90-1595 � __ , " p � Council File #` �D--��'� ;� RIGINAL /� � Green Sheet � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the ection of Rice Street (T. H. 49) between Hoyt Avenue and County Road B-2 has a igh accident rate caused in part by a large amount of turning vehicles and a lack of tur lanes, and WHEREAS, the tate of Minnesota has drawn preliminary plans to mill; resurface and restripe Rice Str et between Hoyt Avenue and County Road B-2 to add a two-way turn lane on that sect on of Rice Street and add right turn lanes at Larpenteur Avenue, Roselawn Aven e, Highway 36, Minnesota Avenue and County Road B-2 under State Contract Numb r S. P. 6213-35 to help alleviate the accident rate, and WHEREAS, sta engineers from the Department of Public Works have reviewed said plans and reco mend approval of the plans, now, therefore BE IT RESOLV D, that the proper City Officers of Saint Paul authorize the approval of Preliminary Pla s Numbered S. P. 6213-35. � as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: ���— o �, �ublic Works (D�D) 8-13-90 a ca e a une �. �� i son BY� �— Adopted by Council• Date SEP s �9� Form Appro d by City Attorney Adoptio CQrtifie by Council Secretary BY: By° Appro by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor qate $�p 7 1990 counci� , By: �� �`�� BY� PIfBIISNED ��►' 1 5 1990