90-1456 �� � ��•� ;�`� ' Council File �` �d �� ��f + � i Green Sheet #` O RESOLUTION ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5 Pr�ssented By ,. �= • Referred To Committee: Date � a�/ � /"� _..... ,� �-- • . An administrative Resolution amending �lie� Civil Service Rules concerning Troub�e Call �. Pay. RESOLVED, hat the..Civil Service Rules be a�iended in Section 28.G, Call-In Pay, by adding n additional�.�aragraph as ,ftillows: "Emplo ees telephoned a�,,hom.e` during their off-shift hours to resolve compu er-related or tele�mmunications-related problems shall be grant d one (1) hour m�nimuln.,pay for their efforts with actual time beyon one (1) hour�:�`either o�,the telephone or logged onto a City computer, paid in :quarter-hour crements. Multiple telephone calls withi one hour;�shall be treated a one instance of a Trouble Call." �� , �, �,. �� S"-��_9� _ a NSVS Absent Requested by Department of: � 0 EL A LABOR RELATIONS on acc ee et �une so BY• Adopted by Council: Date Form roved by i Attorney c Adoption Certified b Council Secretary By: ' BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date � Council 8 BY s 6L..L!! Y� Council File # t , � � - • Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pr�sented By Referred To Committee: Date 1I M' ��,,, _ .._ ��j� An administrative Resolution amending the U Civil Service Rules concerning Trouble Call �' Pay. RESOLVED, �hat tl�e Civil Service Rules be amended in Sect�e�fi 28.G, Call-In Pay, by adding n additional paragraph as follows: "Emplo ees telephoned`�t home during their,-:4ff-shift hours to resolve compu er-related or te��,communications,-�elated problems shall be grant d one (1) hour miniu�im pay fo�- "their efforts with actual time beyon one (1) hour, either`��pn the`�telephone or logged onto a City computer, paid in quarter-hou�.:3ncrements. Multiple telephone calls within one hour shall be t�.zate� as one instance of a Trouble Call." Tt��s ragrapl�_ shall not,/�pply to�choo2' District employees. �' �,.r' � i / ,. � - �.� . .� Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: 0 0 EL A LABOR RELATIONS ac e u o � By• Adopted by Council: �Date Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified b Council Secretary By; ,���G�?a��i ��/�-q�2 By� I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: �ate Council B s Sy: y i , � . . � - • TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: INANCE,MANAGEMENT 8 PERSONNEL ❑ HOUSING&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ❑ HOUSING&REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY ❑ HUMAN SERVICES,REGULATED INDUSTRIES, ��' AND RULES AND POLICY � ❑ INTERGOVERNMENTALRELATIONS �� � � NEIGHBORHOODSERVICES ❑ PUBLIC WORKS, UTILITIES&TRANSPORTATION ❑ ACTION ❑ OTHER DATE FR4�vi , �EGriv�o� �.�G-i/�� r. � . D!P TMENT/OFFICEICOUNdL DATE INITIATED �i� Q 11990 7 Office of Personnel Labor Relati ns 7-20-90 GREEN SHEE� � NO. 1 285 INITIAUDATE ' CONTACT PER80N 8 PNONE PARTMENT DIRECTOR Mark Robertson �F� ciTrArroRr►ev ���� MUBT BE ON COUNpL AGENDA BY(DA ROUTNO UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DiR. __ �MAYOR(OR A8SI8TANT) ����.�.�erv� OIl TOTAL M OF 81GNATURE PA � (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIQNATURE) �crioN REa�sreo: Addition to Civil Se vice Rules requested for approval. ��EQ JUL 31 1990 RECOAAMENDATIONS:MP►�+W'o► (R) COUNCIL C0�1 REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMAISSION _ VIL SERVICE COMMISBION ��Y� PHON . —CIB(�MIAAI7TEE _ COMMENT3: _STAFF _ _DI87AICr OOURT — BUPPORTB WMICN COUNdL OBJECTIVE9 INITIA7INO PROBLEM,188UE, (Who�Whet.WhM�.Wl�e.VVhY). � Request from Finance & Management Department/CIS to deal specifically with the issue of trouble call pay dur'ng off-shift hours. Issue focuses on a software or hardware problem which correction is eyond the skills of the individuals during the working shift, usually at night, and requir s calling an employee at home for consultation or actual work to correct the work-sit problem. .-- ADVMITAOES IF APPROVED: Compensate employees uniformly, fairly, and equitably compensate those City employees whose sleep, personal time or time with their families is disrupted by the City's growing dependence upon com lex machines and software. as�ov�rrr�s��ovEC: Direct dollar costs to City in form of wages. ���VED ,�31� ��unci� Research Cente� � �,U� u 61y90 C��! ��.ERK . - dBADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: Employees may not b willing to answer or be available to come to telephone if called. Work of City may no be performed in a timely manner. Morale issues may a ise due to perceived lack of concern for employees' private, personal or family life. May restrict future flexibility in developing employee flex-time options. TOTIAL ANOUNT OF TRAN=/►CTI = C08T/I�VENUE SIlDaETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE6 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMOER FlNAWCIAL INFORMA710N:(EXPWN) dw . , .s `. . _ + � J �:: S � . � ' . � . . NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INq.UDED IN THE(3REEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Nii OFFlCE(PhIONE NO.299-422b). ROUTINO ORDER: Below are preferred routings for ths flve rtrost froqusM typae of documsnts: � . (ANTRACTS (assumss suthorfzed OOUNGL flE�LUTJON (Mr�s�id, Bdpts./ budget exists) Aoc�pt.(iraMa) i. Outskls A�enCy 1. DepartmeM D1reC[Or 2. Initiatinp Depertment 2. Bud�et Director 3. City Attomey 3. Gty Atbrnsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAseiqant 5. Finsnce d�AApmt S1roa.Oinector 5. qty C�ounCil , 6. Flner�cs Ik�counting 6. Chief Aocourwu��Fln d�Mgmt Sv�cs. ADAAINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUFdCIL RESOLUTION (all otlNrs) Rsviabn) end ORDIWWCE 1. Activfty Manayer 1. Initiutlnp D�pIrinNrK Dir�c�or 2. DsautmsM AocouMaM 2. City AttorrNy 3. D�partmMt Director 3• �Ya'�� � 4. Budpst DUeCtor 4. Gty GDUfldl 5. Gty qerk 6. Chief AccouMant, FI�&Mgmt Svca. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all otMrs) 1. IMdatinp Department 2. qty Attorney 3. Mayor/Assfatant 4. City qerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SiGNATl1RE PA�iE3 Indicate the�of payea on Mfik�eiprqdurss w rsquind and eP p�n ipd each of tt�ese pa�es. _ ACTION REQUESTED Dsacribs what the projsct/rsqwst��o a000mplieh in either chronob�f- cal ordsr w order of importance,whbMwr h most appropriate ior ths tssue. Do not write compiete ssntenoss.Bpin se�ch Rem In your Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complets M the issw in question has bsN+p►e�sM�d bsfo►e any body.Publ� or privats. 3tlPPORTS WHICkI OOUNpI OBJECTIVE4 i�dica�•wn+�,c,o�,�cu oe�«x�wca r�r����br�+�w ths keY word(s)(HOUSIN(3. RECREJ�►►TION�NEIOHBORHOOD8� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET, 3EVVEFi 3EPARATION).(3EE OOMPLE7'�.LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MMIUAL.) COUNCIL COMMI7TEE/REBEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUE3TED BY COUNCIL . INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aitustion or cwnditbns thet croated a nesd#or I�Prol� or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicats wheth�r this ia aimply an annwl budpst p►ocsdure required by law/ chaRsr or whelher Uters ars�CiNc in wh�h the Ciry of 3airn Paul and its citizens will benefit irom thia pro�hction. DI3ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED YVhat negative etfecta or ma�r chenges to�xfstlnp or pest processea mighi this proJectlrequsat p►oduce N it is pasesd(�.�.,traiHc dsle�ya, noise, tax incroases or�ments)?To Whom?Whsn?For how long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What wfll be ths Mpativs consequer�ea H the promissd action ia not approved?Inabflity to deliver aerviceT CoMinued hiph traffic, nolae, accfdent raM4 Loss of rovsnus? FINANCIAL IMPACT Althouph you must tailor the information you provide here to the fssue you are addroeafnp, in ysnerd you must answsr two qusstfons: How much is it 9oinp to oost�Who is goin�to paY7 � � : �,,� yo,/�s� � CITY OF SAINT PgUL ;;;.✓,,. � .. ��'" �``'' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANICE RETTMAN Members: JOE COLLINS Councilperson Janice Rettrnan. Chair LegislativeAssistant Karl Neid KATHY ZIEMAN David Thune LegislativeAssutant COMMITTEE REPORT FtNANC , MANAGEMENT, AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MAY 7, 1992 1. Call to order; i troduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of sign-up sheet; approval f minutes of April 16, 1992, meeting. Minutes were approve , 3-0. _ 2. CONSENT AGENDA The City Clerk h s requested the status of the following items which were referred to the inance Committee. (See attached letter dated 3/19/92) Ordinance 90-52 ' Providing for the collection of costs for the operation and maintenance of t e pedestrian skyway system. Chair recommends withdrawal . AEO D-10912 - Pa ment for membership with partners for livable places. No Committee discus ion was held. Ord. 90-682 - Am nding Leg. Code, Street Obstructions; Permits. Chair recommends withd awal . Res. 90-1456 - T ouble Call Pay. Chair recommends withdrawal . � . Res. 90-1515 - S udy employee health benefits. Chair recommends withdrawal . �Res. 90-1576 - Study retiree health benefits. Chair recommends withdrawal . Committee recommend d approval of the above consent items as noted. Ii CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 Sa�.46 Printed on Reryded Paper