90-1360 O R � � ��� " Council File # ��� < < Green Sheet # �D O 0 7 RESOLUTION �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' � 1 f Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota desires to identify an eastbound Interstate 94 � Freeway exit to Downtown St. Paul as the Kellogg Boulevard exit; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Council desires to identify Kellogg Boulevard as a gateway entrance to Downtown St. Paul; and WHEREAS, Kellogg Boulevard presently changes to Concordia Avenue northwest of John Ireland Boulevard; and WHEREAS, No abutting property would have an address change by a name change for Concordia Ave.; and WHEREAS, The Summit-University Planning Council has approved the change. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Concordia Avenue between Marion Street and John Ireland Boulevard shall hereafter be known and designated as KELLOGG BOULEVARD. e s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: � zinon '� switz � on �, Public Works-Traffic-Donald E. Sobani� acc ee � eu e � By: i son Adopted by Council: Date QUG g 1990 Form Approved by y A t � � ; Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: ..__.---�- �" `' ::.r. ��.. � r � BY� Approv�d by�,Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: Date 19 Counci/� ,� �� / `� ,.e� By' By: � PUBItSNED �U G 1 199Q RECEIYED . , ' �l,,_!�` �(�} ' . JLL 27 1990 Pub�Ylft�ks-Trai�c ?/4'll� ���� ����� NC. �Q�7 a �: . ..in+u�►� . Ji1�IteS�l. S'�8tht�c�A�92-6� �,� c�rr�r ` J �ra.eac �c�► �ra► ' nneara� �+.�ra�t.�a�nase�._�... �aa'�M�+t_._.�:,.�_ 'i�M.I oE; . '[� Au. '�l�i�it tlt+�� ' �p�proVA��t�d Coundf Resc�ior�,�ia�i�t��:one bbt�c Of Co�cor�t Avet�re t0 I+�oqS�°B�u�eva�d. , . : .. . .P'� " ., . � . . � . . . � .. - r��� ..xr+rr����� � . - � - . . . . .. ... .,� . _.,. . � .. � � , � �� � 2 5 1990 _o�acsoou�c� �.w�. w .. . � .: c�TY arroRn���r �.�„���.�, N�hbcxhoods w�,v► ,wa�.w�t+�. T"hA 88�#�iAE�{-��M�jt 8X� �th8 �0i1 �''u'E�B6'���6�O�f1CG�/�V8tN�18; �1'1 Qi� biock furt�r��.�t�.-��d 8lvd., Conc�radia tums in�K� B+c�v�l. '�t�s revi�QMa�tt'� � �. name of th�one bk�Ck�ragmsnt irom Cw�corciia to Ke�, ���eiy S�r�vv�uid i�n�befter��► Kelb9g as�ec�ra�t�l�ow�#own St P�u�. �ov�+r . . . Bett�iderniftt�rt pf the 1-9A�exit to Keilt�gfi'�wr�vr� ; � No�e�ew.��►� ' RECEIVED : au�t�l.19� : ! �1TY��LE�tK � � Poaer�ia� mo��cao�iu�ion o�t�eway ex�s to Dowr�#v�. Counci� Re�ear�ch C�ntet JU�. � 1,� ,�►�.���+�: -�-: ����� n• � �u�+o,sa�+�a �:�ir,►�r` �wcw.�oN:�u�u . d 1�J � � �,F ya i��d 12. Attached hereto is a list of names aad addresses of all members of the orgaaization. 13. In whose custody will organization's pulltab records be kept? Name /�Jjvq � C� �i�� --� Address �707 /��m� �-�+-� S. 1�11,�5 r - 14. List all persons with the authority to siga checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name /J�v9'�`j � �,�i �L� Name Address �?0� r�o� l��c, s_ /ff'�S Address Member of -' Member of DOB �-S ��� Organization? � DOB Organ�zation? Name _�p6�-'I- .Z, G�j��(�e4�� Name ?j�6 �� Gc�J�.�7 ���, s:r�`c i�G� Address �.Z.� l.l y�7a Z Address Mem er of Member of DOB �-2 7-�`j Organization? _� DOB Organization? 15. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling games? �-�� 16. Attached hereto on the form furnished by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which itiemizes all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepared, and verified by ���-2 �7O 7 ��0�' /�-� � , ���.��. ��/ 5��I� Addres . who is the of the applicant organization. Name 17. Wi11 your organization's pulltab operation be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes �� no 18. Has your organization signed, or does it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any person or company to assist youz organization with the pulltab sales and/or recording keeping? yes �� no o If answer is yea, give the name and address of the person and/or company contracted. �f �.� �3 E'�i c.��/� L.� Name �d v<<f /���'�� Address Fdqc�rz , �?�tl 95'/Z Z - � Name Address If answer is yes, hov will such a consultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attach a copy of said contract to this application. � � S� � � 19. Operator of premises where games will be held: Name ��v/ ��� /� G c� �d u�s /V�-iq v.� u-,�'-- Business Address Z 3 � �'/-v�i f' �4-�� $�; �cZ�� .�N ��//� Home Address ��f ?l� � . � �-� S 7� s)`�d c�� . . ��y�-'���� 20. a) Does your organization pay or intend to paq accouating fees out of gambling funds? � qes // no - b) If you do pay accouating fees, to whom will snch fees be paid? Name �a•' � ��e-!ij , C'P�J Address 3�Z 7 E�/I 5i r G�t�.c �. � /tJec..� o DOB 6�"��� `�� Member of Organization? N� �'/�/L c) How are the accountiag fees charged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) d) What do you anticipate will be your average monthlq deduction for accounting fees? ,�f�-o. � 21. Amount of rent paid by applicant organization for rent of the pulltab sales area: �/�� �=� � 22. The proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: � G� S�1''�/az.-�°o�, ��v cd, ,� °� 23. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? ��If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If answer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant association maq be made only with the consent of the City Council. a �� �!I(��i FG 4/�y� "�s e#<-//� ' • Organiza Name i� � Date �� � By: � � n g,�o e J Organization �si or CEO . �� , , C1Cq oE Sa1nt Yaul P�S• � , Departasnc of YSnance and Managsmenc Setvieea ' � Divisioo oE Liesasa and Yereit Adainlatraeicn �j0'/�G�f 7 r UNIP'OS!! �IAaITAdLL CAlIELINC FINANCLAL REYOR? � � oace 6/11/90 `�. i. N.�. ot oe�u►is.csoo Minnesota Wilc7life Heritage Fouridation 2. Addrssa vh�ra Charicsbl� Ca�blini is ca+duet�d 230 Front Av�enue, St. Paul., Ng�1 55117 3. Itapose tor p�riod tov�tin� ��r l9 $9 throu�h Apr].l 1990 6. Tocal nwbss oE days plty�d 2�7 S. Cso�s raceipts fos abov� p�tiod = 285,800.67 6. Cross priz• parouts fos abw� pariod (iaeluds ea�6 �hort) 1 226�$$9.25 7. Nec t�e�ipcs - Iia� S alau� lia� 6 = 5$j 91�..42 8. Exp�nsts lncusc�d in eonduecia� and op�ratlnt �a��: A. Gco�s vs��s paid. Attaeh vork�r 11�t vieh 12,�2�.46 nas�a. addr�as�s. �ro�s vai�s, nwb�r oi hours S vorkad, and uouac paid p�r hovc. = 3,033.31 B. Renc Cor ����+ C. Lieens� f�s i ��C� ZH�Ll��' �t. 9BE I1]I[�.� D. Insurane� f E. Bond = 50.�� t. Dishoaor�d ch�eka not racov�r�d i 80.00 C. Aetountiai Expsaa� i 2'�21'.25 � H. E.Pior.s, r.i.c.�. s 1.020.61 7,287.86 I. Pullcib ta: Paid to D�parca�ne oi R��saus S f 279.09 J. Minn. U.C. tas R. l�datal E�ei�s Tas i Stup i n,d L. Seac. C.�biin� Ta�c 1 n/a M. Mi�ssll�a�ou� Fsp�asu• Id�atif) th� a�a�nt and to vho� P�id. • S�@ AttdC�'lEd Sr1E@t 1. _ 2. _ 3. : Zbtal (8 m.) $13,980.53 w �. ' S 9. ?ocal Lspasws - 20?AL = �-�18a.1.�. ' ; 17,731.31 t0. N�t ZeeaK - lias 7 tlna� lia� 9 s 500.00 11. Ch�ekbook bal�aee b��innis►� oi p�riod = 18,231.31 11. Tocsl of lin� 10 sod I1 = 2,340.99 13. Totsl eoccribution� '(fro� actuh�d vorksh�ae) L4. Ch�ckbook balanes and of r�porCing psriod - f 1sr89�.32 1l.ne 12 less lina 13 • � . ��a,i3�a '' 8.(m) Hiscellaneous Expenses. - �{ Identify the amount and to whom paid. Daniel Huss $ 42•24 / � Lucky Seven $2,402.62 Less Gambling Tax $2,1']8.26 = $1,225.36 Daniel Huss $ 36.9b✓ Delux Check Order $ 11.'7.S✓ Delux Check Order $ 22.26✓ Delux Check Order $ 98•59'� Delux Check Order $ 41.18 ✓ � Budget One Hour Sign $ 20.00✓ Wi]dlife Heritage Foundation $ 500.25'�" Daniel Huss $ 35•g9� Daniel Huss $ 27•g4�"" Daniel Huss $ 31.68✓ Daniel Huss $ 31.68 ✓ Bank Service Charge $ 6.00!-� Lucky Seven $1,781 .16 Less Cambling Tax $584.40 = $896.76 Susan Steiner $ 3.03 J Perry Ward $ 8•93 L Daniel Huss $ 16.83� Bank Service Charge $ 30.00� Wildlife Heritage Foundation $5,000.00 Susan Steiner $ 7.22� Perry Ward $ 27•54� Lucky Seven $4,360.92 Less Gambl.ing Tax $2,079-�0 = $2,281. 12 Armstrong Courriers Delivery $ 13.00 � Perry Ward $ i$.1�� Lucky Seven $2,154.88 '�Less Gambling Tax $t,056.'72 = $1,098.16 Perry Ward $ 11.22 - Lucky Seven $1,766.28 Less Gambling Tax $880.12 = $886.16 Armstrong Courriers Delivery $ 21.00 � Lucky Seven $2,412.72 Less Gambling Tax $1,208.56 = $1,204•16 Wildlife Heritage Foundation $ 42.74� . Commissioner of Revenue $ 1.62� Commissioner of Revenue $ 3•54 Tax on Interest Commissioner of Revenue $ 4•45� Tax on Interest Commissioner of Revenue $ �.42" Tax on Interest � Commissioner of Revenue $ �.66� Tax on Interest David Al1en $ 192.12 Bette Larson � 2.5.00 Susan Steiner $ 25.00 Mary Stutzman $ 2$.00