90-1661 � R ! G I N�1 L :�� ,, ouncil File � -- '�� Green Sheet ,� 1067�4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO A Presented By Referred To Co ittee: Date RESOLVED�: That Ap lication (I.D. 4�36114) for the transfer o an Off Sale Liquor icense currently issued to Wolter Drug Co. , Inc. DBA Wolter rug Co. at 436-38 University Avenue be a d the same is hereby ransferred to The Mao Family Corporation BA Wolter Brother Pharmacy & Liquors (Yon Ho, Pres. -St�le Officer ) at the sa address,: be and the same is hereby appr ved. e s Nays Absent Requeeted by epartment of: �s'' License & ermit Division on �, acca ee �+ e a une i son By� Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 3 1�90 Form Approve by City Attorney Adoption ertified y Council Secretary gy: • �L�"� By� � Approved by a or for ubmission to Approved by Mayor: Date ��_�� � �: 1��ouncil By: �/ By. l� ll�iISNEO S E P 2 2 199Q, . . �q�-i��� DEPI4RTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _10 6 4 Finance/License GREEN SHE T CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAWAT INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 ABS��N �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AO�",D�A Y(DATE) ROUTINQ �BUDQET DIRECTOR FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ML1ST �eaCOnG�ty�Clerk�b : (,�Q ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn Council Research TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Application (I.D. �636 14) for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquo License RECOMMENDA710NS:Appro�re(A)w Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS R TNE FOLIOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMIS310N _CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personlfirm evet worked under e contre for thfs department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT CouRT _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normal possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes anawero on separate shest and ttach to green sheet INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): The Mao Family Corporat on DBA Wolter Brothers Pharmacy & Liquor (Yon Ho, Pres.: - Sole Officer ) requests Cou il approval of their application for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquor License cu ently held by Wolter Drug Co. , Inc. DBA olter Drug Co. (Louis F. Wolter, Secretary/T asurer & Sole Stockholder) at the same a dress. All applications and fees of $669.15 ha been submitted. All required departmen s have reviewed and approved this applicat n. ADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED Council �ie,�arci� C AUGl'71�0 �nt�r �M�lf GIERK f�U� � r1-�yyU TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED IRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� � . � C�j�'/�G/ T1iVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �y GjC� � f1(� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL EVIEW CHECKLIST A. rocessed/Rece ved y Lic Enf Aud Applicant � Home Address O � r_�, �Yt p(. i'�'�h � �5�6 3 i Rusiness Iv'ame � S'��.(,�;��,L Home Phone i� f� ' Business Address V�I�1,�,)'eYG(,'�{/ Ty�e of Lic.ense( � jG�.�(9=- Business Phone �� c �P�r(� �,:pcc�T�ar� Public Hearing Date . �3 �t�� License I.D. �F at 9:00 a.m. in th ,ouncil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hal and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� o�(Q(� 15� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� �. to Applicant -1 �(� ,1� Pederal Fixearms 4� � � Public Hearing C(.V DATE ITSPECTIUN REVLEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER} CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D + � la� o� Health Divn. ' � �Id.� ! O� � Fire Dept. �-�' � j l� f � I Yolice Dept. ' �' '� I Q� C1e�co r� � License Divn. � � la� ► � City Attorney � ''���� , �� Date Received: Site Plan ' �t (� To Council P.ese rch LeaSe or Letter Date from Landlord (� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOItMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ��jD'�/GG1 Application No. Date Received 8y � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, :iZ:'�NESOTA AP LICATION FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR ICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICEN E PRIVATE CLUB IIQTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENS OFF SALE INTO%ICATING LZQITQR LICENSE ' ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICEPTTSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form m st be filled out with tygewriter or by pr nting in ink by the sole owner, by e ch partner, by each person who has intere t in excess of 57 in the corporaCion and/or association in which the name of t e license will be issued. TH S APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (typ of license) Li uor/Off-Sale 2) Located at (address) 440 West Universit Avenue, St. aul MN 55103 3) Name under which business will be operated The Mao Famil or oration d/b/a Wolter Brothers harmacy and Liquors corp./sole prop./ artnership DBA 4) True Name Yon Ho Phone 884-3285 (Firs ) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) (residence) Anyone having a 5� nterest or more must fill out a separate pplication. 5) Date of Birth 1 /06/49 Place of Birth Camb dia (M nth, Day, Year) 6) Are ycu a citizen o the Unir.ed States? Yes Native Naturali2ed X 7) Home Address 10608 Penn Avenue So. Home T lephone 884-3285 8) Iacludiag your pres nt business/employment, what busiaesslemp oyment have you followed for the past five years Business/ lo ent Address Contral Data Bloomin ta Mekon Market 440 Universit ve 9) Married? Ye s If answer is "yes", list name and add ess of spouse. Henr Mao - 106 8 Penn Avenue Bloomin ton M � . ' ���D-/��/ 10) Iiave yQU ever beea onvicted of any feloap, crime, or violati n of aay city ordinaace other than traffic? Yes No X Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge � Conviction Seatence Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 11) Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Federal Tax S amp will be used. Kim Long North Centra Baptist Jackson Elementar� 12) Closest 3.2 Place 439 W. Univer- Church 392 Universi School/Arundel & Edmund sity Ave. Frogtown Diner Olson Bros. Liquor� 13) Closest intoxicati g liquor place. On Sale 353 Universit Off Sa1e678 University 14) List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey Cou ty of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in th premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. N me Address er me A. Ritte 842 W. Lar en eur Ave. St. Paul Marachit Lim 60 Wood St. , t. Paul, MN 55107 Sao William 40 Catholic C arities St. Paul 15) Address of premise for which application is made 440 Unive sit Avenue, St. Paul Zone Classificatio B2 Phone 221-9713 � Southwest corner of 16) Between what cross streets? University & Arundel ich side of street? i7) Are premises now o cupied? Yes WEiat Business? Gr cer Hair Ioag? 2 e a s . 18) List Iicenses whic you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest fn. Grocer - Ci a ette - 3. 2 Beer 19) Have any of the 1 censes listed by you in No. 18 ever been r voked? Yes No X If answer is "yes' , list the dates and reasons. : . . ��y��,�G� 2Q) Zf bus;.ness is inco orated, give date of incorporation , 19 �_ and attach copy of ticles of Incorporation and minutes of f rst meeting. 2I) List a11 officers of the corporation, giving their names, off ce held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers. Yon I�o — 10608 enn Ave. Bloomin ton MN 55420 22) If business is par nership, list partner(s) , address, teleph ne number, and date of birth. Name Address P one DOB Name Address P one DOB - 23) Are you going to o erate this business personally? Yes If not, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 24) Are you going to h ve a manager or assistant in this busines ? No If answer is "yes", give name, ome address, home phone and date of birth Name Address P one � DOB FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATE IAL SUB TTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLI ATION. I hereby state und r oath that I have answered all of the ab ve questions, and that the information co tained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby tate further under oath that I have recei ed no money or other consideration, by ay of loan, gift, contribution, or otherw se, othsr tha� already disclosed in the a plication which I have herewith submitted. State of Minnesot � , ) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sw rn to before me this '3 °�'q �D S nature f Applicant / Date ���day of , 19 9� Yon Ho otary Public, County, MN �/y��C� JEROME RITTER :'�f:!�• NOTARYPUBL -MINNESOTA M commission exp res ^•^:.`=i,' •%..�• RAMSEY COUNTY My Commission EYpires J LY f 5, 1993 Rev. 2/88 rs 9�3eba. � ' STATE OF MINNESOTA /,��0����� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY �� LIQUOR CONTROL�IVISION ST. PAUL,MN 55101 (6121296-6430 APPLIC TION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQU R LICENSE EVERY QUESTION MUST 8 ANSWERED. If a corporation, an officer shall execu e this appllcation. If a partnership, a partner shall xecute this appiication. Applicant'�Name(lndividual,Corporati n,Partnership) Trede Name or D8A M�o Family Corpo ation Wolter Brothers Pharmacy and Liquors llcense Location(Street Address/Lot& lock No.) License Period Applfcant's Home Phone 440 Universit A enue F�om ro 1612 1884-8285 Munic{pallty County Sta e Zip Code St. Paul Ramsey N 55103 Nema ol Stora Manager Business Phone Number Dat ot 81rth(l�dividuel Appllcant) Henry Mao 1 /06/49 f a corporation, stat name, date of birth, address, title, and shares eld by each officer. if a partnership, stat names, address and date of birth of each part er. Pertner/OHicer D.O.B. Addrese City Titie/Shares Yon Ho 11-6- B1 in n Pertner/OHicer D.O.B. Addresa City Tltle/Sheres � �. _:i._.:�. Parin�r/ONics► I D.O.B. Addrsss City Title/Sherss Pertne►/OHicer D.O.B. Addross Ciry Title/Shares 1. If a corporation, date f incorporation , state incorpora d in amount of authorized capitalizati n , amount of paid in capital , if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so tate give purpose of corporation if ineorporated nder the laws of.another st�te, is corporation uthorized to do business in the State of Minne ota? . Number of certificate of authorit . 2. Describe p�emises to which license applies; such as (first floor, seco d floor, basement, etc.) or if entire building, so sta e , 3. If operating under a oning ordinance, how is the location of the bui ding classified? ? 4. Is establishment loca ed near any state university, state hospital, trai ing school, reformatory or prison7 N� , s ate approximate distance 439 University Ave. 5. Stete name and addr ss of owner of building �Mr. Bui Duc Lon /St. Paul, MN 55103 . . has owner of buildin any connection, directly or indirectly, with ap Iicant7 NO 6. State whether applic nt, or any of the associated in this application, have ever had en application for a Liquor License ejected by any municipality or State authority; f so giv� dete ahd details No 7. Has the applicant, or any of the associated in this application, durin the five ye�rs immediately preceding this appli tion ever had a license under the Minnesota L quor Contro) Act revoked for any violation of suc laws or local ordinances; if so , give date and etails No 8. State �r.�!;st!�;�r a�pli ant, or ar�y cf th� u;socia�es in Lhis applicatio�-� and employees whiie employed by applic nt during the past five years were convicted of any Liquor Law ih this state, or uhder Federal La s, and if so, give date and details No 9. Is applicant, or any f the associates in this application, a member f the governing body of the municipality in whic this license is to be issued? No . If so i what capacity FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Mafling Address 11f other than Licen ing Authority► ransaction type Code Fees ate Approved Violations Approved A B C / �. � (��-9a -/G�/ 10. State whether any erson other than applicants has any right, title r interest in the furniture, .� fixtures, or equipm nt for which license is applied, and if so give n me and details. Applicant is urchasin bus ' ness includin name inventor e ui ment etc. from Wolter Drug Co. , Inc. , w ich will retain a security intere t. 11. Have applicants an interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in a y other Ilquor establishment in the State of Minne ota? No Give name and address of suc esteblishment (A licant ha license to sell 3. 2 beer at roce �tore now bein o erate� at 440 Unive sity Ave. ) 12. Furnish name and ddress of one banlc reference 13. Under what classif cation is the license applied for: EXCLUSIVE O F-SALE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, COMBINA ION ON & OFF LIQUOR, OR GENERAL FOOD TORE Off-Sale Lictuor Store and Drug Store 14. Are the premises ow occupied, or to be occupied, by the applic� t entirely separate and exclusive from an other business establishment7 yes . 15. If a drug store, sta e length of time the store has been in operatio Drua store to be o�ene simultaneously w' th opening of liquor store. • 16. State whether app icant has, or will be granted, an On-Sale Liquo License in conjunction with this Off-Sale Liquor Li ense, and for the same premises . 17. State whether ap icant has, or will be granted, a Sunday On-Sal LiqUor License in conjunction with the �egular O -Sale Liquor License . 18. State whether ap licant has, or will be granted an Off-Sale Non-I toxicating Malt Bev�rage (3/21 License in conjun tion with this Off-Sale Liquor License No 19. During the past lic nse year has a summons been issued under the Li uor Civil Llebility Law (Dram Shop) M.S. 340�.�?Q2. ❑ Yes C�d ^J�, _ . if yes, a.tach a co�y o�tt� summuns. _ . Subscribed and s orn to before me this I hereby ce ify that I have read the above �� � question an that the answers are true of my day of , 19� own know) dge. r � . JEROT�IE A. RITTER M�/ 0171�T11SS1011 X � ���� NOTARY FU��-�C-MINMESOTA �Signature o/spplicanr) � °•�'-"-' RAMSEV COUNTY N.ti^Conmizsion E�.pires JULY 15. 1993 � REP RT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS BY P LICE DEPARTMENT This is to certi that the applicant, and the associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past fi e years for any violation of Laws of the State f Minnesote, or Municipal Ordinances relati g to Intoxicating Liquor, except as hereinafter tated �� ' Police Department � (Name oJ ciry vJ/lage_oi bor u�jh) �� �,��. Approved By: �` �' �• Title , (lf you have o police department, either the Marsha)or t e Constable shell execute this repo�t on the appli ant.)