90-1295 ' City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �"����N Resolution Approving Assessment By and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award File No. 18470E of Damages Votin � ' 1/�� S r � r-i Ward �� 2 In the matter of condenning and taking a permanent . highWay easeaent , a . permanent bridge easement , the right of access , ingress aad egress , temporary construction easements and slope easements for the Shepard Road Improvement Project near Shepard Road from Randolph Avenue to I-35E described as follows in Voting Ward 2 : A permanent highwap easement described as follows : Commencing at the northeast corner of Governmeat Lot 4 , Section 12 , Township 28 North , Range 23 West of the fourth principal meridian ; thence south along the easterly line of said Lot 4 , a distance of 664. 51 feet to the point of beginning ; thence south 31 degrees 23 minutes west on and along the south line of Shepard Road 318. 93 feet , thence on a curve concave to the right with radius of 1482 . 66 feet , central angle 5 degrees 47 minutes 58 seconds , arc length 155 . 14 feet ; thence north 38 degrees 25 minutes 52 seconds east a distance of 407 . 73 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 4; thence north on said line 81 feet to the point of beginning. Also , a permanent bridge easement which is all that part lying southerly of and adjacent to Shepard Road and northerly of a line described as follows : Commencing at the southwest corner of Government Lot 2 , Section 14 , Township 28 North, Range 23 West ; thence easterly along the south line of said Lot 2 a distance of 290 feet ; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Shepard Road a distance of 2457 . 03 feet ; thence on a line perpendicular to said center line southerly 65 feet to the point of beginning; thence easterly on a line 65 feet south of and parallel to said centerline to a point of inter— section with the south line of Shepard Road. Also , a 30—foot wide permanent utility easement measuring 15 feet on either side of the following described centerline : Commencing at the northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Section 12 , Township 28 North , Range 23 West ; thence south— erly along the easterly line of said Lot 4 , a distande of Sb8 . 50 feet ; thence at an angle to the right of 31 degrees , 23 minutes on and along the centerline of Shepard Road 400. 90 feet ; thence on the arc of the 4 degree centerline curve concave to the right a distance of 265. 50 feet ; thence at an angle to the left at 89 degrees as measured tangentially to said centerline a distance of 50. 01 feet to the point of beginning ; thence following this line to the Mississippi River. Also , temporary construction and slope easements as shown on sheets 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 and 7 of Public Works ' Drawing Number 2795 , Drawer 4, on file with the Department of Public Works , 25 West Fourth Street , Saint Paul , Minnesota. Said temporary construction easements to expire June 30, 1992, or at completion of the project , whichever occurs first . Also ,, the right of access ingress and egress as shown on Sheets 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 and 7 , of Public Works Drawing Number 2795 , Drawer 4, on file with the Department of Public Works , 25 West Fourth Street , Saint Paul, Minnesota.