90-1451 ORIGIIV� L. _ , Council File # � �✓� Green Sheet # 1'7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, T at upon execution and delivery of a release in full to . the City, i a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City office s are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liabil ty Fund, 09070-0511, to: Duane R. McQuillan the sum of $5, 389.0 in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about January 27, 1990, as more particularly set out in the Notice of C aim filed in the City Clerk's office on April 24, 1990. eas Navs � Requested by Department of: imon oswitz ong�� Citv Attornev �ca�ee — ettman crne �_ i son aY' i .� ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , � '� 1990 Adoption Certified y Council Secretary gy: BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date AUC� 2 2 �990 Council By: By: PUBLISH� S E P - 1 1990 ����IVE�? . . C��j��/�5/ DEPARTM[NT/OFFI(`�E/COl)NCIL DATE INITIATED i ! 1^ Cit Attorne - - GREEN SHEEI``�`' � � 199NO. 88,�A� �NTACT PERSON A PHONE � �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR���Q QQk�1� r� ' P e t e r P P — N�� ❑�R�NEY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpL AQENDA BY(DA ROUTNiO �BUO(iET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PA 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Resolution appr ving settlement of claim against City of Saint Paul by Duane R. McQ illan REOO�AMENO�riONS:Mv►�W a (R1 COUt�IL C�NTT�II�EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _ L�RVI�COMMI8810N ANALY8T PHONE NO. —CI8 OOMMIITEE — COMM�NTS: _STAFF _ _DISTRICi COURT _ SUPPORTS YYHICH OOUNCII OBJECTIVE7 �►arunrio P�.�ssu�, lwno,wna.wMn,wrw►e.wny�: On January 27, 1 990, an unmarked Saint Paul Police Department squad car, driven by Office Todd Axtell , was attempting to make a left turn from southbound White Bear Avenue onto eastbound Third Street .when he was struck by a northbound hite Bear Avenue vehicle being driven by Duane McQuillan . Mr. McQuillan in urred expenses for the repair of his vehicle in the amount of $5, 389 .03 . O r investigation determined that Officer Axtell had failed to yield the rig t-of-way to northbound traffic and was at fault in this accident . ADVANTAOES IF APPROMED: DISADYAWTAQES IF APPROVEO: OIBADVANTIlOEB IF NOT APPRONED: ��,� Councii Research Ce�ter AUG 131�U �;u� �� ;� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : 5� '�f3 9 _0 3 COST/REVENtlH SUDIiBTED(qRCLL ONE) � NO ��� ����� 0 9 0 7 0 Fx���iNFOwyu►rar►:�xPweq