90-1542 Q ���' �a 1,,, � Council File # �� ` _ Gr�n Sh�t # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��,-- � � _ Pr�s�at�d Bp � ` � .., / -, A�t�rr�d I Committ�: Dat� � U CJb WHEREAS, the Saint P ul Downtown Council since 1989 has contracted with the Saint Paul Division of Parks an Recreation for personnel , .equipment and material from May 1 to October 31 to water nd maintain baskets of live flowers on 80 decorative light posts on Wabasha Street, a d WHEREAS, the Saint P ul Downtown Council is expanding thls project in mid-luly 1990 to include 86 hanging b skets on St. Peter Street; 21 hanging baskets in the Civic Center area; and 16 hanging baskets in Rice Park, and WHEREAS, the Downtow Council has provided additional funding to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks an Recreation for personnel , equipment and materials to water and maintain these additional hanging flower baskets, and WHEREAS, The Mayor , ursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget , and WHEREAS, Council fil 277520, adopted October 1 , 1981 did establish certain Special Fund Policies, and WHEREAS, The Mayor r ommends the foilowing changes to the 1990 budget: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI Y SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AN RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION UPPLY AND MAINTENANCE Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ 370-13126-4301 NOR L ACTIVITY RECEIPTS 12,065.00 2,951 .50 15,016.50 370 ALL OTHER FINANCI G 792,507.00 0.00 792,507.00 ------------- ----------- ------------ 804,572.00 2,951 .50 807,523.50 __=====a_____ ___________ ____________ Page 1 of 2 �� � I �1AL � � � �-yo -�.��� SPENDINC PLAN ------------------ 370-13126-0321 TICULTURE/PLANT MATERIAL 4,960.00 2,951 .50 7,911 .50 370 ALL OTHER SPEN INC 793,602.75 0.00 793,602.75 ------------- ----------- ------------ 798,562.75 2,951 .50 801 ,514.25 _____________ ___________ ____________ THEREFORE, RESOLVED That the City Council approves these changes to the� 1990 budget. Approval Recommende �- Budget D rector Page 2 of 2 Ravs Aba�nt g��e�� � D��}�nt of: ��' a►aopt.a � couac�i: Date SEP 2 7 1990 Fo� Approv�d by City Attorney Adoption Cortiti�d b Council S�cretary By: i �� � �i�G!��`�./ � � Appro �d �y Mayor tor submisaion to 11 !�layor: , Dat� EP 2 8 � Counci .i , g : .���� BY: Y PUBLtS� ��% T - 6 1990_ � � � ��5� �-�go-/S�Z � DEPARTM[ lOFFlCE/COUNqL . DATE INITIATED Community Service /Parks 7/31/90 GREEN SHEET �� No. $�=���A,� COPITACT PEFi80N d PMONE S�DEPARTMEN7 DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNCIL�, Lloyd Burkholder 292-7354 �� �CRY AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT�ON Oa1NdL AGENDA BY(DA ) ROUTXiO �BUDOET WRECTOR C� �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAWT) �r.t,i pf Acco TOTAL#►OF SIQNATURE PA 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� 7 Parks ACTION REGUESTED: Approval of Counc Resolution amending the financing and spending plans of Fund 370 - Parks and Recreat n Supply and Maintenance. �oo�eNa�r�oNS:�va��+W a► l� COUNdI AEPORT OPT10NAl _PLANNINO COMMI8810N IL 3ERVICB OOMMI8810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _qB f�MMA1TTEE _ A�,,� — ��: VEp —����� — ��5,����� pUG23���"'""""s«� iwn�nr�o P�eM,�,oP Mna,wn.c.wnsn.wn.r..wn»: K The Saint Paul Do town Council contracted with the Division of Parks and Recreation in 1989 to pay for personnel, equipment and materials for a flowering pro�ect for the Wabasha busine s area. The Saint Paul Downtown Council wishes to expand this program to include hanging baskets on St. Peter Street, The Civic Center area and Rice Park. ADVANT/1(�.�ES IF APPROVED: Additional areas o downtown Saint Paul will be beautified by the expansion of this pro�ect. R���"";�,.�. ..�� RECEIVEp AUG 1 `� i�'::) DISADVANTItOEB IF APPF�VED: /��� 0 �j I T� �� ` �V I�a V��iL.� '" 3 1990 None BUDG�Y UfFICE DISADVANTAOES IF PIOT APPROVED: The appearance of he downtown area will not be enhanced. . ' Council Research Center AUG 211��9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $8�855 COQT/REVENUE 9l�iETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ��Np$p�� Saint aul Downtown Council ACTIVITY NUMBER 13126 FlNANGAL INFORAAATION:(IXPL.AIN) . ` � � ���//��� 7. Ordinanc 90-1514 - amending Chapter 78 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code rel ting to the compensation of election judges. (Referred from Council 28 90 Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. . eso uti n 90-1542 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $2,951.50 to the Financin and Spending Plans for Parks and Recreation Supply and Mainte- nance. Referred from Council 8 30 90 to Council without recomnendation due to-�ack of a quorum. 9. Resoluti n 90-1541 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $69,571.52 to the Financin and Spending Plans for Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . (Referred from Council 8/30/90) Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 10. Resoluti n 90-1540 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $74,515.90 to the Financin and Spending Plans for Library Special Revenue. (Referred from Council 30 90 Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 11. Ordinanc 90-1487 - amending Chapter 111 of the Administrative Code to provide or the City Attorney to act as staff support to the Ethical Practice Board and further to provide that the Board review of state- ments an reports filed pursuant to Chapter 28 of the Legislative Code be compl ted within six months from the filing date of those statements and repo ts following the general election. (Referred from Council 83090 Substitu e ordinance submitted to the Council September 18. Sus ensi n items 12. Resoluti n amending the CIB Budget by adding $179,200 for the Hill Librar . Referred to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 13. Amending the 1989 CIB Budget by adding $108,000 for the Como Park Ja anese Garden. Referred to Council without recorr�unnendation due to lack of a quorum. RF('.E1VF'n SEP2o1�90 �j�r� C��k� ,. . �