90-1611 . O R �� i N A`L. � Council File � Q �/(O!� ! G . Green Sheet � ! 7� � RESOLUTION CI OF SAIN AUL, MINNESOTA � , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Th Council of the City of St. Paul did pass Ordinance No 17321•, on January 7, 1986, wherein a fund to administer an distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable ga ling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; an WHEREAS, Th Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance ha reviewed and recommended for approval the attached ap lications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now th refore, be it RESOLVED, Th t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves th attached applications for funding . from the following or anizations for the following amount: attle Creek Booster Club $1, 000.00 � • onway Community Recreation Center ooster Club 1, 000. 00 aytons Bluff Booster Club 1, 000. 00 ighland Little League 1, 000. 00 immy Lee Booster Club 1, 000. 00 argaret Booster Club 1, 000. 00 artin Luther King Recreation Center ooster Club 1, 000. 00 ro's & Con's Youth Girls Fastpitch Assn. 1, 000. 00 ookies Youth Softball 810.00 a does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to e cute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved f ds. F ding Code: P-3-399-0545-33000 Yeae Nays Absent Requeated by Depart nt of: imon '�— . � � OSWZ 2 �+ �r Ofl -� 4.1 � � acca ee T et man �— une �i — i son T B _� �,R�� . Adopted by Council: Dat SEP 1 1 1990 Forn Appr ed b City Atto ey Adoption ertified by Co ncil Secretary gY: i / i ! BY� Approved y ayor for Submission to Council ' Approved by Nayor: Dat �p 1 2 �ggQ , , w���'�� By: G�' .�C-��'T BY� P LISHED S�P 2 2199Q ' . . G � T R CtiVED p�—���� / 7 DEPARTMBNTIOFFICEICOUNdI DATE INITIATED g � �(](lO COMMUNITY SERVICES 7-23--90 GREEN S�H�C� " No. ���A� CONTACT PERSON 3 PNONE pBPARTMENT aRECTOR ��£ou NCIL Pa t Mo na h 2 9 2 7 4 3 0 �� CITY ATTORNEY S��if�bteRK MUBT BE ON CWNCIL A3ENDA 8Y(DAT� IIONTNIO BUDOET DIRECTOR .� �FIN.8 MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR A881BT �/(.i r�an c e TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL L0�`A�IONS FOR SKiNATUR� 8 Parks & Rec. ACTtON qE0UE8TED: ��-l°�Is�,f�� Disbursement of You h Programs Fund A�� RE NOA :Approv�W or I��ct(iry COUNCIL REPORT �PLANNINf3 OOMMISSION _pVIL COMMIS810N ^�Y� � A T��r���t"' .�• _pB OOMMITTEE _ —STAFF . _ WMMENTB: _DISTRICf OOURT _ SUPPORTS NMIGi COUN(:IL OBJECf1VE? INITIATINO PROBLEM.18SUE�OPVORTUNITY �What�When�Nlhsro�N/hy): The fund was set up to disburse proceeds from Gharitab e Gambling to eligible community ased non-profit youth serving orga izations . These organizations have been screened by the Youth Pr grams Advisory Board. ADVMITAdEB IF APPROVED: Improved Youth Prog ams for Battle Creek Recreation Ce ter, Conway Recreation Center, Daytons Blu f Recreation Center, Highland Litt e League, Jimmy Lee Recreatfon Center, argaret Recreation, Martin Luther K'ng Recreation Center, Pro' s & C�n' s Youth Girls Softball , Rookies Youth Girl Softball . _; �;, ois��v�rrr����r�o: r,-- _� -.��=. c. ___. None- � �; = �: . -; ° RECEIVED � JUL 3 41990 as�ov�wr�oes iR Nor�ovec: Poor quality youth rograms � RrC�{V�C} � ��,�1�� Council ��5��rch Center, GlTY CLERK A U� 3 � �tyyU �.�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = ` C08T SNDfiETED( Ot�) YES NO ��,� P-3-399-33 79-0545-33000 ���N�� FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) • � Y�/