90-1651 • . . 'r o✓/
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. Gr�een Sheet ,�
Presented By
Referred To ' i' Commi tee: Date -- �J9 q�
WHEREAS, the Cit of Saint Paul in 1988 separated the sewer sy em in the
Randolph/Snelling rea of Saint Paul and requested State cost pa icipation in certain
portions of this stor sewer project because it included drainage fr m Trunk Highway
" ! No. 51 (Snelling Av nue) from James Avenue to Fairmount Avenu and along various
City streets, theref re '
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul enter into Agreemen Number 67408 with
the State of Minne ta Department of Transportation to provide for payment of
approximately $16 ,000 by the State to the City to be deposited in Public Works
Account Number C 8-2T621-3453-29043 for the State's share of t e cost for the
Randolph/Snelling ewer separation project, and
BE IT FURTHER ESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are he eby authorized and
directed to execute said Agreement.
Navs Absent Requested by De artment of:
oswz z public Works
�ac a ee
e 'm
i son _7`__ By:
Adopted by Council: ate OCT 18 1990 Form App ved b City t rney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy:
BY� Approve b May r for Submission to
Approved by Mayor: ate �CT � � ����:� counci� ' /^
,�o;. :i/fl,[Z.:/: Bl'' �� �
PU� ISN�D 0 C T 2 7' 1990
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�+ ;r OFFICE OF THE CTI'Y COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair
' • David Thune,vice chair
� jjj111101 • Tom Dimond
+ nu 1 u � e . . Bob long
� Date: Oct�ober 3,1990
Committee Report �C VF�
To: Saint aui City Council - �.� p�p�0�0
� From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportatic� O�ir�r"iittee
Roger J. Goswitz; Chair
Hearing Date Action
Approv 1 of Minutes of September 19, 1990. APPROVED 4=0
1. 10/16/90 VACATI N: Petition of Able Fence Company APPROVED 4-0
for th vacation of Courtland Place from Aker St eet
south o the Burlington Northern Railroad. Purp se
is to ence in a parking area.
2. 10/09/90 FINAL RDER: Construct a lantern style street APPROVED 5-0
lighti g system in conjunction with the
Arling on/Western Area Street Paving and
Lighti g Project in the following streets:
Parts f Arundel , Cohansey, Cottage, Cumberland,
Galtie , Nebraska and Western.
3. 10/09/90 RATIFI ATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Arlington/ APPROVED 5-0
Wester Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. �
(Laid ver in Committee 9/5/90)
4. 10/09/90 RATIFI ATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Arlington/ APPROVED 5-0
Wester Area Storm Sewer.
(Laid ver in Committee 9/5/90)
5. 10/16/90 AMEND INAL ORDER: Improving Marshal Avenue APPROVED 4-1
betwee Otis and Fry Street by constructing AS AMENDED •
concre e curb and gutter, a bituminous surfaced
� street resodding of boulevards, tree planting,
constr ct a storm sewer system and repair an
existi g combined sewer between Otis Avenue
Finn S reet and complete all other work
necess ry to complete said project. Also, inst 11
_ a rede igned lantern style street lighting
� on Mar hall Street between Otis and Finn
and in tall storm, sanitary and water service
connec ions if requested by the property owner.
The se tion between Otis and Finn is scheduled
for 19 1 construction and the section from Finn �
to Fry is scheduled for 1993 construction. �
6. 10/09/90 RATIFI ATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Hazlewood APPROVED 4-0
Magnol a Area Paving Project and Lighting Proje t.
7. 10/09/90 RATIFI ATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Hazlewood APPROVED 5-0
Magnol 'a Area Street Storm Sewer Project. �
� " 9G - �l�'/
8. 10/09/90 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Seventh/Otto �PxovEn �-0
Area Storm Sewer Project. ,�
9. 10/09/90 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Seventh/Otto . APPROVEn,� 4-0
Area St Pavin and Li hting Project. � ��T,����
1 . 9/25/90 RESOLUTION - 90-1651 - Approving agreement with APPROVED 4-0 0
the State of Minnesota Department of �
Transportation to provide for payment of
� approximately s165,000 by the State to the City
for the State share of the cost for the Randolph/
Snelling Sewer Separation Project. (Referred to
- Committee 9/13/90) "
11 . � � FINAL ORDER: For improving Stewart Avenue from LAID OVER
Alton Street to Springfield Street by grading, 4 WEEKS
paving and constructing concrete curb and gutter
where necessary. (Laid over in Committee 9/19/90)
improvement on Congress Street from Hall Avenue
to Wabasha Street in conjunction with Concord/
Congress Area Street Paving and Lighting Project.
(Laid over in Committee 9/19/90) �
13. RESOLUTION - 90-1459 - Increasing the assessment LAID OVER
rate for street paving, curb and gutter for CSSP 2 WEEKS
projects frbm $19.00 per assessable foot to �20.00
per assessable foot. (Referred to Committee 8/21/90;
Laid over in Committee 9/5/90)
14. � RESOLUTION - 90-1460 - Increasing the assessment LAID OVER
rates for Storm Sewer Separation Projects from 3 cents 2 WEEKS
per sq. ft. for 1 and 2 family properties and 7.5 cents
per sq. ft. for types of property to 3.5 cents and
9 cents respectively. (Referred to Committee 8/21/90;
Laid over in Committee 9/5/90 and 9/19/90) '
15. FIRST READING - 90-1622 - An ordinance amending Moved w/o
Chapter 161 of the Legislative Code pertaining to recommend-
commercial vehicles-special parking permits, ation; lack
16. FIRST READING - 90-1600 - An ordinance amending Moved w/o
Chapter 160 of the Legislative Code pertaining to recommend-
� commercial vehicles-special parking permits. ation; lack
of quorum
17. FIRST READING - 90-1485 - An ordinance amending Moved w/o
Chapter 401 of the Legislative Code pertaining recommend-
to Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers. ation; lack
(Referred to Committee 8/23/90) of quorum �
18. RESOLUTION - 90-1617 - Amending the 1990 budget Moved w/o
by adding �6,445 to the Finance & Spending Plans recommend-
for Public Works Traffic Signal & Lighting ation; lack
Maintenance/Bus Shelter Administration. of quorum
(Referred to Committee 9/11/90) _
. . � � ��'y���s�
S.P. 6215-71 (T.H. 51=125)
Stat Funds
Agreement betwe n AMOUNT ENCJi�IB,�RED
The State of Mi nesota
Department of T ansportation, and $180,326 . 73
The Cit of St. Paul
Re: State cost storm sewer and AMOUNT
roadway co struction by the RECEIVABLE
City on Tr nk Highway No. 51
(Snelling ve. ) in St. Paul (None)
THIS AGREEMENT ade and entered into by and betwe n the State of
Minnesota, Depa tment of Transportation, hereinaf er referred to as
the "State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, cting by and through
its City Counci , hereinafter referred to as the City" .
. : � � � ��a-�s�
WHEREAS in the arly part of 1988 the City was ab ut to award a
contract for se er separation construction and ot er associated
construction to be performed upon, along and adja ent to Trunk Highway
No. 51 (Snelli Avenue) from James Avenue to Fai ont Avenue and upon
and along vario s City avenues and streets within the corporate city
limits in acco ance with City prepared plans and specifications
therefore desig ated by the City as City Projects No. 88-5-8030 and
No. 88-P-8013 a d by the State as State Project N . 6215-71 (T.H.
51=125) and Mu icipal State Aid Project No. 164-1 8-12; and
WHEREAS the Cit had requested State cost partici ation in certain
portions of sai sewer separation project because it included Trunk
Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) drainage; and
WHEREAS there s not sufficient time to properly prepare and execute
a cooperative a reement; and
WHEREAS the Sta e approved the City's commencemen of their project
with the unders anding that a cooperative agreeme t would be entered
into at a later date; and
WHEREAS said Ci y project has now been completed; and
WHEREAS Minneso a Statute 16A. 15 provides, in par , that no payment
shall be made a d no obligation shall be incurred against any fund,
allotment or a ropriation •unless the Commissione of Finance shall
. , � � � �,�-�0'/�S'/
first certify that there is a sufficient unencumb red balance in such
fund, allotmen or appropriation to meet the same However, said
statute also p ovides that claims presented again t existing
appropriations ithout prior allotment or encumbr nce may upon
investigation, review and approval by the Commiss oner of Finance be
determined val 'd where the services, materials an supplies for which
payment is cla'med have been actually rendered or furnished to the
State in good aith without collusion and without intent to defraud.
Thereafter, th Commissioner of Finance may draw is warrant in
payment of suc claims in the same manner in whic other claims
properly allot ed and encumbered prior to incepti n thereof, are paid;
and .
WHEREAS it is he opinion of the State that said oadway and storm
sewer faciliti s construction performed by the Ci y is reasonable,
valid and just ' fied and was performed in good fai h without collusion
and without in ent to defraud; and
WHEREAS the St te is willing to participate in th costs of said
roadway and st rm sewer facilities construction a hereinafter set
forth; and
WHEREAS it is nticipated that the construction p rformed under State
Project No. 62 5-71 (T.H. 51=125) will be eligibl for Federal Grant
funds particip tion, and in that event, the costs of the state cost
, . . , (��a-i�s1
participation onstruction hereunder will be redu ed by the Federal
Grant funds re eived by the City for the construc ion costs incurred
in the perform nce of said state cost participati n construction.
Section A. Con truction Costs
The State shal pay to the City, as the State ' s f 11 and complete
share of the C'ty contract construction performed in accordance with
state approved City plans, specifications and spe ial provisions
therefor desig ated by the City as City Project N . 88-S-8030 and No.
88-P-8013 and y the State as State Projects No. 215-71 (T.H. 51=125)
and Municipal tate Aid Project No. 164-188-12 wh'ch are on file in
the office of he City Engineer at St. Paul, Minn sota, and in the
office of the ommissioner of Transportation at S . Paul, Minnesota,
and are made a part hereof by reference with the ame force and effect
as though full set forth herein, the costs of th construction
payment by the State under this agreement for con truction work item
costs is based on the final quantities of State c st participation
construction w rk items performed multiplied by t e appropriate unit
prices contain d in the construction contract.
. -4-
. . � ��ai��i
It is hereby u derstood and agreed that any and a 1 liquidated damages
assessed the C 'ty' s contractor in connection with the work performed
under said Cit contract shall result in a credit shared by the City
and the State 'n the same proportion as their tot 1 share of
construction c ntract work is to the total contra t cost without any
deduction for iquidated damages .
A SCHEDULE "I " , which lists all of the State cost participation
construction a d construction engineering items c vered under this
agreement, is ttached hereto and made a part her of by reference. A
color coded EX IBIT "A" , which shows and/or descr'bes all of the State
cost participa ion storm sewer facilities constru tion covered under
this agreement, is attached hereto and made a par hereof by
All of the fol owing construction to be performed upon, along and
adjacent to Tr nk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue from James Avenue
to Fairmont Av nue within the corporate City limi s under State
Project No. 62 5-71 (T.H. 51=125) .
32 . 3 PERCENT S TE COST minus all antici ated Fed ral Grant fundin
Al1 of the coo erative joint-use storm sewer faci ities construction
as shown and/o described in "Orange" color on th attached EXHIBIT
"A" including 11 associated roadway construction Said construction
includes but i not limited to those construction items as described
and tabulated n Sheets No. 2 and No. 3 of the at ached SCHEDULE "I " .
� -5-
. . � (� �/�st
60 PERCENT STA E COST minus all antici ated Feder 1 Grant fundin
All of the coo erative joint-use storm sewer faci ities construction
as shown and/o described in "Green" color on the attached EXHIBIT "A"
including all ssociated roadway construction. aid construction
includes but i not limited to those construction items as described
and tabulated n Sheet No. 4 , of the attached SCH DULE "I" .
Section B. Pr rated Construction Costs
In addition, s id payment by the State shall also include an amount
equal to the S ate ' s final total share of constru tion costs as
determined in ccordance with Section A. above mu tiplied by the
State ' s prorat d shares of the contract costs of tems No. 2021 .501
"Mobilization" No. 2031 .501 "Field Office" , 2123.601 "Street
Sweeping" , 213 .501 "Water" , 412 . 605 "Sign, Type roject^ and 2562 . 601
"Traffic Contr 1 Devices " . The formula by which aid additional
payment shall e determined is set forth in said ttached SCHEDULE
"I" . Said add'tional payment represents the Stat 's proportionate
shares of the obilization, field office, street weeping, water, sign
type project a d traffic control devices costs in urred in connection
with the afore aid state cost participation const uction.
Section C. Co struction En ineerin Costs
In addition, s id payment by the State shall also include an amount
equal to 8 per ent of the State ' s final total sha e of construction
costs as dete ined in accordance with Section A. and B. above, as the
State ' s propor ionate share of construction engin ering costs incurred
, -6-
. . � �������
by the City in onnection with said state cost pa ticipation
The City does h reby certify and attest to the fo lowing:
a. The satisf ctory performance and completion, in accordance with
State approved ity plans, specifications and spe ial provisions made
a part hereof b reference, of the contract const uction represented
in the City's i voice.
b. The accept nce and approval of all materials furnished for said
invoice constru tion relative to the compliance o such materials to
the State 's cur ent "Standard Specifications for onstruction" .
c . The City h ving made payment in full to its ontractor for the
contract constr ction represented in the City's i voice.
Section A. Est 'mate and Advancement of the State's Cost Share
It is estimated for accounting purposes, that th State 's share of
the costs of th construction work performed by t e City hereunder
which includes he State ' s share of the prorated 'tems "Mobilization" ,
"Field Office" , "Street Sweeping" , "Water" , "Sign Type Project" and
"Traffic Contro Devices " plus the 8 percent cons ruction engineering
cost share and $15,000 . 00 contingency amount is the sum of
. -7-
. . � C� 4'/�O5"�
$180, 326 . 73 as hown in the attached SCHEDULE "I " The attached
SCHEDULE "I ", fo lists all of the State cost par icipation
construction it ms and was prepared using final q antities and
contract unit p ices . The aforesaid contingency ount is provided to
cover overruns f the State cost participation du to a decrease in
the Federal Gra t percentage.
The State shall advance to the City an amount equ 1 to $165,326 .73 as
shown in said a tached SCHEDULE "I " forthwith at uch time as the
following condi ions have been met;
1 . Encumbranc by the State of an amount equal o $180,326 .73 as
shown in said a tached SCHEDULE "I" .
2 . Full and c mplete execution of this agreemen and the State' s
transmittal of ame to the City.
3 . Receipt by the State of a written request fr m the City for said
advancement of unds .
Section B. Rec rds Kee in and Invoicin b the it
The City shall eep such records and accounts tha will enable the
City, before fi al payment is made by the State i accordance with
Section C. of t is article, to provide the State ith the following:
1. Receipt by the State of the final Federal Gr nt percentage and
the proper docu entation, acceptable to the State s External Audit
Unit, used to d termine said percentage. The Fed ral Grant percentage
. -8-
. . � � � ���o�/�s�
shall be determ'ned using the method and formula et forth in the
attached SCHEDU E "I " .
2 . Receipt by the State of copies of the approp iate endorsed and
cancelled City arrant( s ) or check(s) for payment on the city
contractor' s in oice(s) covering the State cost p rticipation
construction pe formed hereunder.
3 . When reque ted by the State, receipt by the tate of copies,
certified by th City' s Engineer, of material sam ling reports and of
material testin results for the materials furnis ed for the city
contract constr ction work represented in the Cit 's invoice.
4 . Receipt by the State of a formal invoice (on original signed
copy and four r produced copies) in the amount of the total State cost
participation p r the terms and conditions of this agreement.
Section C. Fin 1 Pa ent b the State
Final payment b the State to the City hereunder i accordance with
Article I hereo of the State ' s total cost partici ation amount less
the total amoun of advanced payment made by the S ate pursuant to
Section A. abov shall be made upon the State 's re eipt of the final
Federal Grant P rcentage and upon invoicing the St te by the City in
accordance with a written procedure furnished the ity by the State.
If the amount f und due from the State is less tha the amount of
funds advanced, then, and in that event, the balan e of said advanced
funds shall be romptly returned to the State with ut interest.
. -9-
. . � � (l,��yo-��s�
Pursuant to Mi nesota Statute 15 . 415, the City wa ves claim for any
amounts less. t an $2 . 00 over the State payment fu ds earlier received
by the City, a d the State waives claim for the r turn of any amounts
less than $2 . 0 of such funds advanced by the Sta e.
Section A. Ma'ntenance
It is hereby u erstood and agreed that, upon the full and complete
execution of t is agreement, the City shall there fter properly
maintain, witho t cost or expense to the State, a 1 of the storm sewer
facilities, sa itary sewer facilities and waterma n facilities
constructed wit in the corporate City limits unde the aforesaid City
contract and th t neither party to this agreement shall drain any
additional area into said storm sewer facilities that are not
included in the drainage areas for which said sto sewer facilities
were designed w'thout first obtaining permission o do so from the
other party. T e drainage areas served by the st rm sewer facilities
constructed und r the construction contract are s own in a drainage
area map, EXHIB T "Drainage Area" , which is on fi e in the office of
the State ' s Dis rict Hydraulics Engineer at Oakda e and is made a part
hereof by refer nce with the same force and effec as though fully set
forth herein.
It is hereby un erstood and agreed that, upon the full and complete
execution of th' s agreement, the City shall there fter properly
maintain, witho t cost or expense to the State, t e entire portions of
. -10-
. . � � �y�-��s�
all of the Cit streets and all of the facilities a part thereof
constructed ou side of the Trunk Highway No. 51 r ght of way limits
within the cor rate City limits under the afores id City contract.
Said maintenanc shall be understood to include, ut not be limited
to, snow and de ris removal, resurfacing and/or s al coating and any
other maintenan e activities necessary to perpetu te said roadway
portions in a s fe and usable condition.
It is hereby un erstood and agreed tha��, upon the full and complet�
execution of th' s agreement, the City shall there fter properly
maintain, witho t cost or expense to the State, a 1 of the concrete
walk and concre e driveway pavement used as concr te walk constructed
within the corp rate City limits under the afores id City contract.
Said maintenanc shall be understood to include, ut not be limited
to, snow and de ris removal and any other mainten nce activities
necessary to pe petuate said concrete walk and co crete driveway
pavement in a s fe and usable condition.
Section B. Exa ination of Books Records Etc.
As provided by innesota Statute, Section 16 .095, the books, records,
documents, and ccounting procedures and practice of the City
relevant to thi agreement are subject to examina ion by the
contracting dep rtment or agency, and either the egislative auditor
or the state au itor as appropriate.
. -11-
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. . � ��yo-/�s�
Section C. C1 ims
The City indem ifies, saves and holds harmless th State and all of -
its agents and employees of and from any and all laims, demands ,
actions or cau es of action of whatsoever nature r character arising
out of or by r ason of the City contract construc ion, associated
construction e gineering and maintenance work or ervices by the City
hereunder, and further agrees to defend at its ow sole cost and
expense any ac ion or proceeding commenced for th purpose of
asserting any laim of whatsoever character arisi g as a result of
said City cont act construction, associated const uction engineering
and maintenanc work and services by the City her under.
It is hereby u derstood and agreed that any and a 1 empZoyees of the
City and all o her persons employed by the City i the performance of
any constructi n, construction engineering and/or maintenance work or
services requi ed or provided for hereunder by th City shall not be
considered emp oyees of the State and that any an all claims that may
or might arise nder the �Worker 's Compensation Ac of the State of
Minnesota on b alf of said employees while so en aged and any and all
claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or
omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of
the constructio , construction engineering and/or maintenance work or
services to be endered herein by the City shall n no way be the
obligation or r sponsibility of the State.
• -12-
. . � � ��
Section D. A r ement A roval
Before this agr ement shall become binding and ef ective, it shall be
approved by res lution of the City Council of the City and shall also
receive the app oval of such state officers as th law may provide in
addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his duly authorized
� -13-
. : � � �y�-��.�� 67408
IN TESTIMONY WH REOF the parties have executed th's agreement by their
authorized offi ers .
Recommended for approval: Recommende for approval:
C Director - re-Let ing Services Director of Public Works
Approved as to form and execution
Dist ict Engineer Assistant City Attorney
By By
Deputy D vision Director Mayor
Technical ervices Division
Executive udget Officer
Directo of Finance and
Manag ment Services
Deputy Commissioner Date
of Tr nsportation
(Date f Agreement)
(Aut orized Signature)
Approved as to orm and execution:
Special Assis ant Attorney General
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