90-1501 Q R � � � �H � Counci l Fi le # �/7(�/ � Green Sheet # �D✓ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN„ TA ,� f- .�_...�..T. � ,�� ,_R.. ...,,�-,.,��._ .,,, _. . .��` Presented By Referred To Ca�mittee: Date WHEREAS, o June 8, 1990, the Division of Public Health inspected the property at 781-3 4th Street, Saint Paul Minnesota, and determined that a nuisance existed on said property; and WHEREAS, o June 11, 1990, said Division sent two written orders to David Vetter dba Trio Properties at Post Of ice Box 75061, Saint Paul, Minn., the owner of the property at 781-3 4th Street, ordering him o: 1) remove a garage on the property which is in a dilapidated and structurally unsound ondition; and 2) remove accumulated dirty clothes, refuse and cat feces in the cellar of the dwelling on the property; WHEREAS, sa d orders required said property owner to abate the garage condition by July 11, 1990 and to abate the cellar condition by June 21, 1990 but the property owner filed a timely appeal of said orders with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, th City Council on July 31, 1990 conducted a public hearing on said appeal and affirmed the Division removal and cleanup orders and determined that the conditions of the property which is the subject of said written orders be corrected regarding the garage, within thirty (30) days of publicati n of this resolution and regarding the cellar, within twenty-four (24) hours of publication of this res lution and that the property owner remove and safeguard all items of value prior to the cleanup; ow therefore, be it RESOLVED, t at the order of the Division is hereby affirmed except as modified herein; and be it FUR'THER RE OLVED, in the event the work regarding the garage is not completed within the thirty (30) days af er the publication of this resolution and regarding the cellar, within twenty- four (24) hours after he publication of this resolution, the City may proceed to perform or complete the necess work to abate the said nuisance with the costs incurred therefrom, to be collected in the mann r as provided by law. --------------- -- ---- ------ --------- T as Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dtmond Gosuitz Lon Macca e Rettman v Thune �+ Wilson `J BY� ___________________ ____�____-_________ Adopted by Counci l: Date AUG 2 8 1 990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Ce tified b Council Secretary BY, �� ` BY' A roved pp by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: Date � �"��lG 2 g ��0 Counci l � BY: G'/�'��:4t/L�� By= P�4�1�S�iED S�P - 8 19 9 Q NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIWBIE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTINCi ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documeMS: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside A�ncy 1. DepaRment Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attorney - 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountent, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revfsion) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager L Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAsaistant 4. Budget Dfrector 4. Cfty Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt SYcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney � 3. MayodAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAC3ES Indicate the#of pages on whiCh signatures are required and ap perclip each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to acxomplish in either chronologi- cal order ar prder of importance,wh�hever fs m�t appropriate for the � issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. �', RECOMM�NDATION3 Complete if the Jssue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEI(3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the sftuation or condftiona that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget prxedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speclNc wa in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will bene�it from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED � ' What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or aesessments)T To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high tra�c, noise, axident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ,_ ,. _. . . .. . . ��;. '� -, , � . !� Gy,/ . � � ,}, . . � . _ . . . , , � _ , . . . , . . , . -� . � ; . ., . . : , ; - . , . �; - , . ! _ . .. . .. . �.V-. � �'� . , . . . .. ' � . �.� � .. . . .. . . V:�. . - . . . � . . . ' . ` ': . . . , . .�. � . . . . . .. . . �: -.� : ... . . � . ' .. . ..., � .. . ' .. . .. . ..' ...� . ` ':. � - '.. � . .�. . . . . . . . . � ' . . . . . � . . � ..S . -. .. . � . � . �I ._ � .. ..:...' � i,,;.. . - . '. � . . . � .. .� � . . �.. .. " ,�E; 1'/ 1 ' �_: � : � ,�< , ,. . . - � , , : - ... , . , r ' ,. . . � � 1�. ;J� : . • . . .r � Ci�'At ` . , . � , . : .. . ttcvm�64T� C� y Hall ' . _, -� _ �� . � :.Y�Y� ���� -� � . . . .. .. . .. � . . . . , . ,�M.a. . AfteC �i hea�,ltlg 'qc� July $1� 19�90r_the C1L']► Qau1C#,l t'M�S�Id`� � a�apeala 4f vic9 Wattimr to a S�na�y Abnta�rt (�er ot tht He�lth Divia►�c� pc�op�cty at 781-3 15. 4ttt �t,i�et. vith t!� oc�dsr ' . ;< ` :; . • �n tt� c� tl'�a_ . . - :g�e fio be compl�Ced- vfthfn ��0 dsget .a#t� . �. � � . :, � , pn�.;ioat�<xt t J�'�M�.�toia and th� �' c� St�rnq�y J�#aaa�+�nt to . p; J# _ � � � � .. .�., . <. ., . b� ao�Qletsd wi,thin 24 Mo�ucr�. af�� pubsli+cmt#on. . . . . ,; ' Nii� .y� :pl pi�p�rs tt� �ap�r r{se�lt�tf�n oc r9eol�ions- imp��msntfrrq � _ t,hi.s a�ction. , - __. .�. Voty truly, e-. ' ��E . . ' � lli�t B. ol ` Ci� f�eEk ' . - � . � . . _ , , .. ; � ABOsth . ; . >, _ � , _ : _ _ � _ ' �. . _ , - t; . . . , .. . .. . . . .- � . . ' � . i . . . . . . . . .. , . .. . _ . . . . . .. �� ; �, .. . - . . . - . . _„ '� '-.. � ' . _ .. ... . . r � � � _',.. ,�. .. .. � � _ . � . � �... . .. . . . . ,. . ' . . . . . ' - . ,_a . . � � .,.. . . .. . 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St. P�pul i 55175 , . : . . �. ., �.: : - D�wc Sits _ t Cf ty t�oua'icil vl11 hold a pr�tr�� h��c,g`e� 3�,�.�J1 r" �9$�0 , _ �'!wr 8t. . . _n at�9m00 ll*i! in tt� City i�cfuncil �s c� �t...3t�1 tl+voc. � Cit� - ' ea11 Co Y�ic app�,lt�o a 81so�a� 11br�fi�- Q�'�c ot�`� �I�h � Divi+�icc► p�cty at 78i-3 �. 4th �t:� � �-ti� . ` , . tA� Oout�cil ill tws�c all p�rti�at t�lAtiv!s��o xttis ��:� ` iinO�C'tly� _ , . . . _ _ . , � . , . � . , .. Alb�tt $. O ' . \ : � -. , City Cl�ck � ... _ ;; � - . _ 118�Jtth _ `- � , ,,: . �. c+�a 'lha�ss D��ond _ . 3ue'!Y � e�etltl'i DiY3�iq't l�a►�l�y iand• t�nith Divisioct . . DiaCr C�otaycil4 , � - . t _ _: . = ,: y , . �����/ . - �. �`�� y� o��' 1 ' �,i� SU MARY ABATEMENT APPEAL APPLIC ON �' RK CITY Ci.� Requesting a earing betore City Council to appeal a summary abatement order MUST BE FlLED THE qTY CIERICS OFFlCE, R0011 386, CITY HALL, BEFORE THE APPEA� DEADUNE APPLICANT Name � � - � l� Dat Addreas . Q S Hom• Phone �a ��'���-- � Daytirns phon� ztp Code �S,S l �� O DER BEING APPEALED - ATTACH COPY From which oHice !'C � Dste mailed � –� –�� Reyardtnq prope�ty at � .3 .� S�• Deadline – – %� issued to � �/v � - What is applicant's Inte In the property �� �(,(j h P/J�' — REASON FOR APPEAL 0 �C /4�S� o � �C d/`�dl�l l C C ,�CUMS7,�„cES B��2E � ,�-IL c .�iv 8E c�Q� �L� 7�p G�,Q,� l S s z�f a�F n�� c n►o z c��ea�T j9-�-�9�eD (�v I S S�'7f'L � G �- o/Z Z H �/'� e i2769� liV,�S7 S OFS , ����� ... ,:... . ........ :::... ... .,, ,,... . .�:... :::. .. . ._�:p 4... .....:..:. .o•, :<:'t?'.+\i'.`.;'.%.t�:;�.a<.:�i:;��;.,�`.. ..a��• .;�, ,1,.;�x;;�. ..��M1. ..,-�. .�.,+"c>o:`;'•;;.:>;:>.;; RESERYFR;:�:Q,,R�;. g.�:��F4�'r1'C1t; 1: ,�.v�.',,,�. �1��,�'_ �:•� ��,... `c� � :..c�:l �,:�.�;;:�:. � • :.`:. y•:� tiw y � . 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'o•%a:��,..�.. •rx:ti�:::,•� ��.,.7", w,.�5,�'�•::�::: ' .. . �..:.:�,::•� .�...,..:,\..�::. �'; ,ti4 '*k :'.+c�t '� :;�:<,:•::•i:::;; �:.e«Ys:;;ti:�`.+.���\.�>:,.�•:�•::. ::.:?k:^'x•� w�`.. ,'•�,\'G� ...... , F�� xG. . ��.� .:>:\.�'?.;..:•.<: v..�:>..::.>.?�\<�3..�.°�:C:;.<::.�;::•.•a:-: �\ ' v � ��_ .� r e �♦ . a . . . �� . 1 . . . INSTRUCTIONS TO CITY CLERK`S OFFICE . � 1. Do_t accept application after appeai deadline or without copy of orders �:.��. � �....... .��,,,�~�•.. a.•�. The appeal deadline is 7 days after owr� w r�w�.■ow• �rw � SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER T� --�...� the date mailed, or the same as r. —w-- Te �---p-°���— the deadiine given in the order ,�..�.�..,..�....�...�.,.r».r.-,-- whichever comes �rst. rprr�.e.ww.ct�. w wqr.r,rqrw � wn.K r wiw�.w MrM wwr M��+M MNMN Mw��rw�.M• � r W�M��M M MM w►r M�/ � . � r�u�e�o earri,r r�r rso "`�"""°°�""°"°" "'"" 2. Within 2 weeks, set hearing date � p yar Ow��aM Mb rrr.w w�rYw�b r rw 6rrlMw � �. ��°�"""�""" "g'"' '"""'''"" and piace on agenda r�.�.,....«..r.....M. ...�...G„a.�..,.�....,.«...0 1rA drKY�lwtiMw�ar6r�rM�MY�laear�w�swr�a�Ar f� � �-��---�-��-��`w��� Mark hearing date on front of ��,.►.,�.�.��...�„�.�.�.�.,a�.��.w�.� Tr YWww�6rY SFrl7��w ww�fM�M��M N��Mr�IY���M�/a � . . - lMClyarwwMeM��lr�lr/MM Y�MMrtdw�N��►��M application� . � . �r�c.K..�nre.nr�ra�r..ws�m�a ,a 3. Determine the City Councii district ar�d citizen participation district in which the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the apptication � in the shaded area 4. Send notice ofi hearing, with copies of application and order attached, to: 1. The appiicant 2. Any other party to whom the summary abatement order is addressed 3. Off. ice which issued the order 4. DPstriCt councii office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. Councilperson`s office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. After hearing send capy of the resolution to the same parties that received the notice of the hearing 4-23-87 � � _. .� _. : _ _, ..- -- --. .. :. .: , _ . _---� - -- -- . � . _ ...-- � . . . __ ._ _ _ -f. ---- _ �-_. __._�--��-�---�-—�-- .a . + ��,�/Sa/ `'r;' , r� • , ' 1-90/a , , Department of Community Services � v Division of Public Health ��f f � �� Date of Ins tion: � Environmental Health Section � P� Date Mailed: � U 555 Cedar Street Date Issued: St. Paul, MN 55101 BY: CT: 292 -7771 SU MARY ABATEMENT ORDER � : . To: v! �� Address: �� ' �°'� 7�a�� To: �'Z'� Address: �' ��%� ��/7� To: Address: As owner or person respon ible for: -- �� � � J '� C'f� �=��"`'�'�ij • you are hereby notified to liminate the following nuisance: � _ . i� -/L�9 /l� -_.-. G�li�1 ��l• �%y"� ' � O . C�ER� If you do not correct the nui ance by 7 � or file an appeal (appeal information below), the City will correct the nuisance an charge all costs against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. FAILURE TO COMPLY AY ALSO NECESSITATE COURT CTION Issued by: - If you have any question regarding this order, the requirements or the deadtine,you may contact the inspector by calling 292 7771 between 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request with the city clerk before the appea deadline which is the deadline above or seven calander days after the date mailed, which ever comes first. N appeals may be filed after that date. � • You may obtain�an applic ion from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 298-4 31. You must submit a copy of this order with your application. If the City corrects the nui ance; the charges will include the cost of correction,inspection, travel rime, equipment,etc... The hou y rate will be around$130. � F _� � . � . � —1�01 ��,�o . > � • � SU M�IRY ABATEMENT `�"11� APPEAL APPLICATION ��� ��RK Requesting a eaN�g before City Council to appesl a summary abatement order YUST BE FlLED '�HE CITY CIERK'S OFFlCE, ROON 3i6, ClTY HALL, BEFORE THE APPEAL DEADUNE APPLICANT Name Dats �—//-9G� Address ., . � D Hom� Phon�� �'��� a �`� Daytims phone . Zlp Cod�_UT� /= O ER BEING APPEALED - ATTACH C4PY From which oNice ! ` � Dats mailed �e-/�� �j O Re9arding property at — � � • Deadiine co ���—�'� Issued to � Y' ` /'�� {'' �-E� _ What Js appUcanYs IMer In the property __ Q/'T ��i)1�eY - REASON FOR APPEAL 7E r4 �' � ti1 L 7s¢�e,.✓G �c�r��/2 TN�...G'S c�7 y- r¢�`YoQN� ��4�' 0���0 To /E�ti/YJ d v 1 ✓� CA'/V � 7 �L � �'1c �ff� ?'��/9�il/7 S P /� L l C E- �/J �J� T6 d T( �S- �h�E ,�/�D t/,¢v'� T(-�fr-t �2��`'1 vE T—r5��'(2 �� L O nr�'!N 6 S O C.�' T�i�'AN�S I��� �£L F� �D �F'�fl� IetGf� ?f �To ,��L o/�lG�i✓Gs L�/� � 14€�y� N� vVE r�vi �L Co�"�Pc.�7� e�f,4N-uP /� c�5 �¢/L ��� ��� � " ` � �,� � — - - ��.ic�wrs s�ru►n� . .. ... ..: :;::. ...:. . .... .. ... _ .�.. . }... .,_ .; . :..;, :..:.....::::::.: �y�. ,,...� ..: r.,;:•,•,..,,:�.,,:•.ti,.�...:.�..;.. ..,,,�,..�,:.. RESERV�FRRr1� � G4'�Y'�' 4�QF ••.�::�;h;.;:.; �.,� . ':�;>;�s��; A;;�.::r..::.. .;� , � �. �. ��. ��`� ,.�..�.. � k:� '�;,"`�:;:;. 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'+.r. hv �:'y..v•:?.k .'LL�Y�`Ji:�4! ..,.+ . e•'�� �.x.�.�'. :: = � r . ', ; . � , . INSTRUCTIONS TO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE . 1. Do not accept appiication after appeal deadiine or without copy of orders _ � �d�� �...,... ._..�..��.� o.�.. The appeal deadline is 7 days after o..... .���,..^,�..« � SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER T — the date mailed, or the same as T —�� b �r� ��^--�--��--�� the deadline given in the order yw'wh��M^i/tiMY�YrUbYwYy�'� . . . . whichever comes first. � rtwNe.e.w..er. .r ..w..►w.ar.M � _ � «nwi�t w awrnr w unp «+�pWt rN/NMA Nr+uww�wr r . , M-�Ywbll M 1W M���M• Mlwl . rw�us m aor�r r�r�uo "�'"""°°""T'""°" `""� 2. Within 2 weeks, set hearing date M rir Mw M��n�r�M�Mb�it.M�wp�r M iN1Y�A � � . � yoY w�a�nhN M MMMn 1rr rMM �i7177 M�w��aM�aa � . �����,,,,,,�������� and place on agenda �-��--��������°� Mark hearing date on front of �.,.�..�a...�.....�aa�.o�.n..��„w...�.�«,.. 7M Ww�w s►�OtAr w1 w�YMt��M f�Y W�e fW�1w MM�� lNClyrnsl�MWr�MM�w�iY�YANrwt�fw�MR�rR1w�r1 application . � .w..o....n.�..�r�.rr..�as.a 3. Determine the City Council district and citizen participation district in which the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the application in the shaded area 4. Send notice of hearing� with copies of application and order attached, to: 1. The applicant 2. Any other party to whom the summary abatement order is addressed � 3. Office which issued the order 4. District council office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. Councilperson's office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. After hearing send copy of the resolution to the same parties that received the notice of the hearing 4-23-87 , . _.... _ ._.__:� .�__,..._�._ . . . _ . .�. �. _.r ._ .�._._ � _�.- _ _ _ r. _.�_ .._ .__�.,_,,,�.a�___- • , /�U ��`",O� '' ., . �, _,� 1-90/a j Department of Community Services Division of Public Health � � ' ' I � O . h Dace o��nspecuon: � �� Environmental Health Section Dace Mailed: �` C� 555 Cedar Street Date Issued: St. Paul, MN 55101 BY� � � `�:"� ti. ! z , : .._l 292 - 7771 ` � SU MARY ABATEMENT ��,�R To: f� Address: ' " .�l" ,�j�/ 7J`��O � T .I_ - f��%� �� 7 � o� Address: � 5 To: Address: As owner or person res o sible for: �O/ � l ��� �� ` p you are hereby notified to liminate the following nuisance: ����2�/�c..G� �r�� ��P � }��! Cl��� If you do not conect the nu sance by � �� G� or file an appeal (appeal infonnation below), the City ; will conect the nuisance an charge all costs against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the . same way as property taxes FAILURE TO COMPLY AY ALSO NECESSITATE COURT CTION Issued by: If you have any questio regarding this order, the requirements or the deadline,you may contact the inspector by calling 292 7771 between 8 and 9 a.m. . � You may appeal this orde and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request with the city clerk before the appe 1 deadline which is the deadline above or seven calander days after the date mailed, which ever comes first. o appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an applic tion from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City Ha11 St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 298- 231. You must submit a copy of this order with your application. If the City corrects the nui ance, the charges will include the cost of correction, inspection, travel rime, - equipment, etc... The ho ly rate will be acound$130. � . .►. y.�,._ � o- i s� i CTTY OF SAINT PAUL '`'* �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �4 �r O M + ��;�� �7 � o Albert B. Olson ,��. 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 JAMFS SCHEIBEL MAYOR August 31 199 David Vetter Trio Properties Post Office Bo 75061 St. Paul, Mn. Dear Sir: Enclosed here ith is a copy of Resolution, C.F. 90-1501. This will be published September 8, 990. Very truly your , , Albert B. Olso ABO:Ia atz.o. C��i�°� �°' �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL a � ; ���„��; ,• OFFICE OF THE CTTY ATTORNEY + �v • i�s• JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-29&5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-29&5619 MAYOR ��r'.������ August 8, 1990 Au�os1990 `I�s��' CLERtC Mr. Albert . Olson City Clerk 386 City Ha 1 Re: Resolu ion concerning property at 781-3 E. 4th Street Dear Mr. O1 on: Enclosed is the resolution you had requested from this office in your letter dated August 2, 1990. The City Council denied the property ow er's appeal of Summary Abatement Orders. Sincerely, �� Edwin Lee Assistant C'ty Attorney cc: Jane M Peak John M Cormick James art