90-1645 � �. � j� � � I � '� \ Council File # 9e-� ;, IC� � �r Gre n Sheet � �� RESOLUTION ITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Preaented By Referred T Committ�ee: Date . WHEREAS, t e Division of Parks and Recreation admini ters the applications and grants program e tablished by Ordinance 409.23; and WHEREAS, he Youth Program Advisory Board was forme to implement the administration of t e ordinance for the Division; and WHEREAS, he Youth Programs Advisory Board met on A gust 16, 1990 to establish an eligib e list for the 10� Club; and ! WHEREAS, ew aplications were approved by the Youth Programs Advisory Board; � Indianhead Council Boy Sc.outs of Am rica St. Paul Midway Little League NUW, THER FURE, BE IT RtSOLVED, that the proper Cit officials are hereby requested t promulgate an approved list of eligible o ganizations for the Charitable Gamblin 10% Club. Yea Navs Abaent Requeated by De artment of: imon oswi z COMMUNITY S ICES on acca ee �- e man �- une �- .,_.-- g i son � Adopted by Council: ate SEP 1 3 1990 Form A ved 'ty Attorney Adoptio ertified by Council Secretary gY; � g- Z�l-�jd gy; Approved by Ma or for Submission to ,�puncil ' Approved by Mayor: ate � � 4 �9yU I ����� ' By: By: � " � ,�90 „�;��.,,.�, J�i' u Pl;�l��`i�i � �. � REC��v�a �e�,(�� DEPMTM611T/OFFIC�COUNGL DATE INITIATED ��c 3 01990 CONWIUWITY SE�tVICES $-22-90 GREEN SHEET No. 8�,19 DATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIREC70R � Pat Moynagh 292 7430 �� cmr�rroR�v A�m��`� MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(Dl1T� ROUTIN�i UDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STAN aY`�( TOTAL#►OF SIGNATURE PA�3E8 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUF� �d Il ACTION REOUE8TED: Approval of Eligible Li for 10� Club (Charitable Gambling) AUG 2 4 199U RECOMMENDA 8:APP►�e��I o►�IA1 COIINCIL I�P�RT _PLAWNINO�MM18810W _pVIL OOMMI8810N ��YST AMON _qB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ `�""'ME"�: A U G 2 8 ;1990 _D18TpICT COURT _ ��,��,����E�,�, CITY A�T��"���Y INI7'IATINO PR08LEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNRY ��NhM.When.WMn�Wh�: The counci 1 reques�ed � a�: « 1 i s� �� cievel o;��c� �f organi zati ons w i ch are eligible to receive c�a i�ael� gambiing--��r+c�s. nowwr,�s iF�o- . . The organizations on t e list would be eligible to receive funds R�'CEI VFh a�������: P��1990 ����r ������ _ . None o�wv�rr�s�Har�o: These organizations w uld be unable to receive funds from chari able gambling. ouncil Research Center SEP 04 i'990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION �� COST/i�11ENUE�!lDC�ETED ONE) YES NO FUNDN�K3 SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMOER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) d�u