90-1682 Council File # ��� Pd� O R I G I N A L G�een Sheet � 11553 RESOLUTION C TY O AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��73207) for renewal of a State Class A Gamb ing License by Our Lady of Guadalupe Church - Juan Diego Club at 1 24 E. Rose Avenue, be and the same is her�by approved/d�d-F Navs Absent Requested by Dep�rtment of: mon w OA �- T.i rPncP �, PP�mi nivi sion dCC8 ee �� e �ra une �- i son BY� Adopted by Council: D te SEP 1 3 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary gy: � �/2 �Q By° �''�--- A proved by Mayor for Submission to S�P � 4 ��uncil Approved by Mayor: D te _ By: By: UBIiSHED S E P 2 21990 . ' ������v�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _115 5 3 Finance/Licens GREEN SHE T CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDAT INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR a CITY COUNCIL Christine Roze -298-5056 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY Q CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR gUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MOT.SERVIGES DIR. C ty Clerk ROUTING � � ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) n r i 1 Hearing/ B / ❑ � Cou R TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an application for renewal of a State Class Gambling License. Hearin : � ��j Q� Notificatfon: RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Re)ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS R THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _ CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contra for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO , 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRiCr COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and ttach to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY( ho,Whet,When,Where,Why): Josette Saleh n behalf of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church/ uan Diego Club requests City ouncil approval of their application for enewal of a State Class A ambling License at 1324 E. Rose . Procee s from the pulltab sales are used for educational purposes at Our Lady of G adalupe School. Investigative ee of $497.50 has been submitted. The g mbling session is held on Tuesda afternoons between the hours of 1:00 - 5 OO PM. � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: If Council app oval is given, Our Lady of Guadalupe Chur h-Juan Diego Club will continue o operate a gambling session at 1324 E. R se. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp( IRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) , . �-.� �a-���� DIVISION OF LICENSE PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ' a 3i0 ��/ ! 9c,� INTERDEPARTMENTAL RE IEW CHECKLIST App� rocessed/Recei ed by Lic Enf Aud � .� o se.(�. S�le�h- /�'l�+'' Applicant U l.Q p-� (,(k�IGc Home Address 1 �7 t.� �'�,�,o� o " �'IU.V Ch ;�Ultn ��Pyo �1�� Business Name Home Phone �"Z�- ��(��p i' -� Business Address � �- � , /�p Type of License(s) l�(QSS �" ' Business Phone L]G(/'!'1(p/ I' L( e l��J� Public Hearing Date � �3 �j� License I.D. � � 3 '0�0'� at 9:00 a.m. in the ouncil hambers, 3rd floor City Hall nd Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � u�A- Date Notice Sent; Dealer � X N�I/} to Applicant � Federal Firearms � �`-' � Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) i COrIlKENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D . I u�� ', Health Divn. � ' ��� I Fire Dept. I N�� � : Police Dept. �1IL.� � S,� n`�, ' '� � a !� o �'`�- ' License Divn. f �I�� qu� o/L ; � City Attorney � ; � �� GO I Q /� ;' l te Received: Site Plan � q � � To Council Researdh Lease or Letter p , Date from Landlord O (� � � , City of Saint Paul /�,C��(��a. .' • Finan e and Management Services/License & Perm�;t Division �� i ' INFORMATI,ON REQUIRED TH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT ITABLE GAMBLING GAME IN � SAINT PAUL (To be use with the following: New A & C applicat on, renew A & C Licenses, and new and enew B in Private Clubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applying far license Our Lad of Gu dalu e h r 2. Address where gam s will be held 1324 Rose Ave. East, �t. Paul 55106 Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager s gning this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games .J sette Saleh Da�e of Birth 5-22-42 (a) Leagth of tim manager has been member of applicant organization Apr il , 19 87 4. Address of rtanage 374 Cherokee Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Number Street City Zip 5. Daq, dates, and h urs this application is for Tuesday Aftlernoon/1:00 PM-5:00 PM 6. Is the applicant r organization organized under the laws oi� the State of MN? y e s 7. Date of incorpora ion Not Incorporated (1938 Roman C�.tholic ChurchZ 8. Date when registe ed with the State of Minaesota Ju ly 8� 197 4 9. How Iong has orga ization been in existence? 28 Years 10. How long has orga ization been in existence in St. Paul? ^�8 y ear s � 11. what �s the purpo e of the orgaaization? To raise money+for Educational purposes for hildren of Our Lad of Guadalu e C urch 12. Officers of appli ant organization: Name eY'o N�e RPha�.a Mnr�tp� Address 530 And ew St. Address 129� MacArthur Title Pres.Pasto noB 7-9-40 Title Treas�}rer pos 1-29-34 Name Thomas M. anchez Name Josett� Saleh ,. Address 14 West elos Address 374 �Cherokee Ave. Title Vice-Pres. DoB 5-17-49 Title Mana�er pos 5-22-42 13. Give names of offi ers, or any other persons who paid for s�ervices to the organization. Name Name NONE Address Address Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) � r , . ����� � 14. Attached hereto i a list of names and addresses of all me�,bers of the organization. • 15. In whc��r���8�y O -GU°c't���'��i�����cords be kept? Name Juanita C. Gonzalez, Bookkee er- Address 530 Andrew St. 16. List alI persons ith the authority to�sign checks for disppersal of gambling proceeds: Name Josette Sa eh Name Father �Jerome Hackenmueller Address 374 Che okee Address 530 Andrew St. Member of Member of DOB 5-22-42 Organization? e� DOB 7-9-40 � Organization? yes Rame Name Address Address Member of � Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your orga zation pay or intend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no (If Required) b) If you do pay a counting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name No e Address ' DOB Member of Organization? � c) How are the ac ounting fees charged out? (flat fee, ho�trly, etc.) 18. Have you read and o you thoroughly understand the provisio�ts of alI laws, ordinances, and regulations g erning the operation of Charitable Gambl�,ng games? y es 19. Attached hereto on the form furnished by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes al receipts, expenses, and disbursements o�' the applicant organiza- tion, as well as a 1 organizations who have received funds �or the preceding calendar year which has bee sigaed, prepared, and verified by Jua}�ita C. Gon2alez 867 Cherokee A enue St. Paul Mn. 55107 Address who is the Bookk eper of dhe applicant organization. Name 20. Operator of premis s where games will be held: Name Richar Man ini Business Address 1177 Clarence, St. Paul Home Address 101 Sibley Memorial Highway, Lilydale' ' r F � . .,.�� � ' 21. Amount of rent p id by applicant organization for rent of the hall: . . _ n 22. The proceeds of t e games will be disbursed after deductin� prize layout costs and operating expense for the following purposes and uses: Educational rposes for the children of Our La�dy of Guadalupe Church 23. Has the premises here the games are to be held been certi�ied for occupancy by the City of Saint Pau ? yes 24. Has your organiza ion filed federal form 990-T? No If a�nswer is yes, please attach a copy with this pplication. If answer is no, explain whq�: Not a licable Aay changes desired by the applicant association may be made only with the consent of the City Council. OUR LADY 0�' GUADALUPE CHURCH JUAN DIEGO CLUB Organization Name Date August 17, 1 90 � � By: C�� ,� Mana dtr in h rge of game Josettie Sa�e� � �— �� 'J, �'f—t2�-�'c��--c--�-.r'ti-``:S, " / rgani tion Pr s�dent or CEO Je ome E� ckenmu�ller � a = ; < �� ��, � = _ n .•. — .^. � � � � � r- �. .. A -. I� s y � � � _ � A A � �7 � :D !+ .r A 3 � • :T � '0 " �: I .� 7 7 � +a '+ 7 — n 3 's � � A � � �e � - 3 ..w��niv C �. r► � • p � _ 3 � � T i0 n. , C (/1 � � 3 � C '� � � � A �- � -� n � a T K* 3. a �e = s 3 � �' _` a � � � � t"3 a - � � ,�;x ,.�• „ � 3 3 r+ :e m H � : r+ Z 3 A a5: t ,� � r0 ^ = Cr7 3 ' . .► . �;;,.� I � ti � � O A 7 S �s I d a 3 I � R 3 � `< ? � � �e ' - ( 3 � _ r. � a ( o �o D �� _ � = a r+ �r is - l� � + � A � 3 ,>,z Z `JQ � : ' .O m Cl7 3 K� � r�' 9 'd '<� ( —i .r+ � � Z 9 �. �3 D u� ,� = I �e .. ..�. � o N rt �. a � _ � -� � = �� n � o _ � I I � � � — ' � x � � a a .,. �e � ' _ � 'o � p � � _ 'o .r n o ' = � 1m3c0 9 ' � ^ A c^. - : :� � � T z Z � -� � n I S a �el (.m �< N � � = � � n a c; : � � . ; � . o i .t � � .� - �+ _ ^ _ ; _� � � � ; � I� a = �0 tn 7 '7 ! —: �.c. N I g � 3l ^ I � I 'wv".iw '9 � '� ' r+ S I S � � � �A 7{ � A � � 9 < a a � — � � '+ � � � � � � i �) Ip � s � � � v � ' I � o A ° r 3 . � � 1 � � w �� � � _ _ - ' • •.-- - -- --�-_.-_ - --, -- _ _ G1TT OF ST. PAUL _ . � UNIFORM CHARITABLE GAMBIING FINANCIAL R�PORT (�E �" ���°Z � LAWFUL PURPOSE CONTRIBUTIONS - WORKSHEET . . .. . . . . ;� Li ne #13 - Tot 1 Lawful Purpose Cor�tri butions. E 6,271.41 -. List be1 all checfcs written from qambling funds which are charitabl lawfut purpose contributions. The total ��dollar - � amounts o these checics must match the amount claim�d in line �13. Use additional sheets as necessary. CHECK # DATE ' PAYEE CHECK AMOUN ' PURPOSE I, 1749 3-28-89 r Lady of Guadalupe 441. 89 �ontribution for Program �/s[ i I Z. 1756 4-28-89 r Lady of Guadalupe 919.57 . , . . 3. _ 1762 5-30-89 ur Lady. of Guadalupe 762.43 . . , . 4. 1768 6-29-89 ur Lady of Guadalupe 119. 79 5. 1798 11-17-89 ity youth Fund 15. 83 Youth contribution 6. 2-28-90 r Lady of Guadalupe 1,511.90 Clpse account & Change Cash donations manager . 7. 1006 3-29-90 r Lady of Guadalupe 1,500.00 Contribution for Programs 8. 1012 4-20-90 Our Lady of Guadalup 1,000.00 � � ' � � 9. . . 10. . II. I2. � 13. - TOTAL CHECK ANDUNT $ 6�71 _41 ' NOTE: These expendi ures will be provided to Council hlembers at�t your Council hearing. � Be sure that ur financial report is complete and accurtate. r � , � � • � A w w .� . � ? � •�i � � 3 _ � � i C ! � � .. • � � sX Ca � � : � : _ � � : . f° � � = = a - �- � G • IO • ; •� o y .� . v N s � . e � ,r ;': : : � � as � • 1 � ♦ N• � ♦ w � � � � ! � � ! � _� s fD 2 �� a � � .. • i� A (D � o � "� A� s � • � � � n � �+ ;f. � � �fD . A ' � r • � y \'. -�. . I l--� I� + >(n 1 •� � a : � (� a ' �', z� • � 1 � _ �� - ^ . �. y� � _ . r � A � � � � �r�� �+ >^ 7 3. 7 '��r�r�a � 7 � � � w � � • �O �. �3 �1 � .� � � ^�+ 4 1 .j .�i 7 � � � rt m m O O ! � • � � .3', � � (C� '� -C , 3 � � � � � ."� � w Na =• 3n � It9 : i� a � .i � w f7 �+ s � �w Z ; . �'+ � 1� a 1 -+ i � � N � ^ �: � o` .� � _ . � fll s � 4` > U1 i a'� I� � 3 � _ � � i � u