98-86118 aR1GINAl. Council File # '1 � O " Ordinanoe # Green Sheet # G t a o� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the City tias structured a workforce training proposat that wi111everage between $70,OIX1 and $100,000 from the private sector with a$22,500 investment from the City, helping khe Ciry to aclrieve the $500,000 goal; and WHEREAS, addressing the current shortage of sldlled workers is a major economic and community development issue, and is a top piiority of both the business communiry and the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, providing family supporting jobs for low income people is especially important given the lazge number of people being moved from welfare to work; and VJHEREAS, information technology is one of the "tazgeted industty clusters" (very high relative concentration of £ums; rapidly growing industry) in Saint Paul and the East Metro Area, and this industry has a shortage of skilled workers that is panicululy severe; and WHEREAS, the expansion of Lawson Softwue, the growth of the CyberVillage in Lowertown, an innovative technical uaining community, and a broad consensus to promote the information technology industry have created a unique ogporhwity for Saint Pau1 to capitalize un ffiis economic development asset; and WHEREAS, Ciry and County staff have been working over the past yeaz to propose and implement reforms to the eusting workfoice system to respond to this labor shortage; and WHEREAS, promoting the Ciry's role as a"catalysY' in this refozm process (helping to establish new uaiving programs), identifying alternaflve and more-flexible funding sources, and leveraging employer investment in this process, aze some of these reform efforts; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau1 Information Technology Council consists of employers of all sizes, training institutions, trade associations and other industry representarives, and has been meeting since January of 1998; and WHEREAS, improving the coordination of eusting resources (especially in regud to workforce prograzns) and promoting the attracuon and reten6on of information technology companies, aze the two top priorities of this Council; and WHEREAS, as part of its approval of the City's 1998 Operating Budget, the Saint Pau1 City CouncIl did place $91,150 of the 1998 Budget into a City Council Contingency pending fmal staff recommendations regarding implementation of the Vendor Outreach Program (Administrative Code, Chapter SI) and for an improved certificaflon process for vendors, and WHEREAS, on July 30, 1997 City Council passed a resoluuon that calied on the City to develop a workforce naitiative that would train 1001ow income people for jobs in the computer lugh tech industry, with a total funding goal of $500,000, and provided three yeazs to aclileve this goal; and ORIGlNAL VJHEREAS, as a part of Council resolution 98-?70, Council approved transferring $40,000 from tlus Council Contingency fund to pay for a central certification proa am, and the remaining funds were earmuked for Planning and Economic Development Activities; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secuon 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following transfer to the 1998 budget consistent with the aforementioned sraff recommendations: Current Budeet TRANSFIIi FROM: Department of Technology and Management 5ervices Division-Conuact and Analysis Services GL 001 01250 0548 Contingency: Council Action Req. Misc. Tiansfet $51,150 TRANSFER TO: Department of Planning and Economic Development GL-001-06000-0545 Computer Training Prograzn for I,ow-Income People GL-�1-�6�00-0545 Information Tech- nology CouncIl Total 0 han e ($51,150) 22,500 2g•65Q $51,150 Revised Budeet 22,500 28 65Q $51,150 a �-r�l RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council approves this transfer of funds to support: 1) leveraging private resources and spending $22,500 for a computer training prop�am for Low-income people operated by Total Solutions Group Incorporated; and 2) implementing the economic development proposals of ihe Information Technology Council to promote the growth and development of the informauon technology industry through the attraction and retenrion of jobs and employees, and the coordination and establishmem of training partnerslups between employers and training institutions. 2 RTMENTfOFFICEJGOUNCIL PED 'ACTPERSON&PHONE Sean Kershaw 266-6594 � BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE� September 23, 1998 9/15l98 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA6ES GREEN SHEET ocr�nnmert aa�ta� q8 No 61209 InitlallWfe u,rcwxa Fort ❑ urr�nowfr �_ ❑ arvarnK QR WE � H1�Ntl4LiFANCFJOR � H41C4LtFRV/ACCT6 �wrwtoR,umr i❑ Dept. Accc (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve budget amendment transforming contingency funds to support an information technology workforce training program for low income people and the Saint Paul Information Technology Council. Approval of this resolution helps to achieve the goal of spendingjleveraging $500,000 established by Council on July 30, 1997. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION Has this persorJfirtn everworked under a con4act forthie tlepartment? YES NO Has thia avson/firm e+er been a citY emPbYee9 vES NO Oces th(s PeisoMim P� a sldN iwt nwmallYP�d bY �Y �urtent city emWvYee4 YES NO Is Mia pnsoNfimi a Wrgeted vendoR YES NO • Welfare reform is directing people on public assistance to find jobs, even if they have a limited work history • Extreme shortage of workers in the information technology industry • Opportunity to promote the growth of businesses and jobs in this industry • Excellent wage and economic growth potential in information technology industry u�:�z�r�a� • Low income peopie trained for jobs with excetlent advancement opportunities • Private funds leveraged at a 3:1 ratio • Growth in information technology jobs and businesses in Saint Paul and East Metro None Lost opportunity to leverage funds, promote industry, and provide low income people with good jobs. ora. amouNr oF rwwsncnon s 51,150 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ONE� YES NO JNDINOSOURCE General Fund qC7ry�7yNUMBER �E� f--- f���E�� / �'�. JANCVSINFORMAtWN(E%GLANI) �C:t.�CR�� ` G� �I��I.P� Fg-��-C �C.L� .. �e0� �i�S£8E�1 �'i�:(i��t 18 aR1GINAl. Council File # '1 � O " Ordinanoe # Green Sheet # G t a o� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the City tias structured a workforce training proposat that wi111everage between $70,OIX1 and $100,000 from the private sector with a$22,500 investment from the City, helping khe Ciry to aclrieve the $500,000 goal; and WHEREAS, addressing the current shortage of sldlled workers is a major economic and community development issue, and is a top piiority of both the business communiry and the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, providing family supporting jobs for low income people is especially important given the lazge number of people being moved from welfare to work; and VJHEREAS, information technology is one of the "tazgeted industty clusters" (very high relative concentration of £ums; rapidly growing industry) in Saint Paul and the East Metro Area, and this industry has a shortage of skilled workers that is panicululy severe; and WHEREAS, the expansion of Lawson Softwue, the growth of the CyberVillage in Lowertown, an innovative technical uaining community, and a broad consensus to promote the information technology industry have created a unique ogporhwity for Saint Pau1 to capitalize un ffiis economic development asset; and WHEREAS, Ciry and County staff have been working over the past yeaz to propose and implement reforms to the eusting workfoice system to respond to this labor shortage; and WHEREAS, promoting the Ciry's role as a"catalysY' in this refozm process (helping to establish new uaiving programs), identifying alternaflve and more-flexible funding sources, and leveraging employer investment in this process, aze some of these reform efforts; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau1 Information Technology Council consists of employers of all sizes, training institutions, trade associations and other industry representarives, and has been meeting since January of 1998; and WHEREAS, improving the coordination of eusting resources (especially in regud to workforce prograzns) and promoting the attracuon and reten6on of information technology companies, aze the two top priorities of this Council; and WHEREAS, as part of its approval of the City's 1998 Operating Budget, the Saint Pau1 City CouncIl did place $91,150 of the 1998 Budget into a City Council Contingency pending fmal staff recommendations regarding implementation of the Vendor Outreach Program (Administrative Code, Chapter SI) and for an improved certificaflon process for vendors, and WHEREAS, on July 30, 1997 City Council passed a resoluuon that calied on the City to develop a workforce naitiative that would train 1001ow income people for jobs in the computer lugh tech industry, with a total funding goal of $500,000, and provided three yeazs to aclileve this goal; and ORIGlNAL VJHEREAS, as a part of Council resolution 98-?70, Council approved transferring $40,000 from tlus Council Contingency fund to pay for a central certification proa am, and the remaining funds were earmuked for Planning and Economic Development Activities; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secuon 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following transfer to the 1998 budget consistent with the aforementioned sraff recommendations: Current Budeet TRANSFIIi FROM: Department of Technology and Management 5ervices Division-Conuact and Analysis Services GL 001 01250 0548 Contingency: Council Action Req. Misc. Tiansfet $51,150 TRANSFER TO: Department of Planning and Economic Development GL-001-06000-0545 Computer Training Prograzn for I,ow-Income People GL-�1-�6�00-0545 Information Tech- nology CouncIl Total 0 han e ($51,150) 22,500 2g•65Q $51,150 Revised Budeet 22,500 28 65Q $51,150 a �-r�l RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council approves this transfer of funds to support: 1) leveraging private resources and spending $22,500 for a computer training prop�am for Low-income people operated by Total Solutions Group Incorporated; and 2) implementing the economic development proposals of ihe Information Technology Council to promote the growth and development of the informauon technology industry through the attraction and retenrion of jobs and employees, and the coordination and establishmem of training partnerslups between employers and training institutions. 2 RTMENTfOFFICEJGOUNCIL PED 'ACTPERSON&PHONE Sean Kershaw 266-6594 � BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE� September 23, 1998 9/15l98 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA6ES GREEN SHEET ocr�nnmert aa�ta� q8 No 61209 InitlallWfe u,rcwxa Fort ❑ urr�nowfr �_ ❑ arvarnK QR WE � H1�Ntl4LiFANCFJOR � H41C4LtFRV/ACCT6 �wrwtoR,umr i❑ Dept. Accc (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve budget amendment transforming contingency funds to support an information technology workforce training program for low income people and the Saint Paul Information Technology Council. Approval of this resolution helps to achieve the goal of spendingjleveraging $500,000 established by Council on July 30, 1997. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION Has this persorJfirtn everworked under a con4act forthie tlepartment? YES NO Has thia avson/firm e+er been a citY emPbYee9 vES NO Oces th(s PeisoMim P� a sldN iwt nwmallYP�d bY �Y �urtent city emWvYee4 YES NO Is Mia pnsoNfimi a Wrgeted vendoR YES NO • Welfare reform is directing people on public assistance to find jobs, even if they have a limited work history • Extreme shortage of workers in the information technology industry • Opportunity to promote the growth of businesses and jobs in this industry • Excellent wage and economic growth potential in information technology industry u�:�z�r�a� • Low income peopie trained for jobs with excetlent advancement opportunities • Private funds leveraged at a 3:1 ratio • Growth in information technology jobs and businesses in Saint Paul and East Metro None Lost opportunity to leverage funds, promote industry, and provide low income people with good jobs. ora. amouNr oF rwwsncnon s 51,150 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ONE� YES NO JNDINOSOURCE General Fund qC7ry�7yNUMBER �E� f--- f���E�� / �'�. JANCVSINFORMAtWN(E%GLANI) �C:t.�CR�� ` G� �I��I.P� Fg-��-C �C.L� .. �e0� �i�S£8E�1 �'i�:(i��t 18 aR1GINAl. Council File # '1 � O " Ordinanoe # Green Sheet # G t a o� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the City tias structured a workforce training proposat that wi111everage between $70,OIX1 and $100,000 from the private sector with a$22,500 investment from the City, helping khe Ciry to aclrieve the $500,000 goal; and WHEREAS, addressing the current shortage of sldlled workers is a major economic and community development issue, and is a top piiority of both the business communiry and the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, providing family supporting jobs for low income people is especially important given the lazge number of people being moved from welfare to work; and VJHEREAS, information technology is one of the "tazgeted industty clusters" (very high relative concentration of £ums; rapidly growing industry) in Saint Paul and the East Metro Area, and this industry has a shortage of skilled workers that is panicululy severe; and WHEREAS, the expansion of Lawson Softwue, the growth of the CyberVillage in Lowertown, an innovative technical uaining community, and a broad consensus to promote the information technology industry have created a unique ogporhwity for Saint Pau1 to capitalize un ffiis economic development asset; and WHEREAS, Ciry and County staff have been working over the past yeaz to propose and implement reforms to the eusting workfoice system to respond to this labor shortage; and WHEREAS, promoting the Ciry's role as a"catalysY' in this refozm process (helping to establish new uaiving programs), identifying alternaflve and more-flexible funding sources, and leveraging employer investment in this process, aze some of these reform efforts; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau1 Information Technology Council consists of employers of all sizes, training institutions, trade associations and other industry representarives, and has been meeting since January of 1998; and WHEREAS, improving the coordination of eusting resources (especially in regud to workforce prograzns) and promoting the attracuon and reten6on of information technology companies, aze the two top priorities of this Council; and WHEREAS, as part of its approval of the City's 1998 Operating Budget, the Saint Pau1 City CouncIl did place $91,150 of the 1998 Budget into a City Council Contingency pending fmal staff recommendations regarding implementation of the Vendor Outreach Program (Administrative Code, Chapter SI) and for an improved certificaflon process for vendors, and WHEREAS, on July 30, 1997 City Council passed a resoluuon that calied on the City to develop a workforce naitiative that would train 1001ow income people for jobs in the computer lugh tech industry, with a total funding goal of $500,000, and provided three yeazs to aclileve this goal; and ORIGlNAL VJHEREAS, as a part of Council resolution 98-?70, Council approved transferring $40,000 from tlus Council Contingency fund to pay for a central certification proa am, and the remaining funds were earmuked for Planning and Economic Development Activities; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secuon 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following transfer to the 1998 budget consistent with the aforementioned sraff recommendations: Current Budeet TRANSFIIi FROM: Department of Technology and Management 5ervices Division-Conuact and Analysis Services GL 001 01250 0548 Contingency: Council Action Req. Misc. Tiansfet $51,150 TRANSFER TO: Department of Planning and Economic Development GL-001-06000-0545 Computer Training Prograzn for I,ow-Income People GL-�1-�6�00-0545 Information Tech- nology CouncIl Total 0 han e ($51,150) 22,500 2g•65Q $51,150 Revised Budeet 22,500 28 65Q $51,150 a �-r�l RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council approves this transfer of funds to support: 1) leveraging private resources and spending $22,500 for a computer training prop�am for Low-income people operated by Total Solutions Group Incorporated; and 2) implementing the economic development proposals of ihe Information Technology Council to promote the growth and development of the informauon technology industry through the attraction and retenrion of jobs and employees, and the coordination and establishmem of training partnerslups between employers and training institutions. 2 RTMENTfOFFICEJGOUNCIL PED 'ACTPERSON&PHONE Sean Kershaw 266-6594 � BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE� September 23, 1998 9/15l98 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA6ES GREEN SHEET ocr�nnmert aa�ta� q8 No 61209 InitlallWfe u,rcwxa Fort ❑ urr�nowfr �_ ❑ arvarnK QR WE � H1�Ntl4LiFANCFJOR � H41C4LtFRV/ACCT6 �wrwtoR,umr i❑ Dept. Accc (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve budget amendment transforming contingency funds to support an information technology workforce training program for low income people and the Saint Paul Information Technology Council. Approval of this resolution helps to achieve the goal of spendingjleveraging $500,000 established by Council on July 30, 1997. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 CAMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION Has this persorJfirtn everworked under a con4act forthie tlepartment? YES NO Has thia avson/firm e+er been a citY emPbYee9 vES NO Oces th(s PeisoMim P� a sldN iwt nwmallYP�d bY �Y �urtent city emWvYee4 YES NO Is Mia pnsoNfimi a Wrgeted vendoR YES NO • Welfare reform is directing people on public assistance to find jobs, even if they have a limited work history • Extreme shortage of workers in the information technology industry • Opportunity to promote the growth of businesses and jobs in this industry • Excellent wage and economic growth potential in information technology industry u�:�z�r�a� • Low income peopie trained for jobs with excetlent advancement opportunities • Private funds leveraged at a 3:1 ratio • Growth in information technology jobs and businesses in Saint Paul and East Metro None Lost opportunity to leverage funds, promote industry, and provide low income people with good jobs. ora. amouNr oF rwwsncnon s 51,150 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ONE� YES NO JNDINOSOURCE General Fund qC7ry�7yNUMBER �E� f--- f���E�� / �'�. JANCVSINFORMAtWN(E%GLANI) �C:t.�CR�� ` G� �I��I.P� Fg-��-C �C.L� .. �e0� �i�S£8E�1 �'i�:(i��t