90-1529 /,��-.�
oR i � i N A� ' Council File # 9�- /,J�i(�
Green Sheet #`
Presented B ���L��
Referred To Committee: Date
2 WHEREAS, the Saint aul City Council is committed to fighting the abuse of illegal drugs; and
4 WHEREAS, on July 18, 1990, the United States House Judiciary Committee adopted an
5 amendment (H.R. 5269) to the anti-drug enforcement grants program which would require the
6 states to pass-through ds to local governments on the basis of a sub-state allocation formula; and
8 WHEREAS, the sub-sta e allocation formula would require states to allocate funds to local
9 governments on the bas' of the local government's criminal justice expenditures so long as the local
10 government is eligible f r a minimum grant of $50,000; and
12 WHEREAS, local gove ents would then be able to use the funds for any of the broad range of
13 criminal justice purpose specified in the law so long as a good faith effort is made to participate in
14 the development of, and to comply with, the state plan and priorities, thereby giving cities greater
15 control in determining h w to use anti-drug funds to meet drug enforcement needs; and
17 WHEREAS, it is e�ect d that funds distributed in this manner will be allocated more equitably
18 and ef�ciently than they are under the current system, in that cities with more serious problems
19 would be more likely to receive a significant share of the funds; and
21 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been encouraged to support H.R. 5269 by the United States
22 Conference of Mayors; t erefore
24 BE IT RESOLVED, th t the Saint Paul City Council does hereby fully support H.R.5269 and
25 additionally requests tha when the House and Senate crime bills are reconciled, the sub-state
26 allocation formula be in luded in the resulting bill.
Yea Nays Ab� Requested by Department of:
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Adopted by Council: D te
AUG 2 3 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary gY:
By� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to .
Approved by Mayor: D e
AUG 2 7 199Q Coun�il
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