90-1553 0 R I G� �1/� L �ouncil File # �/ Green Sheet � 11526 RESOI.UTiON y,- �, ' I F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Reterred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: Tha application (ID 4�18608) for a State Class B Gambling License by ystic Fibrosis Foundation at Top Hat, 134 E. 5th Street, be and the same is hereby approved/�ed. �_ as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: w License & Permit Division c a e ma u on BY� v Adopted by Council Date u `� � ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption er fied by Council Secretary BY: �� BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to AUG 3 994 coun�i� Approved by Mayor: Date 1 By: � j��%� By: patg�rc��� StP - 81990 �.����s�3 ��,� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Finance/Li ense GREEN SHEET N° _11526 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE a DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine ozek/298-5056 ASSION �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGE 3o Y(DA E) City Cle L ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. � Hearin / 8-�-90 B 8- �(�Q ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � (;o»nc i 1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a application for a State Class B Gambling License. 30 Hearing: 8-�-90 Notification: RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rej (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _STAFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green she�t INITIATINa PROBLEM,133UE,OPPORT ITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Bob Ma.lby on ehalf of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation requests City Council approval of t eir application for a State Class B Gambling License at Top Hat, 134 . 5th Street. Proceeds from the pulltab sales will be used for Cystic Fi rosis research and education. Investigative fee of $373.25 has been subm tted. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council ap oval is given, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will operate a pulltab boot at Top Hat, 134 E. 5th Street. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Counci� Re�e�r�h C��t�r. RFCEIVED � �1yyU G141990 �;u,� � _ aU _ .,- - TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ..I� �� . , ��10'iss3 DIVISION OF LICE SE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE O �'l () / o � �� INTERDEPARTMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn o essed/Receive by �b ����Lic Enf Aud Applicant �i .I�V� 'i S Home Address �-{3 U (��.r� C,,au-t �� Business Name � lT fl" � Home Phone � 7� - U �(o� Business Address 3 � G• LJ�l�� Type of License(s) �I�SS � Business Phone C C��.y� (��r n �1(�,y� �v Public Hearing D te � �D 9 C� License I.D. � �Q � (� at 9:00 a.m. in e Council Cha bers, 3rd floor City H 11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �)i9' Date Notice Sent; Dealer � �I� to Applicant Federal Firearms 46 ti Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COrIl�IENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D ! �� Health Divn. � �'� � Fire Dept. N i� � � Police Dept. I �O/is y� Q /C� License Divn. i �(� I�� �� � � !(� � City Attorney � � � �� � ��� Date Received: Site Plan g 9 �IU To Council Research g � f U --`C!� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � (? �icy oi Saint Pau1 � , Deoartaent of Finance and ;Sanagement Services �y�'"�J�J� � • ' ". ' Division of License and Permit Regiscratio� - . . ZYFOR�`SATION RE RED �TZTK-3PPLFC�,TION .OR P�T TO CONDQCT PULLTdB/TI°BOdRD SdI.�S Iti SAIi`tT ?4UL (CI ss 3 Gaacling Licease in Liquor Establishmeats - Yev :�oplicacion) I. Fuil and c plete name of organization which is applying. for license Cystic ibrosis Foundation _ 2. Does your rganizatioa'meet the deftaition of a "Iarga" organizatioa as outZiaed ia the Yovemb r, I988 revisioa of Section 409.ZI of the Legislative Code? Yes �,ttach to his application pertiaeat financial and/or orgaaizational iaformation co support• yo r answer to Chis question. NOTE: Only 5 large orgaaizacioas vi1Z be al,low- ed to open puiltab operations uader the revised citq ordiaance. If more thaa 5 organi- za[ions ap ly, quaiified applicancs vill be selected randomly by the Cicy Council. 3. Address wh re games will be held 134 East 5th Street St. Paul 55101 . Number Street City Zip 4. Name of man ger signing this application vho will conduct, operate and manage GambI.ing Ga es Bob Malbv Date of Birth 10/11/42 (a) Length f time manager has been member of applicant orgaaization SlX Y2dt"S 5 . address oi nager 6517 Limerick Orive Edina 5543� Yumber Street Ci4y Zip b. Day, dates, and hours this appiicatioa is for 7 ddyS p2t" week--4p.m.-12.30 d.m. beginning October 1 , 1990 7. Is the appl canc or organizacion organized under the Iavs of the State. of ;4Q? n0 8. Dace o= inc rporaeion N/A 9. Dace whea r gistered vith che State of :itnnesoca N/A 10. Fiow Long ha organizatfon been ia existence? 35 years L1. ciow long ha organfzacioa beea ia existeace in St. Paul? 35 years LZ. What is che purpose of the orgaaizacion? M1SSi0n Statement I3. Officers oE ppLicaat organizatioa: • . Name Ron wain Name Anne Hoffman address 1001 Hi hwa 7 Excelsior MN� 55331 Address 2713 Crestwood Cir. ,Mtka, MN 55343 Ticle Pres'dent DpB 12/2/41 Ticle Secretary DoB 9/4/49 :tame Kay fouts vame Brent Blackey �,ddzess 5912 Schaefer Rd. , Edina, MN 55436 address 18444 Tristram Way, Eden orairie MN, 55346 Title Vice president Doa 5/23/39 Title Treasurer poB 11/17/58 � : (d,T- ya/,�3 : • , Iy. �ive aames of oi:�cers, or aay other�persons vho paid �or serv:ces ca t�se orgaaizaci n. � • Name N/A Name N/A � Address Address Title TitZe (Actach separate sheet for additional uames.} 15. Attached f� reco is a list of names aad addresses of all memhers of the orgaaizacion. I6. In whose c stody will organizat3on's records be kepc? iTame ichael Ogrezovich address 430 OakGrove Street, MPLS, MN 5540 17. List a11 p rsons vith Che authoritq to siga checks for dispersal of gambliag proceeds: Name Bob M Name R. Peter Madel III Address 6517 limerick Drive Edina MN 55439 Address 1920 86th St. , Bloomington, MN 5542 Member of Member oE DOB 10/11/42 Organization? y2S DOB 8/24/60 Organization? ye5 Name Diana Lade Name Address 52 0 Westmill Rd. , Mtka, MN 55345 Address Member of :iember of DOB 11 7/45 Organizacion? y2S DOB Organizacion? 18. Have you r ad and do you choroughly uaderstand the provisions of a1Z lacrs, ordinances, and reguia ions gover:zing che operation of Charitable Gamblfag games? ye5 19. Wili your rgaaization's pc�Iltab operation be ooerated/managed solely by members ot your organ'zacion? yes X no Z0. Eias your o ganizacioa signed, or does it iatead to sign, a consuitiag agreement or a maaagerial agreemeac vich any persoa or companq to assist your orgaaizatian wich che ' puiltab sa es and/or recording keeping? yes no X If ansver s yes, give the name aad address of the person aad/or company contracced. � ;Ta�e Address Na�e Addzess If ansWer s yes, f�ow w�ill such a consultaat be paid? (perceacage, flac fee, gambling funds, gen ral..fuads, etc.) attach a copy of said concract to chis apgLicacfon. 2I. Operator of premises vhere games will be held: :vame Cys ic Fibrosis Foundation ausiness ad ress a�n nak f'rnvp �trPAt Minneapolis, MN 55403 Elome addzes - �yo-��-� • . '�2, a); Does y ur organizatioa pay or iatEnd co pay accouncing Eees out oz gaabling tunds'. � ' yes no X • b) If yau do pay accounting fees, to vhom vill such iees-be paid? Name Address DOB Member of Orgaaization? c) Kow a e the accoua[iag fees charged out? (flat fee, ho�rly, etc.) d) Wizat o you anticipate vill be your average moathly deductioa for accounting fees? 23. Amounc of rent paid by applicanc organization for renc of the hall: $4 0.00 per month 24. The proce ds of the games wili be disbursed after deducting prize Iayout costs and operating expenses for the Eolloving purposes and uses: 41% St. Paul � 10% Yo th Fund 49% to Mission Statement Z5. Has the p emises where the games are co be held been certified for occupancy by the City o= S iat Paul? Y25 � 26. Has your rganization Eiled federal fotza 990—T? �_ If ansver is yes, Qlease atcach a copy ai h chis applicacion. IF anssaer is no, explain vhy: Any changes de ired by the applicant associatiou may be made only uith the conseat oE the City Cauacil. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation �� � � � Organizacion Name Date Augus 7, 1990 By; . er ia charge of ga�e � /� _ x •f'�—=v--�•� . Cc.G� 1 r Organization Presidenc or CEO