98-877Council File # t 6 p�� Green Sheet # �p aa s�o Preserned By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on or about March 3, 1997, the City, upon Council approval, entered into 2 the FINANCIAL ASSURANCE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AMONG LJNIVERSITY 3 OF MINNESOTA, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 4 AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL (herein after "Financial Assurance 5 AgreemenY'); and 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Financial Assurance Agreement, the University of 7 Minnesota has removed environmental contamination from the Schnitzer Property and the City 8 of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis, provided certain financial assistance, including tax 9 increment financing, all resulting in substantial economic redevelopment of said Schnitzer 10 Properry; and 11 WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul, and the City of 12 Minneapolis sued various parties believed to have caused the environmentai contamination 13 seeking contribution towards the cost of clean up; and 14 WHEREA3, the University of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul, and the City of 15 Minneapolis engaged in court ordered mediation of the claims, resulting in a tentative settlement 16 entitled "Schnitzer Site Mediation Statement of Terms of Settlement, John M. Barkett, Mediator, 17 September 10, 1998" (hereinafter "Terms of Settlement") a copy of which is attached to this 18 resolutio the alieged polluters will pay $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars) towazds 19 the cost of clean up, thereby reducing the amount of tax increment financing by an equal amount. 20 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the settlement is hereby approved and the 21 proper city officials are directed to execute the a formal settlement agreement consistent with the 22 Terms of Settlement in a form approved by the city attomey. Adopted by Council: Date �,, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Z ' (� Approved by Mayo - at lU By: Requested by Department of: City Council Council President Dan Bostrom Sept. 23, 1998 — Suspension DATEINRIATED 9{21/98 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oer�tonECrae .-: � No 62280 ancouci ❑ utrAnowlk't ❑ Cn'/cicxR ❑.s,.rxui��nxcFSUR �w�x�u.a�mn.cc,o ❑r�voRloR��sMr,�M� ❑ (CUP ALl LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving settlement entitled "Schnitzer Site Mediation Statement of Terms of Settlement" whereby alleged polluters will pay the cos[ of clean up thereby reducing the amount of tax increment financing by an equal amount. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITiEE GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROYED 4i�this P�� ear waked under a canVact for this deOaAmenl't VES NO H8s this persaVfirm e�er been a cRy empbyce7 YES NO Oces this D��m O�s a sld0 �rot namallYP�sessed bY any ament cilY emPbyee? YES NO Is tlue pe�soM1m a targeted venduR YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRFNSACTfON S FUNDIN6 SOURC6 COST/HE1lHNUE BUD6ETED (GRCLE OG� 11CTN17Y NIIMHER YES NO lN4NCW. iNFORMATON (IXPIAIN) � Y w �� ( S1�1II1[ZCf .Sl[8 M2d18L1071 Statecnact of Temu of SeGlemart John M. Barkett, Mediator Septemiber 1Q 1998 'Ihe de6�s aad the fellow�g 6 parties, Ialaeville Mator Express tata�tate Detroit Diesel, U-Haul of Mmnesota Teimmal Wardiouseli'ransport, Minn�aha Acadr�y Bou�ead -- Electric (hereinafter all referred to as defeadants) will pay the plaiatiffs 51,000,000 m aas 1� sum paymeat on or before 30 days a8er delivery of an mcecuted setHm�mt agreemmt (contamatg language atready agtead to by �Sa patties) by the plambffs which pn be signed m caanueiparts by the defendams. Defimdaots s�hall bear jaotly and 'mdividuailythe risk of a failu�e af aae or mme of thair m�bers to pay a a�mber's assig�ed share af the settlemeot amouat. 2. De�s will Prart�ptlYne�tiats with the MPCA to rasolve, and will resolve, the MPCA's resporse oosts clamn agamst the daf�s. DafeodaMs will exearte tLe cansent ader with MPCA as part ofthe rosoluticxi ofthe MPCA respmse coat claim. 3. Plamtiffs wl! assig�n U�ea respanse �sts clain�s a� ai! part►es who did nd app�r onlf�o ' MPCA's oiigioat de mrttinris pariy list (P�dub� 1) or �'bie pattp list (Bxi�'b� 2) {"othar s�e�SOPa�tms'�, m�oeQt Sorthe ScLoilm I.ygridali�g Tn�t s+ga�st whkh Pla� retam �.' --- the ciaim soleIy. Plaiatiffs alaae ahall have tLe right to se�c c�t recovery agau►st the Sdm�ar IacPridatmg Tnffit andpffitica antho aigioat MPCA da m�mis ot t+cspmsfble pady . list escept for defenda�s. 4. 'Ihe pasties will bear their awn costs and fces. 5. Should plamtiffs be named ia a cmtcibution aaran brougLt hy defeadants agamst ather re�sbla Pazties. d�s s6aR de�d, in�mify+, and hold harmless tha plarotiffs ia the caatribution adiasi. Should defend�ts be named in a conuibutim brought by plaiatiffs agaiost MPCA listed parties a the Sc3mitzec Liquidatmg Trust, Plabrtiffs shal! defead, inde�fy and t�ld hanniess the defaedaars m the camibution adia�n. If ffie party bemg held hacmless wishes to retain rts avn ou�msal, rt wili pay for that separats co4msel. The partiss have discussad the patential for a direct defead�rt to sue an eatity on eadi other's lists which nesults m a third paztp adian agaiust the plamxiffs or the defmdants as the case may be and will work out language in a settlement agreen�t Lo addrass dris pota�al. 6. 'Ihe pacties will 000pe�te widi rarh adLer in die advanc�nau of dieir claims. Plaintiffs will provide back up cost dacmn�tation on ihe rasp�se costs incurred to tha extent ihat the dafa�ants do na have sufficieot i�fwmation in haad to date w back up iha r�se casts. 'Ihe parties will ud pmdutx work pm�ud or other privileged dceum�is �mder tfiis paragraph �� �eY �P�Y � ta � so. The pamies will caoserrt to allow their respective e�ts, widi tfia consent of those axperts, to communicate with die parties at the e�se of die parties seelcmg to oonsult the expert. Cooperatian m this caate�a as to pla�tiffi indudos the making available of wimessas or documeats upon reasoaable nodce and at reasaoabla times as may be nocessary for 13�e defendanta to understand or advanco claims agauist dher respmsible pa►ties for respmse costs incurred by plaintiPfs and covered by the assig[uneat in / Paiagaph 3. Incidmta! copymg (10 copies a kss) wili not be cbargad to the pazties but bullc Q„ �J � �'�'�' R�- �?� Schnitzer Site Mediation Statemeirt of Terms of Settlement �PYmB will be boma by the pazties seel�g the copies. September 10, 1998 Page 2 7. Within five days aSer roceipt by dr�eadaats of aa exec�rted seCl�t agrcemeat by the Plamti9's, d�e defmdam�s w�7t di�riss m t�eir mtira eatimtytheir declaras,or5'lud�u adiaa and the ap�pea! afthe c}iaila�ge to the de mmmtis �. - 8. As to tha pmd�g federai cast recoveiy acdm, Piaintiffs will dismiss thair c3auns agamst de6eod�ts w�h piejur5oe but the � wHl coop�e to �aligR tl�emselves or take whatever at�r sbeps am a�cagriate to �a7�e tl� s�a pucsuit of t�eir respedive claims against MPCA-idmti�edpsitiea med Sdmitr.er Iaquedax�g Tiust (by plam�) or adeer respaas�ble P� NY clefmda�s) w�tharttfie needto ra51e tt� actiar. 9. Tlse pattiea wili agree m a de�dan of il�e "site" that is m�aliy sads�tssty. 10. �e paroes w7! eoter in2o muwai re3emses s�ory in terms to the parties. Thete wilt be no n�opaner ofthe c�irtu oft�e paities a� emc� od� r�ated to tl�e S� Side. 17�e ndee�edoeandaQpiytotha�ofthesattlan�enta�ortothindpaRyclai� ::;,,,, "'. �P��aP�P�Y�. �fiepattieshatNetept+o�ntedtAa�had�erthattbey aro nat awaro of any sa�thicdpazty clai�. I i. The pactiea wiU �e�a�tiKe the ta�r� c� a sett�t agreema� ageeable to p� and defenda�t�t em�bodysl� abovetesms. 12. TLa patties ac]mawledge that the mimicipal p3amtiffs and the municipal defmdant zequira Co�enc+i apQmvat befate the seulammt can be aceepted by�e parti�. Co�msei Soa��e parties will zecaonnend approval ofthe seW�nent, hawever. 13. 'Ihe parties will include m dieir settiea�nt ag+eaueat l�gua�e satisfying the Mmoesora Mediatim Act. ���. �.: _ - � as� � _. _, _��. � '•' •.. � ►- _�..,�� i_ //�� �. _ �. � •" Bolb �res wima4aed by: f.!..L !liL.u.I� /. a. :.� � .: 1 � � ..i . � E � N � � � h � � �� � � � � m O � � �F ��'?? A � N �' c " E�N Ib � l � � �• �1 ���V �� H y � � � � � � � � � O Q A � Cj N m� �,73 a Sr-t�'1 Schnitzer Iron and Metat Respansib{e Party List (F2Ps41398.zis) 4113198 Page t ExN"u5 t�J °"� Council File # t 6 p�� Green Sheet # �p aa s�o Preserned By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on or about March 3, 1997, the City, upon Council approval, entered into 2 the FINANCIAL ASSURANCE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AMONG LJNIVERSITY 3 OF MINNESOTA, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 4 AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL (herein after "Financial Assurance 5 AgreemenY'); and 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Financial Assurance Agreement, the University of 7 Minnesota has removed environmental contamination from the Schnitzer Property and the City 8 of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis, provided certain financial assistance, including tax 9 increment financing, all resulting in substantial economic redevelopment of said Schnitzer 10 Properry; and 11 WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul, and the City of 12 Minneapolis sued various parties believed to have caused the environmentai contamination 13 seeking contribution towards the cost of clean up; and 14 WHEREA3, the University of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul, and the City of 15 Minneapolis engaged in court ordered mediation of the claims, resulting in a tentative settlement 16 entitled "Schnitzer Site Mediation Statement of Terms of Settlement, John M. Barkett, Mediator, 17 September 10, 1998" (hereinafter "Terms of Settlement") a copy of which is attached to this 18 resolutio the alieged polluters will pay $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars) towazds 19 the cost of clean up, thereby reducing the amount of tax increment financing by an equal amount. 20 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the settlement is hereby approved and the 21 proper city officials are directed to execute the a formal settlement agreement consistent with the 22 Terms of Settlement in a form approved by the city attomey. Adopted by Council: Date �,, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Z ' (� Approved by Mayo - at lU By: Requested by Department of: City Council Council President Dan Bostrom Sept. 23, 1998 — Suspension DATEINRIATED 9{21/98 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oer�tonECrae .-: � No 62280 ancouci ❑ utrAnowlk't ❑ Cn'/cicxR ❑.s,.rxui��nxcFSUR �w�x�u.a�mn.cc,o ❑r�voRloR��sMr,�M� ❑ (CUP ALl LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving settlement entitled "Schnitzer Site Mediation Statement of Terms of Settlement" whereby alleged polluters will pay the cos[ of clean up thereby reducing the amount of tax increment financing by an equal amount. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITiEE GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROYED 4i�this P�� ear waked under a canVact for this deOaAmenl't VES NO H8s this persaVfirm e�er been a cRy empbyce7 YES NO Oces this D��m O�s a sld0 �rot namallYP�sessed bY any ament cilY emPbyee? YES NO Is tlue pe�soM1m a targeted venduR YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRFNSACTfON S FUNDIN6 SOURC6 COST/HE1lHNUE BUD6ETED (GRCLE OG� 11CTN17Y NIIMHER YES NO lN4NCW. iNFORMATON (IXPIAIN) � Y w �� ( S1�1II1[ZCf .Sl[8 M2d18L1071 Statecnact of Temu of SeGlemart John M. Barkett, Mediator Septemiber 1Q 1998 'Ihe de6�s aad the fellow�g 6 parties, Ialaeville Mator Express tata�tate Detroit Diesel, U-Haul of Mmnesota Teimmal Wardiouseli'ransport, Minn�aha Acadr�y Bou�ead -- Electric (hereinafter all referred to as defeadants) will pay the plaiatiffs 51,000,000 m aas 1� sum paymeat on or before 30 days a8er delivery of an mcecuted setHm�mt agreemmt (contamatg language atready agtead to by �Sa patties) by the plambffs which pn be signed m caanueiparts by the defendams. Defimdaots s�hall bear jaotly and 'mdividuailythe risk of a failu�e af aae or mme of thair m�bers to pay a a�mber's assig�ed share af the settlemeot amouat. 2. De�s will Prart�ptlYne�tiats with the MPCA to rasolve, and will resolve, the MPCA's resporse oosts clamn agamst the daf�s. DafeodaMs will exearte tLe cansent ader with MPCA as part ofthe rosoluticxi ofthe MPCA respmse coat claim. 3. Plamtiffs wl! assig�n U�ea respanse �sts clain�s a� ai! part►es who did nd app�r onlf�o ' MPCA's oiigioat de mrttinris pariy list (P�dub� 1) or �'bie pattp list (Bxi�'b� 2) {"othar s�e�SOPa�tms'�, m�oeQt Sorthe ScLoilm I.ygridali�g Tn�t s+ga�st whkh Pla� retam �.' --- the ciaim soleIy. Plaiatiffs alaae ahall have tLe right to se�c c�t recovery agau►st the Sdm�ar IacPridatmg Tnffit andpffitica antho aigioat MPCA da m�mis ot t+cspmsfble pady . list escept for defenda�s. 4. 'Ihe pasties will bear their awn costs and fces. 5. Should plamtiffs be named ia a cmtcibution aaran brougLt hy defeadants agamst ather re�sbla Pazties. d�s s6aR de�d, in�mify+, and hold harmless tha plarotiffs ia the caatribution adiasi. Should defend�ts be named in a conuibutim brought by plaiatiffs agaiost MPCA listed parties a the Sc3mitzec Liquidatmg Trust, Plabrtiffs shal! defead, inde�fy and t�ld hanniess the defaedaars m the camibution adia�n. If ffie party bemg held hacmless wishes to retain rts avn ou�msal, rt wili pay for that separats co4msel. The partiss have discussad the patential for a direct defead�rt to sue an eatity on eadi other's lists which nesults m a third paztp adian agaiust the plamxiffs or the defmdants as the case may be and will work out language in a settlement agreen�t Lo addrass dris pota�al. 6. 'Ihe pacties will 000pe�te widi rarh adLer in die advanc�nau of dieir claims. Plaintiffs will provide back up cost dacmn�tation on ihe rasp�se costs incurred to tha extent ihat the dafa�ants do na have sufficieot i�fwmation in haad to date w back up iha r�se casts. 'Ihe parties will ud pmdutx work pm�ud or other privileged dceum�is �mder tfiis paragraph �� �eY �P�Y � ta � so. The pamies will caoserrt to allow their respective e�ts, widi tfia consent of those axperts, to communicate with die parties at the e�se of die parties seelcmg to oonsult the expert. Cooperatian m this caate�a as to pla�tiffi indudos the making available of wimessas or documeats upon reasoaable nodce and at reasaoabla times as may be nocessary for 13�e defendanta to understand or advanco claims agauist dher respmsible pa►ties for respmse costs incurred by plaintiPfs and covered by the assig[uneat in / Paiagaph 3. Incidmta! copymg (10 copies a kss) wili not be cbargad to the pazties but bullc Q„ �J � �'�'�' R�- �?� Schnitzer Site Mediation Statemeirt of Terms of Settlement �PYmB will be boma by the pazties seel�g the copies. September 10, 1998 Page 2 7. Within five days aSer roceipt by dr�eadaats of aa exec�rted seCl�t agrcemeat by the Plamti9's, d�e defmdam�s w�7t di�riss m t�eir mtira eatimtytheir declaras,or5'lud�u adiaa and the ap�pea! afthe c}iaila�ge to the de mmmtis �. - 8. As to tha pmd�g federai cast recoveiy acdm, Piaintiffs will dismiss thair c3auns agamst de6eod�ts w�h piejur5oe but the � wHl coop�e to �aligR tl�emselves or take whatever at�r sbeps am a�cagriate to �a7�e tl� s�a pucsuit of t�eir respedive claims against MPCA-idmti�edpsitiea med Sdmitr.er Iaquedax�g Tiust (by plam�) or adeer respaas�ble P� NY clefmda�s) w�tharttfie needto ra51e tt� actiar. 9. Tlse pattiea wili agree m a de�dan of il�e "site" that is m�aliy sads�tssty. 10. �e paroes w7! eoter in2o muwai re3emses s�ory in terms to the parties. Thete wilt be no n�opaner ofthe c�irtu oft�e paities a� emc� od� r�ated to tl�e S� Side. 17�e ndee�edoeandaQpiytotha�ofthesattlan�enta�ortothindpaRyclai� ::;,,,, "'. �P��aP�P�Y�. �fiepattieshatNetept+o�ntedtAa�had�erthattbey aro nat awaro of any sa�thicdpazty clai�. I i. The pactiea wiU �e�a�tiKe the ta�r� c� a sett�t agreema� ageeable to p� and defenda�t�t em�bodysl� abovetesms. 12. TLa patties ac]mawledge that the mimicipal p3amtiffs and the municipal defmdant zequira Co�enc+i apQmvat befate the seulammt can be aceepted by�e parti�. Co�msei Soa��e parties will zecaonnend approval ofthe seW�nent, hawever. 13. 'Ihe parties will include m dieir settiea�nt ag+eaueat l�gua�e satisfying the Mmoesora Mediatim Act. ���. �.: _ - � as� � _. _, _��. � '•' •.. � ►- _�..,�� i_ //�� �. _ �. � •" Bolb �res wima4aed by: f.!..L !liL.u.I� /. a. :.� � .: 1 � � ..i . � E � N � � � h � � �� � � � � m O � � �F ��'?? A � N �' c " E�N Ib � l � � �• �1 ���V �� H y � � � � � � � � � O Q A � Cj N m� �,73 a Sr-t�'1 Schnitzer Iron and Metat Respansib{e Party List (F2Ps41398.zis) 4113198 Page t ExN"u5 t�J °"� Council File # t 6 p�� Green Sheet # �p aa s�o Preserned By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on or about March 3, 1997, the City, upon Council approval, entered into 2 the FINANCIAL ASSURANCE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AMONG LJNIVERSITY 3 OF MINNESOTA, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 4 AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL (herein after "Financial Assurance 5 AgreemenY'); and 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Financial Assurance Agreement, the University of 7 Minnesota has removed environmental contamination from the Schnitzer Property and the City 8 of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis, provided certain financial assistance, including tax 9 increment financing, all resulting in substantial economic redevelopment of said Schnitzer 10 Properry; and 11 WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul, and the City of 12 Minneapolis sued various parties believed to have caused the environmentai contamination 13 seeking contribution towards the cost of clean up; and 14 WHEREA3, the University of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul, and the City of 15 Minneapolis engaged in court ordered mediation of the claims, resulting in a tentative settlement 16 entitled "Schnitzer Site Mediation Statement of Terms of Settlement, John M. Barkett, Mediator, 17 September 10, 1998" (hereinafter "Terms of Settlement") a copy of which is attached to this 18 resolutio the alieged polluters will pay $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars) towazds 19 the cost of clean up, thereby reducing the amount of tax increment financing by an equal amount. 20 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the settlement is hereby approved and the 21 proper city officials are directed to execute the a formal settlement agreement consistent with the 22 Terms of Settlement in a form approved by the city attomey. Adopted by Council: Date �,, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Z ' (� Approved by Mayo - at lU By: Requested by Department of: City Council Council President Dan Bostrom Sept. 23, 1998 — Suspension DATEINRIATED 9{21/98 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oer�tonECrae .-: � No 62280 ancouci ❑ utrAnowlk't ❑ Cn'/cicxR ❑.s,.rxui��nxcFSUR �w�x�u.a�mn.cc,o ❑r�voRloR��sMr,�M� ❑ (CUP ALl LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving settlement entitled "Schnitzer Site Mediation Statement of Terms of Settlement" whereby alleged polluters will pay the cos[ of clean up thereby reducing the amount of tax increment financing by an equal amount. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITiEE GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROYED 4i�this P�� ear waked under a canVact for this deOaAmenl't VES NO H8s this persaVfirm e�er been a cRy empbyce7 YES NO Oces this D��m O�s a sld0 �rot namallYP�sessed bY any ament cilY emPbyee? YES NO Is tlue pe�soM1m a targeted venduR YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRFNSACTfON S FUNDIN6 SOURC6 COST/HE1lHNUE BUD6ETED (GRCLE OG� 11CTN17Y NIIMHER YES NO lN4NCW. iNFORMATON (IXPIAIN) � Y w �� ( S1�1II1[ZCf .Sl[8 M2d18L1071 Statecnact of Temu of SeGlemart John M. Barkett, Mediator Septemiber 1Q 1998 'Ihe de6�s aad the fellow�g 6 parties, Ialaeville Mator Express tata�tate Detroit Diesel, U-Haul of Mmnesota Teimmal Wardiouseli'ransport, Minn�aha Acadr�y Bou�ead -- Electric (hereinafter all referred to as defeadants) will pay the plaiatiffs 51,000,000 m aas 1� sum paymeat on or before 30 days a8er delivery of an mcecuted setHm�mt agreemmt (contamatg language atready agtead to by �Sa patties) by the plambffs which pn be signed m caanueiparts by the defendams. Defimdaots s�hall bear jaotly and 'mdividuailythe risk of a failu�e af aae or mme of thair m�bers to pay a a�mber's assig�ed share af the settlemeot amouat. 2. De�s will Prart�ptlYne�tiats with the MPCA to rasolve, and will resolve, the MPCA's resporse oosts clamn agamst the daf�s. DafeodaMs will exearte tLe cansent ader with MPCA as part ofthe rosoluticxi ofthe MPCA respmse coat claim. 3. Plamtiffs wl! assig�n U�ea respanse �sts clain�s a� ai! part►es who did nd app�r onlf�o ' MPCA's oiigioat de mrttinris pariy list (P�dub� 1) or �'bie pattp list (Bxi�'b� 2) {"othar s�e�SOPa�tms'�, m�oeQt Sorthe ScLoilm I.ygridali�g Tn�t s+ga�st whkh Pla� retam �.' --- the ciaim soleIy. Plaiatiffs alaae ahall have tLe right to se�c c�t recovery agau►st the Sdm�ar IacPridatmg Tnffit andpffitica antho aigioat MPCA da m�mis ot t+cspmsfble pady . list escept for defenda�s. 4. 'Ihe pasties will bear their awn costs and fces. 5. Should plamtiffs be named ia a cmtcibution aaran brougLt hy defeadants agamst ather re�sbla Pazties. d�s s6aR de�d, in�mify+, and hold harmless tha plarotiffs ia the caatribution adiasi. Should defend�ts be named in a conuibutim brought by plaiatiffs agaiost MPCA listed parties a the Sc3mitzec Liquidatmg Trust, Plabrtiffs shal! defead, inde�fy and t�ld hanniess the defaedaars m the camibution adia�n. If ffie party bemg held hacmless wishes to retain rts avn ou�msal, rt wili pay for that separats co4msel. The partiss have discussad the patential for a direct defead�rt to sue an eatity on eadi other's lists which nesults m a third paztp adian agaiust the plamxiffs or the defmdants as the case may be and will work out language in a settlement agreen�t Lo addrass dris pota�al. 6. 'Ihe pacties will 000pe�te widi rarh adLer in die advanc�nau of dieir claims. Plaintiffs will provide back up cost dacmn�tation on ihe rasp�se costs incurred to tha extent ihat the dafa�ants do na have sufficieot i�fwmation in haad to date w back up iha r�se casts. 'Ihe parties will ud pmdutx work pm�ud or other privileged dceum�is �mder tfiis paragraph �� �eY �P�Y � ta � so. The pamies will caoserrt to allow their respective e�ts, widi tfia consent of those axperts, to communicate with die parties at the e�se of die parties seelcmg to oonsult the expert. Cooperatian m this caate�a as to pla�tiffi indudos the making available of wimessas or documeats upon reasoaable nodce and at reasaoabla times as may be nocessary for 13�e defendanta to understand or advanco claims agauist dher respmsible pa►ties for respmse costs incurred by plaintiPfs and covered by the assig[uneat in / Paiagaph 3. Incidmta! copymg (10 copies a kss) wili not be cbargad to the pazties but bullc Q„ �J � �'�'�' R�- �?� Schnitzer Site Mediation Statemeirt of Terms of Settlement �PYmB will be boma by the pazties seel�g the copies. September 10, 1998 Page 2 7. Within five days aSer roceipt by dr�eadaats of aa exec�rted seCl�t agrcemeat by the Plamti9's, d�e defmdam�s w�7t di�riss m t�eir mtira eatimtytheir declaras,or5'lud�u adiaa and the ap�pea! afthe c}iaila�ge to the de mmmtis �. - 8. As to tha pmd�g federai cast recoveiy acdm, Piaintiffs will dismiss thair c3auns agamst de6eod�ts w�h piejur5oe but the � wHl coop�e to �aligR tl�emselves or take whatever at�r sbeps am a�cagriate to �a7�e tl� s�a pucsuit of t�eir respedive claims against MPCA-idmti�edpsitiea med Sdmitr.er Iaquedax�g Tiust (by plam�) or adeer respaas�ble P� NY clefmda�s) w�tharttfie needto ra51e tt� actiar. 9. Tlse pattiea wili agree m a de�dan of il�e "site" that is m�aliy sads�tssty. 10. �e paroes w7! eoter in2o muwai re3emses s�ory in terms to the parties. Thete wilt be no n�opaner ofthe c�irtu oft�e paities a� emc� od� r�ated to tl�e S� Side. 17�e ndee�edoeandaQpiytotha�ofthesattlan�enta�ortothindpaRyclai� ::;,,,, "'. �P��aP�P�Y�. �fiepattieshatNetept+o�ntedtAa�had�erthattbey aro nat awaro of any sa�thicdpazty clai�. I i. The pactiea wiU �e�a�tiKe the ta�r� c� a sett�t agreema� ageeable to p� and defenda�t�t em�bodysl� abovetesms. 12. TLa patties ac]mawledge that the mimicipal p3amtiffs and the municipal defmdant zequira Co�enc+i apQmvat befate the seulammt can be aceepted by�e parti�. Co�msei Soa��e parties will zecaonnend approval ofthe seW�nent, hawever. 13. 'Ihe parties will include m dieir settiea�nt ag+eaueat l�gua�e satisfying the Mmoesora Mediatim Act. ���. �.: _ - � as� � _. _, _��. � '•' •.. � ►- _�..,�� i_ //�� �. _ �. � •" Bolb �res wima4aed by: f.!..L !liL.u.I� /. a. :.� � .: 1 � � ..i . � E � N � � � h � � �� � � � � m O � � �F ��'?? A � N �' c " E�N Ib � l � � �• �1 ���V �� H y � � � � � � � � � O Q A � Cj N m� �,73 a Sr-t�'1 Schnitzer Iron and Metat Respansib{e Party List (F2Ps41398.zis) 4113198 Page t ExN"u5 t�J °"�