90-1283 ��
l�Y r _
Voting In the Matter of
Sidevalk Beeonsirnction at tbe folloWing locationz
2 S9AS3 l�ort� side Benhill Road fro' Deubner Place to S Milton St.
� �
For a 5-foot vide side�alk: New Constraction (vhere ao valk caisted) ,
�13.00 per front foot; replace�ent af old sidevalk. $6.50 per front ft.
For 8 6-fcot vide sideaalks I4a�e coastrnction , $ 15. 60 per froat ft. ;
replaceoent of old aidevalk, $7.80 per front ft.
All corner resideatial properties vill receive a credit �p to the first
ISO feet of nev or recoastneted sidevalk along aad �b�ttiag the "loag
side" of ths property.
COMKEYCIAL rates (all property other thaa raetdcatfa2)
100x of actual coat eati�ated to be apprazisately $4,�0 per sqnare
foot of wa2k constrncted. G
under Preliminary Order 1����� approved �'f���o
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
JUL 2 6 1990
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Dil�o►itd Nays
6oswits Certifie ssed by Council Secretary
MaCeablr: In Favor By
rr!lOee� `
�tttsaa � Against
� JUL 2 � �990 Mayor
� � " . � s z �o ���'�•���'� �
�,+t�c wo�s sta�►� . F � a�ar�o G�EEN�� ` "T wo. 9�27
� ; � ° .....�..�.,�wrru�uo��
, ,
ThOma�P. hCe+��-29Z-8203 oar�n�rr cmoouMCr.
, : � cxrr�rt�c�r ' extvc�a�
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auooeroa�craa � �ar�cit.��vrc�saa
uat be in G��; � 'zl' �ff wvqt+toaa�s�tam �. Gow�ttRwau�h
, Aeoon�fn,c�cNd a�re�a�in w�12 f�e��t)
File # 5�3053
_�v�• +� �. ,
_r��+wwoc�arw�oi+ �c��conwro� � �.
_asoowxm� �
A ar,� _
�nnw►�a+ca�.oa�etn�� Ward 2
• The p[robtetYt"defec�e sklswBNc'�was Er@ated t�Cause Of$@e ro01a,dAiAteriOt���1�a��tt+�8��th8�N
`' c�es�8�en+ke�fe�It,6�en�sl additives,exKeme ten�per�ure v�.ltC. These�oocur tu9 8�d8�evel 8nd
; must be a�dressed and t�traded on an ar�t�b�tsis. Left uncorrod�d,�+6 sidew�c oo�d�ior��vrt►reert t�s.�v+rhete it
w�owid be rerxiered w�t�aaWe�cf stibjed to�xxessed ped�inJur�es'in�t��s andp�ls`�i�ts. `
ne��j+w�ber�ef�trom tn�s pooJec.t+bec�a�se�wi�pr+�vtde sa�e�tr�ee a�awaNcsa tor i�r�ar+y c�. 'F�►Q�
o�M�ts are exec�t�ti by�trh►a�e txshtrac�ors.so it foqows th�pr�r�e e�ctar�tbe�ate d��te�d a�8 result c�f tMt�ctivity.
His���r,the Sid�►aicrnoor�ucEio�Msive c,�ated t�e�iv�feec�at�t in 1he at+ea of ax�st�tb�1 pr�Cedu�e:a�d�ss�sst'r1en1.
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��� MAY 0 2199!�
�ro�r�.�a�rra�,wcr�noN� � ,23�,ov c�n�:auoo�rtccanc�cr� � �a
�u�oa�o sounc� 90�t1-065� A. P tA � 464,000 �a�rNttr Nu�t 14�20 t«OZ 1 � _
�,...�,�,�:,�, e, asr - za�;aoo
c. c�$ = 2oa,000
`�,Tr o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL N►embers:
R� ? OFFICE OF THE CPTY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair
e � : David Thune,vice chair
e ;�i'�;�'�� � Tom Dimond
+ �; Bob Long
° Date:July 18,1990
Committee Report
To: Saint Paul City Council
From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee
Roger J. Goswitz, Chair
Hearing Date Action
1. Approval of Minutes of June 6, 1990. APPROVED 3-0
2. 7/31/90 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For improving Sargent Avenue APPROVED 3-0
Avenue betw�en Snelling Avenue and Pascal Street. Part of
the Syndicate/Fairmount Area Paving and Lighting Project.
3. 7/31/90 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For taking a permanent APPROVED 3-0
easement for roadway right-of-way purposes on the east side
of Victoria Street between W. Seventh Street and Tuscarora
Avenue for the Seventh/Otto Area CSSP Project.
4. 7/19/90 AMENDED FINAL ORDER: Improving Third Street North between APPROVED 3-0
E. Third St. and Arcade St. by closing the street at its
west end and at a reduced width from the existing grade,
pave with a bituminous surface, construct curb and gutter,
driveway aprons, outwalks, catch basins, sod and plant new
trees. Also construct new curb, sidewalk, sodding and tree
planting on the North side of �ast Third St. from Maple St.
to Arcade St. Construct a storm sewer separation system in
Third Street N. from Maple St. to Arcade and in Arcade St.
from E. Third St. to Third St. N. Also, install sanitary,
water and storm sewer service connections, if requested by
property owners.
5. 7/24/90 FINAL ORDERS: Sidewalk Construction and/or Reconstruction APPROVED 4-0
at the following locations:
S9042 Both sides Clear Ave. from Flandrau St. to N. White
Bear Ave. ;
S9043 Both sides Clear Ave. from Kennard St. to Flandrau St. ;
S9044 Both sides Craig Place from E. Idaho Ave. to E.
Larpenteur Ave. ;
S9045 Both sides E. Hawthorne Ave. from Mendota St. to
Forest St. ; �
S9046 Both sides E.. Hawthorne Ave. from Walsh St. to Weide;
S9047 Both sides E. Iowa Ave. from Kennard St. to Flandrau St. ;
S9048 Both sides E. Montana Ave. from Kennard St. to Flandrau;
S9049 Both sides E. Nebraska Ave. from Flandrau St. to N.
White Bear Ave. ;
S9051 Both sides Searle St. from E. Ivy Ave. to Sherwood Ave. ;
FINAL ORDERS: Sidewalk Construction and/or Reconstruction LAID OVER
at the following locations: 2 WEEKS
S9050 Both sides Orange Ave. from Greenbrier St. to Walsh St. ; �✓ 40����3
S9052 Both sides E. Seventh St. from Germain St. to (,/G�
Kennard St.
6. FINAL ORDERS: Sidewalk Constructio nan d��truction APPROVED 4-0
at the following locations:
S9053 North side Benhill Road from Deubner Place to
S. Milton Street;
S9054 Both sides Bohland Ave. from S. Fairview to Howell St. ;
, S9055 Both sides W. California from N. Milton to N. Lexington
S9056 Both sides E. Cook Ave. from N. Lexington Parkway to
Arkwright Street;
S9057 Both sides W. Iowa Ave. from N. Lexington Parkway to
N. Dunlap Street;
S9058 North side W. Cottage Ave. from N. St. Albans to
N. Grotto St. ;
S9059 Both sides W. Hoyt Ave. from N. Oxford St. to N.
Lexington Parkway;
S9060 North side W. Ivy Ave. from N. Victoria to E. Como
6A. 7/24/90 FI : Sidewalk Const ruction at APPROVED 4-0
the f.ollowing oca ion: AS AMENDED
S9032 North side E. Arlington Avenue from Jackson Street to
Rice Street and South side E. Arlington from Jackson
Street to Railroad Crossing (New Construction)
(Laid over in Committee 6/6/90)
7. 7/24/90 FINAL ORDER: For improving Alabama Street from State St. LAID OVER
to the east line of Wyandotte St. by grading and paving, INDEFINITELY
constructing concrete curb and gutter and a bent straw 3-0
street lighting system. Also, constructing a sanitary
sewer and connections in Alabama St. from Lafayette Rd.
to, Chester St. and in Chester St. from Alabama St. to an
easement in vacated Chester St. approximately 225 feet
north of Alabama St. (Laid over in Committee 5/16/90)
8. 7/31/90 FINAL ORDER: For grading and paving the alley in Block 2, APPROVED
Brayton's 2nd Addition from Maryland Avenue to Rose Avenue. 4-0
(Bounded by Maryland, Rose, Woodbridge and Albemarle)
9. RESOLUTION - 90-920 - Accepting the Toxic Chemical Task APPROVED
Force Report and recognizing and commending the task force. 3-0
(Referred to Committee 5/31/90)
10. RESOLUTION - 90-938 - Amending C.F. 89-1496 and adopting LAID OVER
the St. Paul Street Lighting Policy. (Referred to 3-0
Committee 6/5/90)
11. RESOLUTION - 90-886 - Approving and directing the Public APPROVED
Works Department to properly post load limit for the 3-0
Navy Island Bridge over the Mississippi River. (Referred
to Committee 5/29/90; Laid over in Committee 6/6/90)
. , (l,�y°'�a�3
S. Milton St.
INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as
public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints and an inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with heaves, scaled and
settled panels.
B RIN N TI G��'�-
File No. 59053
Dear Property Owner� City Council District ��2
Plannin District Council 4�16
P U RPOS E To consider the construction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the public sidewalk in front of your property. The limits
AND of this project are:
North Side Ben Hill Road from Deubner Place to South Milton Street .
NOTE: Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel
to all of the panels in front of your property. You may call
the phone numbers listed below to find out how many panels are
to be replaced.
H EA RIN G Thursday, July 26, 1990, at 9:00 a.m.
City_Council_Chambersl_Third_Floor_City_Hall___Court House
Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will
����'V�n discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City
Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to
J„�OC�MO this meeting on Wednesday, July 18, 1990 in City Council Chambers,
U 0 �7 Third Floor City Hall - Court House at 9:00 a.m.
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion o
INFO R M ATIO N the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefited
properties. You will only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The estimated assessments for this project are as ,
5-foot sidewalk
New Construction
(where no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
. Replacement of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will
reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is.6-feet wide down to
5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. This smaller
width is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate possible. In
the event you and your neighbors prefer the existing width and are
� willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the .
Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your preference. All
new sidewalks will be constructed 5-feet wide.
Rates for reconstruction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6-feet wide sidewalk -- $7.80/front foot; 10-foot wide
sidewalk -- $13.00/front foot.
All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the
• first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
� the "long side" of the property.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential):
100 percent of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00
per square foat of walk constrncted. If the property has area-
ways under tl�e sidewalk tliat need to Ue eliminated, that cost
will be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice or
Q.�EST�O N S TDD) for assesment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any last minute questions on the project in Room 218 City
Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent July 6, 1990 by the Real Estate Division
Department of. Finance & Management Services
Room 218 Citv Ha 55102 ourt House
Saint Paul, MN
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� r� �.� ��PRELIIVIIIVARY ORDER'�'3i��" ��"`d� ,`��� (.��'"��'� -+~�"
J -T �,R.},�°a � � �� �,�� � ,�,;A�� �� � < .���` �
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c �.� q" ?' m. � .,� ��'G s �'�`.� .��.;
; : t .n�,�x� .� � m' M1 y a
CouncllFlleNo.,90845'� B{�DaveThune�k`� �,� �����`�'�`��'������'�£�'f°�`���'�"�'�
r�-�?�#t,'w3 " � •"�+p'tv�„�M'°`'�'a4.�i�.• Y�..rt rPA.�.:'�.3 r��p..� ,`�`x-7Cp'�LT�c i�#Y°�" �+ �«.f.
,�}�,��In the Matter ofsidewalkrecons � ���c�`��r.��� '
truction a�the oilo n�g locaUon ,
t Voting Waid%~ � �� ,��:�-��`G��,.�s'��°�,�����.�'���e��+�^���'�?�'���`.,t �.
� ���������
2 S9053 North side Benhfll Rd froin`Deubner Pl to S Mllton St �:�w
� a � �f+#r:i�� a .:+ ?'aYi. ss.x.ba.a r-...�
;;!ESTIMATED CONSTRUGTION;COSTS.AND RATES�`i� d �" '�*`°a " � '�'f`:
wyk'r,si' `Vi*r c3wa�-� .•t ' 4 r r.�r� � 3'f" n"� � ... i t: rM ' �
,,. ,.,,.., . ..
f�'�RESIDENTIAI.�rates(SINGLE FAMILY 1'O�THREE FAMILY),} �` ,,,"�'� ��:'�� � .'�
; s., ., x , . �,_: s` �.a�
�;For a5=foot wlde sidewaik New;Constructlon(whergno w�lk existed),S 13.00 per front`µ�
� � :foot;�ieplacem'ent of o7d`sidewalk S6 50 per�front ft For a 6-foof wlde:sidewalk New � �
`ConstrucUon S 15 60 p�r front ft replacemenY.of old sidewalk,;S7 80 per front ft`� "�'
+�. �4.t".. ".iL'n':t,"=a�:"rr t5w ::• ,a,aY�};"��" .Si.': x%�'e_.. _ ....9 � .'j'�'.
All corner resld ntial prope�rti,e,s,vv�ll receive,a credit up'to ihe ftrst 150�feet of new or r'�;
� `.r'econatr'ucted siclewalk along and abutUng,the�long side�,of the property�, ��,J��i i°
v-' :: .•hy�;Sr+taR,b+' c 7 a�a +;'.o:x �r x -, �� ,�. , � ; i 3 '� � t . .
COMMERCW.•rates�all.�rdpertyother"tnanresideririal)����� �.��,,:<u,�,,�����t*,� :+, '
F.100% of actual cost"�es�tyimate"��o be`appro�dmately $4 00 per square foot of walk ' .�
F. ��4COl]9tTi1CtCC��a, �"A7"�,�s a,��.>`�s��'���ry>a ` ° ��a1 "Kt , � , w
"~'���`�`�'T he��ounc i l o f i he C i t�o f Saint P 1 ha�g recei ed�ie ort f th'e a or u on��-�+
��� the abov,e impr�me�nt,`��,,an�liaving eorisider� ;said�,�n..�port ,hereby resolves y��;�';;
r �, r.r+���� . a�+-��s,.F.i ���eG�u.�t ��`:
�����1 That ihe said report and the same is herebry approved with no al�ematives and.
x"3' ', '''xsr. vM-e ' � ,c.- ^tt V _ s �t . P �, ��'
���m nts e-estimat cost;�ereof,is se 'aboy for-estlmated co�s�n ced y assess'��s�,,
�� '
� :��2�That a pu"blic hear ng be ad on said im rovement on ttie 26th`da�:ofJul :1990�,��u
,, �*r�F� r .:, �>. P., .,,
at 9 00 o clock a�m in�the o nciLChambers of the City'�Fia�l and ourt ouse u ng j�
" in'the City of Sainf�aul �°�� ���A�; �� ��+'+��`�� ��
yr, �.s� c r� '�'" ,c� ,-a� k;-'ti��'s��e'�,- fi s �x��"' �t w`�, °�� .
�� 3 tTh�t no iXe�of,�s�id publie�hearing3be�, gsve,n to��th:e;persons and�.n the manner'�` F'
- ��provided�by,�the�Charter�stating�the time�and�place�o�he�ng tkie„natuie`"`of�the 't
�'�improveine�it�aiid ttie to'tal cost"'�hereofas estimatec� a"`� C4 � '`�`�-��� `
��. .�«��.�- ,ay.. �.�^r � �=s�,^� �.:, ��:� � #.�*• + �.�' ��
eti r Flle No S9053��>�-�.�-� � ���� k ,� .���.�����`e�,t��s�� '.
r s,p,�..�--a c -�t�..a'�.+s+:. "Y� .y:*,�^�7--'S R;i��.."��tt�i �� ,�t._ ,,�, ax .: -y.;'
,�� Adoptedby Council May 17�F1990 � �,:. ��`��� ��<v '�{-
. � . A.?'�8-s��'��d#r+ '�t,Y,s:s y�.,2: � ����j� .. . 7U�� .
Appr�nved ti Mayor.:May-18, 1990 ��� � F -��� �.. ��a�.
'� .. h ��. � a�May 26��Iyyt990 .����'� � ,�� '� .,�
�.t`7.''. � r y _ ii_� � � �.:��3'. � ._v�F �.sa,�`t^�a•* a �' � .