D00697CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TKE MAYOR - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: ���`"l � • BUDGET REVLSION Date: y O Z�f - `1' 1 ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent wiffi ffie authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Superintendent of Pazks a� RecreaUOn to amend the 1993 budget of the Capital Improvement Program fiwd, ffie D'uector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in ffie following manner: u . FfNANCiN(� AND SPEWniN(i PT.AN Como Pazk E. Lakeshore Reclamation C93-3J621-X}�YY-34127 LCMR - 93 via Met. Council Grant SG-93-S6 FfNANCiN(; ANn SPEATDTN(; Pi AN Como Park Tree Planting C93-3J022-X}U��-34128 LCMR - 93 via Met. Council Grant SG-93-58 C� . t 11 11 �.' 111 11 .�: r• f \�e! �1 - $4,132.63 - $34.05 � � � n. $15$,867.37 $95,965.95 C\ ' \ `j� �1"`, ��1c-"---c.�G ApProv y: Budget Direcwr 10- �g---R�' Date Parks and Recreation �% �NTACf PERS�N & PH�NE Jofin Wirka 3C(�Q- 266-6411 ��� N_ 33622 10/13/95 GREEN SHEET _� _ __ � DEPAp11AENT DiflECTOR . . � cmr nrroawer � BU�GET DIRECTOR O MAYOR (pR ASSi5TAPfi) INff1AIJDATE � cm c�aK � FIN. 8 MGL SERViCE$ DfR. �] Financa Accnuntina 5 Parks & Recreation TOTpL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Administrative O�der to reconcile LCMR funded project budgets with project financing: Como Park East Lakeshore Reclamation __ PIANNING CAMM�SSION _ CIV1L _ CIB COMMITIEE _ _ 1L �AFF _ _ _ DISTRICf COURT _ _ SUPPOpT$ WF71CH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? PEHSONAL SEHVICE CONTpACfS MUSS ANSWEp SXE FOLLOWING 4UESTIONS: 1. Has it+is personttirm ever worked under a conhaCi Eor Mis CapartmeM? � YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persorvY�irm possess a skill not nortnaliy possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separate sheet anG attech to green sheet ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why): The Como Park East Lakeshore Reclamation and Como Park Tree Planting projects were both funded by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources 1993 program, via grants from Metropolitan Council. City is reimbursed for actual project costs up to the amount allowed in grant. Since actual project costs were less than budget, City's Capital Improvement Budget must be amended to reflect actual funding received. Budget and financing will match Pdone Projects can be closed out. RECEIVE� OCT 2 01995 �17`� CLERK Cannot ciose out projects. V �V AL AMOUNi OF TRANSACiION $ � 4 ,166. 68 ) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Leqislative Commission 011 ACTIVITYNUMBER C93-3J021-XXXX-34127($4,132.63) FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Minnesota Resources C93-3J022-XXXX-34128 ($34.05)