98-879Council File # 9g — � � 4RlG1NAL .�;�?s;�r� Refermd To Green Sheet # 62951 1� Committee DaYe An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the Landscape Architect IV in the Salary Plan and Raxes of Compensarion. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position ofLandscape Architect N be that as set forth in Grade 023, of the Professional Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of compensation; and be it FII�TALLY RESOLVED, that ttus resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage and approval of this resolution. Requested hy Department of Office of Huwan Resources ��.� .� . . . . � - , ..� �'r`.. _.- _ _��-- � � � � � � � � - I �■!1' V������ W RESOLUTI�N OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Adopted by Council: Date � s.�". ����_ �: �. � .� DEPARTMENIYOFFICF/COUNCII.: Human Resources COI�TACf YERSON & PHONE: Nancy Anderson 266-6510 MUSf BE ON COUNCII.AGENDA BY (DATL� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATLJRE YAGES DATE INIT7ATED 7/14i98 � A5SIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDE& r,�r���.� � � �'��°� No.: 62951 �vmers _s_crrsrco�cu, acrtox x�ussrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the new position of Landscape Architect N in Grade 023 of the Professionai Standard Ranges in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) � RejM (A) _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION _CNiLSERVICE CO1vIIvfISSION _CIB COMMI'11'EE _ STAFF _ DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCII.OBJECTTVE7 GREEN SHEET PERSONAL SEI2VICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUFSl'IONS: 1. Haaflvsperson/fumevawo'3cedumleracontrac[f�itisdeparfmP�t1 Yes No 2. Has tbis peison7fi�m ever been a city employee7 Yes No 3. Dcesthispersodfi+mposvessaskillnotnormallYP�bY�Ywn'��Y ecnpWyee? Yas No Ezplatn atl yes anawera on separate shectnnd akachto greca sheet IIVITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPORTUNITY (VVLq WLat, Wheq Where, Why): The Design Seetion of the Division of Parks & Recreaton currently has three 3evels of Landscape Architects. The size and complexity of the projects assigned to the Landscape Architect III's have increased over the years along with the responsibility and contact involved with those projects. It was deternuned"that a foutth level s� u1d be added to this series to adequately reflect these increased duties. �� t 4 ADVANTACESIFAPPROVED: .���- �, � The individuals currently holding the title of Landscape Architect�III will be reallocated to a tide that better reflects their job duties and compensates them accordingly. DI5ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF PiOT APPROVEIY: i2EC.EiV£[� JUL 2 3 i99� The individuals currently holding the tifle of Landscape Architect III will not be adequately compensated for the work they do nor will their }ob title accurately reflect their current job duties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $7585.24 pa upgrade FUNDING SOURCE: Parks and Recreation Special Projec� Fund 365 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (FXPLAii� AGTNI'fY NUMBER: 13300 Yes ��� � � ���� G �';St:yi' �r',�W..�:'�::.�4... . a q�'' ��� CITY OF SA1NI' PAUL Norm Cofeman. Mayor June 3, 1998 Professional Emgloyees Association, Inc. Milce Wdde, Bus. Rep. 360 Robert Street I Suite #424 St Paul MI�I 55101 Dear Mike: o�ce oF tau.w+:. izesou�cFs lahrs t(amil�on, Diret+or a00 Gry Hall Aiuus ?5 West Faurth St�eet SaintPauCMinnerom 5570?-I637 7elephnne: 6t2-266fi50Q 1DDR7Y. b12-266-6501 JobGnc� 6I2-266-6502 Facrimil�: 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Landscape Architect N should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me witttin twenty days of receipt of ftus memo, if you wish to discuss this action. I£I do not hear from you within that time frame, T will assume agreement and wili proceed with Yhe process. I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Landscape Architect IV, in Grade 23, of the Professionai Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. �incerely, y�� Nancy C. An�erson Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for Yhe purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name � UL �� l� �. Q�-� Date LNARI WN. WPD OFFICEOE FtU6isv\ RESOURCES John Hami7roa, Dbumr CITY OF SAINT' PAUL No�m Cot¢man. Mayor TO: Bob Piram, Superintendent Division of Pazks and Recreation 400CiryHailArsn� 251YestFou.tF. Sneer SaintPauC.ifinnesota 55101-7631 FROM: Nancy Anderson, Human Resources Consui�� Office of Human Resources DATE: � June 3, 1998 Ciassification and Compensafion Study Result Telephone: ZDDlITl': Joblrne: Facsimile: � ��� 612-26G6500 61Z-266-6507 61 2-266 63 0? 612-292-7656 We have completed our study of the Iandscape Arctutect III position held by Don Ganje. We have reviewed the job profile, inYecviewed ihe incumbent and immediate supervisor, compared the position with related classes and positions, and evaluated the posirion using the QES system. Based upon that informatiozi, we recommend that the position should be allocated to the newly created Landscape Architect IV class. Please share tius information with Yi e emp.oyee affected, or if you would lilce me to s�focTy the employee, please let me know. The addirional salary cost ofthis upgrade will 6e approadmaYely $7,614 per year. To implement this action, your department will need to initiate a requisition and send it through the requ'ued process. The final appointment of Mr. Ganje to this new Yitle cannot take place until the position is o�cially adopted by the Ciry Council, so I wsll keep you apprized of that process. If yoc choose not to implemeni this, you can un3ertake other meas�res to keep the studied posi:ion at its cuarznt leve;. The �rocass can be simple or �nvclve3 dsper_ding upon the needs of a parriculaz siudy. It may invoive any one or a combination of the following: restructuring the duties ofthe studled position Yo reassign higher-level duties to other positions(s), modifying e�risYing processes and procedures, or studying an eirtire unit - its structure, functions, and operations -£or the possibility of a reorganiz.ation. Please call me at 266-6510 ofyour decision or to discuss this matter: Thank you. F:\USFRS\TEA.�iI\20DAY�LNARND?.WP� ��ROPOSED"�ITLE OF CLASS: LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: CODE: 628A BU: O6 �� I ��� EFFECTIVE: Under direction, acts as an assistant to the Principal ➢esigner; serves as lead on large, complex landscape architecture projects; performs highly responsible pro£essional and supervisory work directing design, construction documents preparation and construction inspection woYk; and per£orms related activities and duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the genaral supervision of the Principal Designer. SuneYVision Exercised: Exercises, within a unit, general and administrative supervision over pro£essional and technical design employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Assists in supervising the work of architects, landscape architects, engineers, consultants, and tecitinical staff in planning and designing development projects for construction on ciry owned property or the development o£ land areas for use as parks or other recreational facilities. Develops and presents capital improvement budget proposals to establish funding for a development program or specific project. Supervises and monitors all phases of assigned development projacts inciuding project schedules, budgets, design develop�ent, construction documeiits preparation, and cor.struetion management and inspectian. 9ssigns pro£essional staff to manage construction implementation of complex development projects. Presents complex development projects be£ore neighborhood, city, zegional, state, and/or federal authorities, elected and appointed of£icials, and appointed citizen groups £or required approvals and funding. Prepares comprehensive written long-range master plans for multiple use development projects. Prepares design guidelines for development projects which interpret the environmental, cultural and aesthetic development potentials for specific project sites. (continued on reverse side) LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT IV Page 2 (� PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: . ��� Q� 1 LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT IV v Reviews and approves £inal design reports, environmental studies, cost benefit analyses, and evaluation of alternative site and building design studies. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES Ai3D COPfPETENCZES Thorough kno�aledge of the principles and techniques of landscape architecture_ Considerable knowledge of the principles and techniques of architecture and civil engineering. Considerable knowledge of department policy, goals, and objectives. Thorough ability to prepare, and to coordinate and supervise the prepa=ation of, accurate plans, models, designs, construction plans and specifications. Thorough ability to manage large, complex landscape aYChitectuYe projects, including adminsLering contracts, inspecting, and approving construction and maintenance projects. Considerable ability to plan with, diiect, and supervise other sta£f members, consultants, and contractors. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with elected and appointed officials, appointed citizen groups, and the general public. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. MINIMt3M QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in landscage architecture, landscape design or environmental design and eight years' pro£essional landscape architect experience, at least three o£ which must have been as a Iandscape Archit�c*_ iII, or equivalent. Must be registered as a Pro£essional Landscap° Architect in the State of Minnesota. (Ido substitution for education.) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IV Ci:.y Sain� Psul r BARGP.INING UNZT 06 PROFESSIONAL EFFECTIVE 1998 GRADE 022 Issued 12j12/97 q�-r�9 879 PROJECT MANnGER IV 294h PR03ECT HANAGER IV--PUBLIC UKS 328A VALU£ ANAI.YST III A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) <2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C7) {8) (9) 12f20/97 1&12_93 1884,70 1960.83 2058.70 2162.03 2269.68 2382.77 2k54.58 2526_34 02/28/98 1849.19 i922.39 2000_OS 2099.87 2205.27 2315.07 2430.43 2503.67 2576.87 09/26/98 1863.98 1937.77 2016_OS 2116_67 2222.91 2333.59 2449.87 2523.70 2597.48 12/20/97 1868.41 19L2.35 2020.93 2120.71 2225_k6 2339.30 245L.58 2529.62 2503.56 02/2S/98 1905.78 19B1.20 2061_35 2163.12 2259.97 2386.09 2503_67 2580.2i 2b55.63 09/26j98 1421.03 1997.05 2077.84 2180.42 2288.13 2405.18 2523:70 2600.85 2676.88 i2/20/97 i922.77 1999.95 2079.37 2184.83 2293.61 2k07.80 2529_62 2603.56 2678.60 � 02/28J9fi 1961.23 2039_95 2120.96 2228.53 2339_48 2455.96 2580.21 2655.63 2732.17 04/26/9fi i976.92 2056_27 2137.93 224b_3b 2358.20 2475.61 2600.85 2676.88 2754.03 GRADE 025 12j20/97 1480.38 2061.96 2143.52 2250.12 2361.01 2479.60 2603.55 2682.93 27b0.18 02J2$/98 2019.49 2103.20 2186.39 2295.12 2408.23 2529.19 2655,63 2736.59 2815_38 09J26/98 2036.15 2i20.43 2203.88 2313_48 2427.50 2549.42 2676_88 2758.48 2837.90 GRAD� 026 12/20/97 2041.32 2121.75 2208.77 2315.3b 2433.93 2555.71 2682_93 2763.44 2842.81 02/28/98 2082_15 2164.20 2252.95 2361.67 2482.b1 2606.82 2736_59 2818.71 2899.b7 09j26/98 2098.81 2181.51 2270_97 2380.56 2502.47 2627.67 2758.48 284I.26 2922.87 06-7 Council File # 9g — � � 4RlG1NAL .�;�?s;�r� Refermd To Green Sheet # 62951 1� Committee DaYe An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the Landscape Architect IV in the Salary Plan and Raxes of Compensarion. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position ofLandscape Architect N be that as set forth in Grade 023, of the Professional Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of compensation; and be it FII�TALLY RESOLVED, that ttus resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage and approval of this resolution. Requested hy Department of Office of Huwan Resources ��.� .� . . . . � - , ..� �'r`.. _.- _ _��-- � � � � � � � � - I �■!1' V������ W RESOLUTI�N OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Adopted by Council: Date � s.�". ����_ �: �. � .� DEPARTMENIYOFFICF/COUNCII.: Human Resources COI�TACf YERSON & PHONE: Nancy Anderson 266-6510 MUSf BE ON COUNCII.AGENDA BY (DATL� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATLJRE YAGES DATE INIT7ATED 7/14i98 � A5SIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDE& r,�r���.� � � �'��°� No.: 62951 �vmers _s_crrsrco�cu, acrtox x�ussrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the new position of Landscape Architect N in Grade 023 of the Professionai Standard Ranges in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) � RejM (A) _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION _CNiLSERVICE CO1vIIvfISSION _CIB COMMI'11'EE _ STAFF _ DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCII.OBJECTTVE7 GREEN SHEET PERSONAL SEI2VICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUFSl'IONS: 1. Haaflvsperson/fumevawo'3cedumleracontrac[f�itisdeparfmP�t1 Yes No 2. Has tbis peison7fi�m ever been a city employee7 Yes No 3. Dcesthispersodfi+mposvessaskillnotnormallYP�bY�Ywn'��Y ecnpWyee? Yas No Ezplatn atl yes anawera on separate shectnnd akachto greca sheet IIVITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPORTUNITY (VVLq WLat, Wheq Where, Why): The Design Seetion of the Division of Parks & Recreaton currently has three 3evels of Landscape Architects. The size and complexity of the projects assigned to the Landscape Architect III's have increased over the years along with the responsibility and contact involved with those projects. It was deternuned"that a foutth level s� u1d be added to this series to adequately reflect these increased duties. �� t 4 ADVANTACESIFAPPROVED: .���- �, � The individuals currently holding the title of Landscape Architect�III will be reallocated to a tide that better reflects their job duties and compensates them accordingly. DI5ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF PiOT APPROVEIY: i2EC.EiV£[� JUL 2 3 i99� The individuals currently holding the tifle of Landscape Architect III will not be adequately compensated for the work they do nor will their }ob title accurately reflect their current job duties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $7585.24 pa upgrade FUNDING SOURCE: Parks and Recreation Special Projec� Fund 365 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (FXPLAii� AGTNI'fY NUMBER: 13300 Yes ��� � � ���� G �';St:yi' �r',�W..�:'�::.�4... . a q�'' ��� CITY OF SA1NI' PAUL Norm Cofeman. Mayor June 3, 1998 Professional Emgloyees Association, Inc. Milce Wdde, Bus. Rep. 360 Robert Street I Suite #424 St Paul MI�I 55101 Dear Mike: o�ce oF tau.w+:. izesou�cFs lahrs t(amil�on, Diret+or a00 Gry Hall Aiuus ?5 West Faurth St�eet SaintPauCMinnerom 5570?-I637 7elephnne: 6t2-266fi50Q 1DDR7Y. b12-266-6501 JobGnc� 6I2-266-6502 Facrimil�: 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Landscape Architect N should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me witttin twenty days of receipt of ftus memo, if you wish to discuss this action. I£I do not hear from you within that time frame, T will assume agreement and wili proceed with Yhe process. I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Landscape Architect IV, in Grade 23, of the Professionai Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. �incerely, y�� Nancy C. An�erson Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for Yhe purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name � UL �� l� �. Q�-� Date LNARI WN. WPD OFFICEOE FtU6isv\ RESOURCES John Hami7roa, Dbumr CITY OF SAINT' PAUL No�m Cot¢man. Mayor TO: Bob Piram, Superintendent Division of Pazks and Recreation 400CiryHailArsn� 251YestFou.tF. Sneer SaintPauC.ifinnesota 55101-7631 FROM: Nancy Anderson, Human Resources Consui�� Office of Human Resources DATE: � June 3, 1998 Ciassification and Compensafion Study Result Telephone: ZDDlITl': Joblrne: Facsimile: � ��� 612-26G6500 61Z-266-6507 61 2-266 63 0? 612-292-7656 We have completed our study of the Iandscape Arctutect III position held by Don Ganje. We have reviewed the job profile, inYecviewed ihe incumbent and immediate supervisor, compared the position with related classes and positions, and evaluated the posirion using the QES system. Based upon that informatiozi, we recommend that the position should be allocated to the newly created Landscape Architect IV class. Please share tius information with Yi e emp.oyee affected, or if you would lilce me to s�focTy the employee, please let me know. The addirional salary cost ofthis upgrade will 6e approadmaYely $7,614 per year. To implement this action, your department will need to initiate a requisition and send it through the requ'ued process. The final appointment of Mr. Ganje to this new Yitle cannot take place until the position is o�cially adopted by the Ciry Council, so I wsll keep you apprized of that process. If yoc choose not to implemeni this, you can un3ertake other meas�res to keep the studied posi:ion at its cuarznt leve;. The �rocass can be simple or �nvclve3 dsper_ding upon the needs of a parriculaz siudy. It may invoive any one or a combination of the following: restructuring the duties ofthe studled position Yo reassign higher-level duties to other positions(s), modifying e�risYing processes and procedures, or studying an eirtire unit - its structure, functions, and operations -£or the possibility of a reorganiz.ation. Please call me at 266-6510 ofyour decision or to discuss this matter: Thank you. F:\USFRS\TEA.�iI\20DAY�LNARND?.WP� ��ROPOSED"�ITLE OF CLASS: LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: CODE: 628A BU: O6 �� I ��� EFFECTIVE: Under direction, acts as an assistant to the Principal ➢esigner; serves as lead on large, complex landscape architecture projects; performs highly responsible pro£essional and supervisory work directing design, construction documents preparation and construction inspection woYk; and per£orms related activities and duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the genaral supervision of the Principal Designer. SuneYVision Exercised: Exercises, within a unit, general and administrative supervision over pro£essional and technical design employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Assists in supervising the work of architects, landscape architects, engineers, consultants, and tecitinical staff in planning and designing development projects for construction on ciry owned property or the development o£ land areas for use as parks or other recreational facilities. Develops and presents capital improvement budget proposals to establish funding for a development program or specific project. Supervises and monitors all phases of assigned development projacts inciuding project schedules, budgets, design develop�ent, construction documeiits preparation, and cor.struetion management and inspectian. 9ssigns pro£essional staff to manage construction implementation of complex development projects. Presents complex development projects be£ore neighborhood, city, zegional, state, and/or federal authorities, elected and appointed of£icials, and appointed citizen groups £or required approvals and funding. Prepares comprehensive written long-range master plans for multiple use development projects. Prepares design guidelines for development projects which interpret the environmental, cultural and aesthetic development potentials for specific project sites. (continued on reverse side) LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT IV Page 2 (� PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: . ��� Q� 1 LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT IV v Reviews and approves £inal design reports, environmental studies, cost benefit analyses, and evaluation of alternative site and building design studies. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES Ai3D COPfPETENCZES Thorough kno�aledge of the principles and techniques of landscape architecture_ Considerable knowledge of the principles and techniques of architecture and civil engineering. Considerable knowledge of department policy, goals, and objectives. Thorough ability to prepare, and to coordinate and supervise the prepa=ation of, accurate plans, models, designs, construction plans and specifications. Thorough ability to manage large, complex landscape aYChitectuYe projects, including adminsLering contracts, inspecting, and approving construction and maintenance projects. Considerable ability to plan with, diiect, and supervise other sta£f members, consultants, and contractors. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with elected and appointed officials, appointed citizen groups, and the general public. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. MINIMt3M QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in landscage architecture, landscape design or environmental design and eight years' pro£essional landscape architect experience, at least three o£ which must have been as a Iandscape Archit�c*_ iII, or equivalent. Must be registered as a Pro£essional Landscap° Architect in the State of Minnesota. (Ido substitution for education.) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IV Ci:.y Sain� Psul r BARGP.INING UNZT 06 PROFESSIONAL EFFECTIVE 1998 GRADE 022 Issued 12j12/97 q�-r�9 879 PROJECT MANnGER IV 294h PR03ECT HANAGER IV--PUBLIC UKS 328A VALU£ ANAI.YST III A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) <2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C7) {8) (9) 12f20/97 1&12_93 1884,70 1960.83 2058.70 2162.03 2269.68 2382.77 2k54.58 2526_34 02/28/98 1849.19 i922.39 2000_OS 2099.87 2205.27 2315.07 2430.43 2503.67 2576.87 09/26/98 1863.98 1937.77 2016_OS 2116_67 2222.91 2333.59 2449.87 2523.70 2597.48 12/20/97 1868.41 19L2.35 2020.93 2120.71 2225_k6 2339.30 245L.58 2529.62 2503.56 02/2S/98 1905.78 19B1.20 2061_35 2163.12 2259.97 2386.09 2503_67 2580.2i 2b55.63 09/26j98 1421.03 1997.05 2077.84 2180.42 2288.13 2405.18 2523:70 2600.85 2676.88 i2/20/97 i922.77 1999.95 2079.37 2184.83 2293.61 2k07.80 2529_62 2603.56 2678.60 � 02/28J9fi 1961.23 2039_95 2120.96 2228.53 2339_48 2455.96 2580.21 2655.63 2732.17 04/26/9fi i976.92 2056_27 2137.93 224b_3b 2358.20 2475.61 2600.85 2676.88 2754.03 GRADE 025 12j20/97 1480.38 2061.96 2143.52 2250.12 2361.01 2479.60 2603.55 2682.93 27b0.18 02J2$/98 2019.49 2103.20 2186.39 2295.12 2408.23 2529.19 2655,63 2736.59 2815_38 09J26/98 2036.15 2i20.43 2203.88 2313_48 2427.50 2549.42 2676_88 2758.48 2837.90 GRAD� 026 12/20/97 2041.32 2121.75 2208.77 2315.3b 2433.93 2555.71 2682_93 2763.44 2842.81 02/28/98 2082_15 2164.20 2252.95 2361.67 2482.b1 2606.82 2736_59 2818.71 2899.b7 09j26/98 2098.81 2181.51 2270_97 2380.56 2502.47 2627.67 2758.48 284I.26 2922.87 06-7 Council File # 9g — � � 4RlG1NAL .�;�?s;�r� Refermd To Green Sheet # 62951 1� Committee DaYe An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the Landscape Architect IV in the Salary Plan and Raxes of Compensarion. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position ofLandscape Architect N be that as set forth in Grade 023, of the Professional Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of compensation; and be it FII�TALLY RESOLVED, that ttus resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage and approval of this resolution. Requested hy Department of Office of Huwan Resources ��.� .� . . . . � - , ..� �'r`.. _.- _ _��-- � � � � � � � � - I �■!1' V������ W RESOLUTI�N OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Adopted by Council: Date � s.�". ����_ �: �. � .� DEPARTMENIYOFFICF/COUNCII.: Human Resources COI�TACf YERSON & PHONE: Nancy Anderson 266-6510 MUSf BE ON COUNCII.AGENDA BY (DATL� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATLJRE YAGES DATE INIT7ATED 7/14i98 � A5SIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDE& r,�r���.� � � �'��°� No.: 62951 �vmers _s_crrsrco�cu, acrtox x�ussrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the new position of Landscape Architect N in Grade 023 of the Professionai Standard Ranges in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) � RejM (A) _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION _CNiLSERVICE CO1vIIvfISSION _CIB COMMI'11'EE _ STAFF _ DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCII.OBJECTTVE7 GREEN SHEET PERSONAL SEI2VICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUFSl'IONS: 1. Haaflvsperson/fumevawo'3cedumleracontrac[f�itisdeparfmP�t1 Yes No 2. Has tbis peison7fi�m ever been a city employee7 Yes No 3. Dcesthispersodfi+mposvessaskillnotnormallYP�bY�Ywn'��Y ecnpWyee? Yas No Ezplatn atl yes anawera on separate shectnnd akachto greca sheet IIVITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPORTUNITY (VVLq WLat, Wheq Where, Why): The Design Seetion of the Division of Parks & Recreaton currently has three 3evels of Landscape Architects. The size and complexity of the projects assigned to the Landscape Architect III's have increased over the years along with the responsibility and contact involved with those projects. It was deternuned"that a foutth level s� u1d be added to this series to adequately reflect these increased duties. �� t 4 ADVANTACESIFAPPROVED: .���- �, � The individuals currently holding the title of Landscape Architect�III will be reallocated to a tide that better reflects their job duties and compensates them accordingly. DI5ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF PiOT APPROVEIY: i2EC.EiV£[� JUL 2 3 i99� The individuals currently holding the tifle of Landscape Architect III will not be adequately compensated for the work they do nor will their }ob title accurately reflect their current job duties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $7585.24 pa upgrade FUNDING SOURCE: Parks and Recreation Special Projec� Fund 365 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (FXPLAii� AGTNI'fY NUMBER: 13300 Yes ��� � � ���� G �';St:yi' �r',�W..�:'�::.�4... . a q�'' ��� CITY OF SA1NI' PAUL Norm Cofeman. Mayor June 3, 1998 Professional Emgloyees Association, Inc. Milce Wdde, Bus. Rep. 360 Robert Street I Suite #424 St Paul MI�I 55101 Dear Mike: o�ce oF tau.w+:. izesou�cFs lahrs t(amil�on, Diret+or a00 Gry Hall Aiuus ?5 West Faurth St�eet SaintPauCMinnerom 5570?-I637 7elephnne: 6t2-266fi50Q 1DDR7Y. b12-266-6501 JobGnc� 6I2-266-6502 Facrimil�: 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Landscape Architect N should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me witttin twenty days of receipt of ftus memo, if you wish to discuss this action. I£I do not hear from you within that time frame, T will assume agreement and wili proceed with Yhe process. I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Landscape Architect IV, in Grade 23, of the Professionai Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. �incerely, y�� Nancy C. An�erson Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for Yhe purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name � UL �� l� �. Q�-� Date LNARI WN. WPD OFFICEOE FtU6isv\ RESOURCES John Hami7roa, Dbumr CITY OF SAINT' PAUL No�m Cot¢man. Mayor TO: Bob Piram, Superintendent Division of Pazks and Recreation 400CiryHailArsn� 251YestFou.tF. Sneer SaintPauC.ifinnesota 55101-7631 FROM: Nancy Anderson, Human Resources Consui�� Office of Human Resources DATE: � June 3, 1998 Ciassification and Compensafion Study Result Telephone: ZDDlITl': Joblrne: Facsimile: � ��� 612-26G6500 61Z-266-6507 61 2-266 63 0? 612-292-7656 We have completed our study of the Iandscape Arctutect III position held by Don Ganje. We have reviewed the job profile, inYecviewed ihe incumbent and immediate supervisor, compared the position with related classes and positions, and evaluated the posirion using the QES system. Based upon that informatiozi, we recommend that the position should be allocated to the newly created Landscape Architect IV class. Please share tius information with Yi e emp.oyee affected, or if you would lilce me to s�focTy the employee, please let me know. The addirional salary cost ofthis upgrade will 6e approadmaYely $7,614 per year. To implement this action, your department will need to initiate a requisition and send it through the requ'ued process. The final appointment of Mr. Ganje to this new Yitle cannot take place until the position is o�cially adopted by the Ciry Council, so I wsll keep you apprized of that process. If yoc choose not to implemeni this, you can un3ertake other meas�res to keep the studied posi:ion at its cuarznt leve;. The �rocass can be simple or �nvclve3 dsper_ding upon the needs of a parriculaz siudy. It may invoive any one or a combination of the following: restructuring the duties ofthe studled position Yo reassign higher-level duties to other positions(s), modifying e�risYing processes and procedures, or studying an eirtire unit - its structure, functions, and operations -£or the possibility of a reorganiz.ation. Please call me at 266-6510 ofyour decision or to discuss this matter: Thank you. F:\USFRS\TEA.�iI\20DAY�LNARND?.WP� ��ROPOSED"�ITLE OF CLASS: LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: CODE: 628A BU: O6 �� I ��� EFFECTIVE: Under direction, acts as an assistant to the Principal ➢esigner; serves as lead on large, complex landscape architecture projects; performs highly responsible pro£essional and supervisory work directing design, construction documents preparation and construction inspection woYk; and per£orms related activities and duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the genaral supervision of the Principal Designer. SuneYVision Exercised: Exercises, within a unit, general and administrative supervision over pro£essional and technical design employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Assists in supervising the work of architects, landscape architects, engineers, consultants, and tecitinical staff in planning and designing development projects for construction on ciry owned property or the development o£ land areas for use as parks or other recreational facilities. Develops and presents capital improvement budget proposals to establish funding for a development program or specific project. Supervises and monitors all phases of assigned development projacts inciuding project schedules, budgets, design develop�ent, construction documeiits preparation, and cor.struetion management and inspectian. 9ssigns pro£essional staff to manage construction implementation of complex development projects. Presents complex development projects be£ore neighborhood, city, zegional, state, and/or federal authorities, elected and appointed of£icials, and appointed citizen groups £or required approvals and funding. Prepares comprehensive written long-range master plans for multiple use development projects. Prepares design guidelines for development projects which interpret the environmental, cultural and aesthetic development potentials for specific project sites. (continued on reverse side) LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGT IV Page 2 (� PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: . ��� Q� 1 LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT IV v Reviews and approves £inal design reports, environmental studies, cost benefit analyses, and evaluation of alternative site and building design studies. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES Ai3D COPfPETENCZES Thorough kno�aledge of the principles and techniques of landscape architecture_ Considerable knowledge of the principles and techniques of architecture and civil engineering. Considerable knowledge of department policy, goals, and objectives. Thorough ability to prepare, and to coordinate and supervise the prepa=ation of, accurate plans, models, designs, construction plans and specifications. Thorough ability to manage large, complex landscape aYChitectuYe projects, including adminsLering contracts, inspecting, and approving construction and maintenance projects. Considerable ability to plan with, diiect, and supervise other sta£f members, consultants, and contractors. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with elected and appointed officials, appointed citizen groups, and the general public. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. MINIMt3M QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in landscage architecture, landscape design or environmental design and eight years' pro£essional landscape architect experience, at least three o£ which must have been as a Iandscape Archit�c*_ iII, or equivalent. Must be registered as a Pro£essional Landscap° Architect in the State of Minnesota. (Ido substitution for education.) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IV Ci:.y Sain� Psul r BARGP.INING UNZT 06 PROFESSIONAL EFFECTIVE 1998 GRADE 022 Issued 12j12/97 q�-r�9 879 PROJECT MANnGER IV 294h PR03ECT HANAGER IV--PUBLIC UKS 328A VALU£ ANAI.YST III A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) <2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C7) {8) (9) 12f20/97 1&12_93 1884,70 1960.83 2058.70 2162.03 2269.68 2382.77 2k54.58 2526_34 02/28/98 1849.19 i922.39 2000_OS 2099.87 2205.27 2315.07 2430.43 2503.67 2576.87 09/26/98 1863.98 1937.77 2016_OS 2116_67 2222.91 2333.59 2449.87 2523.70 2597.48 12/20/97 1868.41 19L2.35 2020.93 2120.71 2225_k6 2339.30 245L.58 2529.62 2503.56 02/2S/98 1905.78 19B1.20 2061_35 2163.12 2259.97 2386.09 2503_67 2580.2i 2b55.63 09/26j98 1421.03 1997.05 2077.84 2180.42 2288.13 2405.18 2523:70 2600.85 2676.88 i2/20/97 i922.77 1999.95 2079.37 2184.83 2293.61 2k07.80 2529_62 2603.56 2678.60 � 02/28J9fi 1961.23 2039_95 2120.96 2228.53 2339_48 2455.96 2580.21 2655.63 2732.17 04/26/9fi i976.92 2056_27 2137.93 224b_3b 2358.20 2475.61 2600.85 2676.88 2754.03 GRADE 025 12j20/97 1480.38 2061.96 2143.52 2250.12 2361.01 2479.60 2603.55 2682.93 27b0.18 02J2$/98 2019.49 2103.20 2186.39 2295.12 2408.23 2529.19 2655,63 2736.59 2815_38 09J26/98 2036.15 2i20.43 2203.88 2313_48 2427.50 2549.42 2676_88 2758.48 2837.90 GRAD� 026 12/20/97 2041.32 2121.75 2208.77 2315.3b 2433.93 2555.71 2682_93 2763.44 2842.81 02/28/98 2082_15 2164.20 2252.95 2361.67 2482.b1 2606.82 2736_59 2818.71 2899.b7 09j26/98 2098.81 2181.51 2270_97 2380.56 2502.47 2627.67 2758.48 284I.26 2922.87 06-7