90-1388 Council File � � ^ 0 ' ` I ���� L 10656 . Green Sheet � RESOLUTION %-�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /��, Presented By �� Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 4�42742) for the renewal of a Parking Lot/Ramp-F License applied for by APCOA, Inc. DBA Galtier Plaza Garage at 175 E. 5th Street be and the same is hereby approved. �g s� Navs Abeent Requested by Department of: s.mon � ��y'' ��� � License & Permit Division n � . cc e � e iune �— z son T— By� 0 Adopted by Council: Date AUG � 19�8 Form Approved by y Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: �'li7 "�� By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date fiUG � 3 ��9� Council By: ��l9�%�r� By: t'U��.�S��;� r:<<��, l. 81990_ ,. i T a /r /�QV �r �9� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _10 6 5 6 Finance License GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn 298-5056 ASg�aN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOH �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING / ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN7) n r i 1 R Hearin Date: �t k �o � ��u.k 8 �a ❑ � �Qu TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REDUESTED: Application (I.D. ��42742) for the renewal of a Parking Lot/Ramp-F License RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT8 MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract tor this departmeM? _CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personNirm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _DISTRIC7 COURT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explein all yes answers on ssparots she•t and attach to yroen sheet INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): APCOA, Inc. DBA Galtier Plaza Garage (I.D. 4�42742) requests Council approval of its Parking Lot/Ramp-F License at 175 E. 5th Street. All applications and fees of $650.50 have been submitted. All painting and lighting requirements have been met. This application has been reviewed and approved by all required departments. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEiVED �owncil Rese�rch Center, JUL2619A0 JUL 2 6 ,�1 fa�Y CLERK ' ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �W - � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL /i' ,�/�� License Divisioa, Room 203 City Hall , � � • , Saint Paul, Mianesota 55102 NEW/RENEW APPLICATION FOR PARRI.iG LOTIRAMP LICENSE 1) Type of Parking Facility - (Check One) � Ramp � Lot Z) Number of Parkfag Spaces �� 3) Name of Licensee ��L-(it't , .1-�1C- • Bus. Phone 22� � �1 �� (Name of Corp./Partnership/Sole Owner) 4) Trade Name of Lot/Ramp (�C���1�.r ��C�7.G- LUr�I�-G� Bus. Address ��'7 F c� ,t ���� ��'e.e-�s C�IS� 5-}'r2��' S5 i n 1 Street Street Street Street Zip Number Name Direction Type Code � u.� 5} List alI partner.s/officers of the corporation/or give the following ° r ' f r thg 1 o z29 b -n -- infor�a_�on e_ so__ �cr.zer, c:h�c. ver is applica �a: r,-; DATE � � NAME TITLE * HOME ADDRESS OF BIRTH P�qNE,,'_- CZ.,i��i 11 e� =� ` J * List St:eet No, St. Name, Street D?rectioa, Street Tygs, Cit1�, cr`r� � ��r r��o 6) Attach plans containing a general description of the security provided at the lot or ramp. �`}�Attach a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the legal description of the propertq (this requirement necessary only if no site plan is currentlq oa file). �) 3t��ch a �ovar iztter de�cri�ing youL pians to comply witn the lighting and paintiag requirements established in the St. Paul Legislative Code �417 (attac�ed) which became effective July 17, 1989. AL1 painting must be completed by January 1, 1990, unless a written request for a time extension is submitted to the License Inspector. AI1 lighting renovation must be completed by January 1, 1991, unless a written request for a time extension is submitted to the License Inspector. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND CAAPTER ��417 OF THE ST PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO P ING LOTS AND I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDID IS TRUE AND CORRECT. C/ ` , 1.,� �=� � �:C � G��_ ; �� ; , Signatu e Date 9/89 , i dO . . , , 3 _ . - ya, .. . � OFFICERS OF APCOA, INC. �vu� (`hairrnan of t.he Boat�ci.... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John V. Holtt�.,n (i) President an1 Chief F�aec.vtive Officer . . . . . . . . . . G. Walter Stuelpe (i) F�utive vice President, AitpQrt �-ties. . . . . . . Jame.s v. LaRoc.�co (i) Senior Vice President, Ais�ort Properties Manac�3nent. . . RabP.rt J. Hill (i) Senior Vice Pr�sic�ent, Adininistration . . . . . . . . . . Mi.chael J. Machi (u) C�ouP Vice President, Uri�an Properties�]est . . . . . . . John F. Becka (iii) C�rnm Vice President, i3rban Properties-South. . . . . . . Ranald A. Kinr�y (iv) C�um vice President, itrban ProoPSties-North. . . . .. . . KP_zu�eth J. Levir� (i) Vice Pre.sic�nt, Corporate Relations . . . . . . . . . . . William J. Girgash (i) vice President, Controller and Treasurer. . . . . . . . . Michael J. Celebrezze (v) vice President, Regional Manag�s. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis P. NicAndrew (vi) Vice President, Regional Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . StepY�n T. Ripp (i) Vice President, G�r�_ral Cotmsel and Secretax.y . . . . . . RQbert N. Sacks (i) Assistant Sec�ttazy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allan L. I�vine (i) Assistant Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willi.am J. i�bntie (i) 25550 Cfiagrin Baule�rani, S�ite 300, Clevelar�d, Ohio 44122 �lephone No. (216) 765-8800 (ii) 3550 West 6th Street, S�ite 310, Las Anc�les, Californi,a 90030 Teie�hone No. (213) 387-3829 (iii) Fo�u�ders Sc;uar�e, 900 Jackson Street, S�iite 550, Dallas, R�exas 75202 Te�ephor�e No. (214) 742-3902 . (iv) 255 Park Avenue, ti►or�est�er, Massachnsetts 01609 �lep�bne No. (617) 797-3020 (v) 1111 E�clid Av�snue, Clevelar�d, Ohio 44115 Telephcme No. (216) 687-0141 (vi) 2104 Carew Zbwers, Cinciru�ati, Qhi.o 45202 Telephone Nc�. (513) 381-6664 (vii) 545 Stc�nboat �toad, (�eera�rich, C,onriec�ti,cut 06830 Z�elepixme No. (203) 661-2508 Revised Jwne 1, 1989