90-1693 . � � ; � � �� p� � Council File # 0�' 3 l'1 Green Sheet � 5744 RESOLUTION -�- , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o� �� Presented B Referred To Cocna� e: Date � RESOLVED: That appl cation ID�� 71032 for a Health/Sports Club - A License by Norbert J Anderson doing business as Midtown Racquetball Club at � 1535 Como Ave. be and the same is hereby approved. :, '.� a Navs Absent Requested by Department of: rn �� �' License & Permit Division on acc ee �t —Re ma une i son � BY� � Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 0 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio ertified b Council Secretary gy: � By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date SEP 2 1 19gQ counci� By: By� �UBltSiIES� S EP 2 9 j990 . � ������..�� OEP/�iTMCNT�FI(�JCQUNqL DATE INITIATED 5 7 4 4 Finan e & Mana emen Licens� GREEN SH ET No. C O N T A C T P E R S O N 8 P H O N E ��n �TE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY�UNqL K i II — OS N�� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNdL AQENDA BY(DATE) TO City Clerk � LJ BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.a MOT.BERVICES OIR. F b � �MAYOR(OR A8818TA ��rn�n�i 1 � TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAO (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOp 810NATURE) ACf10N IiE0UE8'TED: Application ID��71032 for a Health/Sports Club-A License. RECOMMENDATION8:MP�(N a►�1� COtINCIL C01AM EE/N 1�ORT OP AL _PLANNINO COMMIBSION _ �RVI�COMMIS810N ANALYST PMONE N0. _p8 COMMITTEE _ _�� _ COMMENTS: _D18TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORT8 WNICH OOIJNpI 08JECTIVE7 INRUTIN(i PROBLEM,1881JE,OPPORTUNITY o,Whet,WMn,WMro,Wh�: Norbert J. Anderson D A Midtown Racquetball Club requests Counc 1 approval of his application for a Hea th/Sports Club-A license at 1535 Como Ave . All applications and fees of $216.00 h ve been submitted. All required departme ts have reviewed and approved this app ication. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: R CEIVE� au 20��0 CI Y CLERK OISADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: DISADVANTACiE8 IF NOT APPF�VED: �o n�;1 t�L;earc9� Center ^ 1 '�1�5U f,U� ...., TOTAL AMOUNT Oi�TRANSACTION = COST/REVEMUE BUDOETED(CI ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NI�ABER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(p(PWN) dw 4 . �y�-��y3 UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE `��,�; C � /�� ( �� INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL 'VIEW CHECKLIST ApPn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud Applicant , � ' '�� (�'��-�c:l� Home Address ���-�� �-' i�,vrt.c`�� ��c� Business Idame � ,� �� � �` {_�I �}u�ome Phone ^t� - ���4 - Business Address t `��.,cw•C; Type of License(s) }�r;� 1�1I .��'�-->��� r��-{L4� Business Phone (�'i l_Si ' 2 —(J C; �, Public Hearing llat ��Q License I.D. �{ �((13 � at 9:00 a.m. in th Counc 1 Chambers, � , 3rd floor City Hal and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �S' � � ��l� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� ✓l. I � to Applicant �� �tL� ; � ` rederal Firearms'� 4� }1� a Public He�.iring Y}k (n �1 C7 DATE II�SPECTIUN REVtEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D �' 1 �6 a Health Divn. !, ?� ��1 � � . Fire Dept. I; � i �(� ( �� � U {�`� ' � ( Yolice Dept. I 0 � i License Divn. (..c �5' � _- p� , City Attorney � �� 5' , o-� Date Received: , Site Plan . i � �� To Council Res��earch Lease or Letter ' Date . -, f rom Landlord �- �' , � . _ CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Ciirrent Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ����� �tr � `�1//// �j r[// ?-L�Gif� /.� �/, �/ . � . C21a-0E-�AINT PAIII. - �����/�G' �� . DEPAB�''�SEItT Oir FZAANCE ARa r�exe�r s�vzcFs ���-./�,�.3 LICENSE AND PFS?fIT DIOISI08 Tfiese statement forms e issued in duplicate. Please aaswer all qusstions fully and completelq. This application is tho oughlp checked. Any falsificatioa will be canse for denial. . � I) AppZicatioa for ( � of Iicaase) L�� � . . 2) Name of applicaat �,���C� � . 3) Applicant's title� (corporate 0f�ficer, sole owner, partaer, ather) ;��G�� 4) Name uader which t is busiaess wil.l be conducted: LG �� � � � � Appl t / Campaay Name Doing Busi ' ss As 5) Business telephone number /y ��D ����U 6) If applicant is/h been a married female, list maiden name 7) Date of birth .37 Age .r.S' Place of bisth • _ . � 8) Are you a citizen f the IInited States? � Rative Naturalized � �— 9) Aze you a registe ed voter? �� Where? � 10) Home address l T � �' � " • . Home one �d�l��/d 6 `� II) Present business dress /.f3�J (��.,� (��• Busiiiess Phcne l01'�O ' --��U 12) Iacludiag your pr sent busiaess/employment, What busiaess/employdent Eiave qou followed for the past five ye s. Busiae s/Employment Address r- - T�_ . . 13) Married? JZt If answer is "yes", list name and address of spouse. L4) Have you ever bee arrested for aa offease that has resulted in a convictioa? `�✓ If aaswer is "yes' , list dates of arrests, �here, charges, �onfictions, and sentences. Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge � Com�iction Sentence ' � � . . . . �/�y.� . . �� � Date of arrest , I9 Where ' Charge Conviction Seateace I5� Attach a copp here of a Iease agreement or proof of ownership for the premi�es at which , a Iicease Will be Id. 16) Attach to this app ication a detailed description of the design, location, and square footage of the gr ses to be licensed (site plan) . 17) Give aames aad add esses of two persons who are local residents who can give information conceraing you. � N e Address c� ' D ����1 �G o/ �. �a22u:� G ?.r" 18) Ad ess of premis s for which License or Permit is made. Address �3.1� � .� ��• Zone Classification 19) Between what cros streets? � c� Wliich side of street? 20) Are premises now ccupied? � What busiaess? ���ow l,ong? 21) List Iicense(s) , usiness name(s) , and location(s) which you currentlq hol.d, formerly held, or may fiave an in erest in, and locations of said Iicense(s}. 3�.) ��..�2��.ti. .:.�� � C�'� /�'3.�G�-�,.� �=�. 22) Have aa� of the ceases Iisted by poa ia No. ZL ever been tevoked? Yes No � If aaswer is "yes' ! list dates and reasons. 23) Do you have an in erest of any type in any other business ot business premises not Iisted ia �21? Yes No If aaswer is "yes", list business, business address, and tele— phone number. 24) If business is in orporated, give date of incorporation , 19 and attach co o Articles of Incor oration and minutes of first meetin . . l . ' . � . �0-/l 9� ?S) List aIl officers f the corporation giving their names, office held, home address, date of birth, and home and busiaess telephoae a�bers. 26) If the business is a partaership, list partaer(s) address, phone aumber, aad date of bizth. 27) Are you going to o erate this business personally? If not, who will operate it? Give their name, h me address, date of birth, and t ephone number. 28) Are you going to ave a manager or assistant in this busines�s? � If answer is "yes", give name, home a ress, date of birth, and telephone number. . '� � / � �� � IJ��L �.�,/� �. /U:/�/,�/ZS� ..�lly�_J � �J � , .�/ , �. . � i 29) Iias anyoae you ha e named i.n questions �23 through 1i26 ever been arrested? `�d if answer is "qes", list n e of person, dates of arrest, where, cflarges, convictions, and sentence. 30) I �� �•� ?" G�%-r�L�->-- understand this prem�,ses may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Hea th, and other city officials at anq and al�l and all times whea the business is in op ration. � � /A • v • State of :iinaesot ) � - . ! . ) i �-%-`' �Z�f�<s�-' .�// �JG' County of Ramsey ) Sigaa� ure of�Applicant / Date �' n� b�Q f�r h a�e,QSo N being duly sworn, deposss and says upon oath that he has read the f regoi.ng statement bearing his signature a�►d kaows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his owa knowledge except as to those matters thereia stated upon information nd belief and.as to those matters he belienes them to be true. Subscribed and sw rn to before me . this � 8� daq o , 19 �O Notarq ublic, oc,,,,..�F-. ,Coua�g�,�:Ml�.;.^�.v.ua � � .: . ,., ..� . rn;�rr' ''. 'j:'�pfi �� d'3:: :i.^i::;rlu.J r� ���ii�i �.i�in���'i�::Ri.��—'•j„i�i�v�j:i::`� AeV. 2/O� My commission exp res �'���' ' ' , ^ , :� .� .. :�.. �.��_;:_��lrr —r ...� ......�i.i.�'�A���[5.';Ja._;. "' � 2 i oWWVbWtr`v1i'J`:�;`:'ivV`sti'W'V�VVJ'�i'r•:^:i i+ . , � � � S 1NT PAUL C1TY C4U�1�1L ����y3 UBL�� HEARiNG NOTICE � LICENSE APPLICATION ���-�..__ AUG�o� . ����,�� 5�.1`(, . �FRk FILE NO. ProP�Y S L71032 P U R P O S E . Application for a Health/Sports .Club License A P P L!CA N T �orbert J. �aersor� �,�, riia� x�etbaii ciu�, LOCATION 1535 Ccmo Avenue HEARIN� �� 20, igso 4:oa a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Nali - Court House By License and Permit Divisiort, Oepartment of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5856 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License a d Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's 0 fice at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.