90-1358 Please return copy Xo: R ! n' i Council File � �Dr'/�3�- Real Estate Division � t ` � � 1 1 Y a t� —�— • — 218 City Hall Green Sheet � �� (DN) (Po�ice) RESOLUTION CITY OF S T PAUL, MINNESOTA � � ' ; Presented By Referred T � Committee: Date WHEREAS , Lease Agreement PD/12, an agreement by the Police Department to lease 3 , 00�1 square feet of the building located at 450 North Syndicate Street, at $30, 187 . 50 annual rent, to house its NorthWest Team Station will expire on July 31, 199A; and WHEREAS , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has acquired title to the former Belmont Club, an 8, 0P10 square foot building located at 615 University Avenue and has offered to lease said building to the Police Department for five years at an annual rent of $28 ,050. f�0; and WHEREAS , the new site would provide a high--profile presence centrally located in what has historically been a high�crime area; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement PD/3 between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Police Department for a term of five years with an option for a second five year term. YP e Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �oss�+� � on � Finance & Mana ement Servi s c ee � e man � �/�____ �zuson —� By: �- CL� ��'�Yector v �-�.�-7� Adopted by Council: Date ��G 9 �g� Form A by C', y Att rne � Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy; ` - '� - 2 y� G , BY= � " '`� � �'""--- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date AUG � 3 1990 council ��'�� gy; C.� ' � `7�/�/J' By: 7'r�lo'�2�%�%"�'` DUBIISHED �U� 1 � 1990 RECEIVED C�D�i3.5� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �U�_ J v �� �1 O 1 H O Finance & Ma.na ement Services 7/20/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE �rc INITIAUDATE D PARTMENT DIRECTOR �� Dave Nelson 298-5317 A��GN �TYATTORNEY ITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR UDGET DIRECTOR Q FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � Real Esta D V Sl 11 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: To approve Lease Agreement PD/3 between HRA and the Police Department for the rental, for five years, from September 1, 1990 through August 31, 1995, of the property located at 615 University Avenue, formerly known as the Belmont Club, for use as the NorthWest Team ta ion Ref: 1 C unc"1 R solution for consideration• 2. Sam le co of Lease A reement PD/ . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this persOnffirm ever worked under a contract fOr this depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separate sheet and ettach to groen shest INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): HRA acquired the Belmont Club in an arrangement which closed certain adult entertainment facilities in the Dale/University neighborhood. Police Department �s�.��vED am station in that area. �� JUL2 � 1990 OFFIC� QF TH� D�;���r{�R ti ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: I�aND MA1tqi�'��1/�c��''.^.°rq,;'r�., � L. 7�t'?,�.1•�J . � Police Departm�nt will have a high-profile presence in Dale/University neighborhood. RE'�ENE� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: CITY GtERK N/A DISADVANTAdE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Police Department will have to find another facility in the neighborhood. Counci� ��s�arch C�nter_ f;l�� �1���U TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 14O�ZSO.OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE P4 001-04100-0282-40020 ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: ' Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) - COUNCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budgets/Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(all others,and Ordinances) 1. Aciivity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. Ciry Attomey 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecVrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This informatfon will be used to determine the citys liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project orrequest ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Udicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens wil�benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecVrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, " accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? -+ � � - . ���U-�3s� Authority (C.F. or A.O.) T•FASE N0. PED/HRA LEASE N0. DATE LESSOR .� �.,::�::���..�.,�_ - '�'�.... HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT A HORITY (HRA) ��`'�, of the City of St. Paul, , . :� � LESSEE �: '�`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � `���"'�"''`���� ADDRES S "``ya. ` .�,. POLICE DEPT. , PUBLIC SAFE : UILDING 100 E. llth St. , St. Pau1, �=��'y�a.,;,;,_ 1. Leased Premises. The LESSOR�co ' ideration of the payment of the Basic Rent and Additional Rent ]a��I�I��r t�er specified to be paid by the LESSEE, and the covenants and agreeme�herein contained, does hereby lease, demise and let unto LESSEE following described premises, �,,;,,ti-.. which are hereinafter referred to as ased Premises" : Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, B lock , ubdivi ' n`"'ti�� B lock 13, Stinson's Division in St. Paul of the N „� Quarter of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23. �'�-, .�"° , r:;.,- � ���y� �,, . Lot 17; except the South 20 feet thereof, Block �Subdivision of Block 13, of Stinson's Division of the NW1/4 0� Section 36 in St. Paul. -�� together with any and all buildings, fixtures in such �ildings, improvements and/or structures, if any, located thereon;' , .«-�- ���� whose street address is 615 University See Exhibit "A", plan or map of leased area which is incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Tertn of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier by the LESSOR as provided herein. Term (Months/Years) Commencing Date Ending Date 5 years September l, 1990 August 31, 1995 . , . . . �9a�3 5 � � -2- 3. Use of Premises. The premises shall be used and occupied by LESSEE for the following purpose: NoxtFiwest Team Police. and for no other purpose without the prior written consent of LESSOR. 4. Basic Rent. Rent shall be paid in advance, on the first day of each and every payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below: Total Rent Payment Schedule During Lease Term (Annually - Comrnencing Date - $ per Period) $140,250 $28,050 Sept. I, 1990 LESSEE shall make all payments to LESSOR at the following address: Department of Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street, St. Paul, MN 5510� Attn: Tom Meyer, Accountinct The applicable account number for City Finance Accounting Code is: 5. Additional Rent. LESSEE shall pay Additional Rent. Additional Rent means all amount, other than Basic Rent provided in paragraph 4 above, which LESSEE is or may become obligated to pay under this paragraph or other provisions of this Lease. Additional Rent includes, but is not limited to, the following fees, costs and expenses: (a) All utilities, � including water, electric, gas telephone, sewage and garbage and refuse collection and disposal; (b) Costs for the repairs, improvements or alterations required to be made by the LESSEE in paragraph 12 of this � Lease; (c) All taxes on realty and/or personalty, general or special; and (d) All public rates, dues, charges, and assessments, general or special, of any kind upon the Leased Premises. IN the event LESSEE does not make such payments required to be paid as Additional Rent, LESSOR may make the payments at its option, and the amounts so paid become Additional Rent and due and payable by the LESSEE with the payment of Basic Rent next required after written notice to the LESSEE. 6. Taxes. LESSEE shall be responsible for and pay all taxes, if any, imposed and all assessments levied against the Leased Premises, except that LESSEE may at its own expense contest and challenge the imposition or amount of any such tax or assessment in accordance with law; provided, however, that in the event this Lease is terminated by either party, LESSOR may at its option require the LESSEE to pay such contested taxes pending appeal, place in escrow a sum sufficient to pay said taxes, or take other action which will remove said contested taxes as an encumbrance to title (and as an exception to the transferability of marketable title to the Leased Premises) . 7. Right of Entrv. At all times during the term of this lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Leased Premises during reasonable business hours for the purpose of examining and inspecting the same. . . . . 9�-��� � -3- 8. �.ESSEE's Insurance. LESSEE shall maintain during the term of this lease and upon the leased premises certain insurance coverage which is described as follows: a. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE with coverage not less thaa the statutory limits. b. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY insurance or in lieu of an insurance policy the LESSEE shall provide evidence that they are self-insured under the laws of the State of Minnesota for the purposes of Tort Claims. c. PROPERTY INSURANCE including fire, extended coverage and alI-risk insurance covering the demised premises and all property located therein belonging to LESSOR in an amount equal to 90$ of the full replacement and reconstruction cost of the property. �The amount of the deductible, if any, shall not exceed 10� of full replacement. The amount as indicated below is the amount of coverage agreed to by the parties at the inception of this lease. Such policy shall be on a replacement cost basis, with permission to replace at any site. The amount of insurance shall be increased to an amount equal to 100� of the full replacement and reconstruction cost of the premises on every annual anniversary date of this Lease. Whenever requested by LESSOR, LESSEE shall procure an appraisal of the Leased Premises from an appraiser approved by LESSOR, and the new appraisal amount shall then become the new basis for insurable value. The policy will be issued in the name of LESSEE with loss payable to LESSOR and LESSEE as their respective interests may appear. S500.000 AMOUNT AGREED UPON COVERAGE With respect to property losses not covered by insurance, it shall be the responsibility of the LESSEE to pay all costs to repair or replace the damaged property with like kind and within a reasonable time. The LESSEE shall be responsible for payment of the insurance policy deductible amount (as stated in the Property Insurance policy for the leased premises) to the LESSOR in the event of any loss covered or which would be covered by the policy. d. The policies required in section a, b and c shall name LESSOR, the City• of Saint Paul, and any persons, firms, or corporations designated by LESSOR as an insured, and shall contain a clause that the insurer cannot cancel or change the insurance without first giving the LESSOR 30 days' prior written notice. � � � � � . . �,�y°��3.�' -4- The insurance shall be placed with responsible insurance companies authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and approved by LESSOR, and copies of the policies or certificate of insurance shall be delivered to LESSOR on the date of LESSOR's execution of this agreement. If such policies are not delivered to the LESSOR as provided, the LESSOR may at its option terminate the Lease or place the insurance itself and bill the LESSEE for the cost of coverage as Additional Rent It is specifically understood and agreed that all of the proceeds of such insurance policies shall belong to and be payable to the LESSOR, and that the LESSOR, after application of such proceeds to the loss, may apply any remaining proceeds to a separate, noninsured loss of the LESSEE. 9. Cancellation and termination. This lease shall be subject to cancellation and termination by LESSOR in the event that the site is needed for major development during the term hereof by giving the LESSEE notice in writing at least nine (9) months in advance of the date whe� such termination shall become effective. In the event of such termination any unearned rental paid by the LESSEE shall be returned to LESSEE without interest. 10. Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or which may be given by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on LESSOR or LESSEE or when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and addressed to the LESSEE at the address stated on page 1 and to the LESSOR at the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Real Estate Section, 12th Floor City Ha11 Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, SL. Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either party to the other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. 11. Assignment and Sublettin�. LESSEE shall not assign or sublet this lease without the written consent of the LESSOR, which must be obtained before agreeing to sublease the Leased Premises. 12. Maintenance and Repairs. LESSEE shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible for all repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the Leased Premises, including but not limited to emergency repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and repairs to keep the Leased Premises in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life safety codes; and all repairs and maintenance needed to keep the building in good condition, (a) the exterior and interior structure of the building or buildings on or a part of the Leased Premises, (b) the roof thereon, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, and (d) all electrical, plumbing, lighting and mechanical systems, including all windows, all of the foregoing regardless of the cause of the damage or condition necessitating the repair or maintenance. The maintenance responsibility stated above shall not relieve the LESSOR from it's warrantys for materials and worl�anship as a result of the space renovation. . . . . . , ��0/35� -5- 13. Pay�nents in Case of Default. LESSEE shall pay LESSOR all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees in any action brought by LESSOR to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder, or for the breach or default of any of the covenants or agreements continued in this lease, or to recover possession of said property, whether such action progresses to judgment or not. 14. Surrender of Premises. The LESSEE, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner termination of this lease, shall quit peacefully and surrender possession of said property and its appurtenances to LESSOR in as good order and condition as the property was delivered to the LESSEE. 15. Indemnitv. The LESSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the LESSOR and any agents, officers, or employees of both from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason of the Lease of the herein described premises by the LESSOR to the LESSEE , or the use or condition of the premises, or as a result of the operations or business activities taking place on the premises. 16. LEASE EXTENSION OPTION. LESSOR hereby grants to LEESEE an option to let the subject premises for a period of five years after the expiration of the present term of this lease. In order to exercise this option, LEESEE must give LESSOR written notice 90 days prior to the expiration of this lease. The terms of the lease for the option period shall be ' identical to this lease. 17. Pollution and Contaminants. LESSEE agrees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and regulations enacted by any governmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement or emission of air and water contaminants and/or the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes. LESSEE shall bear all cost and expense only for its sole negligence arising from compliance with said ordinances, laws, rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless LESSOR and the the officers, agents and employess of both from all liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising in connection with the failure by LESSEE to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulations. LESSOR has the right to perform cleanup and charge the LESSEE for such costs should the LESSEE fail to comply. 18. Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises or in the event the premises becomes untenantable or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term of this Lease, LESSOR may at its option terminate the lease upon fifteen (15) days written notice to LESSEE; or within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a specified time period following the casualty. The Basic Rent to be paid during the restoration period shall be abated in proportion . . . . . � �a -��� C� -6- to the percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Leased Premises as determined by the LESSOR, times the number of days of loss or impaired. 19. Events of Default. Any of the following events occurring during the term of this lease shall constitute a default by the LESSEE: « a. The failure by LESSEE to timely pay Basic Rent or Additional expenses as required by this Lease; b. The failure by LESSEE to observe and perform any covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed; or c. The failure by LESSEE or its surety to remove and release any lien filed or recorded against the Leased Premises within 60 days after the date of filing or recording. It is an express covenant and agreement of LESSOR and LESSEE that LESSOR may, at its election, terminate this Lease in the event of the occurrence of any of the events described in this paragraph or in paragraph 22 relating to liens by giving not less than ten (10) days' written notice to LESSEE; and when so terminated, LESSOR may re-enter the Leased Premises. This Lease and its Leased Premises shall not be treated as an asset of LESSEE's estate. It is further expressly understood and agreed that LESSOR shall be entitled upon such re-entry, notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, to exercise such rights and remedies as are provided in Defaults/Remedies Section of this� Lease. 20. Comp,liance with Laws. The property described herein may be used for � only the purposes stated herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the LESSEE in the use of the property to comply with any and all laws, rules, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which the property is proposed to be put. Inability or failure on the part of the LESSEE to comply with any of said laws, rules, regulations or ordinances will not relieve the LESSEE of the obligation to pay the rental provided herein. 21. Non-Discrimination. The LESSEE for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land, that (1) no person, on the ground of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, disability, marital status, status with respect to public assistance, or national origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities, (2) that in connection with the construction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination shall be practiced in the selection of employees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first-tier subcontractors, and by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcontractors, (3) that such discrimination shall not be practiced against the public in their access in and use of the facilities and . . . . . ��9����s�' _,_ services provided for as public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest, recreation, and vehicle servicing) constructed or operated on the Leased Premises, and (4) that the LESSEE shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 183. 22. Liens. The LESSEE shall not permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be filed or established or to remain against the Leased Premises for labor, materials or services furnished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or replacements made to the Leased Premises, or for any other reason, provided that if the LESSEE shall first notify the LESSOR of its intention to do so and shall deposit in escrow with the LESSOR a sum of money or a bond or irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the LESSOR equal to the amount of of the claim of lien, LESSEE may in good faith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens filed or established and in such event may permit the items contested to remain undischarged and unsatisfied during the period of such contest. 23. Eminent Domain. In the event the entire Leased Premises are taken by eminent domain, or such portion thereof is so taken that in LESSEE's reasonable judgment it is uneconomic thereafter to restore the Leased Premises and proceed under the terms and provisions of this Lease, LESSEE may terminate this Lease by giving to LESSOR thirty (30) days' written notice of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authority acquires legal title or physical possession of the Leased Premises. LESSEE may to the extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade fixtures at its own expense. LESSEE shall be entitled to it's leasehold interest damage award in the event the condemning authority awards such economic � damages. 24. Default Remedies. In the event there occurs an Event of Default under paragraph 19 of this Lease, LESSOR may exercise any one or more of the following remedies: a. Terminate this lease, exclude LESSEE from possession of the Premises, and use its best efforts to lease the premises to, or enter into an agreement with, another in accordance with applicable law; b. Terminate the Lease, exclude LESSEE from possession of the Premises, sell all or any part of the Premises at the best price obtainable (provided such sale is permitted by applicable law) , such sale to be on such terms and conditions as the LESSOR, n its sole discretion, shall determine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any expenses thereof for the account of the LESSEE. c. Take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect the Basic and Additional expenses then due and thereafter to become due, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the LESSEE under this Lease. . . . . �y��i3� -8- d. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to LESSOR is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to enery other remedy given under this lease or now or thereafter existing at law or in equity by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedienz. In order to entitle the LESSOR to exercise any remedy reserved to it on this Provision, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly required. 25. Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, this lease may be terminated, and the provisions of this Lease may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of the parties herein. THE FOLLOWING SPACE BELOW IS PROVIDED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS OR REQUIREMENTS. 26. Build Documentation. LESSOR shall supply to LESSEE with all building plans (architectural, mechanical, electrical etc.) and equipment operation manuals and warranty documents in order for LESSEE to perform it's obligations under Section 12. � - - � � . �yU-�3s� -9- • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this Lease first above written. LESSOR - HOUSING AND REDEVEIAPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Executive Director HRA ATTORNEY - FORM APPROVAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LESSEE ITS MAYOR ITS CITY CLERK ' ITS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY ATTORNEY - FORM APPROVAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - POLICE . . �=��-%�.� . _1�_ � LESSOR NOTARY STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss ' COUNTY OR RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 , by Warren Hanson, Fxecutive Director, Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said City of Saint Paul. Notary Public LESSEE NOTARY STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 _, by its Notary Public . . � , _ � �; � , � i , I � � ; : �6,4 � , z , � sa` y�,, y S�� � . . �_ (,�(� ; � . i i : ` ��45 I `►¢ ' 43 4� 41 40 ' 39 � 3g 37 36 33 34 33 32 31 • � ( : rr� ' � � ; � ; �1�) �ICS) (�C4) r��it �1G1) (IGCI (t5�1 �5�8) i� � 15�) ~ � i - - �-' ..s v I � � ��SG) (ISS) (l5'►) �153. (L52.1 � ( ' �� ' I � � (�c�? (iC8) (u.�) (no? 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