90-1598 _ � ���n� � r � r�' � ' Council File # c!�� O�RIGINAL r ,� ,,/� Green Sheet # RESOL�ON CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C° � Preaented By `-9 � eferred To Committee: Date �lp��� WHEREAS, The St. Paul Po ice Department desires to adjust the budget in activity 34112 (Police Projects) to meet the ne ds of the Police Department, and WHEREAS, The St. Paul Po ice Department is faced with a problem of effectively and economically providing word processin for all Police Department personnel, and WHEREAS, The St. Paul Po ice Department desires to establish a multi-user word processing network that will provid flexibility in accessing various hardware platforms used by personnel which will enable cost e fective expansion of users and machines, and . WHEREAS, The St. Paul Po ice Department desires to set up a budget to establish a word processing newtwork, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, purs ant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriat on, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Maqor reco ends the following changes to the 1990 Budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Pro ects 34112 - Police Projects � 9890 - Undesignated Fu d Balance 0.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 Al1 Other Fund Financing 1,702,800.00 0.00 1,702,800.00 (Remaining Undesig Fund al. 852,445) 1,702,$00.00 60,000.00 1,762,800.00 l� °1°��� l�� C050990A � RICII�AL , . . 9� �tir�� SPENDING PLAN: 0.00 0.00 0.00 436 - Police Special Pro ects 34112 - Police Projects 0299 - Other - Misc Se vices 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0381 - Books, Periodic ls, Etc. 0.00 492.00 492.00 0856 - Data Processing Software 0.00 2,412.00 2,412.00 0857 - Data Processing Hardware 0.00 55,096.00 55,096.00 All Other Fund Spending 1,702,800.00 0.00 1,702,800.00 1,702,800.00 60,000.00 1,762,800.00 NET CHANGE 60,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED, that the City Council adopts these changes to the 1990 Budget. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL 1;�r-t.h.-� ,�,r� a a/-r e s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon oswztz l�olice o � acca ee et ma / une G��(,.c.�t�Z 1��� s son BY� Adopted by Council: D te Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary BY: ' By' Appro by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: D te Council g /.�l�i���� By: y: C050990A � � . �o-.«-'�� 8� OEPARTMENT/OFflCE/COUNGL DATE INITIATED PoL��E �ta 5�8�90 GREEN SHEET No. 92,�,�,,TE CONTACT PER30N 3 PMONE �pEpqqTMENT DIRECTOR �C�T'Y COUNCIL C i n dy Mu 11 a n 2 9 2 3 5 2 3 ��� �LyTy ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn TOTAL#F OF SIfiNATURE PACiE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: To set up a budget of 60,000 wafih money taken fr.om act:ivity 34112. This money was set aside 11/30/87 for the purpose of establishing a wor.d processing network. RECOIiAMENDATIONS:MP�(�)a�(R) COUNCIL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _qVll COMMISSION ��YBT PFIONE NO. _p8 COMMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ COMMENTB: _DIBTRICT CWRT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PNOBLEM�188UE.OPPORTUNITY Whst�WMn.Whsro�N�hY): The Police Department �s faced with the p;oblem of effectively and economically providing wor.k processing for al Department personnel. Cur.rently, stand alone PCs and WordPerfect softwar.e are purchased to satisfy these needs. As more user.s become familiar with the capabilities, the dema d increases. This is especially true in areas with minimal clerical support. The basic pe sonal computer and software costs $2,400. Added to this is the cost of a printer which ran es from $325 to $2,800. In addition to being expensive, this solution does not effe tively support the sharing of files and printers. �ovu�r����rn�ovtb: This project wiil provide flexibility in accessing various hardware platforms used by Police personnel. It will al o enable cost effective expansion of users and machines. Specificall , this project will: .Develop a multi-user s stem which distributes WordPerfect to a1Z users. .Decrease the cost of p .oviding Wor.dPerfect capabilities to $1,100 or less per user .Provide the ability to conveniently print documents. .Provide single termina access to ihe proposed Police wor.d processing computer and the PRIME 6350, SEQUENT an FIN machines. axi i o�eAt�v�rr�s��o: None �ECEI�D �GE►vED �IV�'���� AY 141990 M C1TY C1���K BUDGE� O�F�CE DISADVANTAOES If I�T APPROVEO: If this project is not pproved, word processing capabilities will continue to be achieved by purchasing independe t. wor.k stations. This method will cost more than twice as much as adding individuals to a word processing network. It will severely limit the number. of individuals whose job p rformance can benefit from word processing capabilities. Council Research C!�#!� au� ���u TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � �0 COST/REVENUE BUOdETED(GI�LE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINO SOUHCE FO11C@ PY'O eCtS ACTIVITY NUMSER 34112 flNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPUUN) �YV ��-����' �—r--_�-�'—�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�: f=,s��s=,.:, ,i,=�_u� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANICE RETTMAN Members: .10ECOLUrvs Couacilperson Janice Rettman, CF�lativeAssistant Roger Goswitz Paula Maccabee KATHYZIEMAN L,egislative Assistant COMMITTEE REPORT FINA CE, MANAGEMENT, AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 11, 1991 1. Call to orde ; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of sign-up shee ; approval of minutes of January 28, 1991, meeting. Minutes were approved 2. Resolution 9 -1612 - authorizing participation in a joint study to gather information elevant to discrimination which may exist in contracting for goods and se vices in certain public sector purchasing. (Referred from Council 9/18/90, laid over in Committee 10/22/90) Committee Ch ir will re uest that this item be withdrawn. Committee re ommended withdrawal Resolution 9 -1255 - informing elderly residents of St. Paul of the availability of chore services and recruitment of volunteers to help the elderly with necessary chores around their homes. (Referred from Council 7/24/90, lai over indefinitely in Committee 8/13/90 and 11/5/90) Committee Ch ir will re uest that this item be withdrawn. Committee re ommended withdrawal esolution 9 -1598 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $60,000 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Police Special Projects for a word processing n twork. (Referred fr m Council 9/6/90, laid over in Committee 11/5/90) Committee C air will re uest that this item be withdrawn. Commi ttee re orr�nended wi thdrawal CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s.�.aa Prinud on Recycled Paper . � . � �-�,�r,�' ' DEPARTMENT OF POUCE J/�� �� � � � �f� • r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � . , � ' � INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION �i•� � � ��A►� /,f� To s Chi f McCutcheon � s'�� ''� Fro�:� Cin y Mullan � Ran y 8:•intaall Sub�ects Yor Proceseing Net ork Date: Apr 1 26, 1990 The Departwen �ord processing net�ork etudy ie co�plete. If the decisioi� iB ■ de to proceed �ith the follo�ing reco�wendation� an Adwinietrativ Order Mill be prepared to establiBh a budget. Delivery of e uipwent �ill occur �ithin 45 days of ordering. Equipwent ins allation �ill require approxiwately 14 daye. Goals ' The Departfe t is faced �ith the problew of effectively and ( econo�ically providing •ord processing for all Departwent pereonnel. Th goals of this pro�ect are to � I . Dev lop e wulti-user eystew �hich distributes Mor Perfect to all users . Pro ide the ebility to conveniently print docuw�ent6 . Pro ide single terwinal access to the proposed Police vor processing cowputer and the PRIME 6350, SEOUENT and IN �schines. A conscious d ision �as �ade to vier this pro�ect as a weene of supporting th clerical functions associeted Yith the perforwance of police �or . The capabilities provided by the net�ork ahould fecilitate all personnel in perforwing their �obs but not replace current operat onel procedures. It w�ust eupport the evolution of vord processi g needs including the eventual expeneion to cowputerized o fenee reporting. � S ecial Coneid rations The intellige t solution provides flexibility in accessing various hsrd�a e pletforws and enebles cost effective expaneion. It also t�exi�i es the use of existing equipt�ent and cebling. Currently the epart�ent has . Both buildings cebled for a broad bsnd netrork . PRIM and Sequent co�nputers co�n�unicsting vis � an ethe net local area net�ork �LAId) . 56 t r�inale dir�tly connected to the PRIlIE 6350 �? PM 73•65 . . . . . �� � ���� ��� . . . � . O tione Bxawi d ;:ii u There are no •off-the-ehelf' eolutions that can addrees all of i; the above con iderations and provide single ter�inal access to ` ' current appli 8tions. The P�lice Depart�ent needs a custonized � solution rhich �ill address cow�unications and distribution of service. All cowputers, ter�lnals and printere for Depart�ent applications • 11 be integrated based on the Yord proceesing solution. I � The Systews nit exawined the option of hiring an outeide consultant to esign and i�ple*ent the �ord processing net�rork. Mhile poseeesi g expertise in a specific area, they �rere not able to provide e 811-encoepessing eolution. In eo�ne caees, consultants' roposals �ere inappropriate end restrictive. A single consult nt source does not exist for thie pro�ect. Reco�nmendation I The Systews Un t reco��nends a cueto�ized solution utilizing the � hardvare and oww�unicetion expertise of Cable Office personnel. '� tA cow��nit�ent f Ceble Office assietance from Greg Heupt is easential to the euccess of this pro3ect. If this is not " available, ou side consultants �ill be required for this � co�nponent. ) S ft�are inetallatlon rill be provided by the co�aputer wanuf cturer. Syetems Unit personnel vill coordinate end ' direct the end avor. They �ill also alter existing progra��ing to accow�aodete th nev netrork. �1 . Total cost for this pro3ect is esti�ated at 860,703. Attachuent 'i One provides a detailed price breakdo�n of hardrare and softrare. � These ite�as � 11 provide �ord processing access for 5�.ter�uinals j��l( Usere �ill be r m �' ' � direct connec ion to the PRIME and re oce e onto ter�ninal servers. This ill allov equal eccess o a co�pu ers. ��� � ���� �5�� Attach�ent T o repreeents the recow�nended cow�nunication I configuration proposed by the Cable Office. This configuration 51�1�.� I utilizes a bro dband to ethernet bridge �hich ie currently in I place. An add tional bridge of this type Mill be needed in 1991. Anticipated in reases in city ride ethernet usage �ill wake a � eeparate Polic bridge necessary. Further Consid rations Mhile this ne Mork �ill expand �rord processing cepabilities in the Departwent, it •ill not eliuinate the need for pereonal cowputers. Att ch�ent Three details aurrent PC usage. Only nine of the current 38 PCe can be reallocated carded after inetallation f the net�rork. The rewainin 2 achines . are` h�evily used a d/or support non �ord processfng at#.ons. . . 9U-���� ; The responeib litie6 for providing a �ord processing net�ork does not end �ith he iastellation of the equip�ent. The �ob of syete■ ad�ninistratio becowes an added responBibility for the Syste�s Unit. LikeMis , installstion of the equipwent does not ensure succese. Uee training is essential. Thie training ehould be conducted by an outside eource snd coordinated through the - Training Unit Conclusion The anticipat d June 1 deadline �ill not be �uet. HoMever, this pro�ect teke the Depart�nent beyond establishing a �ord processing n t�ork. The York perforwed exauining these co�nplex iesues Mas th rough. By looking at long range needs, the design of this LAN upports an orderly and cost effective plan to weet f future data p ocessing needs. E � �� w�� {� s � . � �I• w�ll -IM�s h�n �� �� .�e' . ' � � S �"�pu Vnr�- ; _ �� ; ; � � . � � � i � � � I ; i _ , � � , . �0 -�5�8' � " ATTACHtIEMT O?iE � Mu : � � P � .�' . llord roaeeeinA 1[et�ork Cost Su�ary � �� ��( 1. Sun P oductB 524,706.00 �h� � � 2. YordPe fect Producte 82, 400.00 � 3. Cowwun cation Producte 527, 869.00 �� �+ � � : 4. 2 Lsse Printere (C+ 82, B64) 85,728.00 � �� � Tots �,703.00 (i-J � ��• JINI Sun Product Costs 1. SPARC erveri+ 511, 398.00 SUN 4 60 BIiB Entry 3,� � Morkg oup Server y r� `' 1 669 liByte �a� . ;i;'� s� : , �` ` � 150lIB SCSI 1/4-inch �, �� •f�,� ,:� Exter al tape (15. 5 MIPS) �,�'�� �� �`p�`" ,� �� � - 2. 17 in onochrowe Monitor S1,804.00 &� .- � ��- 3. 16M8 ![ �ory Expansion 89, 512.00 � "V'�t,-'� ~• ''t Board. (2 units C+ S4, 756) ' t+�' �� � 4. SunOS . 1 Syete■ 8492.00 Soft�a e Docu�entation 5. Sun Se ver Setup 51, 500.00 • �_ Co �uniaation Product Coste 1. Terwina Server 824, 408.00 8-port 208 �16 uni e C+ S1, 525. 50) 2. Easy St rt Kit Soft�rare 9715. 50 '� E; 3. Etherne to Ethernet S2, 245. 50 i Bridge 8080 i . . I . 4. Etherne �iring 8500. 00 For Pri e Corputer Roow � � _ . � AT7'AC � n1�,NT r�,�o • . . , , 9� _ ��� Commun�Ca�'ion C�on�'i�ur��c'o� � � � � T � t h . ❑ � �'�,rJ ° d a a c�j W a t � � ? � � � � at K p� o =� � W v a J �� c� h `. � m� � i 1- ' 4 Z � d � � W � _ � o 'L � a � � �� � � � � ^ �� �� � a � � �w a 0 " �� j � �--� � i '^ ? � liw`'�I - i � � � > ��o v ❑ `� � i� x�� / 4�- ot-�-�'-� n � °u) � " ^ � � 2 . 1- L' y '' w 3 � h � � �,�; ✓ �'�n �' n '�� � � �✓ � 1 �y�✓� w,,,,� �„�. w� /,�,, ,�/ ,� ,�,� w� M O'�► � '� ��ru�o �w,�;�l� � � � ���J '�" '� l�� �`� jk»a�-- M� N�. ,�,,,�/ �� �w� � '� ��i� �J,�I ��, . . c�� sl �w�'Mq�j /ry�l�i/ sd1►rAct w�i� t�lr! 1��1 � . � � a��l ,,��c ��� '"�'�''� Srrwr � ,r,� � �w�r�. . � N'��/ � = 14y►� ,�p,►M�ir � . �' � a �� �� � a� ��� . v w ,� �, . � � �� . � � � �� � -q • ��� ' rld� v �," 6°� ;: �'6 = � lo�?��r�rr �o�� � 61ao3 :tao — �o � t L3 � r"r"A � ��+ p b ' ' . . `���"�'�'��-' � '�.a�,,.r� �'� , . a�U��J�� Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta r�;�,; � 1 19g� ,��G 17 1990 Date: 7/19/90 s�^�Et� e ""'"� `l'�i�� '�� � t 3, 9 g i��, .� L�4�:"g'�.r�� BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS � `"{ OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Polic Green Sheet Number: 9254 Amount of Request: $60,000 Positions Requested: 0 Amount Recommended: $60,000 Positions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: Fund#436 fund balance Subject of Request: Esta lish spending authority for word processing network. BaCkground: Depa tment CF 87-1630 established spending authority for a Police Dept.computer network. It was finan ed with GF fund balances. Prior to that it had been encumbered in the Police Dept. budget but the encu brance was invalidated by the State Auditor because there was no contract or purchase order and the d Ilars reverted to fund balance. Implementation and purchase of the network has been purposely delay d to ensure proper analysis of department user needs and appropriateness of the technology chos n. Major Issues: Valu of project is adequately explained on green sheet and 4/26/90 memo from Mullan to Chief. Project was r viewed by ISTAG and endorsed as to technical feasibility on 5h5l90. ISPC recommended approval 5/21/ 0. Fiscal Impact: (Current Year a d Following Year) Primarily one-time cost. May have w rkload impact on Police systems unit;extra staff time needed to maintain system and support users. May also decrease demand for cleric I support. Recommendation: Approve. Unspent portion of$60,00 should be returned to GF(amendment is based on estimate, not actual cost or contract). Follow—up Recommended, If A : Review any new budget proposals for micro computers or clerical support in light of implementation of this system. Jeanetta's 715:anal6.wkt.all 7-19-90