90-1649 ' � ya-�e�y O'�R i G�N A L �ouncil File # � / � Green Sheet# �c� � RESOLUTION i� OF SA T PAUL, MINN SOTA i Presented By� Referred To: ommittee: Date 1 WHEREAS,CIS has identif' d the need for additional central computer capacity,and the f lowing resources to pay for it: 2 designated General Fund f nd balance reserves for 1990($75,000), fund balance reserves n Special Projects Fund(165) 3 ($20,112),City Clerk's offic ($26,000),and CIS activity�ine items(0857-$30,000)(0219-$3 ,000),all totalling$185,112,and 4 5 WHEREAS,The Mayor,pur uant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the fol owing transfers for the 1990 General 6 Fund budget: 7 8 WHEREAS,The Mayor pur ant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, oes certify that there are available for 9 appropriation funds in exce of those estimated in the 1990 budget;and 10 11 WHEREAS,The Mayor reco mends that the following changes be made to the 1990 budge (see attached chart with Green Sheet): 12 13 FINANCING PLAN CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 14 100 GENERAL FUND I 15 7305 Transfer From Special evenue Fund(#165) 3,568,659 � 20,112 3,588,771 16 9830 Use of Fund Balance 61,160 �I 75,000 136,160 17 All Other Financing 129,437,469 0 129.437,469 18 P 133,067,288 95,112 133,162,400 19 SPENDING PLAN I 20 100 GENERAL FUND 21 Department of Finance&Ma agement Services 22 01115 Citywide Data Proces ing 23 01115-0219 Fees-Professio al Services 46,000 (34,000) 12,000 24 01115-0857 Data Processin Hardware 103,300 155,112 258,412 25 (The current budget of$103, 00 includes$30,000 which will be spent on capacify upgrade p o%ect; 155,112+30,000=$185,112) 26 01115 All Other Activity Spen ing � 1,589,500 0 1,589,500 27 City Clerk 28 00250-0857 Data Processing Hardware 42,000 (26,000) 16,000 29 00250 All Other Activity Spen ing 338,685 0 338,685 30 Ali Other Fund Spending 130,947,803 0 130,947,803 31 `�� 133,067,288 � 95,112 133,162,400 32 NE�I`CHANGE �I 95,112 33 RESOLVED,That the City Co nci�approves these changes to the 1990 budget. Yeas ays Absent Requested by Depa ent of: Dimond - Goswitz —�- Finance & Mana ement Services Long Maccabee -� ' Rettman By: C ��i�-- - Thune Wilson 1- Approval Recommen ed by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date N�u � 5 1990 By. Adoption rt' ied by Cou cil ecretary: Form Ap d y Cit orne : By: By: � Approved I�layor: ate N�V 16 19� Approved M o fo Su iss'on to Council: g ���y���'� B � Y• Y= �� � P�epared by Saint Paul Budge OHice (Jeanena c:\123data\amend4.wk1.al1 t0126/90) �,,....,�..� P,��,� � 19�0 � i . : � � � � ����/��� I T Pri r' N in th rrt I m r �i Monday, November , 1990 �i i Sources of Funds Uses of Funds Source Amourrt Use Amount 9830, G.F. Fund ance 1990, Unreserved, 0857, Data Processing identified for cent computer use 75,000 Hardware, ew Central Computer L 7360) 185,112 0857, Activity 0111 , CIS 1990 Network 30,000 7305, Activiry 311 , Real Estate Fund Balance 1990 Building Insp tions 20,112 0856, Activity 0025 City Clerk 1990 Software 26,000 0219, Activity 01115 CIS 1990 Consulting (Master Plan and O cle ) 34,000 TOTALS 185,112 185,112 � � I � � I � I � I - � � ��.�--�G�9 DEFy4ATMENTIOFFICEICOUNGL DATE INITIATED Finance/Management S rvices-CIS 5/4/90 GREEN SHE T NO. 9328 CONTACT PER3�1 3 PMONE INITIIW TE INITIAL/DATE Q DEPARiMENT DIRECTOR a CITY COUNpI . Greg Haupt 298 5892 ��� �TM,��NEy �cm c�.eRK MUST BE ON OOUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOFi(OR ASSIST � C I S TOTAL N OF 816NATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIONATURE) ���"R�ES�� Approve fi ancing and spending plan for CIS to addre s top-priority in ormation systems need: Addit'onal central computer capacity. Plan is o purchase Uriix-based computer to run exis ing software systems from overloaded Prim computer. NOTE: This resoluti replaces 90-1649, approved in concept b Finance Committee 11/05/90. RECOI�A�AENDATIW�IS:I1PP►�(�)o►�(� COUNqL COM REPORT OPTI _PLANNIN(i OOMMISSION _CNIL RVIC�COMMISSION ��� _dB OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: _���� _ o� 6 1990 su�roRrs wHicw couacw oe,�crve� ����,(,� � 7 t-+E U�r��CroR ��Pq inuTU�n��e�M.issue.or�oRTUrx�v .wnu,wnen,wns�s,wny1: • (� M�yN � The existing large ce tral computer is overloaded. As part of� �C�i�e�i��Splan to deal with the situati n: CIS recommends acquiring additional c ntral capacity. The overload situation re ucesR�����.i.ciency of staff in all City epartments and offices. NOV 4 6 1990 MAYOi�S OF'FICE novMrr�s��r�oveo- The responsiveness of he existing large central computer will e significantly improved, permitting City staff o provide services more effectively. t as��v�wr,u�s�n�c: None DISADVANTAQES IF. T APPROVF,D: The over oad situation ill not be remedied, causing continued i fficient use of City staff time. Also, plan ed enhancement and necessary modificatio to existing software will have to be deferre indefinitely. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 18 5 112 [�9 5,112 11E W $�pgTlAEVENUE WOOETED(CI ONE) YES � See attache chart 01115, Ci ywide Infor�ation FUNDINO SOURCE ncTivirv Nu�r+ �wwa��NwR�u+noH:c���n The r so lut ion adds $9 5,112 to the G. F. Budget and f unds the remaininq $90 ,000 from existing 1990 appropriation i the General Fund. y „ e. �"1 NOTE: CAMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE C3REEN ShIEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINCa OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: �d/dFLirid Bsbw are prefsrrod routinga for the fivs m�t frequeM typss of documsMs: CONTRACTS (assurt�ea authoriz�d COUNpL RESOLUTION (Misnd, Bdgts./ budyet exista) Accept. arants) t. Outside A�ency 1. D�penrneM Director 3. IC�it�j�aA ome�ment 3. dl�Atto�m�or 4. Mayor 4. MayoNMsistant 5. Finarx:s 8�Mgmt 3vca. Dir�sctor ' 5. Gty OouncU 6. Finance/lccournirq 8. Chisf AocourMaM, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER R u�) COUNqL RESOLUTION (d�l ot�i�� 1. Activity Manapar 1. InitlaUng DepartmeM Director 2. DepartmeM AccountaM 2. Cky Attomey 3. DspartmeM Director 3. MayoNA�iatant 4. Budgst Director 4. qty CoUncil 5. (:ity Clerk 6. Chief AccountaM. Fln 8 Mgmt Sv�cs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. InRiaNnQ Dspartmsnt 2. City Attomsy 3. Mayor/Assistant a. ary ae�c TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PA(iES Indicete the#of pepes on which eignstures are required and e�lip each of these pagss. ACTION RECfUE3TE0 Deic�lbe what the proJecUnque�t sseks to e�ccomplish in NtMr chronolopi- cal oMsr or order of importanc�.whichsvsr fs moN lippropriMe for ths issue. Do not write oomplets asnteneros.Bapin esch ibm in your IMt wkh a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete N the ieaue in qusNion hea besn prsteMed before any body,PuWic or private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicete•which Coundl objsctiw(sI Y�+�P��iuest suppoRs by Ifsdng the key word(s)(FIOUSINO, R�CREATION,NEIOHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATIONj.(SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRWCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE3TED BY OOUNCIL � INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or oonditions that cred�d a need for your project or rsquest. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whsther this is simpy an�nnuel budget proceduro requlred by law/ charter or whettrer thero an spaciflc in wh�h the Gry of SaiM Paul and its citizens will bsneflt from this pr�t/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative eifects or maJor changes to suistin9 or paat proc��es migM this proJecUrequ�t produce N it is parasd(a.p.,traffic delays, noiae, tax increeasa or essesamenta)?To WNom?Whsn? For how iong? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative c�naquer�ces if ths promiaed action Is not approved?InabiBty to deliver aNVice?CoMinued high traffic, ndse, accident rate4 L.o�s of revenue4 FINANCIAL IMPACT Althou�h you must taibr the infomiation you provide here to the issue you aro addressing, in gsnsral ycw must answer two queations: How much is it �oing to c�t?Who is poing to pey? I � � l�� . .�; , --� '== CITY OF SAINT PAU ���+! � �Y�' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL � Members: RECEI ED �anice Rettman, Chair Roger Goswitz NO11� ���ula Maccabee JANICE RETTMAN r JOECOLLINS C°unca7pers°n CITY C ERK LegisladveAssistant COMMITTEE REPORT KATHY ZIEMAN FI NCE� MANAGEMENT� AND PERSONNEL OMMITTEE �S�lative Assistant NOVEMBER 5, 1990 1. Call to or er; introduction of inembers, staff, guest ; announcement of si n-u sh et a roval of minutes of October 22 199 meetin . ,4 Minutes wer approved 3-0. �..� ; _ g � 9 Y �� 2. Resolution 0-1649 amendin the 1990 bud et b addi'ng $75,000 to the :�`� Financing a d Spending Plans for Department of Finan Management ', �'= Services/Ci ywide Information Services Division. (Re erred from �` Cau�cil 9/1 /90, laid over in Committee 10/22/90) Committee r c�nmended denial . -��'� Reso ution 0-1669 - amending the 1990 budget by addi g $217,815 to the Financing a d Spending Plans for Citywide Data Proces ing. (Referred from Council 9/18 90, laid over ' Committee 10/O1 an 10/22) � . m-_.....____,� �� su`bstitute Resolution 90 + will be prepared for ignature and ~` submi ssi on t the Ci ty Cou _,._...,__� -.._..�_..,w.�.,�._.,__._�.� 3. Resolution 9 -61 - requesting the Charter Commission r view an ordinance charter amen ment pertaining to the tenure of police c ief, fire chief, and personne director and make recommendation to the ouncil . (Referred fr m Council 1/11/90, laid over in Committee 4/16 and 5/7) Committee re ommended resolution be withdrawn. 4. Resolution 90 887 - requesting that a cooperative inve tory of all historic furn 'ture, furnishings and fixtures in CH-CH e prepared. (Referred fro Council 5/29/90, laid over in Committee 7/9/90) Committee rec mmended resolution be withdrawn. 5. Resolution 90 847 - requesting the Mayor to use his aut ority as granted in th Charter to reduce the 1990 budget by adm'nistrative order and req iring City Council approval of certain bu getary actions. (Referred fro Council 5/17/90, no action taken in Comm ttee on 7/9) Cortnnittee reco ended resolution be withdrawn. CTTY HALL OOM NO.718 SAII`'T PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 Sa�ib46 Printed on Recycled paper I I � s ` '- - (�, � ' Council File # Q�l R ���1 N A L � '� Green Sheet# RESOLUTION �589 � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I ;/ � � -, Presented By: _ �ferred To: ommittee: Date '�1 l-3�l"� 1 WHEREAS, Under the direc i of the Information Systems Policy Committee,CIS had iden ified severai purchases which will require 2 a mid-year budget adjustm t,a d 3 4 WHEREAS, Part of the finan ing for t se needs,specifically the disk drive replacement pro ram,was designated in Generai Fund 5 fund balance reserves for 19 0,and 6 7 WHEREAS,The Mayor purs ant to Section .07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul,d es certify that there are available for 8 appropriation funds in exce of those estimat in the 1990 budget;and 9 10 WHEREAS,The Mayor reco mends that the followi addition be made to the 1990 budget: 11 12 FINANCING PLAN CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 13 001 GENERAL FUND 14 9890 Use of Fund Balance, U reserved 15 Designated 0 75,000 75,000 16 All Other Financing 133,021,638 0 133,021,638 17 133,021,638 75,000 133,096,638 18 SPENDING PLAN 19 001 GENERAL FUND 20 Department of Finance&Man gement Services 21 Citywide Informations Servic Division 22 01115 Citywide Data Processi g 23 01115-0558 Transfer to Speci I Revenue Fund(#626) 0 75,000 75,000 24 01115 All Other Activity Spend ng 1,738,80 0 1,738,800 25 All Other Fund Spending 131,282,838 0 131,282,838 26 133,021,638 75,000 133,096,638 27 NET CHANGE 75,000 28 29 RESOLVED,That the City Cou cil approves these changes to the 1990 budget. 30 31 32 I 33 Yeas N s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond Gaswitz Finance & Manage ent Service Long ',,:� Maccabee ��� �� � /'� �_ Rettman By: �„ ti(,(�C r�� Thune Wilson Approval Recommende by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date By: Adoption Certified by Council Se retary: Form Approved yr�C,ity �rney� �, 3 r'a By. By. � ( � ( Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ay�fr fo ubm' sion to Council: By: By: � Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Ice (Jeanatta c:1123data\amend3.wkt.all 5/7/90) I a�{ :�� � 4 : .:: �:. . 1 a ti.. RECEi1�EQ � ��;�'`a'�� ` 'r o+�te wnur�o �������� �•` ... . . . •. .� � .. . . . .: p . .. ., , ,�Q��� � F�ance � Hana � Se �es 5/+k��0. r�MoH a . ., o��n��.._�... .. t'ir� HBat�► C �9�.� Z . ;� aTM�Ti'alwer - � : rE oN c�cx�+o�►sY:�+► woo�r+a�ro� �����>QM+. , ���.. : < : ' TQTAL#�OF 81�1t�11�B`=M�9E� (�AI�LACA7101�1�140l1�1l1� ,: � , �lpprvve financl.ng; �d s �►ding plan far ��IS �ropoee� �dtt�es: i)Oracle dictfonary, � , 2) additionel �ineseory fo 1'rime fi330 C�S aachine, 3) �E1�Tlt�lf,.{�ao�.e feature�e c4r�t, 4) disk � drivie replacea�et�t �tt�d 5� :aew architectur,e for eiectraaic sai:��� °'E� � ` - - �� � �. u �op.r. is . � ...._w�a oc�oN ��. co�o�, "'''"""� ' . : A�AY 199�`µ"�.j : 9G � �e�.COw�r� ._ . .�.._.� — � ` Q�����_z� ����. �qj, �� �r , _asnMCroouai ._ (�raR'�N��t�. : � su�no�s�couwa�o� z:si��IF�i�t��rifl Z�S��t�ES "�`� �� ` � � � _ � �,,. «no�r�Mc�c,�.�+�. w�wr.�.w� . ��.� ' b u�d ri�t�t�fs�p Ca���C�a�d t, g�i�`�olb snr. rtl�s. dio�o�arY is Mflb+wnt,iw ths$����� EOP��t.#a l�S '. pts Ao�o�DiprOs�i��� TM� Technk�t Ad�I�p hss �aoq�M�n W�Msnemary 2 �.,r�,�6E1 GIS Mod�; � fot tl�obolrat Prkn��60 c�A�t�� a , Yhea CN�.1�IqNt w�ete !n$'�8u�ips�Sacliot�/o l�s 1nd�led in a 19Op t�a1 E�ovnrp�[a�ouf+t th�inalu�t0�'�as avfdoote�d. ' �iW�At'�' - s. S�,e e��� :_ : �ea�[;�Mafral dt�!'�b�ta 990;Psrto�no.improva�t�toc�i PMwaon�Mr; nt#�ti�lal�a�iec�t�ic.�l �act�+sih 1�9L1. oa�a�vivrt�es �rnov�co: . . ; 1.. � REC�f�p 4 _ ,�.��..�.�.a. SEPQ�� ` � ci1 Re�e�rch Center : . � CtTY CtERK , A�#G � ��i�yu oe�o+rs�rrr+�s�. pty in un�on t�:�t.� 'aoe�d du0�►�d omtrai P�co�: ta���o�15TA4► �� a�oonxr�C�d Ne�e�pio�t � ; � , ; sot'nt�aNe�cf TeaM�►ct���_ 2 7 $i 5 eoosT�t�raMt���at �ts � t.,.�/ tw�owa�e it�.��rrrtr i+tww� °..3 : : ` �w+woNC��uw - ; : . . : , �`.' �7S,OOQ r+as designated in P' fn�ul bal+�nce fax �ompletion of disk�d�i e, �+spiaceateat F�o8ram. �: #1�►2;8i5 i� i.n SF #�62+6 fuu �ala�ace 'from-1987f86 re�beirseaent� for� ZS �ro�ra�iag auttd' � ' . ; � : 4 _ , . . � . � � .. � . i . , � � � � i ;:. � C. � . . - . ' � . . � � . � . . :...—�,':. . . . . � . . ' . . � . , � . . . . _ . . '.��nS:. . . . . . � . . . .. . • r � ' City of Saint Paul � �.,��j�/y INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM I y Citywlde Information Services Division � 817 Commerce Building-298-5892 II 901 Commerce Building-298-5095 Tuesday,April 3, 1990 �I I TO: GREGOR BLEES, Budget Director '� �� � FR: GREGOR J. HAUPT, Manager CIS � Direct exte ion: 298-4985 ' i� RE: Request for Assistance in Preparing Budget Amen ent ��E�yED CC: CIS Files �PR �, 1�9�1 William Ma son Jim Conklin �I B��t��t ��'�•�+C� Jim Snyder i Elizabeth S anson Ed Warn I ask the assistance f your staff in preparing a 1990 budget amend ent resolution for the purposes identified elow: Proposed Expenditures � C��S� 1. r l i i The Oracle dictionary is software for t e Sequent computer which will b used by the City's EDP Data Coordinator and EDP Database Administrato in Citywide Information Services Division and by the Police Department i development of Oracle applications. We had an 'cipated not requiring the dictionary until 1991, but the accelerated pace of Oracle velopment pursuant to Informatio Systems Policy Committee direction makes it ecessary to have the software i diately if a corporate database is to be pr perly designed and populated for use with planned new and renovated autom tion systems on �the Sequent comp ter. $35,000 ��� � 2. Prim M hin M m The Information Systems Technical Advisory Gro has suggested the acquisition of additional m ory for the central Prime 6350 CI machine as a way to extend its capability wit out major processor upgrade. $45,000 1 I . � : . , , . ��".-��/��� Citywide Informadon ervices Division 1990 Budget Amendm nts II Tuesday,Apri13, 1990 �� d � 3. E E E r h r CENTRE Customer Rearrangement System ( CRS, now called CENTREX CENTRON Management System, CMS) "pool " the cost of the City's CENTREX features. In addition, there is a $.25 monthly c arge per line for CMS capability (c st-free line swaps and cost-free transfer of feat es). These CMS costs were identi ed to the Budget Section to be included in a 199 General Government account but he inclusion was overlooked. Funding is require to pay 1990 CMS and features cos , which are billed to Citywide Information Se ces Division on behalf of all City NTREX users. Without funding, the City ' become in arrears on this US Wes bill shortly after mid-year. i $55,000 �A�`��; `' 4. m 1 i n f Di k Driv 1 Pr m. CIS c�id not �intsh the 1989 disk drive re lacement program. Changing out the older tec�nology disk drives on the Prime 63 0 CIS machine will result in lower monthly main enance and electricity costs at the itywide Computer Center. Estimated saving is $350 per mont� The replacement ay further improve the responsiveness of the P me 6350 CIS machine as was the ca e with the replacement of disk drives on the FIN nce system computer, which was ac omplished in 1989. I $60,000 �`�,�� 5. i El r nic M il The Information Systems Technical Advisory Gro p is recommending a new arclutecture for elect onic mail citywide at significantly i proved functionality over the current electronic ail set-up. Removal pf electronic mail from the Prime 6350 CIS Machine 'll favorably affect � o� ;'� >performance f that computer by shifting a small load from it. e new architecture �`'�'ry will require b 'dges, a mail server and software for Local Are Networks currently in place. The dentified amount will permit initial phases of im lementation in 1990. $22,814 OTAL = $21_ i 2 I � i� � � -- �-i��� �r"� Citywide Information ervices Division I 1990 Budget Amendm nts I Tuesday,April 3, 1990 � Sourees of Funding Funding sources f r these improvements are: 1. ' F n 2 i ' This is the Data Proc sing Special Projects account, w ch has a fund balance of $142,814.26, accor ' to Accounting. This amount is m de up in part of reimbursements in 1987 and 19 for CIS programming work provid d to the Rea1 Estate Division. Another portio is a balance from the close out in 988 of activity 09115. A third portion is transfe ed 1989 CIS funds for the disk dri e change-out program. 2. F n B 1 n The Council adopted a 1990 budget with $75,000 earmarked for central com uter software enhancements. I ask that you pro ' e me the appropriate figures in proper budget amendment format in order that I may pr pare a packet for submittal to Ed Warn. Thank you. \ udget\1990\current\various1.90 3 I � � �� ' � � Analyst: Ren haw I (�1"�� l J � Date: W nesday, July 11, 1990 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS II OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Finance and Managemer�t Services Green Sheet Numbe : 5899 Green Sheet Date: May 4, 1990 Amount of Request: $217,815 Positions Requested: 0 Amount Recommend : ositions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: (1) $75,000 from 1990 Unreserved, Designat Fund Balance; (2) $142,815 from Activity 31116, Data Pr ing Special Projects, Fund 626 Subject of Request: Five subjects: 1. Orac/e CAS (computer-aided software engineering) dictionary. I 2. Prime 6350 C Machine Memory. 3. CENTREX/C TRON Management System and Features Charges. 4. Completion of CIS Disk DrNe Replacement Program. 5. Citywide Netw rk Architecture/Electronic Mail System. E h f th s i n I ed e r t I n in ividu I B t i Anal sis h ts att ched. ������ �66< <9 ����p o r %� 3��3�3�1 I 1 � ,. � � � O�Z9-Z6Z�ZI9) ZOT55 E�osauui� °jn�d �IITES bO�dW �aaz�g u�ano3 �ssg g a3WI1V13�b03� �uzpTing a��aunuo� 006 �'oo .... �uama�su� �z�auag aa�oldmg �g �szg o„ .� ` �i=�� � S3JIn213S 1N3W3�VNVW aNV 3JNdNl� �O 1N3W121Vd34 ; : lfldd 1NIb'S �O All� �'°"''��~ . . �� ' � ' Analyst: Re haw �I ������� � Date: Wed esday, July 11, 1990 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS II OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Finance and ManagemeM Services Green Sheet Numbe 5899 Green Sheet Date: May 4, 1990 Amount of Request: $217,815 Positions Requested: 0 Amount Recommend : ositions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: (1) $75,000 from 1990 Unreserved, Designat Fund Balance; (2) $142,815 from Activiry 31116, Data Proce ing Special Projects, Fund 626 Subject of Request: 1. Orac/e CASE dictionary software Background: The Orac/e CASE dictionary is software for the Seque t computer. It will be used by the Ciry's EDP Da Coordinator and EDP Database Administrator in C' ide Information Services Division, arxl by the olice Department, in developing Oracle applications. CIS had anticipated not requiring the dictio until 1991. Greg Haupt states that the accelerat 1990 pace of Orac/e development pursuant to I�o�mation Systems Policy Committee direction has ushed the need into 1990. The CASE Dictionary ill be the place in which information is recorded for th corporate data "catalog" which EDP Data Coor inator Bill Matson is charged with assembiing. It will aiso help ensure that corporate databases are prope�l designed and populated for use with new and renova ed automation systems in Oracle . Major Issues: No major issues about the need for the software. The S int Paul Police Department (Cindy Mullan,System Unit supervisor), supports acquisition of the Oracle CA E Dictionary for Police use and to coordinate con istent use of data elements with CIS. Lack of funding in CIS' 1991 budget for the annual maintenance charge (see elow) is an issue. Fiscal impact (Curre Year and Following Yearj: Beyond the p rchase price of $37,500 (HaupYs memo states ,000, but Oracle Corporation instituted price increase on software in May at the end of their fiscal year) there is an annual maintenance cost for the Oracle CA E dictionary of$5,500. i did not find this line ite in Greg HaupYs 1991 proposed budget worksheets. H confirms that CIS forgot t t f r thi in nanc m nt in 1 1. Recommendation: I recommend that the Oracle CASE dictionary s ftware be funded in 1990 as requested, rather th n 1991, so that CIS does not fall behind in developing nd monitoring corporate databases and the cor rate data catalog. 1 also recommend that IS's 1991 proposed budget be increased $5,5� in cod�0279 to fund the annual Oracle CASE Dictiona maintenance charge. Follow-up Recommen ed, If Any: None. 2 I � , , , . . �=��--��� ' ' Analyst: Ren haw Date: Wed esday, July 11, 1990 NALY I BUDGET OFFICE A S S OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS I Department: Finance and Managemer�t Services Green Sheet Numbe 5899 Green Sheet Date: May 4, 1990 Amount of Request: $217,815 Posltions Requested: 0 Amount Recommend : ositions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: (1) $75,000 f�om 1990 Unreserved, Deslgnat Fund Balance; (2) $142,815 from Activiry 31116, Data Proce ing Special Projects, Fund 626 Subject of Request: 2. Prime 6350 CIS Machine Mem ry. Background: The Information Systems Technical Advisory Group(IS AG) reviewed early in 1990 CIS's January recom endation that the Prime 6350 computer be upgrad . ISTAG suggested the acquisition of additio I memory for the ceMral Prime 6350 CIS machine as a alternative. They see it as a way to extend a bit the computer's capabiliry while avoiding the expense f a major upgrade to that mach(ne. Major Issues: Greg Haupt agrees with the ISTAG suggestion (it can't be called a formal recommendation beca se ISTAG adopted no resolution on the matter. It was pri cipally Dennis Grittner who pushed this alternative that additional memory be purchased for the Prime 63 0. He says that there are occaslons when addit nal memory will help the machine handle its load mo e effectively. End-of-year processing in Decemb r and January will be one of those occasions, he feit. H also said,though,that the weeMy average Prime 6350 statistics do not poiM to memory as being the m jor problem. Rather, the machine has too Iittle entral processing power. Greg pointed out that he investmer�t in memory is a reasonable longer-term nvestment - it will not be wasted or become unn cessary. CIS's medium-range(three years) plan is to r uce the load on the Prime 6350 enough to mov the Finance system to it to afforc! better finance stem responsiveness to departmental and cent I accounting staff. Fiscal Impact (Curren Year and Following Year): No fiscal im ct beyond purchase, estimated at$45,000 ( pending upon bids; three vendors are expected to bid) No annual maintenance charge for memory. Recommendation: I recommend that the additional Prime 6350 emory be purchased as requested in orcler to s etch the capaciry of that machine as much as possible. Follovwup Recommen ed, If Any: None. � 3 � � , . . . �;��.���9 Analyst: Ren haw • Date: Wed esday, July 11, 1990 I� BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Departmerrt: Finance and ManagemeM Services Green Sheet Numbe 5899 Green Sheet Date: May 4, 1990 � Amount of Request: $217,815 I Positions Requested: 0 Amour�t Recommend : osit(ons Recommended: 0 Funding Source: (1) $75,000 from 1990 Unreserved, Designat Fund Balance; (2) $142,815 from Activity 31116, Data Proce ing Special Projects, Fund 626 Subject of Request: 3. CENTREX/CENTRON Management ystem and Features Charges. Background: CENTREX Customer Rearrangement System (CCRS, now called CENTREX/CENTRON ustomer ManagemeM System,CMS)"pools"the Ciry's C NTREX telephone features and their cost. This rmits CIS to move features ftom one phone line to an ther at the request of the phone user. There is $.25 monthly charge per line for CMS capability(CMS p vides cost-free line swaps as well as cost-free t nsfer of features. It also provides a way to keep up to ate the US West database on the Ciry's 1300 CE TREX telephones.). Last year, CIS ideMified these CMS osts to the Budget Section to be included in the 1 General Governmerrt accouMs but the inclusion was overlooked in final budget preparation. Funding is required to pay 1990 CMS and features costs, w ch are billed to Cityuvide Information Services ision on behalf of all City CENTREX users. Major Issues: The major issue is whether a general fund activiry hould pay for CENTREX Customer Managemen System costs. The alternative would be to bill the depa ments. Greg Haupt says that the problems with billing the depa�tments are paperwork and equity. Eq ity refers to a fair way of charging departments r CMS. If the amourrt of paperwork CIS has to handle n be kept to a minimum, the equity issue may n be serious because the amounts are not large. The CE REX-served departments are the (1) Executive A ministration (including Attorney, Personnel, Clerk, Hu n Rights, Information and Complaint, Housing Inf rmation), (2) Council, (3) Finance, (4) Community Serv es, (5) Public Works, (6) Water Utiliry. Pdice a Fire use little CENTREX. PED uses CENTREX but ad inisters its own, separate, CMS. CIS could slmpl charge each of the sbc units invdved a per-line cost for MS. The average for the six wouid be less than 10,000 per year each. Of course, none of the six budget for this purpose in 1990 or 1991. A minor issue is CIS's t king a leadership role in city telephone management. T ere is no Administrative Code authority to whi h CIS can point in this regard. The Code is silent the topic of telephone administration. Depart ents have been free to act in their own behalf in all matt rs related to telephones, which has resulted in a odge-podge of decisions relat(ng to equipment, long-di ance vendors, and other matters. Fiscal Impact (Current Year and Following Year): CMS is an ann 1 cost of about$54,000. However, only the$.25 r line charge to have CMS is new in 1990 (about$3, per year). The features charges were being bil ed to departments, but are now pooled and bilied t CIS. This implies that departmerrt budgets co Id be reduced by the amouM of their historical features cost. Unfortunately, US West's imposition in Jul 1989 of mileage charges (based upon the location's di tance from the US West 4 I � O7Z9-Z6Z�Zi9) TOT55 ��osauui� �jn�d �uisS bOAVw �aaz�S q��no3 �s�g g b3Wlldl3�a03� $uipT�ng a�zaunno� 006 �o .... �uama�su� �i�auag aa�oTdmg �g xsig �''� 'V �,��� •r S3JIn213S 1N3W3�VNVW aNV 3JNdNl� �O 1N3W121Vd3a * � lflb'd 1NIVS �O JIlIJ �'°'a`'��~ ' . . � � �2�'�� Central Office provid ng service) offset any reductions departments might ha e seen. Recommendation: I recommend that CIS be funded in 1990,as r uested,for CMS. For 1991 and after, I rec;omme that CIS charge affected departmerrts a flat pe�-line f for CMS features and CMS capabiliry. We wAI n to add an appropriate amouM to departmental 1991 gets and reduce CIS's 1991 budget request corr spondingly, or advise departments/o#fices to come up with the money from other budget line items. Follow-up Recomm nded, If Any: Have CIS identify by depart M/o�ce the amount of CMS cost each is respons le for based upon the number o#CENTREX lines �ch epartment/office has. CIS to carry out ID-ing of departments in January for 1991 service. � 5 � . , . � �. . � Analyst: Ren haw I� ���� • Date: Wed esday, July 11, 1990 I BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS I _ Departmerrt: Finance and Management Services Green Sheet Numbe 5899 Green Sheet Date: May 4, 1990 Amourrt of Request: $217,815 Positions Requested: 0 Amourrt Recommend : ositions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: (1) $75,000 from 1990 Unreserved, Designat Fund Balance; (2) $142,815 from Actfvity 31116, Data Proce ing Special Projects, Fund 626 Subject of Request: 4. Completion of Disk Drive Replacemen Program. Background: CIS did not finish the budgeted 1989 disk drive replac ment program because of Council delay in maki g a decislon about the purchase of the Sequent comp er. Changing out the five dder-techndogy disk rives on the Prime 6350 CIS machine will result in lowe monthly maintenance and electriciry costs at the itywide Computer Center. CIS estimates the maintenanc savings at about$350 per month. The replacem nt may further improve the responsiveness of the Prime 6350 CIS machine, as was the case with the repl cement of dlsk drives on the FlNance system compute , which was accomplished in 1989. Major Issues: No major issues. In addition to the modest maintenance savings,Greg Haupt states that the disk drive ch nge-out would give him a greater electricity and air nditioning cushion. The computer center is op rating near capacity for both electrical and air conditio ing. The small remaining margin limits his abil' to add equipment at the Computer Center, if that ere to prove necessary. Changing to smaller-fo tprint disk drives will also capture floor space for any futu equipment requirements. Greg stated that he w uld expect to use the disk drives for at least five years nd that they replace units that, in some cases, ve been in use since 1983. Fiscal Impact (Curren Year and Following Year): Beyond the rchase cost of $60,000 (depending upon bids) the annual impact is a modest savings of a few thousa dollars per year because vendor maintenance c arges on new disk drives are lower than on the old. Gr Haupt said that this is a way vendors encourag users to shift to newer, more reliable technology. Recommendation: The principai reason for completing the disk drive change-out,as requested, is to make sure that th re is adequate air conditioning and electrical capacity a the Computer Center for future Sequerit upgrade . Greg Haupt admits that the 1991 Sequent upgrade ma not exceed electrical and alr cooling limits, but s that he and we would look foolish if the case were ot rwise-and it's too close for him to call. CIS a lysis early this year is that they are at 96% of electri capacity and 9796 of air conditioning capacity ( aupt memo to Wam, 2/16/90). He thinks that the dis drive change-out will get them at least 596 on bo h. On that basis, I recommend proceeding with the req est. Follow up Recommen ed, If Any: None. 6 II � II ` � . . h���.==o, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; ; � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ; I �i ; ,,� � Risk & Employee Benefit Management a '•'• 900 Commerce Building GEORGE LATIMER 8 East Fourth Street MAYOR Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (6.12)292-6240 . . { . . . ��-�G y� � � � Analyst: Ren w � Date: Wed esday, July 11, 1990 '. BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Departmerrt: Finance and ManagemeM Services Green Sheet Numbe 5899 Green Sheet Date: May 4, 1990 AmouM of Request: $217,815 Positions Requested: 0 Amourrt Recommend : ositions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: (1) $75,000 ftom 1990 Unreserved, Designat Fund Balance; (2) a142,815 from Activity 31116, Data Proce ing Special Projects, Fund 626 subjec� ot Aequest: 5. Citywide Network Architecture/Electr nic Mail System. Background: The I�om�ation SystemsTechnical Advisory Group(IS AG)is recommending a new architecture for electr nic mail citywide at significantly Improved functionality ov r the current electronic mail set-up. CIS supports the proposal for four reasons: ♦ Removal of ectronic mail from the Prime 6350 CIS Machine will fav rably affect performance of that computer by sh' ing a small load from it. ♦ The current ome-grown CIS electronic mail package is difficult t maintain. It is written in FORTRAN and is not ocumented. It was put together in a matter of days in 1 by a staff member, since departed, who was a FORTRAN whiz. ♦ The proposal will establish a flexible, citywide, multi-machine approac to electronic mail that will ensure a c1ry employ e wlll never have to leam more than one electronic mail system. ♦ This architect re will also make public access to ciry electronic mail f sible when that issue needs to be addressed (Gr has been approached by a district council represerrtat e on that issue). The new architecture ill require bridges, a mail server and software for Loca Area Networks currently in place. The Identified f nding w(II permit inttial Implementatlon steps In 1990,wit project completion in 1991. Major Issues: The major Issue is whether to spend money to change a more functional,flexible, standard citywide ele ronic mail system. , This proposal was t e highest-ranked of the 1991 Automation Project Sc �eSheets reviewed by the I�ormation Systems olicy Committee. Greg Haupt acknowledges that this come is as much a result of the way the Sco�e heet was structured by the Pdicy Committee as R is t resuft of any deep Policy Committee commitm nt to the concept. Greg believes that im oving corporate communications is the type of strategic i itiative that the organization should be undertakin . He cites ICMA's MlcroSoftware News (March 1990 sue) in support, where the author identified "red ign of communication patterns: e.g., electronic mail an voice mail"as an example of"strategic computi applications"for the public sector. Part of the proposal is n addftional staff person for Clrywide Ir�formation Servic for network and electronic 7 ' , . . ����.=•o. , CITY OF SAINT PAlJL � ; ; � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES a =�jj�� ; ;• ^° Risk & Employee Benefit Management `''a �... "� 900 Commerce Building GEORGE LATIMER 8 East Fourth Street MAYOR Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-6240 . . . ' . ' �a .. ( A ��._/lV L'� �/ ' ' • mail support. Greg aupt feels that the staff person is needed, but is willing t try the project without that � person as long as w understand that the proje�t c�uld faN without the staff r rce. He said that failure wouid be embarrassi g, but wouid not preveM the City f�om carrying out an af its daily business. Fiscal Impact (Curr rrt Year and Followin� Year): TotalproJect isestimatedat$149,000, of which about $30, is the staff (and fringes) expense. The hardware/ re/wiring cost is about $119,000, which wou d be split between 1990 and 1991. The $22,814 ideM in the proposed budget amendment would g toward moving the current CIS electronic mail users to e SequeM computer. This phase has a total t of $60,000 - $80,000 because ft frnoNes so many o�lc changes for individual employees. The ongoing annual st of the system would be in staff tfine to administer the twork among, and the mail accourrts on,va�ious mputers and Local Area Networks and in equipment intenance/repair (bridges, Network IrrterFace Un s,the gateway and the maN serve�). Greg Haupt had no stimate for these costs, but felt that they would nominal in eariy years whAe the equipmer�t is new. re would also be a small annual maintenance harge for the citywide CC:MaII software. Haupt felt that could be absorbed by CIS. Recommendation: This item is, to me, the least dear of the flve ems presented. The decision to go to a distributed, standard electronic mail architectur is a significant corporate communications poli y matter. The$119,000 total cost of the project (after r moving the requested FTE) is also significant. t is, I feel, consister►t with the direction of past a current planning and the organization's overal needs. Improving communications among departme s and offices should be a continuing objective ciry government. I assume that the I ormation Systems Policy Committee wiii share the vie that improving corporate communications is i portant when it discusses this project at its July 23 meeting. On that basis, I recommend approvi the budget amendment request. Follovir-up Recomm nded, If Any: Asamemberofthel�ormatio SystemsPolicyCommittee, I believe that you sh uld ensure thorough discussion of the project at the Jul 23 meeting. The objective would be to assur yourself that departments support the concept nd priority of fmproving interdepartmerrtal co munications through implementing improved, distribut electronic mail. 8 ��,�.=•o. , CITY OF SAINT PAiJL� � � e * DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � '�i ► ;• ^° Risk & Employee Benefit Management �a'"�" 900 Commerce Building GEORGE LATIMER 8 East Fourth Street MAYOR Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-6240