90-1586 ' Council File � �� � ti�L� � �� i�� �=��. ��� . Green Sheet # - 1 0556 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� f,y Preasnted By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That pplication (I.D. ��26221) for the transfer of a Gas Station-3 Pumps, 5 Add tional Pumps, General Repair Garage, D-Original Container and Cigar tte Licenses currently issued to Douglas McKinnon DBA Sunray Standard at 34 Ruth Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Fuhr Enterprises DBA S nray Amoco (Michale & Mark Fuhr, Officers) at the same address. Y s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: n �wi z License & Permit Division cca ee e ma une on BY� Adopted by Counci : Date SEP 4 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary By: • D �s 'i0 By� - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date P 5 19 Council � � By. By: ��� PtlE�Lr��� �L P ; ;; '��;;� . , t � 9� �����'I� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� ��O��L� Finance/License �'REEN ��"�EET �'� CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMEN7 DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII Kris Van Horn/298-5 56 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AO A (DA ) ROUTINGFOR �BUDGET DIFECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. For Hearing: ��(,��q a � ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN� � (',niinri 1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Application (I.D. 4 6221) for the transfer of a Gas Station-3 Pumps, 5 Additional Pumps, General Repair Gar e, D-Original Container and Cigarette License RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Re} (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUBT ANSWER THE FOLLOWI S: _PLANNINCi COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depart�pt? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO �G23 _STAFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO C��'�/+ �D _D�STaiCT COURr 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any burts�t� ployee7 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB,IECTIV 7 YES NO � Explaln all yes anawers on separats sheet and attach to grosn sh.et INITIATINCi PROBLEM,IS3UE,OPPOR NITY(WhO,Whet,When,Where,Why): Fuhr Enterprises, I c. DBA Sunray Amoco (Michael & Ma.rk Fuhr, Officers) requests Council approval of the tra sfer of a Gas Station-3 Pumps, 5 Additional Pumps, General Repair Garage, D-Original Containe and Cigarette License at 344 Ruth Street. All applications and fees of $95.80 have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Council Research Center AUG 2 "11yyU .�-� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) , �d�is�� . DIVISION OF LICEN E ANI) P�;RMIT AI)MINISTRATION DATE / INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � ��_ Home Address ��CL l"�� �,. Rusiness Name � Home Phone � ��,�j— l.�o�Q �„ Business Address \ Type of License(s�,rq�, �G.S�;csr,��,.,,, � Business Phone � iZ_ ('���� � CQ� � � � c�u �. Public Hearing Da e � � � ��1(� Lice se I.D. �1F ��r""*Uj�l at 9:OQ a.m, in t e Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Ha 1 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� ��(p5-� l3 _ llate I�utice Sent; Dealer �� n �q to Applicant I'ederal Fixearms 4�' V��PC� Pub.lic He.aring DATE II�SPECTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� , �� . . �- � - Q , � Health Divn. ' g I n � c��K � � Fire Dept. � � ; nl� I �h - � � _ ' � � Police Dept. I `t�� � O�`i c� �co►-eQ License Divn. �+ � l ��l ' � City Attorney ��� � � � � Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research Lease or Letter Date from Landlord Ct�. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Ciirrent Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . .. �. � �� _ ,�-��� - CITr OF ST. PAUL D$PAR'PN�r11'P � FIl'�APCE AAD MIIAAC� SBttVICES I�ICH�55E AFD P�I�IIT DIVT�Ia1 Theae ststement f are issved in dnglicate. Pless� aas�rer all qnestio�s !'til�r aad completely. This a licstfon is thorvugb]y cbecked. Any ra,Uitication will be csuse for deaial. Date �''2�' " 4 a 19 �o 1. ApplicatiOn for _ �,erVi� , fio,� �y���e� ���t� 2. l�ame of applic t ��-�-�2 ��n.�v O�i S�S � 3. IP applicant is has been a mnrried temale, liat maidea neme h. Date of birth Age Place ot birth 5. Are you a citiz n of tbe United States � Natire _ AaturaliZed _ 6- Are you a regis red voter "� Where lU�'� �ri4�-{an ?. Hooe s+daress 1 c 1�i" St J�.'(,J Aome telepha��� �C, -oy 2 c� 8. Preaent business �aaress _3 yy ,V /Zr�f� S-f- ensiaess telspbooe 7_3�-�S"o 0 9. Zncluding yaur p rit bnsinesa/emQloyment, v5st basiness/e�ployseat hate yan follo++ed for the last five y�ears, Busineas/ loymeat Address ' � 4,��� �, . �/r a�o t 30� w Co C 10. Married � IY t+er is "yes", liat naee aad addre�s o� spcbse 21. !�iave you ever be arrested for an olfense that has retulted in a coavictionl�� If ana�+er is "ye ", list dates of arresta, �ere, charges, convictioos and sentences. DstQ o! arreat 19 where CBAFCE CONVIG'PION Sg�g Date o� arrest 19 where CRARG�' CJNV ICTIOii S� . %'v - ��,`--��� 12. List the s and addresses (if married, aame of spanse a2so) o! al1 persana, corporation , partaerships, associationa or organizations which in say rn�q have: a. A facn�tg interest in the licensed pre�aise, �/�o� b. A se intsrest ia the licensed premises, license, or ftu�ishings o! the . lfceas premise, �7/j'Ioc� c. A promis ory note !or tunds loaned for the aperstien of the licenaed pre�ise or the p chase o! 'the license, d. Financia ly contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- seZP e. Ar�y othe interest either direct or indirect, either financisl or otherwise i in the 1 cenaed premise or the licenae itself, Attach a copy her to oY aay at�d all documents relerred to in this alYiQavit. 1?. Give namea addresses of two persans, residents o! St. Psnl, Minnesata, aho can give inf tion concerning you. . ADDEt�S r u�J G � !�R /O�I' �7�h Sf �/LJ �G� ��/SCt��� � �ev v� ti�� \� t / � 7 f� S �{" (�(.,t� ��c.�1�tl7�f�f1 14. Addreas of p emises for which License or Permit is mede Addresa ,3�1 � e,��i j� Zoar classification 15. Betweea rhat cross streets � '�}� �/Qtcfh �" Wtei:h sfde of atreet � 26. fta�ae under ich this bnafneas �rill be conducted �(,cv�6��y (�1��2oc D 17. Buai�ss tel hone rnanber �3� - ��'�DD 1°. Attach to thia application, a detailed description of the design, locstion, and square Poot of the premises to be licensed 19. ?re oremises rn+ occupied What business �fUl C.����cf1Un H� long � {ccp _�� � � . . � 9�- /���� 20. List .license which you currently hold, or former]y held, or may have an intere in 21. Hav of he licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes . Na ��. f aaaver is "yes", liat dates aad reasona: 22. Do you have interest oP ac�r type in any o�her businesa or busineas premises. I; answer is " " , yes , list business, busineas address aad telaphoae rnmmber. C�V �23. If business i incorporated, give date of inco�oration C L ,� 19 and attach c y of Articles of Incorporation and miautes of first meeting. 2�. List a1Z �ffi ers of the corporation giving their names, oftice held, hame address, and ome and businesa telephone numbers: � _ �� � �� J , rc G� - � � � � J h� �i-�s< <� �,� -j-- � � 17 � �- �1-� _ � �r ,-- rM.n SS/i� , � � 3 ���av ' C � �v ���� — U� C� rts��l�� �- -� - �: � � t G� �� �' S�' v✓ ✓�C;,l �il �.7�� !"?N SS/JZ-. � 25• If business i partnership, list psrtner(s) address and telepha�e nnibers G�Z v N� Address Ta1.Ao. - �� 26. Is there a�yo e else rrho rrill have na interest 3a this b�siaeaa o� pre�dsesY Zf answer is yes , give name, home addresa, telephot�e a�b�ers and in rhst manner is the r interest: �� e 27. Are you goin� to operate this busineas peraonal�y (�1,� if not, xho �rill vpe=ste it: �""" Name ` Home ad dresa ,1��'9/7�S'�/lJW �e1.Ro lGi2)�3�Z° ,{/CWaii�� /�7�/SSi�L a . , �� — ,v�� � Are y�u goi to have a Afaanager or asaistaat i.a this business? If aasirer is "yes", give and hane address and ho�e teleohone namber: Name Home address Z�e1.No. 29. Has arxyone y have named in questions 22 through 26 ever been arrested? If aas�rcr is " s", list of person, dates of srrest, �rtiere, charges, coavic- tions aad se tence � 30. I Y ��(� �� � r C ° `_ � ``� understand this premise may be in- spected by t e police, fire, health and other city oPficisls at a�r and aIl times when t bnsiness is in aperation. State of Minnesota � SS County of Ramsey � �� ��"l��' 1 �� � �� being first du�y sworn, deposea anci says ii�poai oath that he has ad the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature and lmo�rs ttie co�tents thereoP, d that. the same is true of his owu lmowledge except as to those matters therein st ted upon information and belief and as to those matters he bt- � lieves them to be e. Subscribed and sw to bePor.e me � � this � �, da�y f �1 ur� .� lQ `� �; Signature o! Applic$nt 1 G,�-.� f'"�nn''rv�n i No . Public, C011IIty� M22�IlGSOt8 � ,�=�. KRISTINA L VAN NO"n�a � i�1 NOTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA , '�y co�ission expi s ` � �C1C� ��' DAKOTA COUNPI My�m����a�1�n.2. 1992 � �����.�wwA, x V�11/W����"'' \