90-1308 , � Council File � D,�3a� O � � � i ���� Green Sheet # �679 RESOLUTION OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' _ f- �d � ., \ + �i Presented By �� � - Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��18722) for a Gas Station - 3 Pumps, 9 Add'1. Pumps, General Repair Garage, A-1 Groc. (A) and a Cigarette License by Daniel D. Burns DBA Maryland Avenue Unocal at 406 E. Maryland Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. _Y ae ,� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �s.mo v Z _� License & Permit Division on v a c v e a — � � � i son BY° 0 Adopted by Council: Date JU L 3 i 199� Form Approved by City Attorney . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: 3•2/� By� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council Approved by Mayor: Date __��11 HUb 1 �y90 By• /� � By: ! PUBUSHED AU G �. �. 1990 . �=�-,��' DEPARTM[NTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ���� Finance/License GREEN SHEET NO. 76�r�UDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPAqTMENT�iiECTOR CITY WUNpL Christine Rozek-298-5056 �� [�1 GTY ATTORNEY g CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� City Clerk �� ❑���aRECTOR Q pIN,d MOT.8ERVICES DIR. Hearin / 7-31-90 B / 7-24-90 ❑"""����"�8TANT1 � Council Research TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RECUEBTED: Approval of an application for a Gas Station-3 Pumps, 9 Add'1 Pumps, General Repair Garage, A-1 Groc. (A) and a Cigarette License. Hearin Date: 7-31-90 Notification Date: 7-13-90 REOOMME�►TIONB:MP►�(N a►�(p) CaJNCIL COMM17'TEE/RE�ARqi REPORl' OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSIOPI _qVIL 8ERVICE COMMI8810N ��Y� PHONE f�. _C�COAAMITTEE _ STAFF _ OOAAMENTB: _DIBTRICT CWRT _ BUPPORTS WNICH�UNpL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whst�WMn,WMn.NHyq: Daniel D. Burns DBA Maryland Avenue Unocal requests Council approval of an application for a Gas Station-3 Pumps, 9 Add'1. Pumps, General Repair Garage, A-1 Groc. a (A) and a Cigarette License at 406 E. Maryland Avenue. Fees in' the amount as shown below have been submitted. All applications have been submitted. All divisions have given their approvals. Gas Station - 3 Pumps $85.75 9 Add'1 Pum s 168.75 "°�""T"°ES iF"�ROV�°: General Repair Garage 128.25 A-1 Groc. (A) 145.75 1 Cigarette 43.75 G�,��4 �� 0 DISADVANT/�E8 IF APPROVED: ��� ���� V\��� DISADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: v vil l j�:dJ H�,$;P,,,�j'� (*_pn�ea� �����a� .�U! 1,6 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION = COST/REVBNUH SIlDOETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDiNG 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANpAL INWRMATION:(EXPWI� dw a � ��p. _ . . 4 NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAI MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31N8 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-42'15). ROUTINCi ORDER: Below are preferred routinga fw the Nvs moM froquent types of documenta: CONTRACTS (aasumss suthorized COUNqL RE30LUTION (Amend.Bdpts./ budpet exista) Accept. (3rants) , 1. Outside Apsncy 1. DepaRmsM Director 2. Initiatinp DspeRmsrM 2. Budpet DireCtor 3. City Attorray 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAai�u�t 5. Ffnancs 8 Mpmt Svcs. Director 5. Gty Coundl 6. Finar�ce Axountirp 6. Chisf AccouMaM� Fln&Mgmt 3vca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (BudpM OOUNqL RE80LUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Managsr 1. InKiWnp DepartmeM Dirsctor 2. DepeRmsM Aocounteu�t 2• �Y�eY 3. Depertment Director 3. May�oNApistaM 4. Budpst DiroCtor 4. qty Ctl�fnCil 5. City Clerk 8. Chief AxountaM, Fin 8 M�mt b1n:s. • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aU othera) 1. InkfaUnp Dspertment 2. qty Attomey 3. MayoNMsistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 310NATURE PAOES Indicate the N of p�pet on wh�h signaturos ere requirod and ptpercllp sach of tF�ese pe�ea. ACTION REQUESTED Dacribs wF�at the proJ�cf/nqu�t se�ks to aCCOmpI�in NtMr chronologi- cal ordsr or o►der of Importarx:e.whkhws►Is most approp►late for ths issus. Do not writ.cornpNte aentences. 8egin�n item fn ycwr Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete N the ieew in qus�tion has baen pres�Med befors any body, public or privste. SUPPORTS WHICH COt1PIqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Coundi�c�lsc�ve(s)rau pro�scti►«tusa w�ores br i�a+rq ths key word(s)(HOUSINO.RECREATION.NEK3HBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET, SEWER SEPARATIOI�.(8EE COMPLE7'E U3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMiTTEE/RESEARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(�PF�BLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explsin ths situation w oondftfa�a that cnated a nesd for your project or requeat. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thb is�mply an annusl budpst procsduro requirod by Iaw/ charter or vvhether thsre an tpeci�c in whk�h the City of SsiM Paul and its citizens vWtl b�r�ilt 1r'om this pr�t/�ction. DISADVANTAOES IF/►PPROVED What nepative eifects or maja chan�ss to oxistlng or past proc�tsss might this proJect/roque�t producs ff it is psssed(e.�.,trafHc dslays� noiss, tax increases or aass�nNnb)?To Whom9 When? For hav bng? D18ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths nepative con�equsnoss if ths promised action is not approved?InebilHy to delhrer service?CoMinusd hiyh tratHc, ndse, eccidsnt reteT Las of revenue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you aro add�ain�, in general you mwt answer two questions: How much is it going to costT Who ia goin�to pey? � .� �y�-�3or� DiVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � (o j� l � 1y 9a INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Rec ive by Lic Enf Aud � n��l Buvns Applicant �q 411�� _� ' c vh5 Home Address (�3S pmn.,�,i�� Rusiness Name ��(V�I �n d A�ve Un�c�� Home Phone (� �U ' �{��a -T Business Address �� �, /�(,� ✓ (Qr� Type of License(s) (�u� .S� �3��S� Business Phone �'/ �Cd�� ,o �S� l�� ���i�a�u� . A�l G,�G ��� �lL�lt✓pl Public Hearing Date �( Q License I.D. 4� �� � ol a at 9:00 a.m, in the Counc 1 C ambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � !�'� a ��� llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� IV �(-f- to Applicant �3 9Q' ��n Pederal Firearms 46 �'t Pub.lic Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � , Health Divn. ' � � ��. ��, �j fC.� , Fire Dept. � � � j � � � I Yolice Dept. ' S� 3 1��j/q0 I 3�a!��c� � l�- � License Divn. ' �_ �� Sl�i ��C.— City Attorney � �/ � .3 3i ��, Date Received: Site Plan 3 ((� 9� /� t/ To Council P.esearch -/` i l�'�� Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord � /b 9(� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond• - Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � � ' CITY OP SAINT PAUL . �y(J�/�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGII�iT SERVICES �� � • LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION These statement forms are issued in duplicate. Please aaswer all questions fully and completely. This application is thoroughly checked. Any falsification will be cause for denial. _ �vUC —� � , C�htc�ti� p �1 � 1) Application for (type of Iicense) S�� ((��� 5���'q/j}, C��r1 IC,a���,�_ 2) Name of applicant �n��(�L � • ��i(�I�S 3) Applicant's title� ( orporate office sole owaer, partner, other) 4) Name uader which this busiaess will be conducted: ����„� � � . �����s c� b�� ARS/�:/�,v1� At�E G1�t/OG'�G �Jfi�'�/LS�.✓� A✓r G�/�/�'C�G Applicant / Company Name Doiag Business As 5) Business telephone number ��r-� ya�` � 6) If applicant is/has been a married female, list maiden name 7) Date of birth �7- �(o ° s � Age .3 Z- Place of birth ��7'�,� _ �Zl /{'j,�t1,� _ 8) Are you a citizen of the IInited States? �.S Native Naturalized 9) Are you a registered voter? Y�S Where? ST Pi4"��((_ 10) Home address /�� S ��"ntl�S l�/�L� ST- (�sFLI[_ Home Phone (�cj�-��O�, 11) Present business address �Oli� �, /J�A/.t/i�.q.vv �d� Busfness Phone �7/- (o �/2�' 12) Including qour preseat business/employment, what businesa/employment have you followed for the past five years. Business/Employment Address ��C����,� 5�'�'Ul� i�� � i���t� �a��� - s r P�k� 13) Married? � If answer is "qes", list name aad address of spouse. �i�u D� ��� � � � /!R3 S �Y3rtt PS���'� - ��- >>.���-- 14) Have you ever been arrested for an offense that has resulted in a conviction? ,�/p If answer is "yes", Iist dates of arr.ests, where, charges, confictions, and senteaces. Date of arrest , 19 WEiere Charge Convfction Senteace . . ��-��'��°� '' Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Couviction Sentence I5) Attach a copp hereto of a Iease agreemeat or proof of o+�aership for the premfses at which • a Iicease will be held. 16) Attach to this application a detailed description of the design, location, and square - footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan) . 17) Give names and addresses of two persons who are local residents who can give information concerning you. Name � Address i�0 ti �C:C�?�t,� . I�'1l� l�ORK S����E S?^n.�G1G. ��t;� c �� ��t,�.ii:�S 4��3 /�E jv rC.(�r� tf - �3���«��U�r� 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. Address �ylQ� � I�i{�/�.��If'/�� Zone Classification 19) Between what cross streets? �,E{ (,�9(�I�(�'T Which side of street? � 20) Are premises now occupied? �� What business? How long? 21) List licease(s) , business name(s) , and location(s) which you currentlq hold, formerlq held, or maq have an interest in, and locations of said Iicense(s) . �17t�11?� (.t,�./t� _S E�-��.a�� Il°7� ��'i(��LP� -� s7-�r�A-uc_ 22) Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 21 ever beea revoked? Yes No � If answer is "yes", Iist dates and reasons. 23) Do you have an interes any type in any other business or business premises not listed in 4�21? Yes No � If aaswer is "yes", list business, busiaess address, and tele— phone number. 24) If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation q ' � , 19 ��_ and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. � ,� � .� �-yo—�.�o� 2,5} List all officers� of the corporation giving their names, offfce held, home address, date of birth, and home and business telephone numbers. �� �U.�.��.5 l! �� R� 1�nt..� gr- P�w�. y- ��,-s� �90-��►: �l�� t� i,�,��U� �-� �,/ZC LC �Y -rn��k t3�-� '1-6- 3°� u�����°� ��U 11 �C�.�'NS A(�3 K�4vrt.cc�� �3�or�+.��r�. ��3--s� ����as�; 26) If the business is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone number, and date of birth. 27) Are you going to operate this business personally? � If not, who will operate it?_ Give their name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. �• �—i/ � �e.:�r 4�- /�. �o yF�z %lo i h' ��v.v.e L�✓. NEtrJP�•�T�'!.r `fs�— 0 7!� 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? 'v�s If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. �� /�� `7'�oc��c _ l(o/S! �E���,e �,✓ �/�K/Po.r� h1� �S �� 7/,P' 29) Has anyone you have named in questions #23 through �26 ever been arrested? d/�_ If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comiictions, and senteace. 30) I understand this premises may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Health, and other city officials at any and all and all times when the business is ia operation. State of Minnesota ) ' �_ /�/n� . ) -!�/hN �/ 7 County of Ramsey ) Signature of Applicant • / Date `�C�v� ��� � � YlS being duly swora, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me ■MMM^.H,��'..�nM.n-._�,.�.�,-...:_. ,. . .. n:�.Mw � � -�"��. '., , . ) this ��=`;}� day of lt��L1.1 , 19 9U %,���+ :.:" _ � �NOTni(: r' > .�.:._ . .r. �� FM111JL� i.�il\.�y . . �. � 7 ��,,,.v /4 My Corr+maswn Expires Aug. 15. 1994 � r , Notary Public, �.r, County, MN My commission expires 1 �,�1 � Rev. 2/88