 1 expansion af ex(sting faciltty Also fill in the amount of c it to be allowed for p rope rty tax payable in 19 ......... 8. 9. Border�city zones rnl (for e Isting facilities) FTIT-Tn�Tie amount�credit o be al la+ed for property tax payable In 19 .............. 9. xa con r u rn exp a n e erm n ane e u ans An alternative local contr bution plan com- Beginntng ealance........ 2 465 850 prised of building demolit on, Slt2 PY'epol^d- Offertng toCanpany...... tion and infrastructure im rovements with'n Remaining Balance........ Em ire Builder Industrial ark was** over 1 he reby dec I a rs and ce rt i fy hat the app I i cat i on i s t rve and correct to the best of my knw I edge and be i i ef. gna ure pp can a e e m n s ra or a e amm ss aner ra e an canan c eve apmen a e Ce rtificatlon that appitcant is located in the Enterp rise Zane and crsdlts ars available. ece y ca ae F VII/10-i, 10-2, 10-3 , Form EC-00060-01 INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to claim the enterprise zone credit, you must complete Part 1 of this form and have a representative of the enterprise zone city fill in Part 2 to show the amount of credit the city will allow. The representative and an elected official must also certify that the information is correct by signing at the bottom of the form. After the information has been certified by the city, it must be sent to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for approval. Mail the form to: Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development Community Development Division 900 American Center Building � 150 East Keilogg Boulevard St. Paul, I�Ild 55101 After the form has been approved by the Department of Trade and Economic Development, the Department will notify the Enterprise Zone City of approval. Note: If you stop operations in the enterprise zone within two years after you claim these credits, you will have to repay all or part of these credits. This form should be filed with your county auditor if local property tax reductions (4D property reclassification) or state paid property tax credits are requested. If the city has allowed you a credit for property tax payable on line 6 (or line 7 for border city zones), you must file this approved form with your county auditor to receive credit on your property tax statement. Contact 612/296-5005 for additional information. F VII/10-4 ** approved by the Commissioner of Trade and Economic Development on October 14, 1985. The amount attributed to this project is $83,965. 14. In addition, the Port Authority has reduced the sale price on the land - from $2.50 per square foot to $2.00 per square foot to offset soil cor- rection costs estimated at $25,000 and as an additional incentive to assist the company in moving to Saint Paul . The 50 cent reduction equates to $38,719.50 of additional local contribution. * on is presently tax exempt and will become taxable with a new market value of $600,000. The project costs will total over $1.3 million in new investment. Sitma U.S.A. , Inc. distributes and provides technical support for the automatic wrapping machines manufactured by Sitma S.p.A. of Itaiy, its parent company. The St. Paul operation will house parts, display machines and run sample products for U.S. and Canadian customers as well as provide technical assistance. They may also do some light assembly. C�y°_�Gyr . / - ., �;�,�-. ,,:°��.+�����,�r r- -. :; ' �NOTICE,,O,F,�PUSI.IC,HE�lRIIY�O� �� . i . FOR�ItEC.�,'ASSI�+'ICATIONOF,�PROPER���RT� � . - TRPOSLS t1NDE�'THE ENTERPRI�iL: p(j . �# i ,:x - �'� ,'. ;� X .� .: ,� k �.laFa�{S�r-:��,�.}� ♦�- r'�' ��{ - _��.. . . .... .� S'�".s i f x::'����. �i+S-�a����� yr >r'�,�,����'t``�'�' r .s.-�� '1 Pursuant'to Mlnnesota Statutes 1888 =Sectlon�469 170 Subdivlsloq'2 d to "i provlslon,of th Progam FoT�ity of 5aint Pau1 Rlverfron'"�"�riteip�ae Zune NOT�CE'IS � 1�REBY G THAT A P U B L I C H E A R I N G w l ll b e h e l d b e fore t hd Couri c i l ot tlpte'City � ofSaint Paul i the Cou"ncllChaznbers;'t2iird 11oor City Hal1;15 WeatiKe`lloggHoulrvard.' '� SaintPaul;Mi esota on ThursdaY.t tember°1 . t 9��.00 a�m.or .� �'as s�oon the er as.the matt�r�nay be.�eard.upon;the.ApP tto - : :Inc., 55 Voor �Lane;Hackensack,� ew� *' °- �" � . _ ..: � .��.. � ,�1, �eraey�o .�l�,ae'aiAca o ��-. P*oP41'tY loca �in-the Sa�nt au'��Rlv�fron nt � � . ua ,� , � ���.,� �.,�.�a-..�...- ; Minnesota.:as ployment pro an,_d,o,�r��'en"t of y d � �class:y3b.;PrQ 1r►`�Mlnnesota Sta�fu��988; `"" �� i ed tor"� � ,� , pr� p h �Secti 273 13 �'�Kli�sl n 24,'� �agaP (b) r taxea levied in 1991 and for tour enccee�e .'° �"•�`.`I�y� x.,,�j ' ; r:,. , :__ : .: ,_.::,, _ : ;:�BY _,x»�.:,�-, , _: •�AT SAID LIC HEARIN(3`the City ConnMl wUl conblder whethq to.aPPrch'e ttie:;;_� eafd.AppUcatt�n upon nndings as'required by.Minnesota?;Statutea;�1888. � 469.170 Snbd lon 2.At said hearing.the Applicant,the Rameey County: �or �� � represenfa ' oE atTected taldng suthoritfes and arty taxPaY.a of the m representative tanyi eommnnity organlzation wil!ha�o ` ty�,r; � resent their in wrltlng at or bd'ore the.Hearin p�u�ty��heard �y p ��- � ��: ,» r„�. ° , , s _.. . .3 : , ., .. -�:.. , �8•:��'���` ,,. ` ��.: Coplea of e'Appllcarion ,the rtpOrt of the Port Authority ot the C1ty o w pau�-=�;1 � .and the.PrqPas Particlpatton�greeinent betvveen the pppllcant and�he Cily ay b�:.°, inapected at th �tliees ot the.C�t j+Clerk or the,Port Auihorlty ot the C/ty ot Sai�Paul r=�� . during norinal usiness houis;and wiitten coniments'maylie;,d or c/o.'�.' City C1erk.Roo 386,City Ha11,15�Vest Kello Boul'� ��� �" � . c/oPortAutho ottheCf � �:�a��nt�Paul.MN551 2.or .�� . - LY ty ofSaint Paul.i 900 Landmarli Towera.345 SL Petei treet;'�� Saint Paul MN 55102,Telephone fnquiries ma`y be uiade to'3jotin Campoba so 224 I 5686. ��� �� r AI.BERT B O _ N.Ctty ClerkR� :��da' ��;����'� � �, ' .`.� . �s �-���. �`�..� ,r� a.:, _",�`�,� :F''�`�Y'°'s�'��,r'�'s,,'�w�°1u�lst�18�990�*'�'��' `' ��,, -_- --� --- '.".�.-z.�`I:_�.'..�'1�ki;_._ . _"'`;_ . _ '�,aff� �,� ',�