98-880ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Refe�red To 1 An Administrative Resolution to change tbe Rate of Pay for 2 the title of Cable Communications Officer Committee Date a� 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Cable Communications Officer be 4 changed to the rate set forth in grade 24 in Section ID 4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 5 be it FURTFiER RESOLVED, that this resolution will be effective on the first pay period fo(lowing passage and approval of this resolution. -��� '� : -��-- ��_- :. .. �.�� ���� �.�.�� ��-�o�C ��oo Adopted by Council: Date � cT� _�$ ,��� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary I."� �.� � r,�- Requested by the Office of Human Resowces � �c � �,. .. :.� .; ,% ....... .;�. ��.. ,��• , � Council File # a 8" g �'b GreenSheet# �oa'?.3 �I Y '�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCIL: DATE INCfIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 62386 Human Resources ' CO�TACT PERSON 8� PHON'E: � INn'�+LD IN1Tw/oATE Nfichael F. Foley (266-6484}�^�� (9$ s_ crrv couivcu. ASSICN 1 DEPARTD4EN7' DI Mark Robertson (266-6471) � NU7ISBER r��wrro s_ cm c�xf; FOR 3 ET DIR FiN. Fc MGT. SERVICE DIR ANSf BE ON COUNCQ, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTL�'C <i%E'1AYOR (OR AS . CNiL SERVICE C07�41�dISS70N As soon as possible � p �} ��q9 ORDER i TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PACFS (C[.IP ALL [ACATIONS FOR SlCNATURE) ncnox xFRUESrsu: Approve the nte of pay for the proposed new class specification of Cable Communications Officer. RECOMAff,NDATIONS: Appove (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRAC7'S AiUST ANSNER THE FOLLOWING QUESC[ONS: _PL4NNINGCOhA4SSION _CIVII.SERVICE CO[.4.9SSION 1. HasUuspasadfim�everwarkedimderaca�Uactforthisdepartmrnt? CISCOMMITI'£E _ Ya No _STAFF _ 2. HasitiisP�fumeverbcenarityemployee? DIS77tI(°f COURT Yes No SUPPOR7'S WHICH COLJNCQ.OBIECTIVE? 3. Does tltis pe�sodfum possas a sFa71 oot aomuilY Possessed bY any wrtent city anplayee? Yes No Etplain ail yes answua ort sepanteaheet and utach to qreen sheet wrr�nnrt�ve reoscent,�.ssc�e,orroxtutvrrY �ti�uo,�ti�r,�v��,«mere,�w,y�: The Cable Office of the City has uudergone major changes in the last few years. Along with changes in the Office, the responsibilities of the manager of the function, the Cable Conununication Officer. The laws and procedures goveming cable have changed considerably over the years and the respoasibilities of the position have changed from being in chazge of television production to being responsible for a cable franchise and its associated income of several million doilars and being responsible for a nerv communication media that permits combination of televisioa and data transmission. wnv,�rrcACes g nrexoven: The abitity to continue to provide innovative aud aggressive management of the City cable frnnchise, the City cable resources, and to provide a cheaper altemarive for data transmission for City agencies. ossnovnrrrncss � nreROVSn: The inerease +n sa4ary costs. 'fhe majority of salary costs come from the cable franchise and not fra_n tzxes. otSanVAN'rpGFS IF No't aeeROVEO: The City may not be able to keep andlor attract people of the calber required to effectively manage the ilie City cable program. TOTAt,AMOONT OFTRANSACfION: S,��1�� 8OO COSf/REVENUE BUDCETED: YES �, t',n��Q" FUNDSNGSOIiRCE; FwdR166 ALTfVITYfVUT4BER: 31121 �°`��������`�' F[NANC7AI.INFORMATION: (EXPi,AIN) All inereased cosfs wi0 be recovered from the cable franchisx. �� �'� F:UJSERS7EM1M lk:LASSiFli LINSEMGRNFMI. W PD � �' 1�� Attachment # 2 to Crreen Sheet # 62386 The Institutional Network The creation of the Institutiona] Network is one of the significant responsibilities that has been added to the responsibilities of the Cable Communications Officer. The funding for this network comes from the franchisee and the funding is administered by the Cable Officer. The development of the "hardware" and "software" portion of the network, insuring equitable access to authorized users, establishing policies for use, and developing the user base are also responsibilities of this position. The Institutional Cable Network (I-Net) is a network that connects all City departments and facilities (Libraries, Police Stations, Fire Stations, etc.), and also connects the public schools, other schools, all the colleges, and provides access to nonprofits. The net consists of several channels, not just one. The Institutional Network is funded from fees collected from the cable franchisee, not from tax dollars. The network offers the community the possibility of significantly improving education through access to the I-Net, training and communication opportunities for City departments (especially Libraries, Fire, and Police), and opportunities for non-profits. This position is necessary to develop policies regarding access to the net, manage access to ensure equitable access, ensure the City is collecting the proper fees from the franchisee, oversee technological development of the I-Net, and work with users to explore new uses for the I-Net. OFFICE OF FNMAN RESOIIRCF,S Jalut Hmnilmn, Direcmr l..11 1 �l' .]C131V 1 ri'1VL Norm Calemart, Mayor April27, 1998 James O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organ'vation 1300 PED City Hall Ann� 5aint Paul, MN 55102 400 L5ry Hatt Amu ZS Wus Fourr3t Street Saint PauZ,Minnesota 55102-1631 �l� ' 7ekphone: 612-266-6500 7DDfIZY.' 652-2666505 Jobtiae: 612-266b502 Farsimilt: 612-292_7QS6 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Cable Communications Officer (Holly Hansen) Dear Mr. O'Lear�,�`. It has been detern�ined that the class specification of Cable Communications Officer should be revised to retlect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty day:, of receipt of ttis memo, if + x-wis�t iscuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, assume and will proceed with the process. I will atso be pro g a resolution to establish ti Communications fficer in Grade 26, Section I il Supervisory S dard Ranges in the Salary Plan a� rate of pay for the title of Cable , of the Professional Employee Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, /GM'ichael� ��i��� Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising the class specification for Cable Communioa�ions Officer. `�l Z7�s Date g , �.Yo � SUMMARY OF CLASS STiIDY Cable Communications Officer August, 1998 BackEround The position is located in the Department of Technology and Management Services. It has assumed many signi&cant additional responsibilities over the past few years, most of which were not documented when the class spec was revised. These indude the position becoming a division manager within the department rather than being a section head reporting to the manager of the Data Processing division. (The position formerly worked for the Manager of Data Processing but now works for the Director of Technology and Management Services.) The cable industry has become more complex in the past few years due to increasing levels of service and due to new federal laws. The division has also taken over responsibility for the former Councii Cable Office which has resulted in a significant increase in programing responsibilities, some increase in staff, and, in addition, it is responsible, through contract, to produce the Ramsey County Board Meetings. The negotiations with the cable franchisee have become much more complex. The most recent round of negotiations invoived a major conflict over the state of the Institutional Network which the franchisee is supposed to provide to the City as a requirement of receiving the franchise. This network had been neglected for several years but it is a major resource for City government and for citizens. For example, it now has the potential to provide service to the School District, other non-profits, and to reduce other City costs due to data transmission services. 5tud�Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with former supervisor Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Q.E.S. evaluation and analysis Comparison to Qther Ctass Specifications The duties for the position in question were compared with the e�cisting class specs for Cable Communications Officer, Video Production Coordinator, Manager of Data Processing, and other division chiefs in the Department of Technology and Services, It was found that the position in aY .�� question has the same responsibilities as other division chiefs and that the new responsibilities - such as data security, I-net development, cable negotiations, and dealing with Ramsey County and the City Council clearly indicate a new and higher level of responsibility. Com�arison to Other Positions The position was compared to e�sting positions and it was found that the position did have a level of responsibility similar to the other division chiefs in the Department and that the new responsibilities had significantly increased the importance ofthe position. QE.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 24 in 5PS0. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the Cable Communications Officer be revised to reflect the new responsibilities and that the positions be allocated to the ]evel of compensation described above. STi7DIED BY: DATE OF STUDY: Michael F. Foley August 28, 1998 APPROVAL OF HUMAN R�SOiZRCES MANAGEMENT: (Date) aP-rro Salary Information Regarding Cable Communications Officer (Note: These figures reflect actual salary impact based on rates effective September 26, 1998.) Tit1e Present Rate of Pay Present Rate of Pay Bi-W eek Annual Cable Communications Officer (Current) (SPSO Gr 17) Cable Communications Officer (Proposed) (SPSO Crr 24) Difference $ 2,099.55 $ *2,551.49 $ 451.94 $ 54,79826 $ * 66,593.89 $ 11,800.00 Prepared by: Michael Foley (266-6484) Date: September 15, 1998 * Pay scale as of 9f26/98 F:\LiSERS�TEAM3�CLASS IFHANS EMPAY2. W PD CODE: 433A ��0 BU: 09 �y� EFFEGTIYE: � PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: CABI.E CO2�II�it7NICATIONS OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF WORK Geneial Statement of Duties: Per£orms responsible professional and managerial work in the administration af the City's cable television franchise, cable television programming, and telecox�unications operations, including policy development and implementation; has dizect contact with the Council, Office of the Mayor, and Ramsey CounLy officials; perfoxms related duties as required. Suvervision Received: Receives policy direction and general supervision £rom a department director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the Cable Division, management and supervision over subordinate supervisors, professional, technical and clerical personnel. TYPZCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed bq all positions in this class. Acts as the City's expert on the cable franchise and telecommunications issues. Assists in developing the oversll Citq telecommunications strategy, including use of the Institutio�l Network. 2fanages the Cable Office for the City and for specified responsibilities for Ramsey County including planning, personnel management, budgeting, uait management, development of tecluiology, and integration of sexvices with developing user needs. Negotiates and administers the cable franchise for the City of Saint Paul including pYOViding some services to Ramsey County. Oversees development of long range and short range plans and budgets to improve the service delivered to the City and other users of the Znstitutional Network, including the School District and other educational institutions, and oversees network delivery of services to non-commercial usets. ` Responds to xequests for information on the forward-looking use of cahle technology to improve ef£iciency and ef£ectiveness o£ departments, and non-profit Users. Prepazes summaries and interpretations of legislation involving information technology and telecommunications for elected officials; (continued on reverse side) CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Fage 2- prepares testimony regarding telecommun3cations legislation and position papers for elected of£icials. Administers cabZe franchise regulations; prepares fee projections; determines that terms o£ the franchise are met; enforces terms o£ the franchise; scipervises reporting, £ield investigations for standards compliance, responses to citizen complaints, and preparation of policy recommendations. Meets with other local government and cable organizations to coordinate telecommunications projects. Negotiates and oversees City contracts for the provision of PEG (Public, � Educational, and Governmental access) services to citizens, schools, and non-profit organizations. Oversees development and execution of professioual services contracts and hardware contracts related to cable law, engineering, te2eco�matications plazming and development, cable rates and revenues, and video production. Manages tha analysis, planning, and production of Iive cablecast and video materials for cablecasting. Manages and oversee the scheduling, audio-visual support, and video operations of the City Con£erence Center. DeaZs with media as appropriate. RNOWI.EDGE, SKZLLS, ABZLITIES ANB COMPETENCZES Thorough knowledge oE state-of-the-art teleco+�++*+�cations technology, especially cable television teclwolagy and television and video production. Thorough lrnowledge of ordinances, laws, =ules, regulations and procedures relating to cable £ranchising and franchise administration. Knowledge of princip2es and practices of nodern management inclvding an emphasis on aegotiation principles a.zd stcills. Considerable ability to interact effectively with elected officials, public interest groups, special interest groups, citizens, contractors, the media, cable franchisees, and regulatory agencies. Ability to negotiate contracts regazding cable franchising with a view to maintaining the public interest_ . Abiiity to plan, supervise, and evaluate the work of others, both employees and contractors. Ability to communicate e£fectively, orally, and in writing with public and private individuals and groups. CABLE COI�SONIGATIONS OFFZCER � � Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: , y4 Q CABLE COMMIJNICATIONS OPFICII2 �� �0 0 MINIMUM QUALIFZCATIONS A bachelor's degree in the area of telecommunications technologies, communications engineering, or communications; or a degree in public or business administration with twenty credits in coursework in communications; and five years of management experience in one of the following areas or a combination of the areas: 1. Local government cable franchise administration; 2. State/federal cable television regulation; 3. Cable television industry local government franchise administration; which must include sta££ selection, work planning, budgeting, franchise interpretation, and extensive contact with elected offic3als. (Na substitution for educatioa or eacpesience.) CASLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFZCER ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Refe�red To 1 An Administrative Resolution to change tbe Rate of Pay for 2 the title of Cable Communications Officer Committee Date a� 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Cable Communications Officer be 4 changed to the rate set forth in grade 24 in Section ID 4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 5 be it FURTFiER RESOLVED, that this resolution will be effective on the first pay period fo(lowing passage and approval of this resolution. -��� '� : -��-- ��_- :. .. �.�� ���� �.�.�� ��-�o�C ��oo Adopted by Council: Date � cT� _�$ ,��� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary I."� �.� � r,�- Requested by the Office of Human Resowces � �c � �,. .. :.� .; ,% ....... .;�. ��.. ,��• , � Council File # a 8" g �'b GreenSheet# �oa'?.3 �I Y '�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCIL: DATE INCfIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 62386 Human Resources ' CO�TACT PERSON 8� PHON'E: � INn'�+LD IN1Tw/oATE Nfichael F. Foley (266-6484}�^�� (9$ s_ crrv couivcu. ASSICN 1 DEPARTD4EN7' DI Mark Robertson (266-6471) � NU7ISBER r��wrro s_ cm c�xf; FOR 3 ET DIR FiN. Fc MGT. SERVICE DIR ANSf BE ON COUNCQ, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTL�'C <i%E'1AYOR (OR AS . CNiL SERVICE C07�41�dISS70N As soon as possible � p �} ��q9 ORDER i TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PACFS (C[.IP ALL [ACATIONS FOR SlCNATURE) ncnox xFRUESrsu: Approve the nte of pay for the proposed new class specification of Cable Communications Officer. RECOMAff,NDATIONS: Appove (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRAC7'S AiUST ANSNER THE FOLLOWING QUESC[ONS: _PL4NNINGCOhA4SSION _CIVII.SERVICE CO[.4.9SSION 1. HasUuspasadfim�everwarkedimderaca�Uactforthisdepartmrnt? CISCOMMITI'£E _ Ya No _STAFF _ 2. HasitiisP�fumeverbcenarityemployee? DIS77tI(°f COURT Yes No SUPPOR7'S WHICH COLJNCQ.OBIECTIVE? 3. Does tltis pe�sodfum possas a sFa71 oot aomuilY Possessed bY any wrtent city anplayee? Yes No Etplain ail yes answua ort sepanteaheet and utach to qreen sheet wrr�nnrt�ve reoscent,�.ssc�e,orroxtutvrrY �ti�uo,�ti�r,�v��,«mere,�w,y�: The Cable Office of the City has uudergone major changes in the last few years. Along with changes in the Office, the responsibilities of the manager of the function, the Cable Conununication Officer. The laws and procedures goveming cable have changed considerably over the years and the respoasibilities of the position have changed from being in chazge of television production to being responsible for a cable franchise and its associated income of several million doilars and being responsible for a nerv communication media that permits combination of televisioa and data transmission. wnv,�rrcACes g nrexoven: The abitity to continue to provide innovative aud aggressive management of the City cable frnnchise, the City cable resources, and to provide a cheaper altemarive for data transmission for City agencies. ossnovnrrrncss � nreROVSn: The inerease +n sa4ary costs. 'fhe majority of salary costs come from the cable franchise and not fra_n tzxes. otSanVAN'rpGFS IF No't aeeROVEO: The City may not be able to keep andlor attract people of the calber required to effectively manage the ilie City cable program. TOTAt,AMOONT OFTRANSACfION: S,��1�� 8OO COSf/REVENUE BUDCETED: YES �, t',n��Q" FUNDSNGSOIiRCE; FwdR166 ALTfVITYfVUT4BER: 31121 �°`��������`�' F[NANC7AI.INFORMATION: (EXPi,AIN) All inereased cosfs wi0 be recovered from the cable franchisx. �� �'� F:UJSERS7EM1M lk:LASSiFli LINSEMGRNFMI. W PD � �' 1�� Attachment # 2 to Crreen Sheet # 62386 The Institutional Network The creation of the Institutiona] Network is one of the significant responsibilities that has been added to the responsibilities of the Cable Communications Officer. The funding for this network comes from the franchisee and the funding is administered by the Cable Officer. The development of the "hardware" and "software" portion of the network, insuring equitable access to authorized users, establishing policies for use, and developing the user base are also responsibilities of this position. The Institutional Cable Network (I-Net) is a network that connects all City departments and facilities (Libraries, Police Stations, Fire Stations, etc.), and also connects the public schools, other schools, all the colleges, and provides access to nonprofits. The net consists of several channels, not just one. The Institutional Network is funded from fees collected from the cable franchisee, not from tax dollars. The network offers the community the possibility of significantly improving education through access to the I-Net, training and communication opportunities for City departments (especially Libraries, Fire, and Police), and opportunities for non-profits. This position is necessary to develop policies regarding access to the net, manage access to ensure equitable access, ensure the City is collecting the proper fees from the franchisee, oversee technological development of the I-Net, and work with users to explore new uses for the I-Net. OFFICE OF FNMAN RESOIIRCF,S Jalut Hmnilmn, Direcmr l..11 1 �l' .]C131V 1 ri'1VL Norm Calemart, Mayor April27, 1998 James O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organ'vation 1300 PED City Hall Ann� 5aint Paul, MN 55102 400 L5ry Hatt Amu ZS Wus Fourr3t Street Saint PauZ,Minnesota 55102-1631 �l� ' 7ekphone: 612-266-6500 7DDfIZY.' 652-2666505 Jobtiae: 612-266b502 Farsimilt: 612-292_7QS6 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Cable Communications Officer (Holly Hansen) Dear Mr. O'Lear�,�`. It has been detern�ined that the class specification of Cable Communications Officer should be revised to retlect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty day:, of receipt of ttis memo, if + x-wis�t iscuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, assume and will proceed with the process. I will atso be pro g a resolution to establish ti Communications fficer in Grade 26, Section I il Supervisory S dard Ranges in the Salary Plan a� rate of pay for the title of Cable , of the Professional Employee Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, /GM'ichael� ��i��� Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising the class specification for Cable Communioa�ions Officer. `�l Z7�s Date g , �.Yo � SUMMARY OF CLASS STiIDY Cable Communications Officer August, 1998 BackEround The position is located in the Department of Technology and Management Services. It has assumed many signi&cant additional responsibilities over the past few years, most of which were not documented when the class spec was revised. These indude the position becoming a division manager within the department rather than being a section head reporting to the manager of the Data Processing division. (The position formerly worked for the Manager of Data Processing but now works for the Director of Technology and Management Services.) The cable industry has become more complex in the past few years due to increasing levels of service and due to new federal laws. The division has also taken over responsibility for the former Councii Cable Office which has resulted in a significant increase in programing responsibilities, some increase in staff, and, in addition, it is responsible, through contract, to produce the Ramsey County Board Meetings. The negotiations with the cable franchisee have become much more complex. The most recent round of negotiations invoived a major conflict over the state of the Institutional Network which the franchisee is supposed to provide to the City as a requirement of receiving the franchise. This network had been neglected for several years but it is a major resource for City government and for citizens. For example, it now has the potential to provide service to the School District, other non-profits, and to reduce other City costs due to data transmission services. 5tud�Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with former supervisor Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Q.E.S. evaluation and analysis Comparison to Qther Ctass Specifications The duties for the position in question were compared with the e�cisting class specs for Cable Communications Officer, Video Production Coordinator, Manager of Data Processing, and other division chiefs in the Department of Technology and Services, It was found that the position in aY .�� question has the same responsibilities as other division chiefs and that the new responsibilities - such as data security, I-net development, cable negotiations, and dealing with Ramsey County and the City Council clearly indicate a new and higher level of responsibility. Com�arison to Other Positions The position was compared to e�sting positions and it was found that the position did have a level of responsibility similar to the other division chiefs in the Department and that the new responsibilities had significantly increased the importance ofthe position. QE.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 24 in 5PS0. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the Cable Communications Officer be revised to reflect the new responsibilities and that the positions be allocated to the ]evel of compensation described above. STi7DIED BY: DATE OF STUDY: Michael F. Foley August 28, 1998 APPROVAL OF HUMAN R�SOiZRCES MANAGEMENT: (Date) aP-rro Salary Information Regarding Cable Communications Officer (Note: These figures reflect actual salary impact based on rates effective September 26, 1998.) Tit1e Present Rate of Pay Present Rate of Pay Bi-W eek Annual Cable Communications Officer (Current) (SPSO Gr 17) Cable Communications Officer (Proposed) (SPSO Crr 24) Difference $ 2,099.55 $ *2,551.49 $ 451.94 $ 54,79826 $ * 66,593.89 $ 11,800.00 Prepared by: Michael Foley (266-6484) Date: September 15, 1998 * Pay scale as of 9f26/98 F:\LiSERS�TEAM3�CLASS IFHANS EMPAY2. W PD CODE: 433A ��0 BU: 09 �y� EFFEGTIYE: � PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: CABI.E CO2�II�it7NICATIONS OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF WORK Geneial Statement of Duties: Per£orms responsible professional and managerial work in the administration af the City's cable television franchise, cable television programming, and telecox�unications operations, including policy development and implementation; has dizect contact with the Council, Office of the Mayor, and Ramsey CounLy officials; perfoxms related duties as required. Suvervision Received: Receives policy direction and general supervision £rom a department director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the Cable Division, management and supervision over subordinate supervisors, professional, technical and clerical personnel. TYPZCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed bq all positions in this class. Acts as the City's expert on the cable franchise and telecommunications issues. Assists in developing the oversll Citq telecommunications strategy, including use of the Institutio�l Network. 2fanages the Cable Office for the City and for specified responsibilities for Ramsey County including planning, personnel management, budgeting, uait management, development of tecluiology, and integration of sexvices with developing user needs. Negotiates and administers the cable franchise for the City of Saint Paul including pYOViding some services to Ramsey County. Oversees development of long range and short range plans and budgets to improve the service delivered to the City and other users of the Znstitutional Network, including the School District and other educational institutions, and oversees network delivery of services to non-commercial usets. ` Responds to xequests for information on the forward-looking use of cahle technology to improve ef£iciency and ef£ectiveness o£ departments, and non-profit Users. Prepazes summaries and interpretations of legislation involving information technology and telecommunications for elected officials; (continued on reverse side) CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Fage 2- prepares testimony regarding telecommun3cations legislation and position papers for elected of£icials. Administers cabZe franchise regulations; prepares fee projections; determines that terms o£ the franchise are met; enforces terms o£ the franchise; scipervises reporting, £ield investigations for standards compliance, responses to citizen complaints, and preparation of policy recommendations. Meets with other local government and cable organizations to coordinate telecommunications projects. Negotiates and oversees City contracts for the provision of PEG (Public, � Educational, and Governmental access) services to citizens, schools, and non-profit organizations. Oversees development and execution of professioual services contracts and hardware contracts related to cable law, engineering, te2eco�matications plazming and development, cable rates and revenues, and video production. Manages tha analysis, planning, and production of Iive cablecast and video materials for cablecasting. Manages and oversee the scheduling, audio-visual support, and video operations of the City Con£erence Center. DeaZs with media as appropriate. RNOWI.EDGE, SKZLLS, ABZLITIES ANB COMPETENCZES Thorough knowledge oE state-of-the-art teleco+�++*+�cations technology, especially cable television teclwolagy and television and video production. Thorough lrnowledge of ordinances, laws, =ules, regulations and procedures relating to cable £ranchising and franchise administration. Knowledge of princip2es and practices of nodern management inclvding an emphasis on aegotiation principles a.zd stcills. Considerable ability to interact effectively with elected officials, public interest groups, special interest groups, citizens, contractors, the media, cable franchisees, and regulatory agencies. Ability to negotiate contracts regazding cable franchising with a view to maintaining the public interest_ . Abiiity to plan, supervise, and evaluate the work of others, both employees and contractors. Ability to communicate e£fectively, orally, and in writing with public and private individuals and groups. CABLE COI�SONIGATIONS OFFZCER � � Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: , y4 Q CABLE COMMIJNICATIONS OPFICII2 �� �0 0 MINIMUM QUALIFZCATIONS A bachelor's degree in the area of telecommunications technologies, communications engineering, or communications; or a degree in public or business administration with twenty credits in coursework in communications; and five years of management experience in one of the following areas or a combination of the areas: 1. Local government cable franchise administration; 2. State/federal cable television regulation; 3. Cable television industry local government franchise administration; which must include sta££ selection, work planning, budgeting, franchise interpretation, and extensive contact with elected offic3als. (Na substitution for educatioa or eacpesience.) CASLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFZCER ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Refe�red To 1 An Administrative Resolution to change tbe Rate of Pay for 2 the title of Cable Communications Officer Committee Date a� 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Cable Communications Officer be 4 changed to the rate set forth in grade 24 in Section ID 4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 5 be it FURTFiER RESOLVED, that this resolution will be effective on the first pay period fo(lowing passage and approval of this resolution. -��� '� : -��-- ��_- :. .. �.�� ���� �.�.�� ��-�o�C ��oo Adopted by Council: Date � cT� _�$ ,��� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary I."� �.� � r,�- Requested by the Office of Human Resowces � �c � �,. .. :.� .; ,% ....... .;�. ��.. ,��• , � Council File # a 8" g �'b GreenSheet# �oa'?.3 �I Y '�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCIL: DATE INCfIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 62386 Human Resources ' CO�TACT PERSON 8� PHON'E: � INn'�+LD IN1Tw/oATE Nfichael F. Foley (266-6484}�^�� (9$ s_ crrv couivcu. ASSICN 1 DEPARTD4EN7' DI Mark Robertson (266-6471) � NU7ISBER r��wrro s_ cm c�xf; FOR 3 ET DIR FiN. Fc MGT. SERVICE DIR ANSf BE ON COUNCQ, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTL�'C <i%E'1AYOR (OR AS . CNiL SERVICE C07�41�dISS70N As soon as possible � p �} ��q9 ORDER i TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PACFS (C[.IP ALL [ACATIONS FOR SlCNATURE) ncnox xFRUESrsu: Approve the nte of pay for the proposed new class specification of Cable Communications Officer. RECOMAff,NDATIONS: Appove (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRAC7'S AiUST ANSNER THE FOLLOWING QUESC[ONS: _PL4NNINGCOhA4SSION _CIVII.SERVICE CO[.4.9SSION 1. HasUuspasadfim�everwarkedimderaca�Uactforthisdepartmrnt? CISCOMMITI'£E _ Ya No _STAFF _ 2. HasitiisP�fumeverbcenarityemployee? DIS77tI(°f COURT Yes No SUPPOR7'S WHICH COLJNCQ.OBIECTIVE? 3. Does tltis pe�sodfum possas a sFa71 oot aomuilY Possessed bY any wrtent city anplayee? Yes No Etplain ail yes answua ort sepanteaheet and utach to qreen sheet wrr�nnrt�ve reoscent,�.ssc�e,orroxtutvrrY �ti�uo,�ti�r,�v��,«mere,�w,y�: The Cable Office of the City has uudergone major changes in the last few years. Along with changes in the Office, the responsibilities of the manager of the function, the Cable Conununication Officer. The laws and procedures goveming cable have changed considerably over the years and the respoasibilities of the position have changed from being in chazge of television production to being responsible for a cable franchise and its associated income of several million doilars and being responsible for a nerv communication media that permits combination of televisioa and data transmission. wnv,�rrcACes g nrexoven: The abitity to continue to provide innovative aud aggressive management of the City cable frnnchise, the City cable resources, and to provide a cheaper altemarive for data transmission for City agencies. ossnovnrrrncss � nreROVSn: The inerease +n sa4ary costs. 'fhe majority of salary costs come from the cable franchise and not fra_n tzxes. otSanVAN'rpGFS IF No't aeeROVEO: The City may not be able to keep andlor attract people of the calber required to effectively manage the ilie City cable program. TOTAt,AMOONT OFTRANSACfION: S,��1�� 8OO COSf/REVENUE BUDCETED: YES �, t',n��Q" FUNDSNGSOIiRCE; FwdR166 ALTfVITYfVUT4BER: 31121 �°`��������`�' F[NANC7AI.INFORMATION: (EXPi,AIN) All inereased cosfs wi0 be recovered from the cable franchisx. �� �'� F:UJSERS7EM1M lk:LASSiFli LINSEMGRNFMI. W PD � �' 1�� Attachment # 2 to Crreen Sheet # 62386 The Institutional Network The creation of the Institutiona] Network is one of the significant responsibilities that has been added to the responsibilities of the Cable Communications Officer. The funding for this network comes from the franchisee and the funding is administered by the Cable Officer. The development of the "hardware" and "software" portion of the network, insuring equitable access to authorized users, establishing policies for use, and developing the user base are also responsibilities of this position. The Institutional Cable Network (I-Net) is a network that connects all City departments and facilities (Libraries, Police Stations, Fire Stations, etc.), and also connects the public schools, other schools, all the colleges, and provides access to nonprofits. The net consists of several channels, not just one. The Institutional Network is funded from fees collected from the cable franchisee, not from tax dollars. The network offers the community the possibility of significantly improving education through access to the I-Net, training and communication opportunities for City departments (especially Libraries, Fire, and Police), and opportunities for non-profits. This position is necessary to develop policies regarding access to the net, manage access to ensure equitable access, ensure the City is collecting the proper fees from the franchisee, oversee technological development of the I-Net, and work with users to explore new uses for the I-Net. OFFICE OF FNMAN RESOIIRCF,S Jalut Hmnilmn, Direcmr l..11 1 �l' .]C131V 1 ri'1VL Norm Calemart, Mayor April27, 1998 James O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organ'vation 1300 PED City Hall Ann� 5aint Paul, MN 55102 400 L5ry Hatt Amu ZS Wus Fourr3t Street Saint PauZ,Minnesota 55102-1631 �l� ' 7ekphone: 612-266-6500 7DDfIZY.' 652-2666505 Jobtiae: 612-266b502 Farsimilt: 612-292_7QS6 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Cable Communications Officer (Holly Hansen) Dear Mr. O'Lear�,�`. It has been detern�ined that the class specification of Cable Communications Officer should be revised to retlect a clarification of duties and a change in minimum qualifications. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty day:, of receipt of ttis memo, if + x-wis�t iscuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, assume and will proceed with the process. I will atso be pro g a resolution to establish ti Communications fficer in Grade 26, Section I il Supervisory S dard Ranges in the Salary Plan a� rate of pay for the title of Cable , of the Professional Employee Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, /GM'ichael� ��i��� Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising the class specification for Cable Communioa�ions Officer. `�l Z7�s Date g , �.Yo � SUMMARY OF CLASS STiIDY Cable Communications Officer August, 1998 BackEround The position is located in the Department of Technology and Management Services. It has assumed many signi&cant additional responsibilities over the past few years, most of which were not documented when the class spec was revised. These indude the position becoming a division manager within the department rather than being a section head reporting to the manager of the Data Processing division. (The position formerly worked for the Manager of Data Processing but now works for the Director of Technology and Management Services.) The cable industry has become more complex in the past few years due to increasing levels of service and due to new federal laws. The division has also taken over responsibility for the former Councii Cable Office which has resulted in a significant increase in programing responsibilities, some increase in staff, and, in addition, it is responsible, through contract, to produce the Ramsey County Board Meetings. The negotiations with the cable franchisee have become much more complex. The most recent round of negotiations invoived a major conflict over the state of the Institutional Network which the franchisee is supposed to provide to the City as a requirement of receiving the franchise. This network had been neglected for several years but it is a major resource for City government and for citizens. For example, it now has the potential to provide service to the School District, other non-profits, and to reduce other City costs due to data transmission services. 5tud�Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with former supervisor Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Q.E.S. evaluation and analysis Comparison to Qther Ctass Specifications The duties for the position in question were compared with the e�cisting class specs for Cable Communications Officer, Video Production Coordinator, Manager of Data Processing, and other division chiefs in the Department of Technology and Services, It was found that the position in aY .�� question has the same responsibilities as other division chiefs and that the new responsibilities - such as data security, I-net development, cable negotiations, and dealing with Ramsey County and the City Council clearly indicate a new and higher level of responsibility. Com�arison to Other Positions The position was compared to e�sting positions and it was found that the position did have a level of responsibility similar to the other division chiefs in the Department and that the new responsibilities had significantly increased the importance ofthe position. QE.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 24 in 5PS0. Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the Cable Communications Officer be revised to reflect the new responsibilities and that the positions be allocated to the ]evel of compensation described above. STi7DIED BY: DATE OF STUDY: Michael F. Foley August 28, 1998 APPROVAL OF HUMAN R�SOiZRCES MANAGEMENT: (Date) aP-rro Salary Information Regarding Cable Communications Officer (Note: These figures reflect actual salary impact based on rates effective September 26, 1998.) Tit1e Present Rate of Pay Present Rate of Pay Bi-W eek Annual Cable Communications Officer (Current) (SPSO Gr 17) Cable Communications Officer (Proposed) (SPSO Crr 24) Difference $ 2,099.55 $ *2,551.49 $ 451.94 $ 54,79826 $ * 66,593.89 $ 11,800.00 Prepared by: Michael Foley (266-6484) Date: September 15, 1998 * Pay scale as of 9f26/98 F:\LiSERS�TEAM3�CLASS IFHANS EMPAY2. W PD CODE: 433A ��0 BU: 09 �y� EFFEGTIYE: � PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: CABI.E CO2�II�it7NICATIONS OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF WORK Geneial Statement of Duties: Per£orms responsible professional and managerial work in the administration af the City's cable television franchise, cable television programming, and telecox�unications operations, including policy development and implementation; has dizect contact with the Council, Office of the Mayor, and Ramsey CounLy officials; perfoxms related duties as required. Suvervision Received: Receives policy direction and general supervision £rom a department director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the Cable Division, management and supervision over subordinate supervisors, professional, technical and clerical personnel. TYPZCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed bq all positions in this class. Acts as the City's expert on the cable franchise and telecommunications issues. Assists in developing the oversll Citq telecommunications strategy, including use of the Institutio�l Network. 2fanages the Cable Office for the City and for specified responsibilities for Ramsey County including planning, personnel management, budgeting, uait management, development of tecluiology, and integration of sexvices with developing user needs. Negotiates and administers the cable franchise for the City of Saint Paul including pYOViding some services to Ramsey County. Oversees development of long range and short range plans and budgets to improve the service delivered to the City and other users of the Znstitutional Network, including the School District and other educational institutions, and oversees network delivery of services to non-commercial usets. ` Responds to xequests for information on the forward-looking use of cahle technology to improve ef£iciency and ef£ectiveness o£ departments, and non-profit Users. Prepazes summaries and interpretations of legislation involving information technology and telecommunications for elected officials; (continued on reverse side) CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Fage 2- prepares testimony regarding telecommun3cations legislation and position papers for elected of£icials. Administers cabZe franchise regulations; prepares fee projections; determines that terms o£ the franchise are met; enforces terms o£ the franchise; scipervises reporting, £ield investigations for standards compliance, responses to citizen complaints, and preparation of policy recommendations. Meets with other local government and cable organizations to coordinate telecommunications projects. Negotiates and oversees City contracts for the provision of PEG (Public, � Educational, and Governmental access) services to citizens, schools, and non-profit organizations. Oversees development and execution of professioual services contracts and hardware contracts related to cable law, engineering, te2eco�matications plazming and development, cable rates and revenues, and video production. Manages tha analysis, planning, and production of Iive cablecast and video materials for cablecasting. Manages and oversee the scheduling, audio-visual support, and video operations of the City Con£erence Center. DeaZs with media as appropriate. RNOWI.EDGE, SKZLLS, ABZLITIES ANB COMPETENCZES Thorough knowledge oE state-of-the-art teleco+�++*+�cations technology, especially cable television teclwolagy and television and video production. Thorough lrnowledge of ordinances, laws, =ules, regulations and procedures relating to cable £ranchising and franchise administration. Knowledge of princip2es and practices of nodern management inclvding an emphasis on aegotiation principles a.zd stcills. Considerable ability to interact effectively with elected officials, public interest groups, special interest groups, citizens, contractors, the media, cable franchisees, and regulatory agencies. Ability to negotiate contracts regazding cable franchising with a view to maintaining the public interest_ . Abiiity to plan, supervise, and evaluate the work of others, both employees and contractors. Ability to communicate e£fectively, orally, and in writing with public and private individuals and groups. CABLE COI�SONIGATIONS OFFZCER � � Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: , y4 Q CABLE COMMIJNICATIONS OPFICII2 �� �0 0 MINIMUM QUALIFZCATIONS A bachelor's degree in the area of telecommunications technologies, communications engineering, or communications; or a degree in public or business administration with twenty credits in coursework in communications; and five years of management experience in one of the following areas or a combination of the areas: 1. Local government cable franchise administration; 2. State/federal cable television regulation; 3. Cable television industry local government franchise administration; which must include sta££ selection, work planning, budgeting, franchise interpretation, and extensive contact with elected offic3als. (Na substitution for educatioa or eacpesience.) CASLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFZCER