90-1574 1
C ty of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �6 ����
Voting Assessment No.
Ward In the matter of the sament of benefits, cost and expenses for
1, 2, 3, 4
the operati g costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting System for
the followi g :
18390 North side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 713 . 02 feet
0072 east of Ke neth Street ;
South side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 587 . 13 feet
east of Ke neth Street ;
West side of Cleveland Avenue from 95 . 65 feet north of Scheffer
Avenue to 65 feet south of Ford Parkway and
East side f Cleveland Avenue from 240 feet north of Eleanor Avenue
to 222 fee south of Ford Parkway known as the Ford—Cleveland Above
Standard L ghting Area for the months of January thru December , 1990.
Prel minary Order No. 89�1610 Approved September 12 , 1989
Fina Order No. 89�1836 Approved October 10 , 1989
18336 Both sides Selby Avenue from Arundel Street to Virginia Street ;
0071 East side rundel Street from Selby Avenue to 172 . 5 feet south and
Both sides Western Avenue from 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to
Dayton Ave ue known as the Selby � Western Area Above Standard Street
Lighting f r the months of January thru December , 1990.
Preliminary Order No. 89-1611 Approved September 12 , 1989
Final Order No. 89-1837 Approved October 10 , 1989
18321 Both sides of East Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Street ;
0070 Both sides of East Sixth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Street ;
Both sides f Sibley Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street ;
Both sides acouta Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street and
East side o Jackson Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street known as
the Lowertown Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the months of
January thr December 1990 .
Preli inary Order No. 89-1612 Approved September 12 , 1989
Final Order No. 89�1838 Approved October 10 , 1989
18392 Both sides f Grand Avenue from 260 feet west of Victoria to 100 feet
0073 east of Dal Street ;
Both sides of Victoria Street from 150 feet north of Grand to 150
feet south f Grand ;
West side o St. Albans Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand
and East si e of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand
known as th Grand—Dale�Victoria Above Standard Street Lighting Area
for the mon hs of January thru December , 1990.
Preli inary Order No. 89-1613 Approved September 12 , 1989
Final Order No. 89�1839 Approved October 10 , 1989
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18430 North side xchange Street from St . Peter Street to Cedar Street ;
0076 South side xchange Street from Wabasha Street north to Cedar Street ;
South side xchange Street from St . Peter Street to 150 feet east of
St . Peter Street for the North Wabasha Area Above Standard Street
Lighting Ar a for the months of January thru December , 1990 .
Preli inary Order No. 89-1614 Approved September 12 , 1989
Final Order No. 89-1840 Approved October 10 , 1989
18423 Both sides of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet
0074 west of Fairview ( 167 feet north side , 144 feet south side ) for the
Grand Avenue West Area Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the
months of January thru December , 1990.
Preliminary Order No. 89�1615 Approved September 12 , 1989
Final Order No. 89�1841 Approved October 10 , 1989
18425 Both sides f Grand Avenue from about 260 feet west of Victoria ( 180
0075 feet north side , 260 feet south side ) to about 210 feet west of
Lexington P rkway ( 210 feet north side , 130 feet south side) ;
Both sides of Lexington Parkway from the alley north of Grand Avenue
to the alle south of Grand Avenue ;
Both sides f Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north of
Grand Avenu ;
West side of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley south of
Grand Avenu ;
Both sides f Chatsworth Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north of
Grand Avenu and Both sides of Milton Street from Grand Avenue to the
alley north of Grand Avenue for the Grand Avenue East Above Standard
Street Ligh ing System for the months of January thru December , 1990.
Prel minary Order No. 89�1616 Approved September 12 , 1989
Fina Order No. 89-1842 Approved October 10 , 1989
18434 West side Sm th Avenue from Stevens Street to 100 feet south of Baker
0077 Street ; East side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 75 feet south of
Baker Street and Both sides Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to 50
feet north f Annapolis Street for the Smith Avenue Above Standard
Street Light ng System for the months of January thru December 1990.
Prel minary Order No. 89-1617 Approved September 12 , 1989
Fina Order No. 89-1843 Approved October 10 , 1989
18510 Both sides W basha Street from Kellogg Boulevard to llth Street ;
0078 Both sides F fth Street from St . Peter Street to Wabasha Street and
Both sides S xth Street from St . Peter Street to Wabasha Street for
the Wabasha— ifth—Sixth Area Above Standard Street Lighting System for
the months o November and December 1990.
Prel minary Order No. 89-1618 Approved September 12 , 1989
Fina Order No. 89�1844 Approved October 10 , 1989
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18525 Both sides Se by Avenue from 221 feet east of Dale Street to Grotto
0079 Street and Bo h sides Dale Street from 116. 38 feet north of Selby
Avenue (east ide ) and 110 feet north of Selby Avenue (west side ) to
110 feet sout of Selby Avenue (west side) and 172. 5 feet south of
Selby Avenue east side ) — Selby Avenue Revitalization Project No. 1
Area Above St ;ndard Street Lighting System for the months of September
to December , ;990 .
Preli inary Order No. 89�1619 Approved September 12 , 1989
Final Order No. 89-1845 Approved October 10 , 1989
18550 North side Co cord Street from 50 feet southeast of Ada Street to
0100 approximately 125 . 06 feet northwest of State Street and South side
Concord Stree from approximately 78 . 59 feet northwest of George
Street to app oximately 362 . 81 feet southeast of State Street —
Concord Area hase I Area Above Standard Street Lighting System for
for the month of November and December , 1990.
Prel ' minary Order No. 89-1620 Approved September 12 , 1989
Fina Order No . 89-1846 Approved October 10 , 1989
18607 the Departme t of Revenue Area Above Standard Street Lighting System
0101 Area is boun ed by the Mississippi River , Robert Street , Fillmore
Avenue and State Street for the months of January thru December ,
1989 and Jan ary thru December , 1990.
Preliminary Order No. 90-1054 Approved July 26 , 1990
Final Order No. 90-1346 Approved August 7 , 1990
18590 West side of St . Peter Street from Kellogg Blvd. to E. Sixth Street
0104 and from E. Seventh Street to Interstate 94.
East side of t . Peter Street from E. Fourth Street to Interstate 94
with multiglobe lights from E. Sixth Street to Seventh Place Mall only
for the St. P ter Street Area Above Staetdard Street Lighting System
for the month of October thru December , 1990.
Preli inary Order No. 90-484 Approved March 29 , 1990
Final Order No . 90�834 Approved May 17 , 1990