90-1562 o����Na� Council File # � J��' Green Sheet # ---1�� RESOLUTION CITY OF NT PAUL, NESOTA , Presented By Referred T Committee: Date 1 RE S, local police departments, including the Saint Paul Police 2 Department, mu t currently put most of their drug enforcement efforts on street-level 3 enforcement due to limited resources and the violent nature of street level drug traffic 4 and are rarely a le to follow up on information supplied by suspects conceming their 5 sources of drug s pply; and 6 7 WHERE S, federal drug enforcement efforts are focused on major intemational 8 and national dru traffickers; and 9 10 WHERE S, no existing enforcement group is directing its activities toward the 11 identification, ap rehension, and prosecution of mid-level drug dealers, defined as 12 anyone who buys between thirty grams and one kilo of cocaine hydrochloride or crack, 13 methamphetami or opiate or between one and ten kilos of marijuana for repackaging, 14 processing and d tribution to other dealers; and 15 16 WHERE S, it is estunated that there are between 100 and 200 mid-level drug 17 dealers in the m tro area; and 18 19 WHERE S, the Minneapolis Police Department, the Hennepin County Sheriff's 20 Office, the Henn pin County Attomey's Office, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Office and 21 the Ramsey Co ty Attomey's Office have submitted a proposal to the State Office of 22 Drug Policy for eation of a Hennepin, Ramsey and Minneapolis Mid-Level Drug 23 Dealer Task For e to target mid-level dealers, and have requested $1,500,000 of federal 24 funding for this t k force; and 25 26 WHERE S, this task force would bridge the gap between wholesaler 27 enforcement effo at one end of the drug traffic continuum and street-level 28 enforcement at t e other end, without diminishing current street-level or community 29 enforcement effo in any way; and 30 31 WHERE S, the Ramsey and Hennepin county attorneys' offices and the 32 Minneapolis Poli e Department have clearly stated that they would like the Saint Paul 33 Police Departme t to join these efforts, in which case the City Saint Paul would be 34 requested to cont 'bute up to $100,000 if the full $1,500,000 requested in federal funds 35 were granted, an other metropolitan law enforcement entities would contribute up to 36 $400,000 for a to a1 match of 19 to 1; and 37 ��� �� �v _� � �� � �-3� �c,� �-�d,�s'G.z ,0#�fiGINAL 1 WHERE , Saint PauPs participation in the task force would increase the 2 likeli.hood of suc ess of the task force in identifying, apprehending and prosecuting mid- 3 level drug deale and the likelihood that significant federal anti-drug funds will be 4 allocated to this roposal; therefore 5 6 BE IT OLVED, that the City of Saint Paul request the opportunity to 7 participate in th proposed task force and that the Saint Paul Police Department is 8 hereby authorize to join in the application for creation of, and federal funding o� the 9 task force; and b it 10 11 FURTHE RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to 12 enter into agree ents with the other proposed task force members concerning the 13 relevant responsi ilities and jurisdictions of task force members; and be it 14 15 FiJRTHE RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is requested to 16 issue a letter sup orting the task force to the State Office of Drug Policy. Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on acca ee -- e man un e z son BY� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By� Approved by Mayor for Submiseion to Approved by Mayor: ate Council By: By� • , � � �=-�D��y'G..�' r • ` DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED c�ty coun��� GREEN SHEET N° _11626 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIALlDATE Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Councilmember �.CC ee XS37H ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL ACiENDA BY(DAT ) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAG S (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Resolution to autho ize Saint Paul Police Department to join in application for federal funding of a metro- ide drug task force, to enter into agreements concerning the relevant responsibilities an �urisdictions of task force members, and to issue a letter supporting t e RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rej (R) pERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ IVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF _ YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on:eparete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUN (Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The Minneapolis Poli e Department, Ramsey and Hennepin county attorneys' offices and the Ramsey and Hennepin ounty sheriffs' offices have joined in a proposal to the State Office of Drug Policy for c eation and funding of a metro-wide drug task force aimed at identif3.r�ec£ion, appr hension and prosecution of mid-level drug dealers, and have stat-ed that they would like the ity of Saint Pual to join in these efforts. � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Saint Paul law e orcement efforts would be enhanced to include additional resources to target mid-level drug dealers, the likelihood of success of the task force in accomplishing its goals and in rece ving federal funds for the task force will increase. There will be a possible 19 to 1 matc of funds contributed by Saint Paul. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The City will be requ sted to contribute up to $100,000 in matching funds. There won't beadditio al disadvantages, the task force efforts will complement current local street-level en orcement, and will not diminish current enforcement activities in any way. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be no group targeted at mid-level drug dealers, although it is estimated that from lOQ to 200 midlev 1 drug dealers are in the metro area. Saint Paul will lose the opportunity to benefit from the collective efforts of the task force. Information about mid-level drug dealers currently received will continue to receive no follow up due to limited resources. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDCaETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) . c.F 9a•�s6 Z 1 WHERE , Saint Paul's participation in the task force would increase the 2 likelihood of suc ss of the task force in identifying, apprehending and prosecuting mid- 3 level drug dealer and the likelihood that significant federal anti-drug funds will be 4 allocated to this roposal; therefore 5 6 BE TT RE OLVED, that the City of Saint Paul request the opportunity to 7 participate in the proposed task force and that the Saint Paul Police Department is 8 hereby authorize to join in the application for creation of, and federal funding of, the 9 task force; and, b it 10 11 FURTHE RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to 12 enter into agree ents with the other proposed task force members concerning the 13 relevant responsi ilities and jurisdictions of task force members; and, be it 14 15 FURTHE RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is requested to 16 issue a letter sup orting the task force to the State Office of Drug Policy; and, be it 17 18 FURTHE RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul sanctions this 19 activity as an aut orized solicitation under Chapter 41 of the Administrative Code; and, 20 be it 21 22 FiJRTHE RESOLVED, that should the City of Saint Paul be successful in 23 receiving a grant f federal funding, the Council will require review of any conditions or 24 contingencies att hed to the grant before approving any pro rata matching funds; and, 25 be it 26 27 FINALLY RESOLVED, that any grant received will not require or be 28 conditioned on th City changing or modifying its own anti-drug efforts ranging from 29 planning to the a ual deployment of personnel. Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: .zmon oswi z on acca ee ettman une i son By� Adopted by Council: ate Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: c ��3 b � � By� Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Council Approved by Mayor: ate By: By�