90-1543 counc�l Fi e 9d-'I v��3 � o � ��� ���AL � . . � ' RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M-INNESOTA %' \ , . I Presented By ' �• � Referred To ���-C�l� Committee: Date �-,3U'' 9� WHEREAS the Depa tment of Fire and Safety Services contains funding that was intendec� for the__ urchase of turnout gear, and WHEREAS, the Depa tment needs to purchase replacement turnout gear, and � WHER�AS, The Mayo , ursuant to Section 10. 0'�. 1 , of the Cit CY}arter, does certif� tY}at the� a�e available for a�propriation, revenu�s in excess of those stimated i the 1990 Budget; an WHEREAS, The Mayo recommends the following changes to the 1990 Budget; CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN• BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET 510--FIRE RESPONSI E SERVICES 0. 00 USE OF FUND ALANCE 316, 593 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 793 . 70 ALL OTHER FU D FINANCING 200. 00 0. 00 200. 00 SPENDING PLAN• 316, 793 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 993 . 70 --------------- 510--FIRE RESPONSI E SERVICES 35110 FIRE S RVICE CHARGES 0386 CLOTHIN - UNIFORMS 31, 400. 00 85, 200. 00 116, 600. 00 0. 00 . ALL OTHER SP NDING 285, 393 . 70 0. 00 285, 393 .70 316, 793 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 993 . 70 NOW, THEREFORE BE T FINALLY RESOLVED,that that the City Council adopts the above changes fo t e 1990 budget. . � RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL . C�.� /�� �P cu ,/✓ .. ,``� BUDG DIRECTOR eas Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: imon oswztz ona IRE AND FETY SERVICES �lacca e� ettman crn e i son BY� N Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap oved by City A torney Adoption Certified y Council Secretary By: By' � App o ed by Mayor for Submission to Cou il Approved by Mayor: Date � By: By: ��G�/�� _ �-.-�o ,��-� �� DEPAHTM[NTIOFfICE/COUNqI DATE INITIATED FIRE AND SAFETY SE VICES 06-11-90 GREEN SHEET NO. 9405�/ CONTACT PEFiSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIFiECTOR �CITY COUNCIL MILT MILLER 2 2 8—6 2 2 �� �cirv�TroRr�v �cm c��c MUST BE WJ C�JNpL AOENOA 8Y(DAT� ROU7'INO Q 8UD(iET DIRECTOR� �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) � CHIEF AC TOTAL�►OF SIQNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81GNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: TO APPROVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BUDGET FOR THE PURPOSE OF PUR- CHASING TURNOUT GE F�OOMMENDATIONS:MP►�e(N a� COUNCIL COMMITTEE/�1 i�PORT �TIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMIS810N _CI SERVI�WhMA18810N �YST PFIONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COAAMENTS: _DI8TRIC'f OOURT _ SUPPORT8 WNICH COUNdI 08JECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY ,Wh�t.When.Wh�e.Whyl: THE DEPARTMENT LA OUTFITTED OUR FIRE FIGHTERS WITH NEW TURNOUT GEAR IN 1987. THE NEW STANDARD . R TURNOUT GEAR HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND WE WOULD LIKE TO INITIATE A PURCHA AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. . ADVANTAt9E$IF APPROVED: FIRE FIGHTERS WIT TURNOUT GEAR IN THE POORE$T CONDITION WILL BE ABLE TO RE�EIVE REPLACEME TS IN THE NEAR FUTURE. R�CEIVFO dBADVANTA0E8 IF APPROYED: IdONE. �1,T`( �LERK RECEIVED JUN 131990 BUDGET OFFICE 018ADVANTA(3E8 IF NOT APPROVEO: CURRENT TURNOUT G AR IN USE WILL BECOME UNSAFE DUE TO AGE AND US,j�GE. . Council Research C�n�ter. AUG ��1�0 ,.�, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION a _ n n COaT/REVENFJE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YES � NO� FuNOMw sou� S P ACTIVITY NUM9ER �� n—35.� Lfl FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) " , Council File # __ ��'-�/ • �� , Green Sheet # l�d '" ' T R ESOLUTIO[� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, iV�fNNESOTA Presented By • � Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS the Depar ment of Fire and Safety Services contains funding that was intendec� for the_. p rchase of turnout gear, and WHEREAS, the Depar ment needs to purchase replacement turnout gear, and � WHER�AS, The Ma or, ursuant to Section 10. 07 . 1 ,of the Cit CY}arter, does certify tY�at th��e a�e available for appropriation, revenu�s in excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget; ana WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 Budget; CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 510--FIRE RESPONSI E SERVICES 0. 00 USE OF FUND ALANCE 316, 593 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 793 .70 ALL OTHER FU D FINANCING 200. 00 0. 00 200. 00 SPENDING PLAN• 316, 793 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 993 . 70 510--FIRE RESPONSI E SERVICES 35110 FIRE S RVICE CHARGES 0386 CLOTHIN - UNIFORMS 31, 400. 00 85, 200. 00 116, 600. 00 0. 00 ALL OTHER SP NDING 285, 393 .70 0. 00 285, 393 .70 316, 793 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 993 . 70 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED,that that the City Council adopts the above changes fo t e 1990 budget. . ' RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL ' BUDGET DIRECTOR Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon osw z FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES acc ee ettman un e i son BY� Q � Form App ved by City torney Adopted by Council Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �l/� BY' � Approv by Ma r for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council � By: By� Council File # �d 1��.54��j , . Green sheet # _ 9�/Q,rj' RESO�UTION CITY �F SAINT PAUL, III�INNESOTA Pzesented By - Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS the De ar ment of Fire and Safety Services contains funding that was intendec� for th�_p rchase of turnout gear, and WHEREAS, the Depar ment needs to purchase replacement turnout gear, and � WHER�AS The Ma o pursuant to Section 10. 07 . 1 ,of the Cit CY}arter, does certif��t�at th�� 'afe available for appropriation, revenu�s in excess of those stimated i the 1990 Budget; ana WHEREAS, The Mayo recommends the following changes to the 1990 Budget; CURRENT • AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: --------------- 510--FIRE RESPONS VE SERVICES 0. 00 USE OF FUND BALANCE 316, 593 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 793 .70 ALL OTHER F ND FINANCING 200. 00 0. 00 200. 00 SPENDING PLAN• � 316, 793 . 70 85, 200. 00 401, 993 .70 510--FIRE RESPONS VE SERVICES 35110 FIRE ERVICE CHARGES 0386 CLOTHI G - UNIFORMS 31,400. 00 85, 200. 00 116, 600. 00 0. 00 ALL OTHER S ENDING 285, 393 . 70 0. 00 285, 393 . 70 316, 793 .70 85, 200. 00 401, 993 . 70 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED,that that the City Council adopts the above changes fo he 1990 budget. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BUDGET DIRECTOR Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES oswztz on �ca ee / ettman / un e s son BY� l (� �'' ' Adopted by Council: Date Form A proved by City Attorney Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary Sy: By� � Rpproved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By: � R�I�I f�A L � � Council File ,� - T � � ��%"`'"Y Green Sheet # 1612 RESOLUTION � .... '� CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �,_'..� ��-� Presented By Committee: Date .�J l�_ v Referred To :�.�:c_. _ .,,:.��*i Q�} WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 . 07. 1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 Budget: CURRENT CHANGE AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 510-FIRE RESPONSIVE SE VICES . USE OF FUND BALANC 5,800.00 56,590.00 62,390.00 35112-BADGE & EMBL M SALES 4301 -NORMAL ACTIV TY SERVICES 200.00 0.00 200.00 6,000.00 56,590.00 62,590.00 SPENDING PLAN: � 510-FIRE RESPONSIVE SE VICES 35110-FIRE SERVICE CHARGES 0386 -CLOTHING-UNI ORM 0.00 31,400.00 31,400.00 0846 -FIRE HOSE . 0.00 11, 90.00 11,190.00 0857 -DATA PROCESS NG HARDWARE 0.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 ALL OTHER FUND SPENDIN 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 56,590.00 62,590.00 NET CHANGE 56,590.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the following changes o the 1990 budget. n RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL �� �n ^"L� BUDGET DIRECTOR ' ` Ye s. Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswitz on v FIRE D SAFETY ERVICES �cca ee � / et man � un e �r z son �� BY� ^ ) C t�'+/�l/ Adopted by Council: Date _j(]� 2 19� Form A oved by City Attorney , � Adoption ertified b Council Secretary gy: - By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �,��y/9� JUN 2 � �cil . .. -•'�. , � BY� �i����f� � I �.��� BY� ///�l//�:����Q22—. L G�� -����.3 �..�� ��^ CITY OF SA.INT PAUL 'si�i��':;°i;i OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: RECEIVFn Janice Rettman, Chair Roger 6oswitz ('��1T26199(� Paula Maccabee JANICE RETTMAN VV �� JOE COLLINS Counralperson r�TY (�L F k h Legislative Assistant COMMITTEE REPORT KATHYZIEMAN FI NCE� MANAGEMENT� AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE �8�lative Assistant October 22, 1990 1. Call to o der; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of sign-u sheet; approval of minutes of September 17 and October l, 1990, meetin s. 2. Resolutio 90-1456 - amending the Civil Service Rules concerning Trouble Call Pa . Referred from Council 8 21 90 laid over in Committee 9 17 90 Laid over to November or December . Resolutio 90-1543 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $85,200 to the Financing and Spending Plans for fire service charges, clothing-uniforms. Referred from Council 8 30 90 Fire and Safety Services requested this item be withdrawn. Therefore, Committe recorrnnended denial . 4. Resoluti n 90-1544 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $406,242 from Con ingent Reserve to Fire Communications - full-time permanent. Referre from Council 8 30 90 Committe recommended denial . 5. Resoluti n 90-1484 - amending C.F. 84-600 establishing a rate of pay for Le islat ve Aides to the Cit Council . Referred from Council 8 23 90 Committe requests this resolution appear on a City Council agenda for discussi n. 6. Resoluti n 90-1612 - authorizing participation in a joint study to gather informat'on relevant to discrimination which may exist in contracting for goods an services in certain public sector purchasing. (Referred from Council 18 90 Laid ove for additional information from the author. CTTY HALL 1tOOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 5�46 Printed on Recycled Paper . q����'�3 " � :��C�i�d'��g ��� �A���� Anaiyst: Kline "`'—° 60.. Date: 08/O8/90 �`���� � � �9 g� A U G 15 1990 OF BUDGET MENDMENT������Y� ����.�'��� � ���'r�,�����` Department: Depan ent of Fire and Safety Services Green Sheet Number: 9405 Green Sheet Date: 6/il/9 Amount of Request: $85, 00 Positions Requested: 0.0 Amount Recommended: Positions Recommended: Funding SourCe: 1989 eneral Fund Subject of Request: Re-establish budget suthority to purcha fue fighting equipment Background: At the close of 1989,the approved bud et for purchasing fue"turnout gear" was moved to a special fund. There was simply no remaining time to move forward on the purchase and still get 19 9 dollars encumbered in time. This move to the special funds was done with the approval of the Budget Office. Turnout Gear is a fuefighter's coat,b ts and helmet. A complete set costs approzimately$600. This amendment will allow the purchase of 140 sets,out of 415 total fue fighting personnel. The 1 90 budget has$68,224 and the 1991 budget has$53,668 for all turnout gear and replacements. The equipment has a life of approzimately five years. Major Issues: Replacement of aged and necessary life protection equipment. Fiscal impact: (Current Year a d Following Year) A continuing need for 85 sets(one fift of 413)at$600 each($51,000)will be needed in the General Fund budget. Recommendation: Recommend approval. Follow-up Recommended, If ny: none-the 1991 budget is in proper o er. should ensure that the future prucha are completed in a timely manner.