90-1394 Council File �` 0� �� O � I � � ' `� � Green Sheet # o��-/� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � --,. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, solicitation for the donation of funds to city related activities is controlled and governed by Chapter 41 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, Chapter 41 requires the City Council to be notified when City funds are being allocated; and WHEREAS, the Office of Personnel and Labor Relations is currently working with an interdepartmental committee to plan the City's third annual Clerical Conference, to be held on September 11, 1990 at the Earle Brown Center; and WHEREAS, we expect up to 250 City employees to attend the conference, which is twice as many as attended last year; and WHEREAS, the Office of Personnel and Labor Relations has designated $5000 of City funds to be used for the conference out of its Training and Development budget (General Fund - 00157) ; and WHEREAS, an additional $500-$700 will be needed to cover the costs for the large number of conference participants; and WHEREAS, the clerical bargaining units have been supportive of this annual conference and have donated funds in previous years; THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that a representative of the Conference Planning Committee be allowed to contact the City's two clerical bargaining units (AFSCME Local 2508) , and Classified Confidential, for the purpose of soliciting funds for the conference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Estimated value of the donation: $200 - $500 from each bargaining unit Individual to perform solicitation: Vicki Patschke, Office of Personnel Length of time of solicitation: August 7 - September 11, 1990 Yeas Nava Absent Aequeeted by Department of: os�+ � f Perso el and Labor Relations on �, acaee � et man � u e � son � BY• U Adopted by Council: Date �����,� Form A roved by ity ttor y Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary By: -� �j —� --� By� Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Approved by Mayor: Date D AUG 7 �gg�puncil Sy: ��/,��� By: � � ��������F� �i�v � U �JJI). �yw�.�y � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED Office of Personnel - Trng. 8/6/90 GREEN SHEE NO. 2 2 4 2 INITIAL/DATE OONTACT PERSOM 8 PIiONE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqL Vicki Patschke, 298-4221 �"r�' � q7y pnpqNEy �CIT`l CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �F1N.&MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. Next meeting �MAYOR(OR A881STMIT) � TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a resolution permitting the Office of Personnel to solicit donations for the 3rd Annual Clerical Conference, to be held September 11, 1990. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a RsJect(F� CGUNCIL COMMITTlE/RESEARCH I�PORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PH�IE NO. _PLANNIWd COMMIS310N _GVIL SEHVICE COMMI8810N _CIB COMMITTEE _ OOMMENTB: _STAFF — _D18TRIC'f COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CWNdL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINQ PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITV(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where,Wh�: The Office of Personnel and Labor Relations has designated $5,000 of its training funds to be used for the upcoming Clerical Conference. An additional $500-$700, donated by the two clerical bargaining units, would allow a greater number of employees to attend the conference. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Up to 250 clerical employees would be able to attend the conference, which is twice the number that attended last year. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPRONED: We would have to cut enrollment by a half. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI�