90-1584 , , ` Council File # �7 ✓/•��n7 1 � � � G � � ��,., Green Sheet � 10538 RESOLUTION ' � ITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA �`�� '� � Presented By � Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 4�59905) for a State Class B Gambling License by Church of the Incarnation at the Townhouse, 1415 University Ave. W. , be and the same is hereby approved/�en'teti. e Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: z ron w z on License & Permit Division acca �e e aa �— une i son � By� V Adopted by Counci : Date SEP 4 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certifi by Council Secretary gy: �- �� BY� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by ayor Date _��p �� �QQ Council B ���'�z� By z Y� PUBIlSNED S�-P 1 � 1994 ���� � y � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET N° _1U538 Finance L cense INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIFiECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ASSIQN CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Christine Rozek-298-5056 NUMBER FOR 0 � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA E) C�ty C er ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. Hearin '{ q� B ^�.) � ORDHR �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'n (��= R oca w� TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval f an application for a State Class B Gambling License. Hearing: �� Notification: RECOMMENDATIOFiS:Approve(A)or Re� (R) PERSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL 3ERVICE COMMISS1oN �• Has this per6on/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF _ YES NO _DISTRIC7 COURT _ 3. Does thls person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empbyee? SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNCtL OB,IECTIVE YES NO Explaln all yes answers on seperat�shaet end attach to yre�n shest INITIATINO PROBLEM,IS3UE,OPPORTU ITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Steven Tib etts on behalf of Church of the Incarnation requests Council approval o an application for a State Class B Gambling License at the Townhouse, 1415 University Avenue. Investigative fee of $373.25 has been submitted. Proceeds from the pulltab sales will be used for charitable programs s onsored by the Church. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council pproval is given, Church of the Incarnation will operate a pulltab b oth at the Townhouse, 1415 University Avenue W. � RECEIVE� DISADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: 2�1.�90 C�T Y��ERh DI3ADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: , �Coun�c�� Res�a►rch C��nte�t �,��-� Q s���5v TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINf3 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) 9�-��� DiVISION OF LICE SE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � cI I U � � ra � � INTERDF.PARTMENTA' REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Received by Lic E f Aud cSi�CU-2i� I �1�be('�S Applicant l�� �1,hCQ rh�/�ome Address �{(0 33 !��{!�rQwS LZ Rusines5 Name � � hD�CjQ� Home Phone g � a--a/�� Business Address "� U.Q�S�� Type of License(s) �-lass �— � / Business Phone lr� G{.1'Y► �'�n� Li c:e�ns-e.. IV� W '" Public Hearing Da e � License I.D. �{ � Cf Cf �J at 9:OQ a.m. in t e Council Ch mbers, �'1 5 a��D ,/ 3rd floor City Ha 1 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t '7' llate I�otice Sent; Dealer 4� ���' to Applicant Federal Firearms 46 Nf I� Public Hearing DATE II�SPECTIUN REVIEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � �J J/-�- , Health Divn. ' � � ; N A- ' � Fire Dept. � � ; N�A- I Police Dept. I �� �`f3/�d `� �dl� ��i� � lL. , License Divn. ' � ���� � ��� City Attorney � "��t��y�, , D� Date Received: Site Plan � � / f� To Council P.esearch � '�P � V Lease or Letter Date from Landlord CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: W`orkers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ,. � � - q�- ,L-�,� '�� � Citq of Sai.at Paul , . Departmeat of Fiaance aad :lanagemeat Services .. Division of Licease and Perait Registratton I:IFORMATION RE UI �R'fH-AYPLICA?ION FO[t PERMIT TO CONDUCT PULLTAB/?IPBOARD SaI.ES I`t SAINT PAUL (Clas B Gambliag License ia Liquor Establishmencs - Nev Application) 1. Full aad com lete name of orgaaizatioct w�ich is applyiag far licease . . Churc of the Incamation 2. Does your or anization'meet the defiaition of a "large" orgzaization as outliaed in the November I988 revisien of Section 409.2I of the Legislative Code? Attach to th s application pertiaant finaacial and/or orgaaizationa]. information co support• your aaswer to this qusstion. NOTE: Qnlq 5 l.irge orgaaizations will be allow- ed to open p lltab operations uader che. revised citq ardinaace. If more thaa 5 organi- zations appl , qualifiad applicaacs will be selected randomly by the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held Town House Bar, 1415 Universitv Ave. . St. Paul. MN . Number . Straet City Zip 55104 4. Name of manag r signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Game Steven Tibbetts Date of Birth 3-17-51 (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant orgaaization 11 3raarc 5. Address of :ia ager 4633 - 14th Ave. So. Minneapo].is, MN 55407 Number Street City Zip 6. Day, dates, a d hours this application is for S p.m. - 12:45 a.m. 7 days per week Feb. 1, 1990 - Jan. 31, 1991 7. Is the applic t or orgaaization orgaaf.zed under the laws of the State of :Qi? 8. Date of iacorp ration October 6, 1909 9. Date when regi tered with the State of Minnesota Januarv 14, 1910 10. How long has o ganization beaa ia existeacs? 80 vears 11. How Iong has o gaaizacioa beea in existeace in SG. Paul? not in St. pa�,l , 12. What is the pu oae of the orgiaization? see attached m�GS�n„ ctatamont I3. Officers of a lteant organization: . - N� Fr. Ro ert Monaghan ��e Eda Kostroski, Secretary Addresa 381 �Pleasant Ave. So. Address 4815 Maple Rd. , Edina Title CEO �B 1-1-35 Titla Secretary Dpg 9-18-54 Name Don Tv� berg N� Address 411 Wentworth Ave. , Mpls. Address Title Treas rer Dpg 5-24-25 Title DOB � . �� - 1J�� . ' 14. 4ive names f officers, oz any other persons who paid for ssrvices to che or�iaizatio • not applicable H�e �� Address Addsess Title 2itlt (Attuh separate ahset for additional asses.) 15. Attachsd her to is a list of aames iad :ddreasss of alI members of the orgaaization. 16. In vhos• cus ody vill orgaaizacion's records be lupt? N� Car 1 Beaurline Addres� 3817 Pleasant Ave. So. 17. List aIl per ons srith the authority to siga cbccks for dispersal of gambliag proceeds: Name Fr. R bert Monaghan Ntae Carol B a�,r1;nP Address 3 17 Pleasant Ave. So. Address �g17 plPacant a.�a �o Member of Membei of �B 1-1-3 Organization? yes DOH 4-11-31 Organization? ve�_ Name Aase Address Address H�ber of Hember of DOB Orgaaizacion? __ mB Orgaaization? 18. Have qou read and do pou thoroughly undcrstand the provisiona of alI lavs� ordiaances, and regulatio s goveraing the operation of Charitable Gambliag games? Yes I9. �till your org aization's pulltab operation be operaced/maaaged sole2y by nembers of yonr orgaaiza ion? yea yes � 20. Has your orga ization signed, or does it iatead to siga, a consultiag agzeemeat or a managerial ag eemeat vith aaq person or co�pany to issist your orgaaization with the � pal+tab sales and/or recording ice�ping? yes no no If ansvsr is �s� give thc nsme aad addrssa of the person and/or co■�paay concracted. �� eddre�s ��e . Address ____ If aaavez is es, hov will such : eonsuluat b� paid? (pereeauge, flac fee, gambling fuada, geaera ..fuada. etc.) AtLach a copT of said concract to this applicacion. 2I. Operator of p emises where gsmes will b� bsld: N� Ma ty Bergman Basiae=a Addre s Town House Bar, 1415 Un�verGitv AvP Sr_ pa.�i *�_ ss� % _ flome Addzess 265 Earl Street, St. Paul MN 55106 ,, . .. � . 9� _ ,c�-�� • 32, a) Does you orgaaization paq or intead to pay accounting fees out oi gambliag funds' yes s no b) If you d pay accouatiag fees, to whom will such fees be paid? N�e Car 1 Heaurline Address 3817 Pleasant Ave. So. DOB 4-1 -31 I�esber of Organization? ves c) How are he accounting fees charged out? (flat fs�, hoarly. atc.) f la f ee d) What do ou aaticipate vill be qour, average monthly deductfon for accoaaciag fees? $10 per �onth• 23. Amounc of re t paid by applicaat organization for reat of the hall: $400 per month 24. The proceeds f the games will be disbursed after dedncting prize Iayout costs and operacing exp nses for the following purposes and uses: Educ tion; assisting the needy, including the�handica ed, wome 's shelters, community education, and the worshi in comm nity. 25. Has the premi es vhere t8e games are to be held beea certified for occupaacy bq the Citp of Saiat Paul? yes 26. Has paur orga ization filed federal form 990-T? � Zf answer is ye�, please attach a copy vith t is application. If answer is no, explaia why: see a tached letter from 0 ' U.S. atholic Conference, and photocopy of Catholic Directory Aay chaages desired by the applicaat association may b� made on.tq with the coeueat of the City Council. ' Church of the Incarnation Orgaaizatioa lYame Date 7- � - �� By: lYanager ia chazge of ga�e � � �..c,� Organization Presideac CEO