90-1537 � � � � � � V � , , � Counci l Fi le # , 0-/.537 Green Sheet # _�� RESOLUTION � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �-� P i £ Presented By �.,�,�,.� Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, David erg and Josephine Berg Simes as owners applied for a building pernut to demolish he Mannheimer-Goodkind House located at 270 West Seventh Street, which house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as one of the significant houses in the Irvine Park Historic District; WHEREAS, followi g a public hearing the Heritage Preservation Commission acting pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by its Resolution No. 1036 adopted September 4, 1989, made the following findings: (1) Th Mannheimer House is listed on the National Register of Historic Plac s as one of the significant houses in the Irvine Park Historic District, is ca egorized as pivotal to the locally designated Irvine Park Heritage Pres rvation District, is among only a handful of remaining good examples of t e French Second Empire style in the Twin Cities, and serves as a wonde 1 compliment to the Alexander Ramsey House, a more ornate examp e of this style on the same block, the only other French Second Empi e style house in the Irvine Park District, and the most important arc itectural landmark in the district; (2) Los of the French Second Empire style double house at 270 W. Seventh St. w uld harm the district's representation of 19th century residential de elopment and the districts interpretation of the of those who provided the olitical, economic, military, medical and religious leadership that shaped th territorial and state capitol at Saint Paul; (3) De olition of the Mannheimer House at 270 W. Seventh, the only building i the Irvine Park District along W.Seventh Street which is contributing t the district, would harm the district's connection to Fort Road and the omplimentary local and national register designated Rochat-Louise Sauerwein Block across the street; (4) The National Register Nomination Form for the Irvine Park Historic Distri t, written in 1973, states that the Mannheimer House "is unchanged exc pt for the stucco resurfacing and the rebuilt front porch,[is]now sed as a boarding house,[and]is well maintained and in good condition'; the house was renovated and opened as a bed and breakfast hoste ry in 1981; (5) In 1 86 the current owners had plans to restore the house for use as office s ce for Saint Paul Steel Supply Company, and the HPC approved plans for restoration of the front porch and front facade of � � I � � � � �ya-i.s37 �e buildin and for work in the front ard with the exce tion of a g Y P proposal to dd bay windows to the front of the building and to add a circular driv in the front yard; without a circular drive and bay windows, the applican decided not to proceed with their plans to renovate the building and have allowed it to rapidly deteriorate; (6) e applicants have indicated they now have no interest in restoring the building and state they would give the building to the city if the city want it; (7) e Division of Public Health has detemuned that, because of its deteriorat d condition, the house at 270 W. Seventh is a dangerous structure; th have notified the owners that a list of deficiencies must be repaired or t e building must be torn down by September 25, 1989, or the Division of ealth will refer the matter to the City Council to receive authority to e the house; (8) Be ause the Mannheimer House is listed on the National Register of istoric Places as part of the Irvine Park Historic District, an Environment 1 Assessment Worksheet (EAW) must be prepared before the city may ' sue a permit for demolition of the building; an EAW has not yet been repared, and this requirement would now preclude city issuance of a ermit to demolish the building by September 25, 1989; (9) Th applicants state they cunently have no plans for constructing new building on the property with which to compare the economic val e or usefulness of the eausting building; (10) P rt of the significance of the Mannheimer House is related to its etcisting lo tion; while it would be good to move the house back to the front of the 1 (it was moved to the rear of the lot when West Seventh St. was widened i 1933), the Mannheimer House should ideally not be moved to a di ferent lot; and denied the appli ation for permit to demolish the Mannheimer House, recommended that t e City conduct a study to identify alternatives and assess the feasibility of reuse of the building, and requested the Planning Commission to review and comment upon t e possibility of City acquisition of the property; WHEREAS, pursuan to Section 73.07(h) of the Legislative Code, on September 21, 1989, the owners file an appeal from the determination of the Commission on the grounds that it was: (a) arbi rary and capricious, (b) cont ary to the Dangerous Structure Notice issued by the Division of Pu lic Health on August 25, 1989, and the Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate issued by the Department of Fire and Safety Services on September 6, 1989, (c) not s pported by the evidence, and (d) irrel vant and unnecessary because Commission review under Section 73.07(a (4) is specifically exempted for structures required to be demolished un er Chapter 45 of the Legislative Code or Chapter 463 of Minnesota Sta tes; - 2 - '"' ! f1 " "t i � � � � I �v � l. �y�-��� ' WHEREAS, on Se tember 28, 1989, the City Council referred the appeal to its Committee on Hou ing and Economic Development which matter was scheduled for consideration befor the Committee on October 25, 1989, with continuances at the request of the own rs' attorney to November 8, 1989, November 22, 1989, and December 27, 1989 on which later date the Committee heard from the owners, City staff and interested persons and recommended denial of the appeal, and directed staff to effect the securing f the building, to undertake with involvement of the owners and neighbors a reuse s dy including the feasibility of relocating the building, and to report to the City Council soon as possible, but no later than within 90 days; WHEREAS, the Ci staff commissioned John Gelderman of Gelderman Real Estate and Thomas R. Za n of Thomas R. Zahn & Associates to conduct a reuse study and a document entitled, ' e Mannheimer-Goodkind House Reuse Study" dated April 1990, ("Reuse Study") was prepared by these persons which Reuse Study identified four alternative uses of t e property, assessed the financial and development feasibility of these altematives d recommended demolition of the back wing of the building and reuse of the main st cture, alone or with a reconstructed back wing, as a youth hostel conventionally finan ed with a low interest rehabilitation loan from the City for 21% of the cost (31% if the back wing is reconstructed); WHEREAS, the He 'tage Preservation Committee after considering the Reuse Study, by Resolution No. 90-5 adopted April 12, 1990, recommended to the City Council, after review and commen by the Planning Commission, that the City acquire the Mannheimer-Good nd House property by gift, negotiation or eminent domain, that the City consider uses w ich would maintain the House at 270 West Seventh Street, including sale of the property to the Minnesota Council of the American Youth Hostels Inc., and that if dem lition of the building is considered, historical documentation of the building be required according to Level II documentation standards of the American Building Survey and iled with the Minnesota Historical Society and the Heritage Preservation Commi sion; WHEREAS, the Di sion of Public Health, Department of Community Services issued an order identified a "Nuisance Building Notice" dated January 22, 1990, a copy of which is attached an incorporated as part of this resolution by reference; this order was served upon the own rs in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod and informed them that the structure on 270 West Seventh Street constituted a nuisanc under Chapter 45; and this order, among other things, directed the owners to prese e the structure in its present condition until a determination regarding the feasibil ty of rehabilitating it was completed; WHEREAS, the own rs have taken no action to comply with the January 22, 1990 notice and order, an as a result, the Division of Public Health requested a public hearing before the Ci Council for April 19, 1990, which hearing was duly held upon notice personally se d upon the owners; and WHEREAS, the own rs appeal of the Commission's denial of their application for building pemut to de olish the Mannheimer-Goodkind House was also heard by the City Council on April 19, 1990, in a joint hearing at which hearing all interested parties were given an opport nity to be heard and the minutes and findings of the Heritage Preservation Commis ion, order of the Division of Public Health, reports of staff and all other relevant files a records was considered; now therefore, be it I. RESOLVED, upon th appeal from the determination of the Heritage Preservation Committee, the Coun il �nds: - 3 - oR � � � N� � C'�9��53 7 1. That the findings of the Heritage Preservation Commission were not ch lenged in any material respect by the owners in presenting their appeal; 2. That the owners have no present plans to develop the property and intend to use it for parking in the event their appeal is granted; 3. That following a fire in the building, but without first obtaining a rmit, the owners allowed the interior of the building to be stripped and hat in the process support timbers and wall joists were cut through with a chain saw; 4. That the owners have taken no affirmative steps to correct the damage one in the property in the stripping process; 5. That action to support and secure the building is feasible and that a contra tor with experience in historic building renovation has offered to un ertake such work for $1 and the cost of permits; 6. at before the City could grant a building permit to demolish the uilding which is on the National Register of Historic Places, an Enviromm �tal Assessment Worksheet (EAW) process must be initiated and that the wners as "proposers" of the demolition action have not submitted co pleted data portions of an EAW for City consideration; and 7. at the owners offered no evidence that no feasible and prudent alter ative to demolition exists or that demolition is consistent with the publi health, safety and welfare. RESOLVED FiJR ER, upon the foregoing findings the City Council determines: 1. at the findings and determination of the Heritage Preservation ommission are affirmed. 2. at the exception to the requirement for HPC review of the demolition pe it application under Section 73.07(a)(4) does not apply until the Coun il has ordered demolition pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Legislative Co e or Chapter 463 of Minnesota Statutes. 3. at the owners appeal from the determination of the Heritage Prese ation Committee is in all things denied. II. RESOLVED, upon t Division of Public Health notice and order the City Council finds: 1. at the owners, interested parties and responsible parties with respect to the property are David A. Berg and Josephine Berg Simes were properly s rved notice of the April 19, 1990 hearing upon the Division of Pu ic Health notice and order respecting the property at 270 West Seventh reet, Saint Paul, Minnesota. - 4 - � ��� ���-��3 � � � I �DAL 2. That there are now and have been since August, 1989, multiple inte ior and exterior Housing Code and Building Code violations in existence t the subject property. 3. That the Department of Fire and Safety Services on September 1 , 1989, condemned this structure as an "Unsafe Building" under Articl 2.201(b) of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and that the building is st 1 subject to this condemnation order. 4. That the rear addition to the building located on the subject properiy has ad its interior structural supports cut through causing the roof to sag d the rear addition to be destabilized. 5. at the Division of Public Health has monitored the condition of t e property and has observed progressive sagging of the rear addition whic if not corrected will eventually result in the collapse of the rear addition. 6. at in its present condition the three story masonry and wood frame c nstruction main structure is a nuisance as defined under Section 45.02, subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, in that it is a building whic has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the ublic safety within the City. ORDER RESOLVED FINAL Y, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul makes the following order: 1. e owners, interested and responsible parties and their assigns shall m ke the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, ealth, safety, and welfare by securing the property from trespass and b buttressing the building to provide adequate structural support to pre ent further sagging thereby making it safe from collapse. The repairs or ered in this resolution shall be completed within ten (10) days of the dat of mailing of this resolution. 2. I the conective action described in paragraph 1 above is not completed with n the ten (10) day time period, the proper City officials are authorized to t ke whatever steps are necessary to secure the building and to prevent furt er sagging or possible collapse including filing in district court under Mi nesota Statutes Section 463.161, a motion for summary enforcement of this order and for the cost of such repairs to be charged against the pro erty as provided under Minn. Stat. sec. 463.21. - 5 - � ��d"i.53 7 � � i � li� � L 3. In the event the structure is to be repaired by the City, the owners sh 1 provide access to the structure to City staff and all contractors employed y the City to take the corrective action required by this order. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a copy of this resolution be served pon the owner of record or such owner's attorney and upon all lienholder of record. - 6 - --------------- ----- - ------ --------- -------------�=__________________________________ Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswttz Lon Macca ee Rettman T une Wi son BY= _________________�_ _—�____—_________ Adopted by Council: Da e AUG ��� Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary BY. T G By: � � 1990 A�r ved by Mayor for Submission to Approved ¢� Mayor: Dat �G � i Council . , By. �►�iii�l,G%'� By: & ���.��ED SEP - 8 iy90. � � ��0-��3� DEPARTM@NT/OFFICFJCOUNqL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 1 ��� Legislative Op�►z�.�;t#,n / it Councii 8 22 90 �mwo�re INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER80N 6 P110NE �DEPARTMEN7 DiFiECTOR �GTY COUNqI Dave T �� ❑CITY ATTqiNEY �ITY CLERK MUBT 8E ON COUNdL AdENDA BY(DAT� IpU71N0 �BUDOET OIRECTOH �FIN.8 A�3T.�RVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STAN1] � TOTAL#►OF SIQNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUfi� ACT10N REOUESTED: Resolution adopted ordering the securing of the structure at 270 West 7th Street to provide adequate s ructural support. F�COM�rao�TiONS:Mw�+(N a►�(� COUNqL COMMITTEE/RdEARqI REPORT AL _PLANNINO CO�AMI3SION —qVIL RVIC:COMMI$810N ��Y8T PF�IE NW. _GB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ BUPP�iT$WHldi OOUNpI OBJECTIVET INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE.OPPORTUNITY ,Whet,Whsn.WMw.Why): Dangerous structure at 270 West 7th Street. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Restoration of a hi toric structure. RFCEIVED DISADVANTAf3iES IF APPROVED: No disadvantages. C�YY CLEht� DI8ADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPF�VED: Loss of a historic ite in the city. ! COU��ia �R��eA� C,�l�l� , � AUG �3� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION � C08T/REVENt��OA�T�(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) n�. . . ,. s�: '� � � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi'a OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Below ers preferred routinpe for ttn fivs most frequent typN of doctNnsnta: CONTF�ACTS (assumss authoriz�d COUNqL RE30LUTION (Amend, Bdgfs./ budget sxfats) Acc�pt.OraMs) 1. Outside/�Qsncy 1. DspartnMnt Dinctor 2. Initiating DspeRment 2. Budget DiroCtor 3. Gty Attomsy 3. Ciry Attorn�y 4. May�or 4. May�oNAs�MtaM b. Flnancs d Mpmt Svcs.Director 5. qly CouncN 6. Flnance AacouMing 8. Chisf�untant. Fln 8 Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE OROER ��, OOUNqL RESOLUTION �and ORDI�NANCE 1. Activity Manaper 1. Inkiatinp DepertmoM Director 2. Da�rtment 1�►ccaur►tant a• �Y�eY 3. M UfN�taM 4. Bu�dpst��Director�� 4. CIty�COWidI 5. City Clerk 8. Cfibf Accountant, Fin&Mpmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsrs) 1. tnitiaUng DspaRmer�t 2. City Attor�sy 3. May�oNAs�stant 4. dty Cls�it TOTAL NUMBER OF 31ONATURE PAOES Indicate the#�of ppes on whk�signatur�are requlred and papsrcNp each of thsse ss. ACTION RE(HJESTED Dsac�ibs vrhat tM projsct/nqwat�ks t�accornplbh in�thsr chroralopl- c�l order or order of importarKS.rrhicl�sv�sr is nast appropriate for tFre issue. Do rwt v�ite compNte s�tenos�. 8sgin each item in yuur Ii�t with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Canplets if ths lesus in que,tbn has besn pressnt�d bsfore ury body, public or private. 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNGI OBJECTIVE? tndic�te which Council o�cthre{s)Y�P��9�s�PPo�bY�� ths key wrord(s)(HOUSIN(i,Ff�CREATION, NEICiHBORHOOD8, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE U3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL OOMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE8TED BY COUNqL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explatin the sitwtbn or condidons that crearted a nesd br your pnojsct or request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whNMr thb b simply an�nnual bud�et procsduro roquirod by law/ charter or whetMr there vs tpscMc in which the Gty of 8aint Paul and its cidzens wlll b�nslit irom thls�action. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED . What nepettive slfecxs or rtw�jor chan�es to exiating or past proceseas might this ProkcU►e4uat prodt�co if it is paseed(s.g.,traiNc delerys, noise, tax increeaes or aa�msnb)?To Whom�When?For hanr long? DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths r�epativs conspwnc�s N tha promiaed actfon is not approved4 InabNihr to dslive�ssrvk:s?Continued hiOh tratNc, noi�, accident rats?Loes of rsvenus? FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you mt�at tailor ths information you provide here to the issue you are addreaainq,in g�neral you muet answar two questio�a: How much is it �oing to o�t?Who is going to pey? . , �� _ ,�.�.� 7 �C�tT O� �� :. CITY OF SAINT PAUL p M ; �������m ; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � h� ♦ "" JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 RECEIVEb 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL ������0 FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR May 15, 199 0 CITY Cl.ERK _ To: Albert Ols rr City Clerk Rosanne D' gostino Council Re earch Fr: Jim Hart Assistant ity Attorney Re: Mannheimer Goodkind House Resolution Denying Appeal and Orderi g Securing of Building On April 19, 1990, the Council took the referenced action involving the annheimer-Goodkind House by motion. Enclosed is the reolution form lizing the motion. Please take all necessary steps to process the Resolution so that it can be on the May 24, 1990, Council agenda A court date has been set assuming Council action on that date nd in anticipation of the owners possible non- compliance. If necessary, of course, another court date can be reserved. cc: Councilme ers Edwin Lee ' Steve Roy Al1en Tors enson . • , Council File # � ` �� � � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Comnittee: Date WHEREAS, David Berg and Josephine Berg Simes as ers applied for a building permit to demolish he Mannheimer-Goodkind House ocated at 270 West Seventh - Street, which house is listed on the National Register f Historic Places as one of the significant houses ' the Irvine Park Historic Distric WHEREAS, follo g a public hearing the Herit e Preservation Commission acting pursuant to Section 73.07 of the Saint Paul Legis tive Code by its Resolution No. 1036 adopted September 14, 1989, made the followin findings: (1) e Mannheimer House is 1' ted on the National Register of Historic Pla s as one of the signific t houses in the Irvine Park Historic District, is c tegorized as pivotal to e locally designated Irvine Park Heritage Pre ervation District, is a ong only a handful of remaining good examples of he French Second E pire style in the Twin Cities, and serves as a wonde 1 compliment to th Alexander Ramsey House, a more omate exam le of this style on e same block, the only other French Second Emp re style house in e Irvine Park District, and the most important ar hitectural land rk in the district; (2) ss of the Fre Second Empire style double house at 270 W. Seventh St. ould harm t district's representation of 19th century residential d velopment d the districts interpretation of the of those who provided the political, e onomic, military, medical and religious leadership that shaped e territo a1 and state capitol at Saint Paul; (3) D molitio of the Mannheimer House at 270 W. Seventh, the only buildin in th rvine Park District along W.Seventh Street which is contributing o th district, would harm the district's connection to Fort Road and th co plimentary local and national register designated Rochat-Loui e- uerwein Block across the street; (4) National Register Nomination Form for the Irvine Park Historic Dis 'ct, written in 1973, states that the Mannheimer House "is unchanged cept for the stucco resurfacing and the rebuilt front porch,[is] used as a boarding house,[and]is well maintained and in good co iti n'; the house was renovated and opened as a bed and breakf t ho telry in 1981; (5) In 1986 the current owners had plans to restore the house for use as office space for Saint Paul Steel Supply Company, and the HPC approved pl for restoration of the front porch and front facade of the building nd for work in the front yard with the exception of a proposal to dd bay windows to the front of the building and to add a circular driv in the front yard; without a circulax drive and bay windows, ` th� applican decided not to proceed with their plans to renovate the �o�%S`37 building and have allowed it to rapidly dete�rate; (6) e applicants have indicated they now have no terest in restoring the building and state they would give the build" g to the city if the city wan it; (7) e Division of Public Health has dete ' ed that, because of its deteriora d condition, the house at 270 W. Sev nth is a dangerous structure; th y have notified the owners that a lis of deficiencies must be repaired or e building must be torn down by eptember 25, 1989, or the Division of ealth will refer the matter to th City Council to receive - authority to aze the house; (8) B cause the Mannheimer Hou is listed on the National Register of istoric Places as part of th Irvine Park Historic District, an Environmen 1 Assessment Worksheet AW) must be prepared before the city may issue a permit for demo 'on of the building; an EAW has not yet been prepared, and this req rement would now preclude city issuance of permit to demolish t building by September 25, 1989; (9) e applicants state ey currently have no plans for constructing new building on he property with which to compare the economic v ue or usefulness f the existing building; (10) art of the si ' icance of the Mannheimer House is related to its existing 1 cation; while t would be good to move the house back to the front of the ot(it was m ed to the rear of the lot when West Seventh St. was widened in 1933), t e Mannheimer House should ideally not be moved to a ifferent 1 ; and denied the app 'cation or permit to demolish the Mannheimer House, recommended that he Ci conduct a study to identify alternatives and assess the feasibility of reuse f the uilding, and requested the Planning Commission to review and comment upon the ossibility of City acquisition of the property; WHEREAS, pursu to Section 73.07(h) of the Legislative Code, on September 21, 1989, the owners fil d an appeal from the determination of the Commission on the grounds that it w . (a) ar itrary and capricious, (b) c trary to the Dangerous Structure Notice issued by the Division of blic Health on August 25, 1989, and the Notice of Condemnati n and Order to Vacate issued by the Department of Fire and Safety Servic s on September 6, 1989, (c) n supported by the evidence, and (d) i elevant and unnecessary because Commission review under Section 73.0 (a)(4) is specifically exempted for structures required to be demolished nder Chapter 45 of the Legislative Code or Chapter 463 of Minnesota S atutes; WHEREAS, on Se tember 28, 1989, the City Council referred the appeal to its Committee on Hou ing and Economic Development which matter was scheduled for ' � consideration befor the Committee on October 25, 1989, with continuances at the gv'���`3� request of the own rs' attomey to November 8, 1989; November 22, 1989, and December 27, 1989, on which later date the Committee heaxd from the owners, City staff and interested persons and recommended denial of the pea1, and directed staff to effect the securing f the building, to undertake with involve ent of the owners and neighbors a reuse s dy including the feasibility of reloca ' the building, and to report to the City Council as soon as possible, but no later than 'thin 90 days; WHEREAS, the Ci staff commissioned John Gelde an of Gelderman Rea1 Estate and Thomas R. Z n of Thomas R. Zahn & Associa s to conduct a reuse study and a document entitled, 'The Mannheimer-Goodkind Ho se Reuse Study" dated April 1990, ("Reuse Study") w prepared by these persons wh' Reuse Study identified four - alternative uses of e property, assessed the fina cial and development feasibility of these alternatives d recommended demolition f the back wing of the building and reuse of the main s ructure, alone or with a re nstructed back wing, as a youth hostel conventionally fina ed with a low interest r abilitation loan from the City for 21% of the cost (31% if th back wing is reconstruct d); WHEREAS, the H ritage Preservation C 'ttee after considering the Reuse Study, by Resolution No. 90-5 adopted April 12, 19 0, recommended to the City Council, after review and comme by the Planning C 'ssion, that the City acquire the Mannheimer-Good 'nd House proper by gift, negotiation or eminent domain, that the City consider uses hich would maint n the House at 270 West Seventh Street, including sale of th property to the innesota Council of the American Youth Hostels Inc., and that if de olition of the b ilding is considered, historical documentation of the building be require according to vel II documentation standards of the American Building Survey an filed with th Minnesota Historical Society and the Heritage Preservation Co ssion; WHEREAS, the Di 'sion of blic Health, Department of Community Services issued an order identified a "Nui ce Building Notice" dated January 22, 1990, a copy of which is attached a d inco rated as part of this resolution by reference; this order was served upon the o ers in ccordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Co e an mformed them that the structure on 270 West Seventh Street constituted a nuisan e u er Chapter 45; and this order, among other things, directed the owners to prese e e structure in its present condition until a determination regarding the feasib li of rehabilitating it was completed; WHEREAS, the o ers have taken no action to comply with the January 22, 1990 notice and order, as a result, the Division of Public Health requested a public hearing before the ity Council for April 19, 1990, which hearing was duly held upon notice personally se ed upon the owners; and WHEREAS, the o ers appeal of the Commission's denial of their application for building permit to d molish the Mannheimer-Goodkind House was also heard by the City Council on Ap '1 19, 1990, in a joint hearing at which hearing all interested parties were given an oppo 'ty to be heard and the minutes and findings of the Heritage Preservation Commi sion, order of the Division of Public Health, reports of staff and all other relevant files nd records was considered; now therefore, be it L RESOLVED, upon he appeal from the detemunation of the Heritage Preservation Cominittee, the Cou cil finds: � • • 1. That the findings of the Heritage Preservation Commission ���'�`�7 were not ch llenged in any material respect�Gy the owners in presenting their appeal; 2. That the owners have no present plans to dev op the property an intend to use it for parking in the event the' appeal is granted; 3. That following a fire in the building, b t without first obtaining a ermit, the owners allowed the interio of the building to be stripped and that in the process support timbers d wall joists were cut through with a chain saw; � - 4. That the owners have taken no firmative steps to correct the damage one in the property in the stri ping process; 5. That action to support and ecure the building is feasible and that a contra tor with experience in his ric building renovation has offered to u dertake such work for $ nd the cost of permits; 6. That before the City ould grant a building permit to demolish the building which is o he National Register of Historic Places, an Enviro ntal Assessment rksheet (EAW) process must be initiated and that the wners as "propo rs" of the demolition action have not submitted co pleted data po ions of an EAW for City consideration; and 7. That the o rs offered no evidence that no feasible and prudent alte ative to de olition exists or that demolition is consistent with the pub ic health, ety and welfare. RESOLVED FUR ER, pon the foregoing findings the City Council determines: 1. Th the findings and determination of the Heritage Preservation 'ssion are �rmed. 2. That the exception to the requirement for HPC review of the demolitio rmit application under Section 73.07(a)(4) does not apply until the o cil has ordered demolition pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Legisla ' e C de or Chapter 463 of Minnesota Statutes. 3. That the owners appeal from the detemunation of the Heritage Pre ervation Committee is in a11 things denied. II. RESOLVED, upon he Division of Public Health notice and order the City Council finds: 1. That the owners, interested parties and responsible parties with respect o the property are David A. Berg and Josephine Berg Simes were properl served notice of the April 19, 1990 hearing upon the Division of blic Health notice and order respecting the property at 270 West Sevent Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. " � • • • 2. That there are now and have been since August, 1989, Gf�►��`�� multiple int rior and exterior Housing Code-and Bu' ' g Code violations in existence at the subject property. 3. That the Department of Fire and S ety Services on September 2, 1989, condemned this structure an "Unsafe Building" under Artic 2.201(b) of the Minnesota Unifo Fire Code and that the building is s 'll subject to this condemnation der. 4. That the rear addition to the uilding located on the subject property h had its interior structural su orts cut through causing the roof to sag nd the rear addition to be stabilized. - 5. That the Division of Pu c Health has monitored the condition o the property and has ob rved progressive sagging of the rear addition wh ch if not corrected will entually result in the collapse of the rear additio . 6. That in its present ondition the three story masonry and wood frame construction main cture is a nuisance as defined under Section 45.0 , subd. 11 of the ' t Paul Legislative Code, in that it is a building wh' h has created a ngerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens th public safety in the City. ORDER RESOLVED FIN LY, t t the Council of the City of Saint Paul makes the following order: 1. owners, interested and responsible parties and their assigns shall e the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peac ealth, safety, and welfare by securing the property from trespass and by buttressing the building to provide adequate structural support to event further sagging thereby making it safe from collapse. The repairs rdered in this resolution shall be completed within ten (10) days of the ate of mailing of this resolution. 2. If the conective action described in paragraph 1 above is not completed 'thin the ten (10) day time period, the proper City officials are authorized t take whatever steps are necessary to secure the building and to prevent rther sagging or possible collapse including filing in district court under Minnesota Statutes Section 463.161, a motion for summary enforcemen of this order and for the cost of such repairs to be chaxged against the roperty as provided under Minn. Stat. sec. 463.21. • � � . . � b " 1`�� � 3. In the event the structure is to-be rep ' ed by the City, the. owners shall provide access to the structure to Ci staff and all contractors employed b the City to take the corrective actio required by this order. 4. IT IS FLJRTHER ORDERED, at a copy of this resolution be served u on the owner of record or suc wner's attomey and upon all lienholders f record. r�� --------------- ----- - ------ --------- Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond Gosw�tz Lon Macca e Rettman 41h l son By� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary By_ � By� Appro ed by Mayor for Submission to Co�ci l Approved by Mayor: Dat By: By: & �� ^�`-�� `` � .�v CITY OF SAINT PAUL `��t �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4� �� O M �_ � ���'��'{ �` " +. �° Albert B. Olson .... 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR April 23, 1990 Ms. Jane McPeak City Attorney Room 647, City H II Dear Ms. McPeak: After public heari g April 19th, the City Council denied the appeal of David and Josephine Berg to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which denied the issuance of a ermit to demolish the structure located at 270 W. 7th St. Will you please pr pare the proper resolution implementing this action.? Very truly yours, Albert B. Olson City Clerk LMA cc: Allan Torstens n, HPC staff ' �`/Q-/S�� � -� Members: + ^ Bill Wilson, chair - CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Tom Dimond Irii'ii` OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen Dat : December 27, 1989 I � WILLIAM L. WILSON Committee Report RECFt1/�n MARK 1L RDING COUnCilman Legislative Aide To: Saint Pau Cit Council {�C�9i�9 y CI1 Y" C!ER�C From : Housi g and Economic Development Committee Bill W Ison, Chair 1. Approval of inutes COMMITTEE R OMMENDED APPROVAL of the NOVEMBER 22, 1989, MINUTES. 2, Appeal of Da id and Josephine Berg to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which denied the issuance of a permit to demolish the structure located at 270 W. 7th Street. COMMITTEE RE OMMENDED DENIAL OF THE APPEAL; and to direct th staff to ensure that the building is completely secured; and for the taff to undertake a study of re-use, which includes also the feasibil ty of relocation of the building, with the involvement of the owners a d neighbors, as a possibility; and to report back to the Council as s on as possible, but not later than within 90 days. CITY HALL SEV TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 s�48 t;� t-: 3 �5 �^� � rF f/ � : +� } C�+y'.r t'"' { � t i ,� G, 1 a "" yi; 1 ` �rd' e Z � 2 x, ,:� � .: vr,� �.:,� � � .�. 3�f � �� � � �' , � y i� � ;; ��q� Y -Ff t C, {r � :�, .�1 :� ? � -w�'. 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Y �� � e ,�. r� t �'� r. :C �, � }��t y'� t ti+L f� 1� � 3 ^ r1' 8 ` �, r.it �` ` ,Z�, i� M. _ ,� � �r " �a �, �r x s� t x ��=� a - 3 s ' _ i: E t t �r � •_� � }` � � �� � � � . x � , 3 � j. f �; : t�� � .. yI ; t � �� . � + ��4' � < ��. '�� �j n � - .•` �� �'+� f ' �'k; % a n3 �' � 4 t M1- A: r �` 1 �F I � 4 .c.,, � .. ..`.�_ . ,.�.�kL � , .,.., a_. ...,���,. .ia,....,.n�..,... .. ,�"!""¢,...,,6;,.., _ . ..:�...a.....;Y°v . ,. � . . . _� _. .,.65.+1�n..zm...�K.. . �-...�'4. 1... ..�.... .<..k:......�... . ._.... _.. _s.�x'�. :� • �� .�;a�`;'-'" �=",�, �� � GEARIN AND SHIELY, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 500 DEGREE OF HONOR BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101-1073 ROBERT A. GEARIN TELEPHONE 227-7577 •JAMES F. SHIELY, JR. AREA CODE 612 _ September 21, 1989 'AL50 ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF WISCONSIN OF COUNSEL JOSEPH L. MELZAREK RECEIVE� St. Paul City Clerk Ramsey County Courthouse S�2, 11� St. Paul, MN 55102 CITY CLERii Dear Clerk: Enclosed herewith please find two copies of Notice of Appeal and Statement setting forth the grounds of appeal pursuant to Section 73.07 (h) of e St. Paul Leqislative Code. Very truly yours, GEARIN & SHIELY, P.A. �� ames . iely„/Jr. JFS:tl Enclosure . // ,r%L �_`-/ • � � NOTICB OF APPBAL `��� i �D '�.__._i STATffi�NT OF GROIINDS David Berg nd Josephine Berg Simes hereby give notice of their appeal of the decision of the City of St. Faul Heritage Preservation Commission on September 14, 1989, in H.P.C. File No. 1036 denying them approval of the issuance of a C'ty permit to demolish the dangerous structure located at 270 West 7th Stre t, St. Paul, Minnesota. This appeal is made pursuant to Section 73.07 (h) of the St. Paul Legislative Code nd is based on the following grounds: The fai ure to approve the issuance of a City permit to demolish the dangerou structure located at 270 West 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, w s (a) Ab trary and capricious (b) Co trary to the findings and orders of the City of St. Paul Public Healt Department and the City of St. Paul Fire Department that the bu'lding is a hazard to the public health and safety and should be d stroyed (see attached Dangerous Structure Notice dated August 25, 1 89 from the St. Paul Public Health Department ordering that the bu lding be destroyed on or before September 25, 1989, and the Not'ce of Condemnation and Order to Vacate requiring that the building be demolished by September 11, 1989. ) (c) No supported by any evidence. (d) Ir elevant and unnecessary since no approval of the Heritage Pe servation Commission is required under Section 73.07 (a) (4) of t e St. Paul City Legislative Code which specifically exempts the requirement of any action by the Heritage Preservation Commission ith respect to structures required to be demolished in accordan with Chapter 45, Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul or innesota Statutes, Chapter 463. GEARIN & SHIELY, P.A. /''�Y RECEIVED � ames . Shiely, Jr. �o��� Attorney for Appealants David Berg �i and Josephine Berg Simes 500 Degree of Honor Building GiT�I G'��'�S'� St. Paul, MN 55101 612-227-7577 Attorney I.D. No. 100390 � ' �-��.�� . ; �;� , . . � ; r;. , . � ...�,,,y. C1TY �F SAINT PAUL ' , DEPART�ti1E�T OF CO�'�1MUNITY SERVICES ? � ;i Oi�'ISION OF PUBIIC HEALTH ' :�;Cedar$treec.iaint P:ui.Minnesoca 55101 (612)292-:717 Gcorae lstimer �,t,yor D.ANGEROOS ST'RUCTL'RE 110TT_CE August 25, 1989 Qavid A.. & Josephi e Berg .1647 Hillcrest Ave Saint Paul, 1� 551 6-2150 , � RE: 270 7th Street West SEly 40 ft of t 1 & S1ib to St.; Lot �, Block 28, Rice and Irvin s Addition Blocks 26 -thru 41, 46 thru 53 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Be g: The Division of lic Health has deterruned that the above-noted house is a dangerous structur , which Chapter 47 of the St. Paul Legislative Code defines as: "any struct e which is potentially dangerous to persons or property including t not limited to: (a> a struc ure which is in dax�ger of gartial or cos�lete collapse; or tb) a struc ure which has any e�c�erior parts such as chi.rmeys, eaves, porches siding, failings, or trim which are loose or in danger of falling or (c) a struc ure which has any parts such as porches, stairs, rair�s, rails, lconies, or roofs which are accessible and which are either collaps , in danger of collapsing, or unable to s-�ipp�ort a person." The Ordinar►ce furt er states that a dangerous structure is a nuisance and it may be ardered to down by the City. NO�TE: If you do-r�o want to have the City begin action to have the buildin9 . torn da�1 yo�u are eby notif ied thaL the attached 1 ist of def iciencies mist be repaired or y+ou m�st- have the builciing torn aown on or before Septe�nt�r 25. 1989. Any repair or de�a ition must be corr}�Ieted in accordance with all applicable laws. If the work is not co��leted or if you have not had the house torn dawn by the above date, the Di ision of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive authority to raze the house and charge all costs inc.�urred ac3air�st the real e tate as a special assessment to be collected in the san�e manner as taxes. he City Council will schedule a public hearing to consider if the hou_se shoul be torn down• If a public hearing becares necessary, you will be notified the tiir�e and dat;e of the hearing and you will be allowed to present evidence the City Council. A copy of this order will be kept on t . � . .° ,�, � . �? --/�� � ; ;., ' � Uangerous st nact�u- tiot ice � + � 270 7th Street kes August 25, 3989 Page -2- file in the City C erk's office and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance s 11 be on f ile in �he Rainsey County Recorder's office. • Ca��liance with t attacned iist of de�iciencies will r�ve vour building fror.� the ist of dangerous s�ructures, but it does not mean that the building cor�l�es with all applicable housing and building codes. The date for compl�ance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written a roval from the Division of Pubiic Health. If you wish to ha the City tear daticn your house, you nay request a consent forrn be s nt Lo you from our office to sign and return to us. However, please aware that a21 ow�ers and interested parties c�aist sign the form before t e Cit� can tear• the building doc�an without a City Council order. Also be a are that the cost of the de�Iition if performed by the City, would bec � a special assessnert� against the property. If you have arn estions about this order, please contact the Vacant Building Section t (612) 298-Y153. _ Sincerely, ����� Steven R. Roy • Environmental Hea th Progran *1ar�ager . SRR:kjl �closure cc: Warren Frost Planning and Economic Develo�tt Allan Torste son ' Heritage Pre ervation Comnission ' ^ , '�v -.�-"'�'� • • ' • DEFICIENCY LIST • ,•, ' FOR 270 SEVENTH STREET WEST AUGUST 16, 1989 All repairs an new installations must be made in accordance with the appropria codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additi ns to an electrical system require upgrading of the service si2e o current Natioaal Electrical Code (N.E.C_ ) requirements. ome plumbing regairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures nd/or piping inv�olved. A permit is requ�ired for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained fro� the Building Insp ction and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. INTERIOR FIRST FLOOR � FRONT HA L , 1. There is broken glass, wood and debris throughout hall. Remove a 1 glass, wood and debris and clean all areas. 2 . Broken a d missing plaster and wall board. Repair all holes and repl ce all missing wall board or plaster. . 3 . Improper and illegal installation of lighting throughout front ha lway on both sides. Remove illegal wiring and fixtures and repair and provide wiring and fixtures which meet Nat onal Electric Cade requirements_ 4 . Steps to second floor on both sides of hallway have been damaged. The handrail has been broken and removed. Repair steps to second floor and provide legal handrails. NORTHWES ROOM 5. Ceiling ight fixture has been removed and has bare, exposed wires. R place ceiling light fixture and rewire, to meet National Electric Code requirements. , 6. Strewn d bris throughout room. Remove all refuse and properly clean and sanitize carpet. 7. There is a sink cabinet along south wall with the door broken o f. Properly repair sink cabinet and replace or repair d or. . 8. There is also a smoke detector on the south wall improperly . placed f om the ceiling. Check smoke detector and make sure it is fu ctioning properly and is legally placed. 9. Trap dry in sink along south wall. Properly seal trap for handsink. ' 10. The door has been taken off and is missing. Properly replace door to oom. . � �v-153� . � , Deficiency List • � ' 270 Seventh treet West Page 2 of 18 FIRST F OR (continued) NEXT RO M SOUTH OF NORTHWEST ROOM 11. The doo has been broken off and removed_ Properly replace door. 12 . Handsin to bathroom shower area fixture has been unhooked. Properl ,hook up the pl�mbing for handsink and clean the bathtub. 13_ All plu bing traps are dry. Provide liquid seal for traps. 14 . Doors t the toilet area for room have been ripped off and are mis ing. Provide alY doors to the toilet area. 15. In the oilet area the toilet is missing. Properly provide functio al toilet fo,r area. 16. The wal s in the toilet area are cracked and have missing parts. epair all walls and clean the fl.00r and properly sanitiz . 17 . The bat room and toilet area are covered with carpeting. - Properl cover with material that is impervious to water and properl seal corners. 18. The wes side ceiling lights have been removed and there are hanging electrical wires as well as illegally installed electri al light wires. Remove all improper wiring and provide proper ceiling Zight fixture to meet National Electri al Code requirements. 19 . Electri al outlet for south wall is missing cover plate. Provide legal cover pla�e. 20. Walls a d floors are covered with debris and refuse and walls h ve been painted. Properly resurface walls and floors and cle n and sanitize areas. � 21. West wa 1 window at the north end has been broken through. There i broken glass laying on the floor and outside. Pick up and emove and dispose of all broken glass and replace window. 22. East wa 1 closets. • Interior of closets have broken, loose falling plaster into the bathroom area. Properly repair all closet alls. NEXT RO M NORTH OF SOUTHWEST ROOM 23 . Along t e west wall, north end window has been broken out with gl ss inside and outside. Remove all broken glass and repair indow in a worlamanlike manner. �. . . - . . . ��-��� : a . � . � � � , ' Def�ciency Li t - � � � 270 Seventh S reet West Page � of 18 FIRST F OR (continued) NEXT ROO NORTH OF SOUTHWEST ROOM (continued) 24_ Illegal lectrical wiring stretched through room. Remove all illegal lectrical wiring. 25. Broken c iling light fixture. Replace. 26. Battery 'perated smoke detector inoperable. Replace or repair b ttery operated smoke detector_ 27_ Room is ull of junk and debris. Remove all debris and refuse f om room and properly sanitize floor and walls. 28. East wal there is a large hole in plaster. Properly repair all brok n and damaged plaster. SOUTHWES ROOM � 29 . Room is ull of refuse and debris (newspapers, broken glass, magazine , cement bricks, blocks and wood) . Remove all rubbish nd refuse from room and properly dispose of. 30. West wal of room, the exterior door is broken and damaged � with boa ds across it to prevent entrance. Repair door and frame an windows above the door. 31. There is a double bolt lock in door. Properly provicie dead bolt loc keyed only from outside for exterior door. 32 . The west window is broken with glass strewn over room as well as utside. Properly repair window. 33. South wa 1 window has been broken out with broken glass outside s well as inside. Properly repair window and remove all brok n glass. 34 . West wal closet area: the walls are showing signs of damaged laster and cracks on ceiling. Repair and replace all dama ed plaster and repair walls and ceiling. KITCHEN 35. Ceiling ight has extension cord wiring. Remove extension cord wir ng to ceiling light and properly hook up according to Natio al Electrical Code requirements. 36. The pl ing trap for the kitchen sink is dry. Provide liquid s ai for plumbing trap. 37. Floor, w lls and appliances are filthy. Clean the floor, walls an appliances and sanitize. ; - . ' � . . �fl����J�� � ,` Oeficiency Lis � � ' 270 Seventh St eet West Page 4 of 18 FIRST FLO R (continued) KITCHEN ( ontinued) 38. South wal has cracked and peeling wallpaper. Remove all cracked a d peeling wallpaper and praperly surface. 39. Kitchen c binets have been damaged and the doors have been removed. epair all kitchen cabinets and their doors. STAZRWAY O SECOND FIAOR � 40. Stairway o second floor €rom southwestmost room is filled with plas er and other debris falling from second floor, and is unusab e. Remove all debris and properly repair stairwell area. 41. The door rame to the , stairwell area has been damaged. Repair do r frame. NORTHEAST CORNER ROOM 42 . Near the all area there is broken and missing plaster and general d maged done to walls and floors. Repair all damaged plaster a d all damage dane to walls and floors and properly clean and sanitize all areas. 43 . Room is f 11 of mattresses, broken and damaged panes of glass and other debris. Remove all garbage and refuse from room and roperly dispose of. Clean and sanitize floor and walls. 44 . North win ows on west end have been broken with glass outside a well as inside. Repair or replace all damaged windows. 45. Door to r om has been torn off the hinges. Properly replace door. 46. South wall of room, there is an open plumbing trap where handsink used to be. Properly close off alI plumbing. 47. Human fe al matter found in room. Properly clean up all fecal ma ter and properly sanitize. 48. Southwes closet are•a of room: there is broken and damaged plaster n ceiling and on walls. Properly repair or replace all dama ed plaster. 49. Smoke de ector is non-functional and improperly placed. Properly place smoke detector and make sure that it is function'ng properly. . . �v ���3� �' � , Deficiency Lis . � � � � 270 Seventh St eet West Page 5 of 18 FIRST F R (continued) NEXT ROOM SOUTH OF NORTHEAST ROOM 50. Area is f 11 of human feces, carpet, mattresses and other debris. P operly remove all human feces and debris clean and sanitize rea. 51. The top o the handsink has been removed with open plumbing underneat . Properly repair or replace handsink area and properly lose off open plumbing_ 52. Bathroom n hall area: toilet is missing: Provide functional toilet. 53 . Toilet ar a is full of broken and damaged plaster on floor. Remove br ken and dam�ged plaster from room. SOUTHEAST CORNER ROOM 54 . Ceiling h s a large hole that appears to have water damage around th area. Replace and repair ceiling in a workmanlike manner. 55. Smoke det ctor is falling off ceiling. Provide functional smoke det ctor and proper placenent. 56. Water dam ged and cracked walls and ceiling. Repair all damaged s rfaces of roor.i. 57 . Room is f 11 of bed parts, mattress and other debris. Remove and prope ly store all debris. 58. Handsink long the west wall is S-trapped_ Provide proper P- trap for andsink. 59. The trap ' s dry. Provide liquid seal for trap. 60. Door to r om has been taken off. Provide door to room. BASEMENT 61. Basement teps on the west side lack handrails_ Provide legal han rails for basement steps. 62. Theai�lal odamagebtoewallssinPthelbasementswellnareaaged. Rep 63. There is loose step on the basement steps. Repair. BASEMENT- OUTHWEST CORNER ROOM 64 . Drop ceiling has been damaged and missing drop ceiling tiles. Re air drop ceiling in a workmanlike manner. ' �C4/!`'' CY ' . . , , � � ` De�ficiency Li t . - 270 Seventh S reet West Page 6 of 18 BASEMENT (continued) BASEMENT - SOUTHWEST CORNER ROOM (continued) 65. Walls an carpeting show mold and water damage. Properly clean an remove all mold and repair any mold or water damage t floors and walls. 66. Room lac s any light and ventilation for room. Properly provide dequate light and ventilation for this room_ 67 . Closet i north end of room: walls and floors have been damaged, are missing sheet rock in areas and floor is littered with general debris. Clean area and properly replace il walls and floors in a workmanlike manner_ BASEMENT - BATHROOM 68. Bathroom area lacks proper installation of any toilet_ Properly provide toilet for bathroom area. 69. Bathroom area is carpeted. Remove all carpeting and provide flooring substantially impervious of water_ 70. The step area to get into the bathroom missing step. Provide legal st ps. . 71. Shower h s been ripped out. Replace tub and hook up ali plumbing. . . 72 . Exposed iring south side of tub area. Properly close off wiring. 73. Damage t walls in bathroon area. Repair all walls in bathroom area. 74. Hall out ide of bathroom area shows damage from mold througho t. Clean and remove all mold from area on all walls. - ' 75. Drop cei ing tiles are missing along hall area_ Provide ceiling iles. 76. North en of hall, the ceiling is missing any type of drop ceiling. Walls are not finished carpeting is littered with general ebris and needs proper maintenance and cleaning. BASEMENT - NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM 77. Lacks an iight and ventilation. Provide. 78. Room lac s proper ceiling. Provide. 79. There is mold along walls, along carpeted floor_ Floor covered ith general debris. Properly clean all surfaces and . destroy 11 molds. ______ _ � ___. . ___ _ . �� � � . . ��'��� � Deficiency Li t - ' �� 270 Seventh S reet west Page 7 of 18 BASEMENT (continued) BASEMENT - NORTHWESTMOST ROOM 80. Room sho s signs of mold and water damage along walls. Remove a 1 mold and replace all water damaged walls. 81. Carpetin is filthy with scattered debris and refuse_ Remove all debr s and refuse and properly clean and sanitize carpetin . � 82 . There is no ceiling in this room. Pravide ceiling_ BASEMENT - CLOSET OFF OF NORTHWESTI�IOST ROOM 83. Walls ar damaged and plaster board has been broken. Repair all wall . , 84. There is no ceiling. Provide. 85. Support ost in closet is improperi�r installed. Remove and properly install proper support post. HALL ARE S - WEST SIDE 86. All hall areas on west side show signs of mold damage and water da age. Repair all hall walls and floors from mold and water da age. BASEMENT - NORTHEAST AR£A ' 87. There is one larger room with two starage iike areas. All walls an concrete floor show signs af mold and bacteria build-up Repair and clean all walls and remove all mold buildup nd all water da�age. Repair or replace walls. BASEMENT - EAST SIDE 88. Furnace n east side is damaged and in need of repair. Repair o replace furnace so that i� functions properly. 89. Both wat r heaters in basement area are lacking proper temperat re pressure relief devices with proper spill pipes. Provide. 90. Support ost by furnace are showing rot and damage. Properly repair o replace all support post. BASEMENT - NORTHMOST CLOSET - EAST SIDE 91. Support ost has been removed aemove�and2supply legalsed for support f main support beam. R support ost for main beam. 92. Flaking nd failing cement along east wall and around basement windows. .- �v -153� . � � ' Deficiency Lis - ' . � 270 Seventh St eet hlest � Page 8 of 18 BASEMENT continued) BASEMENT GENERAL . 93. Properly epair foundation walls throughout basement. 94 . Around bo ler there is possible asbestos which is loose and falling. heck boiler area and pipes for asbestos and properly emove and dispose of. 95. Broken gl ss and debris throughout east side basement floor area. Rem ve all broken glass and debris from basement area. BASEMENT UNDRY ROOM 96. The laund y tub has open plunbing direct tc the sewer. Properly lose off. 97. P-trap un erneath the laundry tubs is dry. Provide liquid seal for -trap. 98. Zllegal e ectrical wiring for the lights upstairs are illegally attached into the electrical junction boxes. Remove wi ing and detach from panel box_ 99 . Exterior teps to outside fro�► the east most side of basement ack handrails. Provide legal handrails. 100. There is n open sewer pipe in the stairway area_ Properly cap sewer line_ 101. There is pen electrical wiring along the step area going to the outsi e. Properly close off. 102. Back stai ell area is full of debris. Remove all debris and refuse ai ng stairwell area. 103 . Bricks ai ng the south side of stairwell area lacking mortar. P operly tuckpoint all bricks. 104. Doorway a ea into basement from exterior stair area: the frame has rotting wood. Remove and replace all rotting wood in frame rea. 105. Wood encl sure area over rear steps: sunlight and daylight can be se n thru the wood area. Properly repair and replace all rotte wood on the wood enclosure and properly seal off. 106. Window ar a on part of the wood enclosure (south end) the glass •has been broken. Replace ali broken glass panes. � .� . 9� -/53� . , Deficiency Li t � ' 270 Seventh S reet West Page 9 of 18 SECOND F OR NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM 107. The ceii ng light has been disconnected and removed, unprotec ed and illegal wiring hanging from ceiling. Replace ceiling ight and repair wiring to meet National Electrical Code sta dards. 108 . Battery perated smoke detector is non-functional . Rzplace or repai smoke detector so that is functions properly. 109. South wa 1: there is a broken and damaged handsink cabinet. Repair o replace cabinet and secure all plumbing fixtures. • 110. Floor ha ripped and peeTing linoleur�. Repair or replace flooring . 111. There is broken glass on floor and plaster bits. Remove all debris f om floor. 112. North si e windows: exterior windows appear to be broken and in need f repair with missing glass, screens and/or ripped screens_ Repair storm windows. � 113 . South cl set area there is broken and damaged plaster walls. Repair a 1 damaged plaster and remove all damaged plaster from flo r area. 114. East wal there is a broken outlet fixture. Repair to meet National Electrical Code requirements. � 115. Door to oom has been broken off and removed. Provide door to room. FIRST RO M SOUTH OR NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM 116. The hand ink has been damaged and broken. Repair handsink cabinet rea also hook-�p plumbing properly. . 117. Walls, c iling and floors show signs of damaged, peeling paint, b oken and cracked plaster. Repair. 118. Electric 1 fixture on west wall has been damaged. Probable hookup t ceiling fan. Repair to meet National Electrical Code re irements. • 119. Ceiling ixture has been removed and has hanging, exposed � wires. P operly close off wires and replace fixture to meet National Electrical Code requirements. 120. Smoke de ector is improperly placed and non-functional. Provide unctional smoke detector and properly place. 121. Door to oom has been removed. Restore. . �-��� . � � Oeficiency Li t ` • �70 Seventh reet West Page l0 of 18 SECOND R (continued) FIRST R M SOUTH OR NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM (continued) 122. Window north end of room has been broken through both storm wi dows and interior windows. Repair or replace both storm a interior windows. 123 . Room is nly six feet wide. Check to see if dimensions are require wider than six feet wide €or a habitable room. SECOND M SOUTH OF NORTHWEST CORNER 124 . The han sink area has been removed has open plumbing. Properl close off plumbang areas or provide installation of handsin and cabinet. . 125. There i damage to the ceiling and wall plaster in this room. R ove all damaged surfaces and resurface. i26. West wall windows: both storm windows are damaged and in disrepa'r. Repair or replace storm windows. 127. Interio windows do not function properly. Repair or replace both in erior windows. 128. Door to room has been removed. Provide door. 129. Ceiling fixture has been removed. Provide ceiling fixture and cIo e off electrical junction box and exposed wiring to meet Na ional Electrica� Code requirements. � 130. The bat ery operated smoke detector is non-functional. Provide functional smoke detector for room. 131. Fuse bo in hallway is possibly overfused. Properly fuse all lines. WEST SI E BATHROOM AREA 132. Interio window does nat function properly. Repair or � replace. 133 . Bathroo handsink has been removed and has exposed plumbing fixture . Properly close off plumbing fixtures or provide proper andsink and praperly connect all plumbing. 134 . Toilet as been removed from bathroom area. Provide toilet for bat room. 135. Ceiling light has exposed wires. Provide proper ceiling ligh�t� f r bathroom area and close off open junction box. 136. Bathtub area shows signs of smoke damage and so does tub. Properl clean all walls and ceramic ti2e in bathroom area and san'tize_ 137 . Door to bathroom area is missing- Provide. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ __ _ � _ _ _._ � - . � � �r���_ _. ._ . Deficiency Li t ' � 270 Seventh S reet West Page 11 of 18 SECOND F R (continued) ROOM SOU H OF BATHROOM AREA ON WEST SIDE 138. Room lac s entry door. Provide. 39. There is damage to plaster walls and ceiling in room_ Repair all dama ed plaster and properly resurface. 140. East wal : there is a damaged electrical outlet. Repair to meet Nat'onal Electric Code standards. 141. There ar exposed electrical wires from switch area to ceiling an and/or light. Repair wiring to meet National Electric Codes requirements. - 142. Ceiling ixtures have been removed, there is exposed electric 1 wiring. Properly replace ceiling fixtures and close of all bare wires to meet National Electric Code standard . 143 . Handsink in room has been broken and damaged. Replace and properly hook up all plumbing to handsink. SOUTHWES CORNER ROOM 144 . Electri al nolding has been pulled from the tiaalls and ceiling. Properly repair molding and properly hookup all electri al services. 145. There i some damage to plaster walls. Repair. 146. Ceiling fixtures are in disrepair. Repair or replace. •147. Interio window does not work properly. Properly repair or replace. 148. East si e storage closet: the walls and ceiling have damaged . plaster. Repair all walls and ceilings in roaut and remove all dam ged plaster. 149. East cl set: the floor is covered with damaged plaster, bricks nd refusedfromsarearandrproperlyecleandand�resurface debris nd floor a needed. ' HAI,I, A, WEST SIDE 150. There , i damage to plaster on walls and ceilings. Walls have been pa tially removed in spots and are in need of replace ent. Properly repair all walls and ceilings and properl resurface. 151. Handrai s are missing around stairwell areas and are need of replace ent. Properly replace ,all handrails_ � . . g�-i�� � . . . • Deficiency Li t � 270 Seventh S reet West Page 12 of 18 SECOND F R (continued) NORTHEAS MOST ROOM 152 . There is a lot of smoke damage to floors, walls and ceiling. Properly clean all surfaces in room and closet areas. 153 . There is �some plaster cracks and damaged plaster on the walls_ R pair all damaged plaster to room. 154 . The smok detector in this room is non-functional. Repair or replace moke detector. - 155. Windows n the north wall, both windows lack proper storm windows nd interior windows are missing panes of glass and do not f nction properly. -Repair both storm windows and interior windows on north wall. 156. Closet a ea has damaged plaster and falling ceiling plaster. Properly repair all plaster and remove all refuse from closet. 157 . Door to oom has been removed. Replace door to room. ROOM WES OF NORTHEAST CORNER ROOM 158. Missing n entrance door. Provide entrance door to room. 159. Al1 surf ces (ceilings, walls and floors} are smoke damaged. � Properl clean all surfaces. 160. Window n the north wall has been damaged and does not functio properly. Properly provide storm window and interio window for that area. 161. Room la s smoke detector. Properly provide smoke detector for roo . , 162. Ceiling fan is improperly secured to ceiling. Provide proper ceiling junction box far fan in all rooms. ROOM SO TH - ADJACENT OF NORTHEASTMOST ROOM 163 . There i plaster damage on the ceiling and on the walls. _ Repair 11 damaged" plaster in room. 164 . Windows on the east side walls are damaged. Repair or � replace both interior windows and storm windows. 165. There' i open plumbing on the north wall of room where handsin used to be. Properly close off plumbing or provide handsin and properly. install plumbing fixtures.D 166. There i smoke damage throughout room. Properly clean room and car eting surfaces of all smoke damage and closet area. j � � , �� -�� � ; . � _ : • • Deficiency Li t � � ` 270 Seventh S reet West Page 13 of 18 SECOND F OR (continuedj ROOM SOU - ADJACENT OF NORTHEASTMOST ROOM (continued) 167. There is amaged plastez in closet area. Repair all damaged plaster nd resurface. 168. Smoke de ector in room is inoperable. Provide properly operatio al smoke detector_ 169. Door to oom has some fire damage around the frame and the door is issing_ Provide proper frame for door area and provide oor. - �BATHROOM AREA - EAST SZDT 170. Both win ow and storm window on the north side are damaged and not roperly functional. Repair or replace windows and frame. 171. Walls an ceiling are fire damaged and have smoke damage. Repair a 1 walls, ceiling and floors as necessary and properly resurface. 172- Toilet h s been removed. Provide functzonal and properly installe toilet. 173 . Door fra e to bathroom area has been fire damaged. Replace frame an provide, door. ROOM SOU H OF BATHROOM }�iREA - EAST SIDE 174 . All wall , floors and ceiling are fire damage with broken and miss 'ng plaster. Properly repair all walls, ceiling and floor. 175. All elec rical fixtures have been fire damaged. Properly replace 11 electrical fixtures in room. 176. East wal window has been burned out. Properly replace window f ame, interior �rindow and storm. 177, Door fra e to room has been fire damaged. Replace door frame and prov'de door. 178. Handsink area has been removed from room with exposed plumbing fixtures. Properly close off plumbing fixtures and provide roperly installed handsink. SOUTHEAS OST ROOM 179. Walls, c ilings and floor are fire damaged. Properly repair all dama ed plaster on walls and ceilings and clean and sanitize all smoke damage from floor and wall areas. - . . �U -/5�� ; . . Deficiency Li t 270 Seventh S reet West Page 14 of 18 SECOND F R (continued) SOUTHEAS MOST ROOM (continued) 180. East win ow shows signs of fire damaged {cracked glass from heat) . P operly repair or replace window and storms and check fr me area. 181. Handsink in room is smoke damaged. Properly clean and/or repair h ndsink. . 182_ Closet a ea for room has been fire damaged with broken, missing nd falling plaster and bricks. Remove all debris from roo and properly repair all walls, ceiling and floor. 183. Door fra e area into closet area has been fire damaged. Properly repair door frame or replace. 184 . Smoke de ector has been melted off of ceiling. Replace smoke detector 185. Hall are is heavily fire damaged. Ceiling and walls have blackene , missing and loose plaster and wallboard. Repair all wall and ceilings and clean up ail debris from fire damage. Repair all walls and ceilings. 186. Al1 elec rical fixtures have been fire damaged. The fuse box area wir s have been burned with the bustat fuses popped from the heat. Repair all electrical fixtures in hall area to meet ational Electric Code requirements. 187. Center P emovedn1Properlysreplacedcenterlbearinghwalbeen cut out and EAST SID HALLWAY AREA 188. Al1 stai ell areas lack handrails and are fire damaged. Properly repair all stairwell areas and provide handrails. THIRD F OR - SOUTH END 189_ The sou end is missing walls, bearing walls have been cut down. T roof has fallen in and daylight can be seen through he whole end of the third floor. Very few walls are still i existence. Many holes right thru to the outside admitti g elements.� Properly repair and replace roof over the sou end of the building_ Properly repair and rebuild all wal s. Bearing walls: all electrical fixtures and all plumbin fixtures are in need of replacement. CENTER A EAST SIDE 190. Damage o wall plaster throughout, smoke damage, able to see through the roof in several spots. Roof must be repaired over ce ter area. All plaster and wallboard must be replace and all electrical fixtures must be properly installed. All plumbin fixtures must be properly installed also. . . �� � . ��' -�-��' ;�. , Deficiency Li t � �70 Seventh S reet West Page 15 of 18 THZRD F OR (continued) NORTHEAS MOST ROOM 191. Wall on he south side, you can look thru all the way to the south en of building. Walls need repair, plaster broken and falling n room, door frame is partially missing and door is missing. Repair all parts to room, properly clean and sanitize Check any plumbing as well as any electrical fixtures 192. Smoke de ector is non-function in this room. Provide NORTHWES ROOM EAST SZDE 193. Smoke da age and plaster damage on walls. Properly repair room. ' 194 . Handsink has been destroyed and partially removed. Properly close of plumbing fixtures or provide properly installed handsink 195. Smoke de ector has been damaged by fire and improperly placed. rovide new smoke detector and properly install. 196. Closet a ea off of north rooms there are damaged electrical outlets. Smoke damage to room and some plaster damage to closet a ea_ Properly secure and repair electrical outlet and wall in room and properly clean all smoke and fire damage. GENERAL LL AREA - EAST SIDE 197. Smoke an fire damage with holes thru the ceiling and damaged oof. Properly repair and clean all surfaces in hall area as ell as ceiling and roof repairs. 198. The stai ell areas are open and dangerous without any handrail to prevent falling. 199. Stairwel area on the east side is missing completely with just an pen hole to the first floor. Properly replace stairs. WEST SID - CENTER ROOMS Bathroom Area 200. Toilet i broken and tank is laying on the floor. Provide properly installed and useable toilet fixture for room. 201. Ceiling �s broken out over toilet area and daylight can be seen thr ugh roof. Properly repair roof and toilet area ceiling. � . ��/l�� . , � Deficiency Lis � 270 Seventh St eet West Page 16 of 18 THIRD F R (continued) WEST SIDE - CENTER ROOM Bathroom Areas (continued) 202. Handsink 'n toilet area has been broken and partially removed. roperly close off plumbing fixtures or provide properly �nstalled handsink for bathroom area_ 203 . There is moke damage �throughout bathroom to all walls, ceilings nd floors_ Properly clean and sanitize all walls, ceiling a d floors. � ROOM NORT OF BATHROOM AREA - WEST SIDE _ 204 . Window on west wall has been broken completely through. Repair or replace storm as well as interior window and frame. 205. Ceiling p aster is cracked with hole through ceiling, as plaster w lls are cracked with failing plaster. Repair ceilings nd walls in a workmanlike manner, remove all damaged p aster and repiace_ 206. Handsink n north wall is missing. Properly close off all plumbing ixtures or provide properly installed handsink. 207 . Smoke det ctor is hard-wired and non-functionai at this time. Rep ir or replace smoke detector if necessary. 208. Ceiling f n does not have proper secured junction box. 209. Linoleum loor has been damaged. Repair or replace linoleum floor. NORTHWEST OST ROOM 210. West wind w is broken through. Repair or replace window and provide s orms. 211. Smoke det ctor on south wall is non-functional. Provide functiona smoke detector and properly place. 212. There is racked ceiling plaster and cracked and damaged wall plas er with plaster missing. Properly repair all damage pl ster in room and properly resurface. 213. Electrica outlets in room have been ripped from walls and area. Pro erly check and properly install all electrical � surface. 214 . Door is m'ssing to room. Properly provide door to room. NORTHEAST ROOM - WEST SIDE 215. Room is h avily smoke damaged. Properly clean all walls, � floor and ceiling of all smoke damage. � . . . 9v-���� � . :. . - � � =' � �eficiency fst ' • �70 Seventh Street ilest _ �age 17 of 8 � THIRD LOOR {continuedj NORTN T ROOM - WEST SIDE (continued) 216. There s broken sheetrock on the south wall of room. Proper y repair. 217. There s cracked and damaged plaster on the west wall. Proper y repair or replace any cracked and damaged p2aster in roo . 218. Electr cal fixture for ceiling fan and outlet fixture on west w 11 are damaged. Properly repair or replace any_ damage electrical fixtures. 219. Ceilin fan has improper electrical junction box. Provide proper electrical junction box for support. 220. There s wood and fire damage debris, bricks throughout the third loor area. All damaged materials should be removed and pr perly disposed of before cleaning and remodeling starts. � 221. Fire a arm system throughout building is inoperable and � damage and in need of replacement. Properly repair or replac fire alarm system. . 222. Stairw 11 area on the west side is open without any handra ' ls. Properly provide handrails and �11 security device for stairway and replace or repair stairs as needed.� GENERA 223 . All heat radiators have been removed from building. Provide proper eating devices for all rooms. 224 . The mai stairwell areas west and east side af building lack proper ire separation in accordance with certificate of occupan y codes. Provide proper fire separation in . • accorda ce with Certificate of Occupancy Department. EXTERIO NORTH S DE 225. Steps t the two entrance doors lack proper handrails. Check � steps f r proper installation and provide praper handrails to door . 226. Foundat'on along north side of building is missing mortar and sto es in certain areas. Properly tuck-point and replace missing stones. 227. Soffit rea second floor is rotting through and is exposed. Properl replace soffit area. � . '. • . ., ..` � . . ��.��� " . . _ , fleficiency Lis 270 Seventh St eet West Page 18 of i8 . EXTERIOR (continued) NORTN SID (continued) 228. North sid over east door there is exposed electrical �+iring. P operly cap off or provide electrical fixture. 229. Possible oor bell wiring over west door is hanging. Properly ecure wiring and remove or properly attached door bell area. 230. There is amaged soffit area on the east side of building � second fl or. Repair all cracked and rotting soffit areas for bird ccess. 231. Some fasc'a board damage on the south end second floor. SOUTH SID OF BUILDIN6 232. Wooden st ucture over the exterior basement steps, roofing tile is w rn through and missing in spots. Repair roof to wood shed structure over basement steps. 233. Soffit ha holes through it and rotted in several spots. ' Repair all soffit boards. 234 . There are racks in the brick area on the south side. Tuck- point all ricks and repair crack area. 235. Sillplate is rotted to window on south area. Properly replace. WEST SIDE F BUILDING 236. Soffit ar a there is rotted wood and exposed holes. Repair or replac soffit areas. 237 . Third flo r window second from the south, there is rotted wood arou d the window area. Repair or replace. • pp�R - WEST SIDE NORTH END 238. Some hole through the soffit area. Properly repair or replace. Please be advi ed that this deficiency list may not be complete. Zn order to ap ly for building permits, the owner must obtain a � Certificate of Code Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy inspection and provide a $2,000.00 performance bond. If you are una le to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises t comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation rograms for which you may qualify. Information about these pr rams is available from the Department of Planning and Economic velopment, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228- 3105. Ask to s ak �to a loan officer. . . �'� �/S�� �,''��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL :y • ` DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES - � =n , ��_ �:, � �F� Y"�y��,., �..• .�� SI�EVE CONROY DIRECTOR �,,,,,....<�< , ' 100 E. Elevcnth St.,Saint Paui,MN 5>101 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 DAVID BERG 1647 HILLC ST � SAINT PAUL 55116 xE: Notice f Condemnation and Order to Vacate 270 7T ST W No. of Units: Dear Proper y Representative: The Divisio of Fire Preyention of the City of Saint Paul, ; � Minnesota, as found the premises at the above property location - to be unsaf , unfit for human habitation, a public nuisance, a � hazard to t e public welfare or otherwise dangerous to human life. Encl sed is a copy of a "Notice of Condemnation and Order o Vacate" hic has been pos ed upon the premises. The attached * ERROR** s t �ia l l be correc te� imme dia te ly or t he premise vacated by . �.�X �1 r9 r� TAIS CONDE ATION REVOKES ANY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THAT MAY EXIST ON TH BUILDING. Any correct'ons requiring construction, electrical, plumbing, gas pipinc�, hea ing or sprinkler werk, must be performed under permit and with th approval of the Building Inspection and Design Division, R om 445 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , (298-4212) . These premi es shall not be useci or inhabited until the attached "Correction List" is completed and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued b� the Department of Fire and Safety Services, Division of Fire Prevention, City of Saint Paul. Sir�cereZy, . S�'I'E ARMST NG Inspector � cc: Buildin Code Division Housing Informatio� Office Marland Mork, Welfare Department Steven accard, Fire Marshal Steve R y, Health Department Enclosures CORS-7 .�� . --=-- ----�--- _ - a--------� . . ` °���/��� . j EFICIENCY/CORRECTION LI3T 16395 / SEPTEMBER b, 1989 PAGE 2 � RE: 270 7TH ST W 1. VACANT BUILDING. IS STRUCTURALLY NSAFE. ROOF, WALLS, CEILINGS AND STA RWAY HAVE FALLEN IN OR ARE OTFIERWISE MI SING IN AREAS. THE BUILDING IS A PU LIC NUISANCE AND SHALL BE REHABILITATED OR DEMOLISHED. CHPT 45. 2. DUE TO FIRE AND DALISM THIS BUILDING IS STRUCTURALLY SAFE. ROOF, WALLS, , " CEILINGS AND STAI WAY HAVE FALLEN IN OR ARE OTHERWISE MIS ING .T�N AREAS. TfiE BUILDING IS A PU IC NUISANCE AND SHALL BE REHABILITATED R DEMOLISHED. MUFC 2.201(b) . �v-��� Kenneth R. [�1cCormick 40 Irvine Park St . Paul i�linn . , 55102 Saint Paul Ci y Council April 19 , 1990 I would like o apprise the City Council of a few facts about the Mannheimer ho se for deliberation on the potential demolition of that property I need to note that white I am currently the elected Presi ent of the Historic Irvine Park �ssociation , I am malcing these tatements as an individual who lives in the area. I walk home e ery week day past the property .in question. 1 . Once in th Spring and again in the Summer 1987 , I talked caith Mr Berg about his acquisition of the property. He bemoaned the hijh �ost of rehab and r�estorati.on . I told him there ��ere a number of c� if erent approaches to Fixinb up these struc,tures , thst t.he ne:ig bor. s had a lot of expertise , a.nd 1.hat we 'd be happy to advise him. He never followed up to my knowledge . 2 . In May oP 1988 , Mr . Berg had the front porch of the struct�.ire removed and hysically fou�ht off eff�rts by neighbors to document fihe a tifacts that were being destroyed at the ti.me . While I did n t directly observe this incident , others who did testifie�� at a previous public meeting . 3 . Mr . Berg jo ' ned our association in the Summer of 1988 . His ownership of the Mannheimer property makes hi;n eligible. He wanted the ass ciation backing to put curb cuts anc� a circular drive in the front of the building . The association did not support that equest but urged him and offered support eor finding viable uses for the building and help in restoring it . 4 . Later in tita ch of 1989 , I observed workers physically removing stair railin�s and othei• parts integral to the structure ft•om the rear porti�n f the house . Within a matter uf weeks of that action the roo on the rear portion uf the house began to cave in. To this day, no action was or has ever been taken to cover the roof h�l.e o prevent further damaje . it is my perso al belief that hlr. Berg knew about the historic requirements tteridant with ��wnership of the i�tannheimer house, and that he wi lfully caused the deterioration of the structure . I believe the ity Council �lould be making a travesty of the liistoric preservation mechanisms in place if Mr. Ber� is al.lowed to profit by his actions in this situation . -"- Sincerel '� �/�� � � ` ;�I n `t��Ci�rmicic � ��er n `� ���(��. � ���� /� ! ��•' �• 'l� CITY OF SAINT PAI'L ~ .�-� •=: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEF � �uuim :� � {� w I � ♦� F ,�.. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hatl, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�:Z 612-298-5'?' GEORGE LATZMER MATOR R�C�IV�D MEMORAN DUM �����O TO: Chai William Wilson and Members Comm'ttee on Housing and Economic Development ��T� CLEK�C City Council Buil ing FROM: Jame T. Hart Assi tant City Attorney DATE: Dece ber 26, 1989 RE: Appe 1 of David and Josephine Berg ("Appellants") from HPC Decision denying issuance of demolition perm t for 270 W. 7th Street PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND On August 22 , 989, Appellants applied to the City for a permit to demolish the Gr ce-Mannheimer House at 270 W. 7th Street. Pursuant to Sectiorl 73 . 7 of the Legislative Code the Heritage Preservation Commission ("H C") conducted a public hearing upon the permit applicatiori an made findings and reconmendations and denied the application fo permit on September 14, 1989. Appellants timely filed a Notice of Appeal on September 21, 1989 ("HPC Appeal") . On August 25, 1989, the Division of Public Health issued a Dangerous Struc ure Notice under Chapter 45 of the Legislative Code to Appellants s owners of 270 W. 7th Street requiring repair and compliance of he Grace-Mannheimer House by September 25, 1989. On September 6 1989, the Division of Fire Prevention issued to David Berg a N� ice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate 270 W. 7th Street by Sep ember 11, 1989. Abatement procedure has been initiated unde Chapter 45 on these Notices. On September 28 1989, the City Council set October 17, 1989 as the hearing date f r the Appellants' HPC appeal and referred the HPC appeal to the Committee on Housing and Economic Development. Consideration o the HPC appeal by the Committee has been continued three times a the request of Appellants' attorney, the last continuance bei g until December 27, 1989. The public hearing on the HPC appeal and the abatement proceedings have been continued by the City Cou cil abiding the Committee report. �..�.._ .�. �..,.___.._.r�,..._.�...w. _ _.. . ._-� . _.�.....�.....-,-....-..._9._.., _— __ �cJ—/�`-;` �� 1 _ HPC DETERMINATION HPC Resolutio No. 1036 dated September 14, 1989 contains written findings requ red under Code Section 73 .07 (i) (2) respecting the architectural and historical merit of the Grace-Mannheimer House, including a d termination that the House is listed on the National Register of Hi toric Places, and the effect the proposed demolition on surroundin buildings in the Irvine Park Historic District and West 7th Str et. Because no plans for construction of a new building were ubmitted, HPC made no finding coaparing the economic value or usefu ness of the Grace-Mannheimer House with the economic value or usef lness of any proposed new building. The Determina ion further found that under Section 4410. 4300, Subpart 31, riinnesota Rules relating to the Environmental Quality Board ("EQB") an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ("EAW") must be prepared b fore the City may issue a permit to demolish a property list d on the National Register. The Determination further made r commendations: -That the City conduct a study to identify alternatives and asses the feasibility of reuse of the building; and -That the Planning Commission review and comment on the possibili y of City acquisition of the property. NOTICE OF APPEAL The Notice of ppeal is made pursuant to Code Section 73.07 (h) and is based upon he grounds that the HPC Determination was: a) arbi rary and capricious; b) cont ary to the findings of the Divisions of Heal h and Fire Prevention; c) not upported by the evidence; and d) unne essary because Code section 73 .o7 (a) (4) ] exe:� ts demolition required in accordance with Chap er 45 of the Legislative Code. COMMISSION REVIEW Code Section 7 .q7 (e) - Commission review - provides: "The heritage preservation commission, upon rece 'pt of the application for permit and plan , shall determine if the work to be perf rmed pursuant to the permit adversely affe ts the program for the preservation and arch'tectural control of the heritage pres rvation site or district. . . . " ��/r �� t J Section 73. 07 (i) - Factors to be considered - provides that before "approving any [deWolition] permit application. . .the commission shall make findings based on the program" on the fol3owing: "Arch'tectural and historical merit of [t:;e] build'ng, the effect on surroun3ing build 'ngs, . . . [and] the economic value or usefu ness of [the] building as it now exists, or if altered or modified [ , as] . . .altered or modif'ed � , ] in comparison with the value or usefu ness of any proposed struct�res desig ated to replace the present building or build'ngs. " SCOPE OF APPEAL Code Section 73 . 07 (h) - Appeal to city council - 5rants to the permit applican or any party aggrieved the right to appeal the "order and deci ion" of the HPC regarding the revie:;, approval or disapproval of he issuance of any City permit. As neither this section nor oth r provision of Chapter 73 limits the scope of the City Council re iew of the order and decision of HPC, the Council may affirm the ame or it may make its own determina�_on, provided that the same m st be based upon substantial evide::�e and be in conformity with the law. In considering heir decision Councilmembers are advised, as a matter of law, s fcllows: 1) The p ovision of Section 73 . 07 (a) (4) exempting demolition pe�its from HPC review for zistoric "structure required to be demolished in accorda.-�ce with Chapter 45" of the Legislative Code does not deprive the HPC of jur' sdiction until the resolution aba�ing the nuisance has been adopted by the City Council. 2) The C'ty �ay not issue a demolition perm�t for a historic s ruc�ure until the City and the permit ' applicant ave camplied with the EAW process required under the E B Rules, notwithstanding compliance �ith the provisions f Chapters 45 or 73 for permit issuance. 3) Under ecti�n 73 . 06(h) the HPC may recommer.3 to the City Counci , after review and comment by the Planning Commission, that property designated as an histor�c place be acquired and that the City Council may com�ission a feasibility stu3y regarding such recommendatior.. 4) The Ci y �ay lawfully deny a permit for de�olition of a histo ic structure, unless the owner establishes that there 's no economic reuse of the property in which �. � �v���� event the ity must either issue the permit or conde�n the proper y paying just compensation. The Committee i further advised that the Appellants are entitled to a hearing on he merits of their appeal before the full Cou.�cil; consequently, if the Committee takes evidence relating to the merits, the sam evidence must be resubmitted to the City Ccuncil, unless the Appe lants make an informed waiver of their rigz;.s in this regard. cc. Peggy Reic ert Deputy Dir ctor, Planning James T. S iely, Jr. Attorney f r Appellants 500 Degree of Honor Building � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Karen Swenson Legislative Research } . �� V �� J 1� I � � GE�RIN A1�D SHIELY. P.A. ATTORNEYS AND CO'v`SELORS AT LAW SOO DEGREE OF i-!GVpR BUIIDING S�1I\T PAL'L. �II�\�OTA 35101-1073 ROBERT A. GEARIN TELEPHONE 227-757'7 •JAMES F. 5�+1ELY. JR. AREA CODE 672 _ September 21, 1989 •AL50 AOMi7TED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF Wi5GON51N OF COUNS£L JOSEPH L. MELAREK RECEIV�D St. Paul City Clerk Ramsey County Courthouse s�2 1i�9 St. Paul, MN 55102 C1TY CLER;: Dear Clerk: Enclosed herewith please find tko copies of Notice of Appeal and Statement setting forth. the grounds of appeal pursuant to Section 73.07 (h) of t e St. Paul Legislative Code. Very truly yours, GEARIN 6 S3IELY, P.A. �'� , ames . iely Jr. JFS:tl Enclosure . �'f(� ""!✓�/ , - , � � � � NOTICE OF APPEAL �, � AND --- STATSIKENT OF GROQNDS David Berg a d Josephine Berg Simes hereby give notice of their appeal of the decision f the City of St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission on September 14, 989, in H.P.C. File No. 1036 denying them approval of the issuance of a Ci y permit to demolish the dangerous structure located at 270 West 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. This apreal s made pursuant to Section 73.07 (h) of the St. Paul Legislative Code an is based on the following grounds: The failu e to approve. the issuance of a City permit to demolish the dancerous structure located at 270 West 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, was (a) Abit ary and capricious (b) Cont ary to the findings and orders of the City of St. Paul Public £ealth Department and the City of St. Paul Fire Department that the buil ing is a hazard to the public health and safety and should be des oyed (see attached Dangerous Structure Notice dated . August 2�, 198 from the St. Paul Public Health Department ordering that t2^.e buil ing be destroyed on or befoze September 25, 1989, and the Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate requiring that the building be demolished by September 11, 1989. ) (c) Not s pported by any evidence. � (d) Irrel vant . and unnecessary since no approval of the Heritage Perse vation Commission is required under Section 73.07 (a) (4) of the St. Paul City Legislative Code which specifically exempts the re irement of any action by the Heritage Preservation Commission wit respect to structures required to be demolished in accordance ith Chapter 45, Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul or Min esota Statutes, Chapter 463. GEARIN & SHIELY, P.A. �y RECE�v�o ames . Shiely, Jr. Attorney for Appealants David Berg �C��,��� and Josephine Berg Simes �'� 500 Degree of Honor Building �,1T'�( G'F��� st. Paul, � s5�o� 612-227-7577 Attorney I.D. No. 100390 . , ��,/��� CITY OF SAIN PAUL HERITAGE PR SERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION FILE NUMBER 9o-s _ DATE Apr�i i2, 1990 . N'HEREAS, Section 3.05(8) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code statcs, 'The heritage ; preservation commis ion may recommend to the city council, after review and comment by the city planning ommission, that certain property cligible for dcsignation as a � heritage preservation sitc be acquired by gift, by negotiation, or by eminent domain as , provided for in Cha ter 117 of Minnesota Statut�s"; and V1'HEREAS, the Man hcimcr-Goodkind House at 270 West Scventh Strcct is a French Second Empire style ouse built in 1874 and categorized as pivotal to the Irvine Park Heritage Preservatio Discrict; and WHEREAS, the Mann cimcr house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as one of the significan houses in the Irvine Park Historic District, is among only a handful � of remaining good ex mples of the French Second Empire style in thc Twin Cities, and serves as a wonderful complement to the Alexander Ramsey House, a more ornate example of this style on the sa e block, the only other Frcnch Second Empire style house in the , Irvine Park District, nd thc most important architectural landmark in the district; and VVHEREAS, David Be g and Josephine Berg Simes, the owners of the house, have applied 1 for a permit to demol sh the house at 270 West Seveath Street; and � � .F WHEREAS, demolitio of the Mannheimer House at 270 West Seventh Street, the only � building in the Irvine Park District along West Seventh Street that is contributing to the � district, would harm t a district's connection to Fort Road and the complimentary local ' and aational register esignated Rochat-Louise-Sauerwein Block across the street; and WHEREAS, the Natio al Register Nomination Form for the Irvine Park Historic District, � written in 1973, states that the Mannheimer House is unchanged except for the stucco resurfacing and the rc uilt front porch, [is] now used as a boarding house, [and] is well - maintained and in goo condition"; the house was renovated and opcned as a bed and breakfast hostelry in 1 81; and WHEREAS, the curren oaners purchased the house in the mid-1980s and have indicated � _ they now have no inte est in restoring the building; and ; � 4 � WHEREAS, the Divisi n of Public Health has determined that, becanse of its deteriorated t-` condition, the house at 270 West Seventh Street is a dangerous structnre; they have i. r notified the owners th t a list of deficiencies must be repaired or thc building must be � 4 torn down; and � - i -s � -;. WHEREAS, the Herita e Preservation Commission, on September 14, 1989, held a public ; ;. hearing on the owner's application for a permit to demolish the building and voted � ; unanimously to deny t c permit application, to recommend that the city conduct a study ;��F_ to identify alternatives and assess the feasibility of reuse of the building, and to request : �:. Planning Commission r view and comment and the possibility of city acquisition of the ;`� property; and ; � . �. : � $ :. i_ ; _._ ._.___..-- --- •--- ... _ ._ . ----- - — ---- � -- _ _. .- -- --- - -- -•-- � �_ . . �jv- 15�3� F��o #9o-s S T Page Two WHEREAS, the Dep rtment of Planning and Economic Development hired consultants to conduct an on-site i spection of the building and prepare a building condition report and an estimate of rcpai costs, to identify alternative uses for the building and cost estimates ' for adapting the bui ding for alternative uses, and to assess potential financing sources, � developers, investors operating costs, tenants, and responsibility for feasible alternatives; and WHEREAS, assessme t of the fcasibility of reuse of the building has now becn completed, _ the consultants have found the back wing of the building to be so damaged that it would be infeasible to rest re and reuse the back wing, and the consultants recommend that the City work v�•ith the innesota Council of the American Youth Hostels Inc. (AYH) to reuse the main massing of the building as a youth hostel, either alone or with a new back wing; and WHEREAS, represen atives of AYH have shown significant interest in reuse of the Mannheimer-Goodki d House as a hostel, a project that is estimated to requirc a 20-31°Xo subsidy in low-intere t loans from the city; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Heritage Prescrvation Commission recommends to the C ty Council that the City acquire the property at 270 West Seventh Street by gift, by ne otiation, or by eminent domain, subject to review and comment by the Saint Paul Planni g Commission, as provided for in Chapter 117 of Minnesota , Statutes; and BE IT ALSO RESOL ED, that the Heritage Preservation Commission recommends that the City work with t e Minnesota Council of the American Youth Hostels Inc. to reuse the building as a you h hostel as recommended by the consultants and, if this alternative proves not to be feas'ble, to consider other alternatives that would maintain the building on the site; and � BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that the Heritage Preservation Commission recommends, if demolition of the bui ding is considered, that historical documentation of the building be required to be prepar d according to Level II documentation standards of the Historic American Building S rvey (HABS) and filed with the Minnesota Historical Society and with the Saint Paul eritage Preservation Commission. � MOVED BY H nding SECONDED BY iller . IN FAVOR 7 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0 �'' : . �,: � ���/5�3� � C�'TY OF SAI T PAUL HERITAGE P ESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION FILE NUMBE io36 DATE s�pc�mtxr ia, 1989 WHEREAS, the Sai t Paul Heritage Preservation Commission is anthorizod by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul L gislative Code to review building permit applications for exterior alterations, new co struction or demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservation Sites or Heritage P servation Districts; and WHEREAS, David erg and Josephine Berg Simes have applied for a building permit to dcmolish the house t 270 West Seventh Strect; and WHEREAS, the Ma nhcimer-Goodkind House at 270 West Seventh Street is a French Second Empire styl house built in 1874 and categorized as pivotal to the Irvine Park Heritage Preservati n District; and WHEREAS, Section 73.0? (9) (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code prescribes findings to � be made by tho Her tage Preservation Commission in reviewing permit applications for demolition and stat s, 'In the case of the proposed demolition of a building, prior to approval of said de olition, the commission shall make written findings on the followin� the architcctural an historical merit of the building, the effect of the demolition on surrounding buildi gs, the effect of any proposed new construction on the remainder of � thc building (in cas of partial demolition) and on surrounding buildings, and the economic value or usefulness f the building as it now exists or if altered or modified in comparison with the value or u fulness of any proposed structures designat�d to replace the prescnt building or buildin s'; and VYIiEREAS, Section 73.05 (8) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code states, 'The heritage . preservation commi ion may recommend to the city council, after review and commeat bp the city planning co mission, that certain property eligible for designation as a heritagc preservation site be cquired by gift, by negotiation, or by eminent domain as provided for - in Chapter 117 of nnesota Statutes"; and WHEREAS, Section 10.4300. Subp. 31. Historical Places of the State of 1Vlinnesota Environmental Qua 'ty Board Rules stata that, for destruction of a property that is lisud on the National Re ter of Historic Placa, an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA� must be prepared be ore the permitting state ageacy or local unit of government may issne demolition permits; nd WHEREAS, the Des' n Revicw Committee of the Heritage Preservation Commission met on September 6, 1989, a d voted unanimously to recommend denial of the application for a permit for dcmoliti of the house, a recoanmcndation to thc city for a stndy to idcntify alternatives and ass s the feasibility of reuse of the building, and a requast for Planning Commission review nd comment on the possibility of city acquisition of the property; and WHEREAS, the Sain Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, based upon evidence presented at their Se tember 14, 1989, public hearing, made the [ollowing findings of fact ' ��. _ � � . . _ .. . -��a.______ " _ -'_ ._ '._• ' � � ti � _ .�__"�-_,__1'-�.�i��-L',Y-v-'�.--'��'i�=_�-�".G�� -�S�f�'�+t'w.:. �� --ti �� :� File �1036 , Pag� Two 1. The Mannheim r House is listed on the National Register o[ Historic Places as one of the significant ouses in the Irvine Park Historic District, is categorized as pivota! to the locsily desi nated Irvine Park Heritage Preservitioa District, is among only a handfnl of re ining good eaamples of the French Sccond Empire style in the Twin . Cities, and ser s as a wonderful comptement to t6e Aleaander Ramsey House, a more ornate example of this style on the same block, the only other French Second Empire styte house in t e Irvine Park District, and the most important architectural landmark in the district; 2. Loss of the Fre ch Second Empire style donble honse at 270 W. Seveath SL wonld harm the district's r resentation of 19th century residential development and the districts interpretation f the lives of those who provided the potitical, economic, military, medical and re igious leadership that shaped the territorial and state capitol at Saint Paul; 3. Demolition of he Mannheimer House at 270 W. Seveath, the oniy building in the Irvine Park District a ong W. Seventh Street which is contributing to the district, would harm the district's c nnection to Fort Road and the complimentary local and national registcr design ted Rochat-Louise-Sauerwein Block across the street; 4. Thc National egister Nomination Form for the Irvine Park Iiistoric District, written in 1973, statcs that the Mannheimer House 'is unchanged except for the stucco resurfacing a the rebuilt Front porch,�[is] now used as a boarding house,[and] is well maintained an in good condition"; the house was renovated and opened as a bed and breakfast host lry in 1981; S. In 1986 the cu rent owners had plans to restore the house for use as office space for Saint Pau! Ste 1 Supply Company, and the HPC approved plans for restoration of the front porch a d front facade of the buiiding and for work in the front yard with the � exception of proposal to add bay windows to the front of the building and to add a circular drive in the front yard; without the circular drive and bay windows, the applicants de ided not to proceed with their plans to renovate the building and have allowed it to apidly deteriorate; 6. The applican have indicated they now have no interest in resWring the bnilding and state they wo ld give the building to the city if the city wants i� 7. The Division f Public Health has determined that, because of its deteriorated . condition, th house at 270 W. Seventh is a dangerons structnre; they have notified the owners that a list of deficiencies must be repaired or th� building must be torn down by September 2S, 1989, or the Division of Public Health will refer the matter to the City ConnciT o receive authority to raze the houu; 8. Becanu the nnheimer House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as � part of the Ir ine Park Historic District, an Environmental Asscssmeat Worksheet (EAV� must prcpared befor� the city may issue a permit for demolition of the building; an AW has not yet been prepared, and this requirement would now preclude city issuance of a permit to demolish the building by September 25, 1989; ' 9. Thc applican s state they currently have no plans for constructing a new building on the property ith which to compare the economic valne or usefulness of the existing building; .-..._...�--...,-,.-._ - -•-_,_. --,---- - ------_- _� _ --_ . ' File *1036 �� _/��� � Paze Three 10. Part of the si ificance of the Mannheimer House is related to its existing location; while it woul be good to move the house back to the front of the lot (it was moved to the rear of th lot when V1►est Seventh St. was widened in 1933� the Mannheimer House should ideally not be moved to a different lot; NOW, THEREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED, that based on the above findings and code eitations the Heri ge Preservation Commission denies the application for a permit for demolition of the nnheimer-Goodkind House at 270 W. Seventh Strcet; and BE IT ALSO RES LVED, that the Heritage Preservation Commission r�commends that the city conduct a stu y to identify alternativcs and assess the fcasibility of reuse of the building; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Heritage Presorvation Commission requcsts Planning Commis ion review and comment on the possibility of city acquisition of the property. MOVED BY Com ittee SECONDED BY IN FAVOR 7 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0 Decisions of t6e eriti¢e Preservation Commtssioa are final, subject to appeal to the City Council withln 10 diys by anyone Affected by tLe decision. This resolution does not obviate tbe need for meet n� applicable butldtn� and zonin� code requirements, and does uot couatttnte appro• 1 for tix credlts. �-- ..__---- _�_. _ ---,.--_..a -. __ _–. . _. .__.-- �- ---- - — -- �'�-l��� , , August 22 1989 Allan L. Torst nson Preservation P anner Heritage Prese vation Commission 25 W. 4th St . St. Paul , Minn 55102 Dear Mr. Torst nson, In response to your letter dated August 15, 1989 we respectfully submit the fol owing imformation in regard to our property at 270 West 7th stree in St . Paul . Since our purc ase of this property in December 1985 we have spent in excess of $ 0, 000 per year for real estate taxes, insurance and professional f es. In return we have received absolutely no revenue. Our countless ttempts to restore this structure to accomadate not only our needs but also the needs of the Heritage Preservation Commission and the West 7th Street community have failed. It is totally rustrating to have proposal after proposal voted down by the H.P.C. It is clear that you, as the head of the H.P.C. , cannot � be satisfied w th any reasonable plan. Through our numerous proposals to the H.P.C. e have found you to be completely unreasonable and inflexible. At this point e have been unsuccessful in finding any contractor to give us an est mate on repairing the building due to the dilapidated condition from fire and vandalism. The roof has collapsed, stairways have been dest oyed and it has become virtually impossible to secure. - It has become haven for street and drug people. Floors and walls are covered with h man feces. The St . Paul Fire Department has posted notice; Premis s Unfit For Human Habitation. All city depar ments including St.Paul Police, building, health and fire inspectors agr e that the building is extremly hazardous and should be demolished. I the event of injury or death by anyone entering the site, we would ultim tely be responsible. Enclosed pleas find the most recent police report dated August 13 1989 when St . Paul olice arrested three adults tresspassing in the building. Also enclosed re reports received by us from the building, health and fire inspector listing over 200 violations. - If the H.P.C. ants the building, which has been moved once before, we will donate it to you, and allow its immediate removal , or you can allow its Demolition ,, , � �v -��� We feel that th H.P.C. has been completely unfair to us as well as the west 7th Street community, by continuing to hold this building hostage. At preasent we ave no plans for a building on the property, and want the address 270 West 7th Street permantly removed from the Historic Register. �e look forward to your prompt attention to this matter. ��. Sincerely, ' � � �/ / /1 .. ._ '..�y`!`��. Y� ��.�Ty ,/` � /., David A. Berg � Josephine Berg Simes � 22 — 5-8 3 i 16'i � �{,Ilc�re.st C�: Mayor Georg Lat i mar St. I ic�1 , �'�N Ss I(6 Robert Kess er 4 �c� - $c.� 6 � Steve Roy Dana Minter Dick Amery Jim Scheibel F- 1 1 1 1 { �v-i�� � Fort Road/Weat Seventh Street Federation � . 265 Oneida Street ` SaiM Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5599 August 30. 1989 Dear Heritage Pres rvation Cortmissioners: The West 7th/Fort Road Federation has follo�red rrith interest the changes in fortu e of the building at 270 west Seventh Street (historic name: G ace-Mannheimer House) . It was included in the national and loc 1 historic district boundaries of the Irvi�e Park Historic Dist ict. The national district was nominated in 1972. At the ti e, the building was known as the Melrose and used as a boarding house. It was not included in the lrvine Park � redevelopment dist ict, and changed hands privately in the early . 1980's to an en repreneur who made minor improvements to the building and ope�a ed it as a bed and breakfast. Although no one involved in the resent discussion was privy to the financial status of that o eration, numerous referrals from United and Children's Hospit ls led cortmunity observers to assume the bed and breakfast was viable use. That owner exper enced some personal crises and forfeited the building in a ba k foreclosure. This was not untii she had aiready left the c ty, and the building was vacant for some time. In 1986, it was p rchased by its p►-esent orrners. Publication of the transfer of ti le listed the acquisition price as ;112,000. Plans for the re toration and reuse of the building as office space we�e enthu iasticalty received by the conmunity xith two exceptions: alte ations to the front facade of the buiiding by the addition of y windows and the installation of a turnaround drive in the fron of the building. These t►ro exclusions were supported by th Historic Irvine Park Association. The Federation's polic , as a distr.ict council , is to defer to the Jud�nent of those most affected by any public decision. in this case, the Historic Irvine Park Association. No No�k was ever d ne on the permit aith condittons as granted at - that time. The building was offered for sale. More recent events regarding a curb cut, parking lot plan and porch demoiition precede the present unfortunate circunstance. The vatue to the camiunity of this building is far rnore than economic. Finish d at about the same time and in the same style as the Ramsey Hou e, the Grace-Mannheimer Nouse has been prized � for its venerable age and its architecture. One other French Second Empire Hou e elsewhe�e in the district was los� due, in � some measure. to negligence in the eariy days of redevelopment. The potential lo s of this structu�e bri�gs back painfui memories. Just a significant, historically. as the building's individual archite ture is its pivotal position on West 7th. Although 1989 ey s see West 7th/Fort Road as a conmercial and transportatio� ar ery, its o�igins bore no such tidy land use } _ _ _ �� --/��� , . zones. A mix of comme�cial and residential uses--some of which presented li e rurai estates--lined the �oadway lnto the twentieth cent ry. The Grace-Mannheime� House stands as the sole remnant of t e broad mix of uses so typical of late 1800 urban development. ven �f the reuse of the building is not ultimately residential , he maintenance of a residential appearance is now and has been an important element of the butlding's end the district's pre ervation. The northNest rn boundary of the historic distrt�t Nes d�awn specifically o include this double house. -;t - is the only element of t e district with historic merit on 11est 7th a�d as such. stands a a geographic landmark for the dl5trict. Its more rece t abuse is distressing to cortmunity activists and preservationis,.s alike. The community does rwt accept a warehouse use 'n a B-3 zone. Nor does the cormx�nity accept that vacant buildi gs are impossible to secure. Another West 7th businessperson installed an alarm system in a vacant building to secure it, be ause he respected the potential tiatnage to ad,�acent property owne s. No similar consideration o� effort has been advanced in th's case. The feasibili y of the building's reuse should-be-explored---with diligence, ke ping in mind that very feH of the buildings within the historic district were redeveloped withottt tht benefit of , subsidy. Impo tant and valuable for other than economic reasons, the Grace-Man heimer House might legitimatel� claim the same privileges as 'ts neighbors. No such case n be made for the building's p�esent amers. Mith flagrant disr gard for civic process and respo�s`�bilfty, the present owner have, over a period of yearg;=�:�onstrated an uncompromising hostility to the surrounding epmiii�ti#y. Prev�ous threats of a adult entertainment establishme�t-=�re a very . public exp�ess on of that hostility. - The granting of a demolition permit is, et _ �tre very least. prertiature. I may be unnecessary altogether. ,[��.he bui 1d[r�g's : owners were itted to the goals that buyfng :�ape�ty tn a ; national histo ic district suggests, the struCtur�:�zould long ago __ have been secu ed and maintained, if not �estored. , "'3 -_ - _+�+: ' This appears o be a ciassic case of the prt�yate�rket Norking at serious cro s-purposes to the public good. _ ,Pr��Mate control of . this property ver the past four years has seen� the building open � to vandalism a d intentional demolition effortsti�the ravishing of architecturai features, the use of gravgi_��=�s the maJor landscaping eature, and a general redu���pff- in its : and � surround i ng pr perty va 1 ues. - "=`='""= ` The district council urges that the preseflt�-T'equest for a demolition per it be denied. It reflects not.a�l�_�he dif�iculty of preserving the buiiding, but perhaps more sttongly ref�lects , the present orr ers' unwi 11 ingness to preserve it. � The camiunity - - 2 , =y_ �_- _ . �__. . ���/SU� � � organization woul like to see a �e-use study conducted and � further encourages the commissioners to recortmend to the City Council that the City of Saint Paul acquire the Grece-Mannheimer House. either throu h negotiated purchase or by eminent domain. Sincerely, �,� I.t�L� Cass Welsh President ; 4. i 3 . ��//�� HISTORIC IRVIN$ PARK ASSOCIAT'ION 30 Tr•vine Park 3ai.c�t P�ul , Mi.nnesr�tH 55102 SK i nt Paul Ci t.y r,c,��nci 1 Houy i r�g nnd F; ,c�nc�n�i c; nevel��me�nf C�mmi ttee c:�o Allen Tc�r t.��nscn via f'�x � ?.28 3220 �I�ve���bf�r 22 � 1989 On t�c�t�al c�f the HiKi.�ric Irvine PKrk A�;s;nciation, I wxnt to pruvicle inf�r atir�n c�n the situKl: ic�n hcf.ore you in Hps�er�l of a d�:ni.�l of H jcAinolition prrniit to David Be�r� for hi.s property c�n Wpxi�. Sev�nth, tlis hi �toric *!at�nh�ia�ei• pi•operty. We k����lieti•e the denial by t e Hixl,c�r. ic Presei•vKl:ion Cc�mmission wqs �,�,4,rc��,ci�►te t�nd rtect�•ssHry Mr. Br.r$ h:.�s not unly �ehown himself willing to take even t:he si�np].r.Kt 5tepa to preHerve an hi.s�uric ��ropr.i•ty. Ae t�as a.11awr_c� c�ondi ic�ns tc� oc��ur that �ncnur��� van�.alism r�nd i nvi#,c at•Kan . I ut� t�ral,�.nd from � �:r>r�vE;r. sation wi t.h I.}�e r.ity bui 3d.ing iT�=+j�E�;etc�r tha he nc�t,c�d apparent Kl.r��c;tural dRmr��e t.o t.he roof Hnd c;ri tical �uj�pUr.t membNr.� �:ts well as thF apj�xrr�t storage �f fl».minahle c:hc, i�:;r�].s wii.hin th� structur. e. Tir. Berg may ��c.��rt. that the c�x►,�. ge was dc,r��- wit.hout his knc�wl c�rigc j but in doi ng �so he: pr•ovcs his i r�xbi 1 i�y to mar�rage x r�sturatic,n pr•c�j�,ct. I can � nl�o ass�rt i �itit he hRa , �� t,hi.s date, nc�t, �;v�n put a t.arp ov�;r f.ht hole in t. c� raof, therPby c;c�nl;intii.ng to ]rKVe t,he �tructure criti+:�,21y <� cn to i.he elc:ments . I xnci nefghbocs rout.i nrl y noti�e I,hr. s l-. ur.,t.ure f3c�<�rx Wi ciP ��pen r�t�d n.ot.i fy him to n� �vai 1 , Mr. Rrrg ,�oined c�ur• xxsn�intion l.rsKt. yr�,�r �nd soli�.ite-ei c�ur aupi�c,ri:. iTe cum���lKin�ci about t.h� high Gqgt of r��Ktr�ring his pt�c�p��rty. I ar�d c�t.h�rs tHlkrc� to him on a r�un�k�E�r of necAS i �ns abaut. �t.E�ps e c�t�ld tr�ke and c��)ri(.�;iCtACB he �,ci�,lc� ��se� but to ��,�r knowlecige he never p��rxur`d any c�f c��,r Ku�gestions. He �locs t,ut have �ny cr�ncrrr� fc;r the hixt<�ric: r.�qnirpmNnt.� atl.zrhed to thi s st.rur;f;ur . War�e�, he is m�.r�r,.Y i �� it in a mHr�nrr th�t is a thre�nt �nd a h�.rard to the r�-x i.c��nts of the nr.i �hbarhood. For I.h���e r�asun:�, We bpl.ir�ve l.he City shhuld �ake the r�E�r.��sary st.r_��r; t.o tKke c��rit,roi uf 1.hc str.ucture. The � ne9ghbanc��c�c.i u d th� Wc�at Seveni.h Ft�cicration are n�w mceting to pruclu�:r, a :�ma11 �srr.rs p]nn for Lh i � nrr,a and r�re wi �l in� to work with �he City ta find appropriHi:e uscs for t.he �l.�ucture in the fut.ur. e. a i tt r,r.rP 1 y, �.�.-- � �• �'r'�=-�.�'-�,r�_ _-�-��� Kenn�th R. ric:Cc�rmivk t�a�rg.hpc President., HzPA � ; t0' d 900' oN zt : OZ 68 ZZ �oN I08S : �31 800id 2JI'8� a a a i HISTORIC �l-'U �/S� � , . IRVINE PARK ASS4CI�TI�N � �c;t�rrl. M� FrHm ItT, ('}iHi.r 11i �t�ric Prese vRtion C��mmi ssi on : 1L0 City IT�11 Anncx 25 �+ faurth St �ai �:t P:�ul , Mi.rinc�st�t.a 55102 , Rr. �� f'c�nt�e, : Grt�t�c-Mxnnhr� i n�o�r Pr•c���c�r•ly T!;c. Ti i5i,��ric Ir�� i.ne p._►rk AS��>�• iY'. i vri hx� f�T 1 owe�d ►.he events s�:r!'OLltl�iltl� t e purc�h�aa , o��nt��-_.h� p, ;�nri n�,w i.��r r•c�clue�st.�d �?r;:-:,1 �i l. ; c,n af thP Ct��ce-'tr,nr,h�i ��i�r �i���perty with gi•cat c.�>n��r.rn . ke t�1 l , ari.� .ns�l rc�G i ���.�t��K �f T r'�' i nrt 1'Hrk, h�ve i t��'ut•1'�d 4� �nifi ��ant p .t�s�,n�l ��t,i�t Hr�d P.\jlt?tl<�E?C� ur�told tioui�s ��� �jir�c�i. J a�or tu bri ng our hr�mPS i nto c��m��l?an�,e +.i t,h HPC; g�i.i ci�1 i r�f�:� . � k'f �re qti.i t(` f •:ink 1_y �i ti t.i-����r�c� t.� ���ct t.h;s t .�n c�wnr.t'� i.n��i��►?d Atty o�:::cr, can fl .�gi'..ifltlV act in a ����nn��r so c��r�t.r.�r•y !.o l,}i� int.er�t Kn,? �uc�po�e c�f t.hc�se �uit�Nli.r�es . 0>>r m���n�t��.r.•s t►ave ok����rvc�d f.he �;:.�.c�r t•rtut3v n�► »nd �3L,;t.��r,;- ; n� xrc�h i 1.r.�:tuT•s�l dNt.t�� ] s, K; �t.Nn,� t.i �:xl 1 y 1 e�xv i r�b t,hf� ,� I.ruc:i.;:rF ��prn to v�inda I.i sm� ar►� t h�•r. w� � ] fti�liy n�gl. �ot.ing thA dttinttge whii'h rr��;ti�l. l.g in t.urn in 1'urt.he�r dF^sy. We do ut bel i.e�e r�n o�:ne�• �f a hi.3toric nrc�����rt,y c>u�ht. t.t; t>e r+t�l t� Lt> >rc�f i I. hy i.hc� ��i 1 1 P�..1 :3r.�c t ruc:f.i on of that pruperty. �ve :�1•ge i,h� H C to r�r;c,�um�rtd t•.hat t}ie City take �t.he p��opc�i�t.y t►y the m����ns t�v�zi .able t.o it , rec�>oiPca��in� 1.he owncr fc�r ur+l y t.he �-p'ue l�gs I.h rc�at to rPpair tte dao,�ge he has ca��sed. The T r-�- i t3N T'xrk A:� exr i xl'. i��ti w i 1 1 c�c�u�m i t. Lo wc�rk w� th the Ci ty s�r1d �tny nc•:: c>wr�t�r t.c> firic� vi �blr. xJLc�r•r.isil. i _r. u�;e�,� 1c�t• l.l�e tsLruc�ture . i �� , ; KFn ycCurn�ick (�r r.!•t i i j E�n�.� ' Hi s tt.,ric Iz•v i n- Purk As�c�c; i s�L i c�n , i0' d I0: ' �N bS� �Z 68` SO daS �08S � �31 800I- c:�3� __ {_: :.; ��'���� :;;;,, ly'i: , �.` ��. .`\�.,. ~��` MINNESOTA COUNCIL ,� , _�` AMERICAN YOUTH HOSTELS, INC. AY H Room 203, YMCA, 30 SouUi 9th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone(6Q)375-1904 � MEMBER OF INTERNATIONAL YOUTH HOSTEL FEDERATION 11 Septe-�8!' 19 9 Robert M. =�ame III Chairmar St. Paui ae�ita e Preservation Commission 1100 Cit; 7a11 nnex 25 West =*� Str et St. Paul . MN 5 102 Dear Mr. =r?me: The Minnes;,ta C uncil , American Youth Hostels �s interested in exploring the potentia' =or t e adaptive reuse of the Grace-M2�.r,h2imer House as an AYH-Hostel . There ma.:� also be a complementary reuse prc,;���. On 9 September 1989 a represen�a�ive rom United Hospital expressed int�-2st in exploring the potential for a join� project based on the reuse of the Gr���-Mannheimer House as an AYH- Hostel ard a te porary residence for outpatien:s and visiting family members. Depending ;,n th availability of the Grace-Manr^��mer House, its cost and the cost of rehabilitation, the Minnesota Council �s �nterested in working with the Heritage �reser ation Commission to preserve am� �dapt the building for use by AYH and Un?�ed ospital . To provide you ith some background information �� AYH, I have enclosed a copy of the Hcs�eler (Council 's newsletter) and th� brochures entitled "What Is American ���th H stels" and "Creative Partnersh��s ' (a summary of National AYH projects ;,� public lands). I look FG!'w3fd t meeting with you to determine �:�w we might work together. Sincerely, ( _ \ � Tim y ia. �udni ki Executive �= rect r Enclosure ;3} cc: Vin:,E Holz ach A1 'a� iors enson The purpose of A is to help all, especialy young people, gain a greater understanding of tlie world and iu people, t�rough o tdoor activfties, educational and recreational tratie!and related programs; to develop fit, self-relianL well-in rmed citizens; to provide youth hostels—sirr�� avernight accommodatlons in scenic, historic and cultura areas—with supervising houseparents and Ioca1 s�onsorship. ��'� � HPC FILE #1036 CITY OF ST. PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FILE NAME: Mannhe mer-Goodkind House Demolition DATE OF APPLICATION: 8/22/89 APPLICANT: David erg and Josephine Berg Simes DATE OF HEARIN�: 9/14/89 LOCATION: 270 Wes Seventh Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Southeasterly 40 feet of Lot 1 and, subject to street, all of Lot S, Block 28, Rice and Irvine's Addition HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Irvine Park District CATEGORY: Pivotal CLASSIFICATION: M 'or Permit Review STAFF INVESTIGATIO ��'D REPORT: DATE: August 31, 1989 BY: Allan L. Torstenson A. SITE DESCRIPTIO : The Mannheimer-Goodkind House at 270 West Seventh Street is a French Second pire style house built in 1874 and categorized as pivotal to the Irvine Park Her tage Preservation District. B. PROPOSED CHANGE : The applicants propose to demolish the Mannheimer-Goodkind House. C. CODE CITATIONS: 1. Section 73.0 (9) (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code prescribes findings to be made b the Heritage Preservation Commission in reviewing permit applications for demolition and states, "In the case of the proposed demolition o a building, prior to approval of said demolition, the commission s all make written findings on the following: the architectural and historic 1 merit of the building, the effect of the demolition on surrounding uildings, the effect of any proposed new construction on the remainder of the building (in case of partial demolition) and on surrounding buildings, a d the economic value or usefulness of the building as it now exists or if altered or modified in comparison with the value or usefulness of any propo ed structures designated to replace the present building or buildings." 2. Section 73.0 (8) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code states, "The heritage preservation co�ission may recommend to the city council, after review and comment by t e city planning commission, that certain property eligible for designation s a heritage preservation site be acquired by gift, by negotiation, or by eminent domain as provided for in Chapter 117 of Minnesota St tutes." �'�-/�53� File #1036 �Page Two 3. Section 441 .4300. Subp. 31. Historical Places of the State of Minnesota ' Environment 1 Quality Board Rules states that, for destruction of a property that is lis ed on the National Register of Historic Places, an Environmental Assessment orksheet (EAW) must be prepared before the permitting state agency or 1 cal unit of government may issue demolition permits. D. FINDINGS: 1. The Mannhei er House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as one of t e significant houses in the Irvine Park Historic District and is categorized as pivotal to the locally designated Irvine Park Heritage Preservatio District. The house was built in 1874 and is among only a handful of maining good examples of the French Second Empire style in the � 1�in Cities. It serves as a wonderful complement to the Alexander Ramsey House, a mo ornate example of this style on the same block, the only other French Seco Empire style house in the Irvine Park District, and the most important ar hitectural landmark in the district. 2. The National Register Nomination Form for the Irvine Park Historic District states that he district is significant because, as "one of the last surviving or ginal segments of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, [it] is the only com lete representation of residential development from the start of white set lement in the late 1840s until the close of the 19th century. It contains omes built during all ma�or phases of economic growth in 19th century Sain Paul, without complete obliteration of previous phases, as has been done in most other ma�or metropolitan areas. More significantly, the ' Irvine Park istoric District interprets as well as and in soa.e aspects, better than ny other Saint Paul area, the lives of the men k�o provided the political, e onomic, military, medical and religious leadership that shaped the territor al and state capitol at Saint Paul." Loss of the French Second Empire style double house at 270 W. Seventh St, would harm the district's � representati n of 19th century residential development. 3. Built as a d plex by John Grace, the house at 270 W. Seventh belonged to the Grace family until 1907, although they never lived there. After serving as Ramsey Count sheriff, Grace made his livelihood from such real estate investments. One of the first residents of the house was Jaco� H. Stewart, ' a physician ho served several terms as Saint Paul mayor. From 1877 to 1890 the duplex w s the home of the Louis Goodkind and the Emil and Jacob Mannheimer f ilies. The three men were partners in Goodkind and Mannheimer Bros. , which was the largest dry goods store west of Chicago in the 1870s, later became Schuneman and Mannheimer, and was acquired by Dayton's in 1960. � 4. The boundari s of both the local and National Register Irvine Park districts extend out t West Seventh Street on this block because of the �Iannheimer House. It i the only building in the district along West Seventh Street which is con ributing to the district, and it connects the dis;.rict to this highly visib e major arterial street which was formerly named Fort Road and , from the fir t years of settlement was the connecting link bet�:een Saint ' Paul and the territorial military fortifications at Fort Snelling. The Mannheimer H use also connects the district to and complements the Rochat-Louis -Saverwein Block across the street, three Victorian buildings on West Seve th Street which are representative of commercial storefront � ! _ v- ��� 7 F�Ie #1036 Page Three architectur of the late nineteenth century and which are National Register and locally designated historic buildings. With no other contributing buildings a ong West Seventh Street, if the Mannheimer House were demolished there would be no ,justification to include the lots along West Seventh within the oundaries of the district. 5. The Nationa Register Nomination Form for the Irvine Park Historic District, written in 973, states that the Mannheimer House "is unchanged except for the stucco esurfacing and the rebuilt front porch, [is] now used as a boarding ho se, [and] is well maintained and in good condition." The house was renovat d and opened as a bed and breakfast hostelry in 1981. 6. In 1986 the current owners had plans to restore the house for use as office space for S int Paul Steel Supply Company, and applied for a permit to restore the front porch and front facade of the building and to construct a fountain an a circular driveway in the front yard. The Heritage Preservatio Commission approved the plans with the exception of the circular dr ve and a proposal to add bay windows to the front of the building, ere was concern that the circular drive was not in character with the I ine Park District and that two additional curb cuts would increase co gestion and the chance of accidents on this busy section of West Seventh Str et; the house was already served by a side parking lot with access from Walnut Street. The bay windows were not consistent with the original de ign of the building and would have required a structural change to the buil ing's primary facade. The applicants appealed the HPC decision to the City Council, but the City Council upheld the HPC decision. Without the circula drive and bay windows, the applicants decided not to proceed with their lans to renovate the building for office use and have allowed the buildin to rapidly deteriorate. They have indicated they now have no interest in restoring the building. They state they would give the building to the city if the city wants it; if not, they want a permit to demolish it. 7. The Divisio of Public Health has determined that, because of its deteriorate condition, the house at 270 W. Seventh is a dangerous structure. ey have notified the owners that a list of deficiencies must be repaired r the building must be torn down by September 25, 1989, or the Division of blic Health will refer the matter to the City Council to receive aut rity to raze the house and charge all costs incurred against the real est te as a special assessment. 8. Because the annheimer House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as pa t of the Irvine Park Historic District, an Environmental Assessment W rksheet (EAW) must be prepared in conformance with Section 4410.4300. S bp. 31. Historical Places of the State of Minnesota Environmenta Quality Board Rules before the city may issue a permit for demolition o the building. An EAW has not yet been prepared, and this requirement ould now preclude city issuance of a permit to demolish the building by eptember 25, 1989. 9����3� File #1036 ' Page Four 9. The applican s state they currently have no plans for constructing a new �_ building on he property with which to compare the economic value or usefulness o the existing building. They simply want to get rid of the esisting bui ding and have even offered to donate it to the city for removal fro� the sit . The Heritage Preservation Commission has the authority to recommend to the City Council, after review and comment by the City Planning Co�ission, ity acquisition of property under Section 73.05 (8) of the legislative ode. 10. Par� of the ignificance of the Mannheimer House is related to its existing locstion. ile it would be good to move the house back to the front of the lot (it was oved to the rear of the lot when West Seventh St. was widened - in 1933) , th Mannheimer House should ideally not be moved to a different � lot. E. STAFF RECO�NDA ION: Based on the above findings and code citations, staff reco�ends the f llowing: 1. IIenial of th application for a permit for demolition of the Mannheimer-G odkind House at 270 W. Seventh Street; 2. A recommenda ion to the city for a study to identify alternatives and assess the feasibil'ty of reuse of the building; and ` 3. A zequest fo Planning Commission review and comment on the possibility of c:�v acquisi ion of the property. e [ ; r ��'�3� �ri N E SpT� . i Y �� � � .�i �, ��•i� �/ �`� � � . �•.��. ` ` 300 Centennial 8uildlr�g•658 Cedar SUeet•St.PaW.M'rrieesota 55155 y� E Q.g � s�2-ZSS-2sos � F�YTA � September 21, 1989 Mr. Steven R. Roy, Environmental Health Program Manager Division of lic Health, Department of Community Services City of St. P ul 555 Cedar Str et St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: Dangerous Structure Notice for 270 West Seventh Street Dear Mr. Roy: The EQB �ha�� has be�n re�-sested to authorize a waiver of the requirement f r an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) prior to the demolitio of the property at 270 West Seventh Street. A copy of the letter re esting the waiver is enclosed for your information. Unless a waiv r is granted, an EAW is necessary pursuant to EQB rule Minn. Rules, art 4410.4300, subpart 31, which requires preparation of an EAW pri r to the demolition of any property on the National Register of Hi toric Places. Under rule Minn. Rules, part 4410.3100, subpart 9, the EQB Chair may authorize a waiver of the EAW requirement if "immediate action . . . is essential to avoid or eliminate an i inent threat to the public health or safety. . . . . " The reason for this letter to the City is to ask for an interpretation of Dangerous Structure Notice that was issued for the property. The Dangerous Structure Notice requires action by September 25, 989. We need to know whether the City would consider the condition f the property to be such as to require immediate demolition, an whether a temporary postponement of two to three months while t e City completes the EAW process would impose a significant th eat to public safety. It is our inte tion to wait for your response before acting on the request for th emergency waiver. If you have any questions in this matter please ontact Gregg Downing, environmental review program coordinator, a 296-8253 . Thank you for our assistance in this matter. Sincerely, � Jack Ditmore Chair cc: James Shie y, Jr. �Allan Tors enson, St. Paul Heritage Preservation Eldon Kaul, Attorney General's office a► Equ�l qoPo►ttr�tY En�by�r �'�-1��� GEARIti A\D SHIELY. P.A. � ATTpRNEVS ANO COUNSELORS AT LAW 500 OEGREE OF MONOR BUIlO1NG SAI\T PAL'L �II\\E:30TA 55101-1073 ROBERT A GEARIN TELEPMONE 227-75T7 •JAMES F. SMIELY. JR. AREA GODE 612 _ September 18, 1989 'AL50 ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN $TATE OF WISCONSIN OP COUNSEI JOSEPH �. MELZAREK Hand Deliver Mr. Jack Ditmore Chairman EQB 300 Centennial B ildinq 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55 55 Dear Mr. Ditmore• You will r call t':at I recently called you to discuss the request of my clients, Davi Berg and Josephine Berg Simes, for emergency authorization to demolish a uilding pursuant to Section 4410.3100, Subp. 9, of the Environmental Qu lity 3oard Rules. This would make a filing and review of an E.A.W. unnec ssary and the buildinq could be demolished immediately. The buildin in question is on the National Register of Historic Places which is the on y reason an E.A.W. is required. It is located at 270 West 7th Street and is in the Irvine Park Historic District. Z am enclosi q here�.-ith copies of the followinq: (a) Danger us St�cture Notice dated August 25, 1989, from the City of St. Paul Divi ion of Public Health demandinq that the building be repaired or torn down by S ptember 25, 1989. (b) Notice of Conde.mnation and Order to Vacate dated September 6, 1989, from the City o St. Panl Department of Fire and Safety Services demandinq immediate correct'on and �acation of the premises by September 11, 1989. This buildi q will not be repaired. It has been virtually destroyed by transients, v ndals, and fire. To confirm Lhis I would snqgest that you contact Jim Perl of the St. Paul Health Department at 298-4012. He will tell you how dan erous the buildinq is. He told me it is one of the worst he has ever seen in the City. He personally has taken an approximately 20 minute video of the inside and numerous photographs detailing the qeneral destruction that has occ�.irred to this house and how dangerous this building is. We recently had a hearinq before the City of St. Paul Preservation Commission on S tembez 14, 1989. The Preservation Commission Staff said G'1U-��� . Mr. .7ack Ditmore September 18, 198 Page Two that the E.A.W. ust be prepared before a demolition permit can issue. This is the reason for our request for a waiver. We feel str nqly that there is a distinct possibility that a fire is goinq to occur t ere or someone is qoing to be injured or killed. Testimony at the above he rinq showed that there have been containers of flammable liquid found in e building, presumably brought in by transients. A person in charge of se urity for the buildinq found an icepick, presumably for self-defense, stu k in a wall by where a transient had been stayinq in the building. In sp'te of this the Preservation Commission at the heazinq on September 14, 198 , refused our request for approval to demolish the building. This buildin �s impossible ta secure. All efforts by my clients to secure it have een met by destruction of the windows and doors of the premises. In th inside a staircase has fallen completely away leaving a vertical drop fr the upper floors. An existinq damaqed stairway has no railing. The roo is open on the back side of the house. There is broken qlass, debris, an junk all over. The bearing walls have already been da�aqed by fire. I coul go on and on but leave it to you, if you need further evidence, to revi w the list of items attached to the Dangerous Structure Notice referred to above. This matter 's at the critical stage and action is necessary now. At the hearing on S ptember 14, 1989, a person appeared saying he miQht be interested in ac iring the building to establish a youth hostel. Soaeone also said United Hospital miqht be interested in finding a use for the building. Neithe of these parties have seen the building inside. There are no plans to cquire this buildinq. Further the costs of restoring this buildinq would be astronomical at best. Where would the funds come from? Further how long would it take to find someone to acquire it, to restore it? This building must be destroyed now before a tragedy occurs there. We respectfu ly and urqently request an authorization to demolish the premises so that w can make this area safe for the public. Very truly yours, GEARIN & SHIELY, P.A. , ames . Shie y,�� , JFS:tl cc: David Berq Josephine Ber Simes . �. � , ��.,���3� °' � CITY OF SAtNT�PAUL � ,..-•�;: = DEPART��tE�T OF CO�ti1MUNiN SERViCES ? �;; DIViS�Oy OF PUBUC HEALTt� ±::Ce�dar$treet.i�K+c Pwl,M�nnesoca 5510� . _ (61?):92-^l l Gcw'ae Latimtr 1�,�,per D�1NGF�tOLS STRUCfL�E �flCc pugus� 25, 1989 �a;vid �.. & Josephi Berg .1647 Aillcrest Ave. Saint Paul, :'N 551 -2150 , " RE: 270 7th Street dest SE1�� 40 ft of t 1 & S1ib to St.; Lot �, 31ock 28, Rice and Irvin s Addition Blocks 26 �th��-u 41, 46 thru �3 Dear "+r. & Mrs. Be g: The Dit-ision of lic Health has deternine�3 that the above-noted house is a dange:o�:s structur , which Chapter 4� of t.�-,z St. Paul Legislative Code defines as: � "anv struct e which is potentially C:ngerous to pers�ns or propertY including t not limited t,o: (a) a struc ure which is in danger of partial or coc�lete collapse; or . (b) a struc ure which has any exterio: parts such as chirv�eys, eaves, porches siding, failin9s, or tri�� which are loose or in danger of falling or � tc) a struc ure which has any parts such as porches, stairs, ramps, rails, lconies, or roofs whic.�: are accessible and which are either collaps , in danger of collapsing, or unable to sup�ort a Person." The Ordinance furt er states that a c�ange-'ous s'tructure is a nuisance and it may be ordered to down by the City. NO►TE: Zf yau do.�no want to have the City begin action t�o have the b�uilding �rn �1 you are eby notified that the attached list of deficiencies mi.st be repaired or you mLSt have the buiiding torn daan on or before Sep�tesnber 2�. 1989. Any repair or demo ition naist be cor�leted in accordance with all applicable . laws. If the work is not ca�leted or if you ha�e not had the house torn dawn by Lhe above date, � Di ision of Public Health icill refer this matter to the City � Cou¢�cil to receive authority to razi the�t� ��llaected in the samer� _ against the real e tate as a specia maru�er as taxes. he City Coiu�cil will schedule a publie hearing to c�nsider if the house shoul be torn down. If a p�lic hearing beoanes necessary, you . will be notified o the time and date of the he�ring and you wi11 be allawed to prese�t evidence the City C,ouncil• A co�Y af this order will be kept on ' . t " , . .� ;.� ' p,a�ger�us Structur !�ot ice �� � t�J�� • 270 7�h Street F:es Augt�st 25, i 989 Page -2- . file in the Citv C erk's office and a resolution declaring this property to bz a nuisanc� s 11 be on f ile in the Ramsey Count� Recorder's oFfice. • C.orpliance wit:► t attacned list of deficiencies will rerove your building frc� the ist of dangerous structures, but it does not mean that the building ca:pl es with all applicable housing and building codes. The date for coaal ance with these orders shall not be extended unless you �receive written a roval f rom the Di�ision of Public Health. If }ou wish to hav the City tear da.�n your house, �a� nay request a consent f orr.� be t tA you f ron our of f ice to sign and reLUrn to us. However, please be aware that all ow�:ers and intereste3 parties r.aist sign the form before Cit�- can t�ar the building da�.�n without a City Council order. Also be aw re tY�at the cost of the d�Iition if oerformed bv the City, would bec�r,e a sgecial assessr.�nt against the rroperty- If you have arn czu stions about this order, please c�ntact the :'acant Building Sectior. a (613) 29E-Y153. Sincerely, 1�!'�x�trZ,-- �� Steven R. Roy • � Environr,�ental �ea th Progran *Sanager � _ SRR:kjl E�closure cc: Warren Frest Plannin5 and Ecflnomic DevelopR�t a.11an Torste son Heritage Pre ervation Comaissian • • . • DEFICIENCY LIST � � ��J� ••• FOR ' ' 270 SEVENTH ST_REET WEST AUGUST 16, 1989 : All repairs an nea installations must be made in accordance with : the appropriat codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additio s to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size t current National Electrical Code (2i.E.C. ) requirements. orae plumbing repairs aay necessitate updating of the fixtures a �d/or piping involved. A pernit is zequired for any repair or new nstallation. Perraits may be obtained fro� the - Building Inspe tion and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. INTERIOR � FIRST FLOOR . � FRONT HAL 1. There is roken glass, wood and debris throughout hall . Remove al glass, wood and debris and clean all areas. 2 . Broken an r�issing plaster and wall board. Repair all holes and repla e all missing Wall board or plaste�. . - 3 . Inproper and illegal installation of lighting throughout front hallway on both sides. Remove illegal �.°iring and . fixtures and repair and provide wiring and fixtures which . meet Nat' onal Electric Code r2quirenents_ - 4 . Steps to second floor on both sides of hallw�y have been . damaged. The handrail has been ae�lenalnhan�ails, Repair steps to second floor and provi g NORTHWES ROO�'i � 5. Ceiling ight fixture has been removed and Y:as bare, exposed . wires. R place ceiling light fixture and rewire, to meet National Electric Code requirements. . 6. Strewn d bris throughout room. Remove all refuse and properly clean and sanitize carpet. ; 7. There is a sink cabinet along south wall with the door broken o f. Properly repair sink cabinet and replace or � repair d or. . 8. There is also a smoke detector on keedetectoraandlmakePsure . placed f om the ceiling. Check sm i it is fu ctioning properly and is legally placed. � 9. Trap dry in sink along south wall. Properly seal trap for handsink. ' ; 10. The door has been taken off and is missing. Properly replace door to oo�. _ ; , . De f iciency Li t • � `������ � � 27(� Seventh S reet West Page 2 of 18 FIRST F R (continued) NEXT ROO SOUTH OF NORTHWEST ROOM 11. The door has been broken off and removed. Properly replace door. 12 . Handsink to bathroora shower area fixtuze has been unhooked. Properly ,hook up the plumbing for handsink and clean the bathtub. 13. All plum ing traps are dry. Provide liquid seal for traps. . 14 . Doors to the toilet area for room have been ripped off and � are missing. Provide alI doors to the toilet area. 15. In the t ilet area the toilet is missing. Properly provide , functional toilet fo,r area. 16. The walls in the toilet area are cracked and have nissing parts. epair all �.•alls and clean the floor and properly sanitiz . 17 . The bat room and toilet area are covered with carpeting. Properl cover with material that is impervious tc water and properl seal corners. : 18 . The wes side ceiling lights have been re�oved and �here are . ` hanging electrical wires as well as illegally ins�alled electri al light �:ires. Remove all improper wiring and provide proper ceiling light fixture �o meet National . Electri al Code requirements. 19. Electri al outlet �or south wall is missing cover plate. Provide legal cover plate. 20. Walls a d floors are covered with debris and refuse and , walls h ve been painted. Properly resurface walls and floors � and cle n and sanitize areas. 21. West wa 1 window at the north end has been broken through. � There i broken glass laying on the floor and outside. Pick up and emove and dispose of all broken glass and replace , window. 22. East wa 1 closets. � Interior of closets have broken, loose falling plaster into the bathroom area. Properly repair all closet alls. NEXT RO M NORTH OF SOUTHWEST ROOM 23 . Along t e west wall, north end window has been broken out with gl ss inside and outside. Remove all broken glass and repair indow in a worl�anlike manner. ; .; � . , Def iciency Li t - �� �1�,�'� � 2�0 Seventh S reet West � Page 3 of 18 � FIRST F OR (continued) NEXT ROO NORTH OF SOUTHWEST ROOM (continued) 24 . Illegal lectrical wiring stretched through room. Remove all illegal lectrical wiring. 25. Broken c iling light fixture. Replace. 26. Battery perated smoke detector inoperable. Replace or repair b ttery operated s�oke detector. � 27_ Room is ull of junk and debris. Remove all debris and refuse f om room and properly sanitize floor and walls. 28 . East wal there is a large hole in plaster. Properly repair all brok n and damaged plaster. SOUTHWES ROOM ,� 29 . Room is ull of refuse and debris (newspapers, broken glass, magazine , cement bricks, blocks and wood) . Remove all rubbish nd refuse from room and properly dispose of. 30. West wall of roo�n, the exterior door is broken and damaged � � with boards across it to prevent entrance. Repair door and frame a windows above the door. 31. There i a double bolt loc;c in door. Properly provide dead bolt lo k keyed only fro� outside for exterior door. . 32 . The wes window is �broken �aith glass strewn over room as � well as outside. Properly repair window. 33. South w 11 window has been broken out with broken glass outside as well as inside. Properly repair window and remove all bro en glass. 34 . West wa 1 closet area:a�s on1ceilingShRepairsandsreplace damaged plaster and cr all dam ged plaster and repair walls and ceiling. KITCHEN 35. Ceiling light has extension cord wiring. Remove extension cord wi ing to ceiling light and properly hook up according to Nati nal Electrical Code requirements. 36. The plu ing trap for the kitchen sink is dry- Provide liquid eal for plumbing trap. 37. Floor, alls and appliances are filthy. Clean the floor, walls a d appliances and sanitize. Deficiency Lis - ' �(�'�J37 � 270 �eventh St eet West Page 4 of 18 FIRST F R (continued) KZTCHEN ( ontinued) _ 38_ South wal has cracked and peeling vallpaper. Remove all - cracked a d peeling wallpaper and properly surface. ; 39. Kitchen c binets have been damaged and the doors have been rem�ved. epair all kitchen cabinets and their doors. � STAZRWAY O SECOND FIAOR ' � 40. Stairway o second floor from southwestmost room is filled with plas er and other debris falling from second floor, and is unusab e. Remove all debris and properly repair stairwell area. � � 41. The door rame to the. stairwell area has been damaged. Repair do r frame. � NOrZTHEAST CORNER ROOM � 42 . Near the all area ther�ewallsrandn�loors15Repairlalleda�aged general d maged done t plaster a d all damage done to wa?ls and floors and properly clean and sanitize all areas. . 43. Rco� is f 11 of mattresses, bro�en and damaged panes of � � glass and other debris_ Remove all garbage and refuse from roon and roperly dispose of. Clean and sanitize floor and walls. 44 . North win ows on west end have been broken with glass outside a well as inside. Repair or replace all damaged windows. ' 45. Door to r om has been torn off tha hinges_ Properly replace : door. 46. South wall of room, there is an open plumbing trap where � handsink sed to be. Properly close off all plurabing. 47. Hurilan fe al matter found in room_ Properly clean up all _ fecal ma ter and properly sanitize. � 48. Southwes closet are•a of room: there is broken and damaged _ plaster n ceiling and on walls. Properly repair or replace all dama ed plaster. �. 49. S�oke de ector is nonde ectornand nake�sureethatPitcis. Properly place smoke function'ng properly. . . � i , Deficiency List . • �U �K7�� � ,270 �eventh Str et West Page 5 of 18 FIRST FIAO (continued) NEXT ROOM OUTH OF NORTHEAST ROOt4 � 50. Area is fu 1 of human feces, carpet, mattresses and other debris. Pr perly remove all human feces and debris clean and sanitize a_ea_ 51. The top o. the handsink has been removed vith open plumbing underneat _ Properly repair or replace handsink area and properly lose off open plumbing. 52. Bathroom 'n hall area: toilet is missing: Provide functional toilet. � 53 . Toilet ar a is full of broken and damage� olaster on floor. � Remove br �en and dam�ged plaster from roo�_ SOUTHEAST CORNER ROOM 54 . Ceiling h s a large hole that appears to 2-,ave water damage � around th area. Replace and repair ceilir.g in a workmanlike manner_ 55. Smoke det �tor is falling off ceiling. Provide functional smoke det ctor and proper placenent. 56. Water da�: ged and cracked walls and ceil:^g- Repair all damaged s ��faces of roo�. 57 . Roo�► is f •11 of bed parts, mattress and c�her debris. Re;nove and prope Iy store all debris_ 5g. Handsink long the west wall is S-trappe�. Provide proper P- trap for :andsink. 59. The trap is dry. Provide liquid seal for �rap. 60. Door to ao� has been taken off. Provide door to room. BASEMENT , 61. Basement steps on the west side lack han�rails. Provide legal ha drails for basement steps. 62. The wall for the basement stepwell area has been damaged. Repair a 2 damage to walls in the basement well area. 63. There is a loose step on the basement steps. Repair. BASEMENT SOUTHWEST CORNER ROOM 64 . Drop cei ing has been damaged and missing drop ceiling � tiles. R pair drop ceiling in a workmanlike manner. � � Def iciency Lis • �(J �/��/ � ,270 Seventh St eet West Page 6 of 18 BASEMENT continued) BASEMENT SOUTHWEST CORNER ROOM (continued) 65. Walls and carpeting show mold and water damage. Properly � clean and remove all mold and repair any mold or vater damage to floors and walls. 66_ Room lack any light and ventilation for room. Properly _ provide a equate light and ventilation for this room. 67. Closet in north end of room: walls and floors have been : � damaged, re missing sheet rock in areas and floor is littered ith general debris. Clean area and properly replace a 1 walls and floors in a workmanlike manner_ BASEMENT BATHROOM 6g. Bathroom rea Iacks proper installation of any toilet. Properly rovide toilet for bathroom area. 69. Bathroom rea is carpeted. Remove all carpeting and provide flooring ubstan�ially impervious of water_ 70. The step rea to get into the bathroom missing step. Provide legal ste s. = 71. Shower ha been ripped out. Replace tub and hook up all • pluzr.bir.g_ . 72. Exposed w' ring south side of tub area. Properly close oif . � wiring. - 73. Damage to walls in bathroon area. Repair all walls in . bathroom rea. � 74. Hall outside of bathroo�a area shows damage from nold througho . Clean and remove all mold from area on all ° walls. � 75. Drop ceiling tiles are missing along hall area. Provide ceiling iles. 76. North en of hall, the ceiling is missing any type of drop ceiling. Walls are not finished carpeting is littered with general ebris and needs proper maintenance and cleaning. BASEMENT - NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM 77. Lacks an light and ventilation. Provide. 78. Room lac s proper ceiling. Provide. i 79. There is mold along walls, along carpeted floor. Floor covered ith genera2 debris. Properly clean all surfaces and destroy 11 molds. ;� - � � . . 9�� �..: � Deficiency Lis - ' �� � 270 �Seventh St eet west Page 7 of 18 BASEMENT continued) - BASEMENT NORTHWESTMOST ROOM � � 80. Room show signs of mold and water damage along walls. Remove al mold and replace all water damaged walls. 81. Carpeting is filthy with scattered debris and refuse. Remove all debri and refuse and properly clean and sanitize carpeting 82 . There is o ceiling in this room. Provide ceiling. BASEMENT CIASET OFF OF NORTH�1ESTi10ST ROOM 83. Walls are damaged and plaster board has been broken. Repair all walls 84. There is o ceiling. Provide. 85. Support p st in closet is i�properly installed. Remove and properly nstall proper support post. HALL AREA - WEST SIDE 86. A21 hall reas on west side show signs of mold danage and water dam ge. Repair all hall walls and floors fron �old and . water dam ge. . ' BASEMENT NORTHEAST Fs.� � 87 . There is ne larger roo� with two starage iike areas. All walls and concrete floor show signs of mold and bacteria build-up. Repair and clean all walls and remove all mold buildup a d all water �amage. Repair or replace walls. BASEMENT EAST SIDE 88. Furnace east side is damaged and in need of repair. Repair o replace furnace so that it functions properly. g9. Both wat r heaters in basement area are lacking proper temperat re pressure re2ief devices with proper spill pipes. Provide. 90. Support ost by furnace are showing rot and damage. Properly repair o replace all support post. BASEMENT - NORTHMOST CIASET - EAST SZDE 91. Support ost has been removed aemove�and2supply legalsed for ; support f main support beam. R support ost for main beam. 92. Flaking nd falling cement along east wall and around basement windows. . � ` � Deficiency Li t • ����3� � � , 27Q Seventh S reet West . Page 8 of 18 BASEMENT (continued) BASEMENT - GENERAL � 93 . Properly repair foundation walls throughout basement. 94 . Around iler there is possible asbestos which is loose and falling. Check boiler area and pipes for asbestos and properly remove and dispose of. 95. Broken g ass and debris throughout east side basement floor . area. Re ove all broken glass and debris from basement area. BASEMENT LAUNDRY ROOM 96. The laun ry tub has open plunbing direct to the sewer. Properly close off. � 97 . P-trap u derneath the laundry tubs is dry. Provide liquid seal for P-trap. 98. Illegal lectrical wiring for tne lights upstairs are illegali attached into the electrical junction boxes. . Rer�ove w'ring and detach from panel box. 99 . Exterior steps to outside fro� �he east nost side of basement lack handrails. Provide legal handrails. . 100. There is an open sewer pipe in the stairway area. Properly . cap sewe line. � ' 101. There is open electrical wiring along the step area going to the outs'de. Properly close off. 102. Back sta'rwell area is full of debris. Remove all debris and refuse a ong stairwell area. 103. Bricks along the south side of stairwell area lacking nortar. roperly tuckpoint all bricks. : 104. Doorway area into Wood�eRemove�andtreplacetall rottinghwood frame h s rotting in fram area. ' 105. Wood en losure area over rear steps: sunlight and daylight � can be een thru the wood area. Properly repair and replace all rot ed wood on the wood enclosure and properly seal off. ' 106. Window rebeen brokenf ReplacedaliCbroken glasshpanes.the glass •h s . � Def iciency Li t • �� `/��, / . � • 27t3 Seventh S reet West Page 9 of 18 SECOND F OR NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM 107. The ceii ng light has been disconnected and removed, unprotec ed and illegal wiring hanging from ceiling. Replace ceiling ight and repair wiring to meet National Electrical Code sta dards. 108 . Battery perated smoke detector is non-functional. R2place or repai smoke detector so that is functions properly. ' 109. South Wa l: there is a broken and damaged handsink cabinet. Repair o replace ca bine t a nd secure all plumbing fixtures. • 110. Floor ha ripped and peeling linoleuia. Repair or replace flooring_ . ' 111. There is broken glass on floor and plaster bits_ Remove all debris f om floor. 112_ North si e windows: exterior windows a�pear to be broken and in need f repair with missing glass, screens and/or ripped screens. Repair storm windows. 113 . South c3oset area there is broken and da�aged plaster walls. Repair 11 dariaged plaster and remove all damaged plaster from fl or area. 114 _ East wa 1 there is a broken outlet fixture. Repair to meet � Nationa Electrical Code requirements. � 115. Door to room has been broken off and renoved. Provide door to roan FIRST R M SOUTH OR NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM 116. The han sink has been damaged and broken. Repair handsink cabinet area also hook-up plumbing properly. 117 . Walls, eiling and floors show signs of damaged, peeling paint, roken and cracked plaster. Repair. 118 . Electri al fixture on west wall has been damaged. Probable hookup o ceiling fan. Repair to meet National Electrical Code re irements. • 119. Ceiling fixture has been removed and has hanging, exposed � wires. roperly close off wires and replace fixture to meet Nationa Electrical Code requirements. 120. Smoke d tector is improperly placed and non-functional. Provid functional smoke detector and properly place. 121. Door t room has been removed. Restore. . , Deficiency Li t • • �� �J`�� � • 27Cd Seventh 5 reet West Page 10 of 18 SECOND F R (continued) FIRST R M SOUTH OR NORTHWEST CORNER ROOM (continued) 122. Window a north end of room has been broken through both storm wi dows and interior windows. Repair or replace both storm an interior windows. 123. Room is nly six feet wide. Check to see if dinensions are required wider than six feet wide for a habitable room. SECOND R M SOUTH OF NORTHWEST CORNER 124 . The hand ink area has been removed has open plumbing. ; Properly close off plumbing areas or provide installation of handsink and cabinet. . 125. There is damage to the ceiling and wall plastez- in this room. Re ove all damaged surfaces and resurface. 126. West wal windows: both storm windows are da�aged and in disrepai . Repair or replace storm windows. 127. Interior windows do not function properly_ Repair or replace both int rior windows. 128. Door to oo� has been removed. Provide door. 129. Ceiling ixture has been removed. Provide ceiling fixture • and clos off electrical junction box and exposed wiring to meet Nat onal Electrica� Code reguirements. � 130. The batt ry operated smoke detector is non-fur.ctional. Provide unctional smoke detector for room. 131. Fuse box in hallway is possibly overfused. Properly fuse all lines. WEST SID BATFiROOM AREA 132. Interior window does not function properly. Repair or replace. . 133. Bathroom handsink has been removed and has exposed plumbing fixtures. Properly close off plumbing fixtures or provide proper h ndsink and properly connect all plur�ing. 134 . Toilet h s been removed from bathroom area. Provide toilet for bath oom. 135. Ceiling ight has exposed wires. Provide proper ceiling light f bathroom area and close off open junction box. 136. Bathtub area shows signs of smoke damage and so does tub. � Properl clean all walls and ceramic ti2e in bathroom area and san'tize_ 137. Door to bathroom area is missing. Provide. � � � � �. ��-/�� . . Deficiency Lis �270 �Seventh St eet West Page 11 of 18 SECOND F OR (continued) ROOM SOUT OF BATHROOM AREA ON WEST SIDE � 138. Room lack entry door. Provide. ` 39. There is amage to plaster walls and ceiling in room_ Repair all damag d plaster and properly resurface. 140. East wall there is a damaged electrical outlet. Repair to meet Nati nal Electric Code standards. 141. There are exposed electrical wires frora switch area to . ceiling f n and/or light. Repair wiring to meet National Electric odes require�ents. - 142. Ceiling f'xtures have been removed, there is exposed electrica wiring. Properly replace ceiling fixtures and close off all bare wires to meet National Electric Code standards. 143 . Handsink 'n room has been broken and damaged. Replace and properly ook up all plumbing to handsink. SOUTHWES CORNER ROOM � 144 . Electric 1 nolding has been pulled frora the walls and � c e i l i n g_ Pro perl y repair molding and properly hookup all electric 1 services_ . 145. There is some damage to plaster walls. Repair. 146. Ceiling ixtures are in disrepair. Repair or replace. •147. Interior window does not work properly. Properly repair or replace. � 148. East sid storage closet: the walls and ceiling have damaged , plaster. Repair all walls and ceilings in room and rewove all dama ed plaster. 149. East clo et: the floor is covered with damaged plaster, bricks a d other debris. Properly remove and dispose of all debris a d refuse from area and properly clean and resurface floor as needed. ' ' k �I,I, , WEST SIDE - 150. There, is damage to plaster on walls and ceilings. Walls have been par ially removed in spots and are in need of replacem nt. Properly repair all walls and ceilings and ; properly resurface. '- 151. Handrail are missing around stairwell areas and are need of �_ replacem nt. Properly replace ,all handrails_ � - }.. ��� L�;' S� � � �� � � �jU-���7 • • _ Deficiency Li t � 270 Seventh S reet West Page 12 of 28 SECOND IAOR (continued) NORTHEA MOST ROOM � 152 . There i a lot of smoke damage to floors, walls and ceiling. Properl clean all surfaces in room and closet areas. 153 . There i •some plaster cracks and damaged plaster on the walls. epair all damaged plaster to room. 154 . The smo e detector in this room is non-functional. Repair or replace smoke detector. - 155. Windows on the north wall, both windows lack proper storm windows and interior windows are missing panes of glass and do not unction properly. -Repair both storm windows and interio windows on -�orth wall. 150. Closet rea has daiaglastersand removelallgrefusenfromaster. Properl repair al p closet. 157 . Door to room has been removed. Replace door to room. ROOM WE T OF NORTHEAST CORNER ROOM 155. Missing an entrance door. Provide entrance door to room. � 159. Al1 sur aces (ceilings, walls and floors) are smoke damaged. Properl clean all surfaces. 160. Window n the north wa}.1 has been damaged and does not functio properly. Properly provide storm window and interio window for that area. 161. Room la ks smoke detector. Properly provide smoke detector f or roo . . 162. Ceiling fan is improperly secured to ceiling. Provide proper ceiling junction box for fan in all rooms. ROOM SO TH - AATACENT OF NORTHEASTMOST ROOM 163. There i plaster damage on the ceiling and on the walls_ Repair 11 damaged" plaster in room. 164 . Windows on the east side walls are damaged. Repair or � replace both interior windows and storm windows. 165. There' i open plumbing on the north wall of room where handsi used to be. Properly close off plumbing or provide handsi and properly. install plumbing fixtures.D 165. Therea'se��nkesurfacestof�all�smoke�damagePandycloset area. and c 9 . • nc Lis ' J������ Deficle Y � " 270` Seventh St eet West Page 13 of 18 SECOND F OR (continued) ROOM SOUT - ADJACENT OF NORTHEASTMOST ROOM (continued) 167 . There is amaged plaster in closet area. Repair all damaged plaster nd resurface. 168. Smoke de ector in room is inoperable. Provide properly operatio al smoke detector_ - 169. Door to oom has some fire damage around the frame and the door is issing. Provide proper fraa� for door area and � provide oor. - �BATHRO�P'I AREA - EAST SIDE 1�0. Both win ow and storm window on the north side are damaged and not roperly functional. Repair or replace windows and f raae. 171. Walls an ceiling are fire damaged and have smoke damage. Repair a 1 walls, ceiling and floors as necessary and properly resurface. _ 172. Toilet h s been removed. Provide fur.ctional and properly ins�alle toilet. 173 . Door fra e to bathroom area has been fire damaged. Replace - frane an provide, door. . ROOM SOU H OF BATHROOM AREA - EAST SZDE 174. All wall , floors and ceiling are fire damage with broken and iaissing plaster. Prflperly repair all walls, ceiling and floor. 175. All ele trical fixtures have been fire damaged. Properly replace all electrical fixtures in room. 176. East wa 1 window has been burned out. Properly replace window rame, interior window and storm. 177 , Door fr me to room has been fire da�aged. Replace door frame and pro ide door. 178. Handsin area has been removed fron room with exposed � plumbin fixtures. Properly close off plumbing fixtures and provide properly installed handsink. SOUTHEA TMOST ROOM 1�9. Walls, eilings and floor are fire damaged. Properly repair all dam ged1Psmokerdam gelfromnfloorlandswall areas,and sanitiz al , � � - � � � t 9� �'��� • • � D�ficiency Li 2�0 Seventh Street West page 14 of 18 SECOND LOOR (continued) SOUTHEA TMOST ROOM (continued) - 180. East wi doW shows signs of fire damaged (cracked glass from heat) . roperly repair or replace window and storms and check f ame area. 181. Handsin in room is smoke damaged. Properly clean and/or repair andsink. . lg2_ Closet rea for room has been fire damaged with broken, missing and falling plaster and bricks. Remove all debris from ro m and properly repair all walls, ceiling and floor. 183. Door fr me area into c2oset area has been fire damaged. Properl repair door frame or replace. 184 . Smoke d tector has been melted off of ceiling. Replace smoke detecto . 185. Hall ar a is heavily fire damaged. Ceiling and walls have blacken d, �issing and loose plaster and wallboard. Repair all wal s and ceilings and clean up all debris from fire damage. RPpair all walls and ceilings. 186. All el ctrical f ixtures have been fire da�aged. The fuse box area w'res have been burned with the bustat fuses popped from t e heat. Repair all electrical fixtures in hall area to mee Na�ional Electric Code requirements. 1g7. Center par�itioning wall south end of hall area has been cut out an re:�.oved. Properly replace center bearing wall. EAST S DE IiALLWAY AREA 1g8. All st irti:ell areas lack handraieasaandarrovide handrails. Proper y repair all stairwell ar P . THIRD IA�rZ - SOUTH END 189. The so th end is missing walls, bearing walls have been cut down. he roof has fallen in and daylight can be seen throug the whole end of the third floor. Very few walls are still 'n existence. Many holes right thru to the outside . admitt'ng elements.� Properly repair and replace roof over the so th end of the building. Properly repair and rebuild all wa ls. Bearing walls: all electrical fixtures and all plumbi g fixtures are in need of replacement. CENTE . AR£A EAST SIDE 190. Damag to wall plaster throughout, smoke damage, able to see throu h the roof in several spots. Roof must be repaired over enter area. All plaster and wallboard must be replace and a 1 electricalmusttbeeSroperlyeinstalled alsoalled. All plumb'ng fixtures P . . 'enc Li t ��J���_/ . Defici y 270 Seventh S reet West Page 15 of 18 THZRD F OR (continued) NORTHEAS OST R00�4 191. Wall on he south side, you can look thru all the way to the south en of building. Walls need repair, plaster broken and falling n room, door frame is partially missing and door is missing. Repair all parts to room, properly clean and sanitize Check any plumbing as well as any electrical fixtures � 192. Smoke de ector is non-function in this room. Provide NORTHWES ROOM EAST SZDE . 193. Smoke da age and plaster damage on walls. Properly repair roo�. 194 . Handsink has been destroyed and partially removed. Properly close of plumbing fixtures or provide properly installed handsink. 195. Smoke de ector has been damaged by fire and improperly placed. rovide ne» smoke detector and properly ins�all. 196. Closet ea off of north roo�s there are damaged e?ectrical outlets. Smoke da�age to room and some plaster darage to closet rea. Properly secure and repair electrical outlet and wal s in room and properly clean all smoke ana fire damage. GENERAL HALL AREA - EAST SIDE 197. Smoke a d fire da�age with holes thru the ceiling and damaged roof. Properly repair and clean all surfaces in hall area as well as ceiling and roof repairs. 198. The sta rwell areas are open and dangerous without any handrai s to prevent falling. 199. Stairwe 1 area on the east side is missing completely with just an open hole to the first floor. Properly replace stairs. WEST SI E - CENTER ROOMS � Bathroo Area 200. Toilet 's broken and tank is laying on the floor. Provide properl installed and useable toilet fixture for room. 201. Ceiling is broken out over toilet area and daylight can be seen t ough roof. Properly repair roof and toilet area ceilin . l� . . �v � �s�7 . Deficiency Li t ' • " 2i'0 Seventh S reet West Page 16 of 18 THIRD F R (continued) WEST SID - CENTER ROOM Bathroom Areas (continued) 202. Handsink in toilet area has been broken and partially removed. Properly close off plumbing fixtures or provide properly installed handsink for bathroom area_ 203 . There is smoke damage �throughout bathroom to all walls, ceilings and floors_ Properiy clean and sanitize all walls, ceiling nd floors. � ROOM NOR H OF BATHROOM ARr...� - WEST SIDE _ 204 . Window o west wall has been broken completely through. Repair o replace storm as well as interior window and frame. 205. Ceiling laster is cracked With hole through ceiling, as plaster alls are cracked vith falling plaster. Repair ceilings and walls in a wo_k-manlike manner, remove all damaged laster and replace. 206. Handsink on north wall is �issing. Properly close off all � plumbing fixtures or provide properly installed handsink. 207. Smoke de ector is hard-wired and non-functional at this time. Re air or replace s�a?ce detector if necessary. ' 208. Ceiling an does not have proper secured junction box. 209. Linoleum floor has been d�aged. Repair or replace linolet;- floor. � NORTHWES MOST ROOM 210. West win ow is broken through. Repair or replace window and provide torms. 211. Smoke de ector on south wail is non-functional. Provide function 1 smoke detector and properly place. 212. There is cracked ceiling plaster and cracked and damaged wall pla ter with plaster �issing. Properly repair all damage p aster in room .and properly resurface. � 213. Electric 1 outlets in roo� have been ripped from walls and area. Pr perly check and p�operly install all electrical � surface. 214 . Door is issing to room. Properly provide door to room. NORTHEAS ROOM - WEST SID£ 215. Room is eavily smoke damaged. Properly clean all walls, ' floor an ceiling of all s�oke damage. � : � �� � � � `' ����'� �_ • .Deficiency ist �(� ` ��0 Seventh Street idest . Page 17 of 8 . THIRD LOOR (continued) NORTEi T ROOM - WEST SIDE (continued) 216. There s broken sheetrxk on the south vall of room. Proper y repair. 217. There s cracked and damaged plaster on the west vall. Proper y repair or replace any cracked and damaged plaster in roo . 218. Electr cal fixture for ceiling fan and outlet fixture on � west w 11 are damaged. Properly repair or replace any. damage electrical fixtures. 219. Ceilin fan has improper electrical junction box. Provide proper e2ectrical junction box for support. - 220. There s wood and fire damage debris, bricks throughout the third loor area. All damaged materials should be removed and pr perly disposed of before clean�ng and remodeling starts ' 221. Fire a arm system throughout building is inoperable and � damage and in need of replacement. Properly repair or replac fire alarm system. . 222. Stairw 11 area on the west side is open �rithout any handra ls. Properly provide handrails and all security device for stairway and replace or repair stairs as needed: GENER.A 223. All he t radiators have been removed from building. Provide proper heating devices for all rooms. 224 . The ma'n stairwell areas west and east side of building lack proper fire separation in accordance vith certificate of occupa cy codes. Provide proper fire separation in . accord nce with Certificate of Occupancy Department. � EXTERI R NORTH IDE 225. Steps o the two entrance doors lack proper handrails. Check �� steps or proper installation and provide proper handrails to doo s. 226. Founda ion along north side of building is missing mortar and st nes in certain areas. Properly tuck-point and replace missin stones. � 227. Soffit area second floor is rotting through and is exposed. � Proper y replace soffit area. � . .. / � . � Oeficiency• List �� �/��� 270 5eventh Str et West Page 18 of 18 EXTERIOR ( ontinued) NORTH SZDE (continued) - 228. North side over east door there is exposed electrical �+iring. Pr perly cap off or provide electrical fixture. : 229. Possible d or bell viring over west door is hanging. � Properly s cure �+izing and re�ove or properly attached door _ bell area. 230. There is d maged soffit area on the east side of building � second flo r. Repair all cracked and rotting soffit areas for bird a cess. . 231. Some fasci board damage on the south end second floor. SOUTH SIDE OF BUZLDIN6 232. Wooden str cture over the exterior basement steps, roofing tile is wo through and missing in spots. Repair roof to wood shed tructure over basement steps. 233. Soffit has holes �hrough it and rotted in several spots. ' Repair all soffit boards. ; 234 . There are racks in the brick area on the south ' ide. Tuck- point all ricks and repair crack area. , 235. Sillplate ' s rotted to window on south area. P� = .y replace. WEST SZDE F BUZLDING 236. Soffit are there is rotted wood and exposed holes. Repair or replace soffit areas. , 237 . Third floo win3o:: second from the south, there is rotted - wood aroun the window area. Repair or replace. � DpRMER - WEST SIDE NORTH END 238. Some holes through the soffit area. Properly repair or replace. Please be advis d that this deficiency iist may not be complete. In order to app y for building permits, the owner must obtain a � Certificate of ode Co.pliance or Certificate of Occupancy inspection and rovide a $2,000.00 performance bond. If you are unab e to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are state and local � . rehabilitation rogrars for which you may qua2ify. Information about these pr rams is available from the Department of Planning and Economic De elopment, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228- 3105. Ask to s ak 'to a loan officer. � 1 � ^;'�, CITY OF SA�� P'�;Ut� � ' DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES ;. ;�` ���� ;� , .. � � ; \..�'� *..,,;;•_f Sl'EVE CONROY, DIRECI"OR 100 E. Elevcnth Si.,Saini Paul,MN 5�101 GEORCf :�TtMER �.r,��R ` .r SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 DAVID BERG 1647 HILLCRE T � SAINT PAUL 55116 � : �: Notice o Condemnation and Order to Vacate 270 7TH ST W No. of Units: Dear Propert Re�resentative: � The Division of Fire Prevention of the City of Saint Paul, � Minnesota, h s found the premises at the above property location - to be unsafe unfit for hu�an habitation, a public nuisance, a � hazard to th public welfare or otherwise dangerous to human life. Enclo ed is a copy of a "Notice of Condemnation and Order o Vacate" w ic has been posted upor} the premises. The attached * ERROR*** t �i a l l b e correc te d imme dia te ly or t he premise vacate d by • �.�X �► r9�, THIS CONDEMN TION REVOKES ANY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THAT :dAY EXIST ON THE BUILDING. Any correcti ns requiring construction, electrical, plumbing, gas pipinc�, heat ng or sprinkler work, must be performed under permit - and with the approval of the Building Inspection and Design � Division, Ro m 445 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, (298-4212) . These premis s shall not be used or inhabited until the attached "Correction ist" is completed and a Certificate of Occupancy has • been issued x the Department of Fire and Safety Services, Division of ire Prevention, City of Saint Paul. . Sir,cerely, � A ARMSTR NG Inspector cc: Buildin Code Division Housing Informatio� Office . Marland Mork, Welfare Department Steven accard, Fire Marshal Steve R y, Health Department Enclosures CORS-7 � , �= . �'v -/S�� � �• « EFICIENCY/CORRECTION LIST 16395 SEPTEMBER b, 1989 PAGE 2 - RE: 270 7TH ST W . 1. VACANT BUILDING. IS STRUCTURALLY SAFE. ROOF, WALLS, CEZLINGS AND STA RWAY HAVE FALLEN IN OR ARE OTHERWISE MI SING IN AREAS. THE BUILDING IS A PU LIC NUISANCE AND SHAT•T. BE REHABILITATED OR DEMOLISHED. CHPT 45. 2. DUE TO FIRE AND ANDALISM THIS BUILDING IS STRUCTURALLY NSAFE. ROOF, WALLS, � , ' CEILINGS AND STA RWAY HAVE FALLEN IN OR ARE OTHERWISE MI SING IN AREAS. TfiE BUILDING IS A PU LIC NUISANCE AND SHALL BE REHABILITATED OR DEMOLISHED. MUFC 2 .201 (b) . �� �`1 �/� d � .�� THE MANNHEIMER-GOODKIND HOUSE REUSE STUDY Prepared by John Gelderman,Gelderman Real Estate and Thomas R. Zahn,Thomas R Zahn&Associates,Inc. ;. � � � k F Sponsored by the City of S�Paul Apri1,1990 i E 1 ( �� ����� . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study eap lores the feasibility of reusing the Mannheimer-Goodldnd House,]rnown more recendy as the Bleick House,at 2 W.Seventh Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota.'Ibe fiame,ble in the Twin Ciues.The t in 1874, is ooe of e few remainin8 examPles of French Second Fmpire sh' swcture is listed o the National Register of Historic Places as significant to the Irvine Park Historic District and is�►te as a pivotal building within the locallY des�at��e Paric Heritage preservation Distri t vandalized and damaged bY intemal The house has been acant for over four years,and has been severely was deniefl by the S�Paul Heritage fire.The p�at o er has requested a demolition penni�The req►�esc preservatio�n Co ission,and the denial was appealed to the S�Pau1 City COi1IIC�'T�e City Council delayed acuon on e appeal until completion of this study. Because of tbe hist ric designation of the Mannt►eimer-Goodldnd Hoas�,the City is seekin8 alternanves to its demolirion.'The ultima fa�onyew th the goals and bjectivtyes of tt�ie Irvin Park H tori District and economicalty feasi le an its commercial and ideni.ial neighb�s. ALTERtiATI ES After toin'inS the si ,conducting interviews,and analyzu►S the background informadon,the consultant team develo�ped t1� following lisc of alternadves: 1. Acquirt and enovatt tht building on its present site�for its com�►ercial locau°°•This The building woul be accluired and then renovated to an appropriate rehabilitation coul be done in one of two ways: 1�,�e k wing would be demolished,and d►e main mass'ng would be restored to its original 'Ihis alts tive assumes that the vandalized back wing is removed,and the front porch is to its original appear'ance•Th�s oPtion could aLso include the removal of the stucco finish add to the house sometime after its original consavction in 1874. 1B.The ck wing would be replaced with new construction saitable fa the proposed reuse. Tbis al 've would include the reconswcdon of the fronc porch and P°ss�bly the return to the o�iginal b 'ck exterior walls. 2. Acquirt and movt the building withi� tht lot. The Mannheimer oo�cind House would be acquired and rea�rned to iu original location adjacent t4 the front walk m Seve th Street 'The slrucwre would then be restored for a commenial/office reuse. 3. Acquire and ove the building to a �ew��ov��a new location within tt►e im�►e�'� 1fie Mannbeimer oodiand House would be acquired neighborhood. structure would then be restored for residential,office ar commercial reuse. 4. Demolish th baildtng. the site far The City R�ould t the p�t owner a permit to demolish the historic strucwre,clearin8 fut�re consuvction 1 _ _ _ . . _ - ._ __ .. : , _ . . ,� . . . . _' . . . .. �. .._ �.-._._. ."__"t _r'_ '_"^' '-. ' ' F ��- � s�� t � RECOMME DATIONS After consideratio of issues,analysis of the economics and review of the alternatives,the conailtant team recommends that City work with the Minnesota Council of the American Youth Hostels Inc.(AYH)to establish a"Supe or" Hostel in the :�iannheimer-Goodldnd House, Alternative# lA.l or# 1B.1. The consultants ha met with m,presentaaves of the AYH,who have shown significant interest in the reuse of the the imer-Goo�and House as a hostel. ff this altemative' not feasible,the Ciry should consider any of the other altematives that R�oold maintain the building on the ite.If no feasible alternatives are possible,the City will have to detennine bow large an investment it is willing to make to save the house from demolition.As a last resort, AtternaNve #4, Demolition,may ve to be considered if the City is unwilling to subsidize the reuse or if a private developer cannot fonnd who can accar►plish reuse without svbsidy.If demoliaon is considaed fo�r the swcwre,historical umentation of the building should be prepared according to Level II doa�mecuafion standards of the ' ric American Ba7ding Survey(HABS),and filed with the Minnesota H'istoricai Society and with th Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. i 3 � . � . �v -��s�� INTRODUCTION STUDY PURP SE 'I1ie Mannheimer- House,listed as"significant"within the National Register of Historical Places' Irvine Pazk Historic ' 'ct and as"pivotal"within the City's Irvine Park Heritage Preservation District,is of considerable im within the conteat of Saint Paul's architecwral history and early residential developmen�The s ture has be�n vacant since 1985 and has been severely damaged by vandalism and fire.The fuwre of ' rare French Second Empire style residence is threatened with demolition by neglect and inten� This reuse swdy brin s togethe.r architecwral,prese�vation,development and planning spe�ialists to ask probing questions t the reuse of the Mannheimer-Goodkind House.The swdy was designed to detennine if the fo er residence could be feasibly retumed to a productive use and,if so,to identify potential new uses users for the swcture. CONSULTAN TEAM John Gelderman Reai Estate Specialist Gelderman Real 1812 Valley Curve Mendota Heights, 55118 Mr.Gelderman is 'dent of Gelderman Real Estate and has been an active developer in the St.Paul commercial real esta market for a number of years.He was the developer of tlu�ee of the city's maja URAP projects,incl ' g Kim Long's Intanational Plaza on University Aven�,NEAR's North End Center on Rice S and NEAR's Ritte�Center aLso on Rice Strcet He is also the owner/developer of Oxfo�d Square Sho g Center on Grand Avenue. Thomas Za6n, Preservation Pianner/Writer Thomas R.Zahn& iates,Inc. . University Club ` 420 Summit Avenue Saint Paul,Minneso 55102 � Mr.Zahn is the form r Preservation Planner for the City of Saint Paul,a Past-President of the Preservation Alliance of Minn and serves as a Dire�tor of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.Mr. � Zahn heads an a�hi �ual and preservation consulting office which has coordinaced and prepared reose studies for Johnston all,Faribaul�the Sherburne County Courthouse,Elk River,the Burbank- Livingston-Griggs H use,S�Paul; the Gillette Children's Hospital-West Wing,SL Paul;Old Main- University of Minn ta,Duluth;and the George Washington Armstrong House,S�Paul. F PROCESS . During the swdy,the nsultants met with representatives of the City's development,planning and Heritage Preservatio Commission staff,as well as American Youth Hostel consultants,the building's � owner and represen ves of the area's neighborhood organizations.These mcetings were supplemented by informal discussions d follow-up phone calls to secure additional information on the condidon and disposition of the M eimer-Goodkind House. � On February 21, 1 the consultants met with City staff to discuss the scope of the smdy and to review preliminary economic findings on potendal reuses.'Ibe consultants and a representative of the American ' Youth Hostels,Inc. k a walldng tour of the Mannheimer-Goodldnd House interior.This was followed on March 20 with a ond meeting between the consultants and the City staff tn present the initial findings - 4 F �1� -15"�� . , of the swdy,evalua the economic reatides of the strucwce's rehabilitation and review the various alternatives genera by the reuse study.A draft report was pc�sented w the Design Review Committee of the St Paul Heritag heservation Commission on Apri13 and to the West 7th Sire�U�Chesmut Small Area Plan Task Force on �i15 for review and commen�'I7�e Herita�e Preservadan Commission is scheduled to review the repoR A.pri112 for recommendation w the City Council. At the compledon o the mceting/'mterview process,the consultants developed the list of altematives and rerommendadons f d in this report. ; 5 i ��1��� , � MAN EIMER-GOODKIND HOUSE CHRONOLOGY 1874 John Grace,a Ramsey County sheri�',bm7t the French Second Empire style double-house along Fat Road,the major land-W�k between the territoiial military f�cadons at Fort Snelling and the growing S� Paul town-center. T7�e Rochat-Louise-Saverwein comme�ial blocks v�re constrocted opposite the Grace pr�perty.(These strucaues are now listed on the National Register of Historic Places and have bcen renovated to their original Victaian a�p�pearance.) 1877-1890 'I7�e duplex was the home of the Louis GoocIlcind and the Emil and Jacob Mannheimer-Goodldnd families.'Ihe residents were partners in Goodkind and Mannheimer-Goo�Cir�d Bros.,the largest dry goods store west of Chicago in the 1870s,which later became Schuneman and Mannheimer-Goodldnd In 1960 the business was acquired by Dayton's. 1932 The residence was moved toward the rear of its lot in response to a widening of West Seventh Stre�t. November,1973 The residence was classtified as a"significant"swcture within the Irvine Park Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places. 1981 The house was renovate�and o�pened as a bed and breakfast hostelry. March 11, 1982 The Irvine Park Heritage Preservatian District is established with the Mannheima�oodldnd re�ognized as"pivotal"to the district December, 1985 Josphine Berg Simes and David A Berg purchased the property. January, 1986 Preliminary plans fa changes w the 5ront facade and for a looped drive in the front yard of the residence were presented to the Sti Paul Herirage Preservation Commission(HPC)for review and commen� The HPC approved portions of the pmposed changes,but did not approve the new design elements of projecting square bays or the circular drive.The Bergs appealed the decision of the HPC to the City Council. May 27, 1986 The City Council passed a resolution upholding the HPC decision. May, 1988 The owners attempted to,and were successful in,securing City permission to remove a front porch of the swcture.This action was not reviewed or approved by the S�Panl Heritage Preservadon Commission. March,1989 The vacant swcture was partially damaged by fue. The owners c�ened the building fa salvage w�k and the bearing wall studs we,re cut,causing the roof,second and third floor systems tn collapse internally into the back wing of the structure. August 16, 1989 The S�Paul Division of Public Health,upon inspecdon of the Property,drew up a listing of 238 deficiencies. 6 `!l� �! �� / . , August 22 'It�e property owners applied to the City for a permit to demolish the Mannheimer-Goodldnd House. August 25 The St Paul Division of Public Health notified the present owner that 6e must rectify existing deficiencies on the structu�ar have the building wrn down on or before September 25,1989. September 6 The Division of Fire Protection issued a Notice of Condemnadon and Orde.r to Vacate for 270 W.7th Strcet by September 11, 1989. September 11 'Ihe Ezecutive Director of the Minnesota Crnuicil,American Youth ' Hostels eapresse�interest in the potential for adaptive reuse of the swcture for an AYH-hastel. September 14 The St Paul HPC condacted a public heazing and re�ommended denial of the demolidon permit September 21 'Ihe property owner appealed the HPC denial to the City Council. April, 1990 The Mannheimer-Goodldnd House Reuse Smdy was completed and submitted to the S�Paul City Council. 7 s � , �'�� °/��� 1 BACKGR UND/SUMMARY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS ARCHITECTUR The Mannheimer-G 'nd House is one of the few French Second Empire Houses remaining from the mid-to-late 1870s.a 'od when that style floarished in America's urban areas.The style,easily idendfied by the prominent m roof,was derived from the public and private architecwre that evolved in France during the 1850s. e American interpretation of the style took on many of the popular Italianate deta�7s, creating a blend of e two styles.The Mannheimer-Goodkind Hoose displays this blend in its emphasis on �rticality,Prominen rounded-arch dom�ers,bcacloeted cornice and mansacd ioof. 'Il�e buildin8 ori � lY displaYed a full,one-stnry,open front po�ch with bracloeted posts and slight arched openin8s.'I1�e porch was later enclosed,and tbe wood fiaming was s�cced to match the second-ger�eratiai stucxo finish on the ' massing.Like many"imprrn+ements"to older stivchues,the enclosure did not eliminate the ori ' frame porch.However,ia 1988 the present owner demolished the front pcxch, i�luding the ai ' historic fabric buried under the swcco and glazing remodeling. Although the origi front porch has bcen removed,the building's maja massing remains intac�'It�e building has been ved back on the lot,but no major alteradons have been made to the main(front) massing a the bacic ' g.'Il�e window and door placement maintain the symmetry of design associated wich this prerQueen style of architecpue. �f<.�- -�-�� • ,�z.,,,��~�-,•-� � r .�*»�,. . :a �', . �"'_+e�� ' . . . �^�. - ?--ac„' : -=� •w�,.. ;;.-� �.�... . . �, t s?: �- �-^�, `v. � '�.... E� I Y � �^ £ F ���l.> �. •�,a�� � � - ��. a' ? -�+�.�`' _ �>- = � ; . � � . _ � �_ ._ - >>�_ . � �t� .�; � .�� � � . _ . :_ , _ -� � > � �-. ,���. _ �.`._w.. .�: ._ . A� . -� ; -��� � !� ' i�.•.,:� �; � � E_ ` J � R � � A111J.�`�� -..__....._...�� , ' .. � r"�" ,ct ri�^ ..... � ... _ — __ ,. .. ».. ,.. , ._: .,,�.,._ ' :'.�.� . ... .._. � �'-�'�:��.� � � . . The Mannheima-Good�Eiid House as it a,ppeared circa 1930. Nistoric Photographs s�ppliud by du Minnesota Nistorical Society 8 ��J��� , , EXTERIOR CO DITION The rear wing of the house"appeacs"from the outside to be in good condition.However.the roof swcture and cential ' g wall of the back wing have bcen irretrievably destroyed.and the back will have to be remavod.The buildi g probably was built in two stages,with the back half being added at a later date.The windows are small in the rear,the massing is stighdy smaller,and there is a step between the two sertions on the u levels.This suucd�ral separation will facilitate the removal of the rear wing. 'lhe fiame building as covered in brick and lat�er stuccoed.The sdxco may have bcen�ded after the b�ulding was moved tn the rear of the site to cover cracks that developed because of the move. 'I�e hont of the b ' 'ng is relatively nondescript since th�froat porch has been torn off.The porch will have m be replacei regain the building's original architeau�al integrity.The windows will also have to be ceplaced.Most broken�cracked,and it is unlikely thac the frames can be salvaged since they have been aposed to the eather. 'I1�e mansard roof ms to be in reladvely good condition and would re�uire minimal repair.'Itie flat raof of tbe front poRion f the building dces not seem to have any leaks�since there are no signs of any water staining in the third oor ceiling.It is expected,however,that the roof inembrane will have to be replaced. 'lbe chimney will ve to replaced aLSO,but this probably would be removed when the rear of the building is demolished. . _ . � �;�b ,��F ,;.�: ".��; � •• FK A _ ,.�i�` .k vy,:�. ". . . . .'�.. �.:. � ,�:. ��.; :.:�.�, ? � � �r �, .' _ � 'r.s __ ��`, ,.� � ';�:.. _ � ■ .� ���,'�� �� . . ` _ .�� M � � -k..,;�� ^ , . _ � �� ..'�L >�t, r � _ . _ �'.. : t e' . �, A .�. {��- � �� 'i E'��Z' '1 ,k' � ♦ �.'iF 1.,• �r�M �» .�.d * ` � I 1 ...,��., !.>.�i. �. -- - ��'�u Euerior view to t south of the baek wing Interior view of du third floor.baek wing with coUapsing ceiling BASEMENT A D FOUNDATION CONDITION 'Ibe basement is as old as the original building,since a new basement was installed when the building was moved back the site in 1932.The basement is consan�cted of stone and mortar and has a relatively high cxiling.This' somewhaz unusnal for its time period.It seems w be in good shape;moisture dces not sam to be s probl .1n fact,the basement has been divided up into bedrooms or living spaoes,although it is hazd to imagine y�e living there,since there are only a few small windows.Tt�e heating plant is an oW bo�er d�at is longer nsed.It is very probable that the bo�er contains asbestos,as dces mnch of tthee heat pipe. . .�is would have�be removed before any renovation could begin.The origiml st�ncwre was de,si as a double house,so there is a main bearing wall running down the center of the basement upon w h the joists of exh unit rest.The joists aze in good shape and seem W be adequately spaced and sized.I is assumed that the rear portion of the basement would be reused if the rear wing of the bailding is rebuil� BUILDING M CHAMCAL SYSTEM It is ass�med the h ' g system would have tn be completely replaced with either a forced air system a a boiler system ' to what is there.Su�ce air conditioning should be part of the new systsm,it is reaommended that fom.e�air system be installed so both tbe heat and the air conditioning can be blown 9 . . - . - . - , ; �� ��� � . through the same ' 'budon system.This is possible since all existing plaster will have to be removed and the eusang fram exposed The electrical system would also have to be completely replaced and the exisdng elecorical ' updated.None of the exisdng switches,receptacles a light fixtures are usable. Depending on the ne use,most of the bathrooms woald be consolidat�d'mto one a two per floor,and would be d� meet access codes.The condiaon of the sewer and water lines from the strcet is not known. BUILDING INT RIOR The building interia is the typical lath and plaster construction of its time.The front half of the building has holes in the w and ceiling from falling plaster.All of this material would have to be torn out and replaced with�ryw aft�er the building has been re-insulated,wired,etc.'Ibe ezisting stairs are beyond repair.They wouM ve W be demolished,and new stairs would have to be installed to code.Depending upon the use of the ' floor,an elevator would also have w be installed.Most of the interior wa1Ls are probably not bad ' g,with the ezception of the center bearing wall.'Ibis will allow for flexibility when re-planning interior space.All the doors and trim would aLso ha��e to be replaced. The rear portion of building should be demolished.The roof is compkrely caved-in because of the collapse of the main ' g wall in the center of the building.The thind floor is also completely caved-in. The second floa s signs of stress and sagging as a result of the debris from the roof and the third floor resting on the secon floor. CONCLUSION The rear portio�of e building should be demolished.However,it is feanble to rebuild on the existing foandations.If the portion is not rebuilt,the basement wo�ld have to be removed.This area could become additioaal ' g a a back yard.With removal of the back wing,a�w rear wall woald have to be built from the nt to the roof-line. If the front p�tion i to remain,the building would have to be guued down to the eaisting swcture and rebuilt with new m hanical systems and insulation.The strucwre,which is the most important aspect of any renovatioa, s to be in good condition.Walls are stiaight,�loors are level and the basement is sound.'I1�e roaf stru ture is assumed to be in good shape,since there is minimal lealdng. 10 �''U->5�3� ISSUES�SITE ANALYSIS PLANMNG ISS ES With an ' of the neighborhood's growth over the past few yeacs and after an analysis of the neighborhood and ci plans fa the area,three points become very clear: 1)There is a solid growing trend toward preservation and renovation of our historic resources.This trend includes both residen' and commercial structures. 2)Demolition of si ' cant strucwnes often has a negative and lasting impact on the ar�hitectural and urban design fabric of oor 3)Present plans for area recognize the nee�for economically feasible re-use of underntilized structures. From an urban desi �ve,the Mannheimer-Goodldnd House serves as both the link and a buffer between the comm ' uses on West 7th Street and the residential nature of the Irvine Park Historic District As such,p ' g tbe structure supports the extensive rehabilitation of historic structures,both commercial and resi dal,dzat has occurred in the area Both the City and the�ighbo�ood consider this house to be an im t historic element in the revitalization of the area. Often times,with th best of intentions,hista�ic swcwres are demolished,in anticipation of new conswcdon.And i too often,these openings,like missing teeth in a smile,sit vacant for years waiting for"the right fit". gags have scarred both residential and commencial neig6bor600ds throughout the . city,leaving ill-defin city blocks and weak public corridors.Consequendy,it is oftea more desirable to maintain the existin hi�ncic fabric of an area,over the andcipation of new construction.This is particularly true with the Mannheimer-Goodlcind House,with the building's historic importance clearly � understood and reco ' tiva�gh historic designation. 'It�e importance of savcuue W the urban fabric has been swdied in a number of C'ity and neighborhood plans.The Cathedral ' 'est Seventh Street component of the Downtown Developmeat Plan(part of the SG Paal Comprehens ve Plan)recognizes the area as a gateway to the downtown.'Ibis component of the comprehensive plan fo�the retention of"scale and character of the existing activi�es along West + Seventh Street". 'Ihe West veath Sa�eet commercial strip is a major gateway into the Downtown Intensitiefl enter.Tbe area is experiencing a revitalizadon of commec�cial acdvity which includes rerai7,anaque and wholesale shops.These activities are occuiring in a wide assortrnent strucuues,several of which retain their original 1890 comme�ial � storefront devvebpment strategy for this area includes: • Retaining commercial activides which relate to the West Seventh Street neighborhood and comp ement che adjacent Downtown Intensifiefl Center. • Renovati n of existing commercial struct�res(with emphasis on historic p�reservation). • F.ncoutag new,s�all scale development on vacant oc undedutilized parceLc. , The Fat Road/West th Street Federation,a neighborhood planning group that�the azea around the Mannheimer ' HaLS�e,has developed a"L.ong Range Plan"W guide devebpment and healthy . growth in the 7th S vicmity.'It�at plan recognizes the importance of the historic fabric of the area.The Federation's operatin phibsophy states: The comm 'ty the Federadon saves respects personal and common histories,while not being conf by them.The Federation,thaefore,respects the social aud architectural heritage of ' community and seeks to balance ihe sometimes conflicting nerds of Preservation and Pro�ess. The plan goes on W d�e F�eration's goals.The first goal listed is to"Maintain and improve Fort Road . as a residential co 'ty".'Ibe plan reads: Objective 1: Improve the quality of housing. Strategy:C and expand the iiousing redevelopinent program. • 11 i . , �v -�s�� Rational: preservatian of the uniqne urban character of this community depends on careful tenance of the older hames,including rrecessary redevebpment.Systems updating noc necessarily viotace his[oric archice�wre,lwc sensidvity and educadon are�ro achieve this. � Methods: •Select omically defensible projects which are vis�'ble,posidoned in pivotal areas a blocks,or tribute to the a�chiteaural quality of the area. •Coacen projects for major itnpact •Identify d document housing areas vulnerable tn industrial expansion,commercial eapansion,speculation;impoverished or physically impaired homeovmers or tenants; absentee ership;deterioration;buildings of arclutecwral or histnric value. •Promote iation of the area's divec�se architecture. The Federation p clearly suppoRs the reuse of the Mannheimer-Goodkind House,if that reuse contnbutes to the economic th of the area. The Lower Hill Sub-Area Plan was designed to direct future land use and development in the far western potion of owntown S�Paul.'Ibis plan does not include the area southeast of West 7th Stre�t,but does include the b -face across 7th Street from the Mannheimer-Goodkind House.Under the tit3e of Historic Preserv ' the plan reads: . The city should ensure that all possible options aze exploned pneserve historic preservation sites and other strucwres identified in the 1983 as sites eligible f�designation in the Low r Cathedral Hill area.If incorporating them into new developments on their original si is infeasible,options for relocating the swctures to nearby neighbahoods shonid be la�ed. The District 9 Plan, district component of the City's comprehensive plan aiso reiterates the impoctance of the areas histaric hitecwre.Two recommendaiions from the Irvine Park component of that plan read: Areas d the historic disaicx betwcen Exchange and West Seventh should be encourat fa residential uses. No ind eapansion should accur in the area. A task force com of residents of Iivine Park and Irvine Park Towers,b�siness owners,represeniarives = of the major land o (such as United Haspital and the Civic Center),and members of the Fort Road Federation has deve�peti design principles for the West 7th/Chestnut Small Area Plan.Although these principles are still' drdft focm,they have been generally acceptefl by the task force.The design principles relating to histaic don read: 'I7�e his ' character of the neighborhood should be maintained and protect�ed,not only through rwadon of existing swcwres but through sensitive design of new residendal and ial buildings. Rehabili on and new conswc6on within the Irvine Pazk National Register and local historic dis 'cts should comply with the Secxetary of the Interior's Standards and the design g�i lines adopte.d by the S�Paul Heritage Preservatian Commission. Hiswric s cUUes should be it�corparated into new development on their original sites. Victorian mmeicial buildings abng W.7th should be preserved and rest�red to help ' retain the -of-the-century character of the street 12 � .. � � �j� -/��'7 , , 'Itie integrit of the historic district should be maintained by keeping significant structures o their original sites. REUSE ISSUES The City and the W7 StreedChesmut Street neighbor�ood is presendy worldng on a development strategy for the area.To this ,the W.7th/Chestnut Small Area Plan Task Force has baen reviewing possible reuse options fa the imer-Gaodkind Hoase.Re�ses considenad for the vacant structure incl�ded: • Commercial res dential, market rate apartments • Commercial o ce • Commercial re il • Family resource center for United Hospital • American Yout Hostel All of the,se reuse o ons were evaluated in this saidy.The economic analysis found in the appendices provides insight inw potential for commercial reuse of the property.There are a number of business types that have taken vantage of the historic flava of older buildings for office rease.Busine.cses such as architects,designers d consultants appreciate the design integriry and quality of vintage buildings,and adapt office ose to th imposed floor plan limitations of a rehabilitated swcwre.Retail reuse could also . take advantage of the high commercial visibility of the R/est 7th Street area. The Family Resource Center concept was reviewed with a representative of United Hospitals.At one point, the administradon of hospital program indicated an interest in a patient family support facility in the neighb�hood.Since t time the hospital has secu�ed ld apartments in the Irvine Park Apartments that connect direcdy to th hospital by enclosed passage.'Ibe hospital administration appears to be quite satisfie�with this ne lease arrangement and has shown little intaest in pursuing a family suppoR use of the Mannheimer-G ' House. . Both from a pro 'c and economic perspective,the youth hastel option seems to be the most realistic and beneficial reuse the structure.The Mannheimer-Goodkind Hause has been in residential use since its constr�ction in 1875. ts floorplan is clearly conducive w a doanioory or apartment type reuse.The structure is ideally 1 ted within walking distance of ma,jor cultural sites,entertainment,the commercial � core and a major of AYH usa tiansportation-the bos tem�inal.The slruchae's layout and location are ideal for AYH m,�se. The structure could be converted into a hostel,with or without the back wing included'It�is al 've would req�ire the acquisition of the property with assista�e from the City in the � redevelopment of the 'te. This public investm t would meet a number of objec�ves.It would • save a"pivotal"his ' resource from demolition; • maintain a buffer een the comme�ial developmeuc of Old Fort Road and the residential nat�re of the Irvine Park Histori Dislrict;and • establish the Twin ities'first full-service AYH-Hostel,Providing affordable,9uality accommodaaons for intemational domestic travelers. 'I�►e site is presenfly ed B-S,which dces not require additional off-street parking.However,without addiaonal parking,th space might be difficult to market as a rerail or�ce use.There would be less need . for more parking for hostel reuse than a conventiooal commercial reuse.It is anticipated that many of the hostel users would be arriving by public bransportation�by chartered bus.This would eliminace a high demand for on-site v 'cle storage. A hostel reuse of the eimer-Goodldnd House may ne�d a special use pern►it since the Zoning Code does not have a categ ry fa hostel use. MOVE ISSUES With potential demo' ' looming over the Mannheima-Goodldnd House,the possibility of moving the historic strucwre was 'dered.Generally,moving a historic strucwre out of its original environment and 13 �. F ! ��J /5�3� away from histaical associations is discouraged Howeve,r,if thceatene�by demolirion,this could be the only alternative to 'ng a historic resource altogether. The State Histonc ation Office(SI�O)of the Minnesota Hiswrical Society is responsible for oveiseeing districts properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places.'Ihat office has expre,csed caocem moving the Mannheimer-Gaodidnd House may jeopatdize the Irvine Padc Historic District designation.Since many of the Parlc's historic swca�res have been moved from their aciginal location thtongh ' ,the SHPO is very concaned that any additional alteration might jeopardize the � DistricYs historic in grity. If the bw7ding were oved off the site,a new site would have to be pu�cha.ced,and all new utilities would have to be brought' .Moving the stn�ture increases the l�celihood of damage.'Il�is option would add at least$50,000 to the cial projecdons.In addidon,any such move off of the original site could eliminate tbe use of istoric Tax Credits for the rehabilitation of the house on the new site.The new location and siting d have to be evaluated by the S�to det�nnine if the house would qualify for taac credits.Bec�se of problems and the concern of the SI�O,moving the swct�re to a new site within or adjac�t to the ' Patic Historic District was eliminated as a viable alternadve. Movemeat within site is also an issue.The Mannheimer-Goo�dnd House was originally conswcted on the front of its bt, jacent to the right-of-way of old Fort Road.It remained in this location until 1932 when it was moved the back W facilitate a widening of West Seveath Sorcet Therefore the consultants evaluated tlie possib 'ty of returning the structure to the front of the lot adjacent to the public right-of-way. This move would gi e the building more visibility,conform to the commenial setback,and rewrn the swcture to its ori ' spatial relationship with the sCree� SITE ISSUES When the hoUSe was moved in 1932,it was probably moved back finther than the other exisdng commencial bu�ding becaose of its residential nature and to give it a front yard.This deeper set-back presents a visiib�ity blem for most retail type businesses and is not ideal for most office uses.If the boilding w�e mov forward on the site,it would eliminate this vis�bility problem and would allow room for additional parlcin in the reaz.The consiruction numbers only andcipate moving the building forward for retail cype oses only The total site is an•• "shape with an entrance into a six-car unpaved parking lot from Walnut Street.There is no existing cvrb t to the property from West�th Street,and the front yard was nevex meant to be a parking lot.lbere is nothing salvageable in the existing landscap,ing.It is assumed,for this report,that the parldng lat would ha e to be paved,and all new fences,grass,sidewalks and landscaping would have to be installed. BUILDING CO E ISSUES The ho�se does not eet many of our contemporary build.ing codes.Aandicapped accessbility and occ�y oodes wo d also have ro be met with any rehabilitation.Because of the building's hiscoric natuc+e,it w�tal�e a dve design to satisfy ba1►the t�andicappefl aa�essibility codes and historic preservation mteres .The first floor is four feet above ground level,so a handicap ramp or elevator would - have to be installed r first floor access.A sprinkler system may also have co be installed ff this is the case,new sewer and ater would also have w be brought into the site.Asbestos removal should also take place at the time of renovation.Asbestos may or may not have to be removed if demolition takes place. Most of t�ese issues be dealt with when the building is guuefl and rebuilk 14 a:r l� '�r � G' "�. _..,�,F r,: \ ��� � �:�. .. �����' "���1.��� ''' :�R�`�.. ;:.,,�a,�,� a3 �� �� +R�t• a +� �.. -� ��� �_� . ��r sy� r :�".�''��;>tie"k s�``.�' =�� � _ -r i KQ: � zy7�—�."dP"�� ''�x�2 �,y��� �� l� -r� �-I �• �� � � ' A �� �¢: ,< �1 , /����� �� .�,� � �� r y Y' _ ,�y�� ._ +���6� � ' � � ...I Y� . . �` �`��., ! ����� 'l►3• / � � /• +�-'1 -`+�'rl4� t# .�i n ,la �^ .. . .A . y.i�/�r.._.3Y�s s�.�.;aJ� ... f . .-.�. :�,'�� --. ��� ,.,.�«�,- � - 't"?t,� -,.�-�.�; II .�ir�• � �g �� — ' �� i �4� — � l � � t.,�:t ,r _ _. . �S r.�r; ���. . . .�� i�� < < � i�� �. ( %�` •3�_ • '� ; .�i � ; y � . , _. .. ,, _ '� — . �.-� . '-; . a�u..�.u.._ ��`x+W��u9G�.z"a" � V ��_ } 7 ..�. � {. ��. �. ���� x t.� T",T t' � b a ll.�+:�.�` � .a �� �..:�� ,^' ,. t ,� , ,.._,�s�'� r-1�+-`�lt;ii"-,,' � �}' ' r . � ��,c�, ., r 4.� , ,� i. -.. q�1+`�a:,,.��sc y,...,..:�"s....s.�."w�`�z.a�c. 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'i[a♦��..��' 1 t : .J�i�}� �4A5 °nl �:. ."f�l�•- �T"�1 y. ! }q��P��71 �� }�f$�B'S`.n y '�` $NE��k'� � 1}�� .�{�'w�r r� • . �'";.'��tih�Y�� �r �.�w Ax a������� Pkr�x� , .. � iS. y � _ __ ' �� � � �� ��. � '�.1--c..t"s+4.�,:... n a iiilv � i i iii n i w i • I � ' . i � .� � i� . ,�� �� � •� � �� � � � �, r. ,� i �� i .i�n � � �� a 1 � 1 �- 1 il • � i ��� ` � � I1.: • .� 1 . - �1�" � 1� .���� ,r� 1 � � Y� � 1 . `� 1� �11 � �1 • ' �1� I - 1 . 1 � 1 1• 1 � •� 1��ti I� 1' • 1 ' ��. � ' 1 1 1 � �11 1 \ •� . � 1 ' • 1�' v,ll�- / � 1 � ' 1 ' 1� ��1 �� 'J� 11 ' �Y •, . 1�1 � Y�1 1� 1 :�YI' 1 . 1 li :�. �� ���s�� FL'�1ANCIAL ANALYSIS PROCESS THE BREAK EVE ANALYSIS The process used to yze the m,�e of the Mannheimer site is based on the premise that the bu�7ding is salvageable.It is determined whaz tbe renovadon would cost assuming a pacticular use and the square feet of rentable that would be produced.With these facts,it is then possible to decermine the"triple net rent"nceded to the projecx bmeak even,assuming the equity invescor requires a 10%before tau return on his/her inv tment THE ADDTI'IONA SUBSIDY 1�EDED TO SAVE THE BUILDING The break-even anal is is the fir�t part of the analysis.Nezt,it is necessary w assess what additional subsidy would be if the break�vea rent is higher than the assumed ma�cet rate ren�If ti�e project costs dictate a rent gher than what t�e market is willing to spend,the project would appear to be financially unfeasbl .Since we aze already using some subsidies,this portion of the analysis will tell us what additional sub ' y(above and be��ond a base subsidy)will be naeded to make it work fa an investor. ASSUMPTIO S EQUTTY CONTRIB ON , This analysis assum that the investflr would have to contribute 109b of the rotal project cost�the , remaining costs wo be low-int�est financing and lender financing.It is very probable that,in reality,the � equity contn'bution ould be g�ater.If this is the case,higher-cost financing would replace ba�er�ost equity,this would m ' g the projea more financially workable. RETURN ON TMENT It is assumed that an' vestor needs a minimum of a 104b before tax rewrn on equity invested.For this low rate of a retum,it w d have to be a�med that the return will be enhanced by taac breaks and an annoal increase by the CPI. e project woald also be assumed to be of low risk,i.e.neazly fully-leased before conswction begins. IIVT�REST RATE TERM An 1196 interest rate 'th a 25-year matgage term is assumed TRIPLE NEf RENf OPERAI�IG EXPENSES. All figures presented in this analysu aze based on triple net rent figores.This assames any tenant will pay � the base triple net t to the landlord�d will also pay all other related operating exPenses.The c�eratinS expenses are assum to be$5.00/sf/yr.,half of which would be taxes.The operatu►g expenses w ould be lower than 55.00/s .the first few yea�until the property becomes fully assessed. . LOW IlVTEREST M NEY AVAII.ABIE Commercial use enovation For the purposes of ' analysis,it was assumed there would be$100,000 of 5nancing available az a 29b intere.ct rate if a co rcial renovatio�takes place.It is also assumed that there would be an addidonal - $100,000 available f site acquisi6aa Demolition with onstruction of a new buitding : The only low-intere monies avai7abk for a totally new building is a UDAG low interest loan totalling 10%of project costs.The int�erest rate was assumed at be 29b. Combination com ercial and aputment use renovation Under this scenario, was assumed that there was$300,000 of low interest 2Rb money ava�able.This _ $300,000 is com of$100,000 from commercial rehab money,$100,000 from site acqnisition money • and$100,000 of nt creflits. 16 i � �: ��/�� OTHER COM ENTS The estimated con cdon costs contained in this report have been based on gross areas and unit costs drawn h+om projects similar size and compleaity.Because of the uniqueness of this project and the numerous altcrnativ analyzed,5na1 costing must be done based on a quality survey of detailed plans and specificadons.Exac costs are beyond the scope of[his repoR � Be�a�se most of the tematives discussed in this re�o�t need addidonal subsidy to be�ome financially acceptable,it was ed that the proje�t was almost fully or fully leased prior to construction.Therefore, � there was little ac no money budgeted for the lease-v�paiod,since the tenants wotild start paying rent the day the project is Please refer to d�e a ' for eaact inforn�ation regarding a p�ardculaz use.All land costs,various ' conswction and olition costs,soft costs and fmancing casts are clearly spelled ou�The appendia aLso includes infom�arion garding sources of funds and the debt service related w each. Private develapment f the Mannheimer-Goodkind House provides additional incentives for the developer. This building ly would be eligible for the use of Hist�ric Tax Credits(2096 of the rehabilitation costs)as long as it is used for income-producing purposes and not moved. The Economic Reco ery Act of 1981 allows property owners to take tax deductions far donating easemeau of building facades te�on the National Register.Tbe hist�oric facade easement is a way of protecting an historic building w e p�mitting the owner tv retain possession and use of the structure.The easement must be donated to a non-profit group that agrces to�rve and protect the histacic ekments of the � structure.l This co d yield a tax deduction from 10 to 129b of the value of the building.Two appraisals of � the building,one be conswction and one after,woald be necessary.A grant to the non-profit group would be necessazy insure ade�uate funds to annually inspect the facade.A cash�xoceed could be available to the owner of the 'ding.The exact value of this should be detennined by a taz spe�ialist Pending a possible t case,the IRS has niled that if a facade is donat�d,recapUue of utilized historic tax � caredits is triggere�. ' would be avoide�if the facade were donate�after the 5fth year the historic credits are taken. - If a non-profit corpo 'on porchases the building,the non-prof'it would not have w pay property taxes on the building.Histori tax credits,are not available to a non-profit developer. i �. f 1 The Preservation 'ance of Minnesota is a non-grofit meanbership organization that has qualified to receive historic faca easements 17 t i. a y'�'/'�� � , AL ERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS ALTERNATI ES After tatring the sioe conducting interviews,and analyzing the backgroand information,the consultant team develc�ed the llowing list of altanadves: lA) DEMOLISH EAR PORTION OF THE BUILDII�G �.�iD RENOVATE IN PLACE lA.l RENOVATE FR PORTION OF BUIIDING INPO A 36 BID HOSfEt. 'It�is aloemative wo d leave the building in its present location aad convert it to a 36 bed hostel.The rear portion would be de lished,and the near basement would be ieplaced with a new parking lo�The rear wall would be rebuilt and w stairs installed.The main floor waild be renovated into common area space and one e�ciency a en�The upper two floors would be conve�ted into sleeping and lounge spaces. lA2 RENOVATE FR NT PORTION OF BUII..DING INPO A RESWRCE CFIVTER FOR UNTTED HOSPITAL. This option is very milar to the hostel option in tem►s of what needs to be done for renovation.However, there appears to be v liale demand for a resource center,since United Hospital is already renting units in the neighborhood fo its patients' families.These units are connected by skyway to the hospital and are Pn�grammatically m re desirable than units provided by re-use of the Mannheimer-Goodldnd House. . lA3 BUIL.D-'PO-S OFFICE SPACE FOR PRE-LEASED TE'�1►NTS Undex rhis scenario,'t is ass�uned a single user would buy the bailding,remove the rear portion of the �� building,add parkin in its place and renovate the remaining srucwre for their own�se.Having the spxe completely pre- is much less expensive than building speQilative office space,because it removes the additional monies w pay debt savice and CAM(common area maintenance)charges on unleased space.'The building s small enough to accommodate a single aser.'Ihis user may also own the building. � lA4 RENOVATE B ING llVTO A SPECUI.ATIVE OFFICE PROJECf A speculative office building could also be proposed for this t+mlding.At a very minimum,509b of the , space would have W be pre-leased in order to retain financing.Tbe cost m do such a project is the same as - the above BUII.D- SUTf OFFICE SPACE,with additional moak�needed to cover the lease-up period. - � 1B) RENOVATE RONT PORTION OF BUILDING A.\'D BUII.D A NE�V REAR WING. 1B.1 SIXTY BED H � It is possible to tear ff the rear portion of the building and bm7d a new wing in its place.For historic parposes,the new g would have to architecdually match thz wing that was removed.No additional parking would be 'ble under this scenazio,since the build'mg is not being movefl forward nor is the rear basemeat being rem ved.Code requirements s�ch as rear stair�ays,elevatars,batluooms etc.could be built into[his new rear g.T�e front portion and exterior would b�renovated to their original character, including a new po h and landscaping. 1B2 BUII.D TO S OFFICES 's' This scenazio wail be similar in natare tn the office developmeats mentioned above,eaccept the rear wing � would be rebuil� ' wing would be built on the eusting fo�dadon,prohibiting any additional parking. There are no moni budgeted for the lease-np peaiod,since it is ass�med someone would renovate it for a particalar purpose d move in as soon as it is finished. 1B 3 RFNOVATE T FLOOR ONLY IIV1'Q RETAIL SPACE A\'D ADD A ONE STORY WIIJG IN THE � REAR Unda this scenario the building would be moved farward on t�e site to increase the visbility for a retail use.'Ibe rear tlu�ae- wing would be demolishefl and replaced with a one-swry wing.The first floor of the e��isang buildin would be renovat,ed,but the second and t�ud floors would be left as they are.The exteriar of the bail g would then be renovated.A new parking lot could be added to the rear of the 18 �v -i�5� building.Adding y a aie-story building to the rear of the building may be a problem for historic reasons,since w�e not rebuilding the rear wing to its original specificadons. 2) MOVE THE B DING ON-SITE 2A.RENOVATE FI.00R Wf0 REfAII.,AND ADD APARTMIIVIS ABOVE Under this scenario, rear of the building would be demolished and the remaining building would be . moved t�o the front the lot fa visibility reasons.The f�rst floor would be recwva�ed into 3,370 s.f.of retail space,and d�e two leveLs would be renovate�into four apart�nents.'Ibe rear of the building would be and the new area puned into PazkinB spaces.'It�is sc�azio also assumes the rerail space is fully leased bef construction begins.Cate needs to be given when desgning the porch and the retail space so that signag and window visibility are maintained. 2B.RENOVATE FIAOR INTO RETAII.SPACE AND LEAVE TI�UPPER FIAORS VACANf � 'Ihis alternative is estefl because retail space will rent mare q�ickly and fa a beuer price than either apartments ar offi� .The reaz portion of the building would be demolishe�and the remaining building moved w the fr�ont the site.The rear of the building could then be landscaped and also turned inw parking space.The stairs ' g the uppe,r levels would be removed,and all the space on the fust floor would be utilized f�reta� .The ext�erior of the building would be refurbished and new windows added The building will have appearance of being completely refurbished,but in reality,only the fust floor would be used. 3) ACQUIRE A.\'D MOVE THE BUII.DING TO A NEW SITE If the building wae ved off the site,at least$50,000 would have to be added tn the financial projecdons. In addition,the new tion and siting would have to be evaloated by the SHPO to determine if the house would qualify fac c�redits.Becaose of these problems and since on-site reuse is feasible,the option of moving the to a new site was eliminated as a viable altemative. 4)DEMOLTTIO� aa pAx�rc wrr If the entire building were demolished,the site could become a parking lot with 35 spaces.A curb cut may be necessary from est 7th Street. 4B.BUIID A NEW AII.,BUII.DING ON TI� S1TE If the lot were it would be possible to construct a new building.'ILis building should be built out to the strcet and d retain the exisring characte,r of the neighbahood.'Ibe parking entrance would probably come froo the existing Walnut Street carb cut,and a fiill double row parking lot wo�ild be possible behind the 'ding.The building size would be approximately 4,200 squaze feet It is assumed it would be fully a ost fully leased before conswcdon begins,which is feas�ble considering its small size. 4C.BUIID A NEW ING ON BOrfH Tf� AND DAIRY QU�i STTES If the Mannheimer ding is demolished,it may be possible to buy the Dairy Q�een site,demolish that building and rel the Dairy Queen business inW the new building.This would allow an owner to build a 12,600 square feet " ' g foc retail pmposes.A double inw of parking woald be available behind the building.The exi�a curb cut from Walnot Street would be retained,as coald the eaisting curb cut to the Dairy Queen site West 7th Street.It was assumed that the Dairy Qucea could be pu�hasefl fa� $200,000,and that aew lwilding waild be 5096 pre-leased.This new c�aswction should be sympathetic to tbe ' flavor of West 7th Street architecwre. � 19 �'� -/�� . RECOMME DATIONS After cansideration issues,analysis of the economics and review of the altemadves,the caasultant team racommeads that the City work with the Minnesota Council of the American Youth Hostels Inc.(AYH)to establish a"Superi Hostel in the Mannheimer-Goodkind House, Alternative# lA.l or# 1B.1. The consiiltant�ha met with representatives of the AYH,who have shown significant interest in the : reuse of the the imer-Goo�and House as a hostel. . If this alternative is feasible.the City should consider any of the other altemadves that would maintain the building on d�e te.If no oconanically feasible alcemadves are possble,the City w�l have ro detennine how large an iavest�neat it is willing to make ro save the 6ouse from demolition.As a last ' resort, Alternative ,Dtmolition,may have w be considerefl if the City is�nwilling ro subsidize the reuse or if a�ivate veloper cannot be found who can accomplish reuse without subsidy.If demolidon is considered f�the ture,histaical documentation of the building should be pcepared aocording to Level ' II documentation iards of the Historic American Building S�y(HABS),and filed wit�the Minnesota Historical Society with the Saint Paul Heritage Preservadon Commission. � HOSTEL RENOVATION . , 270 WEST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 3, 37� S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 4, 506 S .F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 4, 506 S.F. , gross new sf = H S.F. I land size = 1�, 2�H S.F. i � TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FU DS COSTS COST� ----------------- -- � BUILDING � Land 11H,000 - i Partial Demo ition 10,0�� 2.22 / S.F. Renovation 225, 300 50.00 / S.F. Porch Renova ion and landscaping 35,00� 7.77 / S .F. Moving build'ng, basement, misc. 0 0.00 / S .F. Fill basemen , paving 20,000 4.44 / S.F. New rear sta' r and rear wall 2�,0�0 4.44 / S.F. New construc ion 0 75.00 / S.F. Misc. Elevat r H 0.00 / S.F. ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- Const. ubtotal 310, 300 68.86 / S.F. Architectura /Engineering 18,024 4.00 / S.F. Soil testing & evironmental 5,00� 1.11 / S.F. Survey 1,00� �.22 / S.F. Sewer and Wa er 3,000 0.67 / S.F. Legal and Ac ounting 5,900 1.11 / S .F. Leasing Fees 0 3.00 / S.F. Marketing 5�0 H.11 / S.F. Misc. costs xeroxing etc) 50� H. 11 / S.F. Development verhead 25,000 5.55 / S.F. Builders Ris 7,000 1.55 / S.F. Furnishings 15,000 2.00 / S.F. Working Capi al 3�,00� 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserve 25,000 10.00 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3,000 0.67 / S.F. Contingency 43,431 5.00� ------------ -- --- Soft co t subtotal 181,455 40.27 / S.F. TOTAL BUILDI G 6H1,755 133.55 / S.F. FINANCING Legal 3,00P1 0.67 / S.F. � Title Insura ce & Closing 684 0.11$ Mortgage Reg stration 1, 554 f3.25$ Construction Interest 18,DJ53 3.QJ0$ Appraisal 2,0100 0.44 / S.F. Mort. Place. fees 12,435 2.00� --------- --------------- TOTAL FINANC NG 37,726 6.27$ --------- --------------- TOTAL APPLIC TION OF FUNDS 639,481 141.92 / S.F. GELDERMAN 1A. 1 2� R E - _ E 5 T A T E � �_ � �� KOSTE� RE�OVATION 270 WEST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. . market NNN rent = $18.00 /s . f. add. subsidy needed = 4, 799 MAR. 8, 1990 � SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVE�v ANALYSIS TRIPLE NET �" INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED � --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- ' EQUITY 1PJ. 00� 0 63,948 6, 395 � ACQUISITI N 2.P10$ 25 10R1,BHP1 5, 122 ; COMM. RE B. 2.0l�$ 25 100,H0H 5, 122 � f �PT. CRED T 2.R1P1$ 25 0 0 LENDER FI . 11.0PJ$ 25 375, 533 44, 591 --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- � 639,481 61, 23P1 18. 17 ADDITION�L SUBSIDY NEEDED MARKET E TRIPLE ; INT. YEARLY NET ` SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT RENT ��������� �� ����� ����� �������� �������� �������� F. EQUITY 1l3.0Q!$ 0 63,948 6, 395 f ACQUISITI N 2.0fd$ 25 1Q10,H00 5,122 CONIl�I. REH B. 2.00$ 25 lOPJ,9�0 5, 122 � APT. CRED T 2..PJf�$ 25 0 0 � LENDER FI . 11.PJ0$ 25 370, 734 44,021 `- SUBSIDY 4,799 + �������� �� ����� ����� �������� �������� �������� t. 0 6Pl,66P� 18.0�d ` � 4 i � i i j � � tr L T : :i t € e E i t �: �`' l' i !. i f i i GELDER ,`tAN tA. T 22 � K E A L E S " � T E 4 � F UNITED HOSPITAL VZ ITOR ROOMS � 270 WEST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 4,5H6 S .F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 4, 506 S .F. gross new sf = 0 S.F. land size = 10, 200 S.F. TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FUN S COSTS COST BUILDING . Land 110, 0�0 - Partial Demol tion 10,00� 2.22 / S.F. ' Renovation 225, 30� 50.00 / S.F. ' Porch Renovat on and landscaping 35,00� 7.77 / S.F. Moving buildi g, basement, misc. 8 O.HH / S.F. Fill basement paving 20,000 4.44 / S.F. New rear stai and rear wall 20, 000 4.44 / S.F. New construct on Q 75.00 / S.F. Misc. Elevato B 0. �0 / S.F. ------------- ----------- --------- --------------- � Const. s btotal 310, 3HII 68.86 / S.F. � Architectural Engineering 18,024 4.00 / S.F. : Soil testing evironmental 5, 000 1 . 11 / S.F. Survey 1,00Q 0.22 / S.F. Sewer and Wat r 3, 09Q 0.67 / S.F. Legal and Acc unting 5,00Q 1.11 / S.F. ' Leasing Fees 0 3.00 / S.F. Marketing 500 0.11 / S.F. � Misc. costs ( eroxing etc) 500 0. 11 / S.F. Development erhead 25,005 5. 55 / S.F. Builders Risk 7,H00 1 .55 / S.F. Furnishings 15,00H 2.00 / S.F. � Working Capit 1 30, 0H9 5.60 / S.F. Debt Reserve 25,00� 10.0� / S .F. Tax Reserve 3, 00� 0.67 / S.F. ` Contingency 43,431 5.0P1$ ------------- ----------- --------- --------------- Soft cos subtotal 181,455 4H.27 / S.F. � --------- --------------- � TOTAL BUILDIN 601, 755 133.55 / S.F. FINANCING ; Legal 3,000 �1.67 / S.F. � Title Insuran e & Closing 684 0.11� ' Mortgage Regi tration 1, 554 P1. 25$ � � Construction nterest 18,053 3.00$ Appraisal 2, 000 Q1.44 / S.F. Mort. Place. ees 12,435 2.00$ --------- --------------- TOTAL FINANCI G 37,726 6.27$ � TOTAL APPLICA ION OF FUNDS 639,481 141.92 / S.F. GELDERMAN �A.. 2 23 R E A L E S T A T E i r � UNITED HOSPITAL V SITOR ROOMS 270 WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. MAR. 8, 199P1 SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVEN ANALYSI TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY lfd. 00� 0 63, 948 6, 395 ACQUISIT ON 2.0P1$ 25 100,D100 5, 122 COMM. RE B. 2. O�J� 25 1�10,000 5, 122 APT. CRE IT 2.00$ 25 0 Q! LENDER F N. 11 .0f�� 25 375, 533 44, 591 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 639,481 61, 230 18. 17 GELDERMAN 1A. 2 24 R E A L E S T A T E BUILD TO SUIT OFFI E - RENOVATZON OF THREE FLOORS � M 270 WEST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 4, 506 S .F. � MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 4, 506 S.F. gross new sf = 0 S.F. land size = 10, 200 S.F. TOTAL UNIT � APPLICATION OF FUN S COSTS COST BUILDING i � Land 110,0fd0 - ; I t Partial Demol tion 10,�lQ10 2.22 / S.F. � Renovation 225, 300 5P1.00 / S.F. i Porch Renovat on and landscaping 35,000 7.77 / S .F. I Moving buildi g, basement, misc. 0 0. 0H / S.F. i � Fill basement paving 20,0P1P1 4.44 / S.F. , � New rear stai and rear wall 20, 000 4.44 / S.F. i New construct on PI 75.00 / S.F. � Misc. Elevato 50 000 11 .10 S F i ------------- ----------- -----�--- ---------/----- i Const. s btotal 360, 300 79.96 / S.F. ' Architectural Engineering 18,024 4.ld0 / S.F. ; ; Soil testing evironmental 5,000 1 . 11 / S.F. Survey 1,000 0. 22 / S.F. Sewer and Wat r 3,000 0.67 / S.F. Legal and Acc unting 5,000 1.11 / S.F. Leasing Fees 0 3.00 / S.F. Marketing SPJH R1.11 / S.F. Misc. costs ( eroxing etc) 500 0. 11 / S.F. ! � Development O erhead 25,000 5. 55 / S.F. ' j Builders Risk 7,PJ0f� 1 . 55 / S.F. ' Free Rent 0 2.00 / S.F. ; CAM Reserve 0 5.00 / S.F. j Debt Reserve fd 10.HP1 / S.F. ` ' Tax Reserve 3, 000 �J.67 / S.F. ' . Contingency 44,931 5.00$ ; ------------ ----------- --------- --------------- ; . Soft cos subtotal 112,955 25.07 / S.F. � = --------- --------------- I ' TOTAL BUILDIN 583,255 129.44 / S.F. � , FINANCING Legal 3,00RJ 0.67 / S.F. • Title Insuran e & Closing 664 0. 11$ i Mortgage Regi tration 1, 508 0. 25$ Construction nterest 17,498 3.QJ0$ Appraisal 2,f�00 0.44 / S.F. Mort. Place. ees 12,065 2.00� --------- --------------- TOTAL FINANCI G 36,734 6.3�!$ --------- --------------- TOTAL APPLICA ION OF FUNDS 619,990 137.59 / S.F. GELDERMAN �A. 3 25 R =_ > L E S T A T E . � . BUILD TO SUIT FFICE - RENOVATION OF THREE FLOORS 270 WEST 7TH TREET rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. ' market NNN rent = $7.00 /s.f. add. subsidy needed = 297,809 MAR. 8, 1990 � ISOURCES OF FU S i BREAKEVEN AN SIS TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURC RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED ----- ------ ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUIT 1�.00$ 0 61,999 6, 20QJ � ACQUI ITION 2.!3R!$ 25 100,000 5, 122 CONIl�I. REHAB. 2.P10$ 25 100,000 5, 122 APT. REDIT 2.00$ 25 0 0 LENDE FIN. ll .�d0� 25 357,991 42, 508 ----- ------ ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- � 619,990 58,952 17.49 ADDiTIONAL SUB IDY NEEDED TRIPLE � NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURC RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED ----- ------ ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- � EQUI 1P1.00$ 0 61, 999 6, 200 ' ACQUI ITION 2.00$ 25 1013,000 5, 122 � COMM. REHAB. 2.Q10$ 25 100,0HP! 5, 122 APT. REDIT 2.00$ 25 �! 0 � :� LENDE FIN. 11 .H0$ 25 60, 182 7, 146 ;: SUBSI Y 297,8P19 =� ----- ------ ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- � P1 23, 590 7.H0 ? _. T f. 7 i. ; � (. � �. GELDER :�1AN �A. 3 26 R E A L E : A T E r� f' �J '�� v ` 27H'WEST 7TH STR ET rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 4, 506 S.F. MAR. 1, 199H gross renov. sf = 4,SP16 S.F. gross new sf = 0 S.F. land size = 10, 200 S.F. � TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF F NDS COSTS COST ---------------- --- --------- --------------- BUILDING Land 110, �00 - � Partial Dem lition 16,000 2.22 / S.F. ; Renovation 225, 3P10 50.00 / S.F. � Porch Renov tion and landscaping 35, 0HDJ 7.77 / S.F. Moving buil ing, basement, misc. H 0.0R! / S.F. , Fill baseme t, paving 20,000 4.44 / S.F. � New rear st ir and rear wall 20, 0H0 4.44 / S.F. � New constru tion 0 75.00 / S.F. ; Misc. Eleva r 50, 000 11 .10 / S.F. ' ----------- ------------- --------- --------------- � Const. subtotal 36fd, 300 79.96 / S.F. Architectur 1/Engineering 18,�J24 4.P10 / S.F. Soil testing & evironmental 5,H00 1 .11 / S.F. Survey 1, Q06 0.22 / S.F. Sewer and W er 6,0HPJ 1 .33 / S.F. Legal and A counting 5.000 1.11 / S.F. Leasing Fees 10, 110 3.00 / S.F. Marketing 50H 0.11 / S.F. Misc. costs (xeroxing etc) 500 P1. 11 / S.F. ' Development verhead 25,90QJ 5.55 / S.F. Builders Ris 7,H00 1. 55 / S.F. Free Rent 6,74D1 2.90 / S.F. ; CAM Reserve 16, 850 5.00 / S.F. ; Debt Reserve 33,7PJ0 1�1.00 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3, H00 Ql.67 / S.F. Contingency 48,451 5.00$ ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- Soft co t subtotal 186, 875 41.47 / S.F. i � --------- --------------- j TOTAL BUILDI G 657, 175 145.84 / S.F. � � FINANCING i Legal 3, E�1P1 RJ.67 / S.F. � Title Insura ce & Closing 745 0.11$ Mortgage Reg' stration 1,693 0. 25$ Construction Interest 19, 715 3.0P1$ Appraisal 2, H60 P1.44 / S.F. j Mort. Place. fees 13,544 2.0R1$ I --------- --------------- � TOTAL FINANC NG 40,697 9.f�3 / S.F. --------- --------------- --------- --------------- . GELDERMAN �A 4 2� R E A L E S T A T : SPECULATIVE OFFICE LTSE - RENOVATION OF ALL THREE FLOORS �70 WFST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. market NNN rent = $7.0� /s .f. add. subsidy needed = 374,462 MAR. 1, 1990 SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS TRIPLE :�TE T INT. YEARLY R�TT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- E4UITY 1P1.00$ 0 69, 787 6,979 ACQUISITI N 2.00$ 25 100,�lR10 5,122 CONINI. RE B. 2.00$ 25 1R10,R100 5, 122 APT. CRED T 2.00$ 25 0 0 � LENDER FI . 11 .00$ 25 428,085 5P1, 831 .. --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- : 697,872 68,P154 2P1. 19 ; ADDiTIONAL SUBSIDY NEEDED TRIPLE h'EZ' INT. YEARLY R�T�VT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT 2.`�'EDED --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- ; EQUITY 1P1.PJ0$ P1 69, 787 6,979 ACQUISITI N 2.00$ 25 10Q,f�0f� 5, 122 COMM. RE B. 2.fdfd$ 25 lfd0,00DJ 5, 122 APT. CRED T 2.00$ 25 D1 f� LENDER FI . ll .fd0$ 25 53,623 6, 367 SUBSIDY 374,462 � -------- - ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- i f� 23, 59R1 7.fdfd , s i i � � :. � GELDERMAN ` 1 A.4 28 i R E A L E S T A T E � i HOSTEL RENOVATION INCLUDES REBUILDING REAR WING 270 WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 6, 370 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 7,824 S.F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 4,506 S.F. gross new sf = 3, 318 S.F. land size = 1P1, 200 S.F. , TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FU DS COSTS COST ; ----------------- -- --------- - � BUILDING Land 110,P10H - ' � � Partial Demo ition 10,000 1.28 / S.F. � Renovation 225, 300 50.0� / S.F. � Porch Renova ion and landscaping 35,000 4.47 / S .F. ? � Moving build'ng, basement, misc. 0 P1.P1D1 / S.F. Fill basemen , paving 0 0.00 / S.F. ; ' New rear sta' r and rear wall 0 P1. Q� / S.F. New construc ion 248,8501 75.00 / S.F. i Misc. Elevat r SPJ,00PJ 6. 39 / S.F. i � ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- i Const. ubtotal 569, 15D1 72.74 ; S.F. � � Architectura /Engineering 31, 296 4.00 j S.F. i Soil testing & evironmental 5,H00 P1.64 ; S.F. � Survey 1,000 0.13 f S .F. Sewer and Wa er 3,0f00 0. 38 / S.F. Legal and Ac ounting 5,�J00 P1.64 / S.F. Leasing Fees P! 3.0PJ / S.F. ' Marketing 500 H.ld6 / S.F. „ Misc. costs xeroxing etc) 500 Q1.06 J S.F. Development verhead 25,000 3.20 / S.F. ' Builders Ris 7,�10Q! 0.89 / S.F. Furnishings 30,�JP10 2.00 / S.F. i Working Capi al 40,00H 5.PlP! / S.F. Debt Reserve 35,000 10.00 f S.F. '� Tax Reserve 3,000 0. 38 / S.F. � ; Contingency 71,730 5.00$ ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- ' Soft co t subtotal 258,026 32.98 / S.F. --------- --------------- ; TOTAL BUILDI G 937, 176 119.78 / S.F. FINANCING Legal 3, P100 0. 38 / S.F. Title Insura ce & Closing 1,053 �1.11$ Mortgage Reg stration 2, 393 0. 25$ Construction Interest 28, 115 3.0�1$ Appraisal 2,000 �J. 26 / S.F. Mort. Place. fees 19, 144 2.0�1� --------- --------------- TOTAL FINANC NG 55,705 5.94$ TOTAL APPLIC TION OF FUNDS 992,880 126.90 / 5.F. GELDERMAN 18. � 29 1 E A L E S T A T E > HOSTEL RENOVATION INCLUDES REBUILDING REAR WING b270 '�TEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 6, 37PJ S.F. market NNN rent = $16.00 /s .f. . add. subsidy needed = 5, 139 MAR. 8, 199Q! SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVEN ANALYSI TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- E4UITY 10.00$ �J 99, 288 9,929 ACQUISIT ON 2.Q10$ 25 100,0PlP! 5, 122 COMM. RE B. 2.PJ�1� 25 150,00Q1 5, 122 APT. CRE IT 2.00$ 25 0 0 LENDER F N. 11 .00� 25 693, 592 82, 357 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 992, 880 102, 530 16. 10 ADDITIONAL SUBSID NEEDED MARKET TRIPLE INT. YEARLY NET SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT RENT -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY lfd.00� Q! 99, 288 9,929 ACQUISIT ON 2.P1P!$ 25 1�10,PJPJQI 5, 122 COMM. RE B. 2.0QJ$ 25 1H0,0QJ0 5, 122 ; APT. CRE IT 2.H0$ 25 P! 0 LENDER F N. 11 .00$ 25 688, 453 81, 747 SUBSIDY 5, 139 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- P1 101,920 16.00 � GELDERMAN � �. � 30 R E A L ; � T A T E BUILD TO SUZT OFF CE - RENOVATION OF THREE FLOORS and REBUILD REAR 1 � 270 WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 6, 370 S .F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 7,824 S.F. i MAR. 8, 199H gross renov. sf = 4,506 S.F. i gross new sf = 3, 318 S.F. i i land size = 10, 200 S.F. I i TOTAL UNIT I APPLICATION OF FU DS ____COSTS - COST � ----------------- -- -------------- i BUILDING j Land 11�,00� - I � Partial Demo ition 10,000 1 .28 / S.F. Renovation 225, 30H 50.00 / S.F. Porch Renova ion and landscaping 35,000 4.47 / S.F. Moving build ng, basement, misc. 0 0.�0 / S.F. Fill basemen , paving 0 0.�0 / S.F. New rear sta r and rear wall � 0.00 / S.F. New construc ion 248,850 75.0� / S.F. Misc. Elevat r SH,0�0 6. 39 / S.F. ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- Const. ubtotal 569, 150 72.74 / S.F. Architectura /Engineering 31, 296 4.0� / S.F. Soil testing & evironmental 5,000 0.64 / S.F. Survey 1,000 0.13 / S.F. Sewer and Wa er 3, ��� 0. 38 / S.F. Legal and Ac ounting 5,00H 0.64 / S.F. Leasing Fees 0 3.00 / S.F. Marketing 500 0.66 / S.F. Misc. costs xeroxing etc) 500 0.06 / S.F. Develop�ent verhead 25,000 3.20 / S.F. Builders Ris 7,00� 0.89 / S.F. Free Rent H 2.00 / S.F. CAM Reserve 0 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserve 0 10.00 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3, 000 0. 38 / S.F. Contingency 66,480 5.00$ Soft co t subtotal 147,776 18.89 / S.F. � --------- --------------- TOTAL BUILDI G 826,926 105.69 / S.F. FINANCING Legal 3,HP��1 �. 38 / S.F. i Title Insura ce & Closing 932 fd.11$ Mortgage Reg'stration 2, 117 �1. 25� Construction Interest 24,808 3.06$ Appraisal 2, 00P1 0.26 / S.F. Mort. Place. fees 16,939 2.00$ --------- --------------- TOTAL FZNANC NG 49,795 6.P12$ --------- --------------- TOTAL APPLIC TION OF FUNDS 876,721 112.06 / S.F. ------- --------------- GELDERMA '� �B. 2 3� R E A L E S T � ' E BUILD TO SUIT OFFI E - RENOVATION OF THREE FLOORS 3nd REBUILD REAR / �70 WEST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 6, 3�� S.F. market NNN rent = $7.�� /s . f. add. subsidy needed = 373, 632 MAR. 8, 1990 SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMEN^ NEEDED --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- E4UITY 1P1.00$ 0 87,672 8, 76- ACQUISITI N 2.00$ 25 1Q10,000 5, 122 CONIl�I. RE . 2.0P!$ 25 lfd0,000 5, 122 APT. CRED T 2.00$ 25 0 � LENDER FI . 11 .Q10$ 25 589,049 69, 9G= --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 876,721 88,95� 13.96 ADDITIONAL SUBSIDY NEEDED TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMELv"" NEEDED --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY lfd.P!H$ 0 87,672 8, 7E- ACQUISITI N 2.00$ 25 1�lfd,0�0 5, 122 COMM. RE B. 2.00$ 25 1�1PJ,0PJ0 5, 122 APT. CRED T 2.00$ 25 0 � LENDER FI . 11 .00$ 25 215,417 25,5�9 SUBSIDY 373,632 --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 0 44, 59� 7.00 GELDERMAN �8. 2 32 R E A L E 5 T A T E RETAIL - RENOVATE FIRST FLOOR AND ADD A ONE STORY WING IN THE REAR 27H WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 2,600 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 2,600 S.F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 1,500 S.F. gross new sf = 1, 100 S.F. i � land size = 1H, 20H S.F. � TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FU DS COSTS COST � ----------------- -- --------- --------------- BUILDING Land 11�,000 - Partial Demo ition 1H,000 3.85 / S .F. Renovation 75,000 50.H0 / S.F. Porch Renova ion and landscaping 35,000 13.46 / S.F. Moving building, basement, misc. 30,00� 11. 54 / S.F. Fill basemen , paving 0 0.00 / S.F. New rear stair and rear wall 10,000 3.85 / S.F. New construc ion 82,500 75.00 / S.F. Misc. Elevat r � 0.00 / S.F. ------------------------- --------- --------------- Const. s btotal 242, 500 93. 27 / S.F. Architectural/Engineering 10,400 4.60 / S.F. Soil testing eviron.�ental 5,000 1.92 / S.F. Survey 1,000 0.38 / S.F. Sewer and Wat r 3,00� 1. 15 / S.F. Legal and Acc unting 5,H00 1.92 / S.F. Leasing Fees 0 3.0H / S.F. Marketing 500 0.19 / S.F. Misc. costs ( eroxing etc) 500 0. 19 / S.F. Development erhead 25,000 9.62 / S.F. Builders Risk 7,000 2.69 / S.F. Free Rent 0 2.00 / S.F. CAM Reserve 0 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserve 0 10.H0 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3,000 1 .15 / S.F. Contingency 32,770 5.00$ ------------- ----------- --------- --------------- Soft cos subtotal 93, 170 35.83 / S.F. --------- --------------- TOTAL BUILDIN 445,670 171.41 f S.F. FINANCING Legal 3,005 1.15 / S.F. Title Insuran e & Closing 512 0.11$ Mortgage Regi tration 1, 164 fd.25$ Construction nterest 13, 370 3.�10� Appraisal 2,00H PJ.77 / S.F. Mort. Place. ees 9, 313 2.Q10$ --------- --------------- TOTAL FINANCI G 29, 366 6.59$ --------- --------------- TOTAL APPLICA ION OF FUNDS 475 030 182.70 S.F. GELDERMAN 18. 3 33 i E A L E S T A T E I RETAIL — RENOVATE IRST FLOOR AND ADD A ONE STORY WING IN THE REAR �70 W�ST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 2,600 S.F. market NNN rent = $10.00 /s.f. add. subsidy needed = 134, 840 MAR. 8, 1990 I I �'� SOURCES OF FUNDS � �' BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS TRIPLE NET i INT. YEARLY RENT ! � SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED � � --------- -- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- ' ' E4UITY lfd.�P1� 0 47,503 4, 75fd ; ACQUISITI N 2.00$ 25 10f�,000 5, 122 �,` � CONII�I. RE B. 2.fd0$ 25 1H0,000 5. 122 APT. CRE IT 2.00$ 25 g � LENDER FI . 11 .0R1$ 25 22�. 52� 2���J1� I ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- � ---------- i 475,03PJ 42, Q11 16. 16 � ADDITIONAL SUBSID NEEDED TRIPLE NET I INT. YEARLY RENT I SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED ' --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- i ' E4UI� 1�.8�$ P1 47, 503 4, 750 r � � ! AC4UISIT ON 2.0P1$ 25 100,00P1 5, 122 , � COMM. RE B. 2.00� 25 lfdl�,PJPJ�J 5, 122 ; APT. CRE IT 2.0f�$ 25 � � : LENDER F N. 11 .P1f3$ 25 92,686 11,006 F SUBSIDY 134,840 r -------- - - ---- ----- -------- -------- -------- � -- Q! 26.P10P! 10.00 � �. i i i ; i I i I � 4 r. Ir � � t { f.. ( i C i � r GELDERMAN �B3 34 ' R E �i . E S T A T E � t RETAIL 1ST FL. & OUR APTS. ABOVE - RENOVATION 270 WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 4, 506 S.F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 4,506 S.F. gross new sf = 0 S.F. land size = 1�, 2H0 S.F. TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FU DS COSTS COST ----------------- -- --------- --------------- BUILDING Land 110,00� - Partial Demo ition 10,00H 2.22 / S.F. Renovation 225, 3�� 50.00 / S.F. Porch Renova ion and landscaping 35,000 7.77 / S.F. Moving build' ng, basement, misc. 3H, 000 6.66 / S.F. Fill basemen , paving 2�,0�0 4.44 / S.F. New rear sta' r and rear wall 20,000 4.44 / S.F. New construc ion 0 75.00 / S.F. Misc. Elevat r � 0.00 / S.F. ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- Const. ubtotal 340, 300 75.52 / S.F. Architectura /Engineering 18,�24 4.00 / S.F. Soil testing & evironmental 5,000 1 . 11 / S.F. Survey 1,000 0.22 / S.F. Sewer and Wa er 3, 00� 0.67 / S.F. Legal and Ac ounting 5,000 1.11 / S.F. Leasing Fees 0 3.00 / S.F. Marketing 500 0.11 / S.F. Misc. costs (xeroxing etc) 500 0. 11 / S.F. Development erhead 25,000 5.55 / S.F. Builders Risk 7,00� 1 .55 / S.F. Free Rent 0 2.06 / S.F. CAM Reserve � 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserve � 10..00 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3,00H 0.67 / S.F. Contingency 42,931 5.0H$ ------------- ----------- --------- --------------- Soft cos subtotal 110,955 24.62 / S.F. --------- --------------- TOTAL BUILDIN 561, 255 124.56 / S.F. , FINANCING Legal 3,00�1 0.67 / S.F. Title Insuran e & Closing 639 0.11� Mortgage Regi tration 1,453 0.25$ Construction nterest 16,838 3.0ld$ Appraisal 2,000 6.44 / S.F. Mort. Place. ees 11,625 2.0DJ$ --------- --------------- ; TOTAL FINANCI G 35, 555 6.33� ; TOTAL APPLICA ION OF FUNDS 596,81Q1 132.45 / S.F. ; GELDERti1 :� N ! 2A 3= R E A L E 5 ' - T E ' RETAIL 1ST FL. � UR APTS . ABOVE - RENOVATION I '270 �VEST 7TH STRE T ' rentable sq. feet = 3, 370 S.F. � market NNN rent = $6.4H /s.f. j add. subsidy needed = 235, 161 ; MAR. 8, 199Q � I SOURCES OF FUNDS � BREAKEVEN ANALYSI TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY 10.00$ 0 59,681 5,968 ACQUISZ`?' ON 2.00$ 25 100,�PJO 5,122 CON1Ni. R.E B. 2. PJ0$ 25 1RJ�J, �!00 5, 122 APT. CRE IT 2.P1P1$ 25 1QlQI,0ld0 5, 122 LENDER F _ . 11 .P1P1$ 25 237,129 28, 157 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 596,810 49,491 14.69 ADDITIONAL SUBSID NEEDED TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY 10.00$ R1 59,681 5,968 ACQUISIT ON 2.00$ 25 10Q1,00P1 5,122 COMM. RE B. 2.!30$ 25 1QJ0,000 5, 122 APT. CRE IT 2.fd0$ 25 100,0PJ0 5,122 LENDER F N. ll .fd0$ 25 1, 969 234 SUBSIDY 235,161 0 21,568 6.4fd GELDERMAN 2A 36 R E A L E S T A T E TO SUIT RETA L - RENOVATION OF FIRST FLOOR AND EXTERIOR 270 wEST 7TH STREE rentable sq. feet = 1,5H0 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 1, 506 S .F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 1,5II0 S.F. gross new sf = P1 S.F. , land size = 10, 200 S.F. TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FU S COSTS COST BUILDING Land 110,00�J - � Partial Demolition 10,00fd 6.67 / S.F. Renovation 75,000 50.00 / S .F. Porch Renova ion and landscaping 35,PJ00 23. 33 / S.F. Moving building, basement, misc. 30,00Q1 20. 80 / S.F. � Fill basemen , paving 20,000 13. 33 / S.F. ' New rear stair and rear wall 10,0P10 6.67 / S.F. New construc ion 0 75.00 / S.F. - Misc. Elevat r 0 0. �0 / S.F. ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- Const. ubtotal 180,�l0P1 120. 00 / S.F. � Architectura /Engineering 6,0P10 4.Q0 / S.F. Soil testing & evironmental 5,000 3. 33 / S.F. Survey 1,000 H.67 / S.F. . Sewer and Wa er 3,000 2.90 / S.F. ! Legal and Ac ounting S,fdOR! 3. 33 / S.F. ; Leasing Fees 0 3.0II / S.F. Marketing 560 �. 33 / S.F. Misc. costs (xerozing etc) 500 0. 33 / S.F. Develop�nent verhead 25,00�! 16.67 / S.F. Builders Ris 7,001d 4.67 / S.F. _ Free Rent PJ 2.HH / S .F. CAM Reserve 0 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserve �1 10.H0 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3,P10P! 2.HP1 / S.F. Contingency 26, 3H0 5.00$ ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- ; Soft co t subtotal 82, 30D1 54.87 / S.F. ! --------- --------------- ; TOTAL BUILDI G 372,300 248.2H / S.F. ; � ; FINANCING Legal 3,00P! 2.R0 / S.F. : Title Insura ce & Closing 432 0.11$ ! Mortgage Reg'stration 981 PJ.25� ` Construction Interest 11, 169 3.Q0� Appraisal 2,06PJ 1.33 / S.F. •` Mort. Place. fees 7,846 2.00$ ; TOTAL FINANC NG 25,427 6.83$ ; --------- --------------- � TOTAL APPLIC TION OF FUNDS 397,727 265.15 / S.F. � ; GELDERMAN 2� ;7 = R E A L E S T A T E t � BUILD TO SUIT RET IL - RENOVATION OF FIRST FLOOR AND EXTERIOR 270 WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 1, 500 S.F. market D7!d`r' rent = $10.00 /s.f. add. subsidy needed = 151, 397 MAR. 8, 1990 SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVEN ANALYSI TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY 1fd.H0$ � 39, 773 3,977 ACQUISIT ON 2.00$ 25 100,000 5, 122 COMM. RE AB. 2.00$ 25 100,000 5, 122 APT. CRE IT 2.fd0$ 25 0 0 LENDER F N. 11 .60$ 25 157,955 18, 756 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 397, 727 32,977 21 .98 ADDITIONAL SUBSID NEEDED TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY 10.�J0$ 0 39, 773 3,977 - ACQUISITION 2.R!0$ 25 1�l0,P1PJ0 5, 122 CONII�I. RE AB. 2.0P!$ 25 100,000 5, 122 APT. CRE IT 2.fd0$ 25 0 P1 LENDER FIN. 11 .0QJ� 25 6,558 779 -- SUBSIDY 151, 397 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- fd 15,000 10.H0 GELDERMAN 2B 38 R = L E S T A T E PARKIVG LOT . � 270 WEST 7TH ST ET rentable sq. feet = 0 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 0 S.F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 0 S.F. gross new sf = 0 S.F. land size = 10, 2fd0 S.F. TOTAL APPL;CATION OF F NDS COSTS BUILDING Land 11Ql,00Q1 Partial Dem lition 1Q1,fd00 Renovation 0 Porch Renov tion and landscaping 0 �oving buil ing, basement, misc. 0 Fill baseme t, paving 30,0P10 tiTew rear st ir and rear wall 0 �ew constru tion 0 _�"isc. Eleva or 0 ----------- ------------- --------- Const. subtotal 40,000 Architectur 1/Engineering 1,R100 Soil testin & evironmental 5,0f�0 Survey 1,0PJ6 Sewer and W ter 0 L�egal and A counting 2,PJ00 Leasing Fee 0 �iarketing 500 *iisc. costs (xeroxing etc) 5fdPJ Development Overhead 2,000 Builders Ri k 1,00H Free Rent 0 CAM Reserve 5,000 Debt Reserv 1�1,P10P1 Tax Reserve 2, 0QJ0 Contingency 0 ----------- ------------- --------- Soft c st subtotal 30,Rl0Q TOTAL BUILD NG 18fd,�l00 FINAIvCING Legal 1,00Q1 ?'itle Insur nce & Closing 2P1f� '�`ortgage Re istration 500 Constructio Interest 0 Appraisal P1 '�ort. Place fees 4,000 TOTAL FINAN ING 5,700 ':OTAL APPLI ATION OF FUNDS 185 700 GELDERMAN 4A 39 R E A L E � T A T E G�- /ul�� i . . PARKING LOT � 270 WEST 7TH STRE T i � � MAR. 8, 199P1 ! SOURCES OF FUNDS i ; BREAKEVEN ANALYSI � I INT. YEARLY ' SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT -------- ----- ----- -------- -------- i EQUITY 10.0Q1� 0 18,570 1,857 ACQUISIT ON 2 .Q10� 25 P! 6 COMM. RE B. 2.00$ 25 0 D APT. CRE IT 2.0QJ$ 25 �J Q LENDER F N. 11.00� 25 167, 1301 19,845 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- 185,70f� 21,702 I GELDERMAN 4A 40 R E A L E 5 T A T _ _ � DEMOLITION - BUI D �EW BUILDING 270 WEST 7TH STR ET rentable sq. feet = 4, 200 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 4, 2H0 S.F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = � S .F. gross new sf = 4, 2H0 S.F. land size = 10, 200 S.F. TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF F NDS COSTS COST ---------------- --- --------- --------------- BUILDING Land 11�,000 - Demolition 1H,000 2.38 / S.F. Renovation � 50.H0 / S.F. Porch Renov tion and landscaping 0 0.00 / S.F. Moving buil ing, basement, misc. 0 0.00 / S.F. Fill baseme t, paving 10,g00 2.38 / S.F. New rear st ir and rear wall 0 6.00 / S.F. New constru tion 252,�00 60.00 / S.F. Misc. Eleva or 0 0.00 / S.F. ----------- ------------- --------- --------------- Const. subtotal 272,000 64.76 / S.F. Architectur 1/Engineering 16,800 4.�0 / S.F. Soil testin & evironmental 5,000 1 .19 / S.F. Survey 1,000 s.24 / S.F. Sewer and W ter 3, 000 Q.71 / S.F. Legal and A counting 5,000 1 .19 / S.F. Leasing Fee 0 3.H� / S.F. Marketing 500 H.12 / S.F. Misc. costs (xeroxing etc) 500 H. 12 / S.F. Develop�nent Overhead 25,00H 5.95 / S.F. Builders Ri k 3, 0�� H. 71 / S.F. Free Rent 10,000 2.00 / S.F. CAM Reserve 5,000 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserv 1�,000 10.�0 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3,000 0. 71 / S.F. Contingency 37,090 5.00$ ----------- ------------- --------- --------------- Soft c st subtotal 124,890 29.74 / S.F. --------- --------------- TOTAL BUILD NG 5�6,890 120.69 / S.F. FINANCING Legal 3, 000 P1.71 / S.F. Title Insur nce & Closing 580 0.11$ Mortgage Re istration 1, 317 0. 25$ Constructi Interest 15, 207 3.PJ0$ Appraisal 2,00PJ 0.48 / S.F. Mort. Place. fees 10, 538 2.00$ --------- --------------- TOTAL FIN CING 32,641 6.44$ --------- --------------- TOTAL APPL CATICN OF FUNDS 539,531 128.46 / S.F. -------- --------------- GELDERMAN 4B 4t R E A L E S T A T E _� DEMOLITION - BUIL NEW BUILDING 270 �EST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 4, 200 S.F. market NNN rent = $11.00 /s .f. add. subsidy needed = 111, 252 MAR. 8, 1990 SOURCES OF FUNDS BREAKEVEN ANALYSI TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY 10. 00$ PJ 53, 953 5, 395 UDAG 2.00� 25 53,953 2,764 COMM. RE B. 2.00$ 25 P1 0 APT. CRE IT 2.P10$ 25 0 fd LENDER F N. 11.0Q$ 25 431,625 51, 251 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 539,531 59,410 14. 15 ADDITIONAL SUBSID NEEDED TRIPLE NET INT. YEARLY RENT SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- EQUITY 1�1.00$ 0 53,953 5, 395 ACQUISIT ON 2.00� 25 53,953 2,764 CONIl�S. RE B. 2.0�d$ 25 0 RJ APT. CRE IT 2.00$ 25 QJ 0 LENDER F N. 11 .00$ 25 32f�, 373 38,041 SUBSIDY 111, 252 -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- 0 46, 200 11.H0 GELDERMAN 4R 42 � E A l E S T A T E / DE�OLITION - BUIL NEW RETAIL ON MANNHEIMER AND DAIRY QUEEN SITE 27Q WEST 7TH STRE T rentable sq. feet = 12,600 S.F. USES OF FUNDS gross sq. feet = 12,600 S.F. MAR. 8, 1990 gross renov. sf = 0 S.F. gross new sf = 12,600 S.F. land size = 25,800 S.F. TOTAL UNIT APPLICATION OF FU DS COSTS COST BUILDING Land 300,0H0 - Demolition 15,0�0 1.19 / S.F. Renovation 0 5�.0� / S.F. , Porch Renova ion and landscaping 0 0.00 / S.F. Moving build ng, basement, misc. 0 0.00 / S.F. Fill basemen , paving 15,�00 1.19 / S.F. New rear sta r and rear wall 0 0.00 / S.F. ; New construc ion 630,000 50.00 / S.F. Misc. Elevat r � 0.00 / S.F. ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- Const. ubtotal 660, �00 52. 38 / S.F. Architectura /Engineering 25, 200 2.05 / S.F. Soil testing & evironmental 5,000 �.4� / S.F. Survey 1,000 0.08 / S.F. Sewer and Wa er 6,000 �.48 / S.F. Legal and Ac ounting 5,00H 0.4� / S.F. � Leasing Fees 0 3.00 / S.F. Marketing 50� �.�4 / S.F. Misc. costs xeroxing etc) 500 0.04 / S.F. ` DeveloFxnent verhead 25,000 1.98 / S.F. Builders Ris 3,000 0. 24 / S.F. Free Rent 20,H00 2.0� / S.F. CAM Reserve 2H,000 5.00 / S.F. Debt Reserve 40,000 10.00 / S.F. Tax Reserve 3, fd00 0.24 / S.F. � Contingency 88,710 5.00$ � ------------ ------------ --------- --------------- � Soft co t subtotal 242,910 19.28 / S.F. TOTAL BUILDI G 1, 202,910 95.47 / S.F. f F I'_CANC ING Legal 3,000 0. 24 / S.F. ` � Title Insura ce & Closing 1, 345 0.11$ ' Mortgage Reg' stration 3,057 0.25$ ; Construction Interest 36,087 3.00� � Appraisal 2, 000 l�. 16 / S.F. � Mort. Place. fees 24,458 2.010� � TOTAL FINANC NG 69,948 5.81$ � --------- --------------- � LI TION OF FUNDS 1 272 858 1�11.02 S.F. _________ _______________ t: GELDERMAN �c 43 R E �i L � S T A T E -1 DEMOLITION - BUIL NEW RETAIL ON MADTNHEIMER AND DAIRY QUEEN SITE � 270 11�IEST 7TH STRE T ' rentable sq. feet = 12,600 S.F. � market NNN rent = $11.00 /s. f. � add. subsidy needed = 13, 136 � MAR. 8, 1990 ' i SOURCES OF FUNDS � BREAKEVEN ANALYSI TRIPLE , NET ; INT. YEARLY RENT ' SOURCE � RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED ' -------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- , E4UITY 1R1.0H$ 0 127,286 12, 729 ' UDAG 2.00� 25 127, 286 6,520 i COMM. RE B. 2.00$ 25 0 0 APT. CRE IT 2.00$ 25 0 0 i LENDER FIN. 11 .00� 25 1,018, 286 120,912 � ------- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- ' - i 1, 272,858 140, 16H 11 . 12 i i � ADDITIONAL SUBSI NEEDED TRIPLE I NET ' INT. YEARLY RENT � SOURCE RATE TERM AMOUNT PAYMENT NEEDED _------- ---- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- j E4UITY 1P�. 00� 0 127,286 12, 729 ; ACQUISI ION 2.00$ 25 127, 286 6,520 � COMM. HAB. 2.H0$ 25 0 P1 APT. C DIT 2.0Q!$ 25 6 �J LENDER IN. 11 .P10� 25 1, Q!Ql5,150 119, 352 I SUBSIDY 13,136 i i ------- ---- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- � S 138,6�0 11.0f� � i I � � I � I � � � i I GELDERM � N 4c �� R E A L E S T �. T E . . �v - i��� .;.r: ^ .. _.- -- �� 4 --______. __� � �� � .. J..) }.J J . . � � .T�. �: h„( ..J � �«- r-+ S.. � � � . � :-� 'ri 'r: }� ',:. :J C�i U7 +% r; �. - '- � .0 c� O .... '� �r- � � O J — • Ut ^ T� .•. (!1 .. bL G (!� .^_ — hf E a. !i `.�( 'J � ' � Q •r +� C: �-.. �- "^ � _ � _� O c:i •,-! Ci CC UC •r! , -r-i .� � Ci .r. � — 7� if1 l� .. � 1 'U •r^: '+� — �.i C• .�. U T • 3 � � -� �'. •.y � � ' --, ,�, _ p r Z O ^ �' � '--i i: ;� � .� . . . G, ., C.' O t� C�•' •�-' .r � += i1� � �. �S7 J: � � "; — f U di � �c � � r-; o a: -� +� ; ._ :., . 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