90-1465 CITY OF ST. PA L I FINAL OR ER :;,,� _ .;�; o. 860a Voting In the Matter of c structina a str�et �rater sain cona�ctioa in $hapard Road Ward to the pr rty rsfaned to a� Isls� Station �ith a propert� . Z -identifica ion n�bez of 12-28-23-42-0019 and Ie�allT describ+� u , Zasistered Laad Surrey 441, 1`ract B. � o�ar, lticollst ltsstorstirna, �nst first cowp2ete installstiour of a private �ater nin in s�id praptrt�► accordiag o �ates atilit� staada�'is. ! under Preliminary Order O� �/�� approved � '� 9� The Council of t e City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been giv n as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The C uncil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully con idered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the prope City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESO VED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred the ein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date A�� 21 1990 Yeas�il�e�Nay Gos�its Certified Passed by Council Secretary I.OSa I4CCal�yat � In Favor B �r�"[�-c� �+ttt�► Thtma � Against � AUG 2 2 1990MaYor �g��p� SEP - 11990. � . ? � '. , w ;.� � '; �----�o-��/�o� DEPARTM[NTIOFFlCE/OOUNdL DATE INITUTED Wat,� Utility 6/12/90 GREEN SHEET �� . 9��0 CONTACT PERSON t PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNpL Thomas D. Mogren � 9$-�].00 �� ��7y ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNdL AQENDA BY(DATE� ROUTNrO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. Ia�erb�han Flon�aCle�r�� �Of f ice no ��Y����y��,� �Co Re TOTAL�OF 81GNATURE PAf3E8 - " 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81t3NATURL� �ctaN nEOUESreo: Schedule public heari g before the City Council to consider installation and a�sessment of a private water main onnection to property known as Island Station. File �6 18608 F�c:0liAwtENpA :Mp�+(N a� COIINCIL COMMIITT�EI�ARCN REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _� �RVI�CWAMIBSION ��YST PHONE NO. _d8 OOMMITTEE _ A$T"� — '1'rils�tter will be considered by the Board of Water —�+�T��T — Co�nissioners at their June �8, 1990 meeting. surao�+TS wH�couwc��oerECrvE� �NmnnNO�.�.oa�ruNm ,wnu.wnM.wn«s.wny�: . To provide for a sour e of potable water and a dependable source of water for fire fighting, Mr. John Ke in of Nicollet Restoration, Inc. is considering the installation of a private water ma n for Island Station on Shepard Road at Randolph Avenue. M,r. Kerwin has requested that th street connection to the private water main that would be in�tal�ed by the G�ater Utility assessed against the property served. ADVANTAOES IF/1PPROVED: The developer will be rmitted to defer a $12,430.00 payment and pay this amount over a period of years with is real estate taxes. REC�IIfEb DISADYMITAOES IF APPROVED: + None ClTY ClERK DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The developer will ne to arrange for an up-f�ont payment to the Water Utility of $12,430.00. Council Research Center, JU�1 �6 iyyu TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION a 12 i�30.OO CAST/REVENUE WDQETED(qf�LE ONE)� NO Fur�o sour� Wate� Rev ue ACTIVITY NUMBER 850-28000-9940-00102 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Contract Charge $12,430. Real Estate Fee 620. Total $13,050. � � , * , , _ , � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECT10N3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEl�t BM�ET�1NSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILAB�E IN THE PURCHA81N0 OFFlCE(PF�NE N0.298�4225). f�UTINO ORDER: � Below are proferred rouNn�a for the flve mo�t irequsM types of documsnts: CONTRACT3 (wum�s authorized COUNqL RE30LUTION (Amsnd� Bd�ta•� budgst exists) Accept. OraMa) 1. Outside AQsnCy 1. Dep�rtm�M Dinctor 2. Inkieting DepaRment • 2. Bud�et Diroctor _ 3. City Attorney � 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNA�t 5. Fln�ncs d Mpmt S1ros. drecWr b. C�ty CouncN 6. Flnan�:s Aocounting � ,� ' 8. Chisf AocouMant;Fln 3 MprM 3vcs. ADMINISTAATIVE ORDER (Budyet OOUNdL RESOLUTION (aN others) Revision) and ORDINANCE �.. �M� ` 1. Initiating DsputmsM Director 2. wp.ranern Aocouncant 2. ay attomey g. p�p�� 3. MayoNAssiWNt 4. Budg�t Dirsctor 4. Gty COUncil 5. CNy Gerk 8. Chief Axountant,Fln 8 AA�mt Svcs. � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all others) 1. Initiating DepartmsM 2. qty Attorney 3. MayoNAesistaM 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIaNATURE PACiES Ir�Cat�the#►of pages on which signaturos aro roqWrod and P� �rd e.d,a enees pa�ss. ACTION REGIUESTED Deecribs what tM projecUroqwst s�eks to accomplbh fn either ch►onolopi- cel order or o►der of importet�cs.whioFwNSr is most appropriets for ths iaue. Do not write complsts sentencss. Begin eech item in your Ilat with a vsrb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if ths fesw in 41+��hes b�n pns�ted bs�ore a�y bodY�PubNc or privete. 3UPPORTS WHit�i C�UN�:OBJECTIVE9 Ind�e wnicr,cxun�l oelsc�+�►�tsl r�+�vrol.c�t►w�c w�s�y usan� ths k�y word(s)(HOUS1Nti,RECREATION,NEIOH80RHOOD8,EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEW�R 3EPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRE3EARdi REPORT-OPTIOWAL A8 REf�UE3TED BY COUNqL INITWTINQ PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTt1NiTY Explein the situatbn or oa�ditbns that�xMted a need for your project or roquest. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Ir�icate whsther this is simpy an annual budpst procedun nqutrod by law/ chaRer or whsther thsre are sp�Ciflc in wh�h the CHy of SaiM Paul and ka c+cizens wln bs�,sec rrom na.pro /acaon. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What nsperive sifects or myor char�gea to existinq or past pra�might - this projsct/request p►oduc�N it is pas�sd(o.�.,traific dehrys, noise, tax i�rease�or aantntsnts)4 To Whom�Whtn?For how bn4? DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What wIH be ths negatfve contsqusr►css if ths promised action is not app►oved?Inebiliry to dNivsr servics?Continued high trafNc, noise, accident rate?Losa of reVenw? FINANqAL IMPACT . Althouph you must tailor the intormetion you provide hero to ths isaue you aro addroainp.In p�nsral you must answer two qusstions: How much is it gofn�to cost9 Who is going to paYt ' � "' � �: a � � w ��"��� a « � '.� Yi�fZ .�.+�.�N �� � r � � � a � 2 .• , Qv � �: � S� � , • .�A ; � ' w a • s ,► � a ' . . ' • a . • ' . = �� � � ' � ��'� � - , , ., '� M � � \ . �� . . V e� . � . e�l r� �� V 1 `„ a � � =� �� � ,. �, , Y�� � �: � � . w � a � � � v1, � ;.. \ _ :�t. f � ; v� ��::� `� d � ?S 'L `i w Q - �• --�� _ y � '. � - J�' N Z �_^ .�° � a °. � � � a � o � � , - ov . � \ r.� ; z � — ---�-.._ � _. � $ � s o � . � �` �, �\ °` , h � :., � � � . �p, w •/ \�•, ,{ 'w~ v� ��_���vt�-' _ _ '� � � � V \ . ` . \ ��`• ,� � ' -�T.�--_ ', - \ "' '� � �. . -, - � - ' 3 ' . � .��- � V . \ .�. . � 7 ,� `•, . ,,:a � � � � . ' ;_ , - , , \ _ fl 7a� � __ - � , .� `,� � _ � 6.° 7� � . .. � � , � • � � � .` o.�,,. „-.�� ,� �,,.. 3M"".; ----�-�---��-- : �, ` _ _. .�. , ,� � � f "� � ` . M \ ( � ` N M �^� - ' ?� � � . .4 j 1� \ � � � A d � �a � • ����__ , �', �. 0� � . w n � �r. `., " v (S'• a C. 11 y- '` ^ :. ' : r � N •.. /'•—\�---- '-� . -J .: M .A � ,� ' . \ �� �1 • � V� lI.N I �_ .. • r--�;=--- _ � • � ,� .,�� ? Y1 � 1�1\ � ' ��4�� � O � O ' �4 � � -�---- 0 � : ;-�:�w � a ;--"� ,`� '� ,� ,, � � t � ' � �.r °�yr�v°�. .� �°b{' � .� � P �` ' : n,, * _� \ — � �•: � �I �, Z. � ^.i �� -f � � ' � Q. \ � '� \�' •��t fJ��: � �. M�► r-�- � -�-- :��.,;� � v�" �'� .�n N ¢ , , �o -- � -- ' .'\�-.� CL � �. O M •I � ( . �t♦. � � \\ �� I y � ,.�i �± i z� �:�� i �,� ' �. �y• p I � —�---+r-- '.�. S � ' A � I ` s ti � ( \\ � / . ti � I �i t-ti:. �I , �. t ���\\` + � , L�l� /� � "'s./y y. � ������ �"• i �\t�`�l\� . 5 - i w Q H 7�O �s.. ��;�`� ;. .e. . i •�` �� ���'�� � �• i ' N ��` _ ;�O 1� ' ��1 ����r���' � � .' * ,`\ _ . \ .` . • • ' , , . � $ � . � � � / ;� ' � �`` `� , ` ♦ � •1 � �.. . . '�� .. 1��/11!� \... . � _ . � C�� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL �/��-� � P BLIC HEARfNG NOTICE (�yo-���4y PUBLIC I PROVEMENT CONSTRUCTIO�V City Council District 4�2 Dear Property Owner: R���'IV�'n Planning District Council ��9 au�031990 File No. 18608 CIT'� GLERK T decide on whether to proceed with constructing a street water main PURPOSE c nnection in SHEPARD ROAD to the property referred to as island s ation with a property identification number' of 12-28-23-42-0019 AND a d legally described as registered land surve.y 441, Tract B. The o er, Nicollet Restoration, must first complete installation of a private water main in said property according to water utility LOCATION s andards. T esday, August 21, 1990, at 9:00 a.m. H�A�IN G C ty Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House -�------------------------------------------------------------------ If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be FINANCIN G ssessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The stimated assessments for this project are as follows: INFO R M A TIO N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $13,050 ,��.r.T�r�mt-T, CTATAAil�TAT!' S��_nSn . . . . � � � � � � \�� � a. ���� �y . a _ _ ___� ._�. _p�V�u PRELDIQNARY ORDER � ^+ �' � CounMl leNo.90-1132—ByDave.Thune= ,� ,a;,�� sr�;_ �.�a-,�4 at,�� ,�y,:�-,� In th Matter ofeonstructlng a street water main connection in She property �'erred to as Island Station wlth a ro �R°ad t°the .' 23-42-00 9 and!e a11 descrlbed as Reglstend L�and 5uryey 441�7'raet B.'fhe lown��� i Ntcollet R toration,must llrst couiplete installation.o!a private watei mafn jn said " , property a cofding to.water,utllity standards;ln Voting Wazd 2 ,,,_5 �,.� �� ; ;� ._ ; The C uncll ot the Clty of Safnt Paul having recelved the report of the Mayor upon ;>; the above,mprovemen�and havfng considered said report�hereby reaolves:,{i��;"�� , l.7'h..the�said report and the same isrhereby aPProv�d with�no altematives:and. :�.I that the es mated cost thereof is 813,050.00,IInanced by assess��n�,Contract Costs 512,430. ,Real Estate Service Fee$620.00;Tota1813,050.00 }z.��,�� . s���z r,�;£'s,� 2•Th a public hearing be�had on said lmprovement on the 21sE da r ofAu st"��� 1990.at 9: o'clock a.m.,in the Council Chainbers of the C1ty all and Court Honse ! Wl ing f the C1ty otSalnt PauL � � - . 3.Tha notice of safd public hearin be iven toY�ihe E� �i��•�y��"�`�''�"'�`�`�``sf, . ( provided b the Charter, stating the tlme and place'of hp ea�ring,ath��na ure of the � improvem t and the total cost thereot as esqmated -�- � F11e No. 1 08 • � ' ' j Adopt by Council Jul 5, 1990.;= ,� � �t�����`��'��t� �4` ct��;;t�,�,in ;ri1 Y. c ,x..�r:f ��i�3ss���`9:'��,.rfi "'�:�,h,'��j,";� � APPro; d by MayorJuly 6. 1990.h,�_,�,�.;� �[���,t��:�i:�.7�.{�}�s�a��Z�yncr.�;�;�.,; (July 14 1990) _` - ' �«i�8��Y'�l�t;?��� .. . �t..t . r.��`+ .t :(`-�;3r f _ ,z_1}L�:t�..l�t�«.9��e �#�� �"�_'� � ' � �l`�w_��"w a�`i'�.'L�_,+.��