D00694CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFiCE OF 17� MAYOR ADA�IINISTRATiVEORDER PTo: �� • BUDGET REVLSION Date: � � � �� '`'l� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the auffiority granted to the Mayor In Secfion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the S�petinteixlent of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1990 budget of the Capital Improvement Program fund, the D'uector of the Deparmient of Finance and Management 5ervices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current �udget Fi NAN( TNC; ATTn RPF.TTT)TN(; Pi.AN Japanese Gazden Restoration and Authentication C90-3J008-XXXX-34073 1 J � �`� � J�tJ��_-_-- �� lheparcd by: Ac '' mger 6 �j l Requeste � epattment Directo[ ', t: 111 11 Mi.r� -$35,211.07 Amended SLLdget $72,788.93 �-�--e�J Approvad dget ctor /a - jFs'-9S' Date DEFAR'fMEN7/OFFICFJCqUNCR Parks and Recreation ��}{�., CANTACT PERSON & PHONE John Wirka 266-6411 r ' �� \ ��� N° 33613 9 GREEN SHEET _ - wmnware iNrnnwn� mDEPAR'fMENTD�RECfOR �CT'COUNGII � CRYATfORNEY � CITYCLEfiK � BUOGET �IRECfOR O FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �MqYOR(ORASSISTANn � Finanra A�(�,,, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Adminstrative Order to reconcile Project Budget with Project Financing: Japanese Garden Restoration and Authentication _ PIANNINGGOMMISS10N _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMf�TEE _ A sn� _ _ DISTRIGTCOURT _ SUPPORTS W4iICN COIiNCiI O&IECTIYE? PERSONAL SERV{CE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWtNG QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person7firm ever worked under a coMraa for this tlepartment? - YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee4 YES NO 3. Does this perwn/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employbe? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate Sheet and ettaeh to green sheet Project budget for 1990 Japanese Garden Restoration and Authentication work was based on estimates of total project costs to be financed by grants and donations. Actual project cost was less than budget, therefore a lesser amount of grant/donation funding was obtained. APPROVED: and financing will match None Cannot close out project. Project can be closed out. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S �35 �ZZI.O�� RECEIVED OCT 2 01995 �ITY CLERK COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE NPP Grant/St. Paul Foundation qCTIV1TYNUMBER C90-3J008-XXXX-34073 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �i , A �)�{�