90-1540 � 'AL R 1�G ! �v � � w � � ����� F��. � o-,s�o areen Sheet #` S�0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA f�� , . °'� � � Presented By ` Referred To � Committess Date �/,�v/�� WHEREAS, the De utment of Community Services, Division of Libraries, sold old newspapers at the end of 1989 for $18 10 and will be purchasing fiche copies of these newspapers from the Minnesota Historical Society, d WHEREAS, the Di sion of Libraries must replace the worn out tables, chairs, projectors and screens used in some of the ranch libraries for the Summer Reading Programs, and WHEREAS, the Di sion of Libraries has other training and equipment needs, and needs to replace monies to the mate als budget which was revised by Administrative Order #D10934, and WHEREAS, the Ma or pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for apprn 'ation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget, and WHEREAS, the Ma or recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget: COMMUNITY SER CES - LIBRARIES Current Budget Changes Amended Budget FINANCING PLAN 349-33400. Library pecial Revenue 9890 Use of nd Balance 0 74,515.90 74,515.90 All others 230,000 _� 230.000.00 230,000 74,515.90 304,515.90 SPENDING PLAN 349-33400- Library pecial Revenue 0219 Fees, ot er prof. serv 5,000 300.00 5,300.00 0237 Parl�ng acpense 0 500.00 500.00 02511�anspo ation 4,785 1,312.00 6,097.00 0252 Lodgin meals, etc 6,846 1,019.00 7,865.00 0369 Other o ce supp. 914 745.00 1,659.00 0381 Books, aterials etc 168,300 38,810.00 207,110.00 0521 R�funds 2,080 1,500.00 3,580.00 0815 Desks, c airs, tables 0 21,333.40 21,333.40 0816 Cabinet bookcases, etc 0 530.00 530.00 0852 Video ta e equipment 0 550.00 550.00 0854 Projecto s - slide, etc 0 4,436.00 4,436.00 0858 Telepho e equipment 0 3,480.50 3,480.50 All others 42,Q75 _� 42,075.00 230,000 74,515.90 304,515.90 � R�l G - - � � P.���-,sy� R�SO D, at he City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. Approval Recommended: Budget Director ea Navs Absent Re ested b De artment of: zmon � y p oswi z �on � Communit rvices acca ee e ma � une s son B : Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 7 199Q om► Ap r ved by City Attorney Adoption Certified Council Secretary By: BY' I Appr ved by Mayor for Submission to PP Y Y � SEP 2. 8 1990 coun 1 , A roved b Ma or: .Date By: � By: �� PUBIaSNED �� � � � . - . � � , , �`j0�/`�� �r.c DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIi4TED Community Services Libraries 5/16/90 GREEN SHEET NO. C�ITACT PER80N R PH�IE 1 ATE 9 51��ATE �PARTMENT DIRECFOR �CITY OpUNqL _ �� CITY ATTDRNEY �CITV CLERK MUBT BE ON OOUNqI AQENDA BY ROUTNIp �9UOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.8ERVICE3 DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATURL� ACTION REGUE8TED: Approval of Counc 1 Resolution �RECEIVEp �MAY 1 �� r�oo��a►T,oHS:�vo�»w« an cou�c�m� � o�r��� _PLANNI�K3 COAAAAI8810N _ IVIL SERVICB OOMMISSION ��� ���. �� _p8 OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ OOMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ 8UPPORTB WNICFI COUNGL OBJECTIVE? IN11'IATING PROBLEM.18SUE�OPPORTUN (Who.Whet�WMn�When,lNly�: The Saint Paul Publ 'c Library had an opportunity to sell old newspapers and replace t�iem with fiche copies. The Library must also replace worn out tables, chairs, projectors, screens, book truck ; complete purchase/instaliation of sequencer for phone system; send staff to training w'th Library's vendor for Automated Integrated Library System (CLSI) ; modify work station for reference librarians at busiest branch library (Highland Park). ADVANTl1(�ES IF APPROVED: Will allow library o update worn out equipment/furnishings and-materials, provide needed training for staff nd increase funds available to make refunds to library users for return of lost and aid for materials. RECEIVFn AUG221990 DIBADVANT/U�ES IF APPFiOVED: None RECEIVED MAY 1 � 1990 BUDGET OFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 1 1 1 The Saint Paul Publi Library/�iave to continue using equipment/furniture that is worn out and unreliable. Muc of th�s equipment is used by branch libraries while doing programs for children and day care providers. This will also allow the library to Provide better work areas for staff increasing their efficiency. C0�I1C11 Research Cente� AUG 211990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION 74 515.9 COST/WEVENUE BUDGETED(qRCLE ONE) � NO FUNDMIG SOU� Fund Ba 1 a ce f r 1" ACTIYITIf NUMOER�4Y.�nn FlNANdAL INFORMA710N:(E7CPW1� R venue Fund + , � . s . , A NOT�: COMPLETE DiRECT10N3 ARE INq.UDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AYAILABLE IN THE PURdiA31NC3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.2�-4�^25). ROUTINO ORDER: Below are preferred routin�s for the Nve moet froqueM typea of dxumeMs: CONTRACTS (asBUmK suthorizod OOUNqL RESOLUTION (Am�nd, Bdgts./ bud�et axists) Accept. Cirsnta) 1. Outslde A�cy 1. DepaRment Director 3. ��ty tA omey�t 3. dty�Attw'nsy 4. Mayor 4. May�oNAasiataM . 5. Finance d�Mgmt Svc:s. Director 5. qty Coundl 8. Flnar�ce�►ccourninq 8. Chfsf Acca�r�aM. Fln 6 Mgmt S�s. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpd, OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (��D'�� i�evision 1. Activity Manapsr 1. InitiaUng DspebTMM Director 2. Dsp�rtnNnt AoCOUMaM 2. Ci1y Attornsy 3. Dspertment Director 3. MayoN/►f�btaM 4. Budpst DI►ector 4• �Y� . 5. Gty derk 8. Cfifef AcCOUMant,Fin d�Mpmt 8vcs. ADAAINISTRATIVE ORDERS (W Whsrs) 1. IniNetinp Dspartmdnt 2. Cily Attomey 3. MayoNAssistant 4. dty Clerk , TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAOES Indicste the#�af pages on which sf�raturos us requind and pepsrcllD esch of these ap�. ACTION REQUE8'TED D�scribs wh�t the projecVnqwst a�sks to�compN�h in eithsr chronolopi- , cel o►der or o�of importanos,vYl�dnver is most appropriats tor ths issue. Do rat write oort�plets ssntences. Bpin�ach item in your Ilat wiM a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 Complste h tF�iseue in qus�ion has bs�n pre�sMed bsfore any body.PubUc or privats.. SUPPORTS WHIC,�1 COIJNqL 08JECTIVE9 Indicate which Council objectfva(s)your p�sat/nqu�t wpports by listinp ��Y�($I(�SIN(3� RECREATION.NEIC�HBORHOODS� EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,3EWER SEPARATION).(3EE OOMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL(�MMITTEEIRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNGL INITIATINO PROBLEM,138UE,OPPORTlJh11TY Explafn the situation cu oondidons thst txe�ted a need tor Y��P� a requeM. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr thb fs sfmply an armual bud�st proaduro required by law/ ch4rtsr or whether th�re aro epeciflc in which the Gty of SaiM Paul and ita citizens will bsr�eNt irom thls p�t/action. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative sflecta or major chanqss to existing or past proc�ses mlgM this project/requsst produce if it is pas�ed(e.q.,traffic delaya, noiae, tax incresses or ass�ments)1 To Whom?WMn? For how lonp? DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED What will bs the neg�tiw consequsr�css if ths promised action is not approved?InabiNty to deliver ssrvice?CoMinusd hfgh treiflc, noise, e�atident rate?L�s of revsnus? FlNANCIAL IMPAG? Although you muat tailor ths infwmdion you provfde hsrs to the isaue you aro addr�ssinp.fn general you must eu�swer two qu�tions: How much is it , going to c�st?1Nho is goirp to ps�t . . � y0-/5�� � 7. Ordina ce 90-1514 - amending Chapter 78 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code r lating to the compensation of election judges. (Referred from Council 8 28 90 Referr to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 8. Resolu ion 90-1542 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $2,951.50 to the Financi g and Spending Plans for Parks and Recreation Supply and Mainte- nance. Referred from Council 8 30 90 Referre to Council without recomnendation due to lack of a quorum. 9. Resolution 90-1541 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $69,571.52 to the Financi g and Spending Plans for Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . (Referred from Council 8/30/90) Referre to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. . esolut'on 90-1540 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $74,515.90 to t e � Financi g and Spending Plans for Library Special Revenue. (Referred from Council 8 30 90 Referre to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 11. Ordinan e 90-1487 - amending Chapter 111 of the Administrative Code to - provide for the City Attorney to act as staff support to the Ethical Practic s Board and further to provide that the Board review of state- ments a d reports filed pursuant to Chapter 28 of the Legislative Code be comp eted within six months from the filing date of those statements and rep rts following the general election. (Referred from Council 83090 Substit te ordinance submitted to the Council September 18. Sus ens on items 12. Resolut on amending the CIB Budget by adding $179,200 for the Hill Librar Referre to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. 13. Amendin the 1989 CIB Budget by adding $108,000 for the Como Park Ja anes Garden. Referre to Council without recommendation due to lack of a quorum. RE(:F_IVFn SEP20199� �� r�" Cf F�K t�, . ,' � � .�����,��.�t �9o-�s�o ���� An81ySt: Kline r, ���� d...'�� Date: 08/O8/90 ����a l7 � � ��9� fi AUG 15 1990 BUDGET OFFICE ANAL�`5�1�'�`� `' ' '-``� OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS ��r�F� ��������v�...� Department: Co munity Services(Libraries) Green Sheet Number: 95 6 Green Sheet Date: 5/1 /90 Amount of Request: 4,516 Positions Requested: 0.0 Amount Recommended: Positions Recommended: Funding SOUfCe: Li rary Fees, Fines,Sales,Commissions and Donations Subject of Request: It is requested that the a portion of e Library Special Fund fund balance be appropriated for a variety of needs. Background: Section 10.15.2 of the City Charter tates that any revenues derived from the public library will be placed in an appropriate special fund and used for only library purposes. $18,210 was rai thru the sale of old newspapaers and that money has been dedicated to replacing the papers with fiche copies. The fund balance grew to$300,000 in this fun from 1985 to 1987. In recent years,the fund balance has been drawn down for standard library needs. The 1991 Library budget request shows that th fund balance is planned to be zero at 12/31/90. The fund's purpose is to purchase materials which meet the library's users'needs,fund special programs nd capital expenses and provide relevant continuing education opportunities for staff inembers. The budget document lays out a plan for the use of the fund bal nce,the use of the 1988 fund balance was in the 1990 budget and the use of the 1989 fund balance is in the 1991 budget. Almost all of the Library's request capital needs were cut from the 1990 General Fund budget. The library's managers have agreed as a group as to which items will be purchased. The 1991 P oposed budget was prepared with this 1990 amnedmnet as consideration. Major Issues: none with this request Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) The 1989 Annual Financial Report s ows that this fund has an undesignated fund balance of$79,216(adequate to support this request). Possible Uses: Fiche copies of old newspapers 9,870 Computer tables(Highland) 1,705 Cabinet for newspaper fiche 1,100 Reference workstation(Highland) 6,000 Central Library fire proof storage 12,000 Projector Screens(Riv/Ham) 316 Bookmobile cost(in excess of fundr 'sing) 9,700 3 projectors(Rice/Sun Ray/Ham) 4,120 "New Library Card"buttons 745 4 tables&75 stacking chairs(Hamline) 4,920 Automated Circulation training 2,331 75 stacking chaus(St. Anthony) 4,200 Photos of St. Anthony restoration 300 2 VCR's 550 Library materials(balance of paper e) 7,240 1 book truck 180 Need for refunds of fines and fees 1,500 Phone sequencer&branch phone equipment 3,481 Civic Center Parking 500 Staff chairs and furniture 1,950 Lunch Room furniture 2,500 Total possible uses: 75,208 Recommendation: Since all capital requests were cut fr m the 1990 General Fund budget and kept out of the 1991 Proposed budget,I support the special fund fmancing as an alternative. I also support the"wash" of newspaper sales and replacement with fiche copies. The remaining items fit the purpose of the fund. Follow-up Recommended, I Any: