90-1664 �j � ,�.,"�°• � ��.� � '�'J � �':� °�.. N �,; C O Fite # `'� �� �; . ����►� reen Sheet # �d�D RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT Presented By c a1 Referred To Commi tee: Date ����i�� WHEREAS, on ly 27, 1990, the Division of Public Health insp cted the property at 1634 Reaney Avenue, Saint aul, Minnesota, and determined that a nuisanc e�cisted on said property; and WHEREAS, on ly 30, 1990, said Division sent written orders t Sandra C. Craig at 1634 Reaney Avenue, Saint aul, Minn., the owner of the property at 1634 eaney Avenue, ordering her to remove a garage on the property which is in a dilapidated and stru urally unsound condition; WHEREAS, said orders required said property owner to abate t e garage condition by August 15, 1990 but th property owner filed a timely appeal of said o ders with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the ity Council on August 21, 1990 conducted a p blic hearing on said appeal and affirmed the Divis' n's removal order and determined that the co ditions of the property which is the subject of said w 'tten orders be conected regarding the garage, within thirty (30) days of publication of this reso ution; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, th the order of the Division is hereby affirmed e cept as modified herein; and be it FURTHER RES LVED, in the event the work regarding the g rage is not completed within the thirty (30) days aft r the publication of this resolution, the City m proceed to perform or complete the necessary work to abate the said nuisance with the costs 'ncurred therefrom, to be collected in the manne as provided by law. --------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- --------------- --- --- ------ --------- Ye s Na s Absent Requested by De rtment of: Dtmon GosWttz Lon Macca e "" Rettman � T une Nt son By� Adopted by Council: ate S E P � � 1990 Form Approved b City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. � �` BY� Approved by May r for Submission to Approved by Mayor: �ie SEP 1 9 1990 ����;� By: ��C /��-1 t By: QUBIISHEO S tP 9 » DEP • /O N ���/�� GOU ql DATE INITIATED ` c�t Clerk.'s Offi,ce GREEN SHE T No. 2 0 6 (�NTACT PERSON 3 R�iQNE INITIAL/ TE INITIAUDATE �DEPAFlTwAAEPR DIRECTOii �CITY COUNCIL Olson 4231 N�� ❑C�1Y AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTIN(i �BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.d MpT.BERVICE8�fi. ��AAYOR(OR ASBIST � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATtlRE� ACTYON RE(�UE8TED: Resolution denyin� the appeal of Sandra Craig to a Summary Abat ent Order for property at 1634 Reaney Avenue ' RECOMMENDAT10N3:Ap�ovs(N c►Re)ect(RI COUNCIL COMMITTEEIREBEARCH REPORT OPTI _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL RVICE COMMI38i�1 ��� PHONE NO. _q8 COMMITTEE _ _gT� _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT CIXJRT _ SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY ,Whet,Whsn,Where,Why): Resolution re�uested by Council confirming action taken at pub ic Hearing held August 21, 1990. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: �� 0�1 � � �� � c��y DI8ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVEU: C ncii Rese�rch Ce�t�r, SEP 451J�0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIR E ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �wwan�iNr-oAtiu►now:�exPU►iN� . C��11 . . . �--yo ��G� �+•�t*=°-:. � * CITY OF SAINT PAUL e � ; ���„� ,� OFFIC OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �► w0 ♦ l��• J A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY RECEIVEQ 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL n�f''C�O�QQ� FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR f"� l��iC) �J C!��"�' CLER�( August 27, 19 0 Albert C. Ols n City Clerk 386 City Hall Re: Resoluti n - 1634 Reaney Avenue Dear Mr. Olso : Enclosed is he resolution you requested impl enting the City Council 's den al of Sandra Craig's appeal of a ummary Abatement Order. Sincerely, �c�cl-�__.. Edwin Lee cc: Jane McP ak John McC rmick James Ha t . . _ . . , .., . . � � ������� � _. � � _ , . _ , . . . . _ : _ -. t - . Auguat Z3. 990 � :._ . Ms. JaAe. Mc +�ak _ ; ` • : ' '� : Gi�y A�torn . _ . _ Room .'647;�1 Hal l _ ;, ;De�� Ms. -Mc ak: . .. � -.. After publi heat�ing on bugust 21� �990r :the C y Council . . d�nied the peai of SaRdra Craig, to ,a. Summary �batea�ent : . ; - Order of th� Aealth .Divisior� conce.rn#.ng prope��c ;"�t '1634 . . RQaney Avenu � with the ordar on., the� re�o�ral af the� :gar��e .; to be coaapl� ed withi�n �3Q d�►ps a�fter pubileaGi 'af, �Re - " . rasolutioa: � � ; _ . .Will' you ple a� prepaxe the proper� �ceaoiution.�s� p��a�e�t#.ng.r - this actiony . �, , . very truly y uxa, , :: _ . : . ., :;. . .A1berC B. .O1 on � .°�` � �� ,City Clerk . � A80:th � ' � � � ' ' ; ` • � ', ;: _ � .4 , ��--��►�►� . _ rt . µ . .,, � :: . _� � - _ . . ., . : � . � . : , . . : . . .. . : . - . , ,�, .. . � :.. . : . . � , , ; _ • � : : , � , , . ;� A�gL18t lOh l . . . ., .. _: . . . � Ms. .3q�dra C. aig��. � : : �6�4 Re�atyey Av nue • St. Pau3� 1�1 i06 _ , • � �c Ala. EYaig ' , . _ , The �. Pa�]. ty �Council �rill tro2d a �wbYic henring cn ugust 21� 199�p , . � ''` � at 9ai90.A.M, ' �the City Cot�r�cil C�eaiber� ari the 3r±c� ��� ot: the - ,� , City Ha�l to _ id"er your �ppeal to.a Suoom�cy�Abatem�nL #der og ; � tk�e �n1�h Di siori'c�or�cerni n9 P�rt� at;�6,'� Rearti� A . At . 'ti�e time the ' il,will i�ar all �ar�ias c��;ative Co i�r activn. . � � ;. . �� � • . Sin�er�e1K� _ . . - . ` , 111berC B. Q1 � _ : . . : q.ty.Cle�k 11BOYth. - � � • cx: .4�unci RAgeic Goswi�z : . , �-: . : . . Jt�dy B�rr. Health_Division . . - : _ _ : . �. _ �Gathy .a►ad. Hea�th>Divieicn . Di�€�ict . . � 2 : , � �'�� _ � � �✓t�� i _ - �� ����`,�� ' i r �_ �' _-i :�i A�C��VF� R SUM ARY ABATEMENT APPEAL APP ICATION A�GO��� � C1TY CLERK Requesting a he N�g before City Councii to appeai a sum ry abatement order IIIUST BE FlLED W E CITY CLERK'S OFFICQ ROOY 386, CIT1f HA�L, BEFO THE APPEAL DEADUNE PPLICANT Name c Dst� V � Addnss Homs Phone,�� ytima phan � � �� � �' Y ` � " ZI Cod� � p ORD R BEIN APPEALED - ATTAC COPY , From which oftice / ' Date mailed Q '� � � Regarding property at •adline���D Issued to � _ What ts appiica�Ys int�rost tn the property �i(1 /V�/C..-� _ ' REASON FOR APPEAL . , . . � . , � ► . . � ' • , 4+Cl�' . � • . . 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Do ot accept application after appeai deadline or. without copy of orders �.......' ��~�^� ��—� � The appeai deadline is �7 days after ,,,__.. .��...�,�. .... � ' SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER T --�-�- the date mailed, or the same as . . fi AY�` . . . T� __ - . . , , . �°�--�--��� - the deadline given in the order �,..�.�,,.�.....�.....�.Y,...� . ; whicheve� c�omes first. • rrwwww..nw w r.rw+.w.anr+ _ �«n�e tir�ww�w wp wrs N��rMM9 ��r�+�r . . . � . � .M Ml�w�x��r wu w�r �M�+O � . . rKUS ro oora W►r�uo ""�`�"°°'"r"°'�°" `'""` 2. 1Nithin 2 weeks, set hearing date M yw Nw NM����M MM wM.M w�r w M OrMIM. . r«r aw e.�r.«r.w...ar w..r� ssnr, ...�...•.....�.. �����,,,.��„������ and place on agenda �-��----°M°��-���""�a'� Mark hearing date on front of 'hyerYM`nwW�w�iwMW1CWhOM�Rm01�.C4"MA.lI.P�I.W 8t06 . nr rrr.+w.r..s+o+.r.r wn w.K.wr•��w wr r�n�wr w�r+w a aMrr�.rw.�w..c..w.+w.w�4.m.n.arr�.w►r.r.+.►►.r+... C�pp��(�t��n , 1 w.n.n.r�r.�.wr..wsrs�a . .na 3. Determine the City Council district a�nd citi�en -participation ' district' in which the nuisance is located (census tract is .marked on order) Mark nuisance locat�on and districts on the front of the application in the shad�d area 4. Send notice of. hearing, with copies of application and order attached� to: 1. The applicant' . 2. Any ather party to whom the summary abatemen# order is addressed . 3. Of�ice which issued the ord�r 4. District councii office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. Councilperson's office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. After hearing send copy of the resolution to the same parties that �' received the notice of the hearing 4-23-87 . � . ��- ���� � _, - � ` � � Department of Community Services 1-90/a Division of Public Health � � I�� Date of Inspection: � � Environmental Health Section Dat Mailed: � 555 Cedar Street Date Issued: v St. Paul, MN 55101 By: CT: 292 -7771 SUM ARY ABATEMENT O DER To: � Address: � To: Address: � To: Address: As owner or person responsi e for: � you are hereby notifi to eli inate the following nuisance: G���Eo ��Ol� c��°� �� If you do not conect the nuis nce by or file an appeal (appeal nformation below), the City will conect the nuisance and harge all costs against the property as a special ass sment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. FAILURE TO COMPLY AY ALSO NECESSITATE COURT A TION Issued by: If you have any questions egarding this order, the requirements or the de dline, you may contact the inspector by calling 292 - 771 between 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order nd obtain a hearing before the City Council by filin a written request with the city clerk before the appeal eadline which is the deadline above or seven calan er days after the date mailed, which ever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an applicat on from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City H 11 St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 298-4 31. You must submit a copy of this order with y ur application. If the City corrects the nuis ce, the charges will include the cost of conection, inspection, travel time, equipment, etc... The hourl rate will be around$130.