90-1538 � p ��j �
Council File # / � `�1,�
Green Sheet � 19�5
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
WHEREAS, The City Co ncil, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code did hold a public hearing on
October 10, 1989, in the ity Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of street and ailey
maintenance to be perfo med in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against
benefitted property; and
WHEREAS, The Depart ent of Public Works did perform the 1990 street and alley maintenance services in a
manner as set forth and proved by the City Council and described in the report of the Department of Public
Works; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to hapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works has
submitted to the Depart ent of Finance and Management Services a report showing the totai cost of street
maintenance to be $15,4 4,442, a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the City Council; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Ci shall pay$7,742,582 of the cost of streets and alley maintenance by using
Municipai State Aid ($1,6 7,935), Trunk Highway Aid ($298,700) County Aid ($387,244). Miscellaneous
Receipts ($193,390), Ge eral Fund ($3,682,181) Fund Balance ($310,132), Miscellaneous Grants
($1,225,000); and be it fu er
(Page 1 of 2)
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� R�`SOLVED, That $7, 99,860 shail be assessed against benefitted property according to the
• following rates:
Class I Do ntown $3.11 per assessable foot
Class II Ou ying Commercial and Arterial Streets
Commercial Property $2.14 per assessable foot
Residential Property $0.97 per assessable foot
Class III All esidential Streets
Commercial Property $1.55 per assessable foot
Residential Property $0.97 per assessable foot
Class IV All iled and Paved Alleys
ommercial Property $0.77 per assessable foot
esidential Property $0.51 per assessable foot
Class V Uni proved Alleys
ommercial Property $0.59 per assessable foot
esidential Property $0.39 per assessable foot
Class VI Uni proved Alleys
ommercial Property $0.30 per assessable foot
esidential Property $0.20 per assessable foot
and be it further
RESOLVED, That a P blic Hearing shall be held in the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul
at 9:00 A.M. on the 11t day of October 1990, for the purpose of adopting service charges against all
benefitted properties t be collected in the same manner as other real property taxes in 1991, and the
City Clerk is hereby dir cted to publish notice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute
Chapter 429, and the epartment of Finance is hereby directed to mail notices in accordance with
said Chapter 429.
(Page 2 of 2)
Requested by Department of: ��•.
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Dimon PubliC WO►icS (AJS)
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AUG 3 0 � Form Ap ved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: D te ��
Adoption rtified by ouncil Secretary By�
� . Appr v by Mayor for Submission to
By' ��� Coun '
Approved Mayor: Da e �UG 3 � �990 �/���/��
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An81ySt: Renshaw (�'
Date: 08/22/90
Department: Depart ent of Public Works
Green Sheet Number: 1915
Green Sheet Date: 8/17/
Amount of Request: N.A. Positions Requested: None
Amount Recommended: Positions Recommended:
Funding Source: Street sessments
Subject of Request:
Resolution regarding street maintenance sessments: set a date for public hearing,ratify 1990 assessment rates and adopt 1991 assessment rates.�
The resolution follows normal procedur regarding street maintenance assessments.
Major Issues:
No significant issues known. The servic level will not change.
Ratification of the 1990 rates must be do by October l lth for two reasons. First,it gives those assessed 30 days to make payments,if they wisli.
Second,the City must certify the assessm nts to Ramsey County by November 15th in order to have them appear on the property tax statements that are sent oK+-,
Fiscal Impact: (Current Year an Following Year)
1991 rate increases are approximately the rate of inflation,about 496. Use of fund balance is 5297,885. This is$12,247,or 490 less than 1990. There
is no change on the schedule previously out for the repayment of the General Fund advancement.
1990 rate increases are approximately 3�O over 1989.
I recommend this resolution be forward to the City Council.
Action on 1990 rates should occur by Oct ber l lth. Action on 1991 rates may be delayed until December,if Council wishes.
Follow-up Recommended, If An :
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Notice is here y given that a Public Hearing will be held on the llth day of
October 1990 t 9:00 A.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers,City Hall and
Court House, 'nt Paul,Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to
consider the 1 el of service of street maintenance performed in the City of
Saint Paul in 1 0 and to ratify the cost of such service to be charged against
benefitted pro rty in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code.
The particular ervice has been performed and the estimated costs as proposed by
the Departrne t of Public Works are as follows:
Class I service as been performed on all downtown or loop streets with the
following bou daries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west,Eleventh Street
on the north d Broadway on the east.
1990 vel f rvi
The downto streets have been swept three times per week and flushed five
times per week All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of
street surfaces, as been performed on an as-needed basis.
All Class I se ce will be assessed at a rate of .11 per assessable foot.
Class II service as been performed on all outlying commercial and arterial streets
in the City. Th are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes
of vehicular an pedestrian traffic and,in most cases,have business or commercial
properties fron g on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University
Avenue,Snellin Avenue,West Seventh Street,East Seventh Street,Rice Street,
Payne Avenue, cade Street,Summit Avenue,Grand Avenue,and others. All
of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the
Department of blic Works,900 City Hall Annex.
1990 Level of Se ices:
The Class II str ts have been swept or cleaned approximately 18 times per season.
All routine m ' tenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces,has
been done on as-needed basis.
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Under Class service there are two assessment rates,one rnmmercial and one
residential. e mmmercial property rate is 2.14 per assessable foot and the
residential pr perty rate is .97 per assessable foot.
Class III servi has been performed on all residential streets including oiled
streets,paved treets and intermediate type streets.
1990 Level f rvic s:
Residential str ts,including oiled streets,paved streets and intermediate streets
have received thorough cleaning which included sweeping and flushing.
Patching and r pairing has been on an as-needed basis; approximately 120 miles of
oiled streets r ived a sand sealcoat and approximately 20 miles of paved streets
received a chi seal coat. In the fall (weather permitting)leaves will be picked up
from these str ts.
Under Class service there are two assessment rates;one residential and one
commercial. e residential property rate is .�7 per assessable foot and the
commercial pr perty rate is 1.55 per assessable foot.
Class IV servic has been performed on all oiled,paved and intermediate type
alleys within e City.
1990 Level of rvices:
All oiled,pav and intermediate alleys have been swept during the season. All
routine mainte ance,including patching and repairing of the alley surfaces,has
been perform on an as-needed basis.
Under Class IV service,there are two assessment rates;one rnmmercial and one
residential. Th commercial property rate is�per assessable foot and the
residential pro rty rate is .rl per assessable foot.
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Class V and service has been performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By
unimproved e mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for
one reason or nother. They are platted City rights-of-way;however,the abutting
residents hav never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any
assessments 1 vied. There are approximately 80 miles of unimproved streets and
100 miles of improved alleys in the City. Because they are City rights-of-way,
the City has e responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work
on them to r uce any hazards or potential hazards.
19 0 v 1 f rvi :
The mainten ce and repair of these streets and alleys has consisted of patching,
minor bladin placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to
make them p sable and reduce hazards.
Under Class and VI service there are two assessment rates for each class;one
commercial d one residential. The commercial properiy rate is .59 per
assessable foo and the residential property rate is .39 per assessable foot on
unimproved s eets. The commercial property rate is .30 per assessable foot,and
the residenti property rate is .20 per assessable foot on unimproved alleys.
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n 'n Financing
��� � General Fund �
Summer $10, ,250(2)) $7,699,860 $1,719,045 $291,213 $310,132 0
Bridge 788,224 0 788,224 0 0 0
Winter 3 390,968 0 0 3,390,968 0 0
Management $1225,000 0 0 0 0 $1,225,000
TOrI'AL $15 424,442 $7,699,860 $2,507,269 $3,682,181 $310,132 $1,225,000
(1) Municipal State Aid - $1,627,935
Trunk Highway Aid - 298,700
County Aid - 387,244
Misc. Receipts - 193,390
( ) Includes Repayment of
General Fund Cash Advance 542,500
Residential p operty on corner lots will only be assessed for the normal assessment
for the front f the lot.
Residential p operties on outlying commercial and arterial streets will be assessed
at the reside dal rate (�per front foot), commercial properties on residential
streets woul be assessed at 1.55 per front foot.
Churches an church property would be assessed at the residential rate.
The assessm nt will be included on your property tax statement in 1�1.
If you have estions about street maintenance or your assessment,please call
298-4747 and refer to your Property I.D. #.