90-1334 � �. _ - �;!�� ,�.��.�{' 7-�`u p� � � � � � Co�ci t Fi le # v'�/ 3 � Green Sheet # �� � RESOLUTION � CITY SAI �° PAUL, MINNESOTA � ;�' _�___�c� Presented By �r� �'`f`�' Referred To Committee: Date ______________________________________________________________�__________________________ WHEREAS, on May 30, 1990, the Division of Public Health inspected the property at 379 Cayuga, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and determined that a nuisance existed on said property; and WHEREAS, on May 31, 1990, said Division sent written orders to Charles Janecek and Clair Corp. at 2357 Pagel Road, Mendota Hts., Minn., the owners of the property at 379 Cayuga, and orders to the caretaker of the apartment building at 379 Cayuga, ordering them to either: 1) correct the violation which consisted of three vehicles on the property without current license plates, or 2) store the vehicles in an enclosed garage or 3) remove the vehicles from the property; WHEREAS, said order required said property owner to abate the nuisance by June 18, 1990 and the actual owner of the vehicle with license plate number DKP 636, A1 Burlingame, filed a timely appeal of said order as it affected him with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council on July 10, 1990 conducted a public hearing on said appeal and affirmed the Division's cleanup order and determined that the condition of the property which is the subject of the said written order be corrected within seven (7) days of publication of this resolution; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the order of the Division is hereby affirmed except as modified herein; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the work is not completed within the seven (7) days after the publication of this resolution, the City may proceed to perform or complete the necessary work to abate the said nuisance with the costs incuned therefrom, to be collected in the manner as provided by law. ---------------------------------------- --------------- ------- ------ --------- Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz �- Lon Macca e Rettman T une `-` Ni son BY� D - - -- --- -- -------------------- Adopted by Council: Date AUG 7 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. 7 �ti � � � — � ��. BY' ��� A roved pp by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date � � AUG "7 199��� By: By: �UBItSHEO tiU G 1 81990 . ; , �,�°�33� DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/OOUNpI DATE INITIATED Citp Clerk's Of�ice GREEN SHEET No. � 2 d� CONTACT PERSOW Q PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL A1 Olson 4231 �M�� �qTy MTORNEV �cm c�RK MU81'BE ON COUNqI AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINd �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.BERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION RE�UE8TED: Resolution denying the appeal of A1 Burlingame to a Summary Abatement Order for a vehicle at 379 Cayuga. REC01iAMENDATION3:Approve I�)a►�lea(A) COUNCIL COMMITTEEJRESEARCI�I REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINf3 COMMI3810N _qVIL SERVICE COMM�8810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: -DISTRICT COURT � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE? INITIATINCi PROBLEM.188UE.�PORTUNITY(Who.Whet�When�Where.Why): Resolution requested by Council con�ixzn�ng action taken at Public Hearing held July 10, 1990 ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: dSADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �EC`E�v�n �ouncii Research C�nter. JUL30i990 ��� 25�qp CiTY CLERK '��'` TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUD�TED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(DCPWN) � rV NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 29�4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of dxumeMs: CONTRACTS (essumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Orants) 1. Outside AgenCy 1. Depertment Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Dkector 3. City Attomey 3. Cfty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Asaistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gty Council 6. Finance Accounting 8. Chfef Axountant, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Depertment Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayodAssistant 4: Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief AcxountaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (sll others) 1. Initiating Depertment 2. City Attomey 3. MayodAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAQES Indicate the#of pages on whfch signaturea are required and rCH each of these a�es. ACTION REGIUESTED Deecribe what the pro�ct/requeat eeeks to eccomplish in either chronobgi- cal order or order of importance,whichsver is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete seMenc;es. Begin each ftem in your Ilst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issne in question has been presented beMre any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Cour�il objective(s)your projecUrequest su�orts by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUOGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are apeciflc wa in which the Ciry of SaiM Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�ictlaction. ' DISADVAWTAOESy1F�APlp�tC�►ED.- What negative effecta or major changes to exfating or.past proc�bes might this projecUrequeat produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays; noise, tax increases o�asseasments)?To Whom?When? For how long?, DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service? Contlnued high traffic, noi�, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? , • , . , y�—i.�3� ,at=.�. e; �� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ; ;i�;;�� : �������D OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY `' ~� JUL23i990 .... JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY ���� G��RK b47 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 JAMES SCHEIBEL 612-298-5121 MAYOR FAX 612-298-5619 July 20, 1990 Mr. Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Re: Resolution for 379 Cayuga Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is the resolution you had requested regarding the City Council 's denial of a Summary Abatement Order appeal for the nuisance at 379 Cayuga. Sincerely, ����. � Edwin Lee Assistant City Attorney cc: Jane McPeak John McCormick James Hart .., .. ., ... . . ...r-... .. . . _ _ . ��" � � . - � ' , (j,��`/7"i+�� . ' .. _ . � /,f'� ��,. .. ; Z . � T_' .. ... � � . , . .- . �,F. ���� , . � � - � � .� � • . . . . .. � � . � . � . � .,i� - ' . _ . : . � � . . � � .. ,. ., . . . . . . � . � .. . ... .. ... � � �S.• � � . � � . � � .. � .. . . . . . � . .. . � . . , � . . . . . . .. .. . ��. . . . , . .-. . � . . . _ . .. . . .. , � . . � a., . . . . .:• . ; .> . � �. . . . . .� . . � �� .. . . . _ . t . .,.. ., , � . , . , � . � . .. . , . . . . . . - � � „ �. . . � ..•.. . �, � . . . � . . . . . . . �� '.{ July 12. 1990 = ..� . ,, , I�s. Jdcte-i�c�ealc . , , City Attoxney ': . ` ' > . Rcaom 649, C3.ty Hall . . : . _� : _: - : , - . ;, : . . . ; . . ; Dear Ms.. McPeak. , ' , - . ,, Atter public h�aring on 3uly 1.4, �9�0, .the City Council denied`the - � � ap�eal af Al Burlingaa�+e to a Swm�ty Abat�ment Ord�r foc �rc�perty � ' located a 379� Cay�c,�a, wittt the order to be�c�mpletad �rithin one wee� � after publication of Cha reao�utfon. - Wil� ytw please prepare the Proper reaoluCfon 3mplementing this activ�. • ' Very truly yours� . . _ � _ � � ':; - , .: : . : � �° , - : . Albert B;. Olson , �. ,. ` CiCy Cle�rk , , _ _ :; : _ , _. 11HO:th _ � : • ` . _ _ � „ � � , � , � . : : . „ _ . , _ ._ � . ; _ , , , � . . � . � . � '� . �.. �'�, r .' �_.�. � . . ... ♦' � y� : .. . .. . , . . . . . .... ., . . . . �. . . . �. . . .. . - �. . . . .. . . � � r . ' - '.� . � . . � .. . . -. . . . �. , $l�� .. .. " . � � .. . . . .. ' � � . .�: . ,, � �'� -/�� t. . - . - . . ,: �:. _ .� . . � . � � � �- . , � �, . Jun� 29, 199� , . Mr. A1 Burlingame . • 3'79 Cayuga 3treet . . St. Pa�1� MN 55�01 �.� �, . � Dear Sir: . The St. Paul City Council will ho].d a publ$c hearing qn July 10, 1990 . at 9s00�A.M. in th� Ci�y Council C:hambers on the 3rd :��.00r caf Ci.�y Hall to i�nsider �uur appea� to a �ummaucy A4atement-�r`der of �he Hemlth - Divisiaz eonc�rning property at 379 Cayuga �treet. At that time the Council will h�ar all paictie$ relative to �hi�:acticn. - ' Sincerely, . Albert B. Ol.�on � : .. . _ Ci�ty E].erk ' - ' � , ABO:th cc: Oouncilmember Janic� Rettman Frank Stiaffenson, Health Division . iEatt�y Moh�rland� Haa�lth Divisic� , � Qistiet 5 Comia�unity Cow�cil' _ . , . ,,: , . � ,�`�" , . � . � � � . " . � . �O r�v v� . /� . + . � �� . . SUMMARY ABATEMENT APPEAL APPLICATION Requesting a hesring before Ctty Councii to appeal a aummary abatement order MUST BE FlLED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. ROOM 386, CITY HALL, BEFORE TNE APP�AL dEADUNE ' APPLICANT Name Dats �-�� " /V Addresa Horns Phone�_�'I��� Daytims phone �� Zlp Codes.�� . ORDER BEING APPEALED - ATTACH COPY From which offtce Date mailed ��;..,, Regardin9 property at D�adl(n• ` Issusd to �V' _ �What ts appUcant's interost in the property , ,,,�, REASQN FOR ARP L "`j', 2 ..,,� ��F�u�n `� JUN 141 3�q � 2���,'� .,,. . .:;.•::�.:...::�:..�:::.:_,..:•:.. �..;::" ..,..,.;. . ...... . ... . . .. ��:. .;:... � (? . . •.:,. ..... ...,.;�t,y.:..,,.,.,.�..;;• . .vi: �.� "� i: •:.�i . i/� '.�•?iih . 4,y�'�i�:{:•• \ti '„<:S�i•;;..... �LJ�•\ti\."�\:;:.'T:!'i���::i.. .iA� :�::`{� :•ih�'i4iw:,:i:.:i:;•i HfFSEA��R��:�. . .,1A$�>��`.�•�.ri.4.�•Y•`<�1:�Ei .. • �•..�•.. �:•a •.... :.. �,`'•��a �.. .... , •�"'� °.�. ' '�.,.�,. . :Q�;, � �+.f�•. .'k 4M1`'.� ?a;' :.'+�:•.u, �•":\S;::ti.:o•t,,;�;%u:':y��+'t\.., .:.:•..;:;�:;::: ;::x•:::±'+:;;�:•\ti,•�:•:.,•..•"�:�i`<:`ri:`:�::;:-=:�,...:::1_::..rs:•:;::••�:••:;a.,;h..\ •". `�c� ,:�:�., ::,�i� �}i.. •.�£.. .,.�. ..�•r.•:::... 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Y.v:?.4•......n......•.4.�..v.\.....� ...�~..{.'. `\� 4.hx•::.^::::n1•.v:h.......M�.'.:\•�.n..�s:•i> ;ry�.'^.:::i''•:i:; . . . . . . �- A:� 4.. , . . � INSTRUCTIONS TO C�TY CLERK'S �FFICE . 1. D_not accept appiication after appeai deadline or without copy of orders � �:�� �....... ..�...�,,,�,.�. o-r... The appeai deadline is 7 days after o,.__.. a....�. .�.. .,� � SUMMARY ABATEi1ENT OROER T - the date mailed, or the same as - . . T- -��a� � . . Te — �°-�--��� the deadiine given in the order ,.�..�.�.�r.ti.r w...»+r..r.-�-- whichever comes first. r�w��w«ew. « w.ww.w.aaw _ �rw�e rr wrwiw�r MrM �w�pMw 1M r�l� M��� � Y NM��M fr Y��w�• Mlw) r�was ro oora�w�r rao "`�°"�"°°""r"°�°" `""� 2• Within 2 weeks, set hearing date � M yw Aw�rAwM M��r.IM��a tlM�rMew """""""�'�"'"""' """ °'"""'""'`" and piace on agenda vs,ayr�wrw.r.tirwn.�..r�rr.w�aMC�.rM�•wian+..a++e. fwqr dw rr�bwr M�iw�i�M rw��ri�Mwr w��w�Ir�Y w b . ���-�--°-��������� Mark hearing date on front of �.�����.������a�.K���,� ,�..r�..�...,.�s..m,........o........«.....�a,.,...w....R .�.�..,...»�_.,,........�........,�..,�..�.�, application .�+wa.r..n.�.�.M•�•ir.wHaa�a . .� 3. Determine the City Council district and citiien participation district in which the nuisance is focated (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the application 1:-. in the shaded area 4. Send. notice of hearing, with copies of application and order attached, to: 1. The applicant 2. Any other party to whom the summary abatement order is addressed 3. Office which issued the order 4. District council office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. Councilperson's office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. After hearing send copy of the resolution to the same parties that received the notice of the hearing 4-23•87