98-910Council File # la - 9 1 a � R l G i NA �. RESOLUTION Green stzeet # 32362�G) CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S � .11 ir al , Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Adminish�ative Code 2 and following the public hearing held on November 12, 1497, did adopt a Resolution establishing the level of 3 3treet and Alley Maintenance Service to be performed in the City of Saint Pau1, and the estimated amount of 4 service charges to be levied against benefited property, the work to be performed in 1498, and the charges to be collected with the regular tases in 1999; and 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3d 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, The Depar[ment of Public Works has performed the approved street and alley maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street and alley naaiutenance in the amount of $16,029,215; and WHEREAS, The City Council deternuned that the City shall pay the sum of $7,273,215 of the street and ailey maintenance costs by using 1VIunicipal State Aid ($1,488,000), Tnwk Highway Aid ($287,250) County Aid ($705,2b2), Miscellaneous Receipts ($425,000), General Fund ($3,758,354), Transfers In ($52,045), Fund Balance ($557,304); and the remaining amount of $8,756,000 shaii be assessed against benefited properties, and further resolved that a Public Heanng was held in the Ciry Council chambers on October 7, 1998, for the purpose of adopting the service chazges against all benefited properties; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a Pubiic Hearing on October 7, 1998, for this purpose, and, having heazd all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Ciry Charter and said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, now, therefore, be it Page 1 of 2 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 so 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 O��VI{Y/1L. Page zorz q�' 1�0 (C contd.) RESOLVED, That the CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the following service chazges as special assessment against benefited properties: Class I Downtocvn Streets Class II Outiying Commerciat and Arteriai Streets Commercial Property Residentiai Proper[y Class III All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Properry Class N All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property Class V Ununproved Streets Commercial Property Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Properry and be it $3.53 per assessable foot $2.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessabie foot $1.76 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessabie foot $0.57 per assessabie foot $O.b6 per assesable foot $0.44 per assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessable foot FIlVALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service chazges levied herean shall be extended on the properry tas lists of the County and collected in 1499 along with current taYes, and said service charges to be payable in a single installment. Requested by Department of: Public Works Adoption Certified by Cou By: ?�pproved by B . y Becker, D' r rti ,� �`� orm Approved by City Atto ey ��s� \ i ncil Secretary g �f�' ��i.� � _� t�l ��t by Mayor for Submission to Council 3y : Adopted by Council: Date woRKS � :RSON & PHONE °"�'"'T'"�° GREEN SHEET Au¢ust 25. 1998 ...._... ,... L. �K1C;H5UN i�%+ 266-622Y N Me�nwr� QattarroRNEv ONCOUNCILAGEN�ABY(OAiE) ROUTING �gUDGETDIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 2. 1998 °q°ER �nunoatoanssisr 7F $ICNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNATURE) �ASSOCIATE 1EQUESTED ution ratifying 1998 StreeUAlley Maintenance Service Charge. (C) Council Resolution NO. 32362 wmnwnrE ❑6 CIiYCOUNCIL � Q cm c�aK � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. ❑ ncwww�ovvn��v�v�: nty��ve ��� or ne�ecc �n� pEq$pMpl SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER T}fE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has fhis pe S� NO �� Worked untler a conVact tor this department? Y CIB COMMR7FE 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ STafF 3. Does ihis persoNtirm possess a skill not rwrtnally possessed hy any current c¢y — employee? _olsmlCicAUNC11. _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUwCIL OBJECTIVEI Exp�ain all y65 at�sWers on separffie SAeet end attach to green Sheet lMIT7Ai7NG PR�BIEM, ISSUE, OPPOBNNIN (WHp, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This will allow for collection of monies for funding the 1998 Program. See Above � AUG 2 ? i99$ `Xttt E 6rTt �J�'T�4� IF NOT APPROVE�. TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ '98=$16 ,D29,215;'99=$16,237,902 CASRREVENUEBU�GETED(CIRCLEON� .�, ' N�ING SOURCE Assessments, General Fund, Aids ACRVRY NUMBER 42310 through 42375 4NqAL MFORMATION: (EXPWN) ( �V ' \ NO ERZ C.F. 98-910 Packet of pictures with Resolution Council File # la - 9 1 a � R l G i NA �. RESOLUTION Green stzeet # 32362�G) CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S � .11 ir al , Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Adminish�ative Code 2 and following the public hearing held on November 12, 1497, did adopt a Resolution establishing the level of 3 3treet and Alley Maintenance Service to be performed in the City of Saint Pau1, and the estimated amount of 4 service charges to be levied against benefited property, the work to be performed in 1498, and the charges to be collected with the regular tases in 1999; and 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3d 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, The Depar[ment of Public Works has performed the approved street and alley maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street and alley naaiutenance in the amount of $16,029,215; and WHEREAS, The City Council deternuned that the City shall pay the sum of $7,273,215 of the street and ailey maintenance costs by using 1VIunicipal State Aid ($1,488,000), Tnwk Highway Aid ($287,250) County Aid ($705,2b2), Miscellaneous Receipts ($425,000), General Fund ($3,758,354), Transfers In ($52,045), Fund Balance ($557,304); and the remaining amount of $8,756,000 shaii be assessed against benefited properties, and further resolved that a Public Heanng was held in the Ciry Council chambers on October 7, 1998, for the purpose of adopting the service chazges against all benefited properties; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a Pubiic Hearing on October 7, 1998, for this purpose, and, having heazd all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Ciry Charter and said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, now, therefore, be it Page 1 of 2 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 so 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 O��VI{Y/1L. Page zorz q�' 1�0 (C contd.) RESOLVED, That the CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the following service chazges as special assessment against benefited properties: Class I Downtocvn Streets Class II Outiying Commerciat and Arteriai Streets Commercial Property Residentiai Proper[y Class III All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Properry Class N All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property Class V Ununproved Streets Commercial Property Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Properry and be it $3.53 per assessable foot $2.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessabie foot $1.76 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessabie foot $0.57 per assessabie foot $O.b6 per assesable foot $0.44 per assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessable foot FIlVALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service chazges levied herean shall be extended on the properry tas lists of the County and collected in 1499 along with current taYes, and said service charges to be payable in a single installment. Requested by Department of: Public Works Adoption Certified by Cou By: ?�pproved by B . y Becker, D' r rti ,� �`� orm Approved by City Atto ey ��s� \ i ncil Secretary g �f�' ��i.� � _� t�l ��t by Mayor for Submission to Council 3y : Adopted by Council: Date woRKS � :RSON & PHONE °"�'"'T'"�° GREEN SHEET Au¢ust 25. 1998 ...._... ,... L. �K1C;H5UN i�%+ 266-622Y N Me�nwr� QattarroRNEv ONCOUNCILAGEN�ABY(OAiE) ROUTING �gUDGETDIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 2. 1998 °q°ER �nunoatoanssisr 7F $ICNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNATURE) �ASSOCIATE 1EQUESTED ution ratifying 1998 StreeUAlley Maintenance Service Charge. (C) Council Resolution NO. 32362 wmnwnrE ❑6 CIiYCOUNCIL � Q cm c�aK � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. ❑ ncwww�ovvn��v�v�: nty��ve ��� or ne�ecc �n� pEq$pMpl SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER T}fE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has fhis pe S� NO �� Worked untler a conVact tor this department? Y CIB COMMR7FE 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ STafF 3. Does ihis persoNtirm possess a skill not rwrtnally possessed hy any current c¢y — employee? _olsmlCicAUNC11. _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUwCIL OBJECTIVEI Exp�ain all y65 at�sWers on separffie SAeet end attach to green Sheet lMIT7Ai7NG PR�BIEM, ISSUE, OPPOBNNIN (WHp, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This will allow for collection of monies for funding the 1998 Program. See Above � AUG 2 ? i99$ `Xttt E 6rTt �J�'T�4� IF NOT APPROVE�. TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ '98=$16 ,D29,215;'99=$16,237,902 CASRREVENUEBU�GETED(CIRCLEON� .�, ' N�ING SOURCE Assessments, General Fund, Aids ACRVRY NUMBER 42310 through 42375 4NqAL MFORMATION: (EXPWN) ( �V ' \ NO ERZ C.F. 98-910 Packet of pictures with Resolution Council File # la - 9 1 a � R l G i NA �. RESOLUTION Green stzeet # 32362�G) CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S � .11 ir al , Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Adminish�ative Code 2 and following the public hearing held on November 12, 1497, did adopt a Resolution establishing the level of 3 3treet and Alley Maintenance Service to be performed in the City of Saint Pau1, and the estimated amount of 4 service charges to be levied against benefited property, the work to be performed in 1498, and the charges to be collected with the regular tases in 1999; and 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3d 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, The Depar[ment of Public Works has performed the approved street and alley maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street and alley naaiutenance in the amount of $16,029,215; and WHEREAS, The City Council deternuned that the City shall pay the sum of $7,273,215 of the street and ailey maintenance costs by using 1VIunicipal State Aid ($1,488,000), Tnwk Highway Aid ($287,250) County Aid ($705,2b2), Miscellaneous Receipts ($425,000), General Fund ($3,758,354), Transfers In ($52,045), Fund Balance ($557,304); and the remaining amount of $8,756,000 shaii be assessed against benefited properties, and further resolved that a Public Heanng was held in the Ciry Council chambers on October 7, 1998, for the purpose of adopting the service chazges against all benefited properties; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a Pubiic Hearing on October 7, 1998, for this purpose, and, having heazd all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Ciry Charter and said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, now, therefore, be it Page 1 of 2 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 so 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 O��VI{Y/1L. Page zorz q�' 1�0 (C contd.) RESOLVED, That the CouncIl of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the following service chazges as special assessment against benefited properties: Class I Downtocvn Streets Class II Outiying Commerciat and Arteriai Streets Commercial Property Residentiai Proper[y Class III All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Properry Class N All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property Class V Ununproved Streets Commercial Property Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Properry and be it $3.53 per assessable foot $2.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessabie foot $1.76 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessabie foot $0.57 per assessabie foot $O.b6 per assesable foot $0.44 per assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessable foot FIlVALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service chazges levied herean shall be extended on the properry tas lists of the County and collected in 1499 along with current taYes, and said service charges to be payable in a single installment. Requested by Department of: Public Works Adoption Certified by Cou By: ?�pproved by B . y Becker, D' r rti ,� �`� orm Approved by City Atto ey ��s� \ i ncil Secretary g �f�' ��i.� � _� t�l ��t by Mayor for Submission to Council 3y : Adopted by Council: Date woRKS � :RSON & PHONE °"�'"'T'"�° GREEN SHEET Au¢ust 25. 1998 ...._... ,... L. �K1C;H5UN i�%+ 266-622Y N Me�nwr� QattarroRNEv ONCOUNCILAGEN�ABY(OAiE) ROUTING �gUDGETDIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 2. 1998 °q°ER �nunoatoanssisr 7F $ICNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNATURE) �ASSOCIATE 1EQUESTED ution ratifying 1998 StreeUAlley Maintenance Service Charge. (C) Council Resolution NO. 32362 wmnwnrE ❑6 CIiYCOUNCIL � Q cm c�aK � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. ❑ ncwww�ovvn��v�v�: nty��ve ��� or ne�ecc �n� pEq$pMpl SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER T}fE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has fhis pe S� NO �� Worked untler a conVact tor this department? Y CIB COMMR7FE 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ STafF 3. Does ihis persoNtirm possess a skill not rwrtnally possessed hy any current c¢y — employee? _olsmlCicAUNC11. _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUwCIL OBJECTIVEI Exp�ain all y65 at�sWers on separffie SAeet end attach to green Sheet lMIT7Ai7NG PR�BIEM, ISSUE, OPPOBNNIN (WHp, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): This will allow for collection of monies for funding the 1998 Program. See Above � AUG 2 ? i99$ `Xttt E 6rTt �J�'T�4� IF NOT APPROVE�. TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ '98=$16 ,D29,215;'99=$16,237,902 CASRREVENUEBU�GETED(CIRCLEON� .�, ' N�ING SOURCE Assessments, General Fund, Aids ACRVRY NUMBER 42310 through 42375 4NqAL MFORMATION: (EXPWN) ( �V ' \ NO ERZ C.F. 98-910 Packet of pictures with Resolution