90-1578 A�• • ` s t Counc i l F i l e # f./Y 7 v - QR1G�[� �� ' ' Ordinance # Green Sheet � ORDINANCE ��,�, ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA °L�S�� U Presented By eferred To � � �'LCGLL� � ,����� Committee: Date -Y _7 � An ordinance amendi g the Saint Paul Legislative Code to add the followin as a,�w chapter pertaining to Ozone D pleting Compounds. �'��?' THE C UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES RD � � Section 1. �� The Legislative Code o the City of Saint Paul be and the same is reby amended so as to add the following provisions th reto: .O1 Findin�s. Available scienti c evidence indicates that chl orocarbons ("CFCs") and halons, when discharged into the envi onment, deplete the earth's p te ive ozone layer, allowing increased amounts of ultraviolet radiation to penetrate the earth's a s ere, thereby posing a long-term danger to human health, life and t e environment by incre in ch harms as skin cancers, cataracts, suppression of the immune system, amage to crops and aq life, and related harms. The release of ha ons in testing fire in ishing systems is a primary source of the release of halons into the earth's tmosphere. CFCs are widely sed in refrige 'o and air conditioning systems in a form commonly known as "Freon". \ There is currently o econo c feasible technology available as a substitute for the Freon used in refrigeration and air onditio� stems, and the Halon used in certain fire extinguishing systems. � � The recapturing d r e ' g of Freon from auto air conditioning units alone could eliminate nearly 20% of all CFC hen� s used nationally. The Montreal Pr toc On Substances That Deplete The Ozone Layer (an international pact) which was ratified by th nited States on April 21, 1988, and which became effective January l, 1989, calls for reductions in t production, importation and exportation of CFCs to fifty percent (50%) of the worldwide 19861ev , by 1998, and for a freeze on the production of Halon at 1986 levels beginning January 1, 1992. In light of e cu ent and future limitations on the production of CFCs both nationally and internationally, e dev lopment and utilization of environmentally safe alternatives to CFCs at this time will crea a comp titive advantage to those businesses electing to utilize such alternatives prior to the effect' e date of y comprehensive international, federal, state or local regulation banning the use of CFCs and halo . 1 ORIGIN.AL . � �� - �-�� � The release of C Cs and halons into the atmosphere is a global danger to the environment, thus � • any reduction in the rel ase of said materials within the City of St. Paul will reduce this global danger and will result in a ben fit to the overall health and safety of the public inside and outside the City of St. Paul. Recent discoveri s have shown that the reductions in CFC levels set forth in the Montreal Protocol may be insuffi 'ent to remedy the global health and safety risk created from the release of CFCs and halons. The City of St. Pa 1 encourages the research and development of environmentally safe altemative technologies and produ ts to replace the use of CFCs and halons. The City of St. Pa 1 supports all international, federal and state bans on uses of CFCs; however, until such bans have be n adopted by the appropriate agencies, responsible action on the part of the City of St. Paul is neces ary to reduce CFC and Halon use in order to promote the long-term health, safety and welfare of th general public, and the environment. To protect the en 'ronment, and the health, safety and welfare of its citizens, the City of St. Paul, by this Ordinance inten s to regulate, consistent with the state law, the sale and distribution of certain products made of or wit a blowing agent compound which consists of CFCs, regulate the servicing of certain equipment and a pliances which contain CFCs, and to significantly reduce the release of halons into the earth's atmosg ere. .02 Definitions. For purposes of this Ch pter t' apfinitions shall apply: (a) "Chlorofluoroc rbor 1st� �, ��� identified in the Montreal Treaty as: CFC-11, CFC-13, CFC-12 CF . ' —�� _ 1'��2; CFC-115, C2FSC1; Halon 1211, CF2BrC1; Halon-13 l, � 3rd � �� �-���ns or CFCs also includes substances ide tifi 2�q -•'P as being included or added to th P � _ (b) "City" shall m Yeas Adopt�, �_ �a7 (c) "City Council'' (d) "Person" sh2 D1�Np y domestic or foreign c �p Nays iy kind joint venture � 5���'2 le occupation and any � L pNG ���57� ner acting as a principal, �ble organization. ��cA$EE . �, � RE , �'� � �� .� �� .03 Requirements t T HUcV� �, 1. S lva A m i� �. �� PRESIDE�,� :FCs for recycling prior to dispos 1 or sale o� ._ WTLSpN �ot apply to crushed automobiles automobiles that uu. aoval and recovery of CFCs impos 'ble. 2. Refri er i n i men A person processing scrap refrigera". ,onditioning 2 . �`' .j`� ,��/ uriits, or'freezers must remove and recycle, destroy, or properly dispose of the CFCs. 3. M il Air n i i nin E i m nt A person servicing or removing mobile air conditioning equipment must: (a) recap ure CFCs, provide storage for recaptured CFCs, and transfer recaptured CFCs to a recyc er; or (b) recap re CFCs and recycle the CFCs to an allowed use. 4. rvi 'n f li n A person servicing refrigerators, central air conditioning units, or freezers must: (a) recapt re CFCs, provide storage for recaptured CFCs, and transfer recaptured CFCs to a recycl r; or (b) recap re CFCs and recycle the CFCs to an allowed use; and (c) the re overed CFCs may be properly disposed of or destroyed. 5. Foam N t R ire t b Re 1 d This section does not require recycling of rigid or fle�ble foam. .04 Re uirement R cl Fire Extin ish r halons. A person who recharge , services, or retires fire extinguishers must recapture and recycle halons. .OS Medical Devi E m tion. This ordinance does not apply to processes using CFCs or halons on medical devices, in sterilization processes in health car facilities, or by a person or facility in manufacturing or selling of inedical devices. .0 Sale f ert in Pr ts Prohi i 1. M tor Vehi 1 olants. A person may not offer for sale or sell CFC coolants in containers weighing less than 15 p unds that are designed for or are suitable for use in motor vehicle air conditioners except to ersons who possess CFC recycling equipment and who present proof of ownership of CFC recyci ng equipment at the time of purchase. 2. Solvents. A p son may not offer for sale or sell solvents containing CFCs in containers weighing 15 pounds or le s. 3. P tr mers A person may not offer for sale or sell CFC propelled party streamers. 4. Noise Horns. person may not offer for sale or sell CFC powered noise horns. 5. A li ili New Ch mi 1 For each new chemical added to M.S. Section 116.70, subdivision 3, after the e ective date of this ordinance, the application of this ordinance to the new chemical is effective on t e date specified in that statute or rule. 3 ORIG � NAL � � � . �,� _ ,�--�� � � � � Section 2. That this ordinan e shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publicatio . Section 3. This ordinance sh 11 be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative C e and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at e time of the next revision of said Legislati e Code. � ^d� < � � �� -� � \ � imon Yea a s Absent Requested by Department of: oswztz on — acca ee et man an e i son BY� Adopted by Counc' . Da e Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certif ed by C uncil Secretary gy: �� �d-�,2�O By' Approved by ayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Da e Council By� By: i 4 4 , � , : . � ' , , TO C TY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: ❑ FI NCE,MANAGEMENT&PERSONNEL ❑ H USING 8�ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ❑ H USING&REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ❑ H MAN SERVICES,REGULATED INDUSTRIES, A D RU�.ES AND POLICY ❑ IN ERGOVERNMENTALRELATIONS ❑ N IGHBORHOOD SERVICES +�P BLIC WORKS, UTILITIES 8 TRANSPORTATION ❑ A TION ❑ HER DAT 2 G" FR , . , ,� � . ► ��J -�r�� DEPAF,iT�ENT/OFFICE/COU�� AI����T�E� N� _10 9 4 0 � , �i y .counc i > >� GREEN SHEET ��;p11i1���'L77eri � L�o'�iq x4 4 7 3 � INITIAUDATE ❑ INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL ASSION �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT ) NUMBER FOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTINO ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANI) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAO S (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: E � (ODC) when mobil and stationary refrigeration and cooling systems are serviced or dis sed of and prohibiting the sale of certain products that contain ozone-de letinq compounds. RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)or Re�ect R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINO QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _C IL 3ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a cont►ect fo►this depertmeM? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _ DiSTRiCT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess e skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answera on separate sheet and attach to gresn sheat INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI (Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The release of O s has been linked to the depletion of stratospheric ozone. One sourc of ODC emissions comes from the servicing and disposal of mobil and stat onary cooling and refrigeration systems that use ODCs. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: By requirinq the capture and recycling of ODCs when these cooling and refrigeration syst ms are serviced or disposed of the 20� of ODC emissions in the City could e eliminated, thereby reducing the amount of damage done to the ozone layer and reducing the environmental damage that would result. By passing this or inance, City inspectors would be able to ensure compliance with bo h City and State requirements. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Consumers will exp rience minor inconvenience when some products are no longer available. here may also be a slight increase in costs of servicing the effe ed equipment, but such cost increases should be very minor. DISADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Emissions of ODCs w uld continue, thereby continuing the damage being inflicted on the oz ne layer and increasing the environmental damage that results. Enforceme t of state regulations would, � al ikeli oc�d, not take place. t+aU11C� �8S881'C� �i!l11�1` AUG �41�yU ,.�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �', r W � qo�/S��'' � �������„�i CITY OF SAINT PAUL RF�E��ED em e�,n. � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �UL 2 � �992 CIT y C�E��, DAVE THUNE Councilmember PUBLIC WORKS, UTILITIES, AND TRANSPORTATIO � COMMITTEE REPORT Wednesday, July 15, 199 CONSENT AGE DA 1. Approval o June 3, 1992 Public Works Committee minutes. Committee recommends approval. (3 - 0) 2. Recomme ding W'rthdrawal of Pending Items: All pending items, referred to the Public Works Co mittee from January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, will be recommen ed for withdrawal. At the request of the City Council or Administration, an item will no be recommended for withdrawal. See attach d memo to Molly O'Rourke from Jim Murphy dated July 15, 1992. (4 - 0) �3.�{��VACATION Petition of Kevin and Susan Jensen for the vacation of part of Otto Avenue �/ between M ntcalm Court and Lexington Parkway for the purpose of correcting a garage encroachm nt in Otto Avenue. (Before the City Council 8/s11/92)�� Committee ecommends approval. (4 - 0) 4. VACATION Petition of Housing Redevelopment Authority for the vacation of the alley in (/ Block 11, B il and Guerin's Addition, bounded by 7th Street, 7th Place, St. Peter Street and Wabas a Street for the new Children's Museum. (Before the_City;Council 8/11/92)� � Committee ecommends lay over to August 19. (4 - 0) 5. FINAL ORD R: Constructing a sanitary sewer and a sanitary sewer service connection in Kennard treet from Case Avenue to approximately 225 feet north of Case Avenue. 1/� �(Before the= ity:�Council.;8/4/92)��► � Committee ecommends approval. (4 - 0) � V6. FINAL ORD R: Constructing a sanitary sewer in McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to approxim tely 250 feet west of Clarence Street. (Before'tfie City Council 8/4/92) �� Committee ecommends approval. (4 - 0) � - OVER - CITY HALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s�,aa Printed on Recycled Paper -__�._.,,-�--�r-..-._ ._.,,T,-r^..,.,,.�..._-, . . ,..-c,._.-�ssvar<�---.,.-�rv.-�- . ..._.... ....y. .._. _._._ _...T.._ .�a-.�>:�_.. __. _.-�r-,�-. . ....-.�.�,�...:... -,-..-.,- , , . yo- 15?�" . . Councilmember Dave Thune's Office City of Saint Paul Seventh Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 MEMORAND M DATE: July ls, 1992 RECEIVED TO: Molly 0'Rourke, City Clerk JUL 161992 �ClTY CLEftI� FROM: J im Murp y $UBJECT: Items Re r ed to Committee Attached is a li t of the matters referred to the Public Works Committee. Upon review by the Ci y Council and administration, it was determined that all items on this list, w'th referral dates between January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be wi drawn except for the following items: • Reso ution - 89-1172; GS-45 � • Ordi ance - 89-2108; GS-1539 • Reso ution - 90-1849; GS-5341 • Reso ution - 90-1823; GS-2564 • Reso ution - 90-2066; GS-59 • Reso ution - 91-859; GS-15729 • Reso ution - 91-900; GS-15128 • Reso ution - 91-531; GS-10237 • Reso ution - 91-1318; GS-15735. Also, all reques s to appear before the Public Works Committee, with referral dates between Ja ary 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be withdrawn. Item ��2 on the July 15, 1992 Public Works Committee agenda recommends the withdrawal of these items. All of the previ usly referenced items have been highlighted in yellow on the attached list. Enclosure: . cc: City Counci members Lou Cotrone RECEiVE�+ CITY CLERl� • � Council File # ' 9 O 1 �� �� ' - �� Green Sheet � 1 ^ RESOLUTION , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� ; � Presented By Referred To i Committee: Date RESOLVED: Request for an extension of liquor service area applied for by Lexi-F ont, Inc. DBA Gabe's by the Park (I.D. 4�16156) at 991 North Lexing on Parkway (Chester Wille, President) be and the same is hereby extend d to the patio directly adjacent to the building at the northeast corner With the following conditions: 1. No outdoor music 2. C1 sure of the patio by 10:00 PM 3. Fe cing off and landscaping the view from Lexington Parkway 4. Sha ed parking agreement with GNB Inc. be maintained for the duration of the liquor license. Should the licensee's use of the GNB spaces be discontinued, then all use of the pat o shall cease unless prior approval by the Council has bee received. 5. Lic nsee agrees that it will not contract with Northtown Cr it Union for use of its parking lot. s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: 10 sj'' �' License & Permit Division � — c ee v et 8 �+ u e s son BY� � Adopted by Council: ate SEp 4 �Q�_ Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certified by ouncil Secretary BY: . By° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: D te S�P- 5 1990 Council B �,�i��i'"' By: Y� PUBIISHED �t P 1 5 19 9 0