90-1545 �, . . : Council i;le r Cn ./� -- ��,� �� � �A� ° - �-`� - - Green Sheet � � ��� - R�so�_uT�oN _ C1TY O SAINT PAUL, M-INNESOTA ;��� , , . Presented Bv - - �e`erred To �-�z-.,c.-(,� ;�� �:.jU_�� Comm_�..ee: Date WHEREAS THE DEPARTM NT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES AND THE PERSONNEL OFFICE RECENTL� TESTED FOR HE POSITION OF FIRE COMMUNICATIONS CHIEF, AND WHEREAS THE CANDIDA E BARRY FUREY IIdCURRED TRAVEL EXPENSES IN ORDER TO INTERVI�W FOR THE PO ITION, AND - WHEREAS THE PERSONN L OFFICE REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO COVER THE ABOVE TRAVEL �XPENSES, AND WHEREAS THE MAYOR PURSUANT TO SECTION 10. 07.4 OF THE CITY CHARTER, RECOMMEN�S THE FOLL6 ING TRANSFERS FOR THE 1990 GENERAL FUND BUDGET. AND WHEREAS, THE MAYOR R COMMENDS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES TO THE 1990 BUDGET: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: 001 GENERAL FU D - FIRE 05001-FIRE AD INISTRATION 0251-TRANSPOR ATION 3 , 915. 00 (405. 00) 3 , 510. 00 3 , 915. 00 (405. 00) 3 , 510. 00 TO: 001 GENERAL FU D - GEN. GOVT. 00158 RECRUIT ENT AND SELECTION 0299-OTHER MI C SERVICES 200. 00 405. 00 605. 00� 200. 00 405. 00 605. 00 NOW THEREFORE BE I FINALLY RESOLVED, THAT THESE SALARIES BE REMOVED FROM CON'f'INGENCY AN� THE OUNCIL ADOPTS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES TO THE 1990_ BUDGET. (' � <�� r----� l °e = � �=vs P.bse�t �! �eauested by DepaT�e-� c_: � �..�onct `� � �, -osaitz � 1 Y'� � 1" � _,� ! �ona � : {�'1! t e ..accabee � _ eLtman � _nune � � son �. �Y� `' N Ado�`ed by Council: + a�c QC I � � �.�� =orr,i App oved by Ci�y :_t�orney �d���io ertifiec by C���c�? Secretary 3`,. \ I�'' �> �y' �ppro e by ayor �Or SllDi111ssion tc r�oproved b ayor: a�e . OCT � � �9gO Counci <,�V�/ 1.-lT'-/ By: ���i�e��`t� ��"" ' C�7 BL{SNED G C T 2 "d 1990 ` REC�IVED . � . . �a-�s�5 . DEPARTMENT ICE/OOUNqL OATE INITIATED �(` � � 1C�C�� Fire and safet ser ices 7'�✓�-24 GREEN SHEE�'" No. 9�09 � CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE 2 �—6 217 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 'NITIAL!DATE INITIAUDATE �a av(�p�06� As s't. Chie f Gar T udeau �� cm�rroa�EV �cm c�RK MU8T BE ON COUNdL Af�ENQA BY(DAT� RONTIlKi BUOOET�RECTOFi �'(R �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. MAVOR(OR A881STANT) � v�a.L��A-cG TOTAL#►OF SiQNATURE PAGES (q.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 816NATURE) ACT�ON REGUESTED: To transfer funds t the Personnel Office' s Activity 00158 (Recruitment and Selection) to cover the travel costs of a Fire Communications Chief applicant. REOOMMENDnT�ONS:Mw�(�U a Rsie�(� COUNCIL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNII�Ni OOMM18810N _CIVIL RVIC�(�M�M8810N �YST PFIONE NO. _p8 OOMMRTEE _ _BTAFF _ COMA�NT8: _DtSTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHNYi OOUNqI OByECTIVE9 INITIATNO PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUMTY ,Whst,WMn,Whsro.Why): The Personnel Offic does not have sufficient funds to cover the travel costs of Fire Commu ications Chief applicant Barry Furey. ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: Reimbursement of th travel costs can be made by Personnel Code 00158. RECk'IVED o���,�,►��,,�: RECE None. �j��RK���VED AUG 15 1990 .1U1 3 0 199� CITY AT�C�������.�BUD��pFfICE DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Reimbursement canno be made by Personnel. Councii Research Center. . AUG 21��'yu TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANdACTION = COST/AEVENIJE SUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE)� NO � General Fund 05001 FuNOUro souncE �cTiv�rr Nu�rt FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWM . } �` CITY OF SAINT PAUL 111��133d � 4 . . OFFICE OF THE CITY��J�1,T�� Members: r Janice Rettman, Chair ���.�9�990 Roger 6oswi tz Paula Maccabee JANICERETTMAN � , JOECOLLINS ���P��n C�T� C i��� I.egislative Assistant COMMITTEE REPORT KATHY ZIEMAN FINA CE� MANAGEMENT� AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE �S�lative Assistant OCTOBER 1, 1990 1. Call to orde ; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of si n-u shee a roval of minutes of Se tember 17 1990 meetin . Approval of inutes was laid over due to�lack of a quorum. 2. Discussion o procedures for accessing CIB dollars for skyway security s stem. Committee req ested final language be prepared by the city attorney on two ordinance and one resolution on sl�yway safety. 3. Resolution 90 1669 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $217,815 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Citywide Data Processing. (Referred from Council 18 90. Laid over 4. Resolution 90 1544 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $406,242 from Continge t Reserve to Fire Communications - full time permanent. Referred fro Council 8 30 90 Laid over. 5. Resolution 90 1619 - transferring $254,142.77 within 1990 MSA (Central Business Dist ict Computerized Signals) and increasing 1989 Capital Improvement B dget projects as listed by $254,142.77. (Referred from Council 9 11 0 Resolution re erred to Council without recon�nendation due to lack of a quorum. 6. Resolution 90 1575 - requesting the Mayor to direct the Labor and Management Co mittee on Insurance to study and make recommendations on Cit of St. P ul em lo ee health benefits. Referred from Council 9 4 90 Amended resol tion referred to Council without recommendation. CITY HALL OOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 sq�aa Printed on Recycled Paper . � . ��U ✓ �� Resolution 90-1576 - requesting the Mayor to direct the Labor and Management Committee on Insurance to study and make recommendations on Citv of St. Paul emplovee health benefits. (Referred from Council 9/4190) Amended resolution referred to Council without recommendation. 7. Resolution 90-1596 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $6,273 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Special Projects-Police D.A.R.E. �Referred from Council 9j6/90� Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 8. Resolution 90-1599 - amending the 1989-1990 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $252,700 to 1989 CIB Hamline Library Rehabilitation from Contingency ($122,700) and Handicapped Accessibility City Buildings ($130,000) . (Referred from Council 9�6j90) Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 9. Resolution 90-1650 - approving purchasing policy regarding the awarding of contracts for the City Hall/Court House renovation. (Referred from Council 9�13/90) Amended resolution referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 10. Resolution 90-1543 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $85,200 to the Financing and Spending Plans for fire service charges, clothing-uniforms. �Referred from Council 8/30(90) Laid over for additional information. . esolution 90-1545 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $405 from Contingent Reserve to General Government - Recruitment and Selections. (Referred from Council 8/30(90) Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. , , � ° `6� ,3,�"pr� �� �D r/�7� . �mr/ �y� .k'". N"�f Analyst: Kline �,,,, Date: 08/08/90 A UG 15 1990 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS ���'� �� ��� n''t OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS ` Department: Commu ity Services(Libraries) Green Sheet Number: � Q s Green Sheet Date: 5/16/90 Amount of Request: $69,5 1 Positions Requested: 0.0 Amount Recommended: Positions Recommended: Funding Source: State fu ing Subject of Request: It is requested that the a portion of the Li ary Aids and Grants Fund fund balance be appropriated for a variety of needs. Background: Section 10.152 of the City Charter states hat any revenues derived from the public library will be placed in an appropriate special fund and used for only library purposes. MELSA(Metropolitan ibrary Service Agency)money is state funding collected by the City. Almost all of the Library's requested capital needs were cut from the 1990 General Fu d budget.The library's managers have agreed as a group as to which items will be purchased.The 1991 Proposed budget was prepared with this 1990 amen ent as consideration. The Hamline carpeting was not included in the CIB request for remodeling monies. The cl�aus represent the fust replacements in n ly 15 years.The MARS terminals would increase the number of available research terminals by four. MARS (Machine Assisted Research System)is a mputer data base of many resources of information(newspaper indices,periodicals,articles,etc.). Several library staff inembers have been trained to do r rch on this system.The LAN and micro for the administration unit will replace an old IBM DisplayWriter machine Major �ssues: none with this request Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and ollowing Year) The 1989 Annual Financial Report shows at this fund has an undesignated fund balance of$83,531 (adequate to support this request). Possible Uses: Hamline Library Carpeting 13,163 4 MARS Terminals and stands 25,082 70 Reupholstered Reference Rm chairs 10,500 Chairs 15,900 75 Stacking Chairs 4,200 Sun Ray LightPen 795 Computer printer 450 Micro-computer for Administration 3,500 LAN for Administration 2,800 Room Dividers 1,200 77,590 Recommendation: Since all capital requests were cut from the 990 General Fund budget and kept out of the 1991 Proposed budget,I support the special fund financing as an alternative to the General Fund. Follow-up Recommended, If Any: Plan for the 1991 expenditure as part of the 1991 budget . , . . ,. . . : _ -. � - . ..-:-. _ .. ,. .. ' ?. �=,. . :: ; ; =: .:. :._° ;. _ - =��, ` - _ _ ;-�j - - - - �= ' ' y �. :i.T.� - ' �� __ � + _ � � �». _ � i; � �! k � _ . � _ ¢ ._ � r` Y�7 4 � �.. Y . r � 4 i l,.'x - �• > . E�. � k f } G .._ ��. .� t � L ', � { , �: 1 6� < ,� `t� :' -P^'? �^h ��-!'� S -� '� �iV� e� t- �. - � .. J � -h .-t ��� ti �4 w- � .; � ' ,k d -.Y �. . } i a : . t :�c ..: .F- ..� ���� +-c. a. . w .s a �, v :,.. n: a:�_ x�.-:4....r''s�a:'.. a. ,�.. y�.a .�4: < �•:: -r. ' 1'tRN�..� ...,r5'-su. .rv�� .V�sst+�. ss A'..�. �i r_ E+.� uF" ` _ r v r C"S .} f � > _ : � . . .. . � � t .. v r ''-. �_ � , �."'4- ;� _.° ..... � �.z 3..er �` > :-:� $ . �.�' s: • � .- ,�, 4 � l '^•1 . � .� y, h � � ^Y[ � rr J 5'+t�n t n;-.��.Y SS f, t+ -i } ,^+_ ..�7` J ':'n t S SS �.� ��� 3'. 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